tv [untitled] July 28, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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three thirty am in moscow these iraqi headlines syria's commercial capital aleppo is turning to the country's fiercely battleground government forces trying to reclaim the city from rebels but brush accuses the insurgents and their western backers of leaving damascus no choice but to fight on. athletes however in the first goals of the london games as twelve sets of medals were given out on the first step competition this after a breathtaking opening ceremony that was though marred by police arresting about one hundred cycling activists during the event. saudi arabian police attacked demonstrators with clubs and live fire rounds as pro-reform protests spread from bahrain and united arab emirates it's the latest outburst of violence in the country's eastern region where clashes have happened throughout the past year. max kaiser up next
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a report. i am x. times or this is the times are report you know we said on the show while ago the best thing to do about this banks or situation is do it and them a lot of people thought that's a bit rash but tony blair has come around our way of thinking since ever well max in fact he has responded to the keiser report and to your appearance live on channel four in the u.k. and he says tony blair hanging bankers won't help public anger over the financial crisis is wrong and must not lead britain to hang bankers at the end of the street tony blair says today we must not start thinking that society will be better off if we hang twenty bankers at the end of the street you have to parse tony blair a day here when he says it won't help we mange to say is it will when he says twenty is not enough he means two hundred is
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a good way to start stack them up and go. but listen to that statement there he says that public anger over the financial crisis is wrong. it's not a financial crisis by the way it's a financial crime wave were right well tony blair as we know he's going into the banking business he setting up a new super bank for the super rich the people he made super wealthy as a result of his super violation of law to invade iraq and commit a super genocide on behalf of the supertankers in the oil business of which we are a presence blood for oil tony so he's tone deaf to what the public is saying that two million people are against the war he was tone deaf he has a matter of fact those big job sticking out each side of his head are not ears they are in fact he collecting albatros sucking j.p. morgan automaton as mechanisms that he has
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a direct line to what jamie dimon is like mary works for j.p. morgan he's on the board of directors why would anyone listen to this bag of course and law as well in fact they state max mr blair's intervention is likely to prove controversial because of his commercial interest since leaving downing street five years ago he's an advisor to j.p. morgan a u.s. investment bank and to zurich a swiss financial firm and its clients including several governments which are said to deliver an annual income of about twenty million pounds right so yes twenty million pounds to use the office of the prime minister of britain to soft pedal on bank reforms because he himself is a recalcitrant bank prostitute who is on the receiving end of bribes graft blood for oil do i need to go on he's a trifecta of fraud he rigged the media he rigged elections any rigged markets this guy needs to be arrested well let's talk about crime and punishment to the other
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bankers there's thousands of them they're operating all over the place the system is corrupt we could get rid of tony blair that's one guy and perhaps one day. maybe they'll see see justice but let's talk about the crime and punishment going on today and one of the things that we've tried to do here that you interview guests here is this notion that you know the comparing them to these you know the grossest criminals out there the most vile creatures out there and i want to show these two images here juxtaposed there's joe paterno statue outside of penn state and you see it's covered up in blue and here is sean fitzpatrick the former chairman of anglo irish bank that raked the irish population here he is here's a photo of him being arrested at dublin airport as you see he has a coat hanging over his hank of and as carly pants who tweeted this to me he
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said blazer over hank us is a big look for this season shawnee slop out right to turn a card off of the blue blanket over him disgraced. johnson. carted away in handcuffs with the blue jacket over the handcuffs now these are morally equivalent and until the public understands that there will be nothing substantive done on bank reform the crimes of paternal and sandusky are morally equivalent to the crimes of sean fitzpatrick do with the way people are outraged in the penalties they came to penn state as a result need to be applied to shanties patrick and tony blair and jamie diamond the public needs to find their crimes as repugnant as they should they are being violated in the same way as the paternal sandusky violated their victims but also it was this guy sandusky who did the vile crime but it was
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a whole group of lots of men who covered up the crime why in order to keep the funds flowing to not ruin their brand to not lose their income from people showing up at a you know a team that basically was supporting and enabling a very vile crime to happen but it was institutionalized criminal behavior that was legitimized by the silence of those who should be overseeing these organizations the n.c. double a was right to mete out a penalty that attacked these crimes on the institutional level and we need to have the same institutional penalties applied to feet folks like blair like murdoch like jamie dimon who are not only committing acts of thievery for themselves but they are undermining the integrity of the institutions of these markets the library scandal has attacked the viability of the global interest rate market as a whole the entire institution is now coming under attack now tony blair said that
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public anger over the financial crisis is wrong that's because he is one of the enablers and abetters that were punished by the n.c. double a in the case of penn state let's look. the headline here max penn state sanctions and see double a aims to end mind set that lead to tragedy so this is the mind set of those who enable the high crimes of the elite financial bankers around the world that somehow we need to save these people who are allegedly doing god's work penn state sanctions rival the worst and see double a penalty ever including a sixty million dollars fine a four year ban on bowls and forty fewer football scholarships but sanctions also aim to scale back the outsized role of football on campus but you know i think back to that interview bob costas did with jerry sandusky and they asked him do just about the charges and he said well yeah i'm innocent except for the times i final
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those poor boys legs in the shower and he then started to new marine a little sexual predator a practices to the horror of bob costas now flash cut to jamie diamond in front of congress and they say are you innocent of the balance sheet manipulation frauds and he says yes i'm completely innocent then goes on to describe how he commits a massive fraud that they've had to pay civil penalties on a time and time and time and time again once again i make the comparison between the jamie dimon and the jerry sandusky they both violate institutionally parts of this society that people should find repugnant i call this the sandusky arbitrage because you've got people who five percent dusky repugnant but gave jamie dimon a free ride why is that and jamie diamond knows that that's what his bonuses paid on that you won't find what his actions as deplorable as jerry sandusky now continuing on this penn state story from bloomberg penn state's rating may be cut after sanctions for sex abuse pennsylvania state university faces
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a credit rating downgrade from moody's investor services following sanctions and resulting from the child sex case involving former assistant football coach jerry sandusky the university has already been penalized by bondholders investors in the past week have been asking to be paid. made an additional five basis points to buy the tax exempt debt from the university the school's crisis will overshadow the debt until the entire financial impact is able to be quantified and we're not there yet says john donaldson director of fixed income at haverford trust so here you go until they all come clean at penn state until we know the full extent of the complicity of the mind set at penn state how much involvement was there until that is known the bondholders will not return and we see that across europe by the way because people understand that it is a mindset where we see from the library or to the hiding of the greek debt that
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their mindset is to hide all the bad stories all the bad information that the gruesomeness of the financial system from most of the investing class supporting the penn state football program is the bond market the bond market is rated by rating agencies and the bond market is tied to live war and they discovered over penn state that based on sexual predators and the the skullduggery of jerry sandusky that they're going to downgrade and remove their support from the bond market so again i ask you why doesn't moody's downgrade j.p. morgan's debt to junk status based on jamie diamond's institutional fraud corrupting the entire global banking system that they should have to start to pay more access to the credit markets for flagrantly and repeatedly committing massive fraud that they have to pay a fine after fine after fine but that's not a turnt because they just cook up some more illegal profits to pay for the fines they have to be held in the same does disregard as a jerry sandusky people have to look at jamie dimon should not be able to walk down
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the street without people vomiting on the street when they see him like if jerry sandusky walk down the street people be like. don't want to be like oh my god what a disgusting person well jamie diamond is the same moral character is cut from the same cloth these the same serial rapist. well just like at penn state there were riots there not for the victims protesting their crimes there but there were riots in order to support joe for turn over the man who's now been carted off with a blue tarp over his head well that's the unfortunate result of an equally corrupt media this trick of fraud of which the media is part of the multi-headed hydra monster is not out but you see that's why those students were out there saying oh no you can't take away our delusions our myths because what would we be left with the midnight showing of batman and in aurora colorado that would be left with and then finally on this so here you see that penn state's crisis will overshadow the
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debt until the entire financial impacts quantified you see this happening this week in the u.k. you've never had it so bad worst recession since the war tweets evening standard the guardian says britain's economic output collapsed by point seven percent in the second quarter of two thousand and twelve as the country's double dip recession extended into a third quarter so the worst recession since the war we're in a now we're in a financial war and the financial war is against this mindset of those like tony blair who condone and collaborate their collabos you know they're the ones collaborating with this scheme and trying desperately to hold it together no matter how vile and gross it looks you know he is the tony blair is the joe paterno guy they're basically allowing this raping of the global financial system and trying to excuse it all right so britain announces huge downdraft in their economy
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simultaneously that both barclays h.s.b.c. to the biggest banks in the world in britain announced that they are involved in massive drug money laundering schemes and library manipulations games are those two connected yes of course they. all of britain's money and they force the government to take that austerity and put it on to the british people to pay off the bondholders and the executives at these corrupt banks with the help of tony blair who's the jerry sandusky of banking internationally and the economy in the u.k. is announcing huge downdraft at the same time barclays just b.c. two biggest bank in the world both in britain they announce massive money laundering for mexican drug cartels and library manipulation scandals is this why the economy is shrinking yes there's george osborne notice in any of his speeches no because he's also a joe paternal character aiding and abetting financial rape by the biggest banks around the world thanks georgie porgie we love you tim all right stacey never thanks much because a report thank you thank you much more coming away stay right there.
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to the kaiser report on max kaiser and my guest is states ebert stacy herbert we have a guest lined up but it didn't happen because well it's leah mcgrath good minute she has a great story about being banned from the u.k. because of her reporting on the child sexual abuse happening down in jersey but she has a p.c. with microsoft products so we always have a problem with that whenever somebody has a macintosh there's never a problem once and all the years of doing the show and skype interviews yeah microsoft products are just not ready for prime time they never were really ready for prime time but you know it got me thinking about apple because apple came in with the quarterly numbers and they were less than what people were expecting sales of i phones dropped people waiting for i phone five so the stock's down four five percent pretty sharp collapse of the stock price and now is the time to implement
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my master strategy i've been waiting for this moment what i've told people around the world if you're looking for a way to throw america under the bus what you do is you throw in maybe ten billion share order make short selling of apple stock anything almost anyone can do this many folks if it credit lines and you can throw in a naked short sell ten billion shares it's a counterfeiting of a stock sale it's easy easily enough done. on and think about about apple crashed fifty sixty percent in one day the entire nasdaq would crash the entire dollar would crash this is the one moment one twelve hour moment of the past ten years were actually there's a vulnerability that if somebody wanted to just fold that economy up like a cheap suit well anyway so let's move on to this headline u.s. officers tell congress a general blocked probe of hospital in kabul house hears of abuses that went on
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investigated because commanding officer allegedly feared bad news getting out so uninvestigated crimes because of fear of bad news getting out and disrupting the heavy heavy big giant contracts going into places like afghanistan the american general who led a nato training mission in afghanistan opposed an investigation into corruption and auschwitz like conditions at a u.s. funded hospital and cavil for political reasons according to testimony before congress by colonel mark fossil he said that this general william caldwell told him that to call off the investigation in two thousand and ten because how could we do this or make this request with an election coming he calls me bill referring to president obama well then i want to throw in a new concept where everyone is familiar with this idea of too big to fail the
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banks are systemically welded into the system they can break any law they want but you can't go after him because if you dismantle them the whole system collapses and of course they use that to their advantage to steal ever greater sums of money and to get the government to impose austerity measures into a new concept is called too big to win. it applies to the u.s. military here you have defense contractors who are welded into america's military who are anti-competitive who are leeching the comb the country dry with these multi-billion dollar go nowhere projects to restore and rebuild countries that are not even on the map but ultimately know when is possible if you spend ten trillion dollars to restore democracy in a fifty billion dollar country somewhere that's not
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a win is it if you put another five ten fifteen twenty trillion in debt on your balance sheet to restore democracy to some two bit dictator country in nowhere's ville that's not a win that is in fact a loss because the pentagon is too big to win so here we see a situation over and over across every single sector controlled by these monopolies and imperial powers whether it's the financial system whether it's the movie system the entertainment system whether it's a case of penn state. and you just did not reality and just put out propaganda and fake stories but i think that adds up to a zombie population running around naked eating people's faces off because they sense the truth they know somewhere that all of these are law and we keep on hearing lies and lies instead to protect these little of darks who have the
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contract to deliver the food to the soldiers but when we've been talking about the zombie apocalypse for a number of weeks all these bath salt inhaling flesh eating zombies attacking people in the street in america culminating in the aurora colorado batman massacre that was the ultimate walking zombie flesh eating attack with assault weapons and tear gas and armored swat jacket where so this again is evidence that all of the signs that would have pointed toward social dysfunction zombies roaming the street eating people's flash no one was brave enough to say wait a minute maybe cycle tropic drugs in our drinking water is not a good idea maybe putting people into two hundred three thousand dollars of the debt before they get to school is not a good idea maybe running an economy that has twenty five percent unemployment rate is not a good idea now you don't want to intimidate the two big pentagon or the two tone
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deaf to hear obama so you say nothing you say nothing so once again you've got this stupidity arbitrage in america where the stupidest the kleptomaniacs attack a stock receivers ruled by the biggest idiots rules over common sense rules over the constitution and the result is quite predictably mass slaughter this is not a one off i hate it when people say it's a one off and it happens every week it's a one off now it's a stomach lee too big to win pentagon unable arms manufacturer warner brothers culpable slaughter to boost box office. and then going back to the war in afghanistan and iraq story this is from a few weeks ago but it's relevant to this story where the auschwitz like conditions in a u.s. run hospital where actual afghan soldiers are starving to death they're just literally starving to death in the hospital auditor's billions missing from iraq reconstruction work after years of following the paper trail of fifty one billion
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dollars in u.s. taxpayer dollars provided to rebuild a broken iraq the u.s. government can say with certainty that too much was wasted but it can't say how much the precise amount lost to fraud and waste can never be known the report set so that's it can never be known we will never know how much crime was committed during this financial massacre how much was stolen during this financial massacre we can never audit the fed we can never know this information never no transparency no competition it's too big too and too big to fail kleptocracy any nose back in the news i don't you saw this with sandy weill who was pretty crisis of two thousand and eight running citibank who turned citibank about travelers insurance he lobbied bill clinton to get rid of glass steagall to single greatest act of kleptocracy of the of that decade he's back he's saying we should restore glass
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steagall. why because he wants to break up all these banks and then step in and put them all back together again and reassemble a global too big to fail bank again for sandy weill because he sees that there's no punishment for guys like jamie diamond and lloyd blankfein he's thinking you know what i made five billion or ten billion these guys are making thirty forty billion there's no law against doing what they're doing i'm gay i think game too soon let me back into the game i could make another fifty billion dollars split up all the banks first just bottom up it's a good thing then let me recall them all back into one super megalomaniac good advice any while the biggest financial tower the best one of our. i mean this guy american express you know totally connected to the guys down at the docks you got shares of lehman hotton involved in a wholesale theory on the subway line or front sandy weill got to be considered one of the top crony guys in that nineteenth ernie's horrid period of.
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dr seuss or anyone else's there is a. well you mention financial terrorism so let's talk about some financial terrorism and bring it back to the first half of the show which is that you know where is the crime and punishment and tony blair says we shouldn't be hanging bankers headline reads investment banker fifty eight arrested after smashing windows with a slingshot and marbles because he got a thrill from it a hot shot investment banker fifty eight has been arrested accused of wreaking havoc in los angeles michael. has allegedly been driving around shattering windows since the beginning of the year using a slingshot to fire marbles and not have buildings police said he must have got a thrill from it the banker max was from u.b.s. right and we wish him the report of that out of shame for the artist put chalk in for a chase and was arrested there's a u.b.s. banker marbles and slingshots breaking windows and he's like oh well he's just getting ready but of course u.b.s.
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my friends my eyes are i don't know if you know slacks but he knows first hand that the company was involved in extortion racket and their private banking division in london where if you didn't give them discretionary rights over the account they would report you to homeland security or some authority there's an extortion racket at u.b.s. in london it's never been divulged before well it could just be this man taking his work home with him because that's what he does it at the office is criminal vandalism they vandalized people's savings accounts and wealth so it's just him taking his home work home with them but also you know we've been talking through this whole episode about the mind set that allows these guys to continue doing this and look at it here one of the victims stefan to nakor owner of an office building that was targeted three times that having his windows fixed cost him seven thousand dollars but when pret was arrested to knock or was dumbfounded i know that investment bankers are
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a little nuts but you know maybe the market is that bad i don't get that he must be a very frustrated guy so there's something you. nique that he thinks wow how could it possibly be a senior banker at u.b.s. an international bank even though all the evidence of the past few years all the crime wave they've done and committed and admitted to and he still is like shocked that a u.b.s. banker would throw rocks through his window but you go back to the jerry sandusky example. people would say he acted out with these boys and that's the way men are sometimes. course that's not acceptable so why are we saying that this u.b.s. banker in los angeles he just acts out commits a vandalism he's part of a growing syndicate of of bankers that have totally on a systemic institutional level destroy the global economy forcing millions to suffer austerity measures to protect their bonuses why does why does the public why do they heave why do they penalize julie put durnovo in jerry sandusky but they
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stand back and all like battered wives you know it's about a wife syndrome oh i'm sure the you just lost me they really love me dubious loves me the sandy weill loves me jamie diamond really loves me and they kind of make up all the bruises and cuts on their face like oh i just want to be loved by the girls . there's sadomasochist in that country and i tell you if you don't all in ten billion naked short sales apple stuff you can get rid of the whole place in five minutes all right stacey newman thanks i was reading on the guy's report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and my special special guest stacy herbert going to send me an email please do so at kaiser report r t t v are you until next time x. guys are saying bio.
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