tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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washington pledges more support for syrian rebels but the russian foreign minister says that by justifying blast in damascus america is all but indorsing terrorism. guilty and till proven innocent top u.s. officials applying themselves for only killing terrorists in pakistan drone strikes this year but experts point out the dodgy definition that blurs insurgents and civilians. and the disturbing discovery in russian the woodland almost two hundred fifty human embryos are from dumped in plastic barrels police say they may have been used for the legal research. was a heavyweight boost for julian assange just legal team the man who indicted today in dictator you know say for human rights abuses now joins the whistleblower in his fight.
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oh my from our studios in the russian capital you're with are many said no way with our top story in moscow has hit out at washington over its comments on last week's blast in damascus which killed president also the key aides foreign minister sergei lavrov said the u.s. practically justifying terrorism for more details let's now join our cheese lucy councilman to see what exactly is causing such a reaction in moscow. let's essential war of words but a sort of hypocritical stance to some degree when we saw many members of the u.s. administration speaking out almost immediately after various so-called massacres that had taken place on the ground in syria when this latest blast took place killing many high profile members of president bashar al assad's government as they attended a security meeting. the reaction from the u.s.
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state department was quite a difference they have actively had said that these attacks were not surprising given the conduct of president bashar al assad's government one spokesman even said those who died were key architects of the regime's assaults on the syrian people it's a very different sort of response that we've seen two different kinds of explosions and attacks and syria and this one that a president pardon me foreign minister sergey lavrov had some really harsh words for take a lesson. and you can do a lot closer we don't understand why our western partners refused to condemn the terrorist attack in damascus moreover susan royce used to this incident to prove that the u.n. security council could no longer hesitate over the resolution on chapter seven so basically she is saying with little to support such terrorist attacks until the security council does force we won't it's a horrible approach i can't even find words to express how we feel about this this is simply the justification of terrorism. now just remember the chapter
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seven resolution that he was referring to in the u.n. would have allowed the u.n. security council to take a wide range of actions ranging from diplomatic and economic sanctions against syria to possible military action this was a resolution that was beat out with the help of china and russia last week of course military intervention something russia has been against from the beginning aren't his phone off live with developments from the russian foreign ministry thanks for that. now hostilities in syria have seen scores of people displaced but for some refugees it's not the first time they've been forced to flee many iraqis who escaped violence in their homeland took shelter in syria but now they're returning home saying the new war left them little choice our correspondent in damascus on a boy has met some of them. they fled their home countries in search of peace only to be ambushed by war in the place they thought was safe syria has long been
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counted among the most welcoming countries in the region for refugees with almost one hundred thousand of them registered here permanently given before their while and broke out in syria the residents of the neighborhoods were all well familiar with the ugly realities of war or the past decade this area has become home one thousands of war refugees from somalia afghanistan pakistan but the largest community here iraqis who sought to escape the us waged war in that country and now have to flee yet again at this bus station iraqi destinations have never been in such high demand as now after several dozen residents of this area were shot or be had it in the past two weeks many are scrambling to leave the mohammed who arrived here with this family in two thousand and three is also packing i've never come across such security is in syria and such a government is in syria it's
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a good state a good nation but the rebels come here with weapons to destroy our homes and we have no idea why the residents accuse the rebels of terrorizing their community extorting money or kidnapping for ransom while their regions of the gangs are known many here believe it's a fighting alongside the free syrian army. the usa is not an independent nation because its government does not hear what its people are saying because whichever country to invades it destroys america invaded iraq libya egypt and yemen and has not brought peace to any of them now after nine years iraq still can't produce enough electricity for a whole day and eat for an hour or two. they say it is enough is one of the most important share shrines as it is believed to hold the relics of prophet muhammad's granddaughter. just a year ago it was inundated with bill grams but after several worshipers lost their
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lives in a suicide bombing that is now closed some believe the attacks against iraqis in syria may also be driven by sick terror and division most iraqis a shia most troubles a sunni a year's base shia group has just published a statement calling on the united nations to intervene according to our sources and say. thousands of shia muslims are in danger of massacred by the free syrian army and groups affiliated with them she writes watch has learned from many shia muslims living in the area that the free syrian army has threatened to massacre all the shia in the area unless they flee yet not everybody is scary the way. a sunni syrian and an m a share iraqi have been neighbors and friends for seven years ever since the killing of animals has been forced here to leave iraq they say we want freedom what freedom do you want in syria mosques they have girls with their heads covered and girls with their heads uncovered you have christians sunni's in shiites
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they say they want freedom but is this the way to treat your country when you want freedom but iraqis know better than anyone else how relentless and how damaging the foreign quest for freedom would be on the boycott r.t. reporting from damascus in syria. well syria's opposition says thousands of government troops are being moved to the country's commercial hub aleppo the city has reportedly same fierce street battles for almost a week some troubles moved in from the outskirts the focus of the conflict shifted after the army flushed out what it described as militants from key districts in the capital but those defeats were ignored by the u.s. which held the rebels actions and pledged more support ross baker from the investigative website who what why dot com says the mainstream media is singing in tune with the stance a decision had been taken and that it was necessary to intervene or
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invade or whatever you want to call it and then all the news is fit to match and so what we see is a whole series of documented unsupported allegations in the case of syria as in the case of libya these are allegations of mass rape and of massacres without carefully trying to establish who exactly did wide who saw what and so forth what we do is we start finding that it goes it's trance traceable back to several individuals who seem to be syrian emigres living a very interestingly in saudi arabia others in the united states appear to be connected to exactly the people who want to displace saudi who is instigating the syrian war and has it now reached a tipping point that's the focus of today's cross talk coming up after fifteen thirty g.m.t. on r.t. here's a quick look at what that. syria threatens no one syria
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is a nonbeliever in country what's going on is not an uprising it's not a revolution it's not a civil war the i.c.r.c. was paid eight million dollars by washington to lie to lie is if their lie change international law and i disagree completely with stephen they they didn't unleash this power in fact there's lots of debate in washington now and lots of reluctance to supply weapons because they know it might end up in the hands of al-qaeda but at the same time this level of persistent meddling and allowing there are allies to meddle. consistently and kind of fueling the fire in syria is very very destructive and i think this component of the chemical weapons is only going to mother the picture. america's pristine track record of drone strikes in pakistan this year has become
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a source of pride one hundred and fifty militants dead and no civilian losses but experts say those figures from the new america foundation just don't stand up the white house decrees any men killed by drones as guilty until proven otherwise with more on the numbers here in our washington correspondent. if you believe this chart as seen on c.n.n. american drone strikes in pakistan have been so precise that they haven't killed a single innocent person this year the chart shows last year the strikes targeted four hundred thirty one militants and killed only twenty six quote unquote others meaning civilians the data was compiled by the new america foundation now how did this foundation come up with the numbers which look pretty much like advertising for drones they link press reports when you actually look at the reports reports almost half of them are attributed to some unnamed intelligence officials who give the number of who they refer to as militants and a few more details for example the a.f.p.
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agency report about a strike in north waziristan earlier this month says quote it was difficult to identify the bodies immediately as some of them were charred end of quote but this survey which was broadcast on c.n.n. doesn't have to go deep into details as to who was identified as who nor does it have to clarify the definition of the word militant in this context as seen by the obama administration and according to the obama administration all military age males in a strike zone count as combatants unless there is explicit intelligence possed humorously proving them innocent so someone has to prove their innocence after they're dead president obama lawyer by background personally approves the kill list now how does the administration get away with this take no prisoners policy double speak is one of the ways illegally executing people is fine as long as you call them militants as pointed out by the london based bureau for investigative journalism it's very hard to reveal exact numbers they put the total of civilian
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civilians killed in drone strikes in pakistan at around eight hundred where is if you believe the new america foundation chart its half effect analysts say the reports by pakistani officials are not always reliable because of their dubious position on the one hand the cast of glee allowed to drone strikes on. the other hand they condemn them the public publicly condemn them arguably to resonate more with the sentiments of the population in pakistan that is furious with u.s. actions population that sees a different chart not the success of graphics cast on c.n.n. and the question they ask is how much killing will be enough in washington i'm going to. much more lined up ahead for you including a look at why europe's and motor industry is heading this cads cars out from both the e.u. leaving top manufacturers no choice but to put the brakes on the protection lines the details just ahead also. your across the very top movie slopes
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may get to look on the phone itself will see one business around twenty pounds. but first ever ran this discovery in the russian uro's two hundred and fifty human embryos that were found dumped in the woods may have been used for illegal research thomas shares more details with us. well certainly an interesting story indeed is this a case of a vast criminal cover up or simply a case of bio medical waste improperly disposed what we know right now is two hundred forty eight human fetuses were discovered in a remote region in the year olds in a forest there officials say that the remains are a bio medical waste police say that there were four plastic barrels contained remains that were preserved in formaldehyde and some of those remains had tags on them with surnames and numbers now also some of the lives of these containers were
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off and some of the remains were scattered across the forest floor they were discovered by a local fisherman who was in the woods looking for some firewood for his campfires some containers that he thought he could use for water wanted to bring them home and then he couldn't now the investigation is focused in two parts first of all why and how the by a medical waste could have found its place in this part of the forest could it be negligence on behalf of the company that is charged with disposing of this by a medical waste the second half of the investigation focuses on the use of the fetuses in the first place now this could be from research from the hospitals in the three major cities in the area surrounding this wooded area this research was. headed up by a woman who was fired in two thousand and eleven it is believed that during that time she took some of the by medical waste with her when she left and police say that this waist might be part of some of those remains that she brought with her also police say that the regarding the secrecy around this type of research that it
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could very possibly well be illegal but that is not unknown at this time hospitals in a one hundred kilometer radius of the area where these remains were found have been given a request to account for how they have used embryos in the past one thing that we do know is that all of the embryos that were found in this series of containers in the woods were past the twenty two week mark which is where women in russia are allowed to legally have an abortion they can only have an abortion for medical reasons so that is one thing that is under consideration in this investigation right now so police have their hands full trying to figure out exactly how these remains that got to this wooded area in the first place and whether the research that caused these remains to need to be disposed of was legal or illegal what a story archies sean thomas with the developments on this gruesome human embryo find thanks for that. but we give the senator julian a songe hasn't been sitting idle while holed up seeking asylum in the ecuadorian
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embassy in london he's been bolstering his legal team in a big way signing up the human rights lawyer who indicted the late today in leader augusta pinochet r.g.s. laura smith explains what this means for the case. what his team is called keep him in the public eye and this is certainly a significant development that this spanish judge and lawyer says all costs on has been hired to take his case and it means a new legal strategy and also to show how what they're calling secret u.s. proceedings so these credible reports that we've been hearing about a sealed indictment against do that and also the subpoenaing of the grand jury over in the states have compromised these processes including the process to extradite to the innocence and balances are garson is a is an incredibly interesting character in fact he's a man that hollywood is preparing to make a movie about his life he's a spanish lawyer and
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a judge who shot to fame just over twenty years ago when he shot shook the international justice system by issuing an international arrest warrant for pinochet and since then he's really spearheaded this five c. against wrongdoing in both latin america and latterly in spain he has recently been involved in his own legal battles as well earlier this year he was fighting three different cases at the same time one he was found guilty of and he was in fact disbarred from being a judge or a magistrate in spain for eleven years as a result of that in february this year he was found guilty of ordering illegal recordings of suspects talking to their lawyers he's also been not convicted reprimanded for something that he was involved in which was an investigation into the disappearance of one hundred thousand people in spain under the regime of franco now that was found to be illegal by the spanish authorities and amnesty has been declared on the time that franco was in charge in spain in relation to julian
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assange says that there seems to be a worrying lack of safeguards and transparency as far as his case is concerned so what it really means globally for julian assault is that he's got another big in the world if human rights protection on his side. well for more on all the stories you can head to our web site there were reporting on how the london olympics isn't exactly welcoming everyone from around the world the ballet russes president denied access to the games we tell you why our team dot com. was a big no from the n.g.o.s as the heads of groups in russia threatened to boycott a new law obliging them to register as foreign agents find out more online. now it's tried tax incentives bonuses and see discounts but europe's car making industry is still hurting her wing i say into the red who's in business fastest stalling sales even french giant always laying off thousands of workers and
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shutting down one of its plants in paris as our europe correspondent tells our silly explains it's not only the economic slowdown that's putting a spoke in the wheels. anger among workers eight thousand jobs across france will be slashed by their employer p.s. if usual situation more than three thousand in this plant alone a blow to the new president's pledge of creating new jobs and to france is once a thriving industry. but trigger has been working for the company for eighteen years at the end of last month he lost his job at another peugeot site that was closed down and was transferred to this factory as luck would have it he's about to get fired a second time and he showed us what exactly this would mean for him. after the close the other five g. i had no choice but to move to get closer to the only site where they had moved me otherwise i would have been unemployed the just as i arrived here i hadn't even finished painting the flood just as my wife came here their names the new closure i
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just don't know what to do now but workers say it's not just the economic crisis that's hurt them it's also politics specifically sanctions against iran. the iranian market is huge it's the second market after france four hundred fifty thousand cars sold in two thousand and eleven so it's fifteen percent of the sales so it's a lot of money lost so if the government can intervene on a commercial level they can intervene at the social level to ban firing the workers of this plant say that they have no other choice but to keep on fighting but they're not oblivious to the fact that a whole generation of older workers who had seen a france's industrial boom are now starting to see a change in their economy and then there's a so-called lost generation of young people many of whom are without problems and they're all seeing a change you want to take in the form of literally getting more on their own it's out of that was a capitalist system of riches the myth in my generation we've been studying for years. myself i am. a master degree and i cannot find
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a job of course i cannot buy a house or buy a new car or if i want to do it i have to go to the bank and i get a credit so that means there will be prison with the loan this car dealer says the number of young first time car buyers has indeed gone down staggering youth unemployment adding injury to an already. bleak future for europe's car makers and be it generations of workers for their generation a similar vision you might that. we will start a new battle with p.s.e. group because what's happening is a normal i think a. transmitter in your evolution we're working on it does or sylvia r.t. paris. france's president of iran to house blast pressures layoffs is unacceptable as he struggles to fulfill his election pledge of more jobs are to put this and his
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other promises to an advertising guru and former adviser to francois mitterrand the last socialist president of france before a long here's what's to come later this hour. i think the image of a politician as the brand image the image of a president or stone is only a part of the truth there is always a dark side so in france well promises growth made the same mistake nicolas sarkozy did alone does not control growth it's a promise that risks disappointing the french people he would have a state of grace for six months with the budget but good scene if there's no revival of economic growth which no one really sees coming he will lose his credibility that's why i've always preferred the psychological slogans over political slogans of the president purchasing power of the president of growth a promises that are dependent on external factors rather than oneself.
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but more of the world may news this hour with. a bomb blasts across iraq they killed some one hundred and sixteen people it was the deadliest day in the country for two years government officials and security forces the main target the terror group says the violence marks from launch of a new campaign as it tries to retake territory and mount attacks. pro-democracy and opposition leader aung san suu kyi has called for more rights for indigenous people in myanmar in her first speech to the national parliament elected to the lower house in april the nobel prize winner said the freedoms of ethnic minorities in the country should be protected which are being eroded by decades of civil war suki spent a total of fifteen years under house arrest for her release and twenty two. scientists have been stunned by how much of
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a green leaves massive ice sheet has melted away it normally shrinks in summer but not this much or this fast ninety seven percent of it's disappeared mostly within a four day period this month in the fastest the largest fall since satellite data collection began thirty years ago now so researchers don't know if it's natural or caused by manmade climate change but say an unusual warm quote dome of air over the country is to blame. and russia needs a higher oil price or else danielle brings us more now from business that's right the russian ruble could plunge another fifteen percent this year if the oil price doesn't grow it's already lost that much in the last five months top economist told us why russia's healthy trade balance is also under threat from russian banks and companies brain high interest on their foreign born foreign debt is a corporate form that is growing that's means that interest to be free to be getting loans russian economy works more and more foreign labor force and that
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means wages are going no so-called offered before we see the bones of payment made to rape you for the prices are stable to the end of the year and that made result do believe the ball in the coming months always has been gives us then to fifteen percent. this year russia's why didn't the rubles trading corridors it moves to a fully free float in two years now russia's g.d.p. growth has slowed to three point eight percent though that's still much better than the eurozone the european bank for reconstruction and development says your crisis is spreading east moody's has cut its outlook on the e.u. bailout fund from stable to negative comes days after germany was also caught by the credit for more fears it called for to bail out spain that is recovering some heavy losses from the last few days and the next year was a casualty looks an even worse shape than previously thought so a person may now need more money an e.u.
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delegation is visiting the island to calculate its financial needs with officials saying it'll be at least thirteen billion euros the government is also in negotiations with russia for a five billion euro loan hopefuls that goes through the troika to help them out as well emotions hoping you're discover a new generation of environmentally friendly tires which company apollo very distain has presented the prototypes made with natural rubber from russian dandelions next step will be to test them on the street before they get to the production phase the talk is to create alternatives to asia's robot monopoly and europe today we'll have more for you next right thanks daniel i never noticed that russia had a surplus of dandelions. all right up next year in our day we explore how the french president's efforts to revive the economy clashed but the plans of big corporations to fire thousands that's coming up after the had hoped.
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including journalists and inspectors should leave iran. and this clear what happens with such witnesses i got him on my site. one of many objects submitted. to her shoes shooting on our. admission free accreditation free transport charges free. range mentioned free risk free. to tide free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and a free medio dog our teeth on tom. wealthy british style.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our cheek. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from phones to impressions. he's fun stunts on t.v. don't come.
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