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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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steam pressure. starts on t.v. dot com. top syrian security officials including the defense minister and his deputy have been killed in a suicide blast in damascus that the opposition assault on high ranking sad government members since the syria conflict began. russia says the policy of supporting the opposition will lead to an impasse as the u.n. delays a vote on a new syria resolution which could see sanctions imposed on damascus and. israel has accused iran of targeting about scamming israeli tourists in the area and city this killing at least for a few moments for more details. live
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from our new center here in central moscow this is our twenty four hours a day top level syrian security officials including the defense minister and his deputy have been killed in a massive bomb blast right in the capital damascus the government claims the suicide bomber who carried out the assault was a former bodyguard is our correspondent there if an ocean with more. that is suicide bombing that killed syrian defense minister and his deputy who's also been the president bashar assad's brother in law and former deputy chief of staal for has happened on wednesday in the very heart of damascus just less than five kilometers from where we have been able to hear the sound of this explosion and we have to say we have to meet that's a. very intense and massive last reports that a suicide bomber had attacked and national security building. here in damascus at a time when. of cabinet ministers and security officials has been
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a go in all that there have to say the area where this happened things known to be very safe and very calm is actually a luxury air we have been there many times and there are many restaurants that it's home to many a free show buildings such as all foreign ministry of culture ministry of course security has been very specific in these areas so this is why right now there are many concerns on security situation here in damascus all visibly free syrian army has already claimed responsibility for what happened but we're also hearing the. news agencies a say that the man who carried out the said tag has been one of president bashar assad's gods. given how massive the last will so we can understand that there's been many civilians killed and many many damage is caused by these
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blasts the buildings and cars around the syrian capital has been going for really tough times in the last seventy two dollars in the last full day as we've been going through was free syrian army and opposition and old forces trying to. assad regime down has dogged as. the final battle and the decisive battle for damascus we've been hearing in a very different parts of the capital we've been seeing in black smoke drifting over the city. and we've also been hearing helicopter is not only flying over. the oldest continuously inhabited capitals in the war but also firing so it's been a very dramatic picture actually here on the ground and people here those who we've been able to speak to. say they are surprised actually the couldn't imagine this to
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happen all just they didn't want to believe this may happen in their home. and you can follow maria on twitter to get live updates and even photos from the heart of the conflict she's been at the scene of today's blast that killed members of a sounds in a circle realtime up close coverage for you all maria's feet. well let's discuss what's been happening in the syrian capital with award winning columnist and war correspondent eric margolis eric we've heard it was allegedly a former bodyguard of a saudi carried out this attack what does it tell us about the level of security protecting the regime will the syrians are very i mean intense security. of many government buildings and the defense or security ministry whatever job security yes it could have been an inside job and the covert a lot of these kind of explosions it seems to me that the damage done or that's been reported a far exceeded the damage they caused by. carrying the suicide vests and their
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movement explosives in there both of them. we may be getting our own story somebody may have loved one hundred twenty millimeter mortar shell through the roof to we just don't know but this was and the elite gathering of assad's regime oh yes. surprise that this could have happened anyway oh you know it's been in syria many times and i can tell you there are few places that have tighter security than that but it also could be a sign that the. orders but in any way were deserted. he authority of the government is. so how vulnerable is a sad himself now. he's quite. vulnerable we've just seen horrifying pictures of. him from livio i interviewed his body being
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mutilated kicked around and you know we're not getting the full story of what's going on in syria there's a much higher level of foreign intervention the western media is reporting in the repeatedly of the move of these rebels serjeant's that. the damascus already has suggested they've got a lot of powerful insistence on his new arms you talk about gadhafi that he fled could a sad try the same. yes he could. go away helicopter trying. to order the. units mainline units of the syrian army are coming in from the golan heights where it's really so i can tell by the tanks that are coming in there are first line tanks react the former soviet russian t. seventy two and there are eight category troops are being brought into baskets
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but again i say i'm surprised by how quickly the position has infiltrated large parts of the city and should be bonds of. the syrian army is moving in. the opposition has claimed responsibility for this along with as you had this group of islamic fundamentalists what does that tell you about what could happen if sad does go shouldn't that ring alarm bells to all those are supporting the opposition when in fact it could be the islamist extremists taking over. there are a lot of angry islamists theorum out of syria and they're more coming in for a rock. thirty forty years of a sun down it's the sunni muslims who are ferociously repressed repressed torture there are a lot of scores to settle the islamists are not the only group but they are certainly when we heard the same fear expressed in libya. but after
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yesterday's rather questionable election there we find that a pro western candidate has won as president seemingly happened in syria you could find that the government has been installed by the french and. other powers as it was in libya. to syria you've seen the military that. is extremely well funded and organize it's a very powerful military machine where you surprised that the opposition of managed to infiltrate damascus itself as a supposedly a rebel organization i'm very surprised that the whole work hours are doesn't really add up because the opposition was just the budget. for four years we were told and suddenly they managed to break through all the defensive barriers and
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syrian army and advance and damascus tied down large other large of the of the army . community be overly suspicious but it suggests to me that there were outside force its that are involved as was the case in libya where french special forces for example were involved in the action from from day one and just what will this do now to the syrian military we seem some defections now just how much will the morale be damaged and could we see more defections now. perhaps the syrian military getting weaker and weaker yes i think you're right i think that's exactly what's going to happen the explosions in damascus the killing of a high level defense officials is going to put the fear through the syrian military which was dominated by the soon. to be when they were starting to see the great down it's very worrying for syria and i
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think the earlier just across the border the israelis are going to be delayed it because the only serious threat to them is falling apart of the. syrian regime collapses that's going to leave israel's enemy has. completely isolated and the lebanese army probably fall back into means you're just briefly how imminent is the collapse of the assad regime we saw when nato was involved in libya many people thought will be over in a matter of days but could this go on and on eric what is the timescale possibly of all of this could go on i thought it would because i thought the syrian army still had grant but now. watching these events allows today's question that it may go quickly and there may be as we're talking significant
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defections senior members of. the lives or the mobs so we're certainly sensing an exhilaration that's great to talk to somebody who's been to syria knows the country very well eric margolis award winning economist and war correspondent always good to talk to you here live on r.t. thank you for your time. the west paints a picture of russia standing in the way of international efforts to stop the bloodshed in syria the comment from foreign minister sergei lavrov comes as the u.n. security council delays a crucial vote on a new resolution which could see sanctions imposed on damascus if no document is adopted the un's observers in syria would have to pack up and leave all teams were in a port not reports. as a vote on a u.k. draft resolution on renewing the u.n. supervision mission in syria now this u.k. drafted resolution is under chapter seven which means that it also calls for the renewal of the u.n.
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mission in syria for forty five days but it also threatens sanctions against a mask is if the syrian government does not seize the use of heavy weapons and withdraw from heavy populated areas within ten days as we have been reporting russia has stood firm on saying it will not support any resolution that paves the way for sanctions against syria or anything involving chapter seven of the of the u.n. charter under chapter seven many experts say it could also pave the way for. military intervention into syria china has always has also expressed a similar position russia instead has also drafted its own reza new resolution renewing the u.n. mission in syria for another three months if this mission is not renewed that means that the u.n. security council the international community loses any verifiable reporting and verification that is taking place in syria there are three hundred unarmed u.n.
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officials in syria while they suspended activities in june there is still a presence there that is able to assess the situation on the ground and report back to the united nations if you lose that mission in syria there would be essentially no kind of objective force in syria to report back to the international community and that could only make this syrian crisis worse. if you like your most go on the way this run. york the b.b.c. is planning to appeal a court ruling that bound it from sure your film about. in a few minutes. globes couple from georgia reporting how the government targets its grip on power. opposition ahead of parliamentary elections. all that still to come but first an explosion has hit a bus carrying israeli tourists in an airport in the bargain city of burgas on the black sea at least seven people were killed and twenty injured in the blast. there
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has more. we're talking here of a group of some two hundred israeli tourists who have just arrived in the bulgarian city of burgas they have boarded three buses and they hadn't even lift the parking lot when one of those buses exploded and the other two erupted into flames here in israel the country's gone into a state of emergency it is a been a hotline that's been set up plans are in place to send a plane to bulgaria to bring back the survivors and almost by the minute those survivors are phoning israeli radio stations and television networks crying hysterically saying that there are bodies lying over the ground that there are people screaming that they were clothes that have been wrecked they being held in a holding cell in the airport what we are hearing is the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu saying that iran is behind this blast and the speculation is that it is the work of a suicide bomber the question though is just how far netanyahu is going to go on those planes for months now he's been hinting at a possible strike on iran because of that country's nuclear program and certainly
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what we're likely to see in the coming days is commentary over whether or not this incident will further give netanyahu justification if indeed he intends to go that route we're hearing from eyewitnesses quite a few who say that there was a man who boarded the bus and shortly thereafter it exploded so it does seem to be the work of at least one suicide bomber the former head of the israeli security agency the mossad says he believes it's the work of either his bill are or our cairo and israeli experts will be making their way to bulgaria where they will be examining the evidence and the materials that were used in this blast to ascertain exactly who was behind it right now the government is holding an emergency meeting to try and deal with the situation and calm the fears of the public. policy the lawyers for the b.b.c. are planning to appeal a court order that the broadcaster from showing a documentary about last summer's rots in the u.k. the film is due to be aired on monday but has now been shoulder until further order
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by the judge what is more smith explains. the bonds program is the two parts docu drama involving actors reading excerpts from interviews with two hundred seventy people involved in last august's riots in titled the riot in the woods the interviews were originally done for a project aimed at understanding the causes of the disturbances as to why it's been fans this is an extremely opaque and unusual case legally we are not allowed to name the judge who handed down the order because he was listing in for the case the decision referred to we understand this kind of order is sometimes made in cases of breach of privacy but at the moment there's absolutely no indication walt's legislation has been applied it's here as far as reaction goes the b.b.c. it self doesn't seem to be able to talk about it either just putting out a statement confirming the cool and that it unable to add anything meanwhile press
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freedom groups have cooled the move to a big and indicated they feel this is that this is just to remind you that riots broke out from the oldest the sick following the shooting of mark duggan by a police officer in north london they then spread countrywide and over the next three days cities across the england were terrorized by violence and looting and often since then a lot of studies and programs have been made looking into the causes and it's very unclear why this particular one has school and out of the pool although it does come close to be on the birth rate and also a place to be when it will to a limpid the b.b.c. the lawyers are considering appealing the decision and promise to show you the programme at a later date perhaps only then will it become clear why this highly unusual decision to ban the programme was made in the first place. couldn't get more
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details on the monitors on the. in our website. there check out some other features that we've lined up for you transparent faith top experts on money laundering say the vatican. financial center will face the consequences. and practice what you preach in european copyright slapped with a fine after stealing music for that and to piracy has details on this story much more for you at r.t. dot com. some other stories making headlines around the world in brief for you this least fourteen people died in northwestern pakistan as a minibus shiite muslims hit an anti-tank mine none of the militant groups are claimed responsibility for the blast which police described as a sectarian attack the latest in
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a series of violent incidents targeting the shiite minority in the mostly sunny state. and staying in a volatile region over twenty eight nato fuel tankers have been destroyed in a bomb attack in northern afghanistan an explosive device was planted on one of the trucks transporting fuel into the country from neighboring uzbekistan this comes only weeks after pakistan reopened alliance supply routes into afghanistan these seven months blockade was caused by a nato attack which claimed the lives of twenty seven pakistani soldiers last year . in libya a liberal bloc the national forces alliance is celebrating success in the parliamentary election held earlier this month the group claimed almost half the seats reserved for political parties the muslim brotherhood they're worse for just over twenty percent of the party places the lawmaking body is due to appoint a transitional government and oversee the drafting of a new constitution but british journalist patrick says a foreign hand has in fact robbed libyans of a free choice here's a preview of the full interview coming up later on r.t.
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. work knots for nato intervention last year i think these elections should really have been something to celebrate the election itself as being administered by the national transitional council which was effectively cherry picked by the west rather that than actually selected by the libyan people it's an unelected body and there have been a lot of disagreements there's been a lot of protests over the past nine ten months by the libyan people who are unhappy with the lack of transparency from this governments there are unhappy with the fact that the transitional council does not represent their views or the people they want to be in power. the parliamentary elections in georgia are just three months away with political tensions and fell play already dominating the run in three opposition activists were arrested on tuesday for allegedly violating party funding rules and that is an initial report some fear that president mikheil saakashvili is ruling party will
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cling to power by any means necessary. where i was my friends who were kidnapped by the by george imposed by the kind of groups which we accompanied by do a dimple is like many of the outspoken critics of the regime of president saakashvili is used to this kind of treatment but now as parliamentary elections draw closer the authorities are trying to do really any opposition momentum on top of the tried and trusted methods of shutting down the opposition where there are three things but it is a really seems to have switched his attention to their wallets now all donors are subjected to thorough investigations and the researching parties themselves are usually slapped with have to find a new law imposed earlier this year bans corporate donors and puts a rigid cap on donations made by individuals who incidentally it came into effect shortly after georgia's wealthiest businessmen billionaire businessman she really founded his own political party georgian dream. after even if she only became the
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new face of the georgia opposition really became seriously worried and began hampering our efforts the first history of the big even issuing of his georgian citizenship and is now trying to take away his business under this new law even his release party has already been fined more than a million dollars for allegedly receiving illegal the nation's opposition parties with smaller budgets aren't overlooked by the government either party was trying to buy two hundred usd or two hundred dollars and used or a huge amount of. budget of. mines so these fighters show sanctions it means that real opposition parties are prohibitive in georgia cutting cash flow appears to be the latest weapon in. the opposition and with only three months before the elections it seems the playing field is becoming
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increasingly an even. exactly twenty three minutes past the hour in the russian capital for a run up of the day's market news with business. hello bill you know i'm going to get to i'm going to head into wall street because they're trading now or will be able to see what the sentiment is we've got gains actually and this is for the second day as we got there the dow jones around seven tenths of a cent the dax is a full percentage point that it's really the tech stocks the biggest game is a good intel with honeywell it's a national corp as well posting some of the biggest gains in the region we also have the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke saying that he may consider further stimulus that really tells the parents on the unemployment rates we're going to watch that very closely indeed we know vest is doing so there's head into the european markets the see how they closed up earlier today and they too were
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positive we got the first over a percent we had unemployment in the u.k. actually pulling as well as a one point six percent in positive territory as i say some positive figures for the u.k. as well we also have the bank of england saying that they may be. they may considering my interest rate cuts as well as that we have credit suisse as well the loans are posting a really great profits investors were certainly demonstrating their gratitude to that one if we have them into the exchange rate is there was to have a common currency is performing in this trading session as we can see one twenty two sixty seven just just for you a fraction of the ruble it finished up higher than the u.s. dollar and the euro and the trading session that brings us on to the markets here in moscow then they will be lacking a sense of direction we had a mixed performers day the r.t.s. six tens of percent on the mises around a quarter down so that brings us all into the biggest movers and shakers ross that
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was one of the losers today around a quarter percent in negative. adjustor there were rumors on the trading floor here that the pride of the management the top management is going to get changed to watch that one is the ground for that one there i was there it is well we've got it is finished up around not supposed to have the biggest lender around for tens of that up more news on that particular bank as well russia's largest and as i say is the place seventeenth in the list made by a very mostly news paper another rating is taught by the international industrial and commercial bank of china which is worth around two hundred billion dollars it's goal is to be in the top ten by twenty fourteen to achieve this it needs to boost its market capital by around of course our arrows get on to the oil prices they are indeed gaining that for six dares you can see just the light sweet i live the eighty nine dollars per bar in the brand over one hundred five so that's how the markets that for this hour we'll all be back tomorrow other business you have got
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eight o'clock hour with more up close calls in trading on the asia region great thanks for that could you have a good knowledge and short here or to you crosstalk debates where the truth has fallen by the wayside in the syrian conflict but before work out with headlines in just a few minutes from now. there
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is the same or different. but you should visit israel her mind her mark let her bring syria for me witnessing a new generation of warfare and information for their peers no doubt western media aims to construct a consensus. download the official location on the phone called touch from the. life on the go. video on demand. tease mine old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. news today violence is once again flared up the first these are the images the
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world seeing from the streets of canada. operations are.
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