tv [untitled] July 24, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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cold. air mongering over syria's chemical weapons tensional get the world community fired up despite assurances from damascus that such arms of won't be used in the country's internal crisis. and terror concerns for syria grow on the back of a resurgent al qaeda which is accused of the militant on that left more than one hundred people dead in iraq. plus no let up for the eurozone italian mayors protests against austerity the ratings agency set their sights on the news here commies including germany. it seven pm in moscow this is our two coming to you live how many so now with our
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top story and syria's rebels claim the regime has moved its chemical arsenal to airports near the country's borders in a move they say is to intimidate foreign powers well sources in damascus claim the lion's share of the stockpiles are stored securely in syria's less turbulent south the regime also ruled out such weapons could be used in the conflict between rebels and government forces on a boycott has more from to mascots. monday's news conference here in damascus foreign ministry spokesman did mean that syria indeed possesses chemical weapons something that nonproliferation experts have suggested all along and that the syrian authorities have a number of forwardly deny damascus has never signed the chemical weapons convention so technically it's admitting to having those chemical stockpiles is not a while ration of any international treaty which all of that syrian officials have long suggested that they need some sort of deterrent against israel's similarly non
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admitted nuclear weapons program in terms of keep abilities syria is believed to possess nerve agents and mustard gas as well as missile capabilities to do a very enthused about those chemicals believed to be produced five facilities around the country including two locations in hundreds and home of those c.d.'s as you will have seen major fighting between the opposition forces and the army. several israeli and western officials over the past few months have raised concerns that if bashar assad's regime indeed falls those chemicals would fall into terrorist hands and while the syrian authorities hausler to downplay this thread they're saying that all the weapons including chemical weapons are now under direct supervision and control of the syrian army despite those. statements it is
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believed to be a considerable threat and the western policy makers should consider that as one of the negative console support for the opposition forces now over the past few weeks. speculations in western media suggesting that. the government may use those chemicals in its fight against armed groups. the suggestion was kind to goree quick deny these press conferences and damascus and monday the foreign ministry spokesman says that no chemical or biological weapons will ever be used during the crisis in syria no matter what developer has inside syria he also said that full of these speculations are part of a major media complained to prepare international public opinion of course military intervention in syria how did it both pretext of weapons of mass destruction
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similar to the one that toppled saddam hussein. well arab affairs expert and radio host and for kevin barrett believes the issues of syria's chemical weapons is being deliberately hyped up missed as remind us of the bogus w m d accusations that were floating around prior to the unprovoked invasion of iraq there have been all sorts of stories and rumors over the past couple of months about the syrian opposition. training with chemical weapons in turkey with the intention of having enough false flag events in syria to be blamed the assad government and it seems that perhaps that's what's in the cards it may be that there is an attempt to pave the way for this by preparing public for the idea that this evil syrian regime uses chemical weapons. but more updates analysis and firsthand impressions from the
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conflict zone are available in our twitter feeds our very own oksana boyko and certainly in the syrian capital tweeting that damascus more containing thanks for the sonic relic was targeted by rebel fighters you can follow her pictures and tweet at a con a boycott underscore our feet. a senior iraqi official has put the blame for monday's terror blitz which killed one hundred sixteen squarely on al qaeda the nationwide offensive spending at least thirteen cities and with two more bombings during the night the attacks ranged from bombings to shootings and primarily targeted iraq's government and security forces . can now with the details the self-appointed leader of the iraqi branch of al
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qaida abu barker all baghdadi has announced the resurgence of terror in the country and clearly indicated there is more to come moreover he dedicated more than half of his online speech to the uprising in syria they happen to be staunch supporters of the rebels they are various organizations are pointing at the expansion of terrorist networks in syria which effectively fuels civil war there so this iraqi based al-qaeda leader also warned the syrian rebels quote not to accept a new war constitution but god's will and her. islamic law otherwise quote you will lose your blast the revolution end of quote also in his message of support to the syrian rebels he says quote we taught the world lessons of courage and jihad and proved that injustice could only be removed by force and of quote to talk a little bit more about the lessons of iraq i'm joined by michael o'brien author of the book called america's failure in iraq sir you were based in baghdad at the height of the insurgency there so with the u.s.
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invasion in iraq six tarion war blossomed rampant insurgency terror which still continues to kill iraqis on a regular basis in june alone nearly two hundred people were killed in similar attacks across iraq when the u.s. decided to go in do you think they they didn't know how divided iraq was that what the consequences the regime change would lead to it was never really seriously considered. and i say this because of the very simplistic attitude the very cavalier attitude of the bush administration of which i was in the bush administration for two years so the know about it though they knew about it they just i don't they really don't think they factored it in at all everything the united states did led to where we are where they are in iraq to day it was totally destabilized. and then you get the tension between the sunni and the shia saddam was a sunni which is
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a minority of the population al qaida all they want to do al qaida in iraq is they'll kill sunni's so that the shiites take the blame bill kill shiites so that the sunni will take the blame they really don't care all they want to do is kill people and foment unrest do you think those world powers that call for a military intervention in syria know how divided syria is i certainly hope that they take these things through these factors like that into consideration. for the loss. of a rat the lessons of iraq are there for all the world to see michael o'brien thank you sir. there is terrible violence going on in syria it is now an all out civil war those who are against military intervention there remind how divided syria is between different ethnic groups where we just communities it's a powder keg essentially and many warn if a solution is forced on them from outside from out of syria the powder keg could blow into a never ending civil war in iraq is an example for the u.s.
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carried out regime change their civil war broke out and killed more than a hundred thousand civilians not to mention millions of refugees as the recent attacks road to iraq still remains a hotbed of terror in washington i'm going to check on. but coming up in a few minutes blockade along egypt how often do you cross the border more freely and then five years of travel restrictions imposed as part of the israel and gaza blockade. plus the struggle to get a foot on the housing ladder as wealthy europeans stash their cash in the london property leaving british citizens out of their own housing market. the rating agencies moody's has set itself on a collision course with german chancellor angela merkel after changing the country's credit outlook to negative the agency even hinted at possible downgrades if euro zone gets worse but merkel immediately fired back that germany would remain
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europe's financial haven despite the euro crisis as peter all over now reports from berlin. well this really isn't good news for germany you've got one of the major credit agencies in the world saying that well they don't have faith in the german financial sector that's what this negative outlook rating means it doesn't mean however that germany's aaa credit rating will be affected however these type of negative ratings have led to in the past countries losing that aaa rating we're looking at people countries like france and italy they went the same way now this is jew moody's is saying to a potential greek exit from the euro zone also the fact that it may be a crisis in spain than previously we had thought german chancellor angela merkel has said she's not worried by this negative rating she says that germany's economy will continue to be the strongest in europe but it is looking over their shoulder and what's going on in greece we're hearing from the the greek prime minister that
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the recession in his country could be worse than previously expected previously they thought that the economy would shrink by around five percent this year he's now saying that could be as high as seven percent also hearing from the german vice chancellor talking about greece saying that as far as he's concerned the horror of a potential greek exit is over perhaps he's saying there that we're ready and we're prepared for greece to leave the euro what is happening in greece right now though is the three main lenders in athens to try and get deficit cuts back on schedule in spain well it's coming out that they might be in far more situation than they previously thought it now seems that boeing is high in costs more in spain now that it has in any other country since the formation of the euro so high in countries that have received bailouts in the past like portugal like greece so it could be a far worse situation there and that's been reflected in what we're seeing on the
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streets in spain at the moment terrible scenes of violence. people are out protesting against deficit cutting measures that are being to taking place in the country and we're seeing clashes with police very violent clashes at times across spain as people come out on the streets and voice their discontent at the current financial situation in their country marco pierre reporting our financial advisor and wealth manager says the markets have already decided spain's fate. as things stand the market has already priced in. spades our. banks will need and i don't think there is anything that can stop that. will persist for after some time and i think the only thing that's going to really pacify the situation is when he finishes this once you've got unemployment around twenty five
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to thirty odd percent youth unemployment above fifty percent it's very very difficult to turn around and when they can see that they're alive to the end of the tunnel when there's some sort of green shoots economy but we might be somewhere way before that happens. over in italy municipal mayors have become the latest to join anti austerity protests in rome they're upset about looming new budget cuts which they say will leave already suffering areas under even greater strait so we all train who's mayor of the town of montauk corney says there's a consensus that rome is out of touch with the hardships faced by many outside the capital. especially in these times when we have difficulties and then when people are losing their jobs their homes people are trying to find an answer in their municipalities and the cuts proposed by government. deeply
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affected the finances of our municipalities so we are not able to offer these services and general services really for young for for the children so this is the main problem we have always had idea of the state the central government doesn't know exactly what happens in our towns and so we are trying to explain to make they understand what is really happening and so i think they will listen at least to some of our proposed. with the euro still in a shaky state many wealthy europeans are seeking out more solid homes for their cash they're putting it into property with london among the favorites but laura smith reports it's pushing up prices for brits who increasingly struggle to get a foot in the door in getting their own home. economic distress breeds financial refugees and as the eurozone limps to what may be its death wealthy greeks
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italians and spaniards are desperate for a safe haven for their cash many have chosen london bricks and mortar the list of locations where europeans are choosing to buy a property reads like the priciest squares on the monopoly board chelsea knightsbridge mayfair here in kensington but as rich foreigners lose faith in their own economies and snap up property at the top end of the london markets down at the bottom ordinary brits are struggling to get on the housing ladder at all bernard clarke of the council of mortgage lenders reckons european cash is making an already tight housing market harder for everyone in property is probably contributing to. the difficult conditions in london which is one of the most difficult places for people to buy in any case because property prices in london not that much higher than the rest of the country then hewas knows all about that
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a teacher and a recruitment consultant he and his fiance live in a rented flat on shore when they'll be able to scrape together the sixty thousand dollars deposit they'll need to buy their own home. i think the main thing is i don't think the cost the mortgage will be much too much more than what we're actually paying now especially if we downsize because it's. probably less than what we're paying now. you know i've not got the best credit rating. not really got a credit rating having not really taken credit out. the deposit is high since the credit crunch banks are unwilling to lend to anyone with a less than perfect credit rating still a recent survey by the mortgage association shows eight out of ten british adults hope to own their own homes within ten years. but aspirations particularly among the young less and less likely to be fulfilled with four million eighteen to thirty
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s renting by two thousand and twenty fundamentally in garden space saying a housing crisis a housing market has broken every level we're not building enough new homes and many younger people nabl to afford to buy their own home they're forced to live with their parents into their thirty's to scrape together a deposit or they're struggling to afford expensive rents in the private rented sector ben and millions like him lacking the security of homeownership means putting other life plans on hold. because you know if you go a mortgage your current money almost an investment money is not going into a landlord's pocket so it's really important the way we buy a house and something that we want to do for we have stuff like that. it just seems a long way off you know. it doesn't seem realistic to british dream of owning your own home is alive and well but the dreams of many will be dashed by steadily rising
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prices and unavailable credit and an influx of your a cash puts youngsters dreams of owning any property cheap or sheikh further and further away your smith london. business team is keeping european financial woes on close watch also finding itself homeless is b.p.'s russian set up dale got more on that later this hour. will surely takes a turn for the better result join joins the bidding for the british firm's troubled role should we'll have details in business off the twenty boats. but first there are reports of a massive police operation in the mountains to gigas an artesian thomas can tell us more. well i mean this fighting is in a very remote eastern region of tajikistan and known as. shon and it borders afghanistan let me paint a picture for you of just exactly how dangerous this area is it is known as
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a base for terrorist group operations because of its proximity to afghanistan also known as the region for arms drug trafficking and tobacco trafficking as well now this particular fighting is targeted at one person governor and government officials are targeting one man tell me i back off who is a strong man who himself is a desert or from the border guard in the region his group is known for lots of illegal activity as well for trafficking robberies as well as murders including the stabbing death of an official in the area on this past saturday now this began three days of negotiation with the group to try and give up the people responsible for the stabbing deaths that did not work out then the fighting began now the numbers of casualties are very. why did leave from officials number saying that ten or more dead plus many dozens injured some of those already sent to the hospital but b.b.c. russia is reporting on officially that there are as many as one hundred servicemen
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killed and one hundred civilians killed as well and of course we're trying to figure out exactly what's going on in the region residents have been advised to stay at home as they're hearing explosions and gunfire very near to the city now some of the fighters that are in custody who have been captured are believed to be from afghanistan and taliban fighters themselves and. called himself is believed at this point to have the fled the scene crossed the border into afghanistan so fearful trying to figure out exactly what's going on at this time all right our to sean thomas on this latest development out of ten she can stand thanks for about. more of course on all our stories of our dot com also there a report on the rise of nationalism as financially as the e.u. i should say financially windsong we get a warning from one story and that could pave that it could pave the way for a new hitler emerge in midweek politics and fractured economy. but chicago said to pay out seven million dollars after two men say they were
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tortured at the hands of the city's police chief details online right now. well egypt is now allowing easier entry and temporary stay in the country for palestinian families the president did move effectively ends part of the blockade on gaza which israel imposed on egypt supported after hamas took control of the palestinian territory now that egypt has a president from the muslim brotherhood the move is widely seen as a gesture of support for hamas the brotherhood's independent offshoot polls theory explains the situation. cairo is allowing palestinians a free entry into egypt effectively ending
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a five year blockade on the gaza strip what this means is that palestinians can now leave gaza with the same law applying to palestinians in the west bank and jerusalem this unprecedented move effectively lifts travel restrictions that have been imposed on gazans for the past five years they've been penned into this tiny mediterranean coastal city by a blockade imposed by israel but also assisted by the egyptian authorities egypt's interest was because of its fear for her mass and the spread of islamic militancy but what we see now is a change largely in part because of separate meetings that were held in the past few days between the palestinian president mahmoud abbas the new egypt president dr mohamed morsi of the muslim brotherhood as well as the leader of hamas which controls the gaza strip khaled mashal so this certainly is a gesture of support by the egyptians to the palestinians in a separate and unrelated move israel has just announced that it is demolishing
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eight palestinian villages in the south hebron hills now the announcement says that the land is needed for training by the israeli defense forces by exercises that they carry out what we understand is that the forms we still have access to their land to work the land when the soldiers are not there so this would be on the weekend and on jewish holidays but the rest of the time the land used by the idea of so you are seeing this almost parallel but completely opposing effort by cairo and tell every of on the one hand the egyptians extending a hand of friendship while the israelis further is strange in themselves and isolating themselves not only from the region but from the egyptian neighbors paullus there are two tel aviv. coming up to twenty four minutes past the hour let's take a look at some more world news for you a strong typhoon hong kong injuring one hundred twenty nine people and bringing business to a standstill high as hurricane signal for thirteen years was issued
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a warning for being downgraded subway stations became temporary shelters while hundreds slept in airports after their flights were canceled cleanup crews are now working to clear all trees and electric cables. eight people have been charged in britain over the phone hacking scandal that engulfed rupert murdoch's newspapers among them two former news of the world editor andy colson who became prime minister david cameron's media spokesman to school and rebecca brooks who went on to run murdoch's news international in the u.k. the charges are over illegally accessing the voice mails of thousands of people including a missing schoolgirl who was later found murdered. an afghan police commander and thirteen of his men have reportedly joined the taliban in the west of the country it's thought to be the largest police to faction today monday president karzai appealed to germany to act as
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a go between with the taliban to pave the way for peace talks the country has been hit by a series of violent militant attacks in the last week on sunday five civilians were executed near kabul working with nato troops. now b.p. has received fresh interest in its russian arm daniels out of business task with more detail just the routes for confirm still to rosen of which was to boy in trouble two k.b. disputes has made the peace position in the firm and turn towards europe is good enough explains. the mystery around who is going to get b.p.'s shares in a g.m. t.v. joint venture is now becoming bigger since russia's largest oil company of course the other has announced that it's a looking at buying it in fact both of us the afghan b.b. have confirmed that they've signed this agreement marking the start of negotiations which are going to be kept confidential for the next few months while the last me up to itself says that this doesn't guarantee anything since the russian
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shareholders off the end gave evie and of course i mean. they're already in the process of negotiations with b.p. on the same issue and they do have brass rancho right now here and he has been in the spotlight for quite some time there's a lot of speculation that there are rules in the joint ventures of management around which side has more influence it is a very attractive project and well definitely the russian shareholders are very keen on getting their hands on the b.b.c. shares the british energy giant and were also in the spotlight some time ago and i mean in january two thousand and eleven when they signed the deal aiming to jointly develop the arctic shelf that deal was basically blocked a again by our flags assuming office claim that it's violated the initial t.m.v. b.p. agreement they didn't include them so that deal was basically cancelled by the stockholm court now it's estimated that b.p. shares in the g.n.p. b.p.
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joint venture is worth around twenty billion dollars but analysts say that this price could become much higher has the negotiations gone rosena shares edged into the red in the last of trade today on the news it follows yesterday's polls show in the last almost five percent milan madrid all the worst major voices in europe today's famous fun as ministers holding toward crisis talks with germany today as a big bailout for spain looks increasingly likely to chinese manufacturing is being outweighed by europe worries. tech stocks are also down in wall street off to microsoft intel and yahoo expressed caution on their outlook the european currency has been all changed today's everything's changed the euro has been suffering recently of dollars having a very good run but the euro is now on the greenback and russia wants to link is european and siberian grids which of historically been separate more kids designed
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to increase competition between power companies and cut prices for households paternalist one is the huge project will take significant time to achieve and europe today will have more for you next door all right daniel thanks for that update and digging deeper in the financial headlines shortly for you max kaiser is coming up here in archie.
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if they shoot something inappropriate for a public they can easily be shot by x. above his walk ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has happened. in a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what does their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave america and this clear for thousands with such witnesses i got him on my site camera one of my many objects above the bushes mercer's shooting an art. in the movie.
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