tv [untitled] July 22, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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the large. villages news and the weeks are top stories here on our team in the fierce fighting groups a serious political and commercial capital with reports that street battles and strikes are forcing residents to see their homes. meanwhile at the u.n. security council russia and china gave veto a western bag syria resolution both moscow in beijing say it was unbalanced focusing on sanctions early on damascus and not targeting the opposition. demonstrations that turned violent in spain with a million people taking to the streets last week to vent their anger at the latest batch of e.u. impossible sterrett in measures. and israel rounds on the run of the bulgarian suicide bombing which killed seven including five israeli tourists but
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some analysts accused televisual of using it to gain international support. it's five am here in moscow you're watching r.t. for the weekly series two largest cities have become the focal points of intense street clashes between army forces and the rebels the country's largest city aleppo is now enjoy its fourth day of fighting where the main battle reportedly centered around the intelligence headquarters rebels have in the gulf of the city from rural areas and engaged in clashes with government troops of forcing residents to see to safety reports of sporadic fighting also continue to pour in from from damascus but tensions say is off that lead troops under the control of the president's brother opposition fighters from key districts as a marine for not is in the. syrian capital. this week for the first time in
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seventeen months the syrian conflict has finally hit home in damascus billowing smoke clouds the skyline of one of the oldest inhabited capitals in the world a city which used to present a reputation for its liveliness and vibrant night life clashes between government troops and rebels have broken out in at least five damascus neighborhoods in medan where the fighting has been the fiercest tanks are rolling on the roads rather than cars with soldiers the only people left in the streets but the reason why it's so hard to capture all these terrorists is because they can easily disguise themselves as civilians when we conduct our operations we have two hundred civilians and terrorists use that to move around the army has launched a major offensive following a deadly attack on the country's security leadership last wednesday national security building in the central damascus this is exactly where the suicide bombing
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happened here earlier on wednesday killing the country's defense minister and his deputy we were earlier been hearing reports that it's been a very intense bombing but as you can see the building is not very much damage some windows broken and actually this is all the damage as we can see from here also from what we can see from here we can understand that the explosion happened inside the building at a time when there has been a mitten between cabinet ministers and high ranking security officials free syrian army has already claimed responsibility for what happened and for the blast and for the killings many countries have closed their embassies here in syria had half withdrawn all personnel in this neighborhood alone turkish embassy over there saudi embassy this is the building of american embassy tallon embassy these embassies have also suspended their work overseas companies have also had a creator their staff foreigners no longer feel safe here in the syrian capital and they have fled but ordinary syrians don't have the same choice the world has come to their doors. and they have nowhere to run and they're trying to organize their
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everyday life waiting for this nightmare to end one of the most important roles these days in the syrian capital is not to go to the city's troubled areas where the clashes between the rebels and the army still continue and the names of these neighborhoods are very well known for everybody here might have began. well no i won't take you to my down it's too dangerous but damascus is a very big city with a population of around two million people maybe these days even more with all displaced families from homs and eleven other epicenters of the uprising from all across the country shelter now here in the capital and in some neighborhoods you can see pictures that you don't at all expect to see in the capital of the country and golf with war or like this family alone picnics really very peaceful pictures so one can flick has been raging for seventeen months already people say they are tired they are exhausted but they also say that life must go on my fortune r t
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from damascus in syria rebels who are fighting government troops in the city of aleppo have described the assault as an operation to liberate the city the edison chief of the independent syria tribunals spain to r.t. what he things this really means to liberate the city from its all people that's what i mean i actually saw far for the past fifteen months and it has shown nothing but great support to the syrian government up to the president. this was manifested by huge rallies several times. the issue the idea of the opposition failed repeatedly to demonstrate in the city to show their their size in peaceful demonstrations or. battles they refer to recruiting others from other areas and have them circulate the area in the countryside but not inside the city so far . international concern about the situation in syria is mountain with the arab
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league nations now calling on president assad to step down to help end the bloodshed this comes as the mandate of the three hundred strong international observer force in syria was extended for another month on friday the unanimous u.n. security council decision followed another vote to which so russia and china veto a resolution threatening sanctions against assad's regime moscow described the west and led plan which could potentially have resulted in foreign military action in syria as bae is to because it only put pressure on the government middle east academic professor lawrence davidson says if the world community really wants to solve violence in syria it also has to put pressure on those sponsoring the rebels in this un resolution was something of a red hering. because it wouldn't have made much difference on the ground the british ambassador to the u.n. made a statement that said that. the resolution would have helped save lives i think this
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is just utter fantasy i think from the american standpoint why into being openly when it's possible that the regime might fall just through clandestine intervention in direct intervention and if the british and the americans and the french want to save lives all they have to do is put pressure on this already yes and atari's and others to stop running guns into this area and tell you how a rebel. as a u.s. continues to back the syrian opposition a series of online training videos seem to show a desire to influence the conflict from afar many of these videos were aimed at the syrian opposition actually made in theory itself is that many of them originating from other countries including a lot of them coming from the u.s. and of course that again raises questions about the u.s.
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as involvement in this type of cyber warfare was the footage and join our discussion on the western impact of the syria online at r.t. dot com. and in bahrain is the ruling more likely has intensified its crackdown on anti-government activists in an attempt to stabilize the country shaken by nationwide protests. and to austerity of protests have swept spain this week with the public taking a stand against recently introduced additional spending cuts on thursday of a million people who are thought to have rallied the country as public outrage if we choose its peak. ski report for magicked. now this is yet another one in a string of anti all three g. anti-government protests in spying which have been hitting the country over the course of the past several weeks now several thousand have gathered in the central square in madrid here to protest against the austerity measures by the government
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the situation is very bad it's terrible unemployment is growing the government's job reforms are in their increasing mass layoffs and cutting benefits every person who's come out to demonstrate is exercising their right to protect what he's entitled to by the norms of democracy one vote every four years doesn't mean anything. the government is not representing the interests of the people of the measure so aim to tell me if you know the holy shit this comes just days after thousands of people across spain in madrid in particular closs with the police several dozen war wounded the police had to use tear gas and rubber bullets to pacify the crowd this is all because on the july the eleventh the spanish prime minister announced that additional sixty five billion euros will be cut from things like pensions and unemployment benefits to rescue the country's financial banking sector the hundred billion rescue plan was then passed approved by the german parliament on thursday and by brussels on friday i understand is that the spanish
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government has been defending their policy just defending the cuts saying that this is basically the only way to rescue the country's ailing economy and the ailing banking sector will certainly have to wait and see whether more protests will happen and whether the people who are getting more and more aggressive with every step in the austerity measures that the country's government is implementing will be willing to take more the anger to the streets once again says she. believes the situation in spain is bound to get worse as people are pushed and. it's a very small patch over a massive massive gaping hole and that gaping hole is private sector to the people when you take their food you take all that they have you take their you know homes and they respond quite viscerally what we saw in madrid for instance wasn't violent in our kissin a group that decided to burn a bunch of dumpsters what we saw were you know police charging against other police protesting police we saw them charging against firemen and women we saw them
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charging against public sector workers and chasing them through the streets of madrid and neighborhoods in madrid the actual people that lived there were actually throwing flower pots from the balconies at the police now that's a qualitative change from what we've seen over the last year and spain certainly you see people living in a.t.m. bill. things right in the late him services and you see them living out in the streets looking in the in the trash you know for food i mean these are people that that two years ago were working and they were working and maintaining families and now they're very livelihoods are threatened and of course tensions are going to boil over the world may have funneled over twenty one trillion dollars in to fill havens around the world to avoid paying taxes that's now do you think i equals the combined size of america and japan's annual output and comes from a report commissioned by the tax justice network it's off them that james hendry says that tackling this problem presents a great challenge to governments around the world but i think one of the ironies is
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that some of the biggest players in this axiom in the street are major banks that received a lot of government assistance in the bail out of the top ten banks include fire u.s. banks that received billions and billions of dollars meanwhile we are now being the richest people on the planet their assets abroad intervene in taxes so you know there's a there's a real policy problem here we have to cut the county gristle this sort of banking industry once and for all you know this example of tax evasion so powerful example where you have a relatively tiny group having its way with democracy basically having too much influence or the pass laws and the new course that result from that so that you know this is a real challenge to our system as well as to work economy there's been a lot of rhetoric about. secrecy jurisdictions but i think this is been
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disappointing two thousand and nine we have the g twenty talking basically about to try to crack down on so-called secrecy jurisdictions where a lot of this money flows are nothing has been done nothing substantial. coming up a grim anniversary for no way a year after reading nationalism is a repeated attacks look at the extremist ideologies which are in the supposedly multicultural you are. plus american viewers disappointed by network news shows are turning to independent journalism stay with us to find out why. this weekend police clashed with thousands of anti-government demonstrators using tear gas and rubber bullets crowds to to the streets against the decree that bans all kinds of public protests the morning his response was swift with hundreds of raids on the names of suspected protestors and dozens of the rest of the media has
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also been targeted with police apparently ordered to prevent coverage of the unrest we spoke to someone you witnessed the brutality on the streets a filmmaker and veteran human rights activist jen malone before being kicked out of bahrain she was one of the few western journalists at the she says of the situation is more desperate the many would believe. what i witnessed is an increasing increasing repression against the pro-democracy and human rights activists in the short time that i was in bahrain i felt like the situation was actually deteriorating it is across the country it is extremely widespread and in villages and towns all over bahrain there is violent repression of attempts to demonstrate and attempts to protest even more alarming much more increase of house raids at night in middle of the night in villages all over riot police coming in surrounding houses brutally arresting people and imprisoning them taking people
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from russia france wanting poolesville private homes this practice of targeting activists and demonstrators fortunately seems to be on the rise and very widespread . right now the bahraini regime is very determined not to let what's happening be exposed and so anyone who's going to bahrain with the purpose of the agenda of trying to show what's happening and trying to really expose the reality on the ground there is wants to keep them out and keep them silent as much as possible. it's been a year since anders breivik massacred seventy seven people in twin attacks in no way he's still under trial claiming that the killings were necessary as part of his fight with multiculturalism and as tessa siller reports in europe's clash of cultures is growing ever more radical. i swear to god we will not let it pass peacefully therefore we say stay in your homes you know. just in our
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streets girls are raped molested and insulted by gangs of immigrants the battle cries of grown louder. of hatred to religion. in extreme cases ideology turned to tragedy more than seventy people were killed by far right militant anders breivik in norway over his rejection of the government's policies towards muslim immigrants in france seven people including children were killed by islamist hammad mirah in a deliberate attack against jews he was then killed in a police raid both men adding fuel to flames of hatred and prejudice dismissed from . the caliphate the perfect misstate the far right one to build
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the racist. so primitive state. ny style and the far left. to build communities and deliver of it right is probably done it was done ten years ago we tried to talk to proponents of each extreme edia me is the leader of a group in belgium that's labeled the far right and he's been convicted on charges of racism which he denies up immediately with the influx of foreigners because we can't cope anymore work you don't have to be an extremist it's needed the same anti immigration. argument put forward by the golden dawn party in greece dubbed neo nazi and fascist by critics it won a seven percent of votes in recent elections and attacks on foreigners in greece is reportedly on the rise and. we also met with the leader of the islamist group sharia for belgium there is
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judgment if you if you're a muslim you will go to paradise if you are this believer you will go to hell that's what we believe he's now in custody and is being investigated for terrorism suspected of sending young muslims to fight in holy wars in yemen and chechnya but such arrests have not stopped other groups from sprouting we tried to talk to another hardline salafi group in belgium reportedly with saudi links and are under surveillance by authorities several young men tried to stop us from filming and in the end called the police we were told that for our own safety we should just leave that doesn't boil down to an economic solution is there a fundamental clash of cultures of religion are these extremists or just some minority of the attacks was by this isolated cases the answers you get depends on whom you ask and in the end all you get is a hodgepodge of opinions and no real solution on how to curb this growing distilling what some experts call a cycle of hatred feeding off of each other
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a gargantuan challenge for europe to address before hatred turns to more of this. tesser cilia r.t. brussels. there's more news for you at home including rising sea levels in the u.s. it's very hot suspended reckon speed over the next yam hitting its highest level since the one thousand sixty's we report on why there is little to stop it. plus a married mother and a model made the russian woman to be the only nun american to reach the last sixteen of a pageant that's. celebrates wives at r t v dot com. the was. the. israel's prime minister's blaming the deadly suicide bombing in bulk area this week
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on hezbollah the shiite group supported by iran seven people including five israelis were killed in the attack on a bus carrying tourists but independent researcher soraya support paul raker things iran wouldn't risk international condemnation by supporting terrorism. next time yahoo and israel in fact need to play the victim card in order to be more aggressive and in the past few months few years israel has lost a lot of support even here in the united states it's very easy to put the blame i mean iran and iran is not a very attractive country to the world and the masses are very happy to accept whatever they're told now if they're told by mr netanyahu to me it doesn't make sense and iran would want to carry out this operation it's very hard to accept that iran would willingly cut the world can their marriage and cater to the wishes of these really is by providing them with an excuse to attack
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a wheelchair using army veteran and social just a protester has set himself on fire in israel it's a second such incident and fifth attempt in a week with the previous coinciding with mess or rallies against government policies but i'll have ossie who's a public housing activist in a regular demonstration says these latest acts of desperation unfortunately nothing new. i think what people are feeling is despair and this is what people are trying to say to our government people are dying here every week people are committing suicide they do it in their homes they're doing it far away from our but this happens here all the time people are not dying here of hunger but they are dying of despair binyamin netanyahu throughout his political career has always had a new liberal economic view which is pro privatization which is the whole
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idea is that poor people have to handle themselves. and this is what we have seen him throughout his career so i am not surprised that binyamin attorney now is not answering us very quickly i am surprised that our minister of housing does not understand that either he gives real solutions to people or he should resign from this government. more and more american viewers expressing their disappointment with the main a news network shows they say they've had enough of biased reporting errors and too much time given over to show biz gossip the result of this loss of faith as artie's marina explains is a rise in citizen journalism that's trying to satisfy the public's hunger for real and reliable information. venning goodness statics round the clock operations a product always being exported america's mainstream news industry generates power
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and profits but it seems partisan reporting and frequent gaffes may have made many americans turn away from the big broadcasters when they are. writing the revolution going our across. and headline is. home to getting the work that program where our our recent gallup poll shows an all time low of only twenty percent of the public trusting the news many say this means citizen journalism is becoming a big game changer and the amazing thing about training citizens to be really good pundits is that they they have a wealth of information that journalists just don't have when you help them connect what they know are exposed to their experience with a big picture political event it's very powerful what's that journalist and
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best selling author and iommi wolf not only supports citizen journalism she and business partner lisa thomas have built a nonpartisan training ground for it it's called daily klout dot com we're not just teaching people to vent we're training people to write rigorous shapely opinion pieces which are eight hundred words long and also to source their assertions and we also teach them how to link what they're exposing are calling for with action steps. daily klout also features a legislative search engine that monitors and explains bills making their way to capitol hill a tool allowing everyday people to hold federal state and corporate leaders accountable when america's fourth estate fails to i think the mainstream media has become about entertainment. and. so concerned who who holds the purse strings if the mainstream media is controlled by large corporate interests they're going
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they're beholden to them but this website is independently financed giving tens of thousands of citizens the freedom to report on topics many news networks are accused of suppressing i think one of the best ways you can judge a state of democracy is in how they and i think if you kind of a situation where the citizens of the country are actually bypassing the mainstream media i think that says a lot about the stage of democracy critics however argue that only properly educated and experienced journalists should be intrusted with understanding the rigors and ethics involved in news reporting but even then. there is no guarantee the public will receive facts the supreme court justices have struck down the individual mandate for the unconstitutional the direct blow to the president of united states a direct blow to his democratic party the individual mandate has been struck down
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it has been struck down no it has not. stopped i knew. there was mass media still maintain some stronger and wider reach that citizen journalism but it no longer holds the power to determine what the public is debating doing or you can reporting about hurry up or not artsy new york. i'll be back with a reminder of the headlines in just a few minutes to stay with us. you're .
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more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all today. if they shoot something inappropriate for a public they can easily be shown to. have she's a war ok. i wish she would have never happened but it has. been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary would destroy their own safety all foreign nationals
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including journalists and inspectors should leave iran. and the spear work out buns with such witnesses i got it on my site. many. merciless shooting on our. interpol started. for going global and now it's pulling the fire. log in. to the right of. choose your place take your stand. needs to. make your statement. spread the word.
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