tv [untitled] August 3, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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the u.n. envoy to syria also says he's quitting with kofi annan blaming the international community's failure to unite to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. while foreign media coverage of the conflict is puerto sized as inconsistent by some syrians as rebel atrocities go largely unreported. the trial on members of a woman's punk band over an anti putin stunt in moscow's main orthodox cathedral continues but the controversy bringing sharp divisions that's the cold case that everyone seems to have if they don't both you and russia deplored in the way in which they view this dream president glad to be of join me in a few moments for all the latest on this ongoing face.
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below and welcome to our team am karen tara and i've got your top stories this friday beginning with syria the u.n. and the arab league are looking for a new joint envoy to syria after kofi annan said he'll step down at the end of the month the diplomat blamed a lack of consensus at the u.n. for the shortcomings of his peace plan for syria where the violence is escalating and i started going to has the latest from new york. this was a job that most called a diplomatic mission impossible from the get go firstly of course because of the intricacies of the conflict on the ground but also because of the conflicting positions of the key players at the united nations security council and now with one month to go before. the job is officially over we're already seeing reactions from the international community that some could call predictable russia for one
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has said that the resignation is regrettable other countries have said this is well box we are seeing many countries in the west already back to singing the old tune of regime change something that russia and china have vetoed repeatedly at the united nations security council we're hearing the united states begin the finger pointing again saying that the resignation is actually a sign and underlines russia's and china's failure in the syrian process the west overall is back to calling for assad to step down a stance that was taken off the kofi anon six step peace plan russia never supported regime change in syria it reiterates that the gist of the problem remains the same that the key players are continuing to separate words from deeds because on paper we're seeing seemingly the international community calling for peace talks and for a peaceful resolution to the crisis yet that is not so much the case in reality
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take a listen to those who insist that. we should be terminated they do not want this do not want this objective information and they have some other things in mind rather than stopping the weapons and the political accommodation russia has also said that if the international community is interested in a peaceful process in syria you one observers are very useful on the ground but we did hear from the french ambassador who is currently holding the rotating presidency of the security council the one observer's mission will and on august nineteenth and for now with one month to go kofi annan. said to leave behind his sixth plan which for now has proven to be ineffective the peace plan called of course for a transition government to be formed in syria including both sides of the conflict this of course has not been the case we do know that the united nations security council and the united nations general assembly will be focusing on the syrian crisis for the rest of the week and we know that bunky moon is currently in talks with the arab league to determine kofi annan successor several large explosions
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have been heard in and around the syrian capital damascus activists claim a palestinian refugee camp was shelled killing twenty one people and the ongoing battle for the city of aleppo is apparently about to get even more intense according to u.n. officials aleppo has seen have the fighting between government and rebel forces over the last week rebels are reportedly receiving a growing flow of weapons from neighboring turkey and its gulf allies britain has also pledged more material backing for the insurgency and revelations in the us media claim the white house has authorized further covert support for anti assad forces despite their links to al qaeda author and historian gerald horne says america is repeating past mistakes by stoking extremism in syria. it's well known washington basically has perfected the idea of the two trucks foreign policy that is to say on the one hand you can smile when the other hand
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a mike in the back that's basically what's happening in syria all this blather about negotiations with the regime is no more than that either they would like to see regime change although as usual i don't think washington has what the consequences there is to say that there is a real danger that al-qaeda like forces will be coming to power sooner rather than later in the us and then washington will be faced with a replay of what it meant to engineer in afghanistan where we built engineer the coming to power of the taliban which opened the door to gain influence there which led to the tragedy of september eleventh two thousand and one. on the way later this hour coverage uncovered find out why some syrians have slammed the mainstream western media reports from the promptly examiner. and spanish authorities question
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three suspected al qaida operatives over bomb plots in europe and links to chechen terrorists. the defense in the trial of members of the pussy riot female punk group is due to present it signed over an anti putin stunt in the capital's main cathedral in february charged with hooliganism motivated by religious hatred or hostility the three accused could face up to seven years of jail if convicted parties bitter all over has the details. listen all goes back to the incident that took place in moscow's main cathedral in february of this year when the punk rock collective known as pussy riot performed what they called a punk rock prayer now that provoked a pretty harsh reaction pretty extreme reaction from from some elements here in the country really a polarizing incident this happened in one of the most religious sites in the country of course the trial of these three women who are accused of being part of
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that group is in day five at the moment we're going to hear from the defense later on as they put forward their case we're also hearing that there is a possibility that we could hear a verdict alyssa later on that's a slim chance but if they are convicted these three women. charged with hooliganism they could face up to seven years in prison on one side you really have groups that are related or close to the orthodox church who have been damning in their criticism of pussy riot and of these three particular women say kissing them of blasphemy and calling for the stiffest punishments that are available to be brought down upon them however there are others that are saying that these women have been unfairly treated that they were held in prison for awaiting trial for far too long they're also saying that they are an artistic right to be able to to perform in the way in which they did now it's not just here in russia that we've heard the sentiments being echoed there's a lot of support from the music industry as
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a whole both here in russia on the broad artists like sting and to the kids from the red hot chili peppers was playing in a performance in moscow wearing a pussy riot t. shirts are the latest to weigh in with his opinion has been president vladimir putin no he said although what happened in the church was wrong in his opinion that these three women shouldn't be judged too harshly just based on the circumstances regarding where this incident took place. i hope the court to rule with a justice. if the band let's say defiled a sacred place in israel they would have to cope with some tough guys there and the other one will take difficulties in attempting to leave the country when it was ready for example he went to the caucuses and faced a muslim shrine security wouldn't have enough time to protect them from the public anger nevertheless i don't think we should judge them too strictly when they're going to what they need some important inclusions themselves anyway the final decision rests with the cult so we're not going to get it all day five of the trial
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is currently underway i'll be bringing you live reports from outside the courtroom as soon as we get all the latest news. the mother of wiki leaks editor julia song who is lobbying ecuador to grant him asylum says she fears her son could face execution if he's extradited to the united states christine a song ecuador's leader on wednesday was considering whether to grant political asylum to the whistleblower president correa said the decision was to be influenced by pressure from any country the former computer hacker has been holed up in ecuador's embassy in london for over six weeks now he is wanted in sweden over sex crime allegations but believes there are just a pretext to hand him over to the u.s. to face trial over a massive leak of secret files later this hour in our exclusive interview his mother christina songe tells our teeth that she's proud of her son and supports him fully here's some of what's to expect. to have
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once a number of calls and which she did they don't know. but is this is. this because he likes. to dance to see who will get these should keep the school. informed in both big financial institutions of course these my son. now to more international news making headlines around the world this hour security forces in bahrain have fired tear gas and stun grenades hundreds of protesters attempted to block a key highway only on thursday it's the latest in a series of violent clashes between riot police and program former activists in the gulf kingdom a protest movement against the ruling regime began nearly eighteen months ago since when at least fifty have been killed and scores of others arrested.
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at least one soldier respond to. been killed and ten more wounded in a kurdish rebel attack in turkey's volatile southeast gunmen attacked a military outpost late on thursday as troops were breaking their ramadan fast at sundown there's been a recent upsurge in violence from rebel groups who want autonomy for turkey's kurdish dominated south west fears the conflict in neighboring syria might inspire an uprising by kurds. to brazil now where the trial of thirty eight politicians accused of bribery has begun all deny using public funds to pay lawmakers monthly kickbacks for their support during the first government of president about seven years ago the trial is expected to tarnish the former leader's image with some of those accused of holding high positions and his workers party. you can switch it. up and in just
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a few minutes on r.t.e. they used to rule the roost but now the tables have turned white south africans complained they have become frequent victims of racial abuse and inequality two decades after the country overthrew the apartheid. everyone wants to be pretty. whether they're an old lady engine driver. but it might be quite tricky to get a from c. because you live out here in siberia. and the only way to get to you is by train.
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good laboratory was able to build a most sophisticated robot fortunately. about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. fourteen minutes past the hour and we had to syria again now with and the information of the war surrounding the conflict is and full swing with western media outlets racing to blame damascus for most of the killing while turning a blind eye to rebel atrocities and the spiers has infuriated some syrians that's as oksana boyko now reports. her senior story joining the camp when a japanese journalist travelling with syrian rebels converted to islam it wasn't just his old name he abandoned. most but for those around him he still being
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someone who reported the conflict he became one of the few camera hanging in place of a rifle. while religious conversion of journalist is rare on the syrian front lines becoming political disciples on one side the rebels is almost the norm for many reporting to the world in the past week of coverage c.n.n. has the earth five exactly just from the syrian frontlines all detailing the plight of those fighting begun by members and while the regime is always pinned down to boys who use of force against the militants this is a government monster killings by the rebels barely get a mention what happened to the go you capture this room he died the rebel commander says god willing he went to hell usually open and talkative syrians are now afraid of cameras those who agree to be interviewed often ask for their faces or names not to be shown for fear of reprisals the satellite dishes or household commodity
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syrians do watch western coverage of the conflict and many feel that their concerns their fears their losses are intentionally. but you don't you're not getting this just because you know what this is you know we've even first time i've been able to come to syria you know why you might want to get away before you don't have a visa why you do. we've been waiting for these you know you know sort of they really don't come to. the usual claim that the syrian government doesn't love western reporters into the country is not accurate currently there are around eighty foreign media outlets accredited in syria a sizable number of them european or american but there dispatches not always welcome to tall christiane sun is an independent belgian writer. and you want to bring a certain about syria. if. they use a photo or selective editing is hardly
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a new invention the war horse has long become a cliche but in syria one sided coverage keeps the war going and shooting for t.v. really kills journalism schools no longer teach their students to be objective it's considered impossible rather they are told to strive for balance and integrity and to put humanistic values above elated but syria is once again a special case and this bloody conflict was to media rarely calls for reconciliation a political dialogue rather it's for arming the rebels and for the war also known as freedom fighter to go on a kind of like artsy reporting from syria. and we are closely monitoring the situation in syria on our website where the latest news an in-depth analysis is available twenty four seven including. we were born on the latest atrocity in aleppo sparked a mass indignation across the world for the syrian army plus. a
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us court has declared the use of drones in american skies is completely legal find out the details of a new big brother scenario dot com. three terror suspects are peering at a court in spain over alleged plots for attacks in europe including one on a joint u.s. spanish naval base they were arrested on thursday in what the authorities claimed was a major operation against al qaida two of the men are also suspected of links to terror plots in russia as restive republic of chechnya artists are silly reports. the police in spain have arrested three suspected members who they say had amassed explosives and were plotting attacks in europe that's according to the spanish
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interior ministry of the also said they found enough explosives to quote destroy. and he also said that these three men had received training in camps in places like afghanistan and pakistan now one of the men who was arrested on his own they say that he is from turkey and that he's considered the facilitator in this group now the two other men were arrested together while they were planning to make their way to a friend so these two men were said to have lived in chechnya and as we know what is part of russia's volatile region of the north caucuses which over the years have seen the waves of violent attacks now according to officials these attacks and have had the links to. the men who would masterminded them and also received training in places like afghanistan and pakistan now as far as europe is concerned and they've been on high alert for some time now ever since the attacks the nine eleven attacks and the united states spain in particular has arrested dozens of suspected al qaida members over the years and even more so after the two thousand and four train
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bombing in madrid now they say that these three men be arrested had been under a monitoring of by the authorities for some time now and we can see that and we can expect that authorities here in europe will definitely be even a higher alert after the arrests that were made. the discrimination on the apartheid in south africa has long come to an end but now two decades after the country's long battle for human rights finished it's the ones who feel they're second class citizens looks into their claims. once the color of all to start in skin was the key to the good life here and now it is merely part of another forgotten face of the new south africa white homeless and unemployed. feels like everybody forgot about. culture as one of a growing number of africans living a hop skip and a jump from sleeping on the streets to worldly positions amount to a bed and some clothes the rest are handouts from charities and churches sometimes
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she goes without food for days. as well as the. drawer and stuff like that. is the place for words when south africa held its first democratic elections eighteen years ago it marked the end of a prostate separation between whites and blacks but was once it was black people in this country who were discriminated against today it's white south africans who are falling through the cracks. in the days of apartheid impoverished white afrikaners were cradled by the state the national party came to power in one nine hundred forty eight on a wave of afrikaner nationalism one of its election promises was to guarantee afrikaans beacon south africans employment subsidized housing education jobs and state benefits it left the black population out in the cold there used to be a big model clause created by the system in south africa.
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that created. sorry for haven for people since one thousand nine hundred forty new government has carried out policies aimed at favoring black employees in a bid to do away with the imbalance of the past what this means is that white people are often overlooked when applying for jobs college bursaries and public positions in this brave but often unsettling new south africa there are many who feel washed up and unwanted forty year old irene funny has lived here with her husband and four children for six years she suffers from the pain of arthritis which makes it difficult for her to walk she calls the government's well meaning policies little short of reverse racism and many many many many. grandfathers and grandmothers was against. it i was staying. and they were staying in houses who got everything and now it's out there in restraining chests and. this abandon caravan park is home for now it lends those on
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the fringes of society a place to sleep but even this shaky safe haven is under threat the owners of this land are fighting in court to move off the people people as they get nothing nothing nothing there and lot of work go to a place to go they've got. nothing that's another thing yes. fifty million people live in south africa one hundred nine is white and very many of them a struggling try telling that to the millions of black south africans living in grinding poverty but for people like al to find started it is a depressing comedown all she can see in the land of her birth is a door slamming into a face forever i don't know what is going to mother the war you girls. put us in more except the hope that one day a door will open instead of. policy r t south africa all the olympic games are in full swing in the british capital china and team usa are
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on top of the current overall standings and the russian team is still in humble ninth place with only three goal we are now going to be joined by our sports presenter dimitri holo so work in russia get their medals in the remaining nine days of the olympics what do you think. flatus competition gets underway today so hopefully on the truck russian athletes will be able to pick up some medals as it's traditionally the main source of them for the country while expectations are pretty high i mean the technical disciplines the men and women's hard jump and great sin off and. the big hopes in women's hammer throwing where are the prospects for us all to turn out we're saying of course paul queen you know that is seen by one of russia's main gold hopes so we'll see what unfolds there is all right thank you to the well from a limb big rings to
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a limb big stings taxpayers stung by huge overspends for the games dale is with us at the business desk for more daniel what's the story there is on the four for huge cost overruns it's fueling resentment for taxpayers off the host countries recession deepened all these little smith is in london with the story. there's no doubt there lympics have been more expensive than it was first thoughts even officially the budget quadrupled and some reports say it's increased by as much as ten times from three point eight billion dollars to thirty eight billion and where has that money gone one point six billion on security versus dogs but much of it has gone into building the olympic park including the eight hundred fifty million dollars stadium itself the aquatic center four hundred twenty six million three hundred and sixty six million dollars. and that's where the word legacy comes in where the government hopes the billions spent will carry on paying dividends off to
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the athletes have gone home and the stadium itself is currently a worrying white elephant it's been offered to a number of london football clubs none of whom want to take his own but the olympic park will become new housing parkland and the community health center in what used to be a depressed rundown area according to experts it's this legacy planning that separates an olympic host city that profit from one that loses and there are many cities that have lived to regret its hosting the olympics athens built grandiose spend up to twenty one of which now lie empty and pulling down much like its economy as a whole. spent an undisclosed amount of money hosting but the famous bird's nest stadium now lies under used much planning has gone into making sure london's investment doesn't suffer the same fate but nothing is certain. joyous
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fellow with the returns that goes from buying u.s. government the u.s. calling reason showed you. a new. historic lows less than two percent beijing is now on more attractive markets for its three trillion dollar national reserve fund . australia being mentioned as an likely target. first game in three days for the ruble on the dollar the oil price is higher on the syrian tension that's pushing the ruble higher a new report finds new car sales in europe have skidded this year due to the crisis italy and france the worst hit by contrast in russia called cells that were separated fourteen percent in the first half as the economy out of the country's facebook public nightmare is getting worse fifty billion dollars have been wiped from its value since it went public in may and twenty billion in just the last four days three top executives have now quit with the youngest sister of co-founder more
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exotic moving to the rival google. and very juicy returns have been promised for investing in russian infrastructure renaissance says pumping money into new toll roads hospitals and airports will bring over twenty percent annual return something most investors only dream about in the current economic turmoil forces government will buy a business plan to raise national g.d.p. from four to six percent by buying into those projects and europe today will have more for you next hour and thanks for that update daniel just around the mother of joining us on on her mission to save her son from a seemingly vengeful united states that's in our exclusive interview first though the headlines in a few minutes. everyone
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