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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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the sky. between. the city of aleppo accusations running wild between both sides who's to blame. in the weeks. of fire. government protesters. but the. critics also say the.
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protest movement in the u.s. gaining ground on the gap between. those in power is growing. we speak to a war activist for his take on how to achieve and i think that will change. parties in chicago sitting down with radical activist author and former professor thank you so much for joining us today pleasure to be with you so let's get started to protest really in the united states we've seen the arab spring we've seen the uprisings in europe we've seen occupy wall street in the united states what do you think is really the face of modern protester in the u.s. today well i mean i think occupy is this unpredictable but wonderful development and it comes directly out of the arab spring i mean it the idea that people could
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actually make a difference is is infectious and so occupy came out of madison madison came out of time your square tahrir square came out of bradley manning and wiki leaks so we kind of can see a. real development where people are saying you know the world as it is is not the world as it must be it could be otherwise and when people feel that way they get into motion get into action very exciting very you know hopeful we have obviously critics of occupy wall street who see the main flaw of the movement is a lot of a tangible unified message do you think that kind of message exists apart from the obvious occupy wall street what is it really about well i think people are mistaken and with that kind of criticism occupy is not a point of arrival it's not a manifesto it's not a demand occupy is an invitation and it's an opening of the public space that means that every grievance every complaint as well as every aspiration and dream can find
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a place in a new open public square i think occupy already has accomplished something amazing which is is shifted the frame and how we discuss wealth how we discuss war how we discuss austerity the metaphor of one percent ninety nine percent is a marvelous metaphor but as usual power responds to these kinds of peoples in a pattern that is predictable they. north occupied for a while then they ridiculed it then they tried to co-opt it with language like what you're that man and then they beat it up and then they repeated that's very typical of how these things happen but occupy is not going away it's morphed it's transformed so occupy is a marvelous thing and it's still evolving and we shall see occupy also seems to have brought sort of police violence and unrest that we haven't seen in a while in the united states and every time there's clashes like we saw here in chicago it seems to be the protesters saying the police are violent the police are
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saying the protesters are violent who is right what we see in our whole society is the militarization of our society so when nato comes together for example for a summit. this is an organization all wearing suits and ties all speaking very quietly but they can't they represent three quarters of the military budget in the world three quarters are represented by the nato kind of g eight world and and that's violence that's institutional violence so in chicago when there were clashes between nato demonstrators and police. we have to also note that that the city was incredibly militarized that is there were tens of thousands of police in the streets gear that nobody had ever seen before you know troop carriers buses transformed into military vehicles we take for granted in this country that the military must be under civilian control if it's under civilian control it's a dictatorship what is nato under how is nato governed who takes care of making
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sure that it's not a military dictatorship in the problem is in many ways it is obviously people are quite annoyed to say the least for the fact that like you say millions are spent on a summit billions are spent abroad on the wars whereas obviously a lot of people are still not in the best economic situation do you think i mean what is this all about is there a huge disconnect between those in power and the people or is this. and of purpose something that's purposefully being done i think both are true but is there a huge disconnect absolutely what is nato if it's not kind of a fig leaf for the united states nato in europe for example has two hundred sixty tactical nuclear weapons those are not allowed under the nuclear nonproliferation treaty but they're allowed because nato is not a signatory it's a way around the law it's a way around common sense but speaking of a disconnect yes there is a disconnect twenty seven percent of americans support the war in afghanistan and we can't end it this is true now for seven years no one wants it eleven years ago
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when the war started we could have said this is a police action to get the people who did nine eleven but know it was an invasion in a war we overthrew a government where we eleven years later they're now talking about negotiating with the taleban they and moving out of afghanistan but leaving four billion dollars a year in american aid that's an outrage and it should be an outrage that's why only twenty seven percent still support that war but we cannot end it that's a disconnect between power and the people the first time we interviewed you four years ago you said you wanted to create the biggest anti-war movement in the u.s. are you closer to the. occupy wall street part of the energy of occupy is in part an anti-war energy it's an energy that says our priorities are all messed up our society is off the tracks spending trillions on war every couple of years while we ignore basic human needs privatizing the public space destroying the electoral
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process under the term reform reforming everything from public schools to elections to pensions and what reform is is a kind of a cover for destruction so yes i think that the anti-war movement is represented in the occupied moment and my hope is that we continue to evolve and grow do you think with the wars the us is fighting it's living. sort of beyond its means can't really sustain those wars steps. and you know one of things that happened in the old soviet union was it spent itself into destruction and i mean you cannot arm at this level and have now create the conditions for an arms war with china with india with russia with all the countries of south asia that's an outrage that we are now entering into a new arms race which is going to spend us into catastrophe it's anti-democratic it's not what people want it's not how we want to see ourselves and it's something
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that has to end when you think about the u.s. and nato missile defense plans is that necessary absolutely unnecessary i mean if you think of all the toys and gimmicks and and war materials that are being developed what are they for i mean why a hundred fifty american military bases abroad what are they doing who are they in circling so now it gives itself permission for preemptive war for war against non-state actors which can take the form of any country it wants to invade so nato in afghanistan nato in iraq nato in libya these are illegal immoral and unnecessary we're hearing war drums beating over iran lately a lot do you think we'll see the u.s. embark on this new military escapade it would be a catastrophe for everyone if the united states or nato which is just the united states fig leaf or israel went into iran and attacked iran there we can live in this world as a nation among nations as long as we insist on the old colonial mentality that we
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can dominate other peoples we can tell them how to be and have a double standard that's just so grotesque so we're frantic about the possibility that iran might have a nuclear warhead some day meanwhile we have two thousand nuclear warheads and that doesn't make us frantic israel is the third largest nuclear power in the world not part of nuclear. gratian in the heart of even admitting that they have them this is a world that's dangerous you know unstable but it's not unstable because of the run there are so many better ways to be a citizen of the world than to shake your sword every time you feel like it the u.s. has the biggest military budget in the world a trillion dollars a year what is really the necessity we understand that if somebody had tax you have to be ready to defend yourself but considering many people and critics of u.s. warmongering say the us actually starts these boys it by itself builds this long
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list of enemies well that's my view my view is that if you look at my whole. lifetime sixty seven years the u.s. has been engaged in a war virtually every year and the wars are primarily wars of invasion and aggression and occupation we can all now look back and say well that was illegal immoral a tragedy three million people were killed six thousand a week were killed in that unnecessary war mostly civilians and the u.s. did it i mean it it it made it happen under a lot of guises of bringing democracy and so on and there was a wonderful sign in the demonstrations recently that said you know if you want to build democracy someplace build it here and i think that's true peace is the answer and it begins here we have to cut back our military budget we have to close our foreign military bases we have to become a nation among nations not the goober nation exerting our will everywhere we have the us elections fast approaching four years ago
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a lot of people in the us were really hopeful that barak obama would become sort of the real face of change a lot of americans now say. that is not happening democrats and republicans seem to be the same side of one coin what should we expect is it naive at this point for anybody to expect some real true change come election. for wins those elections i think we have to build a movement. change i think that's what brings change if you look back even in our fairly recent history it wasn't lyndon johnson although lyndon johnson passed the most far reaching civil rights legislation in history he wasn't part of the black freedom movement he was responding franklin roosevelt wasn't part of the labor movement and yet he accomplished all that labor legislation and social legislation and abraham lincoln didn't belong to an abolitionist party each of them was responding to movements on the ground what we need if we want peace is to build a movement on the ground that could bring about real change from the bottom and
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that's what i think we should be concerned about during the last presidential elections obviously your name was talked about a lot by the mainstream media what do you think is going to be that mean controversy this time around the one thing that we know for sure is it money is always corrupting in politics not just here but in russia and europe everywhere money corrupts politics this election season in the united states is going to see an absolute tidal wave of cash come into this election so last time out the obama campaign spent a half a billion dollars this time each campaign will spend over a billion and it's hard to believe that anyone can look at that and say this is what democracy looks like i think it's what plutocracy looks like rich people throwing cash around buying votes buying legislators and it's an unseemly and and certainly undemocratic site i have no idea what the controversy will be but you can
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be sure it'll be dirty and it will be expensive. everyone wants to. weather that on. an engine driver. but it might be quite tricky to get a fancy hacker out. because you live out here in siberia. and the only way to get to you is by trained.
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me fifty feet. if you feel.
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headlines on the casualties mount as the battle rages on between rebel fighters in syria. accusations flying between both sides. reports that saudi arabian forces who live around. the antigovernment protesters became. the first medals are handed out in london. by the arrests of over one hundred cyclists a critics also say the advertising is overshadowing the sport. well it is a great start for russia in the twenty twelve olympics so one gold already in hand
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paul has the latest now. thank you very much rory plenty of olympic stories coming up plus all of this. gold install. gold medal at the london olympics as he wins the men's judo sixty kilos category. russian food will show him. maintaining that one hundred percent start in the season with. the pedal to the floor that was hamilton is in full mostly qualifiers on hold for sunday's hungary and very close is a woman closure on his alongside him at the front of the grade. but there is only one place to start and russia have claimed their first gold medal
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in the twenty twelve olympic games. in winning the men's sixty kilos category in a moment richard looks at russia's medal prospects for sunday but first his. so what a night when day for russia austin gal stan coming from nowhere to claim gold in the men's juday he beat all the favorites on route to the sixty kilogram final and there in spectacular fashion he defeated japan's hit. achieving a pawn in the first minute i.e. threw his opponent flat on his back and that is today's equivalent of a straight knockout against the end came into these olympics ranked number four but after that performance is on top of the world. i expected to be overwhelmed by emotions somehow it felt like any other can petition but later when i realize that this is the olympics i felt really happy. now elsewhere russian cycling chiefs have praised their team's performance in the
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men's road race that was won by the kazakhs danny alexander vinokourov who claimed gold and he managed to and smart the much fancied british team are alex on the colored nerve was the highest place russian in twenty four in the russian cycling union did say that that was an admirable performance but not so good was the russian shooting team they came to these olympics with great hopes but on saturday they were a bit off target first loop of failed to make the final in the ten meter air rifle a real shot considering she got the gold and silver the last two were lympics also her compound. didn't make the final but she finished last in that and afterward she said that she just couldn't handle the pressure well dennis of suffered a surprisingly exit in the men's ten meter air pistol while also struggling to find form as russia's top ranked tennis player he went on bennett a the frenchman in the first round at wimbledon although it was better news for videos of one of the over she is three after beating syfy of its sin of sweden with more is richard but
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tension on sunday will also switch to the boxing ring this sport where russia traditionally very strong even both things didn't go as well as they were perhaps hopes in beijing four years ago where they were really able to pick up two golds there have. always going in the sixty kilogram category he's ranked fifth in the world so there might be a few hopes we could perhaps get unself on the podium but anyway r.t. for top of the boxing legend and former olympic champion lennox lewis he gave his views on how russia might fare in the boxing ring at these olympic games we're going to have to see because there's a lot of competition you know really when you look professional boxing mostly eastern block countries are doing well boxing so this time i believe that the russian boxing team should do better everybody action continues of a team sports for russia on sunday as a very much fancied for men's volleyball team will take to because of their. and second in the world as well as face stiff competition from the likes of brazil. usa
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as well as the competition gets underway into the latter rounds but certainly they'll be looking for a medal also britain's basketball team will be coming up against the russians in a much anticipated and counter the russians probably won't be able to get on the medal podium you have to play out of the skins are going to do so but certainly will be hoping to get their competition off to the best possible start has been a couple of busy days for maria sharapova of course she carried the russian flag arguably ceremony on friday and she'll get her singles competition underway on sunday as she'll be looking to complete a grand slam really of the world golden grand slam will she picked up her fourth grand slam title complete percent of the french open earlier this year and she'll be looking to try and complete descent by winning olympic gold here in london in two thousand and twelve so it could be a golden opening weekend for russia and we will keep you updated with every throw a punch the team has got to offer andrew farmer the london. well
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the i mean day of competition saw a surprise in the pool one of the greatest olympians of his generation swimmer michael phelps failed to claim a medal in the men's four hundred meter medley he was american compared to ryan lochte he who stormed to gold phelps went into the race is two time defending champion having won gold in beijing four years ago beating his own world record in the process however he was beaten into fourth place as teammate look to put in a dominant showing a twenty seven year old finished a full four seconds ahead of the fourteen time olympic champion who couldn't even finish on the podium brazil's thiago player took silver in japan's pursuit k. having grown ups. oh yeah i mean it's something that i knew us capable of doing all my life and it finally happened so i definitely have me that i have great fans out there watching me my whole entire family are right there with me so i couldn't be more happy when they do it for let's say how they manage table
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looks after day one china have taken i mean twenty four gold medals already italy and the usa other places chase is sitting second and third respectively while russia are currently six. now to football where in the russian a premier league reigning champions any some pages burke have made it to enter into their season with a victory over a struggling dinner my must go then it's alex cause you cough doing brilliantly in the dynamic box to open the scoring just ten minutes in the russian international court in the pool you were twenty twelve campaign behind him with three goals in two from the league matches so far this season domenico christie two who helped set up as you call for the first goal then decided to get on the scoresheet himself to seal the points with a little under twenty minutes remaining he got a nice off putting for chito you know told you to play with the twenty five year old doing the rest to know the final score.
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fellow title hopeful staff car moscow suffered a surprise defeat the army man going down three one to a team who finished in the relegation reason. nikita but mr off open proceedings just half a dozen minutes in before because you can conduct equaliser says carr on thirteen minutes q the elect. the former russian international netting a brace before the break up the points second half sendings off for the visitors would then further deepen their woes as an car ran out three one winners. was another sight from the capital locomotive effed better the railway man bating career so it's off to nil to maintain their one hundred percent start to the season ramana public open the scoring after just half an hour. before felipe a.c.c. no double the lead and sealed the win with just over twenty minutes remaining i mean slaven bilic the new manager has secured two wins from two matches as
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a locomotive pops. meanwhile later on sunday there are three more fixtures angier fresh from the europa league when i won by travel to rostock sparta look to maintain their winning start the campaign with a win over vulgar well new boys alan the travels rubin has asked. now to golf where robert got to get his written his name into the history books he's carded the lowest three round score ever at the canadian open beating a fifty seven year old record set by arnold palmer carragher shot a six under par sixty four on saturday to make to the top of the scoreboard he's on sixteen under and has a one shot lead from the joint overnight leader william the usa are dominating the top political the entire top ten heading into the final round after mistakes joined overnight leader scott pace he is now two shots off the pace after shooting a three hundred sixty seven. so much for why lewis hamilton is in prime position to add a third one garion grand prix title on sunday the two thousand and eight champion
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dominating the failed to secure his first pole since march the twenty seven year old in no mood to drive out qualification registering to the lap times early on the englishman claiming the best spot on the grid by four tenths of a second followed just drive a roman grows on snow falls to time defending champion sebastian vettel i'm sure he'll start from second place jenson button him right then and. in the long run down the top six. while holding the reins i said to me what luck record is in full if i cross the school around ten moto g.p. he will championship went around in a second for a new us in time of one minutes twenty point five five seconds to secure his fourth consecutive call on the. defending champion casey stunnel start second on the great just behind the championship need a second to becoming stronger gun control so he begins and so. well that is all
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from the world of sport for now but you know we're here in a few hours time with plenty more from the world of sport and the olympics of course joining that. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the huge earth covered. on the money with the business of russia this. lead. secret laboratory was able to build most sophisticated robots.
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in about anything tim's mission to teach. about humans and. this is why you should care only.
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