tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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only. if you're watching r.t. live from moscow to headline it's. nonstop fighting in syria as government forces advance on rebel controlled areas near the capital and in the country's largest city of aleppo that's why washington applauds the opposition's games and promises to increase support. the man who once fought to put the chilean dictator behind bars could soon be working to keep julian assange out of them they sound their weekly leaks added to is still holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. and european carmakers have a difficult road ahead a sales plummet across the continent leading to thousands of painful nails in france this symbol of the industry push always planning to close one of its plants and force over eight thousand people out of work. so
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a difference of just violence next we'll explore the controversial subject of gun ownership in the u.s. where thousands of people are killed every year in shootings. if you want to play god work on your game. and they will then still go to any gun store they're going to write a background check or rather what you buy there. and they are big event is a gun show they have on weekends and this is where the gun store sellers can also go and set shop but the individual people who own guns the person in question can come and also set up a table and do this himself against the gay seller so shops are still held to the same regulation that they need to have background check on every purchase and food to people who can he said privately off sometimes you know the same gang that took place and seller has is not required to run a background check and said why are you not holding this to sell or selling the same the same product to same standards that's the problem that's the loophole.
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like they are. here. this entire transaction that we just record of bread broke no law federal or state law this is why i want to do is to show these simple transactions and say this is something that's perfectly legal for countless shot i think we are like most americans who didn't have much involvement with gun violence and never to share lives and we were really involved in the issue or didn't know a lot of the facts i knew that there were a lot of deaths the newspaper tributed and that many were attributed to guns but i
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didn't really realize how big the problem was i to my son was sitting in french class in a small college town and he got shot four times that makes it to me makes it any could be anyone could anything it could anybody could get any time. after i recovered and came out of hospital and was with their peers and went back to school . i was thinking about this issue. the gun show loophole is one of the simplest steps we can search for to improve the safety of guns falling into the wrong hands .
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not hands over the money the real purchaser moves in and helps pack up the gun nobody had the sense to anybody was watching nobody had the sense that they would get in any trouble so that felonies were conducted right out in the open they're the kind of transactions that make it easy for criminals to get guns.
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not too many years ago the air force commissioned a study of these weapons pointing out the fact that no airport civilian or military was entirely safe the range of these weapons was such that a determined bad guy could be well outside the security perimeter of an airport and still have a fair shot of an airliner as it took off or landed these guns are available from private individuals for cash no background check no waiting period no questions no record. more hate mail today. and. this is on the list for the house for who we think could be a likely co-sponsor on the legislation that we have h.r. twenty three twenty four the gun show loophole bill and as of today we can make a couple more marks right here for example. as you mark this one you know it means
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they have agreed to co-sponsor our bill in the house. the basic requirements hold everyone at these gun shows everyone who sells guns to the same standard that's the first step it's not all private sales which is however much we would like to see all private sales but it's it's kind of the most from the most reasonable the most common sense first step with that. forum and we're doing the video collins undercover video and when you're speaking your house how is this going to be enforced and it first. and what he said in minutes we'll be doing about seven minutes to be the forum or be the biggest event that i've ever spoken at i think you can a lot of your story i think it's important to have and i've spoken at rallies but i've never spoken in front of congress so this would be for me it's definitely a big day the main thing we want up is you know just to tell the story to tell well to answer the questions you know you're laying the groundwork for us to build
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for the next year or two years to come ok but i feel really good. i feel nervous you'll do great if most people agree that felons should be able to buy guns why shouldn't we do a background check on us thanks to the gun lobby in the n.r.a. try to think of every argument they could to to stop this thanks paul and they do it with the idea that we're really out here protecting your right forgot ownership but what they're really doing is they're protecting the gun manufacturers and the gun dealers and ending up supporting the illegal gun distribution system in this country. richard feldman spent two decades working with one of the nation's most secretive organizations the national rifle association his new memoir ricocheted confessions of a gun lobbyist chronicles his time with the n.r.a. and other gun groups you write that the n.r.a. often likes to draw lines of us versus them do you think they're unwillingness to compromise has contributed to the success now that's
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a fair very fair question yes if. define success is fundraising it certainly has been very successful when you do fund raising you want to have an identifiable enemy you want to keep the issue black and white the word compromise to the n.r.a. is a dirty word never give an inch is the slogan fighting is good for the n.r.a. doing battle is good but they have to make issues sometimes when issues don't really exist just to keep that fund raising going well when they were asked to comment on your book a spokesperson told the washington post we don't comment on works of fiction. we all know that the n.r.a. is powerful and that the n.r.a. is really what's but when they turn on one of their own and he decides to turn back on them it's kind of like peering into a burlap sack full of ill tempered mints so i just ask you on a personal level having been a top lobbyist at the n.r.a. having been essentially forced out of the gun lobby by the n.r.a.
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being unhappy with your approach to things how has this been for you personally to have been really kind of booted out well they needed to get rid of me because they want to be the only game in town and when i cut that voluntary child safety law the zero with bill clinton without getting the table blessing from n.r.a. we were threatening their gemini over this issue thank you it was a remarkable gathering in the rose garden this morning because here with the hand good industry and the president actually agreeing on something i'm pleased to announce that eight of the largest handgun manufacturers will now provide child safety devices with every new handgun they sell back in one nine hundred ninety seven there was legislation in the senate to mandate child safety locks on guns there was pretty much universal agreement in the industry that we ought to do this on our own get the credit for doing it we thank you mr president without having led
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. slate of all regulatory mandates on the way we had to do it the n.r.a. came unglued after that announcement i sort of went from the guy who came from n.r.a. representing the industry to being an r a's public enemy number two. well we had really done was and several fundraisers for them i mean once we made the decision to include child safety locks was no sense opposing something that's already a done deal. i don't think n.r.a. senior leadership like that too much to feel they're going to get. thirty to forty miles of those probably fifty thousand people going to be here over the next four days and this is just one of three false.
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n.r.a. volunteers yeah they need a lot of volunteers as they pay that staff so much. and with that or you're seeing these. are now out there and they've been watching us i guess. maybe we got your. way you didn't have to prepare a party for nate. silver here. which i just. well we have to check the symbolism it's not just the n.r.a. has said and done any interviews with anyone that n.r.a. everywhere isaac has an angle. here i'd like to know that this particular issue is very yeah i mean it's you know we don't want to tie. every church.
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every. i don't know if you've heard we got pulled off the floor earlier today really yeah if you criticize the other right why don't think i said it on film where they had a alley some people were nervous. this is one for the history books the first ever supreme court declaration that america's right to own a gun self protects. it is the first time the us supreme court has ever taken up the right to bear arms under the second amendment since it was ratified back in seventeen eighty one the second amendment rights justice antonin scalia protection individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia and to use it for lawful purposes such as self-defense justice scalia was careful not to throw out all gun control laws stating flatly the second amendment
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right is not unlimited. what do you see as being the current state of gun laws you know taking into context the history in american gun laws and where you think it's going i think in large measure the firearm debate in america is really over in ari's kind of a self-importance ation and if it's cause goes away it goes away they need a dragon to slay in order to continue to develop their membership in order to motivate their members and in order to fundraise from their members i get a fundraising letter from the n.r.a. about every other or every third week. and some a lot it is and some of them are really pretty intense and here's one from from the summer dear mr feldman some of congress' most powerful anti gunners said demanding a registration list of every american gun owner they want your name this to tell
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them and they want to know where you live your address that's pretty frightening stuff i kind of disagree with the idea of scaring your members out of their hard earned dollars precedented government intervention chipping away at your rights to believe your freedom the n.r.a. instills a tremendous amount of fear in its members and the thing is it works. it motorized their members but you can stop them if you look at the historical moment there's really very limited threats to gun rights i mean we just came out of eight years of george bush in republican controlled congress we saw gun rights legislation during that period not gun control legislation two thousand and seven we see the worst single shooter killing spree in the history of the country at virginia tech and here a few years later we have virginia passing gun rights legislation right so repealing some of the earlier gun control legislation that was passed do you believe in your right to own a gun you so you may be an endangered species whole one eight seven seven and already two thousand and join the n.r.a. i think there are a range of n.r.a.
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members and among the most committed are the true believers the diehard n.r.a. members those are the gun crusaders. maybe one of the n.r.a. members would fall into this category there's a huge chunk of gun owners in our country who are not n.r.a. members the n.r.a. has a membership of about four million or something like eighty million gun owners in our country but the n.r.a. is driven by these gun crusaders these really hard when they really are and they're able to create these and really. the biggest deliberation of their video years after the n.r.a. is able to recruit intensely committed members because they're framing gun rights or threats to gun rights in a way that makes them feel like all their rights are threatened or you're proud of your country want to stay in school or i don't want you really want to thank you i
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was. great thank you very much thank you frank rich thank you i there are a good audience is conservative white gun owning men and they feel pinched and they feel sort of displaced in our society i've been fired up. the last election i got enough change already and again only more if you have been losing the country to others they feel like the minority they feel like you know immigrants gays and lesbians people of color are taking over the country and these conservative whites are now the numerical minority so they're going to act offers a message that not only are going to being taken away but so are your core beliefs your identity your values your status your power is that correct my interpretation of what you said is that the right to insurrection against the federal government is a god given right that you're protecting god given sure that is correct. our founders
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did they have this political propaganda theme that essentially the federal government is depriving americans of their free and that they are resistance there shouldn't be any federal gun control or the federal government has no authority should be no federal jails there should not be a you know lifting i just out this is a movement that has potential radical if not revolutionary. intentions self-defense is a benefit of being able to shoot the government. that's why we have a second amendment that's what we did with it we shut the government when the government broke the contract with the american colonies we shut up and we pushed them out issue i call this the insurrectionists theory of the second amendment and it's very dangerous it is an idea that is a threat to the very foundations of our democracy it's a foul it's a threat to the rule of law itself it's an invitation to vigilanteism it's an
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invitation to take up arms literally against public officials if you don't like what they're doing and if you have any doubt about how dangerous that is reflecting back on the oklahoma city bombing. it is a devil stay. and on certainty in a small city that has never before been touched by terrorism timothy no nine it was an individual who absorbed this insurrectionists ideology and he acted it out he concluded that the time for revolution had come. to the federal building. and he knew that one of the agencies in that building was the bureau of alcohol tobacco and fire which was the government agency that he thought would be the one to come for the gun. in ohio citizen soldiers trained for carbon compound while snipers in michigan practice with high powered weapons. this insurrectionist idea
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which is also what motivates these militia groups formed back in the ninety's and reforming again a report out today he claims fifty new militia training and sprung up in less than two years just one law enforcement source but a dangerous mix is brewing at all but smith has a spark. the founders were very clear about this it wasn't for honey that we have the second amendment they fear they fear big government and that is why the people should be armed that doesn't mean that we're agitating for the use of these arms but it always holds government in check we can't continue expanding the domestic and title one system so the time will come hopefully we will never have to use the weapons for self defense but we should be prepared but the most important thing that we do is to understand the importance of defending liberty so that we can preserve the greatness of this country i thank you very much.
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the rest of the world has figured out that they can do something about gun violence other countries have taken steps to license guns to register gods that require training and i'm not saying all those are things that should be done here necessarily but there are things that we can do. since we don't think bad guys should have guns we should do background checks and find out if those who are buying guns are bad guys or not we do that for some sales we don't do it for all of them we should do it for all of them it's just that simple good gun still if kids stop selling guns to keep it like keith in to destroy all sales one of the
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most common ways they can to get into the hands of criminals why would the congress give foresman the resources to do undercover inspections if thirty percent of the trafficking cases are connected to gun shows why would you close the gun show loophole. the way it works here is that congress is so afraid of everything else the n.r.a. can do to them that they won't make the simple gesture to make all of us safe so you've got to try to find the middle ground into the gun show loophole is the thing that the public really odd again. sergio's if you think this bill has any chance i mean the n.r.a. is opposed to this saddest string of victories in the supreme court here on capitol hill filled d.c. voting rights i mean. first to be going up against this so. those are bad today.
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no background check. no background. the fact is congressman i wouldn't be sitting here in front of you today if one for the been stabbed sixteenth two thousand and seven immersion in tech. i wouldn't be sitting here in front of you today if it wasn't for the ten minutes of hell that i survived on that day and i wouldn't be sitting here in front of you today if our federal gun laws had been stronger the existing brady act as it is written is too weak to protect future americans from another some reach zero or other prohibited purchasers i can think of no reasonable responsible logical reason why that should be a fact is congressman i wouldn't be sitting here in front of you today if i didn't believe every part of me that my elected officials will do what is responsible and reasonable to protect their citizens. thank you very much for your time mr goddard
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i'd just like to say that your testimony is compelling is a testimony i've heard here on the hill i would hope that all members of congress could hear that could make a big difference clearly with this particular issue so i want to thank our all i would assist today formas concluded. thank you there's still another college campus shooting this time northern illinois university in dekalb in them am in northern illinois is that it's shooting at public schools and colleges in just one week what's it going to take when columbine happened people thought of columbine start enough nothing's enough well columbine wasn't enough a couple of years ago there was a whole string of shootings on campus virginia tech certainly most horrifically and people said if this isn't enough nothing's enough old virginia tech wasn't enough not even in virginia let alone a federal law so i frankly don't know what's. culture
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is that so much i'm afraid we're going to make a lot of the play area look at it and game inside the assad regime with the u.s. in a regional ally sequence of her diplomacy and a warning from damascus. lol lol started here before going global and now it's cooling the fire. log. choose your place take your stand. to. make your statement. spoke the words. she was a student loans.
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