tv [untitled] July 23, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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as for the daily caller and townhall dot com karl frisch syndicated columnist and aggressive strategist and partner with both fight strategies as he robinson is the deputy director with the paul revere project and contributor to the blaze dot com and joining the panel is rania keylock kalik galaxies that you know again finally i got to write you know ben a journalist and contributor to alternate salon and truth out ron you thanks so much for being with us what happened in anaheim is is pretty shocking this was the actually let me set this up first so let's talk about something that happened in anaheim california over the weekend on saturday afternoon a twenty four year old man was shot in the back of the head as he fell fled from police that man manuel diaz later died at the hospital prompting members of his community to take to the streets to protest police brutality. there they were met with even more violence from the police according to reports in a local news affiliate police fired bean bags and rubber bullets into the crowd filled with women and children and then let loose a police dog that attacked
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a mother and her child there's local news k.c.a.l. covering the story. for us and violence in the streets of. anaheim police firing rubber bullets confront the cloud of terrified children parents and angry residents and a concierge one at the scene only she's a snarly police dog which attacks the mother hated child abuse by still. following the incident police reportedly tried to purchase cell phone videos taken by eye witnesses police using heavy handed tactics is nothing new during the occupy movement we saw police using pepper spray tear gas canisters rubber bullets and clubs against peaceful protesters and now there's talk of domestic drones being used by local police forces so what are the consequences of an over bill it's a rise police force how dangerous is this to our nation to the whole concept of democracy ron what happened in first of all give us
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a snapshot of what happened in anaheim where i missed it in the well i mean you pretty much that there was a an unarmed latino man and i am is mostly as a mostly latino population it was not armed let's you know man in man while diaz who was running away from police who had approached him and he wasn't in ultimately that he end up getting shot the circumstances surrounding why he was shot and killed eventually he died are still a little murky but witnesses say that police were being you know the other officer who did it for no reason the man was shot from behind etc and so residents got really angry to start asking police questions and police allege that certain people started throwing bottles and rocks at officers and so that they were forced to respond with what you just saw the rubber bullets. and so forth this this may not even be the best example of when we talk about hyper mill militarization my understanding is that just ten fifteen years ago swat swat teams kicking in doors
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in the united states happened like maybe once a month and now they're happening what is it ten to ten to ten to fifty times a day or something and say it's clearly forty thousand times a year that we have these swat teams raiding homes usually coming to give warrant search warrants which never used to happen what's what's brought about this change you know this is pretty much a direct result to first the war on drugs and then now the war on terror. in the eighty's and ninety's when the war on drugs really you know took its hold there were a series of congressional laws passed that basically allowed the military and law enforcement to cooperate together. and this is this kind of goes against policy common tatas reign which is this you know civil war era law. so you have you had police law enforcement beginning to sort of emulate military soldiers they would share equipment share research oftentimes swat teams for two in particular are trained by military personnel people from special operations units which is why you
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more often see police officers today looking much much different i mean they they are dressed as though they're soldiers going into combat they're armed like soldiers to to what extent is this a consequence of the military industrial complex looking for new customers it's interesting because from the war on drugs from you know law enforcement getting their hands on this military gear it was the it came the emergence of this sort of law enforcement and you know industrial complex we're now you have all these companies that actually make things like armored vehicles which are basically tanks for police for police agencies they make armored vehicles specifically designed for law enforcement they make they make you know shotguns that are that are just like assault rifles you see a military soldier holding but in. said it shoots out rubber bullets you know so yeah this is the this new complex has emerged you've got a lot of companies making money off of this the united nations recently issued a report or
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a statement that you and you know the details of this better than i do condemning excessive police force against the occupy movement in the united states specifically. tell me about that tell our viewers about that and what does that say about what's happening in police departments. or what you saw there in occupy is what's kind of happened throughout history with you know movements of dissent and the way the police reacted you saw one camp after another a victim by hundreds of police officers dressed in riot gear looking as if they were going to war and treating protesters think they were and i mean combatants in some cases. so you know the world was watching in this case and. it was the this was the suppression of people's first amendment rights i mean at the time just before occupy you had all these movements around the arab world that were you know emerging trying to topple despots in power and you have the united states
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government saying oh this is great this is wonderful but then at home here we had something similar going on where people are protesting you know an elite group of people who. were it was right across the street from wall street in that way and people got really i mean people were hurt people people were beaten up by police officers i mean in this was seen if you saw people getting pepper sprayed i mean i think the most infamous moment was at berkeley at u.c. berkeley where the pepper spray launcher so socorro what does this say to people around the world when these see the united states doing something that we're condemning. it well it would be it would be an overstatement to be to say something that we were condemning mubarak for doing because he was actually shooting live and you should be a huge overstatement but i also don't think. after eight years of george w. bush that that there are many foreign capitals where people are going of those americans are you know you know they're hypocritical i think that we're still digging ourselves out of that hole so i don't think it's necessarily shocking as to
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the situation and i think one thing that's being overlooked entirely and this is not to excuse anything that officers do that might later come out to be excessive force or racially motivated. police officers are overworked they're underpaid their unions are under attack. some places are trying to make it so they can't collectively bargain my family and my father was a cop in los angeles for thirty five years we would not have had a middle class life if it wasn't for the union that he stopped to help start in los angeles and those things that made it so that my sisters could go to that we could go to college and get a better life for ourselves than the one that my immigrant father had from england are under attack in this country the only way that police officers can make a living wage in many cities across this country is to work overtime in the excess my father did that so that we could go to private school i was lucky. do it today to pay for their mortgage to pay for their rent to pay for food for their kids so
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working conditions cause brutality like that that's a no one and that's precisely what i did in this in a really good point because there you know that's a very valid point respect to something like that happen in a great last week you want a police department that is funded well right the police that are overworked so they can respond to a situation where a lunatic goes on a shooting rampage but they don't go on shooting rampages just because their underwear there don't you know let me give you let me give you an example when you go shooting should you be well rested absolutely should you have all your faculties in order the absolute at this so we always are for police officers who are know how do you know what do you do when you said something i don't want to know when you're on the run of the mill shift and you've worked eighteen hours already that day you're not in the best situation to do that we're just happy to show it is i would have to say that i'm not excusing i don't behave. i'm saying that they're seeing it as a result of underpaid you know poor working conditions for police officers which is incredible i was going to point out that i do agree with what you're saying but i think it's a little bit of a different story because i don't believe that excessive force particularly in
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these communities of color that the drug war has impacted the most has to do with police being occupied with their production a lot whites well here's the thing is with the occupy movement here's the thing is throughout particularly our history since you know civil rights protesters were beaten with the tongs and you know shot with fire hoses. police. the way that police react when this over you know excessive force isn't happening in your right like suburban white areas it's happening and these inner cities where the drug wars being fought for dominantly and it happens to people rips of people who are politically is descending and this is where we this is where we see this kind of that happened in anaheim take take place most so i think that that has more to do with i mean this is sort of the inevitable results of giving police you know give you training police officers to think like combat and there's another piece of it too and in norway for example police officers are paid just a little less than doctors are it's because it's very hard to become
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a police officer they pay a lot of attention the criminal justice system the police brutality is virtually unknown brian i mean your thoughts on this and are we under pain are police and therefore under standardized you know having lower standards than we should for entry i don't know if you can blame this in underpaid police most police are paid reasonably well of a lot of friends that are police officers and they do pretty well for themselves but i agree with you guys on the drone issue i mean there's legislation pending in the senate right now by senator rand paul that would make it so that you have to go to court and get a warrant before used a drone domestically of the united states i think libertarians a good portion of conservatives and liberals all agree that that's a good idea not to use drones domestically for anything other than maybe. terrorism is here our police over militarized your mind well i think what happened in anaheim is just another good argument of why people do need guns because the government in some cases can be
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a setback to the police if the police is only sensible to although no trial by cop if the police if the police is unleashing a dog on your child don't you think you it's your right to shoot that dog. you know one of the reasons that swat teams happened in the first place how to do with a lunatic but with a lunatic i believe it was a texas college. but what about what i have climbed up yeah that's one of the reasons that you know it seems we're introduced to actually people shooting at officers doesn't doesn't actually lead to i mean it's not it actually leads to more militarization of the way you know there's that argument trying to make the argument that the police you know that they're quick to always defend you i mean the situation or it did take only ninety seconds for the police to come on the scene but they arrived on the scene nine minutes after that horrible tragedy started make the guy after you don't really spinning cops do a fantastic job where they are it's depending and it really is dependent on where they are because it's ok to to to have an occupied community when it's an inner
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city of people of color or community like in you know in anaheim that community is keeps being quote you know in news reports it keeps being called a community that's you know been plagued by gang crime you know these communities words low income people or communities of color are the ones where this is happening you have to we have to wrap it up on that as he robinson brian darling girl fresh in your kill colic thank you yes. thank you all right thank you thanks so much. coming up did you have an egg for breakfast this morning if you didn't chances are it came from a hen that was filled with toxic chemicals caused by pain and fear i'll tell you how we can stop this restore some respect and compassion that agriculture american lives daily take.
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a good question i'm not sure that we can pin all the blame on the n.r.a. there are a lot of different factors that have to do with violence and gun violence but this fetish fetishizing of guns in america is is certainly not productive to our country and the incredible power that lobbying groups the n.r.a. in this case have i don't think frankly is all that good for our democracy that we need to have a conversation about commonsense limitations on gun ownership it was just a rational come with the first amendment guarantees freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a you know in a crowded theater there are even limits on freedom of speech there should be our right or our right to own a gun as well the next coming of the night comes from nancy who had this question about the supreme court i've heard you speak about the changing of the role of the supreme court i.e. its increase in power could you summarize that for me things yeah here here it is when the when the constitution was first laid out there were three branches the
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first among equals was the legislative that's the directly elected by us and so is the first one equals the second was the executive the president that's article two of the constitution which is indirectly elected by us through the electoral college and the third was the judiciary the supreme court and other courts which are not elected by us or that many of the other courts are now but the supreme court has never been and was instead appointed by the by the first in the second and the constitution does not give the supreme court the power to strike down laws or to create doctrines like you know money is speech it's not there doesn't exist in fact in federalist seventy eight and seventy nine and. alexander hamilton talked at length about how those kinds of powers were not being given in the supreme court jefferson went off on this at some length about how the court shouldn't have this kind of power but in one thousand and three in a case called marbury vs madison the court took that power they knocked down a law and said this is unconstitutional it's so for so freaked out everybody that
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they didn't do it again until eighteen fifty six with dred scott which worked out really really well right that case arguably brought us the civil war now so for the first you know eighty years or so all the supreme court did was be the final appeals court in keeping cases with those two exceptions now all they do is knock down laws which in my mind is unconstitutional are final comment from the it comes from laura who called in to our viewer rant line and had this to say about last thursday's daily take about impeaching justice scalia. i love your show today i am today the nineteenth of july and you're talking about to impeach him i want to hear more let nate listed read it and why and i'll be one of your crew painters we want to hear more thank. you i would say both scalia and thomas they go to fundraisers put on by right wing billionaires and then they rule in favor of those billionaires. goes duck hunting with dick cheney when dick cheney is going to be
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a defendant before the court in a couple of weeks and then rules in cheney's favor scalia is still defending his vote in bush v gore where george w. bush in two thousand argued that if they didn't stop the count in florida that that bush would be irreparably harmed yes that's actually the phrase that they used in bush v gore irreparably harmed if they were allowed in florida were to continue doing what the florida supreme court said and count all the votes so you know there's a long list i would say of the crimes of scalia that's it for your take my take tonight if you like your comments and questions heard on this segment the big picture listen up. we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the thom hartmann facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two a two by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air.
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it's the good the bad in the very very go frantically ugly the good congressman jim sensenbrenner congressman sensenbrenner one of the most conservative congressman in this country gave his take this weekend on representative michele bachmann's muslim brotherhood which a constituent applauded bachmann's efforts and sensenbrenner had this response. he gave the first amendment prohibits the government made a distinction between what is good religion and what is bad religion best known of the government's business religion is a personal issue and did every one of the people who live in the united states where you practice of the how you practice of be whether you don't practice of faith whether you say you're a member of a fever but you don't practice it it's not of the government's business. kept you
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heard that right one of the most conservative lawmakers in america just stood up for religious freedom and tolerance looks like congressman sensenbrenner is drinking some different kool-aid and the rest of the far right time for more conservatives to join in the bad masterpiece cake shop last week dave mullins and charlie craig went to the lakewood colorado bakery to order their wedding cake while they're getting married in massachusetts where same sex marriage is legal they wanted a cake for a celebration with family and friends in colorado however the owner of the cake shop jack phillips refused to make the. and when asked for the reason behind the decision philip said we don't want to talk about that so you'll just have to make something up parent when we come to the point in this country where g.d.p. l g t discrimination is present in little mom and pop bakers and where we discriminating against those. against based on who can and cannot buy a wedding cake praise and the very very ugly russell pearce pierce the former
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arizona state senator who authored arizona's controversial s.b. ten seventy immigration law gave this take on the shooting in colorado rather than just expressing his condolences to the families of the victims like most people did piers decided to call out the victims the victims and a facebook post in the post pierce said that had they been prepared to save their lives the lives of others laws would have been saved all that was needed was one courageous brave man prepared mentally or otherwise to stop this and it could have been done to clear piers is arguing for a weaker gun controls here and things that armed up moviegoers could have stopped james holmes appears is also attacking the courage and bravery of those who lost their lives last friday and of those who were injured totally uncalled for attack on these men women and children and one that is very very.
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if you ever want to enjoy eating chicken or exit again then you probably shouldn't look at how these chickens or eggs are produced they usually come from conditions like these factory farms where they're crammed two or three chickens to a cage cages that aren't even big enough for a chicken to fully turn around cages that are constantly rubbing against the chickens causing feather laws and huge open wounds cages where chickens are forced to lay in their own excrement contract diseases that are slaughtered and end up on your dining room table it's all pretty disgusting stuff but now senators on capitol hill are debating ways to clean it up or at least inject a little humanity into the chicken and egg industry the united egg producers and the humane society of found a rare common agreement
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a new legislation that would require farmers to use larger cages for the egg laying hens cages that at least allow the hens to fully turn around the new law would apply to all egg producers around the nation and would be implemented over the next eighteen years a more than reasonable time for. but there are some on capitol hill who are unhappy with the law one is a lobbying organization known as the egg farmers of america a shadowy interest group that no one seems to know much about the much larger and established group the united egg producers as accuse the egg farmers of america of being a deceptive splitter group as the hill reports bills supporters accuse and farmers of being a front group for the pork and beef lobbies which fear that the ag bill will set a precedent for pig pens and stalls for cattle big farmers of america deny these allegations and argue that larger cages would mean burdensome costs for egg producers the other opponent of less cruelty for hens is this guy congressman steve
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king not only is king opposed to requiring larger cages he's introduced an amendment to the farm bill that would deny states their right to restrict agricultural products made in any inhumane or unsanitary factory anywhere the king amendment is targeted california which passed a law banning eggs from hens confined to tiny cages for being sold within that state even if those eggs were produced in compliance with the laws of other states congressman king argued there is no scientific evidence that hens are healthier in larger cages and that he knows of no way to determine whether or not chickens are suffering that's because congressman king and the rest of the giant agribusiness lobby regard chickens as products and not as living things but king is wrong we're all part of the great web of life on this planet from humans all the way down to chickens and what we eat becomes a part of us. that means how chickens are treated in factory farms is
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a direct effect on how our body reacts when we eat those chickens several studies have shown the chickens that are laying eggs or slaughtered in stressful environments produce high levels of steroid hormones known as a drain of cortical so the secretions as the result of the terror they feel when caged and before they die when their slaughtered his hormones remain in the animal's bloodstreams and thus in the meat that humans consume research shows that these hormones can trigger in people heart problems impotence and fatigue ancient humans knew about the adverse effects of killing animals in a stressful inhumane way that's where the kosher and whole law was came from which require the killing of animals in a humane way to reduce their stress levels before slaughter and also to drain the blood which contains most of the stress hormones again what we eat becomes part of us unfortunately today this message has been lost and in a world where edward giant agribusiness is run the show the profit motive is placed
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well above not just the compassion for animals but the health of human consumers so now we're all eating mass produced factory farm animals whose pain and fear fills their body was stress hormones and many scientists speculate are doing a lot of harm to people who eat meat requiring larger cages is a step in the right direction but we need to go for it we need to bring back compassionate family farming and to do that we need to enforce the sherman antitrust act again which would break up the giant agribusiness is the treat animals as products and humans as mere consumers instead of realizing that all of us are living breathing occupants of this beautiful world that we all share together. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and our to dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to tom arbonne dot com also tom arbonne dot com you can check out all the different ways you can send us
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