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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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explosion. in the civilized world. searching.
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continues on a diplomatic rollercoaster. deep international divisions on how to curb the crisis in syria but with more on this now. it certainly is a very tricky agenda for kofi annan right now as a situation in syria is degrading as a time of progress isn't forward in fact let's just take the situation just at the beginning of this month where syrian rebels met with sergey lavrov here in moscow and at that time they said they were not willing to deal with president bashar al assad since then they have launched what they are calling operation the damascus of volcano and earthquakes of syria the stated goal of that operation is to bring in syria and i'm quoting here bring it syria into a state of complete and total civil disobedience now of course this puts kofi annan
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in a very difficult situation he is charged with finding a peaceful solution to the conflict there on the ground in syria now in doing this he must meet with all sides that means the west china russia and of course the opposition and president bashar al assad russia says that the west is not living up to the geneva agreement that was agreed on just a short time ago and in fact they're using this as an opportunity to impose sanctions and possibly even military intervention of a foreign kind this is something that russia does not absolutely does not want russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said the west is trying to blackmail russia to swing over to their side also lavrov says that hillary clinton's threats to russia on their position on syria are overstepping the mark and are beyond the scope of decency and just plain bad diplomacy if you look at the west and their push for regime change in syria russia says that this is really unrealistic for
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a couple reasons because a bunch are all assad enjoys the support of a significant portion of the people however russia does say that bashar al assad is not in power because of russia's support of the rich regime rather because of that support of people and in fact russia has stated repeatedly that they do not support the a shot saad regime rather they are not taking sides they support more of an open dialogue of all parties involved. sean thomas reporting the syrian opposition fighters have now taken their battle to the neighborhoods of damascus where the port of the city has witnessed explosions and intense daylight shootouts are. she has the latest from inside the capital clashes between the army and rebels never stop here in syria now the fighting is going on here in damascus damascus has been considered the area totally under governmental control the fighting recently has moved as close as to its suburbs there have been several army assaults against opposition
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hotbeds in the eastern outskirts of damascus some fourteen kilometers from the city center now we're hearing about at least four neighborhoods in this southern part of the massacres some twenty minute drive from the city center where governmental troops are fighting gunmen governmental sources are saying that most of these gunmen are not from damascus but they've come here from homs in central syria and from live in the country's north where the army had seen success late the the opposition has been claiming the army has been using more tires and shelling these areas and also the been using armored vehicles and many roads within this city are blocked especially in troubled areas in troubled parts of the city obviously. it is more of an option of keeping your top of the latest developments in the conflict zone or you can also just check out our twitter stream for the latest updates and images you can see here one of the latest tweets as you said is the headquarters of
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the governing party has apparently been targeted. by let's get some more analysis on what's really going on inside the syrian capital from georgia job or president of the syrian un association joining us live on the program here good to see you today the civil war as many are calling it already spreading right into the heart of damascus you all there now can you tell us is it as bad as the reports are suggesting what is the current situation. well damascus is a big city i don't live in the quarters where they were confronted i live far away i can tell you very honestly that nothing in my daily schedule has changed but then we heard the voices of bombs and bombardments and so forth we heard the exchange of fire but then we were not affected in this part of the city now i can see is this there is little solitude and there are opposition
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forces that are financed from the outside and shoved candy meat can. the well intentioned people used to work in the world meet in order to perceive syria lives. advocate of human rights. the human lives i don't most important thing the most precious thing is the world i suppose that we did help or fresh up with the help of a man with the help of the powers of really over this and unity of political solution that leads to the only form in the politics of the government and this free for might lead to political change why not have political change this for you this is the big question that every single so certainly certainly there's a lot of discussion about political reform in damascus certainly many people in the
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west want to go we've seen quite a lot of footage that was suggest president assad has a lot of support not just in the capital but around the country without be true. i suppose. for the support of president bashar assad and this of course is quite evident in damascus we have seen. tens of thousands of the words to it was perhaps one thousand hundreds of thousands perhaps millions of the rest of it was the most sitting in favor of the shall. we have in the case is that there is. support for so many places in syria now can we really wisely have some sort of the referendum. objectively different on. those issues of the serious this is a big question but at the same time while i see that. because it is very
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difficult to have objectively for example such a situation i would see that political dialogue is in a society this issue of political court i was there are poor of course miserable a very old idea the whole idea of peaceful dialogue here is certainly a stance the russia has to been supporting from the very outset as i'm sure you know president putin meeting with the u.n. and arab syrian envoy kofi annan in moscow today both of them trying to hopefully in for some sort of peaceful mediation here but can i just draw a quick comparison i'm sorry we're running low on time and a quick comparison is that the demise of the libyan regime came shortly after rebels took control of the capital tripoli can the syrian leadership suppress the violence in damascus or are we looking at some type of libya scenario where you are . i think this situation is totally different i think the serial story
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is able to keep it current in damascus do you keep the security in damascus of perhaps what we have witnessed in some parts of damascus. tiny improvements on the security of the city but then of course cannot really. be truly predict because things are changing and i suppose what we have to do is to meet for the next forty eight hours we're in for a deep comes or indeed a mr george as president of the syrian un association joining us live from damascus thank you very much for coming on r.t. today. r.t. is coming to you live from moscow now a belgian region has issued a controversial starter kit for moroccan immigrants it's a move that some claim is another nail in europe's multicultural coffin those
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arriving from north africa feel insulted saying the document triggers islamophobia and social stereotypes artists are silly or has this investigation. did you know that in belgium the flemish eat healthy live inside their homes most of the time and don't make noise after ten pm or did you know that men and women are equal and it's forbidden to hurt someone mentally or physically including your partner or children and that if you want to get a job you must learn dutch well these are just some pointers about the country in the new starters kit given to the moroccan government for distribution to moroccans who have gotten the official go ahead to immigrate to flanders it also includes a short video featuring testimonies from recent immigrants about their experience. in a modern society based on the principles of. where freedoms and rights for everybody also we've obligations with separation. equality of.
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with no discrimination principles but some were left rather dumbfounded by the kind of information the packet contained. when you see that in belgian living who is what does that mean it means americans live in trees when belgian neighbor makes noise and two three am because he's drunk and it keeps me awake during the kids to explain that he must respect the hour because we do not make news in belgium after ten pm this is around the world the starter's kid is meant to provide basic information but it may be too basic for some the proponents of the initiative say it was made to target immigrants with low skill or education levels but critics say that what's written in it and some of what's come with it are simply patronized and insulting raising questions on the stereotypes locals may have on the foreigners coming to their country. i think there's a very large racism in this excuse me but that's not how we educate about two
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thousand five hundred moroccans immigrate to flanders each year as part of family reunification or marriage migration as soon as they arrive they can join a civic integration program organize. by the flemish government which primarily focuses on teaching dutch law not sure it's important to point out that in order to integrate you need to speak dutch i have no problem with that but what i have a problem with is this social cultural references they explain to you that in order to find your place you must culturally match a certain model those in favor of the starter kit insist that the initiative aims to manage possible false expectations about belgium and to address the fact that integration has been ineffective so far you are able perfectly able to get the belgian nationality if you want belgian citizenship without even knowing one of the official languages of this country and this reflects i think the whole idea of what they call in and integration policy which isn't really an integration policy
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because it's completely up to the people coming here to if they really want to or that if they're really want to integrate but for those who do want to integrate something else they can expect to find out is that the flemish are like walnuts hard on the outside but softer on the inside and one more thing it raise a lot of belgium but it doesn't rain money does are still your arty brussels and while there you're across a neighboring brussels are desperate to fight the debt contagion one leading german think tank suggests people should sacrifice their savings max keiser and stacy herbert are here at fifteen thirty g.m.t. to expose all the darkest secrets of the financial world. german economists make the rich by the german it's a two for economic research d i.w. suggested that those with a substantial private fortune be forced to hand over ten percent of what they have
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over two hundred fifty thousand euros they're talking about confiscating wealth to pay for debts that were run up by corporatists and neo fascists and you know this is the haven't we seen this movie before yes called scapegoating we are now at war without any equivocation whatsoever this just one of the sad about a policy issue it's not about an economic theory it's about a war world war three is on. live from moscow this is r t in bahrain antigovernment protests are gaining momentum defying an official ban on all opposition rallies demonstrators claim the authorities of brutally suppressing them and attempting to obscure the scale of the uprising local doctors say that police are monitoring hospitals and arresting people admitted with rubber bullet wounds expressing support for opposition on twitter has landed one of the country's top human rights activists now bill about
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a job in prison he had been arrested for appearing on julian assange as program right here on r.t. for the crackdown has reportedly even spread to foreign journalists attempting to cover the protests get more on this now and we're joined by a guy the deputy secretary general of the party who's in amman thank you for coming on r.t. today do you think the ban on protests is achieving anything or possibly just stoking the fire. yes as a physician society you know we have to continue. to be around and i want to stay together. and are old and we gain. immense because. we know that these demands since i won't die and i want to just. for justice for equality between the people of that body and regime or another always taking our people to the. eighty eighty.
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people. some of them imprisoned some of them and old and i see we we believe that at the end we are going there was zero and so as you're saying it seems the opposition is in a state of growing as you're suggesting here but we've actually seen reports or police even searching hospitals for wounded protesters i mean is that really how intense the crackdown has not become. yes this is since a long time the police have actually some of us with those but. they are some of our legal they are controlling that that they may buy a set of money or host and they don't i'll tell anybody to go out or get in and say go. mission from the police this is the situation
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should be changed. and security see where i'm struggling will shift the situation to see that i'm going with a democratic good look at being a state which should be a prison that people of body. as you're saying the the the desire for democracy and freedom and so on and so forth we do apologize you've been hearing it now for months with the continuation of the arab spring why do you think the situation in bahrain to date remains largely out of the aisle the radar of the mainstream media for example syria seems to be getting all the global headlines at the moment. benefits and. so just to go out to go far away from bahrain a crisis we had a neighbor of saudi arabia producing ten million barrels a day and i see. millions and billions of contracts where
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we share. a common east that's why they need the end and waste contrary to their focus on own body on either hand for our team that majority of i didn't against arab spring that's why. they are there not only to ghana media because they are controlling the media. that and all. their. own buying rights but not you know not just but not just the media to apologize for interrupting not just the media but you know we heard about the uprisings months ago in saudi arabia where saudi arabia brought how military hardware to dispell of the protesters but we weren't seeing any of that on some of the western media networks why would western media networks talk about atrocities in bahrain or even saudi arabia do you think. go through their own rights
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between their navy and. trees and just explain what the what's going on. that. that's why i see. that mission as you get close their eyes on what's happening in bahrain you see. companies point out for many many months indeed we see the uprisings continue in egypt the reigning military than they have democratic elections still the people are on a happy still the people already are in the central square that's a real square but it's been going on for such a long time do you think. supporters of the opposition have that kind of long jetty have that kind of hunger where they can continue to do this for months all in the face of all violence suppressing. different this character i mean the friday we
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have watered down twenty twenty five demonstrations will be organized and areas and unfed is there we have a demonstration. warning and you can tell my mama and i think we have to we have no other stories we are struggling for a democracy for freedom for human rights and i think and i believe that we have to continue peaceful side of same as syria that was a goal we were clones and i think that it's there but i think by any. confidence that they are they have to continue that peaceful state. oh i know from the heart of the uprising and the opposition that inbox crane a. deputy secretary general of the party thank you for coming on today. well of course many other stories always available for you at our two dot com also
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online h.s.b.c. europe's biggest bank and suspected of money laundering for terrorist groups in syria and saudi arabia those details on the latest scandal that are the seeds. plus a cuban architect has been forced to spend forty seven days on a ferry between some petersburg and helsinki before finally being allowed to set foot in russia find out the details on that. dot com. we're going to be seeing katie soon with the business for now though it is the second day of the pretrial hearing for bradley manning of course the u.s. soldier accused of releasing u.s. intelligence documents to wiki leaks his lawyer says manning has been tortured over
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the two years he's been in solitary confinement the most serious charge you faces is that of aiding the enemy that carries a death sentence with it. author of the passion of bradley manning says washington's reaction to the leaks over blocker. they want to make a big example of him i think it's an artificial crisis. each new wave of leaks has been greeted with hysteria and sky is falling rhetoric of armageddon and none of these dire predictions have come to come to pass or anything remotely like it frankly we need to know what our government is doing there's nothing very radical about that sentiment it's used to be a central part of the american political discourse you should know what your government is doing the obama administration did promise to be the whistleblowers best friend and instead they have prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous administrations combined under the espionage act i don't think whistleblowers are
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ever going to stop this long as there is injustice in wrongdoing in government there will always be people who have great personal risk in a great personal sacrifice will tell the truth and get the word out and that's a very good thing. straight to tokyo for the r.t. both update and dramatic pictures so let's go to those right now a fire broke out in a massive skyscraper in istanbul hundreds of people had to be evacuated from the forty two story plot in the major city that's mostly made up of apartments and offices across did manage to extinguish the blaze with a technical fault perhaps wiring suspected to be the course. and a russian soyuz spacecraft has successfully doctor the international space station three crew on board it launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in southern ca text on just two days ago a veteran a russian cosmonaut. is joined by an astronaut from japan and one from nasa they'll
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be shooting around our planet in tilt no found here. as promised if you study by the r.t. persistence good to see your favorite christmas present or as always or looks like the b.b.c. is making the news itself told me all about what is and what not. going on actually britain's national broadcaster they've it misses you using schemes to minimise taxation almost a third of the company's present is were employed through personal service companies that allow smaller contributions though the deals help when we see to sidestep millions of pounds in national insurance now the company insists the arrangements with standard industry practice but agreed to review how it pays is big a. story for those who were there because it has been dealt. rating agency moody's has slashed the credit rating of banks just days after cutting the italian government bond rating now the agency says that all the
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problems in greece and spain have boosted the default risk for the moody's has dropped seven banks by one notch and another six bytes to doctors talking of banks in trouble with europe's largest bank hate just b.c. being accused of helping criminals terrorists and even mexican drug dealers to launder money the u.s. financial watchdog issued a three hundred twelve page report on monday these have been the lack of control at the bank the bulk of allegations all related to the bank's u.s. subsidiary based in new york hey just bases management has acknowledged lapses in compliance and promised to fix it so with that in mind it's going to the markets and see how europe is before me just now unless i watch the effects of them over their ways he really much anticipated testimony from u.s. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke you later on in the day they want some heads of further economic stimulus cash pumping is the system european currency we see
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how that's three out seen as well. so edging a mall shanghai is just that and the investors are really positioning themselves for further action by central banks or mining optimistic the ruble i was managing to get him against the u.s. in the year stay with russia to check out the european. markets regular as we can see the gains here most scary today you know we had some good news we had industrial production growing three point one percent in the first half of the boosting momentum check out some assumption our lowest bank to corning out sheet two point eight percent the financial is reportedly in a merger talks with the rival a committee to create the country's second largest private lens up we've also got meanwhile the russia's biggest lender. as well that's still managing to gain i can tell you that just always had a thirty six point six six says it is first quarter net profit of one hundred fold
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interestingly the result was better than expected no expectations have that are this is what now is trading at the highest level in several weeks in new york and not submit speculation that u.s. stockpiles will deployed and tensions with iran s.q. lite now got more to talk about only oil as well because back some of the traders could have manipulated or prices in the same why they were interest rates of the u.k. officials while the cabinet to expand their inquiry into the larger fixes council to see if oil prices have also been pushed up meanwhile overpriced agencies are class that's annoying the allegations saying there is no similarity between life and oil so more updates worried about fifteen minutes time you're five percent are all back. so you then buy. back with the headlines in just a moment. resistance
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is not a politics but a culture. this could get. some on its own.
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cultures of resistance on marching. down the official ante up location to i phone i pod touch from the i choose ops to . life on the go. video on demand ati's my old compass and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. the . motion would be so much brighter if you knew no bounds.


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