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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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more than one hundred killed and many others wounded in iraq as militants staged a nationwide offensive just days after all kind of proud of the violent comeback. the terrorist group also be prints its roots next door in syria the war torn state now under international scrutiny over what might happen to its chemical weapons. and oppose our privacy social networks have complied with around a thousand requests to hand over personal data this year alone by users setting their info that. it's five pm in moscow this is archie coming to you live i mean it's now way with
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our top story and a wave of terror in iraq attacks explosions of a suicide bombing have killed at least a hundred and seven people across the country and left nearly three hundred wounded the seemingly coordinated assault turned today into the bloodiest episode in iraq since u.s. troops left the country government officials police and army units appear to have been the primary targets of the onslaught the attacks also came days after al qaeda as new leader in the country played out our day shift plans for the terror cell there here's artie's mideast correspondent paula slayer this is the most deadly attack in at least ten you know in iraq and what is a day yesterday that saw some seventeen people killed now we're hearing from a security personnel spokesperson that the target of these attacks is predominantly security and iraqi police it comes just days almost to a warning by the lido i'll cry that you may run abu bakar al but gaiety said he would be. king strongholds that had been those day he would be pushing out the
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united states and its allies in an already of recording that was posted online he said and i'm quoting and he was referring here to the united states you will see that he didn't at the heart of your country since war has only just begun now these latest developments in iraq are parallel to what we're seeing unfolding in syria but it is interesting that the mainstream media is a largely choosing not to report on iraq to the extent that it is which is reporting on developments in syria so the questions being are still first week why is iraq not in the headlines to be a stand that's it really is and secondly when you look at the talk currently on the table about whether or not there should be any kind of interference any kind of wisden outside interference in syria it simply raises abalos particularly if you look at what has happened in iraq where there was an occupation for decades today in iraq we see chaos we see constance triumph we see a death toll that is constantly on the increase and concern is being raised whether
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or not the same kind of somalia might eventually play out in syria. more international perspective on the chaos today in iraq with jim brown from stop the war coalition he joins joins us i should say live from london thanks for being with us just a day after al qaida vows a comeback we see the deadliest day in iraq since u.s. forces withdrew do you see a connection here. i think so i think we can we have to be a little bit skeptical about the use of the. simply in the sense of they use the term quite loosely but nevertheless it clearly represents a certain faction or tendency in iraq that we saw in operation specially some years ago which seems to have come to the fore and which is clearly connected with the whole events in the region i don't think you can detach it isolate it to iraq you
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have forces lining up really i think there's no doubt that it has to do with targeting iran among other things and forcing other interests in the region. and if they're capable of pulling the type of attack that we saw nationwide today what might al-qaeda or any other kind of terrorist cells in iraq be capable of doing. well i think we have to assure that those forces are at least capable of doing now what they did in roughly in the period two thousand and five to two thousand and eight also i think we have to assume that. they have some definite form of outside backing so that there may well even be outside personnel involved for example not even iraq you know that's quite possible as it appears to be true in the mid. six or seven years ago how is that possible with america having
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gone through those great lengths to remove al-qaeda and neuters support of it for more than a decade. well i mean you have to be skeptical about everything that's presented to do with iraq as we've learned you know from the very beginning so that. whether it's really a case of eliminating certain individuals who are leaders and their boy. suppressing the whole movement is debatable i mean maybe they have this continuous applause maybe they did eliminate a few key people some years ago. but then again maybe these personnel coming in from outside that's quite possible if al qaeda continues to make these kind of concrete gangs what do you think washington's response will be i mean surely they won't keep quiet about it. no i mean i think to present the united clearly the unite the bulk of united states troops have left but i think to present the united
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states as being some neutral party parties somebody without real interest would be quite wrong clearly the united states its interest in iraq has its interest in iraq and one way or another is playing them out so that for example you have the largest so-called embassy in the world with i think seventeen thousand personnel and i assured him that the united states would want a situation in iraq which was relatively stable not out of control which was factionalized which minimized iranian influence for example which the central government in iraq relatively weak but leaving the united states relatively powerful and within that context i suggest that they would want to manage the situation but they certainly wouldn't want to eliminate the problem because that would reduce their bugging. the terror group's new chief in iraq went
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off at length about his plans and also about achievements in syria what do you think is that stake for al-qaeda in that war torn country well. i think one way or another we're talking about proxies when we talk about al qaida in iraq or when you talk about this man yesterday making his statement i think we have to see it see them as a proxy for what they told the saudi interest because there is this this great battle being fought out. for control and influence and then one side stands saudi arabia backed in general by by united states and nato on the other side stand iraq so in that sense it's quite understandable that he would link the two questions the question of on the rest of syria and the question of similar questions in iraq because they form a kind of general they form a kind of axis and they would try to break that axis and they think that
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the existing iraq in government however weak is. a great extent pro iranian. so they would try to break that down in that side so you can understand why he links the two questions the questions of syria and the question of iraq right jim brann stop the war coalition on the line with us live from london thank you very much. well his influence is being felt beyond the iraqi border in neighboring syria like mr brander saying german intelligence apparently claims the terror group is behind almost one hundred attacks there since the beginning of the year fighters are believed to be working alongside serious armed opposition which is now putting all its effort into seizing control of the country's largest cities after the rebels failed attempt to take to mass chaos the commercial hub of aleppo now bears the brunt of the conflict our main opposition classes have been ongoing for several days on
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a boycott of reports. arts he was one of the few if not the only foreign crew that was able to travel to aleppo last in three months ago and from what we've seen there i can tell you that he's a very peculiar case for these whole syrian struggle no where you can see the kind of virgin's of the genuine democratic movement and pure criminal activity so that in the s. and on one hand aleppo is home to a major university so a lot of people you meet there are liberally minded intellectuals they oftentimes disagree with the policies of bashar assad many of them call on him to step down but at the same time they strongly object to the use of kalashnikovs or any political games they don't want democracy to be delivered through these very bloody conflict through these very bloody struggle on the other hand aleppo is home to
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many militia groups this is probably because it's far more closer to the north and to the turkish border that is used to supply all those arms and in the letter you hear a lot of stories a lot of cases of industrial terrorism where shops and factories were sat on fire simply because their owners your fused to pay the so-called revolutionary tax that the free syrian army attempted to impose on local businesses the. also a lot of cases of kidnappings and those kidnapping zakk carried out not so much for political aims or goals but rather simply for ransom so a lever is indeed a very important strategic location for both the army and the opposition and the battle for aleppo will be very important in determining the balance of power of the distribution of forces in these seventeen month long syrian conflict. from a is updating what's really going on in the syria conflict zone on twitter for us
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probably are from the country as it is military hospital in the capital damascus around one hundred soldiers died there in the last two days the majority of them nearly two months early twenty's follow the latest news on syria also on our t.'s twitter feed. israel says it's prepared to deal with syria's chemical arsenal if it falls into hezbollah's hands should also the regime collapse despite possessing such weapons to mask insists it's only will use them if there's a foreign attack some regional experts though think it's more dangerous of israel helps the syrian rebels to obtain the stockpile i think the. syrians are moving cautious of of weapons of conventional or non-conventional nature within syria that's their own prerogative as a sovereign state they have their rights and the prerogative of moving the up
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that. to forgo medications not take medications that are in a health basket because they don't have money these are making people feel big unrest and the fact that there is no true political will to address these domestic issues is you know is the result that we're seeing is in these. attempts suicidal attempts and the fact that people have let themselves up literally in a matter of protest. why isn't the government for feeling at least some of the protesters there miles i mean at least housing ministers per se. i'm sorry can you beat the question why are we seeing so little reaction from the government especially in terms of housing ministers and kind of social ministers that it should be responding to this. well this is not
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a matter of you know the past year or days it's been a it's a matter of days decades and even you know a change in governments which haven't addressed domestic issues inequalities between israelis you know rich and poor people living in the prefer easy and the center arabs and jews has been an issue for years and has been documented for years but you know for many reasons there's always no matter it's even not a matter of what government is in place but a matter of. what sets the agenda and what we're seeing is very very liberal set agenda that privatizing social agencies such as education and welfare and and and health and we're seeing kind of. what we're seeing is also a very specific agenda or maybe you could say not agenda that addresses foreign issues and sees them as an issue or takes them as an excuse to not deal with domestic
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issues in israel also we're going to talk about priorities i mean really military one of the highest budgets in the world in terms of total government spending leaders say they can't cut it because it'll mean sacrifice and security what are struggling israelis make of our current of reasoning. well again it's it is an issue of priority but it also in the issue of ideology the whole issue i'm not saying security is a non issue it is an issue and we've seen this as an example what happened lately in burgas about the attack on israelis it's not saying that the palestinian israeli conflict or iran or syria is not an issue but they're also domestic issues and while if you take health for an example while the public expenditure on health has been gone down for the past three decades and has put israel in the lowest one of
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the lowest place compared to other developed countries. i mean public that spends public expenditure is very low in israel as compared to other countries there is vestments in settlements there is just a recent survey saying that. expenditure on settlements on welfare in x. and settlements has been five times the amount that the expenditure on welfare inside the green line so it is a matter of priorities it is a matter of ideology and the whole domestic issue has been. has no. not been dealt with for years and i. knew from physicians for human rights thank you very much for your input this hour. millions of us turned to social networks like facebook and twitter to share our lives with friends and family but what you might not know is that you could be giving away your
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personal data to government authorities reported i explained no privacy settings can bar the a far to prying eyes. in the land of social media users tweet tag friends upload and share information at any given moment in the land of the free what americans post online can and will be used against them. according to twitter of the nearly twelve hundred government requests for user data filed in the first half of this year nearly eighty percent came from the u.s. government the michael message company says it complied with seventy five percent of user data washington requested social media in general twitter and facebook being prime examples of that are a part of an ever increasingly invasive police state in the united states it's it's not just about surveillance and about tracking and monitoring this is the way in which they're consolidating control in the past year u.s.
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judges have forced twitter to turn over private or deleted data on users as part of investigations related to wiki leaks or occupy wall street. the ruling according to reports allows prosecutors access to tweets and additional information stored by twitter including the e-mail and ip address of a user it's more about more than just invasion of privacy it's about destroying the concept of privacy online at a recent conference called hackers on planet earth former national security agent william binney detailed the demise of u.s. privacy protection which he says has been carried out by washington for more than a decade it must have been right for you to look for the week after. they decided to begin to supply you with binney spent thirty seven years working for the n.s.a. before resigning to blow the whistle on what he calls the creation of an orwellian
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state your vote for kerry is that we see everything. true. but at the height of his career he served as technical director for n.s.a. as am group a branch that was reportedly responsible for eavesdropping on the world today he estimates that the n.s.a. has secretly compiled and stored more than twenty trillion files of e-mails phone calls and other data belonging to u.s. citizens when it comes to social media he says even users with the strictest security settings are not protected the reality of that is that that's not private at all. if the companies don't have the government doesn't have it so either of them have it where they share with the unobstructed sharing of information is what's made half of billion people flock to social media sites like twitter but missing from the terms of agreement is the monitoring that can be taking place as
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citizens are bursting their short messages into the virtual world we're in important new york. look now at some other stories from around the world about the march through the mess in the capital protests that country's presidential election result and wreak a pena nieto won just over thirty eight percent of its rivals accuse him of buying votes the runner up refuses to accept the official without going to action he also claims media coverage was heavily slanted towards. the. forest fires blazing in northeast spain have killed four people and left twenty four others injured a father and his teenage daughter died when they tried to scale down a cliff into the sea to escape flames in the catalonia region yesterday tourists in a coastal town on the french border rushed to get out of the path of the inferno the fires cover an area almost twice the size of manhattan and are the worst for
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more than twenty years. now europe's dairy farmers are feeling the squeeze they say big business is forcing milk prices down to below the cost of production and they say they're getting nowhere with the e.u. m.p.'s who they cues of following the corporate herd here's our europe correspondent test our silly. i milk farmers have sprayed their fields with millions of readers of milk in protest stormed any peace in strasbourg. that year after year. sometimes their voices are not heard on those policies i don't have the advantage and therefore they feel they have no choice but to take their voices all the way to ruffle. quite literally as hundreds of farmers from across europe tractors and cow statues in tow protested against dropping milk prices and were lobbying lawmakers to take their interests into account in reforming policy yeah
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that's probably supermarkets that they. are saying. the price will be it's the big supermarket chains one day banking and energy giants the next day the critics say those who end up getting their way the end are almost always the big guys with deep pockets commission as a whole consults much more with big corporate interests than with all other kinds of interests in society it leads to very unbalanced decisions that are not serving the public interest in a recent report found that in the e.u. commission straight enterprise department expert groups that give crucial policy shaping advice are made up mainly of corporate representatives while farmers for example have a tiny zero point one percent share of the voice. and they hope this adds a bit of volume to their cause in the mocker see it's always
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a good idea. whatever a proposal you have to come to brussels and to organize a protest if you if you do it of course in a peaceful way but is that the sign of democratic health but one of the biggest corporate lobbies in the e.u. finds no fault in business as usual a decision or a legislation or a policy which is sort of biased black or white into either totally environmental or totally corporate interests it's not exist. yet these people would certainly disagree they say in the end it's hardly ever the people who persistently take to the streets that run the real show. does or so you're r.t.d. brussels and. i'm now for the money enters the day in euro and it always premier bruce business ties with russia yes the special relationship between the two countries is going strong and they marry a more intimate prime minister medvedev in moscow and president putin in sochi
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a hundred miles away this is all teams that were on a course of outlaws the deals they've done. mario monti reaffirmed his commitment to maintain that a friendly relationship that we've seen. in previous years now in terms of the that's what everyone wants to hear in particular. to russia to be two hundred seventy million euros and that's to renovate moscow's sports infrastructure also known as snicko and it's a lease tekken are going to renovate a soulful part that's located in russia far north we have a deal that has to do with it's a lease and of course a rolls there and basically they've ironed out all the financial details on their deal to develop to oil reserves in the black and barren seas and also we already have analysts estimated that investments into those two shelves will exceed that won a billion dollars well i know the deal with the one billion euros this time around is an investment and so russia is in more places and this is why it's harley and
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develop ready sunny acar and of course italy is a very important partner for russia just last year bilateral trade increased by a quarter to forty six billion dollars that's almost pre-crisis levels and of course as i said this is all about the trip was to establish the fact that the friendly relationship and mutually beneficial relationship will continue. now because fresh protests across the eurozone all sending them down as you can see the heavily in the red. is that multi-year lows of rival currencies the to spain's regional matric for financial aid and they too will million dollars of lift that investing in russia last week. flows through a. weak economic data and the world's super rich up to thirty two trillion dollars in offshore havens according to a new report shows the size of america's and china's economies combined it employs pay tax of two hundred eighty billion christensen from tax justice network which
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published the report he explains. some that money actually did return to these countries now some cases it does but it comes back dressed up with direct investment with all the tax breaks that it. comes with foreign direct investment this is a process known as round tripping which happens a lot of cement in many countries like brazil india a lot of the indian and brazilian cavalry has moved offshore tax havens and comes out disguised behind offshore companies so it's not clear that the world's originated with from india or brazil in the first place. but certainly a very large proportion of this capital doesn't come back into productive investment much of it goes around chasing speculative investments on the equity markets of the securities markets to the commodity markets and sometimes real estate markets in europe and north america so a lot of this capital doesn't actually getting gauged in productive activity if
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it's just chasing rental incomes what economists call roads to see even down to the kind of buying british football team stuff like that and they're up to the will of us opening numbers next i predict they're going to be down and it's all right bob we'll see thanks for that update danielle under way a close look at the recent tragedy in russia and scream city where floods claimed over one hundred and seventy lives that's after they had none.
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it is beautiful. to. see. the. rushes would be so much brighter if you mean about someone from funniest impressions. he's.


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