tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EDT
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it's two thirty pm in moscow and these are the top stories on our t.v. nonstop fighting in syria as government forces have grounds on the rebel controlled areas near the capital and in the country's largest city aleppo that's what washington applauds the opposition for games and promises to increase support. the man who wants to put a lame dictator behind bars could soon be working to keep julian assange out of them this past week he was out of there is still holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy. and the european carmakers have a difficult road ahead as sales plummet across the continent leading to thousands of painful layoffs in france the symbol of the industry pre-show is planning to
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close one of its plants and force over eight thousand people out of work. well the layoff plan is a blow to french president francois hollande to struggling to get the economy back on track the french advertising group jackson says is likely to disappoint his people as he made election promises he simply can't fulfill you know outlines there's another p.r. phones by politicians in an interview with r.t. . well today we're joined by jacks again he's a renowned name in advertising he's an author of numerous books on the industry and he's also been involved in a number of high profile political campaigns in france and abroad thank you very much for joining us today the first question is you know behind every great political or business leader today lies a skilled practitioner or
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a spin doctor and you've been instrumental in a number of political campaigns you've advised a fast arbiter or he's the last socialist president before france warlord was elected do you necessarily share the same world views or values of those you advise especially the politicians who. don't need to be on the same side left or right of the curse in your consulting for he must have the admiration of these advertisers in any case they must share the same values this does not mean the same ideology of god i'm very lucky because i'm neither right nor left i believe in ideas not ideologies to me the man who in a campaign has the greatest idea to put his country on the move is one that interests me and one i wanted to work with i do know if he's right or left provided that fundamentally he's a democrat and he wants to lead his country into the future and to be honest three conditions are generally hard to. know but why is it necessary to spend why is it
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not possible to just give people all the facts and let them decide for themselves. so they think the politicians let their communication advisors tell them what they have to do business is like a microphone we are the amplifiers the conductor the directors of our candidates ideas if a spin doctor wants to do the thinking instead of letting his client express his ideas the spin doctor commits an unforgivable egotistic mistake so our job is to say where where. why and how the environment in which the message is delivered is as important as the message itself marshall mcluhan once said that the medium is the message that's why speech on the steps of the elites a powerless pop is not a speech in a factory. and some spin doctors in the us have defined the truth as two faced and relative now in the words of renowned spin doctor gianna scanlon he said the truth is often not necessarily solet it can be a liquid which seems to be true is not necessarily the case when we look at it
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every day sec didn't take it apart and turn it around it will look at it from a different perspective do you agree with this definition. i think the image of a politician as the brand image the image of a president or a star is only a part of the truth there is always a dark side the more you make fewer shadows remain and the more it works for the future of the star or the president nothing is worse than presenting someone as a statesman and then disappointing people after that person is elected president see is a meeting between a man and his destiny with the people and the destiny of this people if there is a real common expectation and the candidate in the body sees expectations in his election is inevitable but what is necessary is the promises made during the campaign have credibility this is why we must always be wary of encrypted promises when nicolas sarkozy said he would increase purchasing power but he made a real communication mistake by francois mitterrand the first came up with the
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motto i will be a peaceful force with this slogan people will hold only mitterrand responsible him whatever the situation is even dramatic he must remain confident with his strength and serenity he remained this way throughout his career he never patrolled his promise of being or peaceful force so when francois lawn's promises growth he somewhat made the same mistake nicolas sarkozy did alone does not control growth only the european economy. can affect both is a promise that risks disappointing the french people who would have a state of grace for six months by twenty thirteen if there is no revival of economic growth which no one really sees coming he will lose his credibility i like now is why i've always preferred the psychological slogans over political slogans of the president of purchasing power of the president of growth a promises that are dependent on external factors rather than oneself. but as you say there are several truths there is
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a war between different truths and the people promoting them say let me be your television that makes an election for years it was the poster campaign that what was written and the pictures used which made the election about back then it was enough to make a good election poster then in the ninety's all homes had television and television took over there were not as many political shows back then there were two main debates one during the campaign we did not have one every night as we saw during the last election there were two sides that kept fighting each other to spit on each other but this tussle is an amazing show like a television series that the french loved that's why they voted on mass much fewer people vote in parliamentary elections because the show is over the question so television has become the kingmaker that's until the internet takes over the next election or maybe the one after that when i say the internet it means nothing i should say the screen the screen will move from television to the internet and the
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internet to a mobile phone which will become tomorrow's primary medium together with pads as means of communication technology modernizing communication is modernizing as well but there is no modernization of concepts and the slogans remain unchanged they are the same the great american slogans new deal new frontin is new america america first two words always the same because so the display of truth is dependent on the nature of the media but the internet is the law. object meant to destruction that we know the internet is a place of permanent noise you can say anything at any time in total anonymity and in total impunity and complete immunity on the internet and no one can know the author of the message is the internet is a weapon of destruction as we have never known. that you were asked in an interview whether you believe leaders should apologize in public when they've made a mistake when you said no and you said the only way to recover when you've made
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a mistake is victimization you should always present yourself as a victim because victims are always forgiven what about accountability especially in a time of crisis or a time when wars are waged are people looking for politicians or leaders who take responsibility for their actions yet didn't vote for yes those two level of misconduct there is personal misconduct an error of language a word that should not have been said in such cases we must apologize within the day immediately and with the same intensity that the offending word was used very she's got the stone was accused of receiving diamonds from an african leader he should have immediately told people through television that those were not real diamonds and the stories were to keep us but instead of explaining on television saying what really happened that they were a worthless gift for all the guests at dinner because of his arrogance he refused to apologize was a fatal blow in a case of serious misconduct
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a position which involves the state of france in the solemnity of the president one should not respond because a leader is not supposed to make mistakes the symbolism of the head of state is fundamental to authority blair made a mistake by supporting the americans in this stupid war in iraq he knows it but he never admitted it except in the heat of caucus without explicitly admitting he did say between the lines we understand then that it didn't take him long to realize the mistake he was making by supporting the iran. more about he has to stand by his words that's why i didn't like the suggestion of taking out france troops from afghanistan a year early because it goes against the public promise we made to the world and to america i think it's not fair play to call out before the others to earn a few months of a political campaign francoise hollande did not do the right thing. let's look at war when we look back at history we have many examples of the p.r. machine of war p.r.
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agencies involved in packaging selling and justifying war but war is war isn't it what is there to justify and what's your view on the ethical breaches of such actions. this is not the same kind of spin doctor or communications adviser these are military men who are trained in intelligence and use communication as a destructive weapon that destroys political opinions this is to try to convince the world of their good conscience i prefer was like this in actual deadly was those information was making a few ideas here and there they can kill a person as time goes by communication will increasingly be an important part of war it starts before an actual war and it can also prevent it that's what we're seeing in syria and i hope communication will succeed there where failed in libya and it failed in egypt in tunisia it happened spontaneously but i hope we will not reach the same aberration that we experienced in libya. so you're saying
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communications is a weapon if you know communication is a weapon slogan is a dumb dumb bullet that she was like that all the terms of advertising or water we talk about target we talk about strategy we talk about impact this is terrible it's also weapon in the war because all wars are now shown then by all cost. so what is where is the line between communication and manipulation. this line is very narrow it's very fluid especially when it comes to war when it comes to politics the stakes are not as high and above all it is easier to exercise transparency in politics but in a war no one can approach the war zone or the forefront of military operations you never know the dead they show you where one camp or another camp is so easy in a war zone and it has already been done several times in the past to transform a war surroundings to bring the bodies in the make up you can always simulate
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a massacre that has not occurred so one must be very careful that is the job of war porters to witness all that they also put themselves at risk for being a war reporter is one of the best jobs in the world i did my military service in a few months that's what i've done best in my life because we were there to serve humanity to try to uncover the real truth of what we can and not the one that people want to show you misinformation is easier during wartime now with the p.r. war machine do you think that we would have had fewer wars. given i was drawing on when communication is left behind where this is exactly the case in syria today accused of oil communication is a weapon of war and a weapon that kills the least number of people look at libya now one point the world found out that gadhafi was doing too much if you look at syria and the incredible number of unfair deaths that you wanted to stop peace always triumph and communication is here to push and push it forward and to say each time that there
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is peace that's always better than war war does not solve anything when will. the question is that so much you're going to make a lot of people you know you look at you like your partnership with the you western regional allies you. diplomacy and the warning from damascus. play it cool started here before going global and now it's pulling fire. log in. to kick. choose your place take your stand. make your statements.
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party's top stories nonstop fighting in syria as government forces advance on rebel controlled areas near the capital in the country's largest city of aleppo and fall washington applauds the opposition's games thomas says he supports. the man who once fought to put a two lane dictator behind bars could soon be working to keep drilling out songs out of the out of the sounds the wiki leaks editor is still holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. and european carmakers have a difficult road ahead as sales of bomb it across the continent leading to pao's a painful layoff in france the symbol of the industry for show is planning to close one of its plants and forth over eight thousand people out of work. next to me that is here with the latest action from the world of sport.
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hello there welcome to the talks of the. bullets. and the tongue drinker langkow says he'll go back to america he sees no way in the world possibly. one is good but these bets and tomorrow will play a little tennis tournament in both the singles and doubles the brother jamie be. scoring in every match the opening game weekend with russian premier league salt plain super sized. no goals below the dish. but first russia's biggest possible sondra is going to return to the n.b.a. next season the thirty one year old announced his decision to go to the u.s. despite signing a three year deal with school last autumn where he enjoyed estella sings and
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meanwhile. in america with full swing came with the russian brooklyn nets nicknamed the a k forty seven. decades with the year to giles former european champion spearhead russian sport at the london olympics devon blotz men open their quest for glory against great britain on sunday. i. in the meantime the world's two top ranked but basketball nations the a c. and spain faced each other in a crucial warm up game in barcelona at the house wasted no time and found themselves twenty two thirteen up late in the first quarter i talked about anthony will be playing in his third lympics london lesbia seat to come back to school twenty three piece time soon going to play stuff a combination of fluid passing and billeted to turn defense into to quickly help
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the americans to keep him comfortable in the second half but the final buzzer they say would extend their lead to the largest on the night one hundred points to seventy eight i next up for the team is their only hope and against i will be will. brazil argentina in a spray. will cause you. will. slow stories in the two or three games group which is you know we fought to just keep you know the door to his courses or. the transition. the olympic football tournament is yet to start on wednesday but the brazilian men's squad received a heavy blow is their main goalkeeper. had to leave the games he injured himself during a training session head coach. has been forced to big heat reserves keep the place for it telling. the summer boys will play their first groups
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a game against egypt tomorrow with other parents at the olympics and new zealand remember the south africans are chasing their first ever of the big gold medal. paralympic tennis tournament gets underway in saturday with the british team hoping that home advantage will help their place produce one of the country's medalists and tomorrow will probably have a chance for a rematch with roger federer remember this we speak the world number four at the recent wimbledon final the twenty five year. bricked will play them not only in the singles but also in the doubles brother jamie will be his teammates the deer will walk on court together intending to emulate the success of another pair of tennis siblings in the doubles the all conquering brown brothers of the ac. in tennis you've got the bryan brothers who have been probably one of the most successful teams ever obviously spend a lot of time together being brothers and other teams have done well and you know
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have been quite open about maybe not getting on with each other or away from the course so there's not one way of. dealing with that but. you get on well spend a lot of time together because we don't claim any tournaments together i think it's important that we understand how each other is feeling and understand each other's strengths and weaknesses when we go on the court so. i think it will be a benefit for us. russia has gone for youth over experience and five up and coming will be vying to restore the country's former glory in the manse artistic gymnastics. has more. from the russian artistic jim have always had a lot to live up to the distinguished tradition of soviet union athletes between russia and the us is forty nine gold medals have been won the olympic games. in any other nation but now times have changed russia may still be one of the top
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countries when it comes to women thirty six gymnastics but their male counterparts have had it much harder especially with the rise of team china the host of the last olympics keep in seven of the eight goals at home and so not surprisingly caution is the buzzword ahead of the london games. in the women's competition there are really only five countries who can win the men's gymnastics expect any of the top sixteen countries to fight for the podium certainly there are some teams which have better chances but in general the competition there is much tougher. than russia will have five. many celebs in alexandra london selected as the first choice candidates last month well determining the team's last member has appeared to be a very difficult task with the coaches. eventually gets into naught but the final line up had to break for the rest of the run in in particular for. the two time
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beijing bronze medalist suffering a deep in the form of a recent years but had been training very hard in the run up to this course selection however to no avail the overall look of the scored a youthful one not one of the quintet is a former olympian. and yes we have a relatively young team but i don't think it's a bad one we know. other very well as we've been training together in the youth team for many years and we even took part in the youth european championships with the same lineup four years ago russia's male artistic gymnastics quarter failed to add anything but brawls to the country's coffers well you have to go way back to the two thousand sydney olympics to celebrate a gold medal success. the task down a clear one in order to revive the glorious traditions of previous generations to russia are going to have to reach the stars on the floor. r.c.
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