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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the turkish prime minister visits moscow for serial crisis talks as the un security council stands divided on how to bring peace to the war torn country. the games in the balance as a private security firm proves incompetent it is u.s. agents now being flown into many of the posts are british airports. and a split at the top in israel the largest party in parliament withdrawals from the ruling coalition army conscription reform. plus crude prices drop from a seven week car but also markets managed to expand since days gains all the details and business sense ones of that.
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and welcome to our team where we bring you news twenty four hours a day seven days a week here on our teeth now amid deep international divisions on how to curb the syrian conflict the problem in a store of neighboring turkey arrives in the russian capital for talks moscow and have opposing views on how to resolve the crisis which is very much reflected in the u.n. which votes later today on just what to do r.t. shaun thomas joins us live from moscow sean well certainly is a difference of opinion between russia and turkey but are we likely to see a meeting of the minds. well karen that remains to be seen it but it also is doubtful that it's not expected that there will be a changing of the mind of course prime minister aragon is meeting with russian president vladimir putin to discuss syria the two countries are allies but this is
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one area where the two countries disagree greatly in fact turkey used to be an ally of syria but has since changed its opinion on the subject there more closely aligned with nato and they're calling for assad to step down and for regime change syria has said that turkey has become a hotbed of terrorism and of course tensions have not been great between the country since a june twenty second where syria shot down a turkish airplane now russia's stance on the situation is that they are wanting to promote dialogue they're opposed of sanctions of any kind against syria and they also don't want any kind of foreign military intervention and this might be one of the reasons why earth began is here today to try and make one last ditch attempt to sway russia to the side of the international community in one of the sections of the security council resolution that is on the table is a clause that allows
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a foreign military intervention as a last resort this is something that russia strongly opposes so while the two countries are meeting today syria on syria turkey and russia it's not expected that any minds will be changed down so much on why is it that moscow in particular has become sort of a center for diplomacy over syria. well certainly primarily karen because russia has opposing views from the international community promoting dialogue wanting there to be a peace a full solution and no military and intervention one of the things that russia says is important not to take sides and by supporting it this clause in this security council resolution to they're saying that you know if you're allowing for violence against the syrian government then you're basically picking a side and that's what russia does not want to have happen they would rather that all parties involved get together and talk now what we've seen because of this opposing idea is
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a lot of people have come here to try and change minds and for diplomacy kofi annan was here this week wrapping up a two day visit his second trip to the country on the topic of syria and of course no. conflict resolution came out of that meeting and also if you look back to the syrian opposition came to moscow as well to meet with foreign minister sergei lavrov out of that meeting of the opposition made it clear that they would not work with bashar al assad so russia a hot bed of diplomacy a central hub for talks on the subject but right now that main sticking point is russia does not want to see boots on the ground or foreign military intervention in syria now what we do know is on the ground in syria over the night the rebels have claimed that there has been more fighting over the night something that the syrian government flatly denies they say that there is no rebel authentic against the city of damascus archies them or if an ocean is in damascus this is what she has to say
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what's happening on the ground. the capital damascus since the beginning of the uprising last march has most of the tang been under governmental control and the closest the fighting has ever moved has been in its suburbs in the eastern part of the mass because outskirts in the area known as duma there have been several assaults against opposition hotbeds there but the clashes have never actually taken place inside this city and activists and residents have described was going on in damascus as the most intense they have used violence since the beginning of the uprising last march and the opposition groups have also been reporting that the army has been using more tires and even armed vehicles and how he called teri's and has been shelling the areas where the rebels are this information is very hard to be very far and we're hearing from governmental sources here that a great number of terrorists have been killed during these operations many rebels have been captured and few in number have surrendered but what is absolutely clear
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is that armed groups have a cheek to spread this fear in damascus this feeling of despair and cares here in the capital. that was artie's john thomas reporting from moscow. in syria now global affairs researcher benjamin shut believes the syrian opposition is using the fear it's spread in damascus to pressure foreign allies over military intervention. this into a few trades. capital to do cause chaos and. fear and the population and to these that are lies that the capital which has been relatively quiet despite some some stereo suicide bombing so far. this ongoing case. will be used by western powers i was you know my thoughts would lead to too much to go on pressuring russia and china and going on. pressuring assad
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and maybe even started the so-called humanitarian intervention some problem with security failing in the upcoming a lot of the banks the u.s. is taking matters into its own hands washington ascending and its own agents after the shamed private security firm g four s. didn't try enough stuff a company is now set to lose fifteen million pals while the u.k. as drafting thousands of troops to make up the numbers but the u.s. still doesn't seem to be ready to trust britain's contingency plans as artie's laura smith reports. as athletes and guests start to arrive here at heathrow airport for london's olympic games they'll be met by all the usual sites including loan seems that immigration is u.k. border officials struggle to cope with the sheer numbers involved but it won't be just u.k. officials felt come across some may be surprised to see american agents operating on british soil the u.s.
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transport administration or for a city has reportedly been allowed to bring in agents in a move aimed at helping british authorities to secure american flights in and out of the u.k. the agents apparently won't be allowed past boarding gates or the u.k. aircraft but them if presidents could prove controversial in the u.s. they've been accused of performing intrusive pat down it's just the latest confession that britain's been forced to make to the u.s. which doesn't believe the olympic host has done enough to ensure the security of the games the american team will reportedly bring with it five hundred f.b.i. agents to protect its athletes and diplomats plus a five hundred security staff all of whom will be operating on british soil raising questions about sobering to the american army this follows a catalogue of failures on behalf of the security company that won the contract for
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the games g four s. . it's admitted it couldn't provide the number of security staff it had promised that meant that three and a half thousand soldiers and hundreds of police have had to be drafted in at the very last minute to plug the shortfall the head of g four s. is appearing before m.p.'s to explain himself and the possibility even more troops may be needed in the coming days. as london is struggling to secure its borders against attacks a british bank is implicated in writing money go to terrorists. coming up john london h.s.b.c. is accused of helping saudi arabian organizations financed her on multiple other offenses. also find out why the american dream is fading away with all their countries overtaking what was once the leader of so-called vertical mobility. israel is facing fresh political turmoil after the largest party in the country's
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parliament quit the coalition government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu the disagreement was over the drafting of ultra-orthodox jews to the army and comes at a sensitive time for the israeli government archies policy or explains. at the current moment the status quo is such that religious jews do not serve in the idea of compared to the majority of secular israelis who serve at least two to three years now when the kadima party joined the netanyahu government little more than two months ago its running paul at the time was that it was going to put an end to this exemption that the two sides have failed to reach agreement over the drafting of new legislation it could trigger the withdrawal of other political parties it makes in this one yahoo that much more vulnerable to pressure from the far right wing political groups ins and the religious parties and at the same time it also no longer allows him to claim that he presides over
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a government of national unity because he certainly doesn't it is making him that much more weak at both domestically and internationally and it comes at a time when israel is trying to deal with its worsening public image in light of a number of issues not least of all the social protest this past weekend that saw an israeli city himself on fire and this has provoked anger and frustration throughout the country certainly also in the international community is the possibility that the government might have to go for early elections the question being asked is why did not only are not foreseen this development if indeed he did why did he choose to ignore it because it comes at such a vulnerable time it comes at a time when the country is having to deal with very unstable neighbors who are going through their own political apathy evil and also with the whole question of the rand the question of whether or not israel will strike you round is still very
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much looming over the reputation of the sky vermont policy our team tel aviv. for more on the divisions plaguing israel you can head to our team dot com here's what else you'll find online right now. the pentagon tighten the noose on iran a raid on a belt around the country is almost complete with up to twenty nations set for drills in the persian gulf. and new jersey mosquitoes are growing in the u.k. labs scientists hope for a cure insect borne diseases but the results could be riskier than expected all the details are key talk on. the u.k. banking scandal deepens as london based lender h.s.b.c. stands accused of allowing money to flow to terrorists the u.s. government report has accused h.s.b.c. of laundering drug cartel cash ignoring sanctions and helping saudi arabian organizations finance terrorism earlier my colleague bill god spoke to middle east affairs expert all the risk who says people will not allow this to continue. i
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think this proves what many people have said all along that it is saudi arabia which is the main export of radical all of this religious extremism of the radical elements and i think how they handle it it just explains wonder what guys under what guys we're talking about what sort of terrorist groups are we talking about here while we're talking about you know for example the extremism those people who are now for example causing violence in syria are those who were sent to chechnya are the people of groups in pakistan even our car there as well we have to have to say here that some elements of the royal firmly do also have their contacts and have contributed as well to our choir but more importantly i think that this report . that sheds light on the. alliance between the saudi family the saudi royal family and some western countries what this will do is put
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more pressure on the western governments to try and change their policy here now of course saudi arabia is considered to be an ally for how long could this continue in many people are speculating that maybe the western governments might reconsider might soon reconsider their alliance why. would they be doing that first of all because we have the uprisings currently happening which puts more pressure on the on the u.s. government on the british government the saudi arabia until now hasn't taken any steps towards political reform and the other reason is that saudi arabia when it becomes more known that saudi arabia is the main source of this extremist there were late to popular vigilance for example in the u.s. in countries like britain by believe that this report and more similar developments would put more pressure on the on the u.s. and all of these western countries. and later on r t with
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a parliamentary election and georgia drawing closer opposition is gaining support we look at all means the government is using to suppress its opponents and prevent them from coming to power. it was once known as the land of opportunity where you could literally turn rags to riches but today's economic hardships how brought the american dream grinding to a halt leaving many people with little chance of making a decent living has more or the likely story of that is a burka. there has never been anything. about help. hope has always been central to the national myth known as the american dream the problem is today's harsh reality of economic inequality leaves the promised land offering less opportunity for a better life depending on who you are and what your objectives are and what your resources are america may not be the best choice anymore according to reports
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germany canada and the scandinavian countries all have better social mobility than the us this means citizens living in those nations have a greater chance of increasing their income and status through hard work everyone in the countries you mention have systems that are focused on giving people maximum opportunity education mostly free in their societies medical care generally available and free childcare generally available and free when you add up all those conditions you're facilitating every person's ability to find a career to get an education to get the skill training that will allow them to do better than they are in their parents' generation america's current landscape is a bit different for the first time since the great depression american men are earning less than their fathers did. not more than fifty percent of recent u.s.
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college graduates are unemployed or working low wage jobs this as the an affordable cost of higher education in america has produced a national student debt bubble topping one trillion dollars teachers meanwhile are among the seven hundred thousand federal and state public workers who have reportedly been laid off since the crisis hit the u.s. a country where sixteen million are reported to be without full time jobs and approximately fifty million people are living without medical insurance now we've reached a point where the middle class is shrinking. and sighs and what is growing is the distinction between the people who have the american dream the people who don't and the people who will never get it as millions of americans are sliding down the economic ladder median household income has it moved up in more than a decade americans are making less now than when bill clinton was in the white house while the top one percent have nearly tripled their fortune since the
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eighty's we have a. deeper pool of poor people than ever before and unlike before experts say it's more likely that more americans will remain in familiar waters we're not growing we haven't grown in this economy in a significant way for almost six or seven years now and so there isn't the expansion in the company that means we need to hire forty more people we don't have that we're laying off everywhere we're cutting back everywhere. also being slashed is the muscle behind america's libor force over the decades the number of u.s. unions has declined those left standing are being stripped of bargaining rights and existing benefits the elevator for people at the bottom to get up in out we're trade unions and once america went on the warpath against trade unions and the dust realisation kind of went along with it that that block the pads for low income
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people to get decent jobs i stagnate reality american dreamers are now forced to reckon with marina point nine r.t. new york. time now for a look at more stories making headlines around the world. there's been a fresh show of anger across pakistan us thousands rallied against the lifting of a blockade on nato supply routes into afghanistan islam about close them after twenty four pakistani soldiers were killed in u.s. drone strikes last year the decision was overturned when america politest. the incident in the meantime american drone strikes still continue in the country despite repeated calls from one of our we're going to start. the final results in libya's election have been confirmed as lawmaker alicia led by wartime prime minister mahmoud jibril has won thirty nine out of eighty seats available the muslim brotherhood gained seventeen while the west sees the election as broadly
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liberal journalist patrick harris believes there's not much for the libyan people to celebrate. were it not for a nato intervention last year i think these elections should really have been something to celebrate the election itself has been administered by the national transitional council which was effectively cherry picked by the west role for the then actually selected by the libyan people it's an unelected body and there have been a lot of disagreements has been a lot of protests over the past ten moments by the libyan people who are unhappy with the lack of transparency from this government there are unhappy with the fact that the transitional council does not represent their views or the people that they want to be in power. and you can catch the full interview with patrick ase in just over an hour right here on our. parliamentary elections in georgia maybe several months away but the
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government and their opponents are gearing up for the fight police have arrested three opposition activists for allegedly violating party funding laws but as our reports it's led to claims the government using underhand methods to cling on to power. where i was my friends who were kidnapped by the by george imposed by the kind of groups which we accompanied by georgian polish like many of the outspoken critics of the regime of president saakashvili is used to this kind of treatment but now as parliamentary elections draw closer the authorities are trying to derail any opposition momentum on top of the tried and trusted methods of shutting down the opposition where there are three things but as a really seems to have switched his attention to their wallets now all donors are subjected to thorough investigations and the recent parties themselves are usually slapped with have to find a new law imposed earlier this year bans corporate donors and puts
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a rigid cap on donations made by individuals who incidentally it came into effect shortly after georgia's wealthiest businessmen billionaire businessman really founded his own political party georgian dream about the master of an issue really became the new face of the georgia opposition saakashvili became seriously worried and began hampering our efforts first his trip the big deal even issuing of his georgian citizenship and is now trying to take away his business under this new law even his release party has already been fined more than a million dollars for allegedly receiving only go to nations opposition parties with smaller budgets aren't overlooked by the government either party was also find you know by two hundred the us door or two hundred dollars in the u.s. dollar and it's a huge amount for a. budget of two months so five
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a show. means that real position parties are prohibitive in georgia because in cash flow appears to be the latest weapon in. with the opposition and with only three months before the elections it seems the playing field is becoming increasingly on . even in tbilisi georgia if you go. let's cross now to our business staff can see what's happening there with the markets bring us the latest marina well can this hour we're basically following the european markets which kicked off the trade in session shortly before and basically what we're seeing there is that they are tracking gains that we saw on the wall street and of course all this comes if we can take a look at the latest figures as i'm talking so they can see what is happening there with the numbers basically this follows comments made by the u.s. fed or tremont ben bernanke here and he basically gave a weaker economic outlook but say that the u.s. central bank is ready to take action to jolt recovery in the economy i haven't said that you didn't actually commit to any action which is what of course investors are
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always awaiting to see and what we saw in europe of course the numbers points and all points of move on to russia most investors there are of course extending tuesday's gains and also we're seeing out there basically we've seen picking up on the optimism that we see in europe of course and on wall street overnight and this is all good spies falling through the prices which i'll get to in a second i'll have more of that but first a local company news we know that russia's for sale gas form a new ad oil major a year is considering expanding to albania and if plans to part in the province isolation of local could produce or petrol which is currently estimated at around half a billion dollars but i'm going to say after a system could be risky a new company does not publicize its financial reports and most of its oil deposits are actually hard to develop. kind of a cycle of currencies we see that the ruble is a mixed against the main currency can see on the screen that i want to come to the
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euro it's still recruiting against the u.s. dollar now and five billion dollars that is trading and i see their loans and dense of a billion dollars and what we also know is that we're about to see on the graph its progress there and the common currency was hit the hard part of the eurozone that problems and concerns over the fruits of its move and the latest report of one of the main foreign accent aside the news that cites a buy says your pinafores is off harden you helping to stabilize socialize around arts and discuss it says so with the head of the piles up right strategy john harvey that's not that's. the only way the year is going to stay together two things need to happen first jury needs to become more of all the more deeply involved and be more generous that is going to be so far in the equation and as well we need to see a restructuring of the debt there's too much the periphery we can't keep the stead alive and the current solutions that germany is offering saving austerity that is not the way out of a solution there's no way to save our way out
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a solution that requires the somebody takes a loss at the debt is written off to a certain extent to allow it to be sustainable if you're talking to the electorate and they want to hear from bankers too they don't just want to have churches do you say to them hey point the system you've been badly mistreated by bankers by people like yourself or do you turn around and say to them you have to shut up now stop protesting all have to realize as a society that it's not about throwing one party out and bringing another party and it's about realising this loss has to be taken your pension is not worth as much as you think it is because some of this needs to be written down so that realisation that is an important step towards towards real change towards a restructuring taking a loss realizing that the upfront pain is actually better because that creates a sustainable system going forward so painful reform is now a new. in the past there has to be going to this new way to escape although it may be too late to go on exactly unfortunately the longer it goes on the bigger the
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system or that the pilot that builds up should becomes more painful in the long run it's better to take the big hit now rather than later in the e.u. is going to be the first place to take the hit because of its fragile political fiscal framework let's consider what some other international markets we have asia there and as you can see it says see where there was a mixed picture earlier japan was the only one gaining and that was because we had a boost strengthening in the auto industry and also we heard that there was ever the chord that so the division the heights my mom in the precision equipment sector but of course there lou you have more to the side as you can sort of in that case they can point three two percent there when it comes to china h.s.b.c. naturally islam is an over it super size there and in general across the board throughout asia it's a sea of right now to move on to the oil prices so that their drop in fact went off in the seventh week that's and that signals that chinese economy is weakening and also analysts call it the profit forecasts for maintain european companies at the
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fastest rate since two thousand and nine so no level of optimism there as you can see. all right thanks for that update maria. shortly debates whether the truth has been the main account the syrian conflict but first up i'll be back with the headlines in just a few minutes. download the official t.m.p.
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cation q i phone the i pod touch from the top story. which all teach life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s my old compass and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. cisco . russian airline.


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