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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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a u.n. convoy comes under fire and what appears to be a rebel held area in syria while washington considers injecting pots of money into the opposition. reports millions of dollars aimed at training locals to maintain security in iraq and restoring infrastructure in afghanistan all going to waste as critics attack. us police across unstable regions of the world. and fears of a rise in europe's economic gloom as some unemployed. man violence against migrant workers in what was once called havens of multiculturalism.
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it is good to have you with us today here on. live in moscow a u.n. observer mission convoy in syria has come under attack by tanks that's according to the world bodies chief ban ki-moon apparently happened in opposition held area just outside the flashpoint city of homs meanwhile the u.s. state department spokesperson says washington is planning to increase aid on top of a fifteen million dollars package already allocated for the opposition. forces have also called on their foreign supporters to supply them with sophisticated weapons to use against government tanks and. to make continuing clashes in the country's northern city of aleppo where both the army and rebel forces are claiming progress but the focus of the battles have shifted to the syrian commercial after regime
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troops flushed out rebels from damascus now over a week ago and as r.t. talks on a book or reports the dust is now slowly starting to settle in the cow. it doesn't take much to set syrians off this base on adj and on a very tight budget residents of damascus are now trying to reclaim the basics they used to take for granted i. met. their prize in may have started with political protests but now they're starting to morph into riots economically life is getting harder for ordinary syrians but the rebels targeting supply trucks the price of a gallon of gas has risen four fold in the last few months. so when the pro-government and your attempted to distribute fuel at pre-war prices it found itself overwhelmed by the demand because of all of these. special circumstances that happened early people maybe get more nervous of course people
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had similar difficulties to get their supplies no no no it's everything is just getting better life is slowly returning to the capital as are the thousands of people who fled the turmoil there in the past but what they find in their neighborhoods is unlikely to instill much confidence in either of the warring parties the damage inflicted by the clashes to the syrian infrastructure is already asked to made it at their lab billion dollars and still counting that's almost seventy percent of the country's annual budget you can argue about who's to blame for all this destruction but it's certainly a very high price to pay for any sort of struggle whether it is for democracy or stability it no matter who emerges the winner syrians have already lost the government has promised to help the rebuilding but the scale of destruction and the already flagging economy that's the question of just how fast and how efficient that's reckon struction will be meanwhile some are already starting to lose
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patience mohamad a flower trader has returned home to find all three of his cars burned out he used to calm himself among supporters of the government but now his loyalties are uncertain i don't support the opposition i want to live here like my father and grandfather but if the government can provide us with peace and security either i don't have to move to another country or the government needs to go. he's not somebody who would trade he's implements for a rifle but in his neighborhood youngsters are already being radicalized this police car was set on fire by the rebels the charred remains of an officer still inside only says all government sympathy. deserve such a death star award for a fifteen year old who hasn't finished high school yet. although we want to finish . enough of him in addition to political differences the conflict in syria is also generational the young want to fight while they all struggle to find cover. their
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only goal was to drag syria into chaos everything was fine now it's only getting worse. both the army and the rebels claim they're fighting for a better life but the majority of civilians trapped in between shudder at the thought of how much worse it's going to get before it gets any better than the boy who are reporting from damascus in syria and in the meantime russia's foreign ministry has accused someone need media outlets of helping the syrian rebels to achieve their goals political analyst talk to us by human says it's a well planned manipulation tactic. it's part of the psychological warfare that the newspapers in washington and new york times washington post is filled with reports and common urging the rebels to be ready to govern and the warden. for example to use chemical. war.
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facility is. to respect the minorities as if by shuttle as it is going to model but frankly i have some newspapers which dates as back as june two thousand and eleven which predicted the imminence of our bashar the fall. vs are part of the psychological warfare. now foreign intervention is something that moscow is trying to prevent when it comes to the situation in syria we did manage to catch up with the rushers human rights envoy constantin dahl goff who says that a healthy political process is possible only when changes come from within here's a preview of what is to come just a little bit later this hour. is definitely different when. certain transformations certain political changes being pushed from.
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then it's a different picture and. we keep reiterating that it's not only russia's view that you cannot bring about democracy from the. democracy used to become the result of. certain internal processes. and you can watch the interview in about oh twenty five minutes time for now the u.s. defense secretary leon panetta already making plans for when syria's president assad is ousted from power he said it's crucial for stability after regime change to keep the country's military intact and not repeat the mistakes america made after invading iraq there the army was disbanded by u.s. led forces setting loose tens of thousands of militants and now a fresh report says that over two hundred million dollars spent by washington to
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train iraqi police has all gone to waste the u.s. is now preparing to send hundreds of its own police across the world to help locals handle security john glaser from and he war dot com believes the plan is more about control and enrichment rather than that of regional stability normally is this being wasted on a population that doesn't want to intervening but it's also going to what has happened already is that we've propped up this security apparatus in iraq which is has no respect for human rights at all the obama administration had been pressing the maliki government to try and maintain some contingency force there that could have been anywhere from ten thousand to thirty thousand and when the iraqis said no . washington wasn't happy about it they're going to try and keep it as big as possible and as simple as possible because otherwise iraq. gets outside of our sphere of influence and that is the last thing that washington wants we spend
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currently. about as much as the rest of the world combined on our military. six times more than china the next so and so much of what we do is wasteful but it puts money in the pockets of really rich military industrial complex. organizations and corporations and afghanistan is also another drain for american taxpayers money infrastructure restoration is falling far behind sure actual and costing much more than originally estimated and the us is training local forces but mass discussions from the ranks are hurting efforts to maintain stability and list adjacent deaths attributed this to corrupt the authorities and poorly planned spending in afghanistan we've got the same problems we have an iraq but we also have the problems of government corruption being much worse throwing money at it with very little idea where it's going to go
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or if those programs are going to be successful is is just a recipe for that money being stolen or wasted or just disappearing a lot of these programs then just sort of get added ad hoc to say the occupation in iraq or the occupation in afghanistan the administration will come up with something that they think is the reason why the war is going so well and they'll throw some money at that and very rarely do they ever consider if that program is even needed or wanted so hundreds of millions of dollars go wasted. just. many more stories still to come in the program including that of investigating eye for discovery we go deep into the mystery of hundreds of fetuses. dumped in russian . to illegal human experiments back door abortions.
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day protests in california. investigation into police after a spate of shootings in which two people down.
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here. who are going global. cooling. please. take your stuff. to. make your statement. the world. wealthy british style. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. live from moscow this is the europe's economic downturn deepens and spreads so to fears of full scale social unrest fueled by far right ideas already in some countries business people who have moved from abroad have suffered violence from angry jobless who. migrants excuse me for their problems are reporting from germany now lottie's pirata. this sleepy town in saxony seems i however even here right wing extremists have made life hell for people who came to this country to set up businesses mohammed came to this town in the east of germany from pakistan to open
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a pizzeria he. suffered abuse and tax the pounds of local youths on by police every time we called the police and the police came every time we called them but until now they haven't found anyone they threaten to kill us and now we have a real fear that we cannot continue like this anymore. the pizzeria is now closed after the last attack in early may mohammed explained to me how a group aged between eighteen and twenty five gathered outside the shop near closing time they broke windows and taunted the terrified staff telling them to go home a small explosive device was detonated which fortunately didn't cause any injuries but means the pizzeria is having to undergo an expensive refit. right wing violence on the streets of germany the country saw a rise in extremist violence after reunification in one thousand eight hundred nine
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followed by an economic slump in the east which caused people to look to the far right and the fascist campaign as a warning that jus to europe's current financial predicament we could see a similar rise again our days are problematic today we have facing developments in the old part of the germany a lack of jobs leads to helplessness and despair which are the main ingredients the trend is young handsome flour right ideology but there is a belief among activists down the issue of right wing extremism is being ignored by large numbers of the german people. education is only part of this problem of the need citing as a how to pay more attention to it that there needs to be more options for cultural integration especially for young people. germany's far right national democratic party or n p d faced calls for them to be banned from politics the n.p.t. say that they are vehemently opposed to any organization carrying out violent
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attacks and are working with young people to try and educate them and they don't loiter our message to young people who come to our seminars is that it's not the kabab center who is your enemy but rather the politicians who are at the wheel of the country however those words won't reopen mohammed's pizzeria is isn't the only business in this town to face this type of attack when. i came here seven years ago from vietnam i've been targeted twice use throwing rocks through my windows. as even germany's robust economy starts to really feel the pinch of the eurozone crisis there are concerns that we could see a third the rise and social problems in the country areas. peter all over our city jenny. and over in the united states it seems that more people are losing their homes are struggling in a difficult economy are coming up next hour here on r.t. it'll be max keiser taking a look at the country's mortgage crisis and they're all that wall street has played
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in the midst of bad. so after seizing the mortgage condemning it and seizing it the city then they claim will pay a fair market value to the owner of the mortgage which in the most cases is the securitization trust which were already these are all filled with fraud already so they're going to seize these. trusts ask the soup ask the cherokee ask any of these tribes are still waiting for the land that the us government promised one hundred fifty years ago we got through you we'll go call mother they probably give it to him now it's completely destroyed you know they're not going to make good on the stuff they're just getting the last bit of the couch they possibly can of the pockets out of the couches sitting on the cushions of these people's houses you've got wall street small doesn't know the vacuum cleaner trying to suck out that last nickel i want us to go.
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to just a few minutes we'll get the odds he will top that for now though a human fetuses discovered him barrels in a russian forest last week would come to bed by a state institution that's according to police leading a criminal investigation into the scandal employees of the urals state medical academy say such disposal was regular with a truckload of bio material thrown away in the woods just last may he's shown thomas he's being following this shocking discovery as an explanation. police have tracked down the car that they say was responsible for dumping these fetuses in the woods a fetus is supposed to be incinerated because they are classified as class b. bio medical waste as all human tissue is and as such they should be incinerated but in this case because they were wet and soaked in from outside the company decided well it would just be too difficult in this case and so they decided to dump it in the woods these fetuses were all between twenty two and twenty six weeks which is a late term fetus and in russia it's illegal to have an abortion past this stage
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only in the case of a medical emergency so it doesn't answer the question as why all of these fetuses two hundred forty eight of them were passed this point early on in the investigation they were saying this could have been used for legal research or possibly for rejuvenation type experiments illegal stem cell research as well and then we even heard the possibility of illegal human cloning experiments that had gone bad which is why they were dumped in the forest so that there was no trace of where they came from also again still the possibility of an illegal abortion operation has happening in the area and trying to cover that up as well so still some more investigation needs to happen but we can put some of those more theories to rest at this time. well you can follow the developments in this story. of course. people with a good sense of humor. this
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is a city. plus a world that literally of. the bible. download the official. language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. . any time. now at twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital protesters in california demanding an investigation into police over a spate of shootings by officers in which two people died just over a week ago demonstrators took to the streets for the ninth consecutive day and won
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the state's talk with attorney to examine the incidents involving the anaheim police department at least nine for testers were arrested on monday in iran got jazz a community organizer believes the town security apparatus is simply rotten to the core. just this year alone there's been eight killings but and i'm pleased to apartment most of those of people who are unarmed like what just happened this last week so that people are tired this is not something this is not one one case this is really a systematic problem that's been happening for generations in anaheim in a city where more than half of the population there is latino fifty three percent of the population is that you know they don't have any political representation and they feel that the police department really use you know racial profiling every challenge against them so that's why we saw the community i mean mothers you know with strollers all kinds of people from the community coming out these aren't even activists they're just people who are completely fed up with the treatment they receive from the police and in response we now see the famous video where the
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police you know sic dogs on people they shot them with rubber bullets these are women and children who were not activists they weren't anarchists they want people trying to cause problems they were simply just denouncing the brutality that the police use against their people in their community. all right let's get to some other global news for you a brief time for the odds are you will that will start with julie in a songe ecuador has asked the swedish government to question the wiki leaks founder in the south american countries embassy in london amid worries of health hold up after six weeks trying to avoid extradition to stockholm where he's wanted of a sex allegations which he denies his mother christine is right now in ecuador to urge the country's leaders to grant her son political asylum saying he's under extreme psychological stress songe fears sweden to extradite him to the u.s. where he could be charged with espionage over a massive leak of classified american files on the internet. a massive blackout has hit india for a second day running leaving around the heart of the entire population without
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electricity they have been widespread power fairlie's in the north and east affecting about six hundred million people on monday the electricity supply grid collapsed for several hours before being restored only to fail again it's called travel chaos bringing delhi's metro to a standstill reports of people being trapped inside. and police in sydney have seized over five hundred million u.s. dollars worth of drugs smuggled into the country in a shipment of terror talk to paul it's the holding included heroin in the largest haul of crystal meth ever discovered australia seven people have been arrested on face life in prison if convicted enforcement officers a lot of authorities to the plot almost one year ago. my well record numbers in italy out of work daniel what is the story the jobless rate hit ten point eight percent in june show new figures that brings the total to almost two
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point eight million protesters blamed for forcing job cuts in the euro debt crisis one in five greeks and one in four spaniards around employed here to premier monti said today he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. which was told by suing the nasdaq for growth mishandling of facebook's i.p.o. u.b.s. says nasdaq malfunctions left it with more facebook stock and hundreds of millions of dollars in losses facebook shares of nosedive thirty nine percent on reports they misled potential investors over future earnings that makes it the worst performing big i.p.o. in the decade u.b.s. shares a sliding four percent on that year's b.p. profit meanwhile plunged ninety six percent after writing down five billion dollars in assets including u.s. shale deposits first loss in five days for the six russian shares of the world's best value based on estimated earnings the euro's swinging between gain and loss on
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the dollar today the ruble being wild is mixed and russia faces big problems when it joins the w t o next month the country desperately short of civil servants to defend the country in the trade body as altie reports. towards accession to the world trade organization has been a long and arduous to say the least eighteen years in the making that. time finally comes but now that it had almost gotten there it still finds itself well equipped for the changes that this will bring for starters they still need about three hundred civil servants and several hundred to several. lawyers and economists were trained. mainly to be able to defend. the world stage now to fill the shortage find itself having to hire foreign specialists and if it wants to train its own it will take another two years and nine million euros that's twenty to thirty thousand euros for each specialist that it wants to train abroad
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having this is a crucial for russia are already voices from saying that there are possible especially regarding industries that had long enjoyed protectionist measures from the russian state. the country. has every right to impose penalties on russia and this could be in the form of export duties will certainly be costly for russia now some russian officials say the problem goes all the way back to the education system and others also say that it will be very hard to convince very educated russia. to become a civil servants of. the country after eighteen years again of preparation their only choice is to cram in order to fill that shortage that they have right now.
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is no. nextel are very good daniel thanks so much. just a moment here i'll see the headlines and then we're going to be having a look at how human rights are protected throughout the world if indeed they are protected in certain regions i will see you in just a minute. if
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they shoot something inappropriate from the public they can easily be shown to accept casualties of war ok. i wish you would have never happened but it has happened. in a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what destroys their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave iran. and this clear what happens with such witnesses i got on my site. one of the many objects to be. sure nurses shooting on our.
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more news today violence has once again flared up. again these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day .


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