tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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tonight an r t while the mainstream media plays catch up in the deadly anaheim police shooting a similar incident is playing out in dallas the details ahead. and the anaheim incident one not been made as public if not for the terrifying images of witnesses gathered with their cell phones but filming a police officer could land you in trouble in some places so where's the accountability and how can we keep law enforcement in line so posturing more. and if you thought your cyber freedoms were safe you better think again after admitting to occasionally spying on average americans as the n.s.a. taking cyber surveillance the next level some in congress seem to think yes we'll tell you why.
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it's wednesday july twenty fifth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. . well as the mainstream media plays catch up to the chaos in anaheim similar outrage is brewing and alice hundreds of protesters are taking to the streets this was after an officer was shot and killed a suspect that was reportedly unarmed police and riot gear responding to the demonstrations according to police the victim james harbor was shot after leading police on a chase the officer claims he was fearing for his life when he shot harper dead but the victims' families and hundreds of protesters aren't buying it just like the case in anaheim some protesters believe it was racially motivated and is just one example of a corrupt police force we will have more on this coming up later well the community outrage in anaheim is fueled in part by the fact that images of police brutality were caught on camera but across the country we've reported on police demanding
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people to stop recording them stripping them of their phones even arresting people for rolling the camera all this has raised questions over our first amendment rights but at least one police chief is making it clear that recording law enforcement is in fact legal here in washington d.c. police chief cathy lanier issued an order explaining the constitutional rights of citizens here's a statement or as he obtained from the police department says quote while we have preexisting policy that addresses interaction with the media the new general order reaffirms the metropolitan police department's recognition of the first amendment rights enjoyed by not only members of the media but the general public as well to video record photographs or audio record n.p.t. members conducting official business or while acting in an official capacity in any public space of less such recordings interfere with police activity so will it take for the rest of the country to follow suit oscar miskito
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a pedicab director joined me earlier and broke down the incident he recorded of police activity with his cellphone take a listen. well so this was on march twenty fifth earlier this year and i was witnessing another arrest of a fellow petty cover on the national mall in front of the smithsonian natural history museum i was videotaping with my cell phone or at least i was attempting to videotape my cell phone can actually get to work but out of principle i kept my camera and followed every order that the officer issued except for his order to really remove my camera put my camera away and feel like i know the person it pretty well and i know that i am allowed to keep my camera rolling so when i get the camera up and you know to record the incident he asked me clearly put your carry away i have refused to you tell me put my hand behind my back and you were arrested and i was my hands were shaking little bit obvious i was on earth the time put my hand the comment back and the secondary officer threw me to the ground
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knocked me unconscious i don't remember what happened shortly after that next and had been on a patrol car detained for twenty four hours arraigned and i have a court appearance actually trial tomorrow and friday in this supreme court what did you say to the police officer did you say anything that might have. caused him to to reacted this way or what exactly did you say well there's actually a preexisting bias of u.s. park police officers against the covers here and d.c. and this isn't kind of an ongoing issue of the fact that we have three wheels and we're human powered transportation option there already probably against whatever we have to say so the fact that i was refusing put my camera away. he just didn't like that apparently actually this is not the first time this happened just a couple months ago officers also the park police also issued for citations against me not of him for videotaping specifically but they were in direct result of videotaping an experience with him in another petty cover so that very much luck
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lately it sounds like well and so far i haven't been convicted of anything and there's no everything's been dismissed up to this point so i would have against pedicab driver that's a good question you know we've. trying to figure this out the last couple years. this is like i said an ongoing fight we've filed foia requests against the u.s. park police which has come back there to help a little bit and we have a civil lawsuit against the u.s. park police against them for you know a similar type of activity so obviously what happened on march twenty fifth was specifically a citizen journalism situation like i said in my video camera but it's part of a larger issue on the national mall with green transportation now police here in d.c. have issued this order reminding police officer is that you know it's citizens constitutional rights to be able to fail as long as they're it's not interfering with the job the police is doing are you confident that this well that this will work and police will well listen well i'm glad you brought that up because i think in the district of columbia being the nation's capital really needs to set
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a precedent for the rest of the country and so hopefully police chiefs across the country will follow suit and issue similar directives as this. there might be some ambiguity in the law at the moment with with citizen journalism but the first woman clearly states that that everyone has the right to press at least be a president in this day when we have handheld devices and cell phones and whatnot there like i said there could be some ambiguity so it's really like a plot chief when you're for issuing such a directive now what do you think is there a kind of fusion or maybe a misinterpretation of the first amendment that it only applies to members of the media and not to any you know everyday citizens well i think it's actually common place because if you go to any type of event where there's media present the folks with the large cameras and you know the professionals which i think they do a great job at what they do but they are always given a kind of red carpet treatment while the citizen journalism is always kind of sort
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of citizen journalists always pushed aside it seems like they are because their cameras are smaller or they might not be dressed as nicely but bottom line is we live in a new era of journalism and sit. journalists should be protected just as much a professional journalist now despite these crackdowns i mean on you and other citizen journalists and people you know we're seeing in anaheim people capturing what has happened on their personal devices just like you. police are still continuing to go after these people so i mean what do you think do you think that they're ignorant of what the law is well you know i like to say for the record i'm not anti police in any way to play think there should be a educated police force protecting the citizenry but that's the very bottom line is they should be educated and so it's up to the leadership of these officers to maybe remind them of the constitution or maybe the officers should all read the constitution over time before they're put on the streets because these are very laws that are the foundation of this country and enjoyed by every single citizen
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and you know it's videos like this that have really captured some pretty shocking things with their cell phone cameras wanted to show you one example it happened right here in d.c. back in may. so i mean we just saw there for ourselves police literally yanking a guy in a wheelchair and throwing him to the ground and of course this sparked outrage and start a lot of controversy but without citizens capturing these things the public wouldn't even know that they happened that's exactly right and that's important citizen journalism and you know everyone does or almost no one has access to a camera these days so you know that one should be comfortable and point out in
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front of police officers or any other public official public officials operating you know on public lands especially on uniform there's actually no question that that's inside the right to record them in their actions. those oscar miskito he pedicab director now we see the chaos and the heat of protests going on in anaheim now a similar something similar seems to be unfolding in dallas texas for more charles gibson a member of the gorilla mainframe joins me now welcome charles so what more do we know about the case there in dallas. what we do know is that people in the community do. what they told least from the officers report in the media reports very contradictory to what actually happened in the case with mr james harper when you go food shopping cuba officer brah. we were told that supposedly there was
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a physical fight in three francis' were jumping but people who were actually there in witness what happened. back there was a foot chase but i was around actually shot. james harper afterwards i know that of course he was on that officer is claiming that he feared for his life and that is what prompted him to to shoot the suspect what do you think about that was the interesting thing. i was around did not require any type of medical attention if he actually fear for his life and there was actually a real conflict physically speaking with fire with the cup then we felt that he would actually have to require some medical attention and he didn't need any all we know is the fact of course that james harper was left dead and the community is strictly and rightly so outraged now in the wake of this hundreds of people have
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been taken to the streets protesting what happened there charles what exactly are protesters demanding what a demanding justice. demanding that they treat with aroud as any other person would not be any type of special treatment just because he's an officer and treat the harper family james hard specifically as mother and father who are very upset about this treat them as people because they lost a son. a family person individual the community is upset because the dixon circle area is a long standing community who support one another every single day in their lives and they're just wanting support may want justice and that's all we're asking for it as well as just as they were demanding justice too because the people who committed to a very much so organized and ready to take justice what exactly does justice mean to you when this in this case. well justice ming of course braun rather being
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prosecuted. and sent off for murder need to actually physically go to printer to transfer time and serve as a parent for future offices they're going to join the force for that matter so they can well as that if you choose to do something like this you can be put in jail they need to know this and the history here in dallas texas has been the no officer has ever been indicted or brought upon him any file only charges as relates food because the people we have a whole list of people that i want to discuss here bobbie walker john huffman the bias mackey who just was shot nine times in two thousand to child maritimes mind you and i also an eleven year old child was shot in that same incident and the officer was so great was actually allowed to resign and no charges brought against him all the time what we see and i'm sure around the country all of you know bill and we are sick and tired of that and charles you're pointing out this trend there
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has been a series of deaths it sounds like over there and dallas within the past year so what exactly are you saying what are you accusing the police force there of and do you saying it is that corruption and if so do you think it's something that is and grain in the police department it would you say that it's systematic there. it is very much so systematic whenever you get to the point where the community can no longer trust the police then you have a problem in terms of the district attorney i've heard one law you say and he said plainly that you can easily indict a ham sandwich. probably a good reason that a ham sandwich is and because i personally worked on some cases and actually made that with the family they each time it is approached by the grand jury there's always no bill so there's a system a systematic thing going on here and it is sad to say but the community here in dallas texas i'm sure and oakland california what i ask of grant and they've gone
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on and i have with mr b. s. that the community has lost hope in faith in the police department and rightfully so and what do we know about the kids police officer. well in terms of his track record i'll be quite honest i'm not one hundred percent sure on his track record but what i came to you is in terms of the department with the chief david brown he is continuously allowing this sort of thing to go on is the ministry of and he's also to blame for this as well and i think the disk attorney craig watkins have to have a pardon blaming this because they're just allowing this thing to go on the commute is good i would rate it it was an amazing fight i tell you to be there in dixon circle and feed that many people out there in a was really to demonstrate and show that they had human rights for that matter there was ready and for as me in terms of me being involved in this particular
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movement against police brutality it was quite a sight to see and i was glad to be a part of i'm going to continue to organize around it and i want justice for all these families james harper because he's the most recent john has been a third it's a buyer's market with you that october twenty ninth two thousand team and charles a lot of attention being paid now to what is happening over in anaheim following the shooting of an unarmed man reportedly an armband there and a lot of protests going on over there because of this what parallels can you draw between what's happening there and dallas and what is happening in anaheim. oh it's the same old me is displaying movie dealing with the same problem it's a national problem. a couple murders that i know for sure that took place looks like with the martin bradley in new york and of course you made man your d.s. is where most oprah lives what we learned from this is that the much community
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support that you can get the more chance an opportunity can bring our way and if that contradiction exists and that's what we want to bring god to the dallas citizen of the here is that contradiction built exist and we need to hold the fleet to carry out a bill so much so i am a member of guerilla many of them i'm actually a co-founder but there's organization i am a part of dallas community organizer for change then is push for ordinance call the office or the police monitor that is going to hold our forces accountable and we're going to put this on the ballot may two thousand and thirteen with the support that was citizens and this is actually something that have been ongoing since the murder of her by american two thousand pins so we hope to get a lot of support and we hope to get some support from various other parts of the country and we'll move forward with that plan child appreciate coming on the show and i was charles good sen member of the gorilla mainframe and could i make one more comment if if by chance if any of your listeners you can go to w w w dot
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dallas for change that or for change dot org that is our website we appreciate it you very much thank you want to be on thank you well from cell that assisted us eissa several bills have surfaced in congress lately that aim to regulate the internet and telecommunications that has alarmed internet activists that say government spying can lead to abuse but at least one senator and leading the way to protect internet freedom senator ron wyden has been very vocal on the issue and he spoke out against fica today at the cato institute here's what he told r.t. . well sir certainly the government has now stated that there has been a violation of the fourth amendment of the protections of individuals privacy you start down that road and it undermines the confidence that the american people have in their government and i'm just not going to accept that as
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a standard way of doing business has passed back in two thousand and eight and allows the government to wiretap and monitor answer national phone calls it's set to expire soon but there is an effort now in congress to renew the controversial legislation for more on this government spying program aaron swartz founder of demand progress joined me earlier take a listen well as i think you know one of the things we've seen is that the government has used this law as a technique to do much more than it says on its face you know originally like you said it was designed to intercept international phone calls it wasn't about spying on americans but instead to governments interpreted it to say that any american who calls someone internationally or is in the conversation that uses international computers or phone lines cannot be spied on and in fact is as senator wyden pointed out the government's ability even not they haven't been able to stick to and they've broken the law under fire and spied on people who it's not even legal despite upon in the first place so i you are saying that they got with government
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spying naturally there is a tendency there for for that power to be abused. oh yeah definitely i mean i think once you open the door and put these kinds of procedures in place it just becomes a routine part of the government investigations and even though it seems as if they deliver a whole department just listening to all international phone calls all international computer communications e-mails internet records just kind of digging through this massive trove of data the few if they can find something on anyone once you have this infrastructure in place it's easy to use it for not just terrorism but for regular crime you know for the complaints that the executive department for all sorts of. now this is the first time that the government has acknowledged that these these wiretapping of telephone calls has violated the fourth amendment rights the n.s.a. actually acknowledged this here is what senator wyden had to say about this admission this is the first time in the state of.
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the government just. violation forced to privacy rights of the first time where the government has acknowledged. this is not in the spirit of the times. i believe this time. the one very different debate. in the fall that's why pushed so hard to have that information because. that was a response to our producer was asking you know why isn't there more support in congress senator wyden has really kind of been at the forefront of this fight for internet privacy or internet freedoms but he seems to be one of a few of the loud voices kind of speaking out against this but he's saying that hopefully that this could be a game changer and get more people on board now that this admission has been made
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do you think that that that can happen. i mean let's not under emphasize the importance of what's another one has revealed government that they have broken the law they have missed that the courts have said what they're doing is illegal and now they want congress to rubber stamp it anyway they've gone to congress and say look we always applause you know we always comply by the law everything's been approved by the courts we now know that it was a law that they were misleading congress in order to get the stuff approved that's huge and it's important people know this it hasn't gotten enough coverage thankfully we can get the word out but i think once people understand that i think it's going to be a whole new debate about you know usually this stuff is presented to congress as this is just standard stuff we do it every year it's to fight terrorism how could you be against it we now know that what the government has been doing is in fact illegal and now that now that we know that now that at least they've admitted it happened at least one time away we don't even know the scope of this exactly
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because they were kind of limited and the information that they did disclose but i have a game they always play they always say oh it's classified it's national security you can't know exactly how we've used it and that's why what senator wyden has been doing is so crucial he's been pushing hard to hint and to demonstrate to us that there's a lot more going on that we don't know about that they're keeping secret that many people would think is actually against the law and aaron talk about the implications of this i mean now that we know that at least to some extent that the fourth amendment has been violated under faisel i mean that means i government officials conducting surveillance do not need a warrant so i mean what does that mean for for our rights to privacy to the fourth amendment. i mean you know there's a reason it's in the bill of rights is fundamental to our constitutional order that the government doesn't get to just spy on you that they need at least independent improver they need to go to
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a nonpartisan independent judge and get permission right i mean if it's common sense and it's the foundation of our constitutions the government is constrained by having someone else check off to make sure they're not abusing their powers what senator wyden has released and what he's hinted that is that the government is no longer doing this anymore that they've declared whole classes of information including the location of everyone in america as detected by their cell phones which report back to the cell phone companies where they are the government is now sweeping all of that information together without any warning they're spying on where everyone is all the time without getting a court to sign off on it that's a huge shift and very scary and it is sounds absolutely sounds very scary the n.s.a. has refused to give congress an estimate of how many citizens private conversations are being captured and there's a vast database i mean are there is there any indication or any clue at just how you know the magnitude of this but i think the fact that they can it gives you all
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the clue they need you know if they were following the law they're supposed to follow careful minimisation procedures to make sure all the targeted suspects are spied on or only those conversations or listen to if they're spying on so many people they can't even count them they are clearly not following the minimisation procedures the way congress intended they're clearly not minimizing this of all there and i want to ask you what do you make of the government's assertion that these wiretaps are all done in the name of protecting against terrorist threats. look i mean you know i'm not sure the support terrorism i think very few people or what i'm here to say is the constitution has protected us for hundreds of years and what it said is very simple it's not particularly onerous at all all it says is that you have to get a judge to sign off on it you have to go to someone independent and say this is look right here can you double check if the government not willing to do even that but i think it's not about protecting terrorism it's about doing stuff the people
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that they're embarrassed that they can't get anyone else to approve that should be scary that's not about protecting us that's clearly about doing something wrong all right well us senator why it why it is one of the few that is now speaking out and he was speaking out today at the cato institute erin on how confident are you that this will not be renewed you know i think it's up to us you know that's what the man progress that org we're trying to organize as many people as possible to talk about the spying issues to raise them with their members of congress like i said this is usually something that sails through but if enough people go to demand progress that org and sign up and contact the members of congress we can raise this to the level of a serious issue we can force a real debate and we can stop at this time aaron thanks for coming on the show really appreciate it i was aaron swartz he is the founder of the man progress and well congress cracked down on your cyber freedoms lawmakers rich certainly aren't the only ones changing their ways the video sharing site you tube is asking us
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billions of users to reveal their real identity when making comments are at the producer meghan lopez breaks it down. can the internet change and adjust the way billions of people use it the simple answer is yes a new pew poll found hundreds of millions of viewers browse through you tube and similar sites for the latest news and trending videos a whopping seventy one percent of americans logged on to video sharing sites like you tube and vimeo in two thousand and eleven that's up five percent from the previous year and users are just as likely as users and urban areas to have these sites with the amount of information flowing into these sites each day monitoring the content posted is no easy task that's where you come in you tube relies on users to self police the site using the flyer button. blue ija video you'll find a flag but. click on it to reveal a dropdown menu listing different types of content that violates or guidelines
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select the type of content sometimes you'll be prompted to enter the window of time offending content appears in the video then click the flag this video but it's that simple we review flag videos twenty four hours a day seven days a week and in most cases they're reviewed and acted on in under an hour that's the story remember we depend on you the community to read and understand our guidelines and flood content you think. now there is such a thing called a digital fingerprint but it's very hard to follow and quite easy to cover up and the fact is hackers grossly outnumber government commissioned cyber experts so what's the solution well you two want to take anonymity out of the internet by encouraging people to use their real names when it comes to making comments it all began last month when the company announced the initiative here's how it works when you try to comment on a you tube video a box will pop up that displays your username along with
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a side by side comparison of what it will look like to let you to pull your name from google plus if you choose to make the switch another box will pop up to show you what your comments will look like from now want or you can keep your anonymity if you choose to keep your anonymity you just click on the button that says i don't want to use my real name but that will lead to another dialog box that questions why you don't want to use your real name and there are six options for why including my channel is for show or character my channel is for personal use but i cannot use my real name and i'm not sure all the side later now some say this is you tube the tap to become more transparent but for now it's up to the users to decide if this change is for the benefit in the long legged lopez r.t. . boys come up short in his run for the white house ron paul can claim a big victory. today the u.s. house overwhelmingly approved a bill sponsored by the texas republican that would expand congressional authority
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to oversee the federal reserve the legislation comes after more than three decades of activism by paul who has pushed for greater transparency at the central bank since it was first he was first elected in nineteen seventy six the vote was three twenty seven to ninety eight now sorry to be a buzz kill here but the authors of that bill is going nowhere in the u.s. senate in fact they refuse to take it up the vote served as a symbolic swansong for paul who is not seeking reelection paul made auditing the fed a signature platform of his presidential campaign and it has become a rallying cry from his supporters and ron paul has a nickname in congress dr no for usually voting against financial matters including those popular within his own party that's going to wrap it up for tonight from one of the stories we cover check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash r t america follow me on twitter at liz wahl have a great next.
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