tv [untitled] July 30, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture if you were in anaheim over the weekend you may have seen a city to look more like a war zone in the middle east in a suburb of los angeles why were militarized police on patrol in the city and is the situation in anaheim going to get worse before it gets better also mitt romney's pride and joy bain capital is outsourcing more american jobs overseas to china even though he says he's no longer involved with bain he's still a major stockholder and the founder so will romney step in and save the jobs of
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workers in illinois and according to a new study for profit colleges don't care at all about the academic success of their students how are these so-called colleges rewarding their c.e.o.'s and what does this say about the corporate takeover of our commerce. you need to know this something is happening in anaheim california despite a complete blackout from the corporate mainstream media take a look at some of these pictures by award winning investigative journalist amber lyons from anaheim over this last weekend when we hear terms like militarized police this is more comes to mind officers decked out in full military gear as though they're about to be deployed to afghanistan so what's behind this wire militarized police on patrol in anaheim well sunday marked the ninth straight day
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the local citizens took to the streets to protest police brutality it's been nine days since police shot an unarmed man twenty five year old manuel diaz in the back of the head killing him. and since that shooting the streets of anaheim have been the scene of mostly peaceful protests that have at times turned violent response to heavy handed police crackdowns last week this for example was the scene in anaheim as police in riot gear fired projectiles like beanbags and pepper balls indiscriminately into crowds of people twenty four people were arrested that night storefront windows were smashed and fires were started and last night as hundreds poured into the streets for a peaceful march and ceremony for manuel de they were once again met with the end i'm police equipped with full military gear nine people were arrested on sunday for the latest out of anaheim here's amber lyon award winning investigative journalist and filmmaker amber walker the program hi thank you very much for having me on
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pleasure to be here thanks for joining us based on your reporting the streets of anaheim look like scenes from another country are the citizens there dealing with it well i think overall you yesterday there were a lot of outside protesters who came in to protest but earlier in the week we saw a lot of anger on the streets from citizens who actually live and anaheim about this officer involved shooting there's definitely a disconnect you feel out there between the residents and the police force the majority of anaheim if you know anything about the demographics here is of has spanish population where is the majority of the police force are are caucasian so there is a little bit of a disconnect there how has the situation evolved over the last nine days in the shooting of men will do to us to show force. well yesterday like i was saying earlier there were a lot of outside protesters from different areas but toward the end of the night
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things really calmed down and that's when we saw a less of a police presence on the street we pulled up to a candlelight vigil for man while diaz and his neighborhood and the locals took over saying that they don't they don't need the police to show up they'll take care of it they'll run traffic control and make sure that everyone's safe and even as a journalist when you got out of your car this is the first time we've been covering this for about a week that we got out of our car we didn't see a police presence you really felt more there was more tranquility in the air and it was a lot more more peaceful because you didn't have that agitation of seeing officers in full military swat standing out in lines blocking off the streets we had to pool you've been working with in anaheim on the program last week and he described the city as a powder keg is is a volatile mood still lingering. a little bit you find you find definitely pockets of of that anger in this area which could be potentially exacerbated if there is
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another officer involved shooting we were out on the streets tim poole and i on tuesday night and that's when we ended up getting caught in the line of fire just walking down a regular busy street police started firing white riot control weapons and some of those weapons also where we were almost hit they also almost hit or did hit a desk syrians and so you can imagine they are now holding more anger or more frustration with police as well so so if something were to happen and another spark we could see more riots in anaheim but last night when everything ended it was it was very much a calm mood on the streets would you would you say amber the the the the. who would which is the chicken and which is the lousy metaphor i suppose but is it is the is the excessive police presence producing a reaction from the people or is it the reaction of the people to the initial
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police presence and an escalating reaction causing a greater police presence. well i would say that the police presence just from what we noticed because we had two protests we attended yesterday back to back one was where the protesters were trying to march to disneyland and on the way there they were met with officers on horseback who had sticks in their hands they were also met with officers in full military kemo swat gear riding on the backs of trucks about a dozen per truck heading to block the road leading to disneyland so that definitely heightened tensions just seeing that many officers and those weapons as well so so we left that protest that got quite a bit tense and then we went to the candlelight vigil later that night and that's when the citizens were allowed to police their own protests and and that was just a calm happy tranquil feeling so it was almost like black and white between when
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there was a police presence and when there wasn't and this area it's remarkable amber lyon thanks so much for being with us tonight hey thanks for having me on appreciate it sure for anyone familiar with the occupy movement and the outrageous crackdowns by police in new york los angeles and oakland what's happening in anaheim shouldn't be all that surprising just the latest in a long line of cities to fully embrace all out military style suppression of peaceful citizens who are generally operating well within their first amendment rights as a new report by several law school clinics found and why p.d. officers have used excessive force on peaceful protesters one hundred thirty times since september of two thousand and eleven when the occupy movement kicked off johnno full joins us now from our new york studios john is an independent journalist co-host of radio's patch and regular contributor to the fast times welcome john. thanks for having me and thanks for joining us in a recent article for alterna you asked if the new york police department broke
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international law in suppressing protests and i know there's been a statement from from the u.n. about. the u.s. police reaction to occupy protests what's what's the story here. well the answer to the question did the y.p. break international law is almost certainly yes the united states is obliged by various treaties that it signed onto to protect assembly rights to protect free speech rights to protect rights of the press and what this report in it comes in at just under two hundred pages what this report extensively documents is that those laws have just been either broken or ignored constantly and that's a word that one of the. authors of the report used to me that it's a near constant violation of these laws you were you yourself were arrested back in
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december and occupy action what was that like. yeah that was actually the last time i was on the show i was arrested for filming a series of arrests that were happening on december twelfth and a police officer a white shirt which means a lieutenant or a higher turn around to me asked if i had and y.p. issued press credentials i said no and then he arrested me and they held me for thirty seven hours and it's you know worth noting that you didn't you don't need. press credentials to be in a public space filming police action that's just that's clearly protected behavior do you see a connection between what's happening in anaheim right now and what happened occupy oakland in new york city. yeah i mean there's no question that these events are related and that they share a lot of the same kinds of characteristics even beyond and i'm there was
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a report that came out months ago talking about a. tank bid the fargo police department has and it's this you know highly weaponized take that they they have in north dakota because that's just what police departments do now they are essentially paramilitary organizations at this point and what the what this report finds is that in new york the police are completely incapable of policing themselves and it calls for the creation of an independent inspector general at the state level because the n.y.p.d. is either unwilling or unable to do it on their own if the independent inspector general is the solution to the problem of you know what's going on in the case of the n.y.p.d. do you see that happening are there voices calling for that is there political will building for that or is is the are you a voice in the wilderness or. well there is there is a coalition of voices that are calling for this position to be created
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joining williams who's an elected official here in new york has introduced legislation at the city level i'm also part of a lawsuit that goes by the name of rodriguez v when ski and that lawsuit is being brought on behalf of elected officials and journalists calling for an independent inspector general to be created so you do have several calls for for this new position and for some sort of oversight and what i think is frustrating to a lot of people who believe that this is necessary is that bloomberg and kelly are not saying anything like that there's been no indication from bloomberg that he's interested in conducting a review of the policing over the past ten months and especially that he's not
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interested in pursuing investigations and possible prosecutions if. international even with the u.n. calling him out broken. i mean i think the bloomberg really sees him self as. being the head of his fife them here i mean and that's i think you're right it's true of elites it's true it's in general that they live in a bubble and that the u.n. can say whatever they want and it just doesn't affect bloomberg i think that that the idea of being a law and order or a politician has really taken such hold in america you know since at least since reagan and i guess nixon as well as like that idea of of being harder on crime than everyone else even when that means that you're actually being acting criminally it's just it seems like it's a ratchet that only goes one way. john and in fact mayor bloomberg has referred to
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the police department as his army john thanks a lot for being with us tonight. absolutely thanks for having me after the break mitt romney's binge of brain child bain capital is in the process of outsourcing even more jobs overseas leaving more americans unemployed and struggling to survive what's happening at a manufacturing plant in illinois and our workers there trying to save their livelihoods. if they shoot something inappropriate for public they can easily be shown to accept casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has happened. in a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary with this in their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave. and this clear what happens with such witnesses i got to go to my site. many text
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to. their shoes shooting on our. wealthy british science. is now time to. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. emissions. could you take three days for chargers. arrangements free. free.
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free. download free books videos for your media projects free media done to our teeth on time. and screwed news mitt romney is trying to distance himself from bain capital's practice of outsourcing american jobs by insisting he were actually actively retired from bain before the outsourcing started a claim is doubtful it best but now mitt romney may have a chance to fix the record if you really does a wrong with bain outsourcing american jobs then he should pay attention to what's going on in freeport illinois right now there are more than one hundred seventy workers who work at the factory owned by since saddam technologies are about to lose their jobs since it is closing the factory and shipping it up to china and mexico and guess who own sensitive technologies and is responsible for closing down
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the factory to ship it overseas. capital yep the same bain capital mitt romney still collects millions every month. and now workers who are about to be out of a job are calling on romney to stand up on their behalf and protect american workers in fact sign. org has launched a petition garnering more than two thousand signatures calling on running to speak out and put an end to outsourcing i'm joined now by one of the workers as in saddam's freeport factor factory cheryl render aranda who's joined the campaign calling on mitt romney's stand up for american jobs sure a welcome thank you great talking with you tonight first of all i mentioned the. the what he called petition but you also have a very active facebook page how people find that they have some kinder save our jobs save our jobs on facebook great you know so what's it like to be a worker to play by the rules to do what you're told and then be informed that an outside company is taking your job away from you it really doesn't do
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a whole lot for your morale and can make it's like a slap in the faced because we've dedicated our lives to be witches and to the company and you haven't just kind of taken out from underneath us and people's lives just uploaded in the county that it is you know we are today it's really hard i understand that you're not just it's not just that they're shutting down the factory and moving the jobs overseas they've actually brought the new overseas employees here to the united states and ask you folks who are working it's in sabah to train them do i have the right. yes we are training the technicians and the engineers and then they are in turn spawns to go back and train operators and there are a few people that have went over to china to help train but which is a task in itself i could imagine how our people react every act to that how how do people feel about that it seems like this would be a prescription for
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a lot of tension at the very least or despair is a lot of tension here the morale is extremely low we know we have to do it basically so we can you know move all of our lives but are we happy about it but absolutely not i said you know because we've got lives here we've had we've some of us have actually started the lines that are moving right now from what started up from scratch while ago as. well the one line that i happen to be on now i think was about sixty eight years ago that's amazing so what exactly are you asking that rodney to do we want him to come and sit down and talk with our with us and see if there's any thing that he can do and i'm sure he can call us friends of bain and maybe stop this action and if it's not by these jobs then we need to stop the whole practice because it's hurting the normal person i mean i am i don't i had to come home from college to come back from university to
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a community college and just kind of alter her plan in life due to me losing my job . when when exactly is the plane going to shut down what kind of timeframe are you operating here how long do you have and what preparations are you and your coworkers making. the plant is slated to speech shut down by the end of this year everything should be out moving they are moving daily as we speak different equipment and then as far as us going to have some will be going back to school summer gavin hopes to try to find another job in the area which our economy right you know here in this area is not real. busting with jobs opportunities at this point in specially good paying jobs and that you know when we meet right now so. most of us are going to try to do the school thing but as you can see we're not the young folks that we were maybe twenty years ago to go back to school but we're going to do it well sheryl i we wish you the very very best once again on facebook
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save our jobs save our jobs and the and the petition is on. you tube i think. i'm ok yes ok great cheryl i wish you the very best please say hi to everybody there for us and tell us you know tell them that we're with them thanks a lot we just want to marry can to stand up for the japanese to the world there you go thank you. and others heard news for profit colleges are scamming american students scored into an investigation led by democratic congressman elijah cummings for profit colleges are paid executives massive salaries not based on student achievement it's soley based on profit profitability looking at thirteen different for profit schools the investigation found the single most significant measure for determining executive compensation at these schools is corporate profitability rather than student achievement. for profit colleges rely heavily by the way on
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government funding many schools receiving as much as ninety percent of their revenue from federal student loan assistance programs if they're not producing good results a quarter of all students who attend for profit schools default after three years while the default rate of public institutions is a mere ten percent that the for profit school executives still get fat paychecks like strayer c.e.o. robert sowle made forty one million dollars in two thousand and nine alone educating the future american workforce used to be a part of the commons because the economic security of our nation depends on a well educated workforce but now the money changers are in control leaving students in debt unprepared and jobless. our first comments and i come soon william this take on voter suppression id laws
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tom it is pure intellectual fraud to consider the concept of having a proper ideas voter suppression we no idea we need ideas for just about everything we do in this nation frankly your position is quite disgusting and should be ashamed of yourself or you're just childlike seeking attention well i suppose i should be happy that you're so concerned about my mental health but here's where the actual statistic. twenty five percent of african-americans in america actually let's start with this number go to the bottom eighty percent of whites in this country don't have the kind of i.d. that's necessary for these voter i.d. laws used to be you could register to vote with with things like your utility bill or your rent payment but now with the super so eight percent now you figure thirty percent of the white population in america is registered as a republican more or less that's like two or three percent of americans of white or you know of of republicans don't have id. so then let's look at the at the rest of
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the group here under african-americans a quarter of african-americans don't have the kind of i.d. necessary to fulfill the requirements of this law one thousand percent of hispanics eighteen percent of the latino. students eighteen percent of seniors fifty fifteen percent of basically the working poor. this is the democratic constituents these are the people who vote democratic this is the republican constituency down here people who vote republican it's pretty obvious this is not about voter id this is about voter suppression the next coming of the night comes from daniel who had this to say about the differences in gun laws between the united states and canada just wanted to comment on the reason why canadians have low gun violence most of it's because we have a strict sidearm registry and it takes a long time and schooling along with tests to get restricted weapons license this restricted license includes handguns in the usa anyone can walk into a wal-mart and buy a gun also all long guns go through a registry so hunters are in a database so if an officer responds to
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a call from these places that officer knows who has guns to fix the problems for the us to adopt canadian laws for one and for to you need to educate proper storage and proper use of a sidearm people know nothing about the guns the shooting and i've lost a lot of morals now days love the show been watching for a few years please keep it up i really enjoy a real conversation you're absolutely right what canada is doing is a rational response to machines that are designed to kill people i mean if we're going to ask people to prove competence to drive a car we should at the very least have them prove competence and register over god our final comment of the night comes from a viewer in longview washington who had this take on the recent good bad and very very ugly. hi tom i just heard your. good the bad and the ugly it's on monday i'm i'm shocked my family we own a bakery we own a small family bakery in longview washington now maybe because washington is
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a little bit you know further west than where ever that man had his bakery but it's such a shock to me that someone would turn down business in this day and age when we are so desperately trying to keep our small business open because he didn't want to make a wedding cake to celebrate a same sex marriage what a sad sad thing we will come any order for any kind of wedding or celebration these are once in a lifetime things we hope and they need to be honored i'm very sorry to hear that that was had to be on your bads and please know that not all bakeries come with prejudice like that thanks very much by. thank you very much for your comment. i agree with you and i would say you know typically small businesses should be responsive to the community and the people there's
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a larger issue here too and that is it was a business. chick fil a is perhaps a better example of this right now the company the corporation setting aside the the the owner of the corporation has been giving money to groups that are trashing gays basically you know the promoting very very homelike world homophobic world views a couple of mirrors that come out and said ok because of that you're not welcome in our town there are progressive who are saying hey wait a minute that's you're going to infringe on the free speech of corporations you can't do that everybody knows corporations are people and they have free speech rights. i differ i would say i would submit that corporations are not people they don't have free speech rights and communities should be able to shut them down if they don't like the way that the function whether it's a bakery or whether it's chick fil a.
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crazy alert get those pesky pigeons plastered with a big pigeon problem. crane you get the pigeons drunk drop off in the middle of nowhere and hope they can find their way back home at least that's the plan a city official likes. to pigeons have been causing quite a stir and soon he and local residents of had enough of the bad behaving birds speaking about the avian anarchists. let's give bread then the pork them somewhere where they'll wake up the next day i guess mr mom doesn't know that pigeons are actually spies on the planet xenu and that it's going to be really hard if not impossible to get these pesky robotic spies drunk but on the bright side he might end up short circuiting a few of them in the process you never know. coming up a call to pose funded climate change skeptic has now come out and said the global warming is very real it's manmade it's here to stay the plan
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