tv [untitled] August 9, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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request the gold and silver investors. call today eight hundred two five seven go. today on r t when it comes to terrorism in the u.s. most americans associate that word to dark skinned men from some foreign country but coming up we'll show you why your neighbor just may be a bigger threat than extremists from other countries. and what organization is more popular than both presidential contenders and congress the answer will no doubt surprise you all tell you how the t.s.a. hold a high approval ratings despite all the public lashings they've received. stars from the adult film industry are inserting themselves into presidential politics lining up behind either mitt romney or barack obama will this porn power raise approval ratings well on the cover issue.
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it's thursday august ninth again here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. we begin this hour zeroing in on two match shootings that have rocked u.s. community is the massacre at a colorado movie theater and just days later a gunman opens fire at a sikh temple in wisconsin both cases tragic and suspected and. well for the most part they're seen as isolated incidents in both cases the suspects are young white males not the typical face of terror but someone may have seen this coming a former d.a. chess analyst darryl johnson wrote a report titled right wing extremism occurred economic and political climate fueling resurgence and radicalization and recruitment money on the right criticize it as politically motivated fear mongering. wing extremists here.
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this is a funny story. this is the book we. like to tell it oh my god. does that mean they're going to be spending so despised. there are no timothy mcveigh he's out there right now if they're going to issue these reports for this made up threat as posing a bigger threat to this country than al qaida terrorists naming veterans groups as possible extremist groups targeting veterans well his career was essentially over because the administration did not support his findings so while homegrown terrorism appears to be on the rise why isn't the media recognizing this dangerous trend to discuss this is brian doherty senior editor of reason magazine he's also the author of the book you see there gun control on trial brian welcome
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so right wing extremism does in fact appear to be on the rise why are people acknowledging that. i'm not sure exactly what you mean by right wing extremism and the problem that people with that just report we were talking about is that it combined what we call it groups within the groups h. the it was constant she would appear to be a member of and people who merely had political opinions that the government didn't like and quoting from the report itself i think like we're just being federal authority in favor of state or local authority or rejecting government authority harley it was jim it especially for law enforcement to mix together a set of ideas and label it as as terroristic or criminal and i question whether one incident one guy would leap to these groups killing people on it justifies you saying that there is a dangerous trend that there's no need for the government. i do want to read you
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brian a quality from that report that states quote threats from whites the promises and violent anti-government groups during two thousand and nine have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts nevertheless the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn including real estate foreclosures unemployment and an inability to obtain credit could create a fertile recruiting environment for right wing extremists and even result and confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those and the past. what do you make what you make of that brian. i think the first part is the most important part is that there is not actually a lot of evidence and there's certainly no actual cases except for this one that just happened people connected to what they're calling the stream of them so again i think that's very dangerous to the political life with racial ideas but it is
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you're right there's not one god that's finally reached out. filled with lots of people i don't actually see how that justifies a polished and we shouldn't with. the thing that i thought about on r.p. after the aurora shooting i think people in their attempt to make sense of this senseless try to reach for the it's not your whole solution things out of our lives our individual lawyer problems i would say until we actually have evidence that people from these groups are actually committing crimes on a regular basis that looking for an f.b.i. so we should look out their terrorism solution is really just an attempt just sort of criminalized a bunch of ideas that people don't like i don't think this. makes enough of a trend that we can say anything about it and certainly not enough that we should that government should be acting on it. but this incident did occur it did occur in wisconsin and it absolutely was it appears to be right wing extremism and this was
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a hate crime when we did a story a couple days ago in another state where two mosques were burned down one of them was identified as arson the other one is being investigated but it's presumed that it was also a hate crime and i mean should that danger be acknowledged and it's pretty clear that since nine eleven that there is this growing. sentiment of islamophobia and therefore you know this could lead to more more hate. hate crime yes i will i will certainly acknowledge that the u.s. government has been urging a great deal of islamophobia since nine eleven and in fact practicing violence and crimes against islam overseas do a huge degree which is something i think we should forget when they get the thing but i do want to say it's very dangerous to mix. racial hate of the sort that seems
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to motivate a page under just the label right wing blog right we thought just needs a certain set of political beliefs that does not mean that you want to commit a crime against anyone that certainly doesn't commit a crime against anyone and in a world where statutes and control and surveillance of people with government want to label terrorists it's getting wider and wider and more and more dangerous a very risky to start saying ok there are certain people who believe certain things we're going to call them terrorists we're going to sort of call them criminals even if they actually have. i think we should look at these things as just wrong they are wrong they are murderers you know these people we're talking about it just bring from that saying oh anyone who thinks the way this guy is or we're going to label him as something and so anyone who we think is like him deserves some kind of special scrutiny i think is extremely dangerous if we believe in so i mean literally just any run of the mill crimes that we are talking about hate crimes
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here brian do you acknowledge that you know whether it's extremism on the right or extremism on the left. that extreme and whatever kind of extremism it is that that breeds hostility and violence is not a good thing i'm going to say that any extremism that's merely a set of opinions that you don't like or i don't like or that government doesn't lifers that they think is weird we can't start pretending that we can criminalize thought i mean what i'm saying is what we need to do what we need to worry about are crimes people who can criminal i don't start but you can criminalize and when that when that. false becomes a hateful and dangerous and deadly action sure but then then what what extra benefit do you get from the concept of an extremist crime except just sort of point the finger at people who think the same thing as the person who committed the crime i think a crime is a crime murder is murder i think it's actually politically dangerous to start labeling them with this set of ideas because then that becomes an excuse to
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criminalize criminalize or sort of. the ideas and i think that's a very bad idea if you prosecute criminals to the greatest. force in instances like this you know the guy ended up fortunately being killed on the scene so there's not really much more we can talk about it as a policy matter i think if you point the finger at people with your beliefs and unfortunately in this country until you commit a crime it should be ok to have. do you think though that there is a danger i mean when it comes to the word terrorists this evokes a pretty specific image in the minds of americans do you think people have a hard time calling white males terrorists. i think in the case of paige i've certainly heard. calling him a terrorist given his background given that or if it was i mean we can't talk to him about why he did it but it's reasonable to assume that he did it with the
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intent of striking there are interesting story people about what religion the people of different colors and the phillies are dangerous there are around the word terrorism when i think we should just be talking about crime is as i said that there's there's been increasing. you know regulation surveillance techniques that are aimed at people who the government calls terrorists you know they try to do this with animal rights activists they probably do it with people who are just you know given money or given what the government goes to for any fruit they call a terrorist that's very dangerous they think the law should focus on actual crime. not what group they belong to or whether they've given aid to or not the government it's a very powerful and dangerous label and i think it's safer to just call it a criminal. right and we're going to have to leave it off their appreciation coming on the show that was dry and already senior added are of reason magazine. was the us become too politically correct it seems like almost weekly some group is
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launching a boycott are calling for an organization to change their views that's also happening and the ad industry some commercials or campaigns have been polled because they've upset a group or someone in particular our tails on a fantasy a target to take a look at some of these so-called offensive ads. provocation and risk appreciated by some offensive to others the pope kissing any mom the pope looks like a terrible kisser the u.s. president planting a wet want on china's leader this is like completely grosses me out it does yeah because you're against sort of mixing the races like the advertisement and merchandise pushing the boundaries have been creating a storm of accusations of insensitivity intolerance and even bigotry and then you do these days it's the least little bit creative is likely to offend somebody in an age of over the top demands for political correctness attention grabbing headlines
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and images are increasingly popular like this ad displaying milk's favorite cookie deemed too shocking people need to see a more aggressive reading because everyone's done it on some level and on the receiving end or done it and i wish you a baseball cap infuriating the irish community and even a t. shirt with a positive message creating outrage in the u.s. oh my god this is ridiculous transgendered activists were upset that a transgendered model wore a t. shirt that said gay is ok so do the offended have a point or are they just too sensitive the vatican demanded the ad scrapped after denouncing it as quote an acceptable provocation benetton pullback an ad showing for one of the sixteen kissing a scene egyptian and mama can needs to chill out and are all it's no secret advertising companies who shock and create scandal profit the most if i were working on madison avenue i would definitely be working the controversy card as
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much as possible we know that edgy works the metrics show it on television they show it on line edgy always works the newfound respect for correctness is recent yet often hypocritical things went wrong in the one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's when it became not ok to use for example sexist language like you couldn't call a woman a more well you could still pay her seventy seven. but don't. for every dollar that i mean the list of those offended grows by the day if i wanted to i could probably organize a group today of color blind middle aged balding guys who were offended at how we're portrayed in the media i've got better things to do that while passions over advertising peak real issues with shocking truth have a hard time getting traction if i were the vatican i'd be more upset about like real kissing going on in the church between priests and real life kids
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and i would be about you know some photoshop thing well companies created scandal with the way by getting to milk the city they receive those getting upset largely wasting time that could be better spent on campaigns more meaningful than raise the citric and. we turn now to the porn industry in the united states an estimated ten to fifteen billion dollar a year and a story porn is no to be recession proof having said that as the november elections near more and more adult film stars are growing vocal about who they would like to see take the white house and the next elections picking up quite a bit of attention by the mainstream media was adult film queen jenna jameson who openly endorsed governor mitt romney meanwhile president obama has an entire entourage of porn star power a lot of these ladies we don't even need to name some of the main players and the elusive industry but with porn having a dramatic impact on the u.s.
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economy it's no wonder so many folks within the adult film community have opinions on how it's regulated to help us discuss this we're joined now by quentin boyer director of public relations for pink visual quite quick and welcome so why are porn stars concerned about politics what stake do they have a net. well i think they have the same sort of stake that every american has and frankly there's no reason why they shouldn't express their opinion having said that i'm not sure that a porn star endorsement is the most sought after form of indorsement for a presidential candidate i don't know that the romney campaign's going to be touting the endorsement to have jenna jameson anytime soon but you know certainly they have a right to their opinion and our industry is fairly heavily regulated and those regulations tend to come from the government so we're going to be keenly interested in what they're up to. is that something that you worry about i mean especially in
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terms of some of the attacks on porn that we've seen mostly coming from the right me a it's in danger of becoming even more regulated. i'm not as concerned about that as i used to be in the primary reason for that is the general public's attitude towards porn is one of greater tolerance and acceptance over time and i think you have a harder time getting people too upset about it these days you know we're in the sort of post two girls one cup world you have people that don't even watch porn trading around a really gross clip for less convincing most people that you know depiction of consensual sex between two adults is going to ruin the world is probably going to be tough to do all right let's say republicans or democrats which party the question would you say is more porn friendly. well i'm not sure either of those form friendly to be honest certainly under the clinton administration when the adult internet sort of grew up so to speak we were largely ignored by the clinton
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administration and i think the industry is happy to be ignored frankly given the alternative we don't really get much in the way of a good vibe from the government there either seeking a religious or prosecutors for obscenity or ignoring us so we're happy to be ignored if that's the option. i think it probably doesn't make much difference i know romney has talked about cracking down on porn but it's really not as easy as all that the first amendment is what it is and current case law says that it applies even to hardcore pornography that's something morality and very excuse me morality and media doesn't agree with but they tend to obscure the issue a bit and talk about it as though everything we do is illegal and it's just not the case but re-add an abhorrent is a very profitable industry we had mentioned earlier that it's relatively recession proof ten billion to fifteen billion dollar industry can you talk a little bit about that and you know that the fact that porn does make
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a significant contribution to the economy what it does i would argue that it's actually not recession proof though actually really we're the porn industry is going through a tough time right now and more than government regulation what's really hurting us is piracy of on adult content online we're trying to sell things that people can get for free quite easily that's a big threat to the industry the industry is hurting right now like like every businesses and it's partially the economy but it's largely the piracy too. so certainly on top of that we don't want a crackdown from the government that would just make it all the more difficult and give us legal bills on top of all our other headaches to handle but i think the idea that court is recession proof has turned out to be kind of false in the in the last four years mantra same. well i guess who wants to pay for porn when you can get it for free right exactly and i guess you can get free i'm hearing
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that it's pretty easy to get it for free and so you do you can continue to see this as a challenge for your industry this way and then probably a bigger challenge than the regulation the government is likely to come up with. should also mention that adult film actress says. a number of come out expressing a desire to see a president from a third party what do you think about that i think it would be outstanding actually i'm a big gary johnson supporters the libertarian candidate i'm not actually a registered libertarian i'm ridged or independent but i think it would be really nice if the media would pay some attention to this guy he's got a lot of good ideas he's really fairly centrist in a lot of ways he has ideas that appeal to the left in the right he's pro-choice he's pro gay marriage but he's also pro second amendment and he's of all the candidates the only one who's come out with a strong statement about free speech and the importance of the first amendment's
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protections being maintained so if the porn industry were to back any one candidate the one that would make sense would be gary johnson all right interesting guests more libertarians make sense for more porn stars to be libertarians that right. legendary porn star ron jeremy recently told the boston herald he is voting for president obama i think this is a big endorsement for the president. not really rival runs a very good guy i know i'm a little bit can't really call his friends but i you know he's a good guy had a smartcard i wouldn't be going to happy to have his indorsement final obama but i don't think it's going to sway a lot of voters one way or the other. i would certainly want but this way i'd rather have runs indorsement than jenna's no offense to jenna but in the end i don't think it's going to make much difference in the election. i guess we can all agree on that that i guess said that the more support you can get of that are and
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they really are going to help than just one of those routes that was quite envoy or he is director of public great relations for pink visual. well the t.s.a. has become an acronym that many americans have come to dread we've heard politicians and frustrated citizens complain about the transportation security administration from too close for comfort pat downs to virtually nude snapshots the agency has come under fire for possibly overstepping its boundaries and. she's doing her job. she. felt touched my government like the you know your group the way we. do here if you touch my junk going to have your rest. but also you know it's not just pat downs that is frustrating people we should also mention the agency is costly sixty billion dollars exactly since
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nine eleven but despite the negative press it turns out most americans actually approve of the agency and the job it's doing according to a recent gallup poll the t.s.a. has an approval fifty four percent approval rating that's higher than president obama's fifty three percent rating republican presidential candidate mitt romney's forty cent approval rating and congress' dissimilar sixteen percent approval rating so why does the t.s.a. continue to have higher poll numbers than presidential nominees in nearly four times the approval rating of congress and the subpoena veges sociate litigation counsel for epic joined me a short while ago to give me her take. i think what we're getting out of this poll are two things the first one is people approve more of the t.s.a. and then this is a positive thing it means t.s.a. is being trained better people aren't having as many run ins there aren't as many of these egregious actions taking place that we had seen previously that numbers
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down that's good for airline travelers however i think the other thing that we're seeing is that a majority of people are finding the t.s.a. effective and since the documents prove that they are in fact not infective that the technology they are using is not effective that that just means the t.s.a. is throwing more money at p.r. and it's working and i think that's a problem and you know what people are going to say there's actually a couple statistics i want to bring up the t.s.a. and its many rules and equipment are referred to here as the security theater despite this only thirteen percent that think the t.s.a. screening procedures are either not too effective or not effective at all so that leaves eighty five percent of americans that think that these screenings are extremely very or somewhat effective and you know what these people are going to say is that we haven't had a terrorist attack come through at least in our airports so they're being like hey seems like it's working that's what they're saying the problem is we also really
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haven't had an attempt we haven't had somebody get up to the gate in an airport and try to go through t.s.a. try to go through airport security with a bomb or with something that could cause a terrorist attack this is all being handled in advance what we've always said is that the number one way to prevent a terrorist attack is intelligence and smart intelligence and it seems like that's what we're doing finally and that's what's going to happen however terrorist attacks are rare. and the t.s.a. isn't stopping them they're not preventing anything from getting through security so you think people are per hour projecting what seems to be a successful forwarding of terrorism and crediting the t.s.a. for doing that when in fact it was other intelligence that led to the prevention of these things exactly the t.s.a. the machines that they use the magnetometers the body scanners the pat downs none of these can detect powdered explosives this is the number one tool the terrorists use to make bombs this is what the christmas day bomber use they would not prevent
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a terrorist action from occurring the only way to prevent that is to stop them from getting to the gate in the first place we should mention however there was that underwear bomber and the shoe bomber what about those sort of what are the but what about those scenarios well those are that's the powder to explosives i was just talking about the underwear bomber the christmas day bomber he was able to get through airport security because of so in that way that the essay was ineffective right because he was able to make it through mags to say he got he got on a plane in amsterdam was coming to the united states had the power of explosives in his underwear and almost you know. if not for the incredible difficulty of creating one of these bombs to begin with he could have caused a major incident to occur he ultimately thankfully was not successful however none of the t.s.a. actions would have prevented the exact same thing from happening. do you think these pat downs in these body scanners that. are going to zation a pose as an ideal way actually serve to protect americans from don't terrorism you
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know they are actually security theater they make people feel safer they make people think when they get on a plane ok everybody's going through security nobody's going to have a gun or a knife or a bomb but they've actually don't prevent a lot of those things from getting through there's numerous cases of people getting on board air flights with things that should be prohibited and they're really just not making anyone safer really recently actually got. the survey that we're talking about had a thousand respondents we recently had over twenty two thousand people signed up to ask the t.s.a. to explain why it was implementing this billion dollar security system that didn't work. i think that's that's telling what we would hope that they're at least doing something because it's costing taxpayers it will it cost taxpayers sixty billion dollars since nine eleven and poise sixty two thousand people across the country so i think the hope is there that they're doing something that's effective. the
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hope is there they're not explaining it of course because a over one year long court order telling the t.s.a. that they have to accept public comment provide certain rules and regulations for when they can use the scanning equipment they're not complying with a court order we now have had to go back to the court and ask them to force the t.s.a. to comply with this court order because they're not doing it on their own so without the t.s.a. providing an explanation we can't really even know why they think this this money is affected as we've said it's not why it's needed as we said it's not effective so . just like this the t.s.a. mean as we just pointed out they have a higher approval rating president obama than you know role in presidential candidate mitt romney a much higher approval rating than congress so i mean with based on what you just said they're not actually that effective so what do you think is going on here if we look at these numbers are the american people missing something well i think
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again like i said to begin with the number one thing that is driving these numbers up is better training t.s.a. is actually something that travelers deal with on a day to day basis most of the american public do not have one on one interactions with president obama or members of congress they do however get to go to the airport and have a. face to face with members of the t.s.a. and as long as they're trained as long as they're not groping people or needlessly . harassing them we have stacks and stacks of complaints from people since the t.s.a. first instigated these screening technologies the screening procedures of people complaining as long as those numbers are down we can understand that t.s.a. is a proto who wants to go to the airport and be groomed to keep from a not a pleasant experience never happened but i would assume. every i know that you have a court case epic has a court case against d.h. ass in the works can you tell us what is the latest on that well we have filed
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a petition with the d.c. circuit court of appeals asking for them to force the t.s.a. to act now to force them to comply with last year's court order to institue notice and notice and comment rule making to implement a rule that would guide security procedures they haven't done that the court has no told t.s.a. told us they have to respond to our petition for amendments which is what would force them to act so we are moving forward strongly on that like i said we just had a petition at the white house that garnered over twenty two thousand signatures that asked the white house as t.s.a. to explain why they haven't acted yet so people are getting behind right amy really appreciate you coming on the show that was amy. associate litigation counsel for apic that's going to do it for this hour for more on the stories recovered check out our you tube channel youtube dot com slash artsy america you can also check out our website that's our t.v. dot com slash usa.
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