tv [untitled] July 30, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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mayor bloomberg is that after the. intervals started here before going global and now it's pulling viral. log in. to the right. to. choose your place to take your stand. and needs to. make your statement. spread the word. occupy wall street on line. world for. science technology innovation all the latest developments from
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impending sequestration cuts now we've talked about it several times a fourth of five hundred billion billion dollars in extra cuts to the super inflated defense budget over the next ten years and while those big numbers might sell on kind of scary the c.b.l. recently concluded with a fence based budget would still of be larger than it was in two thousand and six but despite efforts to inject a little reality into the bait the hawks are still crying over the cuts likening their implementation to doomsday and in fact they're so nervous that they have a bark on crusades against this take for example setter jim inhofe who could not understand for the life of him why other programs were untouched well the defense budget was on the chopping block. everything seems to be exempt except the military food stamps exempt a hundred percent of medicaid. thirty seven percent it only ten percent of the d.o.d. budget so why is it that we are offenders serves their situation where that's that is the problem. and meanwhile severs john mccain and kelly iowa are actually
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setting out on a tour cross-country to try to draw attention to the january deadline and iowa has fully joined the fear mongering club explaining how this would occur every aspect of the pentagon from jobs to of course overall national security. it means nearly a million jobs in the defense industrial base but as senator mccain has said our secretary of defense has said essentially be shooting ourselves in the head if we go forward in this hauling out our forces jeopardizing our national security and i think there is to be a wake up call to congress on both sides of the. yeah she actually said shooting ourselves in the head just more evidence of the mounting hyperbolic language that we've seen over and over again from the war hawks. in modern warfare if you're not in advancing improving your technology you become very much at risk so if we cut a trillion dollars out over the next decade our modernization programs come to
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a halt and you're talking about personnel cuts of gigantic proportions so you can't project force as the navy will have fewer ships than we've had one hundred years will be given one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand pink slips to active men and women in the military today and according to the secretary defense will cost one point five million jobs across the country we can't yet say precisely how bad the damage would be but it is clear that she chris ration would risk hollowing out our force and reducing its military options available to the nation we would go from being unquestionably powerful everywhere to being less visible globally clearly it would. that kind of secret straight cut across the board would have a serious impact not only on men and women in uniform but on the personnel and the contractors who serve the defense establishment. right nothing like stoking fears without actually putting anything into context for not giving
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a breakdown of the costs or explaining why it is that our men and women in uniform will be suffering in cuts to their benefits and some cuts to wasteful and useless weapons projects or the fact that the u.s. spends the most on its military than any other country in the world believe me our defense capabilities will still be unquestionable but frankly that's because they probably don't want you to know where taxpayer dollars are going for example how about all the bases that we have around the world one guestimate says that we have no less the one thousand and seventy seven bases in other countries that are those that we have so many that we've actually lost count nobody knows the exact number that's just where our military money was begin what about the two huge wars that we've been involved in for the past decade five hundred fifty billion in afghanistan eight hundred five billion in iraq so i got one point three trillion dollars by. both of those wars just by the us and those estimates are very much on the conservative side the more proof of the d.o.d. is always so wasteful about their spending habits well over the course of just one week in july the pentagon spent nine billion dollars on new contracts they range
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from shipping contracting of equipment out of war zones to new ships for the navy to a five hundred million dollars severance package for a company building jets that we don't even use anymore all of these examples still just give the surface the reality is the pentagon has the country's credit card and they are charging it leg nobody ever checks the bill because i'm sure there's a for the last ten years nobody did but thankfully americans think that should change a two thousand and seven rasmussen poll showed that the public favor deep cuts in defense spending participants thought the defense spending could be cut by at least eighteen percent and instead they could put that money toward other areas like job training higher education pollution control the fairly neo cons think that they know better and they keep saying that national security will be at stake and we could no longer be the best in the world well while we still take to take the cake when it comes to our defense department we are suffering when it comes to unemployment infrastructure and education those are all areas that need to be
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strong if you want to be the best in the world if empires of the past are shown as anything as the military might doesn't guarantee survival and sure why defense spending does provide a lot of jobs that shouldn't scares away from reply or it's either a study of a nation show that investments and other government programs are just more helpful to americans they actually yield more jobs per dollar so what point do we sit back and evaluate the whole picture yes the defense department is important but so is our economy so's the future of kids across the us john mccain lindsey graham buck mckeon leon panetta all those guys have their blinders on and that's because in their interests but i don't i think a good portion of america agrees with me the sequestration cuts are coming it's time for somebody to stand up and say that's a good thing now we can focus on what really matters.
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our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and this time going to new york city mayor michael bloomberg again one last time to the man it seems to stick his nose in everybody's business he seems to always think that he knows better than you and he is never shy about giving those opinions whether he's lecturing occupy wall street fear mongering for stop and frisk and warrantless surveillance his authority in arrogance definitely shines through punctuating one unjustifiable argument after another but he's probably most known and hated for his shameless promotion of the nanny state now we've discussed the shenanigans extensively on the show bloomberg has banned trance bad smoking in city parks even big old so does and recently his government said that interfere in personal decisions from the cradle to the great literally take a look at this now new york city mayor michael bloomberg is targeting baby formula he's asking hospitals to keep formula and a secure storage room sometimes behind lock and key making it
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a little more difficult to hand out to new moms who will instead be encouraged to breast feed. that's right set to take effect september third this policy also requires hospitals to cite medical reasons any time that a newborn receives formula has another glaring example of bloomberg paternalism or maybe i should say maternalism look at a politician targets new mothers and he sure is not threatening to arrest anyone here he hasn't banned baby formula yet and yes experts seem to agree that breastfeeding is better for you but still it's typical bloomberg they go straight for regulation rather than promoting policy through education encouragement and not only that but he's also pushing policy through good old fashioned shaming i mean bloomberg is willing to interfere with parenting to the level of breastfeeding it really makes you wonder what else he might go after next maybe plans to publicly embarrass parents don't toilet train their kids by the age of three i mean would not promote healthier children of kids aren't toilet train they could develop serious medical conditions and emotional problems might shaming deadbeat parents be
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more effective than fully educating them or maybe bloomberg personally attached trading wheels to the every kid's bike in the city to according to the c.d.c. there are half a million bicycle related injuries every single year and kids under fifteen account for most of them so why not personally step in to put a stop to this mr mayor he would not arrest anyone or find anyone either just a bit of humiliation will do the trick but clearly because we were goes and cares about your kids' safety more than you do the ends justify the means here no seriously guys ideas they might sound far fetched but they're not terribly far off from bloomberg zach chill proposal and set of encouraging behavior in forming mothers king michael think that shame in city hall parenting would work better with even more trite as the bloomberg is batting formula companies from giving hospitals free gifts like tote bags so ok mr mair will take on the evil formula companies forget of big pharma that's pushing highly addictive psychotropic meds on kids in fact forget all the other important issues facing your city to write seems like it
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kind of refer that from stopping for is to warrantless surveillance to inequality. seems like the mayor's been wrong on every major issue and perhaps by his wife continuing his warm personal freedom promoting an ineffective self-righteous crusade to distract the voters from the real issues but whatever the real reason is bloomberg just cannot seem to stop ruling with a heavy hand so for that he wins again tonight tool time lord. our guys aside for a last race and i felt when we come back we'll have an extra special happy hour for you my grades are going to join the a lower show team and i will be getting you off for well after two and a half years but put away the tissues and funny ridiculous stories to talk about so sit tight. mission and free accreditation free in-store charges free. range and
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all right guys it is time for our final happy hour and joining me this evening is a lot of show senior producer jenny churchill i want to show as editor. a lot of show producer sam knight and what we want to show is a crew that favorite reason magazine's mike riggs i just had to say my own name too many and i got a little confusing. well i got the short glass but i'm trying to get you a chalice. really. yeah exactly. let's talk a little pigs shall we since there are still going there's a lot of outrage because well there's a delay right and we see this playing at night but then you can find out the actual
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news when it happened anywhere else from anyone else a while but i kind of think it's funny because there seems to be like a rivalry like c.n.n. . text you the results just because they don't have the right feel the olympic ceremony if. you're getting that with all the time i turned around today to tell the whole crew like i just got a text message and i didn't specifically didn't read i closed because i didn't want to know because i saw all this always olympic gold i know this heat baseball really carry the story so i just go to war i just noticed splash water in each other's faces at the end of the race oh you know very well so you know when it's happening live and you're watching you know that whatever like four hundred relay or something and i can't not look at the tweets or the tax i have to know if i know the information is out there i will literally go crazy be like don't look don't learn how to run your you know what else is funny is c.n.n. has been covering the story throughout the day about n.b.c. botching olympic coverage is really that's what it's come down to is c.n.n.
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has nothing else going for them but they have to undercut other networks and i think it's ok aiding in the botching of the coverage and then doing stories about the botching of the coverage that they're having all the bases doing the tape delay but they are not. really going to take delay has happened for years yet and from now. suddenly this has become an issue because of the tax alerts and the tweets that's just because technology you know you know this is technology and tape delay that is don't go together and that's because you should always be in america so that we can watch them live during daylight hours this is this sort of x. seven that you're going to go there or to that's why it's laws it's not west coast for god's sake it's east coast right eastern standard time olympic for ever now and i'm just saying attention to the only time zone clearly i just live in the diary yeah everybody else should have daylight was i live there you know i don't know as an original west coast or. the west coast or again but well so one of the things
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though and i love this did you hear this guy and his name is guy adams and. and plus angeles bureau chief and so he has been tweeting up a storm kind of talking crap about this and then it turns out that his twitter account got suspended and he released all the e-mails that he had with twitter and they said that is because the program rule because he posted someone's personal e-mail really was a corporate e-mail and so it's led everyone to believe that it's basically because n.b.c. complained i don't think so many people are tweeting about this idea i totally think n.b.c. complained that twitter has botched this and like such a big way this was our first big partnership thing about this is like their first big event thing they weren't like any sort of co-sponsor for the super bowl or for any dumb ice skating championship or any comments that i was making tearing up here like well how much i i don't know i don't know i just know that there and bad the corporate media the bad guy there must me n.b.c. and twitter and i totally think you know the guy's email address was public and
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going knows how to get you know and i don't think it was you know i don't think his e-mail address is public but their formula is definitely public and the formulas of almost every network of corporation out there are public you just google someone's e-mail and then you can say i've seen a lot of you know i think we're going through an experiment i think we have to put famine in. on it now if you guys just start tweeting obsessive li and being really annoying and talking crap i'm going to have arrangements and see how long it takes for your account to get suspended. seems much better like your natural and i know you come on here you're pretty annoying. i mean but trolling for truth exactly exactly what i troll is for a cause i'm a i'm a self-righteous troll or as some of our critics out there probably you know you're just simply struggling surely. that would pretty good pretty good if. you wanted your last olympic story we had enough olympic gold just talk about rock
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it was a regular it's right off the lawn of crap and ok to travel out of crappy olympic stories the police are basically well let's start with how we have a little clip which is that everybody remembers why mitt romney got in trouble with the brits when he went over there is because he was questioning their security. you know it's hard to know just how will it work turnout will turn out there are a few things that were disconcerting the stories about the private security firm not having enough people. supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials that obviously is not support which is encouraging. well turns out that the police were guarding at wembley stadium where the soccer matches are being played they lost keys to the venue because there's one fat. thing pulling it out in more than just one set but they just they just lost them somewhere out there. really as the resident english soccer expert i should say that stadium didn't call it soccer for the. global audience or. whatever the point is when lee stadium is
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synonymous with disaster. the football association of england took out something like three hundred fifty million pounds to debt to build it and it was over running because nobody likes it they say that is for sale so i'm not surprised to see anything with that i'll stop to see i think this. strategy i know that they couldn't sell all the tickets to these games so i think they just like put some keys out there and we're like somebody find these and have a rave in the back so we don't we're going to scold you. know the brits are incompetent ok i we're over there medal counts by the very same time i think they're going to british sound pretty and oh i do they're bad for us like my window . but i really didn't want a bronze are going to win or lose some key is you know i mean the last known set of keys big big change the locks i mean really millions of people in town for the olympics i think one set of keys like that big a deal and if you look at it statistically out of all of the keys at all of the
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venues for the slump it's really it's like minute it's almost nonexistent like someone's walking through london they found a sort of oh the keys to wimbley i think you're doing you know a little thing on them and say wembley you never know it's a little like this likely change very easily we're going to regret it today when it was that it's just oh ok that's. getting a little. bit of time ago it was rusty all right let's do go yes done and done ok so here we have a clip. this was on sunday i mean obviously we have a lot of talk about the second amendment about gun control after the shooting in aurora and he basically was talking about his interpretation of how he views it and the clear limits that there are on the second amendment as he sees it so take a look. it does not apply to. arms that cannot be hand carried
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to keep and bear so it doesn't apply to cannons but i suppose there are handheld rocket launchers that can bring down airplanes that will have to be. it will have to be destroyed. really commits all we need is people to have a handheld rocket launchers have to respond and i would love to see the n.r.a. his response to this i think you more need like north of grumman or someone else's response is that actually why i don't know who actually made it and your idea of the roman probably set him like a box of chocolates and. that's only got there the mastic sales rocketed up and just went through the roof i think you've probably got a rocket launcher. ok that's a rocket launcher they trigger locks for rocket launchers yeah those child safety locks. nobody. that's the irony in all of this though right is that on one hand you see everything we talk about this all the time right you have a growing police state any kind of dissent if you're trying to take part in a peaceful protest you're getting shot at with rubber bullets there you know one
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person acts out of line but the rock you want or think you know we can still talk about that because what he's saying is it goes back to what the constitution allows and he's going strictly by the constitution was fine not so fascinating because it doesn't account for time that's passed new technologies exaggerates kind of like you know saying we should take everything in the bible word for word and that case we would all be stoned all of us every single person at this table today you know. i was god the constitution doesn't provide for the keeping and arming of bears personally so you know justice scalia conservatives are brilliant man. this is you know we do something like no. stories sometimes of the stupid that they're actually studies and things conducted about this or news stories done on it and. basically. we've seen this clip this are not the way i started introducing it was just go back to when the jury had to. go back to the four loko days for as i
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can tell you. commie heels of college students being hospitalized in a teen driver crashing into a house the manufacturer of the popular caffeinated alcohol drink four loko has announced it will take the caffeine out of its products the announcement came as the food and drug administration was expected to find that caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcoholic drinks. well speaking of unsafe apparently this is. this is just so stupid so this is a study that was done and apparently drinking caffeinated energy drinks mixed with alcohol is linked to casual often risky sex amongst college age adults and we need a study to tell us this i believe that. it's just i was a little you know yawn and say i figured it out it's not just alcohol it's that you put the caffeine in and then not only are you drunk but you stay awake long enough to actually have sex with our knowledge. that maybe it was alcohol
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who got paid what you know casual sex in college drinking out of a bird in only your underwear i think you know if it's. you know but you know there are all kinds of things that don't we because all sex but you know this is this is about is a pretty pretty pretty obvious one you're right i don't know anything about. i just need to do the studies where they kind of you know how are you going to go to some college professor up in the ivory tower kathleen the miller senior research scientist at the university of buffalo research institute on addictions senior research now it was there for them to. give out money to researchers you really dropped the ball on this one the point is that this is the kind of stuff that they're researching these days in this country very happy with it where you know all the money is going in the right place. all right so lately came john and
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his wife have been in the news. him recently attended a concert with disney style characters the mystery woman beside him there has now been introduced as his bride resoled drew she appears to be a modern woman with a modern hemline and they look very much like a modern couple. they look like a modern couple with anything going to give him a modern haircut or dark knight returns the point is that she has been reported and i mean we don't obviously really know what the hell's going on in north korea but reported to be a pop star named high on song will someday but heard that and she had a hit a few years back called excellent horse like lady. she great since has been confirmed there was actually a singer named resole juice so there have been like mixed reports first one pop star now it's another one but this other pop star she performed footsteps of soldiers and now people think that those on top stars were actually the same person
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. we don't really have stars and so you see some horses with you know the soldiers i guess and you know you better for the horse whatever it's called it's. a horse like lady it's unbelievable to watch this video it's just and i guess we can play for copyright. they're saying she works like a horse because it's like a woman in like sweatshop like conditions like making and that. was the hard working for you likely to exist exactly oh fine. except with the excellent horse like lady went to the bar the bartender asked her why the wall face. all right. guys i'm going to wrap it up but thank you for joining me tonight for the last time you ever shared to our final happy hour. and that is it's for our show i guess we just want to say thank you to everybody thank you to all of our viewers for
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watching this entire time thank you to all the guests for coming on that contribute over the years thank you to the entire crew especially our crew in the control room right there that's making i have been right now and you know thanks to our team it's been a great time and thanks for watching everyone don't forget to still you know check out our videos on like you still find them on facebook on twitter on you tube and whatnot as well as hulu and coming up next is the news. if they shoot something inappropriate for public they can easily be. casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has.
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been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what destroys their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave. and it's clear what happens with such witnesses i got on my site. many. people. shooting nurses shooting. in full started here. for going global and now it's pulling the fire. log in. to. choose your place to take your stuff.
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