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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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wealthy british soil. by.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is a report. card guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to our brilliance and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because we have some to say i listen to our first comments and i comes from a y.m. come araa for twenty who had this to say on youtube about our tool time award we gave the house g.o.p. for slashing education spending while pumping cash into abstinence only education and the comment said ok maybe i live in a liberal bubble but do conservatives really believe that telling a high school student to not have sex is going to stop them from. having sex you
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know what i ask myself as a question all the time but the idea that we have to question whether that's because we live in some kind of liberal bubble that's ridiculous to me i think we live in a place called reality if we want kids to make informed decisions when we actually have to inform them give them access to sex education that takes all possibilities into account saying that no sex or abstinence is the only way well that's just going to lead to more pregnancies arrestees more problems it's like telling a kid that the only way to lose weight is if you starve yourself completely it's unhealthy and it's unrealistic now our next comments and i comes from many many eighty two who unfortunately seems to be drinking the kool-aid when it comes to voter id laws in response to our story about texas voter id he said the following vote fraud is the biggest non-issue since bill clinton's definition of sex that is probably the most irresponsible and clueless statement alone has made on air and i'm a fan of her show vote fraud is rampant now no man who ran it's actually not this is exactly why we do stories like we did on friday because the right wing is
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pushing lies to pass legislation that takes away people's rights and the sad thing is that well people believe it because they either don't pay attention maybe they never see the real facts so we spouted off a few on friday here's just a few more for you texas recently when looking for examples of voter fraud they found fewer than five incidents of illegal voting out of more than thirteen million votes cast in the two thousand and two thousand and ten elections in florida rick scott of taking measures to purge the rolls only ten cases of fraud were found in two thousand and ten and the republican national lawyers association recently released a report looking at all of the cases of voter fraud that were prosecuted over the last decade they found eight grand total of three hundred and eleven and oh forget of the brennan center for justice well they found that you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than you do of encountering voter fraud that's not exactly what i would call rampant so in fact my statement was neither irresponsible nor clueless i suggest you listen to the never. and don't buy
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into the lies and finally talks or it had this to say about our tool time award to senator leahy for being too close to hollywood for comfort said i do oppose lee he's sopa and pipa legislation but hipaa excuse me but you simultaneously state that piracy doesn't hurt the industry and that lee he is doing what's best for the industry by supporting those bills so you've made a pretty inconsistent argument. let me put it this way there have been a number of studies out there that show that piracy actually increases sales with those people who want to download something get a sneak peek and they're actually the bigger consumers but i would completely ignored those kind of figures because for those at the top there are a at the n.p.a. it's about control and so they funnel money to members of congress like senator lee and they maintain that control that's all i'd say that's how i see it in terms of how he's doing what's best for hollywood because it's not a small time artists that actually benefit from that kind of legislation but it's the executives at the top so that's if my rantings tonight but thanks for your
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comments i'll be back with more next week. now a topic that we often discuss on the show is the widening gap between rich and poor in this country and in fact around the world helped fuel the occupy movement shape the discourse surrounding november's elections if you look to and explaining some of the un rests in anger in many countries out there but yesterday the a.p. made an eyebrow raising report guaranteeing that this issue isn't going away any time soon see according to interviews with experts the latest available poverty rate in the united states from the year two thousand and eleven is expected to be a record breaker the measure was at fifteen point one percent in two thousand and ten but the two thousand and eleven number which will be released this fall could climb as high as fifteen point seven percent and even if it only rises a tenth of a percent the official poverty rate will be at its highest point since one nine hundred sixty five that's right it appears that the reagan revolution has officially erased the gains of lyndon johnson's war on poverty so great job guys i think you must be beaming with pride over this and the rising poverty it's not only
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about inequality let's not forget we went through a massive financial crash and the census uses an absolute measure to calculate that poverty but with incomes dropping unions under attack outsourcing the assault on welfare programs this increase in poverty is directly linked to rising inequality let's just take the example of wal-mart. by revenue it's the third largest company in the world and recently it emerged the walton family heirs they're worth as much as the bottom forty one point five percent of america but the company is routinely accused of abusing workers depressing wages causing small business businesses to shutter so wal-mart is the perfect example of why inequality has become an issue it's not about envy it's about justice americans are concerned success is being built on the backs of broken workers which is why i find it so mind glowingly absurd the republicans shocking all the media with alarmist soundbites whatever
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democrats very readerly raise the issue of inequality conservatives use the line that they're attacking the job creators and the very idea of jobs themselves. or for years never created a job and that's people that will not get jobs class warfare chris may make for really good politics but it makes for rotten economics we don't need a system that seeks to divide people i think it's about envy i think it's about class warfare are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy though. to talk about those in quiet rooms. that's right guys the wealth divide can be talked about but only in quiet rooms if more people knew why romney's one percent pals are living the good life well that maybe the occupy movement might be a lot stronger right so the romney camp they must've been dismayed then at another report that was released yesterday a liberal group tax justice network found between twenty one and thirty two trillion dollars worldwide are being hidden in tax shelters sort of accounts that
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mitt romney is concealing by not releasing his tax records now not all of this cash is being stashed by americans but a lot of it is which shows how absurd this whole politics of envy claims are really are there is a class war all right but it's be waged by the elite against the lower in the middle classes because middle class americans are expected to pay their share while facing cuts to crucial government programs the wealthy get to squirrel away trillions of dollars in places like switzerland and the cayman islands so a way to be great job creators guys and speaking of the job creators let me just give you another study that was released last week that says shows that it's not taxes it's not regulations that are slowing the economy as the argument so often goes down from the i.r.s. and the federal reserve shows that nine financial american companies could be sitting on as much as five point one trillion worldwide so that's about a third of america's total g g g d p doesn't really sound like they don't have cash to invest guys know the thing is they just don't want to invest it so in other
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words corporate taxes could be higher wages could be higher the one percenters have a busily failed as the job creators but they really aren't and republican politicians know it there's no denying it the only way they counter these arguments is to talk about class warfare like it only exists when people fight back when they're actually totally ok with talking about it but just only in quiet rooms the real problem is that more than fifteen percent of americans are now living in poverty millions more are hovering just above it and they can't afford. campaign donations to gain access to those quiet rooms so we're sorry mitt but you're just not to deal with this discussion right up until november and if you have a problem with it maybe you should take some time some time off right how about a nice little european holiday i think you could always go and visit your money in geneva. our guys have time for a last break of the evening but stick around we're giving tonight's tools on award took the lawyer face find out about the latest chapter in the saga that is michele bachmann and then find out what the wire and martha's vineyard have in common
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medicine loni jane churchill beyond happy hour now. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. the goal did those stories in here before going global and now it's cooling why are. you.
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choose your place take your stand. to. make your statement. submitted towards. my goals through the month. of the five. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to a former presidential candidate who is just dying for more time in the spotlight minnesota lawmaker michele bachmann well she's earned our word several times in the
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past and unfortunately she's back again is the bachmann and four other g.o.p. lawmakers presented letters last week questioning whether or not the muslim brotherhood or other radical groups had access to top officials within the obama administration in their convoluted theory bachmann and representatives franks go over rooney and westmoreland trying to argue that hillary clinton's top aide who have a dean has ties to the brotherhood of those alleged ties are through our bodies late father and brother and they were originally the theories of none other than frank gaffney that's right the same frank gaffney who is the head of the american center for security policy the same one who tried to make the accusation that the muslim brotherhood was infiltrating c pac be a suit on so yeah gaffe he has got a history of attacking muslims making ridiculous claims and bachmann well she's fully jumped on to his crazy bandwagon but does not see that there were some republicans out there who decided to call bachmann out of her b.s. leading the outcry none other than john mccain i hope he's ugly and unfortunate or
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can be immediately brought to an end and put behind us before any further damage is done to a woman an american a genuine patriotism and love of country. now surely afterwards representative keith ellison who is muslim he spoke out against the fellow minnesota lawmakers theory comparing your accusations to those of the mccarthy era and help pointless they are. every time she sends out another letter she just regurgitate the same old tired stuff that doesn't amount to anything. well just the day after initially calling out bachmann went after allison to on glenn beck's radio show bachmann then noted how the muslim lawmaker has ties to care and the muslim brotherhood nothing like feeling a little islamophobia and having one of your fellow lawmakers be the target right now you'd think that after all of her very well summarized well documented thoroughly analyze accusations became public she had no problem discussing it with
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the press but that actually was the case when c.n.n.'s dana bash tried to reach her for a comment. a congresswoman where you can hear everything i just need to ask you about senator mccain was just on the senate floor and he said that what you're doing right now is going after a homeowner that i used to get right now and you can you do an interview with us later but i got it. right. i don't know wondering why she ran away though honestly as much as we like to have fun with our tool time segment we do want to give bachmann the time of day for these to put out a geishas mostly because she can't produce any legitimate evidence to back up her claim and no michele frank gaffney seal of approval that doesn't count but the see now the finger pointing and name calling has gotten serious now new reports show that whom admitting has been receiving death threats and so this is where bachmann needs to step back and needs to apologize sadly her radical opinions are shared by an educated americans while this could very well be a taste distasteful publicity stunt for bachmann during an election year it's
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become a matter of safety for our body so the only good that i can think that may come of this is i don't know maybe some normal americans especially minnesota residents might recognize just how crazy michele bachmann really is and maybe just maybe they'll be sure that she has no political platform to spout lies on next year but in the meantime we're going to give michele bachmann tonight's tool time award because her witch hunt is actually putting people's lives at risk. our guys it's time for happy hour and join you this evening alone a show senior producer jenny churchill and roll calls heard on the hill reporter and that is the money hello girls how's it going so i can preggers. long of them are game. is perfect so was i think of the clip that we have is recently there was
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a new study that came out that talks about whether or not it's really that bad to drink while you're pregnant take a look. there are a lot of mixed messages out there because a lot of friends even o.b.-g.y.n. who are saying it's ok to want to do every now and then that will relax to and most experts have been saying now for quite a long time and this study reinforces there's no a level than anybody. well it turns out this is a report from the federal centers for disease control and prevention and they found basically as many as one in thirteen pregnant women do you drink alcohol or do you say i think i haven't been pregnant. thank you seems like it would be a stressful time i mean when i do nothing drink through your pregnancy but let's say. i know isn't right and. i think i was just insane i know there have been a lot of reports that have come out that talk about how stress affects your baby
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while you're pregnant and i think that people have gotten a little bit out of control as far as like i can't do this i can't think that i can't go here i can handle this it's actually insane and i think that you know i don't think anyone should be out. like on the floor drunk but i think that people need to live anyway. but you know i mean i think that there's a point where of course it's going to be bad but i don't think that people should be clearly when i do not has a reason and you know what some of these recent studies have shown to is that there isn't necessarily even the evidence to prove that maybe if you have a glass of wine every now and then you know over the course of and i know what you're going to have on their. mother's milk here's the thing do you be responsible but it doesn't have a for like thousands of years and you have only you know today they say this is good tomorrow they say this is bad it's how it goes with everything yesterday it was bad it was a good thing for people to moderately drink so they don't get dementia today it
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causes dementia i mean you just can't even one of the thirteen is kind of more than i was acting that's how much of my desire article that i. read i guess with said something about like binge drinking now binge drinking is different than having like a glass of wine with dinner with your friends or with your whoever daddy. i mean. i definitely think that's totally different but i really don't think that you should have a glass of wine every day while you're pregnant once a week now. seems like something i don't really want to say and i'm going to say i mean i'm going to have a very much respect not not of us are pregnant. people say. let's move on to our next story what happens after you're pregnant and you have the baby like. there was this was tripping limited it right this is bristol's bristol palin . freaking out because of what he said on the reality show take
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a look. i'm sure. if you say that woman time so when you're about god you think you. have to choose. ari i don't know any i don't know bristol palin i have no idea what kind of mother she is but i we were having this discussion this morning i don't necessarily think of that something you can blame on the mom because pitt kids pick up things from everywhere you know no matter where they are going to pick up and. i didn't think he said. the. id's said the f.b.i. . knew the drug slur towards. gay people like sort of this is my thing i would give them the benefit of the doubt because kids say the darndest things and you never really know what they come up for willow heylin herself got in trouble
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for using that same word on facebook when she was attacking someone got it was like you know even if it was land you want to go last thing i know i have to say i like to be honest i know i think it's other favor in large part of america saying i think that a lot of people say that term all across america and they don't realize how offensive it is and how much it hurts people so and then you get people like that a reality t.v. show that is what happens but what was shocking to me and i know she was a teenage mom the rest of what was shocking to me was how much they all seem like like he could be their little brother and the way that she treats and she says right after like i'm not good at disciplining him or whatever but she's sitting there laughing and this is this is kind of a pet peeve of mine i mean yes maybe she thinks of the door but i'm going to go and say nothing. it was adorable it was just kind of bratty which is what little kids do their bratty every once in a while yes i can understand why out of the time i think i understand when kids say
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funny things it's hard not to laugh but your last one and i don't know i don't think it was funny either but when kids say unexpected things sometimes it's also laughter stand at the same time the second you laugh you're reinforcing that behavior because they say oh saying that is funny people like it and then they do it again there was a martyr modern family about. children that we you know and i don't know you know we know we know. where. people. are. we are i actually i have to admit i was. thinking. people would like it to be every one of the wire but apparently was the greatest show ever and you know it's baltimore here's a little clip. lol coming up. does. the. love. of the.
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all right so there's a lot of like drugs violence whatever involved that's omar and apparently having to be president obama's favorite character every wire and. the obama campaign is now throwing a fundraiser featuring cast members from the wire except for the event is taking place on martha's vineyard that's right here our lovely is that you know like omar little louis would show up in martha's vineyard and everyone i don't even know what that would look like but he's actually pretty politically active he did he did like a marilyn politics spot for o'malley maybe six months ago maybe it's just to me i was gonna judge him by his character forever in the weiner now but unless you know. i mean honestly it's sadly ironic because what is it like two thousand five hundred dollars for a plate no one in the entire show as a character could afford to go two hundred fifty two it's and five hundred to be on
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the host committee so that's one hundred fifty they couldn't afford it so it doesn't i just hope that they do the wire the music all our wire the musical have you seen the funny or die i did a whole musical with the wire character and i hope that i don't get their their dinner their dinner time and fifteen minute. baby story i don't know how it is that we are not saving that kids are a lot of kids today but basically while you know a lot of kids unfortunately are unhealthy in her country these days a lot of especially have weight problems which can lead to high cholesterol and so some doctors are pushing for for something to look. new studies are encouraging universal cholesterol testing for all children one report published this summer in the journal pediatrics looked at twenty thousand west virginia fifth graders twenty nine percent of those kids would have never been tested because they didn't have a family history of heart disease all of that group ten percent had high
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cholesterol some of them high enough to warrant medication. west virginia also we should note though is they have no it's one of the unhealthiest states it was before i think maybe. i should check this before the show but there was one year when west virginia had the highest obesity rates. really really high mortality rates and all of her went to go do a whole show there. yeah that would change the law and. it was really sad because he goes to like. he goes to church and the pastor is telling him how they have somebody that dies almost every week in his town it's really depressing wasn't that when he was showing them how hot dogs are made and he was like now who wants to eat a hotdog now and everyone raise their hand it's like the most. part but it was actually really incredible to see the amount of pushback. from the schools from the staff especially the women that worked in the cafeteria because they took little fans to it because they're saying like our cooking isn't good enough to be fair the
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same thing happened the next season and l.a. county back same thing i think there's a poverty element to it too i mean west virginia is maybe i don't i don't have the numbers in front of me so i can't you know be specific about it in west virginia does have a certain level of poverty and people are on assistance and it's all true too but in the schools basically what they were feeding the kids every day is they would have like chicken fingers or chicken maggots whatever and they'd have pizza and they'd have pizza like three times a day for breakfast lunch and dinner and it was just all you know the fake mashed potatoes but they're really good at being to let you know you're going to the hospital story real quick which is do you think that universally kids should be tested for their cholesterol well here's the thing what would they do what are they can do to then now you know that two percent of children must virginia or wherever have high cholesterol. what do you have that concern is that that is just going to provide doctors with an incentive to start over diagnosing you know prescribing too
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many medications but when you read the no whole point of preventive medicine. to spot things early so you can treat them because before they become full blown diabetes or an issue i think it's a little ridiculous for people to say it's just going to give drug companies an excuse to give them drugs that everyone's out for it's unfortunate because that's the attitude that we have these days because you feel if you're getting ripped off all the time and you forget that you know it should be really about what's best for you and your health so i got a girl but thanks for joining me tonight. that is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow anthony ran down for reason will be joining us on happy hour in the meantime don't forget if you like the low show on facebook to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel and don't forget that you can check us out on who is well we have next is the. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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