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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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transition of power. continued violence. on the border between.
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worldwide news live from moscow city center this is with me rule received. court reviewing the case of the controversial feminist punk band pussy riot says it will now. till next friday are the members of the group are facing three years in jail for storming the altar of russia's main cathedral belting out what they call a protest punk but the trouble is deeply divided russian society and triggered strong reactions from abroad. following the case i should advise you there are some sexual images in his report. well and the eighth day of the pussy riot trial the judge has set a date for the verdict to be announced of the seventeenth of august at three pm moscow time now this followed on from the defendants giving their own closing speeches in which they compared their trial to the stalinist trials of the nineteen
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thirties as well as to the trial of a russian or thirty of the dostoyevsky in the nineteenth century for blasphemy now each of the three women went on to say that again they intended no offense to the russian orthodox church through their protests which took place in february of this year in moscow's main cathedral at their protest was against now what they termed as putin isn't just president vladimir putin but against the whole political system in russia well it's really been quite an amazing journey in this trial the amount of media interest around the world that it's grabbed from the the music industry we've seen quite a few superstars of the business coming out and supporting these three women the likes of staying the red hot chili peppers and faith no more the latest to join that group was madonna and how she played in moscow on choose day night and was on stage with the words pussy riot painted on her back now madonna of course no
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stranger to controversy a city no stranger to controversy regarding the church you cast your mind back to one thousand nine hundred eighty nine and single like a prayer the music video for which was condemned by the vatican and saw some catholic groups calling for excommunication and in fact it ended up losing a sponsorship from groups such as as pepsi among others so she knows about controversy when it comes to this and she's throwing his support behind pussy riot but it's not just these issues that have been coming out and giving their opinions on this case we've seen politicians from the west from britain from germany from the united states some of them coming here to the course of seven months ago these women were relatively unknown you'd be hard pushed to find anybody. he knew really what i was all about these women in particular were known. in the. museum which they invited the media to they want also was filmed performing with
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a frozen chicken. being carried out including the kissing of policemen on the metro so the way in which in the last seven months the attention surrounding these women has snowballed is certainly something that whatever the result of this trial is going to be discussed. in the arena twitter stream. before the court. today egypt's military has. militants in the sinai region this for the first time
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in. twenty suspected islamic terrorists were killed in the operation it comes after militants killed over a security forces. in the country since the ousting of. this report. in the early hours of this morning wednesday the egyptian military launched civil air strikes in the northern peninsula and according to egyptian media at least twenty people have been killed several spots were targeted and why this is significant is that this is the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventy three that the egyptian air force has operated in the sinai peninsula it certainly is indicative of an increased militant activity there that such if it's all being employed such disparate efforts it does follow involved by cairo that it would crack down on what it's calling infidels operating in the sinai peninsula it was
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a deadly attack on sunday night in which sixteen injection soldiers were killed and just last night to state there were at least three incidents at joint border crossings a joint checkpoints between egyptian soldiers and egyptian police now if the sun is the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was ousted from power last year february we have seen growing enormousness and chaos across the sinai peninsula certainly seem that the militants are starting to act much more told me we have heard a number of incidents of militant attacks and militant operations in the growing concern is also that this violence is moving closer to the egyptian israeli border and this has been not only tel aviv concerned but people in the region that this violence might spread further and have regional implications certainly television has indicated and said that it will act unilaterally if it feels to us and. our correspondent are reporting right still to come on the program for you that of
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a french ship cooling off with the polish president admits the signing of a missile defense agreement with washington was a big mistake and also. just a year off of a devastating the london riots but already groups in the british capital say communities remain divided the police are actively pursuing a breakthrough for. know now libya's national transitional council is handing power over to a newly elected assembly of two hundred members it's been ten months since the country's uprising led to the killing of colonel moammar gadhafi now the water nation is still flooded with weapons and struggles to control outbreaks of violence so let's get some more on today's transition are joined now by political activist al carter thank you for coming on r.t. today do you think are with the national transitional council ready to hand over power today how can libyans realistically realistically expect a fully fledged democracy. thank you for hosting me on your channel
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i don't expect democracy. i'm from libya sure that democracy is. torture i don't think the libyans will benefit from. democracy that was brought by nato allies i don't think that. we see it in iraq in two thousand and three. is the same as in libya now or two thousand three five things still killing half of the relation of iraqis outside libya is the same why would they succeed in libya. if. the situation in libya is the killing. pace's. the fact that they say they want to transmit the power of transfer the power to the . newly elected prime minister. i don't think they have power anyway to
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give it to him because. of the militia let's talk about the seats the seats now that belong to members of this national transitional council by the way just to say interesting point you make parallels between libya iraq afghanistan the fledgling democracies pursued implemented by the west perhaps not going according to plan but let's talk about the n.t. see the majority of the seats in the newly elected assembly are held mostly by independence do you think the assembly will be able to work together and compromise . the fabric of libya for the society. divided. firstly between. those who are against. the one who. divided that is fighting on a daily basis between them. in different cities especially in. tripoli
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and also on the other side this is those who are affected by nato and also. happening in libya at the moment. actually in fact they are not because they belong to. the state of qatar interfering in the business of. interfering how is interfering at this point. by. some parties with weapons with money. this is this is been mentioned by prominent. figures political. politics. to apologize for interrupting you but i'm just trying to get as much as i can in as little time as possible here you're saying that libya is still overrun with rival militias there are still regional influences playing
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games in libya is that. for me. the people i know. libyans themselves decided. what to do with the country. being dictated. told what to do. some regional. countries. just. see here on t.v. at the moment it's just a show of democracy in fact. prisoners of prisoners of libya full of. video clips that shows the brutality of these militia. gangsters i mean.
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what does the international society. human rights watch i mean the human rights watch issued many reports claiming that there is. you know breach of human rights in libya however and nobody even. talking about the violation of human rights you talk about the violation of human rights ongoing in libya there were violations of human rights pre the un intervention as well political activist i'm so sorry i wish we had more time with this we just don't but many thanks for coming on r.t. thank you but. now from libya to syria where the syrian regime and rebels say the government army has dealt a serious blow to the opposition forces in the flashpoint city of aleppo that's after president assad's troops have taken positions in the rebel stronghold in the area sirius largest city has been the scene of intense fighting in recent weeks and
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the battle is widely seen as decisive for syria's future meanwhile the u.s. says the world must start planning for the country after assad's government falls something that washington sees as a decided matter but the white house is also warning against such hereon warfare or imported terrorism in syria case of a power vacuum. and in fact the syrian rebels themselves are now becoming increasingly worried that foreign it is limited by those who are helping them topple assad will eventually work to sabotage the syrian state you don't want to want to dot com you can find out more about why and how that stricken nation could turn into a constant battle ground after any regime change. it's good to have you with us on our to today the polish president has admitted the country's missile deal with the u.s. was a political mistake and should not be repeated. said poland needs its own missile defense shield in a sign the country is shifting its policy away from washington's influence
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correspondent in eastern europe is here to share scheme. he probably meant that countries previous administration signed this agreement with washington in two thousand and eight that poland would take part in the european a.m.d. project having american missiles american troops on its soil then when president obama came to office when there was a change of administration in washington this plan was changed was altered and now poland is paying the consequences of relying too much on washington's efforts in building this european a.m.d. project couple of years ago in two thousand and ten poland already hosted several sets of the interceptor missiles of nato on its soil in the town of morag in northern poland something which was certainly criticized heavily in moscow saying that this move like this basically builds up the hostility in the region and comes a full contradiction with the agreements made between the two countries certainly
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it's really early to say what the new statements by bernice are komorowski could mean whether poland may take some kind of turn around and may change this policy and whether it may actually drop itself from the a.m.d. from the nato and u.s. a.m.d. project in europe but definitely a statement like that coming from the country's leader who is marking two years in office right now is something you and definitely brings a lot of spice to this rather interesting interesting story as it is. reporting right there were plenty more and all our stories that are. also there for you right now for example find out how a change in the law means that the business partner of the jailed oil tycoon and russia's richest child. could be released from jail three years. plus if they think it's all over japanese graduates will need to remove any tattoos if they hope to get a job the country's second city. utah. one
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. hundred. fifty years. forty acres and nineteen ninety three and decided it would be a great place to find my belle the home and retire. there she is. we call it our new neighbor neighbor. we have seventy acres here and i can convince them that they need to drill somewhere
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besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing this is before any problems with it before we do the right people and then. you are flows are not toxic and we did a lot of it there's a lot of mis understanding of what exactly in the fluids. said you can load here unless you come out here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. just
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a moment on the world update for now though a. police tactic has minorities in london fitting like second class citizens officers say the stop and such policy is necessary to fight gang crime here the city's black community fears it's nothing more than racial profiling other stories too. the police conduct a stop and search operation on a group of youths in london they can stop anyone in some cases without even suspecting a crime but research shows if you're black it's twenty eight times more likely to happen to you mohammed el me is young and black and has lived on his west london estate all his life he's also a trainee lawyer articulate and intelligent and yet the police are constantly
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stopping him you're looking at probably five to ten times into five to ten times a week a week and i've got to stop a search slip to also prove that l. me describes a typical police shakedown they happen more in the summer and often when he's driving his car through everything about everything about a car left on the sidewalk had their way again no reason to reasonable suspicion should assess what is pulled no. mannerism thing he's. not going to treated like second class citizens police say the use of stop and search is critical in their efforts to tackle knife gun and gang crime but its efficacy and legality has been questioned by the equality and human rights commission who point to excessive use on ethnic minorities and they say in some areas up to three hundred people are stopped before a single arrest is made it's marginalizing entire communities. just the experience
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of being repeatedly stopped and stopped for what seems like very little reason and stopped for it seems to be just your ethnicity has a very damaging effect on the community and it makes the community feel that were them being a part of the society is being protected their problem is being policed against a disconnect between the police and the people they serve was one of the factors found to have sparked all last august's riots the disturbances started here in tottenham after the shooting by police of a young black man and as the first anniversary of the riots approaches is a situation young people say hasn't got any better the metropolitan police say they are changing the way they work here they're attending a meeting with young black people in the area to listen to their concerns but tell me says it's all for show hasn't improved ever since i was. attending punctual and . all we get is
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a lot of lip service from the police that is when you approach is revise trade in we're trying to engage with the community a lot more in numerous ways but they don't they don't seem to work well me goes on with his legal training while getting shaken down by the police ten times a week so in the future he can advocate for his community laura smith r.t. london. all right into the there we go now we'll start with greece where standard and poor's downgrade of greece's long term credit rating from stable to negative the agency says the greek economy is rolling deeper into crisis amid a delay by the authorities in athens and implementing austerity measures the country's rating will be lowered further if the nation now fails to receive additional help from international lenders. hurricane ernesto which had mexico's yucatan peninsula bringing with it a wrench will rain its speed slowed as it made landfall but the storm is still forced many locals to leave their homes and seek shelter elsewhere but enough that
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was expected to enter the gulf of mexico later on wednesday when an assessment of the damage left behind will take you. right off to kitty pilgrim we go there you are standing by there also your business desk so the latest action of the markets what do you have for us there are a yeah i'm good dive right into the european markets zero f.p. sense of it all right now we've got to come lines actually and it's drug and energy companies that are really taking a beating in the sessions i would get into the suits in the dax and let the ciggies feet speak for themselves as they always say we've already witnessed a rally over the last couple of days investors now starting to say some cells what is it all about what are the foundations to all of this and in all seriousness is a resume to be any down home for present down something so that says it's a bit of a disappointing. still following the story he was found the chances of well the
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bank for the british investment bank now shares now they're actually bring down. to the steepest one day decline in decades is our only votes of annoying percent region not solved or losing seventeen billion dollars of the bank's market value in just one day. comes as the bank is suspected of hiding tens of thousands of transactions with a rod which is subject to u.s. economic sanctions american financial regulation they've said that the banks loaned out as much as two hundred fifty billion dollars over nearly a decade a standard chartered they do to know why these allegations but they face losing their u.s. banking license and lots of intrigue in that while my stay with your analysis all talking about germany the biggest economy in the region they have got used to stakes and exports totaled seventy three bit in your is in june which is one point five percent lower than in my so import doctors well by three percent just over
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seventy six billion a year i was at school so euro zone countries they declined by three percent and if we compare that to twenty eleven schools the countries outside of the e.u. store twenty percent compared with the previous year all right now stands and poor's has lowered its outlook on greece to negative and that's from stable all the rating agency believes it will be homeless agrees the greek government to make more cuts needed to meet requirements for its next tranche of cash from the e.u. well at least this time around they did avoid a credit downgrade all together those as a relief and that's maybe because the ratings are already. quite seriously could not get any worse on the troubled economy made as much as seven billion year is this year to stay afloat and given that it's been shrinking for the last five years with unemployment sky rocketing to twenty. are with that in mind to see how the
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common currency is responding to all of these sentiments going on in europe the deval calls and everything else we've got it down as you can see it is reacting negatively we've got it one twenty three forty a as for the ruble is down against a basket of currencies as it is forming off the sun high that we were witnessing. in the way as to the actors here in russia they see we're having a change of feeling they're ready fearing their parents a lot of that is because oil is having a bit of a choppy day of trey's about the r.t.s. over our percent down the mice a loitering around all five percent in negative territory family is swimming around in the red sea are i mentioned oil then is get on to that now and see what the price is it's telling us they are dropping and they're coming down from the highs close in more than two months not on signs of weakening demand in the us and slowing growth in germany as well all right boy that's a market action for now i'll be back in about fifteen minutes with more numbers and maybe multiple calls here ok thanks very much will see that. it is now
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a four twenty five pm moscow time this is r t back with the headlines in just a moment.
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