tv [untitled] August 4, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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more bloodshed outside damascus and then ask elation in syria's key northern city. learns the un's vote which still leaves the pressures of the regime of finding. out region israel thousands to march across tel aviv demanding social justice from a government that keeps cutting at home but splashing out to score political points . and forty five people are reported injured in brain police fired tear gas on stun grenades protesters demanding political reforms.
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hello and welcome to our team this saturday i am karen broadcast live from our studio in moscow fresh clashes have erupted near the syrian capital with reports of heavy shelling and gunfire in damascus fighting between government and rebel forces is also escalating in the key northern city of aleppo casualties are reported on both sides with rebels saying the syrian army is bombarding several areas opposition fighters also claim they have taken control of more than half of the financial hall where the clock ticking on the u.n. observer mission and the looming departure of peace mediator kofi anon the prospects for a diplomatic solution are fading oksana boyko reports. decision to resign as un special envoy for syria was a math disappointment and almost despair in this country it confirms what many people felt all along that the situation in that country is only getting worse the death toll continues to rise and violence spreads to new areas so seeing kofi annan
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throwing in the towel certainly doesn't instill much confidence in the quick resolution of this flood of conflict something that the overwhelming majority of syrians desperately need yet despite these psychological glow departure is unlikely to change the situation on the ground in any substantial manner he wasn't much present here in syria anyway in the beginning of his term he held a number of meetings with the old president bashar assad and prominent members of syrian opposition but he didn't succeed in bringing these two warring parties to the negotiating table most recently he's asked for is focused on trying to bridge the divides within the international community especially within the u.n. security council but he wasn't that much successful on that front. now as far as u.n. monitors are on the ground are concerned they still continue with that mission the
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only thing they can really do in the current circumstances is to try to go to the areas affected by the violence talking to the people trying to document the destruction. is expiring in two weeks and with an answer resignation it looks like the chances of a renewal of that mandate got only slimmer as far as russia is concerned this is definitely a negative development for was a very strong supporter of and six point plan from big gets go and in reaction to the resignation russia's deputy foreign minister going to get to a road on his twitter page and it was an honest broker. that there were always spiders who tried to get him i'll give the game tonight hands before i quote force action now. when we are talking about the security situation on the ground things on looking drive. the clashes in syria largest city of aleppo still
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continuing and here in damascus after a rally today after a week of. the c.q. was once again rocked by a series of explosions so despite an enormous demand for some sort of peace settlement violence here in syria continues russia believes the u.n. vote on syria was one sided pressuring only the regime to end the funding for most binding motion passed and the general assembly does nothing to ease the conflict unless the see a truth cannot has more from new york. this resolution apart from condemning the security council for failing to move the syrian peace process forward also condemns the syrian government for failing to stop using heavy weaponry as well as condemns the syrian government from now for not withdrawing from civilian areas among the ones that voted against this text was of course russia russia believes that the
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behind the humanitarian facade of this resolution lies the militarization of the opposition and russia says this resolution is not helpful and that the countries supplying weapons to the opposition are well known take a listen. this resolution exacerbates the confrontations in solving the syrian crisis it's not helping the sides enter into dialogue find peaceful ways to solve the crisis in the interests of syrian people this resolution is not how great you are because it contradicts the efforts to realize the and it undermines the syrian led crusaders from a political resolution. russia believes that this particular text is one sided and balanced as well as the whole idea of forcing the syrian government of stepping down is really an intervention into sovereign affairs six point peace plan remains on the table as coffin steps out of the picture this plan of course called for the creation of the transitional government in syria the idea was to have both sides of
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the conflict. and form this government to hold new elections however the idea of where exactly this would leave assad was left open and now with countries continuing to push for him stepping down it's unclear what's going to happen to the plan we do know that the moon is currently in the process of speaking with the arab league trying to find a successor for kofi annan we're going to have to wait and see who that person is going to be and how that person will handle this particular crisis and of course we also have the you want to serve a mission expiring on august twentieth unclear whether or not it will be extended we will have to wait and see we certainly know that this is something that russia is strongly rooting for. america's pledging to fill the void which will be left by kofi anon by ramping up its regime change efforts and rebel support patrick a is covering the conflict for news websites by dot com he says those backing opposition fighters are engulfing syria in more tragedy i think in general it's being used to
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try and step up the pressure on both russia and china to start to take a stand against the sides and effectively what it's doing is saying that we disrespect the sovereignty of syria and we don't want the syrian people to determine their own future william hague suggested he's going to offer non-lethal aid he hasn't given specific details of this yet but it does seem like it's going to be intelligence it does seem like there's going to be an awful lot of support announced for the rebels over the next few weeks and of course this comes just after president obama has announced well it hasn't been announced but it has been revealed that there has been a secret plan basically allow the cia to assist the rebels as well the thing i find very striking about this is that there's a real historical amnesia that's taking place among western leaders where they don't really know who the opposition is there are a lot of concerns about the makeup of it. harvey elements there are a lot of people who the west would not like to be business with but they're stuck
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into this mentality that they're drawn to help anyone get into power there drove a sports any of the opposition in syria then they would support assad's assad has become this bogeyman just like it before him and they just see we need to get rid of him and everything will be ok it's a naive approach that will do no hope no help at all. forty eight iranian pilgrims have been kidnapped in the syrian capital tehran and embassies consular chief in damascus is quoted as saying all terrorist groups seize the pilgrims from abbas as they made their way to the airport there are no immediate reports about their fate and syrian officials are trying to trace those behind it hundreds of thousands of iranian travel to syria during ramadan to visit a holy site for shia muslims several iranian pilgrims were kidnapped at the beginning of the year but were released several months later. and still to come this hour the employment protection that's actually keeping americans out of work
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the u.s. is skewing reso rules to send foreigners packing but those entrepreneurs are also taking their jobs businesses with them also. and now we make iran out to be the bad guy but here we were exchanging arms with them why do you think the world is ok with that well because america's a hypocrisy remember the days when america secretly and illegally sold weapons to iran while the president tries to jog a few memories in new york a little later. thousands of protesters are set to rally in tel aviv this saturday angry at the ever growing cost of living the israeli government passed a tough package of cuts and tax hikes this week to try and save over three and a half billion dollars in next year's budget they protest movement is all mean rise and in recent months has been galvanized by some desperate people setting
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themselves on fire saturday's social justice demos will also be joined by groups calling for a universal army draft recruiting ultra orthodox jews to serve in the military prime minister netanyahu is popularity has massively dropped with over sixty percent now on happy with his work but critics say the government keeps cashing in to support its regional political calls instead of spending at home parties paul slayer reports. in the middle of the west bank on land palestinians and the international community claim is not there is fifty israeli families live in a small outpost which government money has helped to pay for. the worlds and reviews of course the government has invested here just as it did with this it remains but we don't know the reason for the social protests if people find it hurt and expensive to live in cities should not point fingers at sidley. but fingers a point. and calculations made the cost of constructing certain meds during the
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years was close to nineteen billion dollars and it includes investment in infrastructure causing like electricity like energy like. also roads like water about fifty percent of the budget and certain moments are finance or subsidized by government or activities the supreme court ruled this outpost to make was illegal and is given as here until august the twenty first to move out either way is where the taxpayers foot the bill this is where the settlers will be moved to the israeli government to spend more than four million dollars building the site that translates into some eighty thousand dollars per family the state budget is a cake if you take one piece for this there is much less left for the other
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there is one place where the government has already has enough money for anything and this is in the occupied territories for the settlements. and this is why israeli taxpayers are saying enough is enough for a second straight summer protest some around the country's large cities but where we have last year's vast numbers of protesters melissa police is in tel aviv have refused permission for tense along its main boulevard in symbolic defiance paper tens have sprung up but for many of these people the tents are home and the protest is not temporary they're in for the long haul. shame on you mr netanyahu you should help the poor in the week i've been homeless for twenty years and no politician has ever come here they don't look at us as humans they think we're animals in the soup already people have set themselves on fire if nothing changes we'll all start doing it to. by comparison not one person appears homeless in outposts like this one
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immigrant as the social protests continue more and more people are demanding answers to why the government is pouring money into new settlements at the expense of the poor in existing communities policy r.t. migwan outpost in the west bank. spain's prime minister has given his strongest indication yet that the country might need a bailout months after denying it needed rescuing but mariano rajoy as a reluctant to sign up for stringent cuts being imposed until he knows what the conditions might be spain's banks are already receiving one hundred billion euros of help from the e.u. later noble economics laureate edward prescott explains why the single currency is ruining the region's finances. you have. four children and give more credit cards to go out and buy. but tell me that they have to behave responsibly and one of them does that it's going to then that you have to
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sort of cut all that are the problems that the germans and the french somebody they should not want to do. and somebody who should be borrowing it shouldn't people monitor the market for your money gets complete collapse and not leave bedstand having roots in the symbolic it's true that it's convenient for the poorest women moved between the states and but countries that did not enter the world. have done as well or better. than those that. did. the full interview with noble economics laureate edward prescott is here throughout the day on r.t. . activists in bahrain say at least forty five people have been injured after the country's security forces fired tear gas and stun grenades crowds of protesters hundreds marched demanding an end to discrimination by the sunni rulers of videos
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they don't mind allegedly showing government mercenaries driving cars at demonstrators around forty people were arrested early on friday after activists blocked a key highway koreans uprising started eighteen months ago but have been largely ignored by many foreign news outlets human rights activists cite hadi all must always says the government's blind to the people's real concerns. the problem the authorities always try to change this subject and saying there is. violations comes against them. on the other hand they are a buy only thing the they know trying to use all the violent against the people saying that they are trying to control the security in the country the problem they don't listen to the opposition demands they don't
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looking forward to about a real dialogue and. truthful dialogue let's say they are trying to disappear from this angle be coals of these violations against human rights is the politics issues which is more gnocchi and the domination of all the. sectors of cities like judicial authority and. the others are. we also have plenty more stories online at r.t. dot com point right now. moving america passing the superpower baton to china one u.s. congressman believes it's his country that created a new economic monster. fastly snap happy spiritual leader of iran may regard the web as routing but ayatollah khomeini's embracing social networking with
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and if you move from place to. start on t.v. don't come. here with are to nineteen minutes past the hour and unemployment in the united states is still ticking all ports and one method being used to keep americans in work is to try to keep foreigners out the problem is it's heading entrepreneurs who would otherwise be making not taking jobs artie's parachuter explains. one of south asia's hottest new entrepreneurs twenty eight year old ball is behind india's largest e-commerce company snapdeal dot com is often compared to amazon for its daily deals on services and products we have tremendous momentum in the
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business we have you know sixteen million registered users one out of six internet users in india is registered on snap to you growing by a million a month by the end of the you know to be twenty five million highest rafiki commerce site in india. but if the young business tycoon had it his way he would have started in the united states where he got his ivy league qualifications but paul had no choice despite his eagerness to start a firm and create jobs america's searching on employment saw immigration authorities deny more and more visas for foreigners when your resume gets rejected you pretty much have to go back there is no one there's no recourse us such and i think that was disappointing maybe we would have started something in the u.s. had we gotten. my visa but then you know it doesn't matter experts say it's no coincidence that the rising rejection rates occurred as america's economy tanked but acting on the perceived fear that immigrants were taking american jobs has had
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the opposite effect it's unfortunate. denials are being made that are justified because what happens if it ends up being an incentive to u.s. companies to locate more resources outside the country in some ways in ways that might. well u.s. immigration authorities have increased the rejection rate of temporary work visas for citizens of all countries india has been the hardest hit just last year a lot of interest and of indian applicants for a certain type of temporary work were rejected while only around three birth of applicants from countries like germany and the u.k. were rejected for the same type of temporary work. the other sting in the tail for the states is that by turfing out skilled foreigners it's missing out on big bucks opportunities that were forged in america's colleges i don't think we would be as effective or income from those here had we not spend time in the us they don't
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think that the time i spend. really helped us in building the company we've been able to snapdeal now turns over one hundred million dollars a year the kind of innovation that indian immigrants have long been known for in the united states we found recently that. half of the top fifty venture funded companies i mean to companies that were started with venture capital had at least one immigrant founder so what we found is that if you keep people out you'll get less job creation and less innovation in the united states jobs america desperately needs cannot employ fifteen hundred people in ten cities across india but we have a look i'm all for life we also know that this opportunity of building a market leading company in our own country is never going to come again one door closes another opens for this internet high flyer america's visa rejection put
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him on the road to riches and indians into work preassure either r t new delhi india all right time now for the news in brief for this hour a teenage protester has been shot dead in overnight clashes with soldiers in saudi arabia he was among a group of armed anti regime demonstrators calling for greater rights and the release of political prisoners they fired on a patrol killing one serviceman uprisings about it in march last year over what's seen as the discrimination of shiite muslims by the sunni monarch when. there's been a car bombing in the libyan capital one man was injured in the blood. asked near a military police offices in tripoli it's the first such attack in the capital since the overthrow of moammar gadhafi regime last year although there have been explosions elsewhere mostly targeting the major city of benghazi.
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a fireworks factory in central pakistan has exploded leaving at least two people dead and some fifteen injured the resulting fire quickly spread to neighboring houses in a crowded market district police are now scrambling to rescue people from the debris investigators are looking into how the tragedy started however there has been a crackdown in recent months on pakistan's many illegal fireworks producers. iran's conducted military exercises launching a new short range missile it's also pushing to upgrade its missiles which can already target israel and u.s. bases in the middle east it comes as new tough sanctions are imposed on iran over its nuclear program which it insists is peaceful the west however suspects it's aimed at developing an atomic bomb. and while the u.s. weighs into iran over its military and there's one skeleton in the closet that
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seems to have been forgotten the iran contra affair was one of the biggest scandals of the reagan presidency revelations that washington had been breaking an arms embargo on iran they were as events in new york times square this is one episode at which time can't heal. western media would have you believe that iran is some sort of evil enemy so do they not remember their run contra scandal of one thousand nine hundred sixty this week let's talk about that have you ever heard of the iran contra scandal. sorry no i haven't no you haven't i state no i have not heard. something big he know yes yes do you member it was about what was it about you remember. nuclear weapons i believe iran is but the army going in and trying to do for the
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oil is and it was about all over north was taking the funds from selling arms to iran to use to fund the contras. in nicaragua you got it and now we make iran out to be the bad guy but here we were exchanging arms with them why do you think the world is ok with that well because america is a hypocrisy do you think that the world knows that this is a have progress through. i guess we know a little bit about it but sometimes i find us to be very naive and we are not really enough to wear of everything that's going on out there they were in a war with iraq so you know we we thought that they were they were they good relative good. and iraq was the you know the bad guys you know it's just the whole it's ridiculous if we change our definition of it who's good and who's bad to suit
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our needs when ever doesn't that kind of make good and bad relative and meaningless . it's almost thirty years ago so there in thirty years someone can go from being an ally to an enemy well unfortunately that happens yeah so we should probably be more careful with whom we give arms to that is a very good. savation but then again you never know which side of the regime you fall on when you support something and one of the issues of u.s. foreign policy is they've always picked sides which they did in vietnam they did it in other places sometimes they were successful sometimes they weren't whether or not people remember the iran contra scandal but the bottom line is the media certainly seems to have a selective memory that suits whatever methods they'd like to promote. charlie we bring you the life story of a former soviet song. afghanistan. left trapped in the country for over two
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