tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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and i don't argue well the mainstream media plays catch up with the deadly anaheim police shooting and protests a similar incident unfolds in dallas the details ahead. and the anaheim incident wouldn't have been as public if not for the terrifying images witnesses gathered with their cell phones but filming a police officer could land you in some trouble and some places so where's the accountability and how can we keep law enforcement in line posture and more. bust while the u.s. moves its military pieces into the asian pacific region china is expanding its economic allegiances westward this time to latin america and the caribbean what does the u.s. have to say about this new friendship and some answers ahead. it's
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wednesday july twenty fifth seven pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl in you're watching our team. was the mainstream media catches up to the chaos in anaheim similar outrage is brewing in dallas hundreds of protesters there taking to the streets this after an officer and was shot in officer shot and killed a suspect that was reportedly on armed police in riot gear responding to the demonstrations according to police the victim james harper was shot after leading police on a chase the officer claims he was fearing for his life when he shot harper dead but the victim's families and hundreds of protesters aren't buying it and just like the anaheim case some protesters believe it was a racially motivated and is just one example of a corrupt police force there for more right now and a marlin writer for the dallas observer joins me now and
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a well. so what more can you tell us about this case. at this point what we know is that the dallas police received what they now believe was a bogus nine one one call yesterday afternoon claiming that there is an attempted kidnapping at this residence on dixon street the caller claimed that there was were five or six latino males dragging black male who was tied up into the house so the story from the police department is that they arrived on the scene. knocked on the door. attempted to open it and then. when yelled police and when the people in the house heard that it was the police they tried to run out the back door. the police say that they pursued
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all their reform and in the house they say they pursued all of them and the man who was ultimately shot james harbor apparently they're saying got into a physical fight or three different physical fights with the officer the last one culminating in her being shot and killed and any idea where that fake call are read in a tip from the police don't know police chief. at a press briefing last night when they tried to call that number back it really routed to a number that was out of the area and the phone call was answered by someone who didn't speak english so well they've released a transcript of that call they haven't actually released the audio of that call because they say it has a denture value ok and so after this incident there has been protests going on hundreds i hear can you tell us the magnitude of these protests what they're protesting against and what they're demanding. the protests last night and probably shortly after the shooting around five thirty or six and hundreds of
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people poured into the street in this neighborhood north near the corner of dixon in brooklyn where this happened people. in south dallas which is a predominantly poor and african-american area are frustrated with a recent spate of officer involved shootings there have been at this point fourteen shootings and alice involving police shooting people and eight of those have been fatal so the protest last night was essentially. the people in the area felt that they were being racially discriminated against and that the shooting had been racially motivated and now what has happened to the accused police officer in this case. the officer is on paid leave pending an internal investigation after that the case will go to a grand jury for consideration ok so this tension over there in dallas has this been brewing for a long time or does this is this kind of like
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a culmination of things that have been going on for a while and from what you've seen as a reporter there does it appear to be a systematic problem within the police force there. i think we don't know anything until the investigation is completed i would be prepared to say whether or not it's a systematic issue but what we do know is that there have been three officer involved shootings involving young black men in four neighborhoods just since the beginning of june and so i would say that you know frustration in those communities has been building the protesters i spoke to on the street last night felt that they were being targeted if somebody in their community died at the hands of the police officer that it didn't. that it didn't matter. and i would say that it's. something that perennial perennially comes up in dallas like any other major city
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and these previous instances were this where the victims armed are where they are unarmed as in as in this case which is which is what starts controversy a lot of the time police resorting to pulling the trigger when the suspect is not armed both of the suspects in the previous incidents were armed the first the first one was twenty one year old man named john husband he was pulled over for i think failing to signal and when the officer anything to scupper that he had a warrant you attempted to handcuff him the officer said that he had resisted being here and reached for a gun and so at that point the officer shot him in the back so obviously people in the community didn't. quite buy that he had a gun there is a difference of opinion between the community and the police there about what had happened the other incident took place at a taco bell and it was also there was also an armed suspect now can you describe
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the protests that have erupted following this latest incident have they got out of hand are do they remain mostly peaceful can you just kind of describe what has been going on following this. the main protest was last night it brought out hundreds of people into the street other media outlets were reporting that there had been fist fights in the crowd i didn't witness that i was down there for about two and a half hours last night and what i saw was that people were angry and frustrated and there were a couple of middle aged ladies yelling at the cops but i didn't see any violence there are women and children and families and just people standing on the street trying to figure out what was going on now we haven't covered covering extensive here extensively here from day one the the shooting anaheim and the protests that have resulted people outraged over what they see as an injustice what parallels can you draw if any between what's going on in anaheim and now what's going on in
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dallas i mean i think as far as i know the situation in anaheim the protests are ongoing there have been several arrests i believe there has been more violence these protests though i don't know i think the parallel you can draw between the two is that people are complaining about feeling by the police forces in their town or feeling like the police don't come into their community unless it's to a rest of them one that was something that i heard several times last night the people felt like they didn't see police in their neighborhood unless it was to make an arrest and that when they called police they were responsive so it i think we see similar frustrations and it's something that police departments in both towns are obviously hopefully after these incidents becoming more aware of and will work with the community to address all right and i thank so much for coming on the show and telling us all about what's happening over there in dallas that was and a lead writer for the dallas of server. well the community's
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outrage in anaheim is fueled in part by the fact that images of police brutality were caught on camera but across the country we've reported on police demanding people to stop recording them stripping them of their phones even arresting people for rolling the camera all this has raised questions over over our first amendment rights but at least one police chief is making it clear that recording law enforcement is in fact legal here in washington d.c. police chief cathy lanier issued an order explaining the constitutional rights of citizens here it is a statement of paine's from ours he is from the police department states quote while we have preexisting policy that addresses interaction with the media the new general order reaffirms of metropolitan police departments a recognition of the first amendment rights enjoyed by not only members of the media but the general public as well to record photographs and or audio record
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m.p.t. members conducting official business or while acting in an official capacity and any public split space unless such recordings interfere with police activity so what will it take for the rest of the country to follow suit to discuss this face silberman founder and executive director for flex your rights joined me a little earlier. the chief is recognizing what the courts around the country are already recognizing and that is that recording on duty police is protected first amendment activity and that citizens absolutely have the right to do it so citizens have these rights but often times when you're in a situation when you're faced with a police officer and he is either and to meeting you are telling you to put the phone away or they're going to arrest you i mean how do citizens uphold the his rights right it's important to recognize that all those citizens have the right to record on duty police not all police departments and officers have essentially
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gotten the memo and so often police officers will intimidate citizens into thinking that they do not have the right to report police but it's essential that in such a situation citizens recognize that they absolutely do have the right to record to the police and they need to understand how to stand up to the police in those situations so i mean despite the fact that this is a fundamental right and most states the majority of the states it still happens so i mean what if they are police officers ignorant of the law in some ways yes a lot of legislatures have come up with wiretapping laws that are a little bit legally complicated but essentially two of the harshest wiretapping laws in the nation in massachusetts and in illinois that made it a felony to openly record the police essentially was a misreading the courts there have struck that down and have said very unimpaired you asli that citizens have the right to record the police and so why don't police
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are slowly going to be coming around i mean you know chief lanier has come around and it's going to come one police department at a time in the meantime citizens are going to need to be prepared to assert their right to record police and do it in a very delicate manner now there seems to be this misconception that this first amendment right applies only to the media. but not true absolutely not you know the first amendment applies to to anywhere person because any person who has a camera simply you know this device right here is is one the most amazing devices in human history because in a second within seconds you can be recording police activity perhaps even police misconduct in v.m. that around the world to potentially billions of people within seconds and so it's understandable that police are simply just not used to sort of feeling kind of like
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you know celebrities having paparazzi coming around but they have to recognize that if they have a badge and a gun that they have to respect people's right to record them and if they're not doing anything wrong they shouldn't feel that intimidated by this power that citizens now and we are seeing the effects of sadness and having that power these video is a some of them shocking some of them brutal being caught on tape and really you know putting to light some of these things that really do go on and it's that technology that allows allows this for people to see the truth you know but i mean let's say i kind of break it down let's say. you see something you pull out your phone and you're recording up a police officer doing whatever it is and he tells you he threatens you and tells you to put the phone away or he's going to arrest you how can you respond to that i wrote an article in reason dot com called seven rules for recording police not really lays out you know all the different teasing you do you can get a little bit a little bit complicated but the most important thing to recognize that you do have
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the right to record the police and when you're have that camera out you've installed a device of something like kick to i can which you can install on your phone turn it on and you can be recording in seconds you're holding the phone up like this and you're sort of having a conversation with the officer now oftentimes officers will say something like ok i need to step back and you step back there and then you're sort of finding yourself in a negotiation how far back should i step officer at the same time it's important to recognize that any moment that officer may very well arrest you. for recording them even though it's not illegal but call it something like obstruction of justice disorderly conduct but what's happening is these brave citizens like jerome voris in washington d.c. that this is ultimately the culmination of he recorded the police was taking pictures in georgetown and he was arrested and charged with obstruction or something like that ultimately the charges were dropped the a.c.l.u.
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of course took the case before that and this is the culmination of that case by a brave young man who stood his ground and recorded the police and so it's important understand that in some ways you're engaging in in civil disobedience in the sense that you could be arrested at any given moment so it's up to you to decide whether you're willing to be arrested and have perhaps your cause be taken out by the a.c.l.u. and become a court case that's your decision to make but it's important to understand that you do have the right record place and you should do it because when you see what's you know the footage that happened in anaheim when you have the recording it's able to stand up in court against the police officers were so it sounds like people really need to be knowledgeable as to what exactly their rights are exactly you know. in most states this is legal i believe thirty eight states correct me if this is incorrect but i believe thirty eight set states allow citizens to record police and
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the remaining twelve states that are they out of luck are what can they do in those twelve states where they have what's called two party consent or centrally both parties are supposed to consent to being recorded but even in those states the courts have recognized that a citizen who is openly recording on duty police has the right to do that and that sort of doesn't apply in these cases because police officers as the courts have held do not have an extra. expectation of privacy to not be recorded and so citizens need to understand that the courts are on their. i had on this just about every single case that has gone to court the jury has either thrown it out or the judges have struck it down and so even if that officer arrests you for disorderly conduct or some misdemeanor it's important to be able to stand your ground remain calm and cool and then afterwards you know protect your footage by you know making sure your swipe code is. one of them i enjoy
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a device i highly recommend it even the police aren't able to break through these these swipe codes for the most part and so you want to protect yourself and protect your footage by following these steps all right and you know because of these these devices citizens have captured some pretty shocking things with their every day with their with their phones and here is one example of something that happened in d.c. back in may. so you saw him there pulled a man in a wheelchair out of out of the wheelchair there over to the ground and of course this video was made public stirred outcry you know but if it wasn't for somebody capturing this on their smartphone things like this would have never been public so
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this is really playing a significant role. you know in changing the way. we law enforcement interacts with with the public and the truth actually getting out there absolutely and so many cases we find that this is capture footage for example a young man a university of maryland a few years back. was beaten by riot police for simply skipping along in the police claim that he attacked the horse and ultimately they uncovered the footage from the security cameras ultimately after a little bit of a struggle to capture that footage but they found that the police lied completely and if not for that footage that young man may have a felony on his record rather than those police officers all right is facing charges thank you so much become very interesting a lot of useful tips there that was steve silverman he is the founder and executive director for flex your right. also had an r.t.a. while the u.s.
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does everything short of putting up electric fences across its border with mexico china is extending an open hand so latin america coming up will tell you about the economic advantages china is currently pursuing and what the u.s. has to say about it. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like algis you. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. me when i was like years old she told the truth.
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else that's a real headline. the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers from what actually matters to those so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. if they want news they go online and we're trying to take. those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . a lot of american power continues. might actually be time revolution. and it turns out that a particular drink of starbucks are the surprising him really as.
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well as the wars wind down over seas the u.s. has set its sights on a new region of the globe the asia pacific it's all intend to keep close tabs on china a power gaining significant influence in the region but china has a plan of its own and are forming a close alliance with our southern neighbors and this is alarming some members of congress including representative dan a rohrbach robock are the correspondent christine frizz out sat down with the congressman. well i think there's a lot of people who think a lot of different things about what this could mean as far as congressman rohrabacher he has never made any secret in terms of his feelings for china he believes that china looks at the u.s. as an enemy you believe that this is a competition between the two countries but as we know liz china has helped the u.s. time and time again get us out of financial trouble and so that's really really difficult
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more recently the u.s. exempt china and a few other countries from saying actions they were imposing sanctions on countries that exported crude oil from iran said you know what china we're not going to hold you to these sanctions you know put in plain terms because you're a buddy so we've got to scratch each other's backs. anyhow congressman rohrabacher doesn't think any of this is a good idea he thinks the u.s. has gone way too easy on china he thinks china is developing technologically financially and that we're giving them the green light to do so so i did speak to him though a little bit about this change this potential change with latin america here's what he said. in the any lunatic and gangster that runs his country with an iron hand can get a deal with china and you know you've got hugo chavez down in venezuela who's trying to destroy democratic government inch by inch and it was best friends
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of fidel castro who long ago destroyed democracy and his country. was trying to become the best friend of all all of the gangsters some people say that's just doing good business not imposing moral standards on other countries just saying you know what if i can make some money from you i'm going to help you there's some people believe and. i don't think that and that does reflect some american businessmen as well as other kind of person i am and i don't think that's the kind of person most americans are. so as i also talk to the congressman about the issue of trade certainly a lot of people in this country have different feelings on trade and the way that it's affected workers here in the u.s. i know i've been to quite a few union rallies who believe that a lot of the workers have suffered. exponentially because of you know opening trade i know congressman rogers is he believes in free trade but he says that it's not always free trade when you're dealing with certain countries here's what he said
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because no such thing as free trade with a dictatorship like china and they're going to manipulate it so the flow of wealth goes to their click. so i think that what's going to happen is they probably paid people off down there they do which they're doing all over the world to get a favorable agreement so that the flow of wealth continues to go from outside of china into china into the control of the dictatorship in beijing and it will not not prove world for the benefit of peace and prosperity in the world. so he has a really interesting perspective he this is twelfth term in congress he almost always runs unopposed. he's from southern california he also worked under the reagan administration he also fought in afghanistan you know with the mujahideen so this is really really interesting his perspective on things he has a really interesting perspective on afghanistan goes against a lot of people in his party he says the u.s.
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should have been out. a long time ago he says we have no business being there and really wants to work to decentralize the government of afghanistan it was a long conversation an interesting one especially with someone who's been in washington this long and all around the world really has really understands what his view on the policies are even though some of them are very controversial now it seems like this congressman is it taking a very hardline approach when it comes to china at the same time we're seeing this shift within the u.s. in terms are in terms of our military strategy from the middle east to the age of pacific region so in a way i mean is this just china doing its own thing and just kind of you know signifying this global geo political power switch you know we're seeing it with the u.s. and also now with china well i think it's a good question and i think as we saw in recent months we saw president obama in australia expanding the base there and everyone knows you know anyone who's
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involved in this knows that that has to do with china you know they could say it doesn't but the fact is that has to do with wanting to keep an eye on things you know on the east side of this world and so it's really tough. you know to. imagine what's going to be moving forward but certainly that is a concern for the u.s. and i think it's rightfully a concern for the u.s. as china does continue to you know the more powerful it gets you know on every level the more emboldened it will be to do more and you had mentioned before china has done us favors recently and it's no secret that they own an enormous amount of u.s. debt and now with china kind of making these trade agreements with our southern neighbors i mean what could that mean what are the implications of that for the u.s. well i mean. if you ask the congressman he would say it is very bad not just for the u.s.
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but for the world and what it does is it. you know it makes things more difficult for the u.s. it also grows china even more they're giving a ten billion dollar loan to some of these countries some of these latin american countries for infrastructure projects so it's going to help grow them and they're saying hey we want to trade with you so it just makes it more difficult for the u.s. to remain the world power i guess you could say very interesting a lot of things out play here those are t. correspondent christine freeze out things christine. well he's come up short in his run for the white house ron paul can claim a big victory today the u.s. house overwhelmingly approved a bill sponsored by the texas republican that would expand congressional authority to oversee the federal reserve the legislation comes after more than three decades of activism by paul who has pushed for greater transparency at the central bank since he was first elected in nineteen seventy six the vote was three twenty seven to ninety eight now sorry to be
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a buzz kill here but the audit the fed bill is going nowhere in the u.s. senate in fact they refuse to take it up the vote served as a symbolic swansong for paul who is not seeking re-election paul made auditing the fed a signature platform of his presidential campaign and it has become a rallying cry from his supporters so the two thousand and eight financial collapse paul's economic views has gained more attention particularly within the republican party and that's not easy for some republicans to admit ron paul has the nickname in congress dr no for usually voting against all financial matters including those popular within his own party that's going to do for now will be right back here and a half hour see that.
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