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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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not just diplomacy rules but any common decency russia's top diplomat slams u.s. threats that moscow will pay the price for syrian unrest and accuses foreign powers of blackmail over u.n. action against damascus. firsthand accounts of beatings tortures and raids in bahrain is r.t. hears from a journalist kicked out by the regime she shares her eyewitness reports of the brutality against want to keep protests. and football's newmont of the talkbacks england supremely capello's confirmed as brushes head coach.
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welcome mrs r t it's nine pm here in moscow my name's kevin first moscow says it's under arm twisting tactics from foreign partners who want to push through a un resolution on syria which could allow the use of external force the words of the russian foreign minister and comments from our correspondent peter all of it now. unfortunately we've even seen some moments of blackmail so i consider it talks will be counterproductive and dangerous approach because it is unacceptable to use the observers as a bargaining chip but it works well what russia wants to see is the extension of the u.n. monitoring program on the ground in syria now they proposed a resolution to the u.n. security council which says just thus now some of russia's foreign partners have come forward and said yes we'll vote for your resolution if you vote for the second resolution has been put put forward by countries such as the united states and
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great britain now the wording of this second resolution is open to interpretation it could see foreign military intervention in syria now this is something that russia have always been against they don't want to see any foreign military intervention because they don't want to see the situation in syria turn out the same way as the situation in libya prompting sergei lavrov to say that russia feels blackmailed let's go back to comments that were made a little while ago by the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton in which she said china and russia were to blame for the ongoing conflict in syria saying that essentially they had blood on their hands and would have to pay a price no foreign minister lover of reacting well less than pleased he could say to those common saying that this wasn't the way that the poem is the should be done to negotiate some acceptable to blame it all on russia and china and especially to resort to threats like they will pay for this which is beyond not just diplomacy rules but he comes to cincy so far it's the syrian people who are for the
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unwillingness of some of our foreign partners to observe the u.n. security council decisions. well those syrian people it's a lover of mentioned they all the ones that russia wants to see decide the future of the country there have been claims that russia is supporting the assad government these were dismissed out of hand by. a business with those little us that we need to convince nasa to step down voluntarily that is simply unrealistic but this is not about our preferences likes or dislikes he will not step down not because we came up but because he has the support of a significant part of the country's population. foreign minister lavrov the setting out russia's stall when it comes to the ongoing crisis in syria all of this of course coming as kofi annan is in the midst of his all important visit to moscow to discuss the future of the conflict written middle eastern country correspondent
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peter all of a dr ali mohammed the editor in chief of the syria tribune website says those powers who try to blackmail russia won't see the country bend to their will to make them. we have seen them agree on something and then do the exact opposite on the ground we have seen them support the militia they're able militia with weapons with money with. even. talks a few days ago about material support and we all know what that meant in libya so they are trying to create a situation where russia has absolutely no option but to do what they want unfortunately for them this situation is not being created because of the unity and strength of the syrian army and because of the awareness of the syrian. foreign policy as well as the allies foreign policy such as china and specially russia. still to come israel a blaze a new wave of mass social unrest sweeping the jewish state of. the protests the
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prime minister's policies he claims are robbing the people. and doomsday fears is spreading across europe are teammates in austria and so certain of the euro's demise that it's already stocking up on fuel and food we visited. fresh protests have flared up in bahrain despite the ruling monarchies declaration that all forms of public demonstrations are now banned in the latest clashes police and troops fired shotgun rounds and tear gas at demonstrators the police response to the arrest was immediate with hundreds of raids on the homes of suspected protestors and dozens of arrests but we spoke to someone who witnessed the brutality on the streets before being kicked out of the country yourself filmmaker and veteran human rights activists gen marlowe she was indeed one of the few western journalists left in the country and says the situation is more desperate than many would believe. what i witnessed is an increasing increasing repression against the pro-democracy and human rights activists in the short time that i was
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in bahrain i felt like the situation was actually deteriorating and how sorry. asked and attempts to silence free speech are all intensifying right now in bahrain from what i could see it is across the country it is it is extremely widespread in villages and towns all over rain there is violent repression of attempts to demonstrate and attempts to protest even more alarming much more an increase of house raids. middle of the night in villages all over riot police coming in surrounding houses brutally arresting people and imprisoning them taking people from restaurants swimming pools their private homes. this practice of targeting activists and demonstrators fortunately seems to be on the rise and very widespread right now and only time will tell i guess how or how long they will be able to keep
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struggling but i did not see any signs of people giving up i saw signs of people reinvigorated the bahraini regime is very determined not to let what's happening be exposed and so anyone who's going to bahrain with the purpose of the agenda of trying to show what's happening and trying to really expose the reality on the ground there is wants to keep them out and keep them silent as much as possible. with. protest as to the. the country as a single only a minority within the community it's not sectarian it's related to rulers want to dominate the thing. and. you might not see it hundreds or thousands but i can assure you that out there are more than there will
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be hunted. despite all. this is this is happening because not because the people want to. see it because the list them at the amounts that they want to be there. that it isn't but. if one of our stories on one of r.t. dot com of course we just take a look then a quick taste of a few then you'll find let's start with this one atomic powered merchant ships given the go ahead by radio lord make it midwestern suspicion it's a cover for developing nuclear weapons so online right now also a brand new world class race track overseas dollars in a moscow region with hopes it could hold formula one races in the near future.
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this is r.t. hearing the case of bradley manning jailed u.s. soldier accused of leaking vast amounts of data to wiki leaks begins today the twenty four year old who's been in jail now for two years already faces the serious charge of aiding the enemy which if proven could see him on death row but get to your daughter who's campaigning to have manning nominated for the nobel peace price says his trial will be used to scare would be whistleblowers. i think it's obvious that the government is trying to make scare tactics case on bradley manning to scare people from lonely song and the black donnellys getting says well it's because people are but what is actually. it's have they reversed the impact there is no more discussion about it was a glorious and the importance that was blowing all over the world and as the world is becoming more and more strained in secrecy the option thrives. when it is
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actually what it was a blowing into the heart of life in a world and i think this extremely important and. this is our take still to come in the program most people to focus on getting a program mainstream media an increasing number of americans are taking the news into their own report them up find out why the trend of us network worried. but next more oil is being poured out of the fire of the israeli social unrest mass rallies marking the protest movements first other verse three have been spurred on by an act of self immolation thousands of people gathered in the streets as artist paul asli a report. what we see now is the whole issue of economic and social concerns been back in the mainstream israeli discourse and this comes in light of the anniversary protests hold this past weekend around the country marking those social protests that were held in the summer months of last year if you remember those
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demonstrations for the largest number of israelis in this country's history take to the streets of this country now the protests climax on a saturday night when an israeli form a small businessmen sit in south on fire he's currently fighting for his life is in critical condition and he's suffering from a second and third degree burns the sense that he did this because the israeli government was literally robbing him of his livelihood and his future now since saturday there have been solidarity protests held around the country on sunday these two thousand people took to the streets of a major highway here in tel aviv in jerusalem there were clashes between protesters and police in front of the prime minister's residence and what we've seen from organizers of these demonstrations is a hope that this incident has injected a new anger and a new passion that will mobilize israelis back onto the streets these protests also have a throwback to the occupy wall street demonstrations we saw last year at that time
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they were slogans similar being valued across here in israel people calling these demonstrations occupy his role as indeed the anger and frustration at the government and the fact that it's done so difficult since last year to address real social concerns as that anger grows people are making a parallel between what happened here and as well with this man moshe solomon setting themselves on life with the street vendor who set himself on fire back in december two thousand and ten the netanyahu government following those this demonstrations last who did sit up a committee to investigate but most israelis feel that it has done little to precious to nothing to actually address the concerns the justification by the government has been that it has no prison concerns such as that. the question of ongoing violence in syria to to to address but many people here feel that this is merely an excuse not to put a tension on the very real concern at the same time there's also the feeling here
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talking to protest organizers that these demonstrations could move from economic protests to political considerations there is of course the arab spring which never quite into its role over the long run we have seen today's newspapers and an opinion. that perhaps this could be the spark that will see the arab revolution finally be firmly implanted self in israeli society one of the points made by the israeli government is that it must address relations with troubled egypt caro's post-election political standoff is up for discussion in our cross talk debate show coming up at nineteen thirty g.m.t. . what's the point of having elections if you're elected and you can sit in your position of power you know we're in a situation transition i mean we're talking about a country that hasn't had them are grossly in thousands of years they had successful elections they had to use a lot of going around that's going on right now if we go if we play it out in sequence when it's likely. it's likely to the foundation for this process then
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there are possibilities that it can succeed stephen thinks that what we're watching is a transition is a muddy transition where people are stumbling around making mistakes and having teaching moments ago them grow from i'm not sure that we're in the midst of a transition we might be in the midst of a retrenchment. sports news for wrigley manager fabio capello set to take on russia's top football job after big names as the new national coach should hope he can guard the team towards qualified for the world cup in twenty fourteen with rumors of the signing a lucrative six year contract his are the farmer from sport apartment. fabio capello a massive name in football famous for leading england for the last four years he did step down from there after falling out with the english f.a. but i mean apart from his success of getting them to the euros he did it all to get them to the world cup in two thousand and ten not
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a successful campaign that has to be said that was part of the reason he went but he comes with a great track record before he took over england he won the champions league he also won league titles in italy and also in spain with major clubs there so he's a big fish in the footballing world and he when he was. in charge of england he did around about six million pounds a year and it was thought in the media that if anyone could perhaps compete with that sort of salary would be the russians were not sure what his salary would be but they have said in the build up to this that he would be a man that would be prepared to stay and work in russia which is something big africa and the guus hiddink the manager before him didn't do. bios of bungled reporting on u.s. news network spring plumbing behind probably the audience numbers according to one influential opinion poll artie's were appalled by the looks of the cutting edge project was encouraging ordinary americans to drive their country's news agenda or instead. venning goodness statics round the clock operations this is
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a product always being exported america's mainstream news industry generates power and profits but it seems partisan reporting and frequent gaffes may have made many americans turn away from the big broadcasters when they are. writing the revolution going our across. and going to. be home to getting to work that program where are our recent gallup poll shows an all time low of only twenty percent of the public trusting the news many say this means citizen journalism is becoming a big game changer and the amazing thing about training citizens to be really good pundits is that they they have a wealth of information that journalists just don't have when you help them connect what they know are exposed to their experience with
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a big picture political event it's very powerful what's that journalist and best selling author and i only wolf not only supports citizen journalism she and business partner lisa thomas have built a nonpartisan training ground for it it's called daily klout dot com we're not just teaching people to vent we're training people to write rigorous shapely opinion pieces which are eight hundred words long and also to source their assertions and we also teach them how to link what they're exposing are calling for with action steps. daily klout also features a legislative search engine that monitors and explains bills making their way to capitol hill a tool allowing everyday people to hold federal state and corporate leaders accountable when america's fourth estate fails to i think the mainstream media has become about entertainment. and. so concerned who holds the purse strings if the
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mainstream media is controlled by large corporate interests they're going they're beholden to them but this website is independently financed giving tens of thousands of citizens the freedom to report on topics many news networks are accused of suppressing i think one of the best ways you can judge a state of democracy is in how to mediate the hate and i think if you have a situation where the citizens of the country are actually bypassing the mainstream media i think that says a lot about the stage of democracy critics however argue that only properly educated and experienced journalists should be intrusted with understanding the rigors and ethics involved in news reporting but even then. there is no guarantee the public will receive the facts the supreme court justices have struck down the individual mandate for the unconstitutional the direct blow to the
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president i would say it's a direct blow to his democratic party the individual mandate has been struck down it has been struck down no it has not. stopped i knew i was massmedia still maintains a stronger and wider reach that citizen journalism but it no longer holds the power to determine what the public is to be doing or even reporting about hurry up or not artsy we are. world news in brief as it's happening thousands of gathered in tokyo demand an abandoned ahead of the restart of a second react to all of the country's plants you may recall shut down for safety inspections after an earthquake and tsunami triggered last year's fukushima disaster last month for the first reacted turn back on again the country's prime minister says some atomic energy must be reintroduced to sustain an adequate power supply. more than eight hundred people a bit of vacuity from resorts and hotels as fires threaten the tourist area on the
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island of sardinia off the west coast of italy emergency services have been mobilized with helicopters dumping water to try to control the flames so far four farmers have been injured high temperatures are being blamed for a number of blazes raging across italy. and spain the fresh clashes in madrid after civil servants tried to march on the spanish parliament protesting against austerity measures plainclothes police also joined in the demonstrations coming up against their own as riot police manned metal fences protecting the government building it is the latest outburst of public anger at the deficit cutting reforms announced by spain's prime minister last week. not just the spanish but people across europe are getting more and more disappointed with their leaders' attempts to deliver solutions are to exam the boy could talk to one austrian who's already created his own doomsday survival kit. it seems like a place where the grass is always green and where every cloud has a silver lining but even in this ideal exciting in western australia there are
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fears of an economic doomsday. but the last few years me hail has been converting his house into a fully self-sufficient residence and his reasons purely economic. we got the worst case scenario that we're preparing for is the total collapse of the economy there would be problems with food electricity water supply so i want to make sure we can this time when money will be worthless. solar panels wind turbine and emergency generator he's now producing more than two thirds of the power he needs the cows in the garden should provide a backup if supermarkets. and in case of fuel shortages there is also a radial turn in chief. while this scenario may seem to apocalyptic we hill billies the euro collapse and the ensuing social upheaval is a matter of when rather than if the political politicians keep talking about
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decreasing debts but what they do is just to prove. that a new new steps no new solutions on what to do about this whole situation the rude awakening is coming we all hope to postpone it but eventually it will come out of the. still ask us to change his name and not to give out his address out of concern that in case of the total collapse his europe proved refuge will be inundated by the angry and the hungry the fears are not entirely foreign to many europeans especially of an older generation this part of the world peers to be rioted therefore frond of the cold war and preparing for the worst was part of the government's contingency plans but the idea that calamity mekon from them in europe rather than outside is relatively new and therefore all the more frightening after day kids of increasing crisp area the thought of losing basic comforts is still rather hard to take in for many northern europeans but on the other hand
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a few years ago their southern neighbors couldn't imagine that soup kitchens would become so popular in greece or that food aid would be in such demand in spain some people say the gold care for the government. i'm responsible for myself let's see about fifty percent of the. citizens may think in this way. but the majority will say no government we pay our taxes and so for we expect that we get. supplied by the government while the initial enthusiasm behind the euro project was at least partially based on the rx to reach the stream an increasing number of europeans are now fearing the opposite. sex in the car to see reporting from western austria. is not good news in a lot of europe it appears that russia seems to be emerging from a global financial storm brings up today which you know that's fraught with us according to the i.m.f. the international monetary fund now they're saying the they've cut their global
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growth outlook for the rest of the world is looking rather dismal at the moment but for russia they've kept on change that is encouraging now they believe that russia will grow four percent this year fifty basis points more than the rest of the world the fund has warned that the european recession and the u.s. slowdown are looming i have the global economy the effects may become visible for russia next year as the i.m.f. says the expansion may slow down you know all rosy in the herd but it's not looking bad as of the places i think that is the conclusion i'm going to make that now russian billionaire as the one of the anglo russian team k v p r ready to sell their stake to their partner be paid now they want cash and they want ten percent of b.p. stock in return i mean that could potentially put an end to the basic conflicts that we cover a lot of business artane other shareholders relations between b.p. and its russian partners who i r broke down last year b.p.
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tried to reach an alliance with the state run. but the deal was brought by another four left the company without an operating board and b.p. ended up. stake of the cell at the start of the folding as we speak right now i want to get to the marchese how wall street is performing this hour we can see we still got to cause a lot of eyes because we had us. on explicitly dropped and that was for a straight man says adding a bit of pressure on the european markets so that now close to see how the fruits of the dust go to a pretty look lackluster performance really i've got to say i mean look there is pretty flat to around we didn't see much movement a tool to be fair that's a disappointment considering last week we have the euro stopped fifty from basically its longest stretch of weekly gains in more than two years just by dollar little bit if you look at the common currency that the euro will see that it's had a bit of a choppy session but it's going to give us that you now want twenty two six eight
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or so the ruble is finished trading now but it actually gets the u.s. dollar and the year in the session today this could also the markets here most go to see that we have a photo today we saw gains of the session as we can see there the l.c.s. there for tens of stand up on the my sales are around the same opposed to territory as the stocks the one that was probably one of the biggest gate is really there was . is the biggest gain i think it will stay in the metal produce and that's because they have a little visitor president who said he came into their offices today for a federal waiting list because the oil prices and see that that could very much explain why the obvious here most there had a bit of a boost we have the prices. the list talk more about russia because they've got an ambitious goal of significantly improving business now the world bank currently rates russia as number one hundred twenty and that's in terms of conditions for doing business now they've got singapore hong kong new zealand and united states in
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the top four as you can say now president putin he said that russia should do what ever it takes to make it to the top twenty with. investment consultants rises caps so they've come up with. step by step plan for this go. given that customs union is like kazakhstan and if russia can just adopt the same reforms the best of the reforms that both those countries have done then by two thousand and eighteen russia will have jumped from one hundred twentieth place to thirty fourth place we also think just marginal small improvements which would get russia to twenty eight twenty eight or top thirty place i think that's that's very doable . and a doable that say have any of it up in about fifteen minutes all right see that thanks katie now still to come just a few minutes hence the second part of our documentary got lined up for you but the last generation of the iraqi city all from the. air after
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a short break up of the main story in just a couple of minutes she watching our team from. the. world with a. grin more mouths to feed but where will the food come from can science provide the answers the future of under the microscope. we've got the future.
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