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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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last. minute. international diplomacy of a city where he'd stop with special envoy called cannot come to moscow to seek help in ending the bloody crisis made global that. russia says it's foreign partners on doing enough to use their influence to help bring about a end to the bloodshed in syria join me in a few moments more on this. also this hour america's child support for egypt's new lead to the islamist president threatens to strain its relations with israel as hillary clinton miss from cairo to love a top level talks class. it would be problems with electricity water supply gerri i want to make sure we can help this time when many people.
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also that doomsday desperation on t.v. is the ostrich with all do you believe the most pessimistic outlook for the future of living in the euro zone. international news live from moscow this is all see with me thanks for joining us first u.n. special envoy kofi annan is seeking russia's help in ending the conflict in syria during a two day visit to moscow the talks come at a crucial time as violence and serious piles and world powers remain deadlocked over how to resolve the crisis. of a takes up the story. kofi annan is in moscow as he steps up his campaign for peace in syria as bloodshed continues to rage across the country kofi annan has long said
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that russia is a major player in the peace process but we're expected to hear from a russian foreign minister sergei lavrov a little later on where he will reiterate russia's support for was discussed in geneva a couple of weeks ago that would see both sides of the conflict both the syrian government troops on the opposition forces lay down their weapons and come to the table for talks so we could also hear some criticism from such a gale of roles leveled at some of russia's international partners in the peace process particularly those west involved is that how that influence over the opposition russia doesn't think that those western policy doing enough to put pressure on the opposition to put down their weapons now currently we're seeing the u.n. security council in deadlock those two resolutions on the table that could be voted on one of those was put forward by russia and we would see an extension of the u.n. monitoring program on the ground in syria the the second of those resolutions put
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forward by western countries and would focus on assad only and on the assad government saying that they have ten days in which to adhere to the kofi annan peace plan otherwise action would be taken now since the resolution only focuses on one side which is something that russia said be done it's extremely likely and almost definite in fact that if that goes to a vote russia will use their veto so it's interesting to note though that every time we've seen one of these major diplomatic meetings be it said the security council photo kofi annan coming here to moscow we see a spike in violence on the ground in syria this time no different we're seeing fresh fighting close to the capital damascus and it just seems that every time as long as the foreign powers calm to greet all in a solution of how to tackle syria how to go forward on syria it's the syrian people that continue to pay the price in blood. we're constantly following developments from inside syria she's worried if you know shows that are posting what she is
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witnessing on twitter so he's trying to help the reactions from across the rest of .
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us special envoy kofi annan is seeking russia's help in ending the conflict in syria during a two day visit to moscow and he still hold talks with foreign minister sergei lavrov who's giving a media briefing right now so let's go live. from the source iran domestic problem solution so just let me remind you it was sort of the reflecting twenty forty two yard console you had as you say nation security council resolution which means the plan is mandatory for all the parties listening cemented where this is we have
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decided to invite all of you at the press conference bearing in mind the attention given by all the states to what is going on in syria and bring my twelve appraisals and estimate estimates assessments and bear in mind the necessity to provide full information to the global community of their approaches and views of the russian federation and i will not be original in saying that what is going on series horrible people keep dying and you will listen with the millions of. being pronounced as regards who is to be blamed what is to be done and why the sanctions are needed and the regime change is needed and that. while the river aleutian people's revolution which is the name for their. opposition
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a few months and there are calls for calling to send their culprits in the hague but there is deficits all of the we should to stop the bloodshed and the violence a lot of things can wait the main thing is to stop people dying to stop violence which should make all the warring parties to seize her still is to her still is just in sync. should synchronise will draw all of the heavy armored vehicles and all their troops under the supervision of the n. which was our proposal fold their ministerial meeting in geneva for the final communique to have this but our western partners against they believe that first the government will troops should leave unilaterally should leave the cities and settlements and only after that the troops all the opposition well armed as you know we should be asked to declare
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a truce but oh i believe all people got it by the book of common sense by the whole sense believe understand that this will not only synchronized with the cease fire and a synchronized with drawl of all troops both governmental and opposition troops is viable and we believe that. trustee and money has to coordinate a specific plan for each of the settlements and cities with the warring parties and weeks of these two should we. have shaped our proposals rather than proposals despite the fact that our partners in geneva did not by case we are convinced that it's reasonable and bible is in the draft resolution u.n. security council resolution sponsored by russia not long ago we had it out in new york and we were. fully implementing the geneva decisions and an
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extension of the un monitors mission which was a mandate for another three months i wasn't colleagues introduced an alternative get counted drop it was vision eva decisions on the tool reflect that draft contains they were quiet and turned produced sanctions against the syrian regime. and in line with chapter seven of the end security. account of the charter but the geneva talks did not see such a decision and the participants of the geneva talks but of them did not commit to make such decisions unfortunately there are some blackmailing elements they say that if you don't to agree. to draft inline with chapter seven of their charter we will not extend the mandate of the mission i believe this is counterproductive
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and quite a dangerous approach as using the monitors themselves as a joke is you know inadmissible they are to provide an objective assessment of what is going on to look into the incidents like those and trams. and we will see which way will try to. prolong this mandate probably that somebody if occasion will be required with the focus on the political component as was proposed by the un security general. secretary general we believe that the consensus should be sought by sirena stem cells without any methods of dictate ultimatum and threats rejecting all the steps that might lead to paving the way for external intervention. siding with an armed opposition well i'm not taking any sides in the syrian
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conflict the only interest of all is to avoid destabilizing you could change syria . further destabilize ation in the region which is our aim to. address in your speech on the national july here which mr president. said that we do this which is foreign policy is independent and will be guided by having national law and the necessity to act in concert with the two by the way with louis let me just step aside and the struck record of those who are trying to. make us step aside from this position has a lot of deplorable instances of unilateral actions military actions and the results. well remembered by everybody and i believe that
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they should masterminds of such steps should. be in the position to follow claims against russia from the very outset would back the plan of coffee and use the hundred one meant of the observe us mission in syria and we did a lot to. get the consent of damascus then you should say of all of mating all of all the external stakeholders and the meeting was held in geneva on the thirtieth of june with a final communique. final step spacing on the coffin and plan provided in details and they were real. results of the geneva meeting ase the basis for a long draft u.n. security council resolution that we handed out in new york as i said it has no reference to shop just. all v.n. child. has preconditions as regards the start of the political dialogue it's
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in full conformity with the geneva decisions having no chapter seven reference and it preconditions reference unfortunately some disciplines of the geneva meeting started distorting the content of all the agreements reached saying that allegedly these decisions presuppose the dismissal of mr asset and hayes. and hayes team. and saying that allegedly it's all in line with chapter seven of the ns cha cha so the conclusion i can make is that they were. all they on a table to reach a compromise but let me ask what. how can we refer to chapter seven and save those who suggest using it you. just don't want to do what
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has been prescribed. in the current resolutions already passed and improved resolutions of their security council. i am referring to a impacting trying to influence all the warring parties including the opposition in syria and those who did not even try to use their authority and influence while dealing with those heavily armed opposition troops yet to be true these people cannot. but be. but is of us held responsible for over in compliance with twenty forty two and twenty forty three resolutions before we speak of any. weight should implement all the provisions of the resistance twenty forty two and twenty forty three. we should try to in fact all the parties without any unilateral claims such claims are
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necessary and we set them forth but. let's not pretend that the opposition sides should not be subject to such pressure and russia and china alone should not be held lots of should not be blamed for the situation and there are we can hear threats that russia and china will pay for what is going on which goes beyond any reasonable limits which so far the syrian people pays for their. lack of implementation of the geneva decisions and those resolutions we set forth a specific measures. i mean a lot of the really do synchronized withdrawal of troops and i'm referring to both sides unfortunately some colleagues of oz keep supplying arms
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and funds to the opposition shouldn't encouraging them to take us all on but let me say once again we are not supportive of russia was supportive of the un security council resolutions geneva communiqué and kofi annan plan we fully and. we go back this set of documents all the provisions you know who believe and will of course accept any decision of the syrian people as regards who is going to run that country but it should be the decision of this syrian people but they should make it on their road given the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country and all their civil rights of ethnic and religious groups should be provided for and all the issues over reforming the bullets kill systems and the timeline that we call the transition period which is necessary of course should be solved by this iran's themselves by
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the dialogue between the government and all the groups of opposition as reflected in coffee and plan and the fine communique option these are decisions just trying to exclude. someone from this process is counter to the decisions and agreements reached and the external players rule should be. encouraging all those waging war against one another in syria to be in conformity with the cease fire requirements and demands and to proceed to a dialogue where the political process but i meant to be established where quite concerned gravely concerned by the situation in syria the conflict becomes. six terror and gets acquired six terror and i manage to move away cannot be
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indifferent. towards the destiny of the christians and other whether she's in the creeds and living in syria and the third force so-called third force represented by al qaeda and similar extremist organizations have raised their heads in syria. with the wage she is a threat to the security of the country and such attempts should be handed everybody looking at what is going on in syria and attentively understands that on the resolution of the syrian crisis will depend on the model of the type of. conflict resolution is it so she said globally and the geneva decisions and the un security council resolutions regime and they said only the respect for international law and the end charter provisions of. non interference into the
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domestic affairs of a state and other relevant principles. while the geneva decision. with the shoes that she should have been sponsored by kofi annan and this is why we attain huge importance to. work continuing working with him in moscow where ready to cooperate with all of the domestic and external actors both government and opposition and last week opposition representatives including the syrian national council representatives went and visited to moscow and so far unfortunately we cannot. persuade them to. abandon their radical to mons they keep saying at the revolution is in process you probably have done rather than statements but
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what they suggest is not what is needed to stop the bloodshed and save lives in syria and is not conducive to which it was into syria and the dialogue because this is the on the future of their country which is a key for the region let me stop here and take your questions. most of this is going to go well with ariel mr mr sweeping that's what your politicians when baucher a governor or a position or refuses to engage in any dialogue with the syrian government what is their way out that you see elicitation taken into account that. you do think that. if you see a position who. is increasing its position in reality today what we see more and more armed groups in syrian cities that threaten
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civilians what is their way out what in your opinion from the current situation it seems does that kofi annan plan is there only because the land backed by russia nobody else backs it they span move. for their way out here it can be only one and i have said about it. all external players should make the syrian parties that they have influence has launched to cooperate in implementing kofi annan splash was destroyed in the gulf to influence every syrian group including the syrian free army are there is no turn to groups that do not have bought into out of this structure and to impose their bostick opposition internal and external one. of
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google if you don't want to. persuade aide to refuse from radical positions as a new leader of syria if you should national council you when you said that there is revolution going on in syria and if there is so revolution what is the un and they trash community have to do that with that what we will lose if they say that we will do our live illusion and. lead ours do that if you appeal to the international computer listens to international community and its agreements all members of the international community should make it happen as soon as we should wish to have today i have an impression that will swear in syrian situation there is a small improvement but some of our partners are not happy about that let's
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recall what happened with their lack of arab states mission last autumn and that in the beginning of this year we would be suspicious of what we asked them to ensure their grim and of damascus to deploy this mission and it was shut down after it prepared its which refers to a new more or less objective not you know let's roll blaming reportable after that there was there are none splines and await persuaded the syrian government to approve it and because it was made and this is far more than that was provided for in this plan was declared in the beginning of april was beautiful but most spoke of them because even though you soon began to gave was different cells but when it began to happen then we heard statements that you son and the land is a failure and there were new alberta's of violence i did not make any conclusions here i just give the facts i would hope that there was a decision on sending u.n.
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monitors but after the deployment of the mission there was a statement that this mission was a failure also it was useless and i was recalling the geneva meeting. when we reached consensus on this meeting and we put it on paper in the geneva communique which are said to agreed to work on the geneva agreements if pointed as it was required it's the only mediator with a position from the government and also some of our badness began to say that geneva agreements could be implemented only eve bashar asad to go and that the security council to shoes would set forth to madame to damascus according to tribe to sell and those around that would mean there are views of from geneva agreements by the way there were disciplines all of the issues today meeting in istanbul with
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syrian opposition just two days after geneva agreements understood these statements that he didn't approve the document. with their requirement that asad should go and approving of resolution according to chapter seven of the un charter some of my western colleagues were calling in public exactly so that this result lucian good will good to contain their food blockade economic political of syria if they do not want to speak to them then this is their request to start a civil war was i already mentioned that we are already frightened by that of this requirement that if there is no. progress in chapter seven in there is illusion they will not approve this resolution which is and we know that very well
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armed position groups oppose their government and which is to kill everybody understand that in our private meetings with you and i will repeat. any violence should be condemned but if you condemn nation is not enough we should declare the blood pressure to government opposition to stop this violence heavily remind you that in geneva we agreed on the beginning of the transitional period through who forming traditional governance already on the basis of agreement of all the parties including the government and opposition that's what we should do and as i have said those watching i said appointed the mediator they interlocutor and the position has done nothing about it but will you go and it's them instead of of finding they interlocutor from position they.
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want are set to go look at music you know and you to have sad a lot of times that they key in syrian settlement is in moscow as you and. say explain to our eyes that you need to persuade bashar assad to resign voluntarily that's realistic motions that's not the issue it's all for to our. preferences most and we will not go not because we want defend just seems to be bad because we're at the mall in the middle of a significant part of the population supports them which we need to muslim i suppose it's in the new implementing the geneva agreements we do that but we do not see this similar efforts from our western and regional partners that have a lot of influence on their position grooves in terms of finding lutie jollity goes
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so lucian's. talking with political opposition and armed groups that attitude now you're going in syria to this local suffused with groups of various we cannot be in the band some are regional solutions their solution is simple but we need to act in concert. thank you steve rosenberg b.b.c. . now that the international committee of the red cross says that syria is in a state of war state of civil war will that make moscow reconsider its decision to fulfill its arms contracts with damascus and the other question regarding the now regular reports of high level defections away from president assad well those reports make moscow reassess its position on syria like you.
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really believe you should go as for defectors fusions with such things happen as you're used used to. that's natural laws and you know there are different matter it's of ensuring the. implementation of such most tabs of the regime we are calm about it there is no magic number that there amount of defectors will mean the radical change of sedation where concern not about the fate of their generals or diplomats where concerned about the fate of syrian people and civilians continue to die so bush will be course there armed groups are encouraged to reject any.


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