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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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children kept underground and in isolation for ten. to shocking details ahead. the battle intensifies for the strategic syrian city of aleppo between government and opposition forces look at the repeating pattern adopted by foreign media in covering arab revolutions. tunnelvision a rare glimpse inside the smuggling routes into gaza following egypt's decision to seal them off due to border tensions. and as american efforts to decontaminate parts of vietnam from agent orange get underway campaigners ask why to washington five decades to do anything about the devastation caused by the deadly toxin blamed for hundreds of thousands of deaths and the effects.
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and on screen international news and comment live from the new center here in moscow several stories of catacombs beneath the earth where children have been kept for years without daylight and contact with the outside world the accidental discovery by police in the russian city has shocked the country and the wider world a sect of seventy people has spent over ten years following a self-proclaimed prophet. reports. if you walked past this building on the outskirts of the city of cars in central russia you wouldn't notice anything that would have been going on beneath it was a three story building with small minarets and tin presents on top was a bit rough. down but was otherwise rather unremarkable but
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a passer by would not have noticed the eight story secret complex that had been built underneath and there it was indeed a dark and an isolated world children adults taken out from these catechumens extended basement underground complex whatever you want to call it most of them had been there for a decade without proper heating or without proper light or sanitation and crucially without any access to the outside world a few were allowed to go and work at the local market the rest were kept down there among them the youngest an eighteen eighteen month old child and a seventeen year old girl who was later found to be pregnant the children are currently undergoing medical examinations and all of those involved will also undergo psychological tests to see how they may have been affected by such
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a long period in isolation pfizer aka monster tower of was the self declared leader of this cult eighty three years old bedridden and delirious he'd declared himself a second islamic prophet and had declared his complex a muslim caliphate essentially independent muslim state and then got his followers to live inside it and refused to let them leave a similar kind of cult in the central russian city of pens or in two thousand and seven a group of followers there dog an underground complex and waited there they said for the coming apocalypse they were eventually talked out of that and they emerged bleary eyed into the sunshine as these people are in. when our correspondents you go to prison all of is now in the city of concern to report on this shocking story he'll get more on it by following his twitter feed that's. kind of underscore. clashes
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a raging between the syrian army in the opposition for control of the city of aleppo it was being seen as a key battle in the war rebels have now withdrawn from a strategic district in the nation's commercial hub to prepare for a counterattack activists sympathetic to the opposition say the use of heavy weaponry by government troops has caused many civilian deaths but a u.s. war veteran says the claim seems unrealistic. well it's been some years since i saw the syrian army up close but what i did see convince me that of the arab armies in the region the syrians were by far the most competent and capable and they maintained good discipline so we have to assume that the syrians have moved very deliberately in aleppo and that suggests that they have probably moved to seal off the rebels in the enclaves or in the areas that they currently hold to do that they have concentrated armor and artillery for direct fire not for indirect fire and
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they will move very very carefully with infantry and engineers in support with the object of doing as little damage to the infrastructure as possible because the more damage you do to the buildings the more likely they are to create defensive positions for the people you're trying to eliminate so i would say based on my again limited experience for the syrian military that the rebels in aleppo are now in serious trouble. and it's perhaps the troubles on the battle ground that uprooting some rebels to seek more support from abroad in response from the french president nicolas sarkozy one of the principal architects of the nato campaign in libya has called for a repeat of the scenario in syria and that it's dot com. meanwhile a senior aide to president obama has not ruled out a no fly zone of reports of syria and the apparent rebel control feature the conflict generally has been how the support of the u.s. and its allies for the opposition is matched in leading international media and as marina pornography find out it follows a pattern of coverage of recent revolutions in the region. in the arab world
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millions have been seen uprising. in the western world one international news channel is standing accused of falling short on providing a full picture of the revolutions. to raise the flag. a lot of. killing and torturing edward mortimer conducted an independent review of the b.b.c.'s coverage of the arab spring the public news channel was criticised for many things including a lack of reference to video which wasn't authenticated and repeatedly using the word regime which is a word carried. connotation. is something. that starts the reaction. that i had to the b.b.c.
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refer to the british government as the camera regime you know. so are you guys i'm not sure i asked one of the executives i said you know how do you find energy use your posts you know they're actually doing different offices to ousted leaders and one military intervention later the b.b.c. now claims it will address its mistakes meanwhile across the atlantic america's corporate owned news networks still pioneer subjective rhetoric that the syrian regime of bashar al assad regime is now also facing another dynamic critics say more than one year of flawed reporting on syria may already have hard wired public perception to see only one side of the story the focus is on the action coverage that reinforces a preconceived notion of what's going on and of course the government you know of syria is all dead everything that happens there is a result of what assad is doing there or not doing. again that's in the
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interest of people who want to intervene and want to help overthrow this government washington has made no secret of its desire to force syrian president bashar al assad out of office getting serious in syria with questionable impartiality many mainstream media outlets in the us have been seen portraying the syrian opposition as a single entity at the forefront of a democratic a prior. aren't there now overwhelming humanitarian grounds intervening in syria critics say the very same news outlets have not been so eager to report on the less appealing actions of syria's washington backed opposition. the people were very much involved in trying to undermine the syrian government and they had signers there just as they had in libya this isn't just a question of western democracy good. or bad it's
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a much more complicated musical forces involved here media doesn't seem to be keeping up with them as syria approaches its most delicate tipping point many experts say the western media machine should avoid oversimplifying sixteen months of deadly crisis that even the international community so far has been unable to resolve or enough portnoy r.t. new york. the syrian groups fighting president assad are being with us weapons despite washington's claims is only providing normal lethal aid to the opposition so says activists all middle east and issues for this bonus the full interview with her is coming up later next his brief preview. there's already intervention under way the western countries have provided the military of saudi arabia the military of cutter that's where they buy their weapons from they buy american weapons so it is already western weapons that are going in it's not coming directly from the u.s.
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but it is weapons of the west the danger of that escalating is very serious. that interview coming away a little later here in egypt has sealed off over a thousand underground tunnels leading from its eastern region to gaza a vital lifeline for many in the blockaded region the move follows the latest escalation of violence and saw in a security for. this is trying to drive militants out of the area and wednesday egyptian president mohamed morsi searches intelligence chief and the governor of north off to a militant a turk killed sixteen soldiers the closure of the totals means more hardship for the citizens of gaza who depended on them for most of their basic supplies are these porous lou has seen these on the ground routes first turned and explains know how vital you know. these tunnels have been operational for several years ever since gaza was first put under blockade back in two thousand and six for many
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gazans they are essentially be only lifeline they have with the outside world and that's why you'll hear many gazans saying that they feel that they were living in a massive prison we're talking here about everything about goods about items about people even food and fuel that are smuggled through this extensive underground network of tunnels into gaza carlow has voiced suspicions that some of the militants who were involved in sunday's deadly attack were smuggled through these tunnels from egypt into gaza but it is still a highly unusual to seal off the tunnels particularly under the presidency of the new egyptian president mohammed morsi who is a muslim brotherhood party has close ties to hamas which rules the gaza strip what's more morsi has said that he is committed to improving the lives of ordinary palestinians now i've been down some of these tunnels and i can tell you that i've seen everything pass through there and i saw because there was still fully intact i saw huge were for generators and even people the tunnels are
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a massive made where everybody is somehow connected to everyone else and the people on top of the ground know what's going on underneath the ground they stay in constant contact they also know that sometimes by the egyptian security personnel who are outside the tunnels on the egyptian gaza border. what is porous live there where there's still plenty more ahead for you this are not including justice in the illegal weapon. trading doesn't mean jail for everyone it seems we report on how in the tourist private u.s. security contractor avoided prosecution plus. fears in the spring that the rise in cheap flights are seeing safety standards and putting passengers at risk. more pain to this economy to more european companies have announced they will be reducing their exposure to spare we've got our downs find out till i empty in a three days security company to announce all the fears customers won't be able to pay back their bills on time in ten minutes time i'll be active market.
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american efforts to decontaminate parts of vietnam from agent orange are on the way more than three decades after the war there ended the toxic chemical used to burn the country's jungle is blamed for health problems and birth defects vietnam war veteran spoke to a little earlier here in r.t. believes the cleanup effort took so long to get started because washington didn't want to admit to its guilt. i really don't think the united states government nor the manufacturers of orange ever really wanted to admit any fault of guilds and in fact to this day the manufacturers of it are i'm sure refuse to admit any older in any purchase a patient other than they were following the orders of the united states government and the military the generational effect is on on well into the third generation as i said approaching the fourth generation and we have no idea how long this is going to going to continue so it could be i see the devastation every day.
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i live in and has one of the three major hot spots in our. entire nation here. i see the handicaps i see the former to. attend the funerals of the. former military as well as the senate they were in orange and now we're well into their generation and going into the fourth generation of the effects of the you know arms and people are going to be going to get sick and die as a result of the. explosion in our action and there's no doubt that we're going to leave. remember there's always more food on dot com here's a look at what we've lined up for you right now. the perils of online shopping the strange story of our man in the u.s. capitol use the web to order a t.v.
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that was sent a high caliber assault rifle instead and put in the picture of that full explosive story. also online more pictures from a republic in northwest russia hit by torrential rain and widespread floods this just a month after a devastating day in the country south the full details for you right now at r.t. dot com. the u.s. department of justice is letting a controversial military contract away with a fine despite it being charged with arms smuggling and other crimes the group formerly known as blackwater over seven and a half million dollars to avoid criminal prosecution retired u.s. army lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer warns it's a dangerous precedent to set. i think it's a bad course of action by the u.s.
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government by the obama administration who came in talking about accountability look people died here and yet you're giving a fine to the company my goodness if you would hold an airline accountable for bad acts why would you not hold accountable a group of mercenaries for equally if not even more spat actually poor people died so it's a bad it's a bad course to set and frankly it is nothing more than a bunch of money from a company that no one is going to be held accountable i cannot believe you're actually paying a bill to get out of criminal allegations that's that's a very bad presidents to set i'm critical of the whole process of bringing in contract mercenaries if you will to conduct military operations in a foreign environment you have lest capability of accountability and frankly i've been i work with our congress here all the time and i've been a big proponent of congress interceding in this saying you cannot send mercenaries to do an act for someone who is taking the oath of office should be sent to conduct military action it's bad regarding economics it's bad regarding accountability in many ways. like our central intelligence agency use mercenaries to get around
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congressional oversight which again is not good for anybody if they do that. look at some other stories making headlines around the world in our world update of this . fifty police officers have been hurt in fierce clashes with students in the chilean capital over government education plans buses will burn well demonstrators hold rocks at offices there are seventy five arrests in the latest protest which began more than a year ago campaigners want the rich to pay more to get wired access to education but reject government initiatives including new scholarships and lower student loans. china's most high profile murder trial and cases ended after just a day the wife of the disgraced former top politician. didn't contest the charge that she killed a british businessman last year the death of neil heywood was first reported as a heart attack before the top chinese policeman fled to the us where he alleged murder and a massive cover up the international media were excluded from the secretive trial
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and it's not known when a verdict will be delivered in. a suicidal that cell labor unions in spain of describe the government's austerity measures not just on the ground but in the air too where pilots say passengers are being put at risk to save cash. reports. fly fly fly at any cost but why be more when you can get just about the same thing for less money since low cost airlines took more than half of spain's aviation market many regular air companies have gone bankrupt but of course they choose low cost flights it's cheaper the seats are less comfortable but it's not such a big problem in a trip after all and this discount model is supported by the state over the past three years the larger part of the government's two hundred fifty million a year investment into aviation was allocated to low cost airlines this scheme is
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simple expenses all round but while passengers are happy it's course turbulence in the cold. find themselves less and less motivated. we don't have high salaries and there's no prestige about our work as it had always been the bus drivers were only doing it in the skies nowadays we even have to pay for our insurance and buy uniforms for ourselves the industry has become a mess since two thousand and eight the number of recruits in spanish flight schools has been dropping rapidly and the general economic situation has also been affecting the quality of graduates. employment rates already. and that's why many of our graduates have to take several jobs just to survive. it is not difficult to see that degrading pilot quality may have serious consequences not only has the job been suffering in spain over the past several years with people actually willing to become pilots but also experts say the policy of the local
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airlines is harming the most important thing in. which is the security perish pilots working hours are already stretched to extremes new legislation to increase them to sixteen hours a day is now being considered by the european union. if we go over the limits here then the problem of stress duty personnel rises for example the law says there must be at least forty five minute breaks between flights but in reality it's barely twenty minutes she should be embodied those who were twenty minutes between twenty eight it's almost impossible to conduct a proper check of an aircraft you know in terms of force without any security check . it's clear that cheaper flying is essential to keep europe moving during the financial crisis but pilots and aviation specialists shudder to think what could happen if low cost airlines increasingly cut corners and dangerously push those who keep us safe in the sky. forty reporting from madrid in spain.
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twenty one minutes past the hour in the russian capital business time with katie patiently poised to tell us all about the market action or perhaps lack of it exactly been hunting around for them scandals today but right now it's really all to do with the china data that showed inflation cooling but the market's reaction so far has turned out to be relatively new said we thought the absence of any sort of earth shattering news there's little pressure on that is to the downside at the moment because you've got the u.s. market up just now and the flats in both directions ready for the dow jones on the nasdaq now the weekly jobless claims did decline and it's helping to offer some kind of support for wall street after a shopping day of trade for the european markets let's get to those with the with the closing figures were now alison are saying that they are considering a call before the storm scenario this kind of feel about it so they're saying with
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the last session that we see as you can see it's not really that dissimilar to the u.s. markets is it so for the first is a tenth of that and then as that then it's up just a fraction and not in negative territory so there's talk about the. economies and the number of jobless people in greece has hit a record now talking twenty percent in may which is now more than twice the average for the and its young people that all the was heads with all the boys. there are now at a high of fifty five percent so to see how the common currency is saying it's still dropping it's one twenty two zero zero seven for the most traded currency bearing the world and is showing signs really of weakness in the us as investors are still flocking towards the u.s. dollar u.s. doli u.s. dollar skews more really because of all the cities they're getting towards a safer haven also the ruble that finished up mixed against the balls in the
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trading session here in moscow will stay close to check out the russian markets and then they moved pretty much sideways today but they managed to finish above the waterline but they did fell to impress investors as they were made on the fence about global central bank statement so we moved and shaped we'll see some of the biggest movers and shakers the blue chips around they've pretty much felt before with quite a mix performance but it's. probably one of the biggest losers in the session today around three percent down despite their profit is jumping. last month nearly enough if you look at the all markets then trading at three month high still and that's all to do with the speculation now that china will take more steps to boost economic growth and that's really offsetting the size of the mob for the in the u.s. because stockpiles have increased that for externally they don't want any more
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international oil i carry some pieces but it's getting set to host the asia pacific economic corporation otherwise known as a pact as beijing for the first time and it's called staying big money apparently twenty billion dollars almost twice. the face to cost of the eleven packs now they need to mend the bank explains to us why the apec summit is so important for us. the fact that russia is spending so much money on the apec summit seems ridiculous of first glance but let's face the facts russia's stance in the region is not as strong as it could be now it has become a member of the world trade organisation promoting trade liberalization is easier than ever before especially for the host of the event next there are obvious perks in trade let's take a look at this for example russia is an energy and metals champion though it's producing seventy percent of the world's many of copper and nickel asia on the other hand is the main consumer of energy in metals and it accounts for fifty
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percent of the world's consumption of aluminum forty percent of copper and nickel this is a multi-billion dollar market now let's take a look at china at its main port of shanghai the country imports resources from around the world but it takes more than a month to ship from brazil twenty days from south africa and two weeks from australia now would be so much quicker and this means cheaper to import from russia's van in a port just four days finally growth in asia projected at eight point four percent to developed countries two point six percent max plus shift in priorities from europe to asia would mean development for russia's lagging far east. i cry i'll be back in about fifteen minutes i'm going to keep digging around for some action belfry was. looking for the results of that. and i'll be back with a recap of our headlines in just a couple of moments stay with us live here in moscow.
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sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything turns mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in this this is why you should care only on the.
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highest good in a hundred of them living here. in forty acres and nineteen ninety three and decide it would be a great place to find my belle the home and retire. there she is. we call it our new neighbor neighbor i know seven. we have seventy acres here and i can't convince them that they need to drill somewhere besides two hundred feet from. the needs of our growing economy also means expanding our domestic production of oil and natural gas which are vital fuel for transportation electricity and manufacturing this is before any problems of the . before we do right. now our flows are not
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toxic and we did a lot of mis understanding of what exactly in these floods. you can load here unless you come on here and live in my house for a week. i have no rights. to british soil it's time to. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report.
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nuclear file bills side. radioactive fallout all government betrayal of the government. and laws and laws and claude how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was indeed a very great danger to the servicemen concerned who were given no problem protection and to the people of this country generally because of radio like the full.


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