tv [untitled] August 2, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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america's proxy war in syria u.s. intelligence has been given the go ahead from president obama that gravels in their violent drive for throw the regime. a wave of state suppression rolls over rising social movements in the gulf the latest victims being nine activists arrested in the united arab emirates. and join a sound as mother speaks out for her son personally urging they quit dorrian president to agree to the whistleblowers asylum we. are watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program the cia and
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other u.s. agencies are assisting syrian rebels in their bid to oust the asad regime with a secret direct approval of president obama although reports follow washington's open admission about providing the armed groups and gangs with nonlethal support worth millions of dollars its international allies have gone further with rebels apparently receiving high tech weapons via turkey including surface to air missiles anti-war activists brian becker says american strategy in syria has never been towards diplomacy. well the united states military and intelligence services are as we know now from the u.s. government admission coordinating through turkey through a u.s. military airbase these are all you know turkey is a nato country the military operations for this so-called free syrian army these syrian so-called revolutionaries and it's clear now that this is not a shift in terms of u.s. strategy it doesn't represent any kind of alteration all that it does is reveal
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that the diplomacy of this so-called diplomacy the so-called looking for a negotiated settlement is a fraud. that diplomacy is in fact a form of perjury but the reality is that the u.s. government the obama administration with the pentagon and the cia have been. coordinating the military operations to overthrow a sovereign government in syria now the un says it's registering about three hundred displaced families in syria each day a swelling refugee influx is seeing more camps being set up across the country's border. to travel to one of them it says even though their politics prevails over simple human values. a conflict of contrast and contradictions freedom fighters with guns in their hands and the support calls for jihad those claiming to want to stop the violence in the country continue providing the warring sides with more weapons and now a supposedly peaceful humanitarian mission it's been used as
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a breeding ground for hatred and division plain refugees may have felt they skate through war but it seems the conflict has other plans for them because of muslims out in the northern lebanon is known for being strongly opposed to both its home government and the syrian regime seen for much tension for years especially after the death in custody of a local man accused of being part of al qaida today it's home to many islamic organizations and many are still believed to have ties with a terrorist organization situated right on the syria lebanon border the border is over there it's where many syrians fleeing the chaos at home cards for comparatively safe haven one which provides shelter for some but by no means all. a group of islamic n.g.o.s is called in eighteen the humanitarian mission here their mercy carries a subtle message the boxes bear would look to the swords of the muslim brotherhood
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holder you have put on here's what has to be enough in the market for one family you know those here is rice crops. dry milk. the man in charge is a selfie a radical sunni group appearing to fundamentalist islam and not tolerating moderate forms of the religion she colleague says anyone is welcome to relieve just so long as they share in his one sided beliefs. we will not accept anybody who supports such a criminal regime maybe i will try to talk to them but convince them not to be on the bad side if they accept your more than welcome if not i'll ask them to leave. the. no surprise therefore we didn't find a single a star supporter here newly arrived refugees most of whom are families with small children sleep on classroom floors and by giving just basic creations but empty stomachs are only helping to nourish and sentiments and account in the
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middle additional help that i would join the free syrian army if only i had a chance but they don't need me i'm not in the military and if i have an opportunity to kill saddam with my bare hands i won't hesitate to. tell what's on the surface look like helpless refugees in an instant can turn into odd not revolutionaries. i wish i'm with the free syrian army to fight against the start no matter what will get him i will not accept him to leave the country will see cutthroats and all terrible things and when we finish with him we'll go and take those and back in his regime we all know them very well first son's wife has problems like me i wish i had kids i shopped into tiny pieces. these people at their most desperate and giving the helping hand that they need and it's one that will always be there although we strings attached as long as people are happy to tell you the n.t.'s sideline they will be ready call groups happy to feed them it's
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not only guns but a powerful in this war. from northern lebanon on. a shocking video how service recently allegedly showing the cold blooded execution of acid supporters by syrian rebels and the disturbing food at several unmanned stripped of some of their clothes and looting are seen being forced to nearby wall in front of a mob of gunmen once they open fire at the camera is pushed away the crowd that has journalists that ask a bar has done his own research into the footage and says clearly illustrates why the opposition can defeat government troops. i received this video as well from a source in the ravnica that then i asked for a translation this it was a very planned this is a very important planning nourse and all it will and some of them there were executed in cold blood this is what this so that i have minute video shows in fact
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this is an extended gland they have like twenty towels and brothers sisters the extended family clan tribe you know so this means that all these people you stand over being recruited to the opposition now they will be fighting the opposition because they are being executed in cold blood and this explains among other things why christians all over syria now are taking up arms to defend themselves because they know that if there is oppose a subcultural by sunni hard core elements of the including salafi jihad just this is what's going to happen they're going to be only protected minorities and at the moment they are protected minorities and. well for more updates on the syrian crisis can check out our team's twitter feed and really stupid first hand reports direct from the war zone and analysis and images are also lined up for use their heads our t.v. underscore com. syria
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will also be in the sides during president vladimir putin's brief visit to wander russia and britain are poles apart over how to resolve the drawn out conflict as laura smith's now explains. it's unlikely to be an easy meeting prime minister cameron will reportedly use this opportunity to press president putin again over ending violence in syria the two countries have taken opposing views over the conflicts brisance calling for the removal of president assad and un sanctions on syria while russia maintains talks are the only way the last time cameron and putin met the british leader claimed putin had changed his stance on syria and had explicitly called for president assad to go it might have been wishful thinking old lost in translation but either way russia denied that was the case causing
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embarrassment to cameron since then since described russia's veto of the u.n. resolution on syria as inexcusable and indefensible that may cause some awkwardness but the syria questions just the latest rift in a relationship that hit the rocks in two thousand and six over the death in london of former russian security officer alexander litvinenko the british authorities have repeatedly requested the extradition of their chief suspects and boy but the russian constitution doesn't allow its in touch russia wants brisance and handover convicted embezzler bodies. and suspected chechen terrorists akhmed zakayev also refused. despite political differences business ties have always remained pretty good and cameron and putin are expected to find common ground in efforts to boost trades and along to the mood of the two leaders will reportedly go together to the
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final of the judo competition place and of course is famously a former competitor and a big. still asked for this hour here on r t they did it again as well as john drools iran and has rely on with tory is terrorist groups including al qaida must pay six billion dollars for the nine eleven attacks we report on why the decision could be an echo from america's military past. nine anti-government activists have been arrested in the united arab emirates in the last two days authorities there are cracking down on political the sand saying foreign langrune threaten the state security political studies professor stephen however says it's just suppression of a rising internal social movement. so these are very the mystic local activists who who are moderate islamists who want
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a greater sense of fairness and equity within society they are among three dozen dissidents who've been arrested in the past couple months some people so as to jail not for calling for the overthrow of the government or anything of but simply who are allowing the partially elected advisory assembly to have a little more power than it does currently so it just seems like yet another sad chapter and the crackdown against any dissent in the under that authoritarian regime by and large remains a definitely of the far tearing regime a stream of repression against and their cronies against foreign guest workers but most fundamentally no real but by the people themselves the most political pluralism or office with parties most moves for people to express their grievances a matter how rich you are. sooner or later we're going to see hey we want some input about the direction of our country how the rest of the amorites are part of
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a wider wave of the crackdown on people's protests across the gulf and that's of international studies professor of the jape russia. this is part of a broader pattern not only in abu dhabi in the u.a.e. but also of course in bahrain in you know saudi arabia itself we have seen protests being crushed in these various emirates in saudi arabia recently the cleric numeral nimer was beaten and arrested once more to people at least have been killed by reason of course the same thing is continuing and in usa over the last month about fifty people have been arrested about nine or ten just in the last couple of days but yes this is being a concerted crackdown by the u.a.e. regime they have been putting pressure on the political reform was who have been at work not since last year but since two thousand and three to create greet their
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reform greater democracy in the entirety of the united arab emirates. more on this and other stories online or at a dot com including an air invasion by teddy bears no picnic for top belorussians if you or any official also been saddened by the president after a swiss light plane dropped a cuddly toys into the country find out why i don't website parties. and while the people of greece tighten their belts to extreme the country's olympics delegations bez huge money on exclusive clubs and on.
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don't come. the u.s. congress has approved more new sanctions against iran in the latest bid to rail the country's nuclear program it comes after an american federal judge ordered the country along with al qaida taliban and has to pay six billion dollars for supposedly aiding the nine eleven attacks you can explain what my be next after the judgment the whole trial is considered a symbolic move nobody's actually hoping to collect those penalties you ran from lee denies any such accusations has blogged the same moral was soon after nine eleven has been laws leader described as quote an entity trapped in medieval ages and bent on killing innocent muslims so they're not exactly best friends of the nine eleven commission back in the day also stated that quote we have found no
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evidence that iran or hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became the nine eleven attack and quote but the fact that now the us justice system holds you and partly responsible for nine eleven is most interesting both in terms of timing and historical context back in two thousand and three as the u.s. waged war against iraq another us federal judge ruled that iraq must pay for nine eleven attacks very similar rulings so have you have this clear flashback when you look at the headlines from may two thousand and three course the allegations that saddam hussein was doing business with al qaida proved to be bogus but that didn't matter at the time having solid evidence didn't matter at the time tensions skyrocketed on false grounds with regards to iran the timing is a few orton's as far as its nuclear program the obama administration says they want diplomacy and negotiations to work with the most recent ruling holding the brand responsible partly responsible for nine eleven one can argue there may never be any
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easy the sort of sanctions even if you're right makes all that happens on these nuclear program. u.s. foreign policy has always been the subject of intense debate both outside and within the american political establishment later this hour our teener views us congressman dana rohrabacher who shared his views on washington's actions and iran's neighbor of ghana city and here's a taste of what's coming up. i think that right now we should get our butts out of afghanistan as quickly as we can so that is few americans or lose their lives in afghanistan as it is. as as possible when the united states leaves the most important thing is that those people who have opposed the telly are not left vulnerable and we can do that we can do that very easily could make sure that. we do not leave. for example we can work with those in the northern alliance that
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defeated the taliban originally and make sure they can defend themselves. join us on his mother has met the president of ecuador to plead for her son's cause as the whistleblower waits for the south american country to decide on his asylum plea artie's spoke to christina sunshine and they could dorian capital for interviews coming up at twelve thirty g.m.t. but here's a preview. raised by the move of intelligence and know usually to get the foreign minister and the president and his other ministers of the doesn't this just does will head off the case much more that my government is going to with these these days they do know it will not be given the evidence that no i'm still. going to be strictly speaking to the people there were doing will. i feel very confident going to be with these good people. so that they can say to julian this
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to you and. and we do as president president rafael correa has reiterated that's the decision won't be influenced by pressure from the u.k. sweden or even less talk on six songe over a sex assault allegations by fear is he will end up in the u.s. to face trial over a massive leak of secret files however getting asylum alone won't save them from persecution straight away scott horton from harper's magazine says to me it's hard to understand how the ecuadorians are going to play this but even if they decide to grant his request for asylum that doesn't mean he would be able to a walk out of the embassy go to heathrow and fly to ecuador he would still be held there you don't need be able to transfer out with some sort of consent from the u.k. government and i don't think that will be forthcoming without some sort of agreement from the swedish government so it's diplomatically very very thorny and setting up a scenario in which julian the saunas may be
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a guest in close quarters in the ecuadorian embassy for many years the question with australia is one that's been in the background for many many years in fact if you look through the history of the war on terror you find a number of australian citizens who were seized by the united states who were mistreated some tortured some held in impossible conditions and one time the mo and the australian government was remarkably quiet about all of this not really not only not intervening but sometimes attacking their own citizens and i think what's going on there is frankly a rather surprising the attitude on the part of the australian government towards the united states has been seek to challenge the us over any issue now take a look at some other stories from around the world u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has called an african leader a c.m. braze democracy and human rights the first stop of her eleven. a tour in the region
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her comments during a speech at a university in senegal sparked controversy after mary viewed them as a veiled attack on china is rapidly expanded straight and vestment in africa taking over from america as its biggest trading partner. series of bombs have hit the western indian city of pony injuring one person the day the country's home minister was due to visit sushil kumar shinde a former power minister only took up office on wednesday bought cancelled his plans to go to the area his promotion has drawn criticism after india suffered two days of massive electricity blackouts which affected seven hundred million people point to itself has been targeted before with seventeen people killed at a tourist cafe bomb two years ago. police and through have seized almost five million u.s. dollars and one point five million euro and fake money they believe in the tour his
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family clan of the country's capital are behind the counter and were intending to ship them to ecuador colombia and venezuela machinery and printing equipment to produce fakes were also discovered one person has been arrested and could face up to ten years in prison if convicted. what you are the life from moscow coming up next hour max kaiser will be delving into the world of real money and looking at alternative ways to fight off wall street. justice scalia this past week did give the peasants an option and that's their second amendment right he said they have a second amendment right to bear shoulder launched missiles that could be a way to defend yourself from wall street you know he does have a point because in america under the second amendment everyone's got the right to bear arms as a result everyone in fact in america has a gun so just having
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a gun doesn't really protect you you need one of these you need a shoulder to shoulder melted missile launcher you know you need a launcher you know to exercise my second amendment rights i need the right to bear grenades if i go to baghdad somebody might be in there with the goal or to track assault rifle i need one of these the production is a second amendment rights. well coming out we've got the business data here in our t.v. and of course the kaiser report that's coming up later in the meantime u.s. congressman explains why he thinks washington's foreign policy has been full of mistakes before that though bringing the headlines don't go away.
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