tv [untitled] August 11, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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they were rebels plan abide by going to key parts of the country's second city of aleppo with eight million dollars worth of support to come from the u.k. . as washington weighs into the plan syria's huge overdone president but that's russia on the last day says hillary clinton comes to tell. the dr says it's fine to tell bronchos there's not a nuclear weapon in the works yet but a leading paper reports that an israeli strike. that. this is r.c. coming to you live from moscow hello and welcome to the program first syrian rebels
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say they are preparing a counter attack to regain ground on the country's second city of aleppo after being pushed from a cave destroyed by government forces they syrian army is said to be throwing more time with strikes at the frontline there are also reports of bombing and gun find the capital damascus the feistiness increase the number of refugees fleeing the city and the conflict torn speight the rebels are pleading for more foreign aid whether britain promising nearly eight million dollars worth of new equipment that syrian activist. says there's little transparency to the deal for. a turkish member of the parliament so that ambulances used to clear wounded persons from inside syria into turkey are actually taking. three to inside syria does go back to mr hague statement he said it's communication with communication devices and in order to warn civilians against impeding impending shalrie government attacks whose. to
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be warning them are there satellite images that are going to be passed to the ground all those communication devices be released into civilian soil will be sent to rebels and would they be used as they are intended who can guarantee that you can guarantee that body armor is going to be used not to assassinate political opponents in front of t.v. cameras just like what they did with the bird if only you know we need a little bit more transparency with this. the u.n. chief has bugs the presence of international monitors in syria which would provide impartial means of assisting the assessing rather the situation on the ground there service extended mandate expires in less than ten days with a veteran of the. towers to become the new u.n. arab league envoy kofi annan quick and he's asking is peace. it's not a job many people would have wanted you think considering the situation in syria but it's that lakhdar brahimi will be taking over from kofi annan as the next
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special envoy on the syrian crisis now the seventy eight year old former algerian foreign minister does have pedigree when it comes to dealing with serious conflicts he was instrumental in forming a peace in the late one nine hundred eighty s. in the lebanese civil war in two thousand and one he was sent by the u.n. as the envoy to afghanistan as the united states invaded the country following nine eleven he was again sent to iraq in two thousand and three for the invasion of that country representing the u.n. on that occasion but it's also interesting to look at what type of an envoy he will be kofi annan had quite openly spoke to both the syrian rebels and the assad government now if we look a little bit at but our personal life his personal contacts we might see a different approach from him but he's daughter a former b.b.c. and c.n.n. correspondent is married to wear one of the sons of the king of jordan. strong
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family ties there jordan of course a country that has been linked to the smuggling of weapons and other arms into syria into the hands of the syrian rebels and jordan of course a haven a place of choice for those defecting from the assad government to go so perhaps we could see me focusing our attention focusing his attention on speaking to the rebels as opposed to the way that kofi annan tried to do it with speaking to both the rebels and the assad government but it looks like he will take over from kofi annan so it looks like the next envoy going to be locked up or he the former algerian foreign minister taking on that difficult job in syria. they says washington stepping out plans for a serious pause doesn't feature u.s. foreign policy change hillary clinton isn't tacky and again placed more support for the syrian opposition this visit comes as an carets types of threats to weigh in with force hey if it fails threaten from across the border and analysts. countries
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that showing inconsistency by supporting the say when rebels it seems to. be going to turkey just to take note what is the situation after there is the rebel forces of the free syrian army has been defeated you know they oppose it what will be next what next steps are going to be taken and double check with the turks who are playing a very important role in supporting the free syrian army. unit out there at least they are based on principles of justice of the day usually criticize those countries close to the rogue states and sponsors of terrorism but we have seen the free syrian army conducting a terrorist campaign with car bombs partly also with suicide bomb burst political assassinations and that's against the quote three the sense in this case is syria that piece of the united states and the other countries it's a violation of international law. so bring you is going to member of the serial
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number of united patients so we can all talk about service especially with these called trees that are supporting terrorist activities if they come they have lost in my opinion the fortitude the world standing to criticize other countries when they're actually doing it themselves. coming up with r.c. the fallout from the revolution egypt's new remaining tribute to the escalating threats from the country's new leadership as car is relations with israel. and the pain tonight safe and free but is it really possible to a truth bugs were investigating a few miles. washington says it has visibility inside iran's nuclear program confident it will know if iran moves towards building a bomb the remarks to be directed at isro which warned that the international community might not realize in time to prevent iran from acquiring
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a weapon israeli media such as the country could launch an imminent try corner iran before the presidential elections in the united states the plans could lead to a rift between the allies as they do our senses tightening economic sanctions as a number. of american on top are now from doing business with the iranian oil sector as well as shipments and insurance companies reason is this it you're going to report. according to a major daily israeli newspaper the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister would like to strike iran as early as before the u.s. presidential elections taking place in november this year now amid escalating media reports and expert predictions that such an attack could in fact be around the corner the peepers front page article on friday authored by its senior commentators and reportedly based off of conversations with israel's defense minister says that if it were up to benjamin netanyahu and his minister of defense israel would cause
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a military attack on iran sometime within the next several months importantly israel's security cabinet ministers have been resisting such an option for now what's important here is while israel is weighing this option we know of course that iran contin. to insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes exclusively and we have seen the obama administration be careful in urging israel to stick with diplomacy and now of course the big question is whether israel may in fact go ahead with such an attack and whether or not it will wait for a green light from washington importantly experts in this article are quoted to say that if such an attack war to take place before the u.s. presidential elections there this would cause a major embarrassment to barack obama as well as really cast a blow to his success in these elections because as we know his main rival republican mitt romney has never excluded such an option turned remember there are
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always more stories for you at home and here's a look at a book you can find that right now. just sense find out whether the white house ignored have called behind on definitely painting american citizens without trial. class no man's land of saudi arabia unveils plans for a new town exclusively for women find out why it's a single sex ha. it's .
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my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg. and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me. for my hands you know just as if anyone would but they do tell a story they tell a story of. their oxen. soon
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which writer. from france to pressure. starts on t.v. dot com. welcome back this is see the revolution in egypt shot of the tends to peace with neighboring isro with increasing rocket strikes across the sinai peninsula but it's not only relations between the countries that have suffered egypt's jersey citizens are living in fear they are spring has made them wary of buzz their new rulers and new neighbors as a policy of report. alone frightened and struggling one of the last of her
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people in a land that no longer wants them selene has merely the photos of who did family for comfort she is one of cairo's few remaining jews once there were eighty thousand now there are fewer than twenty certainly i'm afraid certainly i am but as the bad i try to be able to forget. she has reason to be wary the new rulers of egypt the muslim brotherhood call for jihad and want the liberation of palestine they've launched a war of words against jews that goes as far as to threaten death it took us a long time to find simeon and when we did even longer to convince her to be interviewed by us she was worried that her neighbors would see her talking to a television crew eventually she agreed to talk to us here on the street but when i walked her back to her building a neighbor spotted us and started screaming obscenities at her that is for not to
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persons in my back to. the roots of jewish people run deep in the streets of cairo as far back as the twelfth century pious jews trod these cobbled streets on the way to study with a non-physician rabbi moses been my morn after mitt has collected memories of the many jews who once lived here he proudly shows me articles of those he once knew about. this place used to be fooled jews they were all my friends but they all left in the early fifties sometimes they come back to visit me and then we always see it and talk about the good old times. it was a jewish man who talked to him at his trade the love of his life was also a jewish woman but his is a rare voice today in these streets it can be dangerous to ask where's the nearest synagogue. certainly i am afraid of the rules that you are going to look at not that i have they said that your job programming is to do like there was
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a good. that little country which few day to mention is israel they may be divisions among egyptians but they are united in their hatred of their neighbor. israel is a racist states which doesn't respect agreements and israeli jew is not welcome in egypt being in the know treats you continue between us i hate dealing with israel and its presence in the region is dangerous but. israel is a cancer our main enemy after the revolution of january it's now possible to cancel the peace agreement with them and so simeon spends her remaining days alone holed up in her apartment and suffering from alzheimer's disease too afraid to venture out and when she does it's only for the shortest time just in the memory of a fast disappearing world policy r.t. cairo. coming up ahead can you afford to be healthy. should it be cheaper to eat a tomato yeah it should be that the world we live. so to eat
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organic or inorganic that's the question our resident reporter has the answers from the streets of new york coming up a little later. russia's air force has been celebrating its and tina reinspect ocular style in the skies over the moscow region a three day display will see a national and foreign aviation ace's former death defying stunts more than one hundred planes and helicopters are taking part in the brand including russia's latest state of the art fighter the t. fifty the show also includes a restored planes from the first and second wars the famed russian knights on this swifts will be soaring in that skies over the weekend the kremlin recently made the military a top priority with a vile one hundred and twenty billion dollars grazing their air force over the next few years. and some other new news in brief this hour libyan army
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draco and senior defense ministry of the short muhammed hadiya has been shot dead and been gardy he was leaving a mosque after friday prayers when he was a target by group of gunmen recent months have seen a string of deadly attacks and been garcelle security officials in the khadafi regime that. interesting happened the day after leaving as you government as you and our. u.s. republican presidential candidate matronly has announced his running mate house budget committee chairman paul ryan is best known for trying to slash america's budget spending by over five trillion dollars in cuts opposed by the democratic minority in congress romney's choice for his number two could prove crucial to his chances of winning the white house in november from barack obama is now ahead in polls. and two man suspected of killing at a trick security services general last month have hunted themselves into our
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sources his death led to major clashes between government troops and influential local leaders links to drug trafficking the recent fighting in the tantrik town of carolled on the border with afghanistan is thought to be the worst in the central asian nation since a five year civil war in the one nine hundred ninety s. . greece is struggling to meet its budget targets as a tries to balance a story to satisfy its lenders so ratings giants standard and poor's lowered its outlook on athens saying it might need another learn to survive and later economist of ultra brutal tells r.c. that the only way forward for greece is to abandon the single currency. i think there's no doubt that greece in my view needs to get out of the euro i cannot see any way in which this current policy of austerity. and really. this is going to be very far from a magic. price of goods and greece is
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going to go up possibly go wrong so initially living standards are going to be squeezed far from bringing relief to the order great person it's actually going to make matters worse initially however going forward things are then completely transformed because in a flash greece is more competitive not the grinding deflation they were ten or fifteen years but instantaneously greece is forty or fifty or sixty percent more competitive and the demand for greek output is going to take off that doesn't happen overnight but in a matter of months that will happen greek exports will start to rise greek imports will fall and that will generate employment more income in greece so there's a trade off a difficult period to go through first of all in order to secure later greater prosperity. and you can watch the full interview with economies george brutal who outlined his view on
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the latest painful wait for countries to leave the euro in just ten minutes time here on r.t. . the debate over how to control the internet has been marked with growing political and social opposition despite the efforts of governments to limit the dangers from cyberspace critics say every proposed law risks destroying what freedom lucic arthur has a story. it is hard to argue against protecting young ones from dangers like child pornography that's what russia's new internet law aims to do by making it easier to remove harmful content from the web it gives the government new powers to blacklist pages even entire domains bypassing the courts but critics say it could be used for altogether different purposes russia's wikipedia was one of several websites to go dark and protest about. using this law to protect children is blocking access to information for everyone including adults that's not protection that censorship. he could be great britain united states france germany
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lawmakers say the bill is on par even weaker than what's on the books elsewhere but for online activists countries like the u.s. or britain are case studies in how not to regulate the web you can see the different countries you different tactics whether it's copyright laws or cyber security laws or just using national security as an excuse to go after for any screech crease speech may be enshrined in america's constitution but in a world where acts of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vests but from a few keystrokes on the computer the keystrokes of u.s. citizens are increasingly under suspicion if you see something say something according to these f.b.i. flyers anyone with a passing interest in personal data security could be a potential terrorist report suspicious activity of the authorities.
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pre-crime detection may be the stuff of fiction the homeland security department is considering a virtual border patrol which would scan billions of bytes and bits to stop cyber crime before it happens that's like sticking a microphone in everyone's living room so you can listen to all the conversations and what is really bad guys internet freedom advocates help defeat to controversial copyright bills but the u.s. house vote. force private companies like facebook to share personal data with the government and military when it comes to protecting our civil rights and civil liberties we don't usually give government by truck and that's really what these bills have done in a lot of ways across the atlantic britain is on the verge of a web why big brother internet and phone providers are reading black boxes to let the government to monitor every email phone call even as this is the first step to go taken control of the already blocks web pages it deems illegal but under the digital economy act it will soon and copyright violators to the blacklist anyone
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suspected of illegal downloads could have their internet cut off. the war over how and who should control the internet may have been inevitable you're saying to yourself well no i understand this internet concept a lot on the internet but it's. a little better. it's one of the biggest challenges facing governments of today and matter how well intentioned regulations will always be subject to criticism and tracking the line between security and censorship while it may be harder than it seems lucy catherine of r t . the us congress is struggling to pass a hundred billion dollar a year farm bill which also means to reduce food stamp fraud over the next five years but they destroy his big hitters such as those making food so dominating the discussion ahead of nutrition and health groups and food historian can. however that the desire for natural products is likely to grow. the people who control the
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actions to most of the most high tech specially. those you know it's intellectual property out there and they don't know the people testing it easy find something wrong with it there's always a constant tension in not just american families that are around the world is that you have food scientists inventing new things freeing flavors and very consistent things like that that go into our food and have other people who say i just don't want this and i'd rather eat whole foods and things that are grown organically or or at least stay in the belief if you think that this search object or you know how our attitude towards changes then we move toward natural food is very big when i was his sixty's and seventy's it's come back now again and people are starting to do things themselves again the room you know the actual bowls and your meat and the cheese and things like that so this is definitely action against industrial food right now but i think it's going to be the next trend in a major way for the next several years cow or that's eaten g.m.o.
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corn it's not directly consumed by humans but it's indirect and down the line of things we don't really know what ten years after consuming people find that's something seeds that the government so far has decided these are virtually equal you know the corn g.m.o. and the corn that isn't. really you don't have to test that g.m.o. color because the same organs which i think might disagree. and starting with nutrition well do you prefer seeing cheap and easy falls through you know taking some trouble to keep us have healthy with garlic tentative and resident reporter has been on the streets of new york to see who's came to the lean and green. are you sheep an easy or all organic when it comes to what you eat this week let's talk about that i don't care you don't care so you don't care what you put into
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your body you. do. for the expense of organic food i mean it doesn't to me it doesn't really make a difference i actually started juicing this year and i found out about it when i was getting a facial and there's a place called free foods right down that way and they have the best juices i've ever had in my life kale spinach baze all i mean it's like and it's like changing it sounds delicious it's delicious and expensive actually it is expensive but if you think about it a glass of wine is like nine dollars and it costs the same amount why do you think organic costs so much more the regulation at least in finland is really strict on what you can do and how you do it and the crop is smaller so that's the problem doing doesn't that defy logic shouldn't it be cheaper to eat a tomato yeah yeah it should be true that the world we live and yeah i'm a medical doctor if they're that the food is. let's say polluted or or it's not healthy like contains a lot of for
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a transfer and so on so on then it can lead to cancer but genetically modified food cannot lead to consummate this nonsense so there's a lot of people that assert it dies why do you think they get away with that but why does the demo have such a bad rap i think it's mainly some kind of propaganda a lot more people are interested to get healthier and other parts of the world so where do you think america falls in that spectrum very well obesity is the number one for kids here is it just a lack of knowledge or do people don't have the money time. we want to sit down for breakfast this morning and healthy just got here could not find everybody's running and grabbing about all the time so you're eating better now morgana act. then i'd imagine him on the straight and narrow or go to the fridge is him three i know mine they might if it is not there you won't need it and that's the best way to daughter whether or not you eat organically the bottom line is you might want to take a minute to consider the old that are at them you are what you eat it's.
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you. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite
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a bit to me for my hands you know just as anyone would but they do tell a story they tell us story of. their oxen. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture.
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