tv [untitled] July 23, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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for your media. free radio gondar t.v. dot com. they're the scenes that would make any parent cringe and anaheim rally turns violent when police fire rubber bullets at protesters and unleash a police dog on a mother and child those disturbing images ahead. plus the u.s. drone program may be flying high both in and enemy territories as well as back home but worry not the president of one drone company says you have nothing to fear don't know who he's kidding the american public is smarter than that i'll show you why would you have a good reason to be afraid. and can't we all just get along republicans and democrats arguing over everything these days no matter how trivial it is a partisan divide the likes of which we've never seen in the u.s. we'll speak to one man who has no problem profitable aisle and he encourages
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congress to do the same. good evening it's monday july twenty third eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine if you're watching our t.v. . starting off this hour a horrific chain of events has played out in california over the last few days several incidents involving police officers taking extreme measures using violence to try to control nonviolent citizens let's begin in anaheim california police on saturday approached a few men in an alleyway and when those men started running one of them was shot dead by police so he was unarmed and posing no danger to anyone and then as the hours passed and neighbors began to protest and demand answers from police police responded violently once again take a look. at
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the video showed police shooting rubber bullets letting go of one of the dogs as you can see they're attacking this man and also running first at a woman holding her baby witnesses visibly upset and angry and frankly many of them say they were scared for their lives now many of those people along with friends and family of other victims of police brutality marched to a police precinct the following day michael prysner with the answer coalition was part of that protest and joined me a little earlier to talk about it. sure well i was at the incident saturday i've been in the community talking to witnesses talking to victims of the police attack i was there sunday when we community members and the answer coalition and others took over a police station for about an hour in protest but to let you know what played out on saturday by all accounts of witnesses who were there and those who were victims
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of the attack someone a man well who is a local resident in the community was not in an alleyway with his friends as the police say but was simply in the neighborhood they did run when police confronted them but when men well d.s. had already been shot once and was surrendering when he was shot a second time in the head killing him at that point he was still alive people in the community were yelling out to the police that he was still alive to give them medical attention but instead the police were more concerned with blocking people filming and then handcuffed and searched. as he was dying on the ground then understandably people who had just witnessed this attack and who deal with police brutality and intimidation on a daily basis was coming out on to their front lawns into the community voicing their opposition to what happened peacefully protesting on their front lawns what happened in their neighborhood and the police responded unprovoked without warning first firing rubber bullets bean bag shotguns which have both been known to kill people using pepper spray bullets and tear gas in people and then and leashing an
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attack dog as we saw in the video on a woman and child in a young boy was mauled in that dog attack as were other young people as well and then we know the protests continued they continued throughout the night the next day on sunday we had a large group of us that was led by the family of the victims and in fact three young girls whose brother was the one that was mauled by the police dog led the demonstration into the anaheim police station where we took over the station for over an hour chanting coward shame on you to the police who were there and really shut things down for a while i think you're just continued throughout the day a couple things here michael. quite a few things so i want to kind of break this down for a moment first of all it was really an interesting because i was kind of reading about there's a over twitter and said as it unfolded over the weekend but the fact is that you know the police department at first said oh the residents were throwing things that as. as you say maybe the alleyway was incorrect the fact is
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usually and i've worked in local news for years when you are trying to get the facts of a story oftentimes all you have is this police statement we are living in a new age today because we have cell phone video more and more often what do you think you know how do you think this is going to change things i mean we saw and it was brutal to see that dog that police dog run and just start attacking a man do you think things are going to change now with these videos. well it's going to be the people mobilizing that's going to make these things change and of course this revolution in technology has really revolutionized the way that we can monitor police activity because this is not an isolated incident this is nothing new the reason so many people have come out and to protest is because they are used to this as a day to day reality in their communities this type of brutality this type of violence from the police force so now for the first time in the history of dealing with police violence we're able to actually document what's happening and counter
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what's going to be given out by the police which is ninety nine percent of the time going to be complete fabrication to justify the actions that they had taken on and even with this case of saying oh they had to respond because people were throwing bottles that is very likely not true witnesses say that aren't true but even if it was true does that justify shooting rep weapons that can kill people into a crowd of children where there are baby strollers where there are mothers holding infants you know if this is a white affluent community the police would have dealt with the situation very differently but because it was a poor working class latino community need jerk response to the police was a start firing on people well i was really interesting too i'm not sure if any of the residents told you this michael but a lot of them saying police officers after this incident were actually knocking on doors trying to buy a cell phone video which i can only assume would be paid for with taxpayer dollars to try to prevent this video from being released your thoughts on this. absolutely
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the police did go door to door in this neighborhood offering from what i hear a significant amount of money for any cell phone footage or any video footage that people had of the incident in addition to them you know the first thing they did after killing men while diaz was trying to block people from taking video and what this shows is that the police departments all around the country are well aware that now for the first time their actions are up for public scrutiny and a matter of public record and that's something that is very scary to the police force because up until now all they've had to do is maintain their code of silence where no one no no cops around each other everyone take you know conduct you know these types of actions every day but they're kept safe but now people are now in their own hands having the ability to expose what people deal with every day in the united states and it's not just police departments all around the country of course that's true but we want to hone in for a moment on police departments in california california residents of course no stranger to this we've just put together a few clips that i want to play and this is how it's going to play out it's scott
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olsen critically injured during an occupy wall street protest in oakland followed by a video of a bart police officer fatally shooting oscar grant also in oakland and finally of a thirty seven year old homeless man beaten to death by officers in santa ana that also caught on camera take a look at this. what happened. what's your what's your was. was. was just. so really just all of these things so hard to watch and yet some of these incidents have prompted mass protests and yet this is still happening why do you think this
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is michael well you know it was interesting to see the demonstration yesterday at the police headquarters any time police headquarters because you know the epidemic of police brutality not just the united states but here in california i mean that protest consisted of many family members of very high profile police killings for example kelly thomas who is seen in this video i mean people who have been active around the kelly thomas campaign a family member of families and friends of a man named mike knight who there's a protest this saturday who was murdered and downey california and so you know this isn't of course an isolated incident but what is going to stop it of course is that people mobilizing in response and putting enough pressure on the politicians on the police department to take drastic action when you are if there is a deeper systemic problems with these things that are much deeper to address but i think immediately what can happen is people mobilizing putting putting pressure on the city council on the police department so every single one of those officers who played
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a part in this police riot and these police killings are fired from their jobs and are tried in a court for the crimes they've committed when you took over this police station went down to what on sunday did the police understand why you were there with a courteous to you. well i wouldn't say they were courteous they were very afraid they basically locked up all the windows and doors that they could we basically had the lobby completely under our control the only police officers there were the ones that were just guarding the entrance into the back area of the police station but they weren't courteous i mean they were just very very scared because they know that that video footage does not lie or whatever lies they're used to putting out a statement to the press their actions are on full display for millions around the world to see all right well appreciate having you on the show to give us a firsthand look at what you saw at least in this protest on sunday michael prysner a member of the ancyl answer coalition joining us from our l.a. studios.
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well it's no secret now drones are becoming more and more a part of the way this country does business we've seen them used in modern day warfare to target those believed to be dangerous or a threat to the security of the united states and there are mixed messages about how many civilians these drone attacks have killed but let's not forget drones are not just a weapon of war very soon they will be a permanent fixture in our landscape in this country whether you live in chicago or in north dakota or new york city already the f.a.a. has been adopting new rules expanding the use of small drones domestically by twenty fifteen drones will have access to u.s. airspace currently reserved for piloted aircraft and that can mean thousands and many more will be used for surveillance purposes douglas macdonald is the director of special operations and the president of a company to train people how to fly and operate drones and he recently told the star tribune newspaper in north dakota that everyone should be fine with this he said if you're concerned about it maybe there's
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a reason we should be flying over you right and he went on he said as soon as you lose your kid get your car stolen or have marijuana growing at your lake house that's not yours you probably want one of those flying overhead. so if the right lungs are behaving ourselves should we not worry about what law enforcement is doing well earlier i spoke with trevor tem an activist with the electronic frontier foundation for some answers right it's just a different refrain on the classic argument if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear and you know this is been used countless times in the past to justify a warrantless e-mail surveillance or g.p.s. location on your phone cops getting it without a warrant and it's all actually just of kind of a false use of of an idea that we have about privacy and you know i'm sure if we asked the head of this drone industry whether he would like a law enforcement drone following him around twenty four seven or if we would like him to give up his password to his email address to to us so that we can reduce the
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mails or put cameras in his home he would be very uncomfortable with that and that's the real problem with this argument because he's using it to try to deflect criticism that these surveillance drones are going to inflict on people's privacy which they are because there's actually no laws that really cover this type of surveillance and you know it's not that people are arguing that the drone shouldn't be used at all that's that's not at all the case he's using kind of a straw man to hold it up but all we want our privacy safeguards to prevent americans from being spied on without a warrant or without court oversight and we should mention you know across the country universities here american universities there's new majors at these universities being developed the study of drones of unmanned aerial vehicles and it's sad that you know some of these drone companies are desperately searching for drone pilots what do you think that says in terms of what the future looks like and drones. oh yeah unfortunately a lot of states and
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a lot of universities as you say think the drones can be booming business the f.a.a. is currently looking for about five test sites throughout the country to test these domestic drones and many states are vying to be the recipients of this federal money that will come with this and the same thing goes with with drone pilots you know the u.s. military beyond domestic drones by next year will be training more drone pilots than actual pilots of manned aircraft so they think it's a booming business that's why they actually put this clause into a bill in february the f.a.a. modernization act which forced the f.a.a. to start issuing these these authorizations you know they freely admitted in one of their powerpoint presentations that congress took the clause word for word from what they what they asked them to do you know this industry is looking to sell this equipment now that the wars overseas are winding down and where they're looking unfortunately is u.s. soil and the american people are going to be the ones that are hurt by it and
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evidence tucker that precautions will be taken it to protect innocent people's privacy especially when it comes to you know these entire programs change training students training you know people whose jobs this will be in the future it is that is that legislation being drafted here. yes actually it's it's thankfully congress is paying attention you know when the bill that i just mentioned that they passed in february it was a clause kind of buried in it and nobody really knew it was there until it was already passed and the bill was was aimed at different goals but now actually congress is hearing from their constituents and in both the house and the senate there have been multiple bills drafted this would force law enforcement to get a warrant for this type of information and it's important for citizens all over the country to keep calling their congressman to tell them they're worried about this and we can hopefully put an end to this potential problem before it actually gets out of control because the f.a.a. actually estimates that by the end of the decade there may be as many as thirty
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thousand drones flying in u.s. skies and that's basically one for every town so everybody could potentially be affected so it's important that congress know that you were against this and that you would want this type of bill be passed yeah that is a whole lot of drones in our domestic airspace let me go back to something you said trevor you said nobody thing for no drones to be used i think it can be argued that in the case of a you know searching for a missing child perhaps or there are various examples but talk a little bit about ways in which drones now and in the future may be used for the public good. right so this isn't like a fight against technology or new technology it's a fight to make sure that people's rights are respected when this new technology becomes more prevalent like you mentioned searching for a missing child or you know navigating a natural disaster area where people can't get to or in the case of japan for
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example they're trying to develop drones that could test radiation for nuclear reactors when people it's too dangerous for people to enter and you know there's even uses for journalism you know we don't want to restrict this technology so that nobody can use it what we want to do is make sure that it's not used for government surveillance which we can already see has really exploded in the last decade when it comes to new technologies for example your cell phones g.p.s. location information police can get that without a warrant the law unfortunately hasn't caught up with the technology and that's what we need to make sure happens before these drones are flying in basically every town let me ask you one final question as a journalist this is difficult because we you know in our teacher try to try to talk about this in trying to tell our viewers about what's in the works but this is not a fact the story especially when we talk about as you mentioned thirty thousand drones by the end of the decade a few hundred more drones by twenty fifteen people look ahead and they think that
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all you know nine hundred eighty four stuff and big brother and fear mongering about the government talk a little bit about just really briefly a ways in which drones have already impacted our lives and why we should be concerned. well we can already see the u.s. military has developed drones as their number one weapon going forward. but as they come back to the u.s. people will kind of has a greater sense about what these machines can do because you know they see them overseas but they can't really seal their presence as they could when they're flying above their heads and you know our freedom of information act lawsuit show that actually a few dozen law enforcement agencies already have authorizations and they're going to try to get more and homeland security at the same time as giving them free money to buy these this technology and there's no doubt that law enforcement are going to
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be using them and it's important for people to know that sooner rather than later absolutely as you say if nothing else to to let their lawmakers unlock their local officials know that this is something they're concerned about trevor tim activist at the electronic frontier foundation joining us from san francisco california. well you don't have to look far to know that we are fake into a very contentious and expensive political season with of course the presidential campaign not to mention all the contest for local and state lawmakers as well as those running for u.s. senate and congress and one thing that your time and time again especially from those long time politicians is that things have never been so partisan have never been this divided but there's a new book out that shows in fact people from different parties with starkly different views can get along in the book is called america you sexy bitch along a love letter to freedom it was co-written by meghan mccain and michael ian black and let me just read you a short description it says she is a single twenty something gun loving christian republican writer and blogger the
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daughter of a senator and two thousand and eight republican presidential nominee he is a married forty year old gun fearing atheist democrat comedian the son of a lesbian former social security employ meghan mccain and michael ian black barely knew each other but they're about to change the way politics is discussed in. america so let's go now to one of those authors michael ian black in our new york studios thanks so much for being on the show michael. fletcher you and meghan mccain barely knew each other you got into an r.v. you drove cross-country together i got to ask you i mean what was the most surprising thing that you learned. i guess the most surprising thing is the people that we met we met hundreds of people very few of them wanted to describe themselves as either a republican or a democrat they would say i'm a republican but or i'm a democrat but. and it surprised me a little bit because we hear so much about polarization which makes you think oh
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there's these there's these partisan people who are so entrenched in their own camp that they can't see the other and in fact that's kind of the opposite of what we've found that people are sort of looking for more of a middle ground i guess that goes to show to some of the differences between some of the smaller towns and cities in this country and where i am in washington where polarization is the name of the game but you know if you look back to the two thousand and eight election it wasn't just washington it was all across this country a lot of people said their families were torn apart they were disagreeing about who to vote for i guess i want to ask i mean where do you think this modern day belief comes from the democrats and republicans just can't get along. my sense is that in my lifetime it seems to really start with the clinton administration where it seem like the generation gap that preceded it was really coming to fruition with his presidency and from my observations it just seems like it's been getting worse and worse every cycle every election cycle and it seems
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like it's largely media driven the partisanship because all day every day we're exposed to talking heads on either side sort of demonizing the other side and it makes for good entertainment i enjoy it but i don't know that it's particularly conducive to a mature political process certainly you don't have to look far to see people yelling at each other from both sides we have this twenty four hour cable network driven culture that we live in and you're right it does sometimes make for good t.v. depending on how you define good i've let me ask you this what did you learn about conservatives anything that sort of changed do anyway. well i never really spent a lot of time among my conservative brethren. and what i discovered is i didn't know what the word was so i didn't say i don't know i was thinking in my head what is that it's aurora to what is that word let's go with my sister and i like that. i
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had really spent that much time around like a bunch of conservatives before but what i said is that. there are the conservative worldview seems to be about self-reliance and independence and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps and i think all that's great i don't think there's a lot of americans who would argue with that as a liberal i feel like that's all fine and dandy but what i want is my government to make sure there's a framework in place so that people who might need a little help with their bootstraps can also get that help yeah and we should mention you know megan mccain certainly might be the daughter of john mccain but she is pretty open minded when it comes to a lot of social issues this trip might have been a little different for you if you were on the road with a rick santorum. i guess let me ask you this then what do you think megan learned from you. that i'm right about pretty much everything ok really. i think what i've heard her say is that as open minded as she thought she was she
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was as guilty of engaging in stereotypes about liberals as she accused liberals. about being regarding conservatives that she tended to look at liberals as somehow loving their country last or somehow being less patriotic and having spent some time with me for example and others i think she's she's come around to feeling like they may love their country slightly differently but it doesn't mean they're any less patriotic than i am let me talk to you about this i mean you said this perhaps dates back to the clinton administration as far as partisanship becoming even more and more so but recently we've seen the two thousand and ten election is a good example some of these old school politicians lawmakers on capitol hill who have been here a long time were used to reaching across the aisle were used to return to working with people in different parties and what we saw happen in this case we can go to.
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senator dick lugar who lost his primary for example even more recently. they got it was political suicide i guess you could say what are your concerns when we see things like this happening and it wasn't just an isolated incident this happened time and time again. well i don't understand when compromise became a dirty word when reaching across the aisle became something to shun rather than something to embrace there is no honor in sticking so rigidly to your ideals that you lose sight of the greater good and in any other endeavor in life in our relationships in our work relationships in our friendships everybody compromises i mean that is the nature of humanity you have to but in our politics increasingly we want them to be so sort of ideologically committed that they are incapable of bending and. i think i think we see this war on the right that on the left that you are they are continually pushed right word by say the tea party or
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norquist organization or the n.r.a. or any number of religious organizations that want them to be sort of these checklist conservatives and when they deviate even a little bit from that they get x. or by their own party we saw this just with orrin hatch who nobody i don't think would ever accuse of being liberal and yet here he almost lost his primary from the right. in any other endeavor when you look at somebody who's so sort of ideologically narrow focus narrowly focused you would think that there was something actually like psychologically wrong with that person that they're incapable of seeing a larger world view and yet that's what we want in our politicians i don't understand it i think it's detrimental yeah it is really confusing to know exactly who they're trying to play to win the majority of americans believe that congress or rather that compromise is a good thing and an important thing which is perhaps why they've rated congress so low when they're surveyed i want to point out that there was a little ray of sunshine and it happened really recently and it happened and it has
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to do with the father of the co-author of your book this is when congresswoman michele bachmann said that who mama dean longtime aide to secretary of state hillary clinton was affiliated with the muslim brotherhood and part of a campaign to infiltrate the u.s. government and as soon as this happened senator john mccain father like i said of your co-author went to the senate floor and said this. recently it has been alleged that when a dean a muslim american is part of a nefarious conspiracy to harm the united states these allegations about what dean and the report from which they are drawn are nothing less than an unwarranted an unfounded attack on an honorable citizen a dedicated american and a loyal public servant. so here we have senator john mccain longtime senator from arizona who a lot of people said you know after he lost the election in two thousand and eight became sort of much more partisan became sort of a grumpy old man this is
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a little flash of the old john mccain that you know a lot of people knew and loved what's going to take to have more incidents like this more incidents of respected politicians on both sides of the aisle going to the senate floor and standing up for people on the opposite side no matter how unpopular it may be because it's the right thing to do. unfortunately i think it's going to take more people who either aren't running for reelection or who feel so secure in their seats that they don't feel like they are in danger of being honest and forthright with the american people i wish we would see more of this when when somebody like michele bachmann gets all this attention for her outrageous statements which she does time and time again and nobody stands up and we're in refutes them it's really unfortunate i was so pleased for megan and for her dad when he did that and i was actually sitting with megan when her dad called and
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she got on the phone and said dad i'm so proud of you for doing it and i couldn't hear his response but i'm sure he was thank you and then i said tell your dad that i'm proud of him too which he did and he didn't care. about response. but he definitely cared about his daughters and i thought it was great it was it was one of the finer things i've seen in a long time well certainly important that you did this that you were willing to go on this road trip and show us all that it is possible for democrats and republicans to work together and to be friends and appreciate you have having you on the show michael ian black co-author of america you sexy bitch congratulations on your new book thank you so much and that is going to do it for us this evening but if you're leaving the house don't forget to take us with you just go to youtube dot com slash r t america on your smartphone and you'll never miss today's top stories for the latest on the stories we covered and a few that we didn't have time to get to check out our website our t. dot com slash usa and you can always follow me on twitter and at christine for now .
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