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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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and i only hears a gunshot and just women and children are screaming and you know and he had a gas mask on so i can see it be anything like. a massacre at a colorado movie theater leaves twelve dead dozens more wounded and even more questions over what exactly happened and what the shooter's motives were and a nation surrounded by surveillance r t questions of all the security really makes americans and the safer. and mexico gears up for another round of protests after this month's presidential elections abuse voter fraud voter fraud and bribes demonstrators are accusing president elect and reggae pena nieto of all these things we'll bring you the latest from the so-called mexican spring.
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it's friday july twentieth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching r.t. well one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent u.s. history today a gunman opened fire inside a movie theater in denver killing twelve people and wounding more than fifty others the gunman you see here twenty four year old james holmes a former medical student before the shooting he threw a gas canister into the packed crowd of moviegoers law enforcement says he had an assault rifle a shotgun and two pistols holmes is now in custody the f.b.i. trying to investigate the suspect's home but found it to be booby trapped with explosives now we talk a lot about surveillance here and how it affects people's right to privacy and the just for justification for surveillance whether it's cameras or online the
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justification is that it is for our safety so in this day of high insecure. already and the vast of resources spent in the name of protecting our safety how does something like this happen to discuss this tragedy in depth and joined now by brian dorothy he's a senior editor for reason magazine he's also also the author of this buck you see there gun control on trial. brian welcome to the show so we live in an age of cameras of drones you know more legislation aimed at regulating the answer not so i have something like this happen well by reading the stories correctly it happened but the one we kicked in the back door or came in with some guns started shooting at people why it escapes me a little bit what sort of surveillance or even what sort of gun laws short of the magical ability to make every done disappear which we all know. could have
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prevented this it's a shame almost that we have to talk about the policy of this on a day when this tragedy is resonating in the minds and hearts of the people the fact that so i understand why we do but it is worth remembering that these events and gun murders in general are rare and getting rarer every year is no matter how much we hear about them in the media and that there isn't any meaningful policy response that can guarantee stopping one from doing something it's awful what do you think a tragic incident like this that was going to feed the demand for stricter gun laws . you know what you're going to hear a lot about it in the next forty eight hours but i think the history of the recent major national news gun tragedies including another one at the school in west virginia a few years back in the one that that wounded representative giffords last year you hear a lot of talk but it is not going to lead to actual legislative offerings what's
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happened with the whole gun control issue in america since the mid ninety's that a nearly every state has severely least in its laws regarding the ability to legally carry weapons so you have many more americans carrying weapons four million a year in new american buying weapons and yet you're seeing that the gun violence rates plummet nearly by over the last twenty years so most americans have learned that there is that this correlation between access to guns and crime and such that more gun control is going to actually solve any social problem so i think you'll hear chatter but i don't think you'll see any actual musical action so you're saying that this and that it won't be enough to prompt to prompt changes in policy but brian i mean at what point that how many tragedies need to occur how many stories of mass gun violence do we need to see before we do reach that threshold and people say something doesn't need to change what what people think needs to change as i said the number of guns in america and it grows enormously every year
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the number of americans with the legal ability to carry them has grown enormously and yet the number of gun murders is plummeting there simply isn't an apology solution that can stop the very rare in when one decides to commit a horrible crime i mean i know when these things happen people want to reach for an answer or they think something can be done there should be done but i'm not sure what can or should be done i mean the world you know is going to say fall and that's wrong the world is not full of these sorts of people the world has a very tiny amount of them and they think. very rarely is that why you're using the word rare there and i think it's kind of arguable how you can use that word i mean this just this tragic incident resulted in a dozen lives lost dozens more were shot we had the incident with gabrielle giffords not too too long ago we saw the string of shootings in high schools and to
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somebody watching television it doesn't seem like it is that rare i know it doesn't but there must be a good that's the problem with trying to make policy decisions or come to a conclusion based on the dramatic stories you need to look at this if you say that's where the third time the number of guns circulating in america and the number of americans legally able to. increase enormously four million new guns the year nearly every state now has a pretty liberal in it for a second amendment sense laws regarding terri in the last two decades on the side while they're going to early it's simply not the case that these things are happening more frequently and again i ask what always you solution do you think actually put have prevented it all right i may use the word dramatic our way and as if it's being blown out of proportion but i don't think words can even express the that the horror of what happened yesterday they absolutely cannot and i started off saying it's unfortunate that we even have
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a policy discussion on the day when what should really be important to reach. the people who were victimized and their families but unfortunately that's what the media does we talk about policy what i'm here to say is there's not really a good reason to be talking about all of the associated with the going to get because there is not a policy solution now and i do understand second the second amendment rights i mean it's a fundamental right here in the u.s. and you know advocates like yourself are very you know really want to make sure that that right is upheld but i mean in this scenario this gun ban he allegedly he was our. with an assault rifle a shotgun and two pistols i mean it doesn't something need to be done to make sure that these weapons don't get into the hands of mad men well how did we know this man was a madman till he committed with that ak again i ask people who are looking for a policy solution to come up with one other than waving
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a hand and having every gun disappear from the face of the earth which we know it's not going to happen there is no solution that. as far as we understand had no criminal record there with no we don't know or at least i don't in the last hour we don't know how we have this weapon if you don't know people which is possible or illegally which is also very possible. in many cases it doesn't really matter what there was or at any rate we do know that given what we understand about this record there was no reason for anyone to applaud this guy shouldn't be able to put out the welcome that we with there's a lot of details that are still being sorted out a lot of questions a lot that we don't know and he didn't the to our knowledge he doesn't have a criminal history but i mean and he had this arsenal of weapons apparently there's reports that the f.b.i. when they were trying to investigate his home that his house was booby trapped i mean this is pretty sophisticated planning and the alarm bells somewhere along the
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way somebody must have seen something to raise these alarm bells i have no idea if that's true and neither do you i don't really want to join the ridiculous game of speculation that's not going to say that we're going to everything from occupy wall that they already against the lack of christianity one the insane. decision and again it's a little tricky for me to see how a policy solution or us presuming that someone should have been able to thought this from happening it doesn't seem reasonable to say right so i mean. so you don't think that there needs to be any change in policy whatsoever i mean yes obviously something he was he wasn't mentally there he obviously wasn't you know in a sound state of mind but i mean that he is a madman but he did have the tools to carry out this horrific act well he was evil you know he was evil he seemed to have a goal it seemed out of a goal of killing
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a lot of people probably making a lot of news pretty chose to do in a very colorful place shows do apparently booby trap his own apartment in the new police would be going through it so this is an evil god and i don't think we should really be looking for the mentally ill and shooting guns and gun being knocked out of the hands of evil people you know what are you talking about again no one had any reason to suspect that there was anything wrong with this guy that should have prevented him from legally buy a gun even though also i don't know if he did legally by this time i honestly don't know what people who talk about all these solutions are talking about i mean i i'm going to lay this out to you if you're saying that what what do you think could have happened legally to stop this from happening. i mean that's the the details are still being worked out but me and people that are critics of the say that something needs to be done to make sure that whether it's regulation you know at
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the same time protecting the right to bear arms for citizens like yourself that will use the you know for nonviolent methods but also to do something to make sure that people that are that are evil are not able to use these as tools to correct to commit the unremitting act there's not really any way to do that it's standard background checks which only work on people who have already committed a criminal if your very first moment in your life on the earth is going to be a mass slaughter with guns i honestly can't imagine what. can stop that but it is worth remembering for those who who just sort of have this deep sense of both sorrow and error about what happened today that this is the fight how loud it rings in all of our hearts for good reason on the day after and is not an everyday thing barely ever you're seeing in the overall gun murder rate well maybe when you're around. all right you know we spend a lot of i don't want to ask you we spend
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a lot of billions of dollars overseas you know on these wars overseas and when something like this happens it kind of begs this question are we falling short of investing here at home protecting our citizens here at home. well we surely should not be wasting all the money we're wasting on all these overseas wars but again i'm not sure what sort of police they are security the leash in could have stopped that maybe you know a better lock on the door that the man. picked way through i mean we're pretty heavily police in the united states is that it's really i think a mental error to assume that there was some sort of security so we should not stop every standard no evil maniac from doing anything and i think believing that that's the case it would lead you down dangerous paths in terms of both our pride and our right all right brian a very interesting take there thank you so much for coming on the show that was brian dorothy he is a senior editor for reason magazine and an author of the book gun control on trial
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. also ahead on our team mexico is bracing for a weekend of protests as residents are still upset with the recent presidential elections are to dive into the issue and.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions breakthrough it's already been made who can you trust no one. with the global machinery where we had a state. capitalism is called. when nobody dares to ask we do our question more. is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old when she told the truth. to confess and i am going to get a sense that. she was kind of yesterday. and very. soon as she played.
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right let's just bring gerard is right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. it's much stronger than anything you could buy obviously. our rules of the arms were stronger than any gun a broom of w. they were putting the. book into the alona so you know there's a real headlines with none of the words the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v.
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. mexico is very sing for another round of protests against president elect and great gay pena nieto protesters are up in arms over election results they believe pena nieto of the revolutionary party or p.r.i. won the election there were a vote buying their vote buying and other forms of voter fraud they're accusing they're also accusing the media in mexico for failing to report on the protest because they're being paid to support pena nieto that tens of thousands of protesters are expected to take the to the streets in cities across mexico mexico on sunday it's being called the mega march student group called yo soy. dos is calling for a demonstration outside of televisa the television station there accusing of censoring the protests a member of that group joins me now miguel dataset ohs is in mexico city mexico
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right now with more welcome to the show me go so tell us more about these protests you have planned. i'm sorry i heard it here we go there i'll just tell us more about these protests that you have planned ok. well this isn't are going to station as a movement we are going to go out on sunday. at eleven am we are going to go to the. to the president how i'm from there we're going to start in march we are going to go through the big of a new report tomorrow and then we're going to go to the downtown they're going to vote. ok and what is it exactly miguel that you and your fellow protesters are demanding well we're demanding democracy to be on it to be real to be. according to what the people want. once in power once
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we are trying to. start making people awake. you know who can make them conscience what is happening all these money if you lay shown all of these. you know it's it's kind of. it's an alliance against it's the government to be and for prices to be power a comical power and all of them are trying to impose something and that's what we don't want to happen we want our people to be free we want them to to continue you know participating in decisions that we are going to say during during our life and we want everybody to be part of these not only the power or to powerful people and i know you and other protest are protesters are alleging voter fraud to what
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extent do you think that happened in this election and what is your proof of it. well it was flagrant it was it was all of use we we have a lot of video we have a lot of the announcer from people who came. just willingly they came they were willing to come to the sleaze where i am i am the monument so i will soon it's a monument. that is very representative for the revolution here and then to go and we are camping there and the little people came here showing those of you for improved. because they were invited to work for the r i pretty or they were invited to vote for them in exchange for you know a little calling just a few calling so it was it was i can't really explain it it was frustrating for all of the it was actually something the that made us really really
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mad really angry because it's not possible that the government is doing things this way and me go how widespread do you think that this that these voter fraud allegations and these vote buying the practice of buying valid how widespread do you think it was i mean was it a few isolated cases or was it systematic no it was systematic. there well they are actually being investigated by the other institutions because of these for all because of the alliance between the speed and surprises and the and the party that is supporting finances so we we know that it was a system that they were. but they were actually performing there was no it's just an isolated case ok and i know that you're also there is this protest planned outside of the television station televisa what exactly are you accusing the media
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there and mexico of doing. money pollution of the information they are not for example if we go out to the street people we go in on a mega march if we if we go to the friends latest to protest they do not show it on television these are the folk about it on the radio they don't talk about it on the newspapers or at least not all of them and why not do you think they're kind of in with nato yeah that we think well that's what we know actually it's not it's not a thought it's a fact we know that they are they are together doing this ok and how confident are you that these protests that we'll be able to to get the to get the capture the attention. of nato and really really lead to change well we have already called to the pension. she has actually approached a well known him to his people he has actually approached. for well no
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he has approached the movement trying to you know to talk. but we are not going to do it we don't want to talk to him we've been once a negotiating anything we want to our own. that's right. not because of him as a person as an individual we want him to be because that's what he represents. all the people who are surrounding him and that party with you but we know that they are not beneficial for our country there are no beneficial for people so that's why we want we want him out and we want that part of the government all right thank you for coming on the show and telling us all about this movement going on over there and mexico that was miguel's have to sort of he is a member of the story. though movement. if you now you've heard of the military industrial complex but what about the cyber or excuse
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me the security industry all complex at the bar and can tell you all about it. have you guys ever heard of the information security oversight office well i hadn't either until i came across its two thousand and eleven report outlining just how much u.s. taxpayers are paying to classified government documents a whopping eleven point three six billion dollars stake a look at this graph from one thousand nine hundred five until two thousand government spending on classification was pretty stable starting from three billion dollars to about four and a half billion dollars and in the five years after nine eleven the money spent on classification rose steadily every year to double that eight billion dollars for the most recent two year period from two thousand and nine until two thousand and eleven the price of classification has skyrocketed from eight a half billion dollars to almost twelve billion dollars that's a twelve percent jump in costs just from two thousand and ten and let's think about this for one second about how much money the federal government has spent on other
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services in two thousand and eleven just nine point eight billion dollars on child care and early childhood education despite there being a huge job crisis in this country only nine point one billion dollars has been spent on training and employment education for adults and you're probably thinking well yes agencies like the cia and n.s.a. need their documents to be classified to protect america's national security but this classification spending is working entirely outside of the agencies that you would think even need it is because the central intelligence agency the defense intelligence agency the national security agency the national reconnaissance office the national geospatial intelligence agency and the office of the director of national intelligence are not even included in the eleven point three six billion dollars you know the part that really puts this on a perspective is the director's statement that accompanies the report about why these costs are so essential he says increasing investment in classification and security measures is both necessary to maintaining the classification system and
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fundamental to the principles of transparency participation and collaboration so classifying for transparency ha well george orwell would be proud abby martin r.t. washington. well that's going to do it for this hour of the news but let's turn it over now to lauren lyster she is the host of capital account and she is going to give this a preview of what's to come lauren what can we look forward to today hi there liz well it is friday and i know that it has been a major breaking news day domestically for a lot of outlets i know that i think you covered this colorado story as well but stepping aside from that there is still an economic. just very slow doldrums underway in the united states certainly in europe worth keeping on top of and examining and we spoke to day lives to a woman who has
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a really different way of looking at booms and busts it's not a way that you typically hear economists describe them because technology technological innovation it's something that impacts every day yet it's not something that really factors into a lot of economists assessment of booms and busts but when you look at capital and flows of capital and cycles of capital and financial crises through this lens of technological revolutions the kind of investment that goes into them and then the kind of financial ization of them in order to meet the demands of speculation into them does this paint a trend that could help us understand what we've come out of and where we are headed well our guest says yes and it is very worthy of listening to all of it this fine friday listen that's right that's coming up next thanks for that update lauren before on there is news we covered you can have check out of you tube channel you
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tube dot com slash artsy america we will be right back here and a half hour. oh it sure is that so much i'm going to get richard cole on it comes over here with trials and tribulations the g.o.p. presidential candidate mitt romney has romney's rich history in less than transparent business records too much for voters. download the official antti up location on the phone oh i pod touch from the i.q. exam still. life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s mine told costs and already says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com.
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