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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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casualties mount as the battle rages songbirds ring and rebel fighters and seriously city of aleppo but is it flying between the opposing sides. or it's the saudi arabian horses have fired live rounds and. testers as the kingdom haskell it's clamped down on dissent. and the first battles are handed out in london but the olympics have already been marred by over one hundred of grandstand accusations corporate adverts are overshadowing the sport. and welcome to our teens the weekly in this sunday with me karen tara well fierce fighting continues in the syrian city of aleppo between government forces and rebels with heavy casualties reported on both sides the opposition is calling for
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arms and walls international action as they claim army tanks and attack helicopters are bombarding areas of the city which is close to the turkish border syrian officials say the rebels are now trying to turn aleppo into a base for terrorism having failed in damascus this week israel said it's prepared to deal with syria's chemical arsenal if it falls into hezbollah's hands should assad's regime collapse the u.s. also threatened damascus over its chemical weapons this by the surance is from the government such arms will not be used to settle the country's internal conflict all three kevin barrett says the whole issue has been hyped up to justify intervention . this does remind us so the bogus empty accusations that were floating around prior to be improved invasion of iraq there have been all sorts of stories in rumors over the past couple of months about. the syrian opposition training with
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chemical weapons in turkey with the intention of having a false flag events in syria to be blamed the government and it seems that perhaps that's what's in the kurds it may be that there is a and attempt to pave the way for this by preparing public for the idea that this evil syrian regime uses chemical weapons. the ongoing conflict in syria has seen thousands of people displaced and for a large number of them it's not the first time they've been forced to flee many iraqis who escaped the violence and their homeland took shelter in neighboring syria but now they're returning home parties oksana boyko reports from damascus they fled their home countries in search of peace only to be ambushed by war in the place they thought was safe syria has long been counted among the most welcoming countries in the region for refugees with almost one hundred thousand of them
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registered here permanently it was before the while and broke out in syria the residents of the napa neighborhood were all well familiar with the ugly realities of war over the past decade the ferry has become home what thousands of war refugees from somalia afghanistan pakistan but the largest community here iraqis who sought to escape the u.s. wage war in that country and now have to flee yet again at this bus station iraqi destinations have never been in such high demand as now just several dozen residents of this area were shot or be had in the past two weeks many are scrambling to leave and the mohammed who arrived here with his family in two thousand and three is also packing i've never come across such security is in syria and such a government is in syria it's a good state a good nation but the rebels come here with weapons to destroy our homes and we have no idea why. the residents accuse the rebels of terrorizing their community
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extorting money or kidnapping for ransom while there are regions of the gangs on known many here believe it's al qaida fighting alongside the free syrian army. the usa is not an independent nation because its government does not hear what its people are saying because whichever country it invades it destroys america invaded iraq libya egypt and yemen and has not brought peace to any of them now after nine years iraq still can't produce enough electricity for a whole day only for an hour or two. they say it is enough is one of the most important share shrines as it is believed to hold the relics of prophet muhammad's granddaughter just a year ago it was inundated with bill grams but after several worshippers lost their lives in a suicide bombing it is now closed some believe the attacks against iraqis in syria may also be driven by sectarian division most iraqis a shia mosque travels a sunni
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a year's base shia group has just published a statement calling on the united nations to intervene according to our sources and see. thousands of shia muslims are in danger of massacred by the free syrian army and groups affiliated with them she rights watch has learned from many shia muslims living in the area that the free syrian army has threatened to massacre all the shia in the area unless they flee yet not everybody is scary the way. a sunni syrian and an m a share iraqi have been neighbors and friends for seven years ever since the killing of animals has been forced here to leave iraq they say we want freedom what freedom do you want in syria you have mosques they have girls with their heads covered and girls with their heads uncovered you have christians sunni's in shiites they say they want freedom but is this the way to treat your country when you want freedom but iraqis know better than anyone else how
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relentless and how damaging the foreign quest for freedom would be next on the boycott r.t. reporting from damascus in syria. so i have for you this hour war for some show time for others. it's really something that you want to see from oh i know we two are going to be prevented but there isn't a rush in to see if we get back should. we report why a vantage point on the israeli border with syria has become a tourist attraction for many with cameras. over in saudi arabia the royal family has stepped up its crackdown on protesters as right place reportedly fired live rounds and tear gas at crowds witnesses say several people were injured and a number of activists have been arrested and rest has gripped the country's oil rich eastern province mostly populated by shia muslims they've been venting their
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anger at what they call discrimination by the country's sunni rulers and that mass arrests of political activists climb down on dissent has also been taking place in bahrain and the united arab emirates but the actions of those regimes won't attract criticism from the west says eric draitser from stop and serialism. to voice your view in saudi arabia is to stand against anglo american hegemony in the region remember the united states the british the israelis and the western powers have been propping up these regimes for decades and so to popularize ideas that are anti regime is essentially to say that saudi arabia qatar and the various gulf monarchies are not going to be subjected to us hegemony any more saudi arabia has a very repressive police state apparatus that exists in the country and because of that you see a tremendous amount of repression and that repression can very easily escalate into
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violence we saw a similar situation in bahrain where the the royal family essentially carries out. what what would what could be considered entirely backward style system where people are thrown into prison for tweeting people are thrown into prison for criticizing the regime really what we're looking at is a situation where there it's the pot calling the kettle black the united states and the western powers in their proxies in the middle east are using human rights as a cover when it is convenient and in turn violating human rights when it serves their interests so we can't we can't look at this in any objective terms this is all in the service of anglo-american imperialism in the middle east and in the gulf . coming up on r t stuck in an economic downturn. spain is warned it needs more reforms as people are already struggling to make ends meet ever i think costs.
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please investigate a terrible find don't feed us says any russian forest sparking suspicions of a link or medical research. here is a preparation have finally paid off in london as the two thousand and twelve summer olympic games opened in the u.k. capital the first gold medals have already been won but they open in ceremony didn't pass without incident with action outside the stadium over one hundred cyclists were arrested when they were allegedly tried to push through a security cordon officers reportedly even use pepper spray as scuffles broke out police say they wanted to keep the cyclists from blocking guests who were attending the opening ceremony activists protesting against the corporate aspect of the olympics to their defense and as artie's laura smith now reports many londoners agree the event isn't all fun and games. it's been seven years in the making and the greatest show on earth is finally in london but no everyone's
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pleased this has come to town in fact according to research by currency exchange for travelex londoners fleeing their city in troops people are saying specifically that they want to avoid the lympics you know they look at the streets and they look at the congestion and they look at the charges that might be particular on the london area so they have taken the decision to go earlier a third of people traveling this summer will head off during the games but for those who stay behind it will be a television only affair millions ended up disappointed in the public lottery to get tickets and it's recently been revealed that hundreds of thousands of to. gets returned by for an olympic committees being privately sold to corporate sponsors it's provoked outrage but not surprised tickets have gone to not only the corporate sponsors but because. the packages in general is an inevitable result of the way
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the goings of done primarily for the interests of the rich in the olympics i'm afraid are just the epitome of some of the worst things in the world the removal of resources from poor people and giving it to rich people parents drop at station they can be no doubt what's going on the whole place is branded london twenty twelve i'm also surrounded by massive billboards on every building there's an advertisement for one of the main corporate sponsors b.m.w. lloyds t.s.b. but over here is the stratford that always was structured center it's full of independent traders who've come up against the big corporate sponsors unlike rich corporates local stallholders on to learn how to capitalize on this world class event in their hometown edicts from the brand police mean they can't even use words like a limb pick summer or gold in their advertising any games related merchandise must
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be official and according to still hold a darell that's not easy it's too much for rich we review small businesses we call open accounts which huge companies and that's one x. amount of. you know it's really small business i would love to but would like to it's created an uneasy relationship between locals and the games or the corporate monster is such that it's keeping the negativity to the games itself which is just a lot of people a bit upset and not particularly positive to the caves but is really odd to see structures will be covered and coated with the. sponsorship so from that point of view i don't like it despite the much vaunted olympic spirit it turns out the great is show water isn't for everyone while the fat cats sit back
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and watch the olympics cash raised in london as the street seized up because of special olympic traffic lanes and their commuter trains grinds to a halt as they route the day the game's picked city the first thing i did when i heard that. was sent to me about one of my good friends in paris and congratulations laura smith london. where you can head to our youtube channel for all these spectacular shots of the olympic opening ceremony in london watch as queen elizabeth james bond and then what seemed like the pair of them parachuting into the stadium where the monarchy greeted the great at the crowds also young athletes lighting the flame and the olympic teams marching in behind their national flags all of that and much much more at you tube dot com slash our team.
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it's. all right it's forty minutes past the hour the financial rain clouds over spain. clearing madrid is in the grip of an unprecedented double dip recession with dismal unemployment figures only going further downhill almost one in every four are out of work with nearly half of young people unable to make a living revealing the figures the international monetary. warn spain rules more reform despite previous cuts hitting the public hard to mass protest movement has taken root in the country but has faced a violent response from police demonstrations have reflected public anger at the
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government for imposing austerity in return for an bank rescue financial adviser marco scutaro proly says helping banks instead of the people is ruining the prospects for recovery. situation is deteriorating they have this massive property bubble which is biased. massive amount of austerity measures and the whole economy has has imploded and you've got very very high levels of unemployment and people will take their anger out on the street is even a problem well yes because the more that there is civil unrest the more that detracts from external investment more but. that means that companies hold back making investment decisions and decisions about the future. is it unfair that the banks are mean assisted when other business is not yes it is. a many ways the problem that we have in terms of implementing reform are only economies and
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implementing austerity is that there seems to be i mean equal balance in the economy where banks have been helped massively but the rest of the economy. isn't to some extent as things stand the market has already placed in that that spain is are. bankrupt will need a bailout and i don't think there's anything that can stop that. europe's auto industry is having a rough patch slowing car sales are putting a stop to the production lines of some of the top car makers with thousands of workers left out on the streets and as tests are so have found out the economic crisis is not the only thing that's hurting the industry. anger among workers eight thousand jobs across france will be slashed by their employer usual situation more than three thousand in this plant alone
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a blow to the new president's pledge of creating new jobs and to france is once a thriving industry. but she has been working for the company for eighteen years at the end of last month he lost his job at another peugeot site that was closed down and was transferred to this factory as luck would have it he's about to get fired a second time and he showed us what exactly this would mean for him. after the close the other five g. i had no choice but to move to get closer to the only site where they had moved me otherwise i would have been unemployed but just as i arrived here i hadn't even finished painting the flood just as my wife came here the names the new closure i just don't know what to do now but workers say it's not just the economic crisis that's hurt them it's also politics specifically sanctions against iran. the iranian market is huge it's the second market after france four hundred fifty thousand cars sold in two thousand and eleven so it's fifteen percent of the sales
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so it's a lot of money lost so if the government can intervene on a commercial level they can intervene at the social level to ban firing the workers of this plant say that they have no other choice but to keep on fighting but they're not oblivious to the fact that a whole generation of older workers who had seen a france's industrial boom are now starting to see a change in their economy and that the so-called lost generation of young people many of whom are with our policy there will see a change and want to begin to form a clearly getting a bar on their own that's out of that was a capitalist system of riches a myth to my generation we've been studying for years. myself i am. a master degree and i cannot find any job before so i cannot buy a house or buy a new car or if i want to do it i have to go to the bank and i get a credit so that means there will be presumed with reason alone this car dealer says the number of young first time car buyers has indeed gone down staggering
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youth unemployment adding injury to an already. bleak future for europe's car makers and be it generations of workers or their generation a similar vision unites them. we will start a new bottle with p.s.e. group because what's happening is a normal i think. france neither a new revolution we're working on it does or sylvia r.t. paris. more stories online at r.t. dot com here's just a sample of what's lined up for you this hour. and for our find out why the u.s. department of homeland security has ordered mass quantities of bright here equipment and what they are intended for. also what plugs a pipe china's government balance to public pressure abandoning an unpopular and just rail waste pipeline after mass protests the details at r.t. dot com. police are investigating whether illegal medical
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research is behind a gruesome discovery and a forest in central russia hundreds of human fetuses were found dumped in barrels possibly taken from a local medical university by a former employee but some doctors even believe the material could be the product of cloning you may find some of these images enchant thomas' report disturbing. a picturesque meadow in russia's urals at first seemingly serene but an unfortunate encounter for one outdoorsman reveals a scene far more disturbing i discovered the girls well i was out there fishing and i went to get some food for the camp fire which i found the barrels and i thought i would take them home but when i looked inside i saw many little babies medical waste in total two hundred forty eight fetuses each around half the size of an adult human hair and some trade with surnames and identification numbers discarded in a remote ravine around seventy kilometers north of new catalina berg in some cases
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the remains spilled onto the ground was inspecting the scene we found a total of four barrels fifty to seventy liters each filled with human fetuses police will investigate this incident the materials found will be examined at the lab the mystery of the discovery in the woods and how it got there has sent a shockwave around the world but one main focus for investigators is where the fetus was came from in the first place. in russia abortion is legal only up until the twelve week mark and early evidence in this case shows that these fetuses were terminated between twenty two and twenty six weeks russian law states that women can only have an abortion during this time period for medical emergency reasons now investigators must find out why there were so many late term abortions in such a relatively small area was there something deeply sinister going on such as an illegal abortion operation and why were they discarded so carelessly human tissue
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is classified as hazardous waste and as such it should be incinerated when disposed of properly the group responsible for this in this area says they don't use the types of containers that were found and now new theories are starting to emerge that almost play out like a science fiction thriller. it may sound a bit fantastical but these fetuses could have been the product of cloning despite its universal ban and that's why they were thrown out like that these were not future human beings but half human half artificial creatures it's a very daring theory if he does this could have been thrown out on purpose to create scandal and tracked attention maybe attract attention to the ban on cloning humans or to abortions people with the sight of these fetuses but skeptics say this scenario is unlikely considering the fetuses were found in formaldehyde rendering them useless for this type of research now the health ministry has requested information from all clinics within one hundred kilometer radius hoping to find
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answers to a story that has left a community perplexed sean thomas r.t. . some other main news in brief for you now the u.s. suspects that israel teligent says spying on cia agents stationed in the country it comes after a series of break ins the most recent at the tell of the home of the cia station chief found that his communication equipment had been tampered with some experts believe that israeli that israel rather is a counter intelligence threat for the u.s. despite being a close ally in the middle east on saturday american president barack obama signed the israeli security bill to strengthen us israeli military targets. has announced that it's repatriating all of its aid workers from refugee camps in western algeria madrid has acted under spawn's to fears over security in the country recently a growing al qaida presence in neighboring mali has brought instability to the
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region. militants all in tajikistan border with afghanistan have started to hand over their weapons after a major security operation which left thirty of them dead and forty one captured in an ongoing offensive launched on tuesday seventeen soldiers died or injured in an effort to track down a former warlord accused of killing a senior security officer authorities have sealed all border crossing points in the region but the only exception provided to nato supply trucks. and unmanned russian cargo spacecraft has already docked with the international space station marking a successful test of a new all digital docking system that's after a failed attempt five days ago the progress craft separated from the i asked us earlier this week to try and reconnect with the station with the help of the new equipment but a technical glitch developed and the docking was aborted the problems however were
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fixed and the second attempt it went smoothly the new digital docking system will be installed on cargo ships as well as the manned so you spacecraft you open up there the raging conflict in syria has been preoccupying world leaders and international media but in one country it's become an attraction for sightseers in israel thousands have been flocking to the border for what they're calling a must see a vent marti's falsely or has been there to see the pain how the pain and heartache of syrians has become little more than a photo opportunity for others. up close and personal you don't get to base a ringside seats in this this is the israeli syrian border and it's now also the latest israeli truest attraction feels good to be able to get close to with a little bit then besides seeing only the items on television i was actually thrilled to come here today to over look into syria to realize that with only
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a few kilometers and a country unfortunately there are hundreds of and of people being killed every day . it's the perfect spot it seems for war boy is keen on getting a glimpse of syrians killing each other all from a safe vantage point the only hard way they carry binoculars and cameras are you rely on our armed forces that they are aware of the situation and take all the precautions in them so i feel i feel very safe you support his family to see where he fought against the syrians nearly fifty years ago the border areas which could erupt again as the free syrian army takes on assad forces near israel but for now it's good business and tour guides are making a killing it's really something that you want to see some oh i know it's war and or might not be present but there is an attraction to see the fair that actually occupies the media now it's like you feel you are in the center of stuff the fad
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was sparked when israeli defense minister who came to see for himself what was going on. here in the border with real fighting in syria and you can hear the mortons falling here we are one kilometer from the border. of all children whose cut and couldn't wait to get her jewish parents fled syria in the early fifty's for ruth this visit is a dream come true it's like the promotion because my parents lived there and they told me that they live very peaceful with all the people and that's why we went. some two groups are now thinking of including the syrian unrest on their list of must see excursions they maybe day trips now but disasters on the horizon should the fighting get closer and tell of if choose to get involved. on the israeli syrian border. chartley of the story of how journalists lost their lives trying to tell the truth about the war in iraq that's after the headlines in a few minutes. if
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they shoot something inappropriate for public they can easily be shown to accept casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has. been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what this is their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave. and the spear company was such
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witnesses i got him on my site. where. you can be. sure your shoes shooting on our. everyone wants to be president. whether they're an old lady own engine driver. but it might be quite tricky to get a from c.n.n. . because you live out here in siberia. and the only way to get to you is by train.


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