tv [untitled] July 31, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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a song from funniest impression. starts on t.v. dot com. with fierce battles raging in the syrian civil conflict the u.s. is making suggestions as to how the country's future should be built without president assad. plus after two years of trying to talk with sweden projects without explanation from ecuador to interview the wiki leaks editor at its london embassy. washington flexes its muscles again to beijing as u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton lands in africa to warn its leaders about the dangers of doing business with china.
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online on screen international news and comment live from moscow this is the u.n. says its observer mission in syria has come under attack in an opposition held area outside the flashpoint city of homs officials have confirmed their convoy was hit by small arms fire although the civil standoff is continuing in syria foreign powers may be getting ahead of themselves about the outcome after the u.s. announced it's increasing its support for the rebels washington's now making suggestions as to what a post assad syria should look like pentagon chief leon panetta says that when the regime falls the country's military should remain intact but as oksana boyko reports from damascus many syrians feel they are being left unprotected in the ongoing conflict. it doesn't take much to set syrians off these days on adds and on a very tight budget residents of damascus are now trying to reclaim the basics they used to take for granted. prizing may have started with political
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protests but now they're starting to morph into riots economically life is getting harder for ordinary syrians but the rebels targeting supply trucks the price of a gallon of gas has risen four fold in the last few months. so when the pro-government and your attempted to distribute fuel at pre-war prices it found itself overwhelmed by the demand because of all of these. special circumstances that happened there lately people maybe get more nervous of course people had similar difficulties to get their supplies no no everything is just getting better life is slowly returning to the capital as are the thousands of people who fled the term all there in the past weeks but what they find in their neighborhoods is unlikely to instill much confidence in either of the warring parties the damage inflicted by the clashes to the syrian infrastructure is already
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asked to made it at the eleven billion dollars and still counting that's almost seventy percent of the country's annual budget you can argue about who's to blame for all this destruction but it's certainly a very high price to pay for any sort of struggle whether it is for democracy or stability and no matter who emerges the winner syrians have already lost the government has promised to help with rebuilding but the scale of destruction and the already flagging economy begs the question of just how fast and how efficient that's reckoned struction will be meanwhile some already starting to lose patience muhammad a flower trader has returned home to find all three of his cars burned out he used to calm himself among supporters of the government but now his loyalties are uncertain i don't support the opposition i want to live here like my father and grandfather but if the government can provide us with peace and security either i don't have to move to another country or the government needs to go. he's not
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somebody who would trade he's implements for a rifle but in his neighborhood youngsters are already being radicalized this police car was set on fire by the rebels the charred remains of an officer still inside only says all government sympathy. there's deserve such a death star wars for a thirteen year old who hasn't finished high school yet. all i want is to finish. enough of him in addition to political differences the conflict in syria is also generational the young want to fight while they all struggle to find cover. their only goal is to drag syria into chaos everything was fine now it's only getting worse. both the army and the rebels claim they're fighting for a better life but the majority of civilians trapped in between shudder at the thought of how much worse it's going to get before it gets any better than the boy who are reporting from damascus and syria oksana is constantly updating her twitter
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feed with the developments inside syria you will also find reactions and analysis of the events in and around the conflict the country in one of the posts says although some powers might be interested in maintaining chaos in syria hoping that will help to bring assad may have actually helped the syrian leader gain more support she says some of his opponents in damascus still see him as the lesser of the two evils. mark ullman the professor of international relations at bill can university in turkey believes the u.s. push for a regime change in syria may produce even more disorder and violence in the country . what of course and that's what he's trying to avoid. because he's also said that the army and the police come any time. even more in syria than in iraq kind of approach is the army police is also. and what we're
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seeing is not just about who can come across people who are in the west but also a battle between some groups of society and you can approach them aside and his family left the country there are two million other wives two million christians and. many of them around. more radical muslim groups who are increasingly browner and. there are jihadists with strong british accents among the coalition forces fighting against president assad in syria so says a recently released option photographer who had been taken hostage by opposition forces belong to a website or two don't call him to find out more about that. on the news now sweden has rejected without explanation a request by ecuador to interview june in the sunshine in the south american countries embassy in london that's according to wiki leaks twitter feed the whistleblowers been holed up in the embassy for the past six weeks seeking asylum in ecuador a son who wants to avoid being extradited to sweden of
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a sex crime allegations and fears he will then be sent to the u.s. audience or smith has more from london. according to this twisted feeds they have rejected the invitation without any kind of meaningful explanation and i mean this is doesn't really come as a particular surprise ever since this case began almost two years ago now. has been has been offering for this week to come to london and question him here and they've never done that so this is an ongoing thing i guess maybe what his legal team and indeed the ecuadorian diplomats felt could be different this time is that the invitation isn't coming from just us on himself it's coming from a novice state so he's got another state operating on his behalf so it's almost like it's on equal terms it really begs the question does the swedish prosecutor really want to get to the bottom of this case it certainly looks as if she doesn't and if not then of course. meanwhile diplomats have been working on
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julian assange as his behalf and seeking assurances from the u.k. sweden and the us that he will be extradited to america if he does go to sweden they've received no response on that they've also been trying to get the u.s. to either confirm or deny that legal proceedings are a grand jury having been been subpoenaed in the us again no response from america. has been holed up now in the in the ecuadorian embassy here in london for weeks he fled citing human rights violations to avoid extradition to sweden on these allegations but no charges of sexual offenses and he's under quite trying circumstances it's very cramped in there it's only a small embassy there's no outside space a tall and of course a peep does step outside the embassy is liable to be arrested by the british police his mother has been quick all this week to plead her case and she says she's extremely worried about the state of his health she says he's under extreme stress
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in the ecuadorian embassy and he's been under long term extreme stress for the last two years while these this case is being going on and he's really living in conditions similar to detention. if there are none and this is the life here in most cases to the head a shocking discovery in a russian woodland you evidence is unveiled in the got wrenching story about barrels which human fetuses found in central russia. plus more arrests in anaheim as riot police whatever amount of tests are still fuming these children killed two suspects in this month. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton kicks off an african tool with a stop in senegal officials say clinton will warn african leaders about the dangers of chinese investment on the continent and beyond me as a key editor of the pan-african news wire i spoke to a little earlier here and he believes her trip could do more harm than good. hillary clinton went to africa last year she expressed some trepidation about the
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growing relationship between africa and the people's republic of china but it appears as if most of the states in africa have a very positive view of the burgeoning relationships between the african states and china and i think this is something that's very very frustrating for the united states the u.s. has been heavily dependent upon all that comes from various parts of africa there has been huge discoveries just recently both all and natural gas in east africa off the coast of east africa and these of course opera new opportunities for the people's republic of china to enter into economic partnership with africa and because of the economic crisis in the united states it's going to pose a challenge to the u.s. state department i don't believe that hillary clinton is going to be successful and discouraging this growing relationship between africa and china in fact she may
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bring about some resentment for involving herself in the internal affairs of africa and africa as a relationship with china. the stories we're covering on are also available on our website just remind you that there are also plenty of other videos in the news there including russian anticorruption campaign and opposition blog alexina vali has been charged with. in a case that is called a storm among the russian public. plus an absent minded musician is breathing a sigh of relief. millions left on the board a swiss train has returned to its side in a. wealthy british style.
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market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report. mission free credit cation three. free. free. free. free. the old free broadcast video for your media project free media dog r t dot com.
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to. the. news continues now with a new chilling twist in the scandal surrounding a horrific discovery in a russian forest where hundreds of human fetuses were found last week police say they've been a medical academy which is openly admitted to having made regular disposals still it's unclear from whether state institution got the fetuses and what it was using
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them for thomas has been following the story. police have tracked down the car that they say was responsible for dumping these fetuses in the woods a fetus is supposed to be incinerated because they are classified as class b. bio medical waste as all human tissue is and as such they should be incinerated but in this case because they were wet and soaked in from outside the company decided well it would just be too difficult in this case and so they decided to dump it in the woods these fetuses were all between twenty two and twenty six weeks which is a late term fetus and in russia it's illegal to have an abortion past this stage only in the case of a medical emergency so it doesn't answer the question as why all of these fetuses two hundred forty eight of them were passed this point early on in the investigation they were saying this could have been used for legal research or possibly for rejuvenation type experiments illegal stem cell research as well and then we even heard the possibility of illegal human cloning experiments that had
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gone bad which is why they were dumped in the forest so that there was no trace of where they came from also again still the possibility of an illegal abortion operation happening in the area and trying to cover that up as well so still some more investigation needs to happen but we can put some of those more theories to rest at this time. europe's financial crisis is showing that even the strongest economies immune to struggles as desperation spreads into germany thing is a growing that it could be a wave of attacks by far right groups and immigrants who they're blaming for the unemployment explains. this sleepy town in saxony seems i however even here right wing extremists have made life hell for people who came to this country to set up businesses mohammed came to this town in the east of germany from pakistan to open a pizzeria and those working for him suffered abuse and attacks to be hands of
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local youths on police over every time we called the police and the police came every time we called them but until now they haven't found anyone they threaten to kill us and now we have a real fear that we cannot continue like this anymore the pizzeria is now closed after the last attack in early may mohammed explained to me how a group aged between eighteen and twenty five gathered outside the shop near closing time they broke windows and taunted the terrified staff telling them to go home a small explosive device was detonated which fortunately didn't cause any injuries but means the pizzeria is having to undergo an expensive refit. right wing violence on the streets of germany the country saw a rise in extremist violence after reunification in one thousand eight hundred nine followed by an economic slump in the east which caused people to look to the far
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right and the fascist campaign as a warning that juju europe's current financial predicament we could see a similar rise again our days are problematic today we have basic developments in the old part of the germany a lack of jobs leads to helplessness and despair which are the main ingredients the trend is young handsome flour right ideology. there is a belief among activists down the issue of right wing extremism is being ignored by large numbers of the german people if they go education is in the part of this problem of the need citing as a how to pay more attention to it that there needs to be more options for cultural integration especially for young people. germany's far right national democratic party or n.p. de effaced calls for them to be banned from politics the n.p.t. say that they'll be in and be opposed to any organization carrying out violent attacks and to working with young people to try and educate them i mean don't
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loiter our message to young people who come to our seminars is that it's not the kabab center who is your enemy but rather the politicians who are at the wheel of the country and whether those words wimps reopen mahomet's pizzeria is isn't the only business in this town to face this type of attack but. i came here seven years ago from vietnam and i've been targeted twice used throwing rocks through my windows right as even germany's robust economy starts to really feel the pinch of the eurozone crisis there are concerns that we could see a further going on social problems in the country areas. between all of the. jenny. meanwhile over in the us a weak economy is thousands struggling to keep hold of their homes later this hour on r.t. max kaiser looks at wall street's role in the country's mortgage crisis. so after seizing the more get condemning it and seizing it the city then they claim will pay
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a fair market value to the owner of the mortgage which in the most cases is the securitization trust which were already these are all filled with fraud already so they're going to seize these hard to went after the soon pass the cherokee ask any of these tribes are still waiting for the land that the us government promised one hundred fifty years ago we got it through did you we'll go call mother they probably gave it to him now it's completely destroyed you know that they're not going to make good on the other stuff they're just already getting the last bit of the carrots they possibly can out of the pockets out of the couches and sitting behind the cost of these people's houses you've got all. as you know the vacuum cleaner trying to suck up that last nickel i was asked to go. because a report coming away a little later. several protesters in anaheim california were arrested outside
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a city council meeting monday as they run it for a ninth straight day demanding the state's top attorney investigate the city's police force offices of people so far this year. they shot and killed earlier this month many of the targets community organizer on co-chairs believes that the actions of the police a result of racial profiling. the people are tired this is not something this is not one one case this is really a systematic problem that's been happening for generations in anaheim in a city where more than half of the population there is latino fifty three percent of the population is latino they don't have any political representation and they feel that the police department really use you know racial profiling every challenge against them so that's why you saw the community i mean mothers were you know with strollers all kinds of people from the community coming out these aren't even activists they're just people who are completely fed up with the treatment they receive from the police and in response we now see the famous video where the police you know sic dogs on people they shot them with rubber bullets these are women and children who were not activists they weren't anarchists they want people
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trying to cause problems they were simply just denouncing the brutality that the police use against their people in their community just outside of the doors it is in that you know the people do not think it's the happiest place on earth there's a lot of violence against poor people in anaheim and there needs to be caught out so i think that's where some of the organizations decided to do go to disneyland this expose everyone to the realities of anaheim. dimitris next to a nazi with a business and russia's world trade organization accession is just around the corner now but apparently there's a new hurdle on the horizon tell us what is that well basically there's a lack of civil servants in the country to represent the interests of of russia within the trade body and has full access and is going to happen next month all of these tests of the. journey towards accession to the world trade organization has been a long and arduous to say the least eighteen years in the making. to prepare for
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when the time finally comes but now that it had almost gotten there it's still finds itself well equipped for the changes that this will bring for starters they still need about three hundred civil servants several hundred to several thousand. lawyers and economists who are trained in. laws mainly to be able to defend. on the world stage now to fill the shortage find itself having to hire foreign specialists and if it wants to train its own it will take another two years and nine million euros twenty to thirty thousand euros for each specialist that it wants to train abroad having. specially industries that have long enjoyed protectionist measures from the russian state. that. has every right to impose penalties on russia. export duties will certainly be costly for russia now some
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russian officials say the problem goes all the way back to the education system and others also say that it will be very hard to convince very educated and economists to become. a problem. after eighteen years again of preparation their only choice is to cram in order to fill that shortage that they have right now. as i said reporting there from brussels record food prices are just bad for shoppers central banks are expected to lift interest rates to curb inflation droughts in major food exporters like the united states and slashed russia's two thousand and twelve inflation target of six percent is now called mission impossible by h.s.b.c. bank and the country's top to hike rates by the end of the year. unemployment in italy has hit a record ten point eight percent bringing the total out of work to almost two point
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eight million people years own averages also adds a new record eleven point two per cent protesters of brussels are forcing job cuts in the euro debt crisis one in five greeks and one in four spaniards are right now unemployed. yet italy's prime minister mario monti says that there is light at the end of the tunnel for the euro and mario draghi also backs the. call for the preservation of the euro and therefore we have seen the euro strengthening against the greenback as you can see there by around half of the said euro against the ruble is a gating rubles weakening in line with the global trend but strengthening slightly versus the greenback. now as to russia's stock markets we have seen a decline of one half percent it's a but nothing to be afraid of really because this is a technical correction on profit taking no to four days of gains and over in the
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united states with the picture we're seeing right now it's flat to negative we haven't seen much movement actually in today's session nasdaq mostly dominated by headlines of facebook falling to get a new record low of around twenty two dollars pushchair or forty percent forty one percent on it's an issue i.p.o. price we'll look at that in just a second over in europe the footsie is down more than one percent as a reports of command germany's finance minister is hesitating to provide a banking license to the european stability mechanism and this has been seen of course as a as a negative signal to investors also u.b.s. shares of slipped in zurich on the its profits declining two fold and the bank is now suing the nasdaq for gross mishandling of facebook's i.p.o. u.b.s. says nasdaq malfunctions left with more facebook stock and hundred million dollars
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in losses facebook shares of nosedived indeed as i said forty one percent on reports that they misled potential investors over the future earnings and that makes it the worst performing big i.p.o. in a decade and i remember all the. the people who shouted it can only grow. thanks a lot the retreat good to see you back and more from you no doubt tomorrow thanks a lot but i'll be back with a recap of the top stories in just a couple of moments for you this is all t. live here moscow stay with us.
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wealthy british style. that's not on. the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. everyone wants to be president. whether they're an old lady own engine driver. but it might be quite tricky to get a fancy cut. because you live out here in siberia.
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