tv [untitled] July 23, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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more than one hundred killed many others won't do that in iraq has militant stage a nationwide offensive just days after al qaeda violent comeback. the terrorist group also deepens its roots next door in syria with the war torn state now under international scrutiny over what might happen to its chemical weapons. out of pocket privacy social networks have complied with a round of thousand requests to hand over personal data this year alone despite use acetic there in focus a confidential. hello there thanks for being with us of daily news twenty four seven this is r.t. it's kevin owen here in moscow tonight the time now just a tad after nine pm and first
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a wave of terror in iraq attacks explosions and suicide bombings have killed at least one hundred seven people across the country and left near three hundred wounded this seemingly cause unable to solve turned today into the bloodiest episode in iraq since u.s. troops left the country government officials police and army units appear to have been the primary targets of the onslaught the attacks also came days after al qaeda is new leader in the country laid out all day shows plans for the terrorist cell there here's our tease middle east correspondent paula sleep. this is the most deadly attack in at least to go in iraq it follows a day yesterday that saw some seventeen people killed now we're hearing from a security personnel spokesperson that the target of these attacks is predominantly security and iraqi police it comes just days off to a warning by the leader of al qaida in iraq abu bakar al bug i.v. that he would be retaking strongholds that had been those of al qaida he would be pushing out the united states and its allies in an audio recording that was posted
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online he said and i'm quoting and he was referring here to the united states you will see here dean at the heart of your country since war has only just begun now these latest developments in iraq are parallel to what we see unfolding in syria but it is interesting that the mainstream media is largely choosing not to report on iraq to the extent that it is it is reporting on developments in syria so the questions being are still firstly why is iraq not in the headlines to the extent that somebody is and secondly when you look at talk currently on the table about whether or not there should be any kind of interference any kind of whiston outside interference in syria it simply raises abalos particularly if we look at what has happened in iraq where there was an occupation for a decade today in iraq we see chaos we see constance triumph we see a diff toll that is constantly on the increase and concern is being raised whether or not the same kind of somalia might eventually play out in syria. commenting on
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today's the road jim brown from the stop the war coalition told us it's all part of a why do struggle. in one way or another we are talking about proxies when we talk about al-qaeda in iraq or when you talk about this man yesterday making his statement i think we have to see it and see proxies for what you produce we call the saudi interest because there is this this great battle being fought out. for control and influence and one side stands saudi arabia backed in general by by some later on on the other side stand iran to present the united states as being some neutral part party some somebody without real interest would be quite wrong clearly the united states had its interest in iraq has its interest in iraq and one my or another is playing them out and i assured him that the united states would want a situation in iraq which was relatively stable and not out of control which was
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factionalized which minimized to reign in influence for example but they certainly wouldn't want to eliminate the problem because that would reduce their boggling power. to brand to the swathe of terror in iraq would be felt widely international relations professor mark allman from bill kent university in turkey says it bodes badly for the whole region. the situation until two thousand and three of course was that saddam hussein had tight control of the country afterwards he was in chaos in cape space but these kinds of terrorist groups to oppose the american presence there is a danger that the kind of bloody chaos that. will come back and this could also spread across a great presence from the mediterranean coast of syria into war with iran and. so we have a very unstable situation and it seems to me western states are playing with the
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car in that we saw you know small scale who like you know an astounding like to be sponsored around to call it really seemed to suit your view of the interest of the person but michael now in a much bigger area with much more important source that seems to be the danger of a very severe disintegration or the very least firearms from a bloody civil war could cost the city of war in a way we in the west and in the wider world of what's happening in the arab world can democrats and troops but are afraid of great. or really just domination between sunni fundamentalists and sharps. his influence is being felt beyond the iraqi border neighboring syria german intelligence apparently claims the terror groups behind almost one hundred attacks there since the beginning of the year al qaeda fighters have believed it working alongside syria's armed opposition which is now putting all its effort into seizing control of the country's largest cities after the rebels failed attempt to take damascus the commercial hub of a leopard now bears the brunt of the conflict in opposition clashes have been
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ongoing there for several days but that's out of the story is artie's excitable. art he was one of the few if not the only four in the crew that was able to travel to the last in three months ago and from what we've seen there i can tell you that he's a very peculiar case for this whole syrian struggle nowhere you can see the kind of virgin's of the genuine democratic movement and pure criminal activity so vividly as in on one hand a leper is home to a major university so a lot of people you meet there are liberally minded intellectuals they oftentimes disagree with the policies of bashar al assad many of them call on him to step down but at the same time they strongly object the use of kalashnikovs who are any political games they don't want that democracy to be delivered through these very bloody conflict through these very bloody struggle on the other hand aleppo is home
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to many militia groups this is probably because it's far more closer to the north and to the turkish border that is used to supply all those arms and in the letter you're hearing a lot of stories a lot of cases of industrial terrorism where shops and factories for sat on fire simply because their owners your fused to pay the so-called revolutionary tax that the free syrian army attempted to impose on local businesses there are also a lot of cases of kidnappings and those kidnappings are carried out not so much for political aims or goals but rather simply for ransom so a lever is indeed a very important strategic location for both the army and the opposition and the battle for aleppo will be very important in determining the balance of power of the distribution of forces in these seventeen month long syrian conflict. our correspondent on the ground in syria doing their utmost to tell you what's really
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going on in the conflict torn country direct through twitter xander boycie just so we visited a military hospital in the capital damascus and says the deaths of the syrian army of rising dramatically most within the last three months. is there forty two the more correspondents part of the team she's in a refugee camp on the syrian lebanese border where she says only those with views are getting desperately needed help you need keep across all developments too from syria on artie's main twitter feed as well. israel says it's prepared to deal with syria's chemical arsenal if it falls into hezbollah's hands should assad's regime collapse despite possessing such weapons damascus insists it will only use them if there's a foreign attack some regional experts though think it's more dangerous of israel helps the syrian rebels to obtain the stockpile first i think that the syrians are moving caches of of weapons of conventional or an unconventional nature within
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syria that's their own prerogative of a sovereign state they have their rights and their prerogative of moving their weapons were ever they want at the same time if that's what their argument is defending lebanon but then again let's see who are supporting the salafi fundamentalists in syria who are supporting the. fundamentalists who are being smuggled smuggled into syria i think it's clear that this is c. and turkey are are doing that sort of there's a danger of such weapons falling into the hands of these people then the culprit there would be exactly the the united states. well we've been reporting at length the differences of approach in how to try to cure the crisis in syria and politics and the came up again at a meeting between the russian and italian leaders in the city of sochi let's get more on that go live to r.t. sean thomas from that meeting sean what divisions are we witnessing this time and.
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well given that two world leaders are discussing syria just showing you how important this topic is on the minds of people around the world italian prime minister monti outlaying his vision with russian president vladimir putin first of all monti says that the transition in syria should be modeled based on the lebanese system when they went through a transition of power they are allowed a system where every religious group and ethnic group had a say in government and had a representative in bad government a system that is working out quite well in lebanon right now now putin does not disagree nor does he endorse this concept rather he's saying we're just getting ahead of ourselves a little bit with this idea listen to what he had to say on the matter. and we should first of all there must be a complete. dismissal and they both sides must come to the negotiating table you decide. that future must not be decided by
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a military victory of one side or the. compromise solution. in essence what president putin is saying is all fighting first has to stop before anything else can move forward and then all sides have to come to the table and have serious negotiations in discussions only then can real change take place and that change possibly meaning updating the constitution to allow for this is done in damascus one thing that russia is trying to avoid at all costs he says that if the armed opposition is allowed to overthrow the current government then the government now will become the opposition and this will start a vicious cycle that will be never ending and he pointed to afghanistan as an example of where this is happening something that russia is trying to prevent which is why they are so strong in saying that all sides have to come to the day table and negotiate properly sean thanks for bringing us up to a to up to date r.t. shaun thomas there. push more to come this hour including europe's furious farmers
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they say someone's milking the system of the not seeing a drop of the earnings either we report on why they're making a splash outside the e.u. parliament. the fallout though israel's lex treatment of his own struggling citizens acing some horrific acts of protest lately two people set themselves on fire within just the last week show me of me from physicians for human rights points out to us that the government's increasing funding settlement expansion at the expense of spending on society. it is an issue of priority but it also in the issue of ideology the whole issue i'm not saying security is a non issue it is an issue and we've seen this as an example what happened. about the attack on israelis it's not saying that the palestinian israeli conflict or iran or syria is not an issue but there are also domestic issues and while if i take health for an example while the public expenditure on health has been gone
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down for the past three decades and has put israel in the lowest one of the lowest place compared to other developed countries i mean the public that spends public expenditure is very low in israel as compared to other countries there is vestments in settlements there is just a recent survey saying that. expenditure on settlements on welfare in x. and settlements has been five times the amount that the expenditure on welfare inside the green line so it is a matter of priorities it is a matter of ideology and the whole domestic issue has been. has no. not been dealt with for years. the losers push for ever expanding settlements in the west coast also the subject to devote to marty's cross-talk to today next episode of verbs on a one nine hundred thirty g.m.t.
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. palestinian my parents were born there my grandparents are buried there my great grandparents are buried there i would like you to tell me why you a new york born white jewish man with no apparent. personal family ties beginning with your parents and going for why do you feel you have more rights than i do to live in that land or my parents who can't even step foot there just to answer that question. millions of us took to social networks like facebook and twitter every day to share our lives with friends and family but what you want not know is that you could be giving away your personal data to governments or desire to own a port or explodes no privacy settings from bar the authorities prying eyes. in the
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land of social media users tweet tag friend upload and share information at any given moment in the land of the free what americans post online can and will be used against them. according to twitter of the nearly twelve hundred government requests for user data filed in the first half of this year nearly eighty percent came from the u.s. government the michael message company says it complied with seventy five percent of user data washington requested social media in general twitter and facebook being prime examples of that are a part of an ever increasingly invasive police state in the united states it's not just about surveillance and about tracking and monitoring this is the way in which they're consolidating control in the past year u.s. judges have forced twitter to turn over private or deleted data on users as part of investigations related to wiki leaks or occupy wall street. the
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ruling according to reports allows prosecutors access to tweets and additional information stored by twitter including the e-mail and ip address of a user it's more about more than just invasion of privacy it's about destroying the concept of privacy online at a recent conference called hackers on planet earth former national security agent william binney detailed the demise of u.s. privacy protection which he says has been carried out by washington for more than a decade it must have been right for you to look for the week after. they decided to begin to supply you with binney spent thirty seven years working for the n.s.a. before resigning to blow the whistle on what he calls the creation of an orwellian state your vote for kerry is that he's the everything is settled.
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truth he. at the height of his career binney served as technical director for n.s.a. as m group a branch that was reportedly responsible for eavesdropping on the world today he estimates that the n.s.a. has secretly compiled and stored more than twenty trillion files of e-mails phone calls and other data belonging to u.s. citizens when it comes to social media he says even users with the strictest security settings are not protected the reality of that is that that's not private at all if the companies don't have the government doesn't have it so either of them have it or they share with the unobstructed sharing of information is what's made half of billion people flock to social media sites like twitter but missing from the terms of agreement is the monitoring that can be taking place as citizens are bursting their short messages into the virtual world marina portnoy r.t.
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new york. much more for a lot of r.t. though com tonight we're reporting on the rage against police over a california killing when officers gunned down a twenty four year old resident his neighbors marched in anger we've got the pictures only to be hit with tear gas and have police dogs set on. what we have here well this is what you get if you break so right heart cells with silicon it's clever though it's the world's first artificial jellyfish we'll tell you why this creepy creature could save lives today are to you doggone. it watching our team europe stary farmers are feeling the squeeze these days they say big business is forcing milk prices down to below the cost of actually
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producing it and they say they're getting nowhere with the euro m.p.'s who are accused of just following the corporate herd here's our europe correspondent. i milk farmers have sprayed their fields with millions of readers of milk in protest stormed any peace in strasbourg. that year after year. sometimes their voices are not heard on those policies i didn't have this advantage and therefore they feel they have no choice but to take their voices all the way to brussels. quite literally as hundreds of farmers from across europe tractors and cow statues in tow protested against dropping milk prices and are lobbying lawmakers to take their interests into account in reforming policy yeah that's probably a supermarket that's the. saying. the price will be it's the big supermarket chains one day banking and energy giants the
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next day or critics say those who end up getting their way the end are almost always the big guys with deep pockets commission as a whole consults much more with big corporate interests than with all other kinds of interests in society they lead to very unbalanced decisions that are not serving the public interest in a recent report found that in the e.u. commission straight enterprise department expert groups that give crucial policy shaping advice are made up mainly of corporate representatives while farmers for example have a tiny zero point one percent share of the voice. and they hope this adds a bit of volume to their cause in the moccasin it's always a good idea. whenever a proposal you have to come to brussels and to organize a protest if you if you do it of course in a peaceful way but instead the sign of the democratic health but one of the biggest
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corporate lobbies in the e.u. finds no fault in business as usual a decision or a legislation or a policy which is sort of biased black or white into either totally environmental or totally corporate interests it's not exist. yet these people would certainly disagree they say in the end it's hardly ever the people who persistently take to the streets that run the real show. does or so your r.t. brussels and. more news making headlines around the world right now thousands of march through the mexican capital protests of thumb screws presidential election results and to one just over thirty eight percent of the votes but his rivals accuse him of buying votes the runner up refuses to accept the official result and is taking legal action he also claims media coverage was heavily slanted toward spin and. forest fire blazing in northeast fane of killed four left twenty four
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others injured in a frenchman and his teenage daughter died yesterday when they tried to scale down a cliff into the sea to try to get away from those flames in the catalonia region they were separated from other tourists running from the inferno in a coastal town on the border with france the fires cover an area almost twice the size of manhattan in the worst more than twenty years. a blast of the chinese consulate in southern pakistan has injured at least two people an explosive was planted on a motorbike parked near the building no injured admitted the attack on saturday ten died and sixteen were injured when a suicide bomber struck at a military compound of the northwest. must tell you across china has killed ninety five people so far and wounded forty five since those torrential rain started on friday drownings housing collapses and electrocutions cause most of the deaths it's thought beijing alone suffered one and a half billion dollars worth of damage. well from what was in beijing the world's
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financial woes now. bush in the dark here business news room desk the global markets on the severe pressure of tens of billions of dollars have been lost with emerging markets doing worst of all. is that stock exchange she says there are few silver lining for the moment. i'm sure that the traders sitting in the r.t.s. offices right behind me are pulling out their hair because the russian markets have dropped with a vengeance and what's more the russian currency took a beating as well but the situation isn't the only bad here it's a pretty much everywhere asian markets closed in the red europe followed suit in the e.u. was dropped over two percent in just the first of four minutes right but when it comes to russia rapidly declining oil prices as well as a capital outflow of eighty one million dollars. aren't helping matters but the main problem remains europe italian and spanish.
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star rockets when it comes to italy trading and some major italian banks are suspended for about an hour because of such steep drop so all this comes over every new three years about the euro zone valencia said it would seek financial aid and this is the second region in spain to say that it might have to do the same and this was announced over the weekend also greece is back in the spotlight after reports in germany suggest that the international monetary fund is set to stop aid payments to the country just seems one blow after another and of course we all know that when it comes to markets it's a domino and five and in this case it seems it's gone from bad to worse for the. worst of all the greeks that walker plunged over seven percent in the german m.p. says the country should return to the drachma banks wall street is falling on the back of europe with. a stronger dollar. let's check those currencies because the
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ruble today slipped the most on the greenback in euros multi-year lows against rival currencies with spanish regions asking for cash help from madrid almost plunge the low sweet bread three dollars lower two dollars this hour on fears that . demand helped send russia down almost five percent the come true also reported capital outflows for a third month in a row for the world's super rich seem immune to it all thanks to holding thirty two trillion dollars in offshore havens according to a new report has the son of the u.s. and china's economies combined it means unpaid taxes of two hundred eighty billion john christensen from text justice which published the report explains. some of that money actually did return to these countries now some cases it does but it comes back dressed up as our own direct investment with all the tax breaks that. comes with foreign direct investment this is a process known as round trip being which happens
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a lot of us in many many countries like brazil india a lot of the indian and brazilian campbell has moved offshore tax havens and farms discouraged by companies so it's not clear that the wealth of the region is really from india or brazil first place. but certainly a very large proportion of this capital doesn't come back into productive investment much of it goes around chasing speculative investment on the equity markets of the securities markets to the commodity markets and sometimes real estate markets in europe and north america so a lot of this capital doesn't actually getting gauged in productive activity if it's just chasing rental income what economists call roads where you can see even down to kind of buying british football team and stuff like. double wormy or falling markets but rising prices corn and soybean prices hit record highs of continuing droughts in the states but the organization for economic cooperation and
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development says expensive food is here to stay food prices will jump twenty percent over the next decade so it's economists who call for farmers to get better yields from existing fields ortiz told bottom of a chicken farm. we're talking about the future of food so why precisely have i decided to come to a chicken farm well if you want an insight into the future of food in the coming decade you could do a lot worse and come to a place like this the o.e.c.d. at the food and agriculture organization published an outlook of the future of the world food market in the next ten years the main themes of that report supply and demand sounds boring but both of those undergo major changes first of all. mound the world's population is still increasing combine that with the vast increases in wealth in the developing world people across asia and elsewhere want more food and more meat in their diets because they can afford it that's where chicken comes in
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it's easy to produce in vast quantities and a lot of efficiency has gone into it that means that it's going to make up a lot more of people's diets up to perhaps thirty percent along with other food sources that people want more of going on to supply there simply isn't enough land in the world anymore that means people are going to have to increase productivity on the land that already exists the overall conclusions of the reports are that the demand for higher quality food more me to cetera things in people's diets means that it's simply going to have to get more expensive extraordinary you have to carry. the cost of living keeps going up there's no daniel thanks ever so much on the way in our to special report for you we take a close look at the tragedy in russia city a crimp square flooding claimed one hundred seventy lives so after a recap of the main headlines from moscow this monday evening. if.
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