tv [untitled] August 14, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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all you need is your mobile device or jar to eat any toy if. you're watching all to you great to have you with us the headlines. fresh clashes erupt in bahrain with police using tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters as a prominent human rights activist awaits a court about it already has been going on since last year with the ruling mona keep cranking down on public attorney spoke freedom and one of. the world's largest international muslim body shows see where the door was some member countries funnel more equipment into legit weapons to the rebels there when our nation of islamic corporation is expected to pass a resolution and see what he is fighting breakers on. and smile for the
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cia the u.s. reportedly supplies on its own by using a system that connects in surveillance cameras nationwide experts believe there is software which names to faces is being abused and the political reason not protecting the nation from terrorists. next as the white house considers pushing through cyber security after congress failed to get to grips with it also talks to apple co-founder steve wozniak about privacy rights and the web democracy. as co-founder of one of the largest companies in the world do you think that you have a responsibility to speak out about issues like internet regulation i don't think anyone comes with a responsibility just because their company is really big especially since i'm not the one who wanted to run a company just be a great engineer that helped start it so i don't feel that anybody has
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a responsibility however i do like it when well known people that are in the public eye speak out on social issues and give their opinion what do think about legislation like so and people and why you think that they are so unpopular it turns out that the the internet when it first came it was a breath of fresh air it was so free nobody own the internet space countries didn't own it they didn't control it it was worldwide it was people to people it was like we little people the world all of a sudden had this incredible resource and we didn't have to go through other people selling it to us and delivering it to us that has changed a lot but still those were items that were kind of against just being able to use the wires to send whatever you thought of to somebody else who's a friend or whatever sharing sharing data so a lot of people have done that sort of thing they have freely shared a song maybe a song with son or maybe they've shared another file with another good friend and they just don't want interference now sure it's illegal to share copyrighted
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material fine there are laws in place but these were new laws that were going to just totally try to put up roadblocks to services that had other very good purposes in our life for example i might make a promotional video for an interview like this and then i'll email it to you well it's too big to e-mail so all upload it to a little site maybe it's dropbox maybe it's my apple ideas maybe it's make upload all uploaded to a site and send you the u.r.l. and now you can download it and i do that regularly i heard you previously talking about kim dotcom is case. and you know you mentioned that the charges against him or pretty much fun. me a lot more on what you meant by that yes first of all he ran one of the largest file sharing services in the world so the most movies and all were being exchanged by people through that site it's not a site where you could link connect to it and say search for avatar there was no searching somebody could upload a file and then pass out a u.r.l. on their own and they're violating the law if it's copyright material like
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a movie and the person who downloads is violating a law too but the what kim dot com rant is just a service that's like a post office he was the post office it was being mailed through winding shut down the post office thinking that's where the problem is it's not so that was a phony charge they tried to charge him with a copyright violation himself for uploading sixty songs or something but they had come off of c.d.'s he had purchased so they say it was all these attempts that i call phony then they had to figure out a way to extradite him they needed a crime that would get him five years in prison to meet the law the new zealand law for extradition so they made up phony charges of racketeering like he's some big mobster connecting you know a big financial empire and all these countries i mean apple does that but kim dotcom is just a nice soft little sweet guy when you meet him who tells the truth openly you know that you know when somebody is being truthful when you're with them personally and he doesn't hide things he doesn't share he doesn't have concocted lines to tell he's not a. racketeer there's
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a they charge him with mail fraud because he said i deleted some files and what he had done was delete the links to them it's like if you have a computer and you take a file and you throw in the trash the file is still on your hard disk it didn't really get a race the link is gone you can't find it any more by that link so that's a phony charge he really had gotten rid of the one part you could get rid of to make it look as though it was deleted the phony charges just indicate that they're going to they're doing everything they can to make the public think they the prosecutors are in the right you know but you don't do phony things when you're in the right you have an open and shut case. they're having they're having to go be on the bounds of what's what's right to try to convict him what kind of precedent do you think this is that's for just government overstepping i've read a lot about how they confiscated his data files actually took them to united states and they didn't have the right to do that it's it's yeah the trouble is we developed what sort of rights you have to have against accusers meaning the police
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and the prosecutors there the accusers presumption of innocence means the burden of proof is on the accuser they have to prove things you have the right to be notified what you're being charged of you have a right to you know a lot of different rights that make sure you're being treated fairly and prosecutors and governments are found every way they can to get around those rights and that's what bothers me is that you know if they want to convict you of something you didn't do they have an awful lot of techniques to do it lot of ways to do it and you found it electronic frontier foundation to protect free speech should the principles of the first amendment be protected with something like wiki leaks free speech is not absolute in my mind it's a very important right it has to go through considerations of did you violate it in ways that might be heard somebody else some free speech could actually trigger harmful events could trigger even murders so it does murdering and an abortion doctor count as free speech no there are limits to free speech i don't know in the
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case of wiki leaks. i don't know where that's going to fall out so you think there are limitations in terms of kind of opening or protecting all free speech online and the war on whistleblowers will all free speech online i was brought up with the belief that the first amendment was such a good thing every every one of our bill of rights in the united states was so crucial to my heart the way my dad taught me but free speech meant you could say something bad about the president even you could say something bad about your government you have that right and we were taught you don't have that right in communist russia so i believe in that right very strongly as far as as as far. wiki leaks you know i wish i knew more about the whole case for on the surface it sounds to me like something that's that's good the whistleblower blew the truth the people found out what they the people had paid for you know and the government says no no the people should not know what they paid for growing up in a generation where you've seen the internet perforate into something it's so massive and where political and social movements are birthed online now what do you
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think just about the evolution of the internet and how you know apple has really played a role in expanding that people you know when we started the company i would go back to that point did we have a vision of computers being prolific in everybody's hands throughout society yes did we have the idea that it would lead to you know the incredible connection that the internet would come onboard the broadband would come on board for almost everyone who wants it and that that would lead to all these you know basically the way we live life in the way we do things put everything political everything social the way we do things with other people is all done with your computer on the internet with your i phones with your mobile devices now and it's a totally different world than it was when will we have powerful computers but they weren't a part of your life as much as now and i'm just as happy as everyone else to see it having turned out this way how do you see it going you think that it will still continue or do you think that we'll see kind of. curb i mean but the political and
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social movements now where everything's integrated everything's being homogenized in the entire world and we're seeing the arab spring the occupy wall street movement really because of social interaction yes i think that a lot of social interaction will be curbed i want to take that back i theory i fear it will be that the gate keepers those who can turn on and off switches allow certain things disallow other things allow who gets to send me data about a new movie rather than everyone have an equal say so of reaching me yeah i fear that very strongly that especially net neutrality issues like that internet freedom is be. in interfered with in major ways and it shouldn't i think the internet should have been considered from day one a country of its own that isn't bound by any individual country's laws maybe we could have an internet government but it didn't happen just like world government doesn't happen you know space doesn't belong to anyone the moon doesn't belong to anyone these are really beautiful principles in life and then as soon as a country figures out a way to get control of them it disappears i'm an optimist and i believe we can
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move more and more towards net neutrality the trouble is a lot of it has to be enforced by the government and. conservative types and libertarian types say government shouldn't have any say and control over that that takes away our freedom wrong it takes away the freedom of the companies that are taking away the freedom from us every freedom we have in the united states every one of them was given to us by congressional regulation it's called the bill of rights that that is what gives us our freedom and yet it was from the government was government regulation no there are times when government regulation says you will not impede with the internet neutrality of the users but what do you think about this whole hacktivism movement that's come out of kind of you know the war on whistleblowers and the occupy wall street and anonymous and you have you know these takedowns of government websites and then you see legislation like. the cyber intelligence security and protection act that kind of puts a stop to these things you think that that's kind of working as a guys. and using the hacktivism and hacktivists to kind of regulate the internet
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even more so i really think that there are means for legitimate discourse and trying to bring attention with activists to x. is wrong on the other him i believe very strongly in legitimized marches and that sort of stuff you know with the approval of the authorities there's room in our society to go out and have a microphone and to have a say and be heard by so many others especially in this day of the internet so there are a lot of avenues it's just trying to you know grab something to get on the news and i don't think that's the way to maybe it's a start it puts ideas in people's heads but i really. i don't i don't think that's the right way to solve things and he said before that no one really has the responsibility to speak out about anything but why why do you steve why do you speak out and why do you think so many others don't about these issues you know what the whole world is very conflict oriented we want to take
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a side and fight for my side my side might be my country it might be my computer platform it might be which browser i use and i take my side and everybody else. it's bad i want to fight it and i only want to look at the world one way and i'm the i try to be so wide and open and just you know accept everything and judge it that's a water cold scientific you know approach don't take a side don't be like for one religion against others that sort of thing thank you so much for your time. wealthy british style sun. times. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell us story of. oxen. in
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the top stars on all see a fresh clashes a rotting bahrain where the police using tear gas and rubber bullets on protest as a prominent human rights acts have as the weights of course that they were guarding on france last here with their remaining moments washing down on public attempts for freedom and resilience. the world's largest international muslim body it shows see where the door was some member countries finally. more equipment and allegedly weapons to the rebels and i think some of islamic call expected to pass a resolution on syria would be a surprising range. and do smile for the cia the u.s. reportedly spies on its own by using a system that connects all surveillance cameras nationwide tech experts believe
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this software which can match names to faces is being a breeze from personal and political reasons not protecting the nation from terrorism. and you don't is here with us now with all the latest sports news you know and they first test. capello's reign as russian football manager lives just ahead you leave us the first time in a long time your husband asked me about the olympic games really but you're exactly right tomorrow wednesday marks russia versus ivory coast a big game for mr capello more on the right now. thanks for joining us this is indeed sports today and we have plenty ahead few including these stories in brief. heavy hand luggage the russian olympic squad on their eighteenth medals arrive home from london twenty two. waiting game russia's
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football squad gear up for their first march under new manager fabio capello one where they say that some players have yet to meet the taliban. and goals galore we recap the moment stop martyred from week four in the russian premier league. russians unpicked team have received a hero's welcome following their return to moscow the squad finished fourth overall at the london games just one gold medal short off their target of twenty five found showing up in huge numbers at church and that of a report long before the arrival of the team on their patients was rewarded when the country's newest olympic champions began to slowly appear in the arrivals hall among them the men's volleyball team who shot brazil in the final the synchronised swimming team also with their they remain on beat and since sydney two thousand risk like gymnast wrestlers and boxers among the others arriving with
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a golden age but it was the athletic squad who took home the most hardware eighteen medals in total for them i have a question for the state of my main feeling is that this particular four year cycle is over when now will be starting all over again what's most important right now is trying to make it to my wife and daughter through this crowd if you want to do that it is very hard to maintain here was the thanks she joined people's eyes and realize you've managed to make a lot of people happy not just yourself knowing that you've upheld your country sporting excellence is immensely inspiring. well said now the first positive drug test the balloon games has been made public and it involves a gold medal winner not. the athletes stripped of her women shop a title that has obviously meant our revision to the medals table russian shot putter if any. bronze medal created to silver after the tricks field tests which occurred both before and after the shutdown final beijing
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champ a new zealander valerie out of this can boast of a second straight a limb for gold medal to go along with her three world title. now the game's done and dusted attention turns to rio for the next instalment of the summer olympics in twenty sixteen a number of the country's top officials waving the flag as brazil aims to match the success of great britain. at bordeaux p.s. carrying the famous silk sporting symbol which was created for the sole lympics back in one thousand nine hundred eight healed and handed off to president dilma rousseff in the nation's capital brasilia brazil won seventeen medals in london including three gold would be hoping for a similar showing to. their home games and claim a significantly larger medal haul in for we used. football we're now just a day away from russia's first match under new manager fabio capello the squad convening at a training complex just start side moscow for wed insist with the ivory coast
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former england boss capello is still to meet all of his players though that will be rectified when the team train together later on tuesday the italian has repeatedly stressed the importance of bringing russian back to the side after a disappointing euro two thousand and twelve campaign when they crushed the group stages one player who feels he's got a point to prove his bloody near bistro off who's left of dick advocaat squad for the five. i'm feeling great i've been called up to play for the national team and i've had a chance to meet the new coach. and the manager he's already laid down some ground rules but it's still early days so hopefully we'll use our time well at this quite amazing sport complex but of course we'll be working on improving morale first and foremost something that maybe the lads lacked at the euros. all right let's stay with international football were germany host argentina in a friendly also on wednesday walk in love sign seeking to put
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a disappointing euro two thousand and twelve semifinal loss to italy behind them as they prepare to kick off their world cup qualifying campaign next month beating the origin tynes could provide a much needed confidence boost for the germans in what will be their first game since bowing out of the euros a key man philip la mario gomez bust in swine steiger and goalkeeper manuel neuer are ruled out of the clash leo messi did make the trip to frankfurt with argentina however along with world class compartments. sergio i grow expect a tight all tussle and. france will be seeking to begin the did. in style as they host uruguay on wednesday the new manager who captained the country's nineteen ninety eight world cup winning squad standing team discipline is key this team starting over after internal conflict the real the twenty ten world cup on euro two thousand and twelve campaign while europe i will be without it for as which should also give the friendship of. let's talk tennis where novak djokovic
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has taken advantage of the absence of his mean rivals to retain the rogers cup title the serb easing pasricha gaskin the final six three six to face third street crime in toronto the two time holder was overwhelming favorite to come out on top in canada roger federer rafael nadal and the all missing in action the decider itself turning out to be a one sided a furry against the twenty six show frenchman george bush taking in some press at the space of the serb having lost one can finish the third of the olympics on the grass i those facts make my make my title here even more special this is a big tournaments two thousand even i'm very happy to to realtor to play the way i played in the last two days. have slipped in the rankings recently but the thirty one year old. proven he can still play a bit the fiftieth ranked russian in cruise control mode against world over sixteen alexander dougal paulo to advance into the second round of the cincinnati masters
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ukrainian to little paul of committing a huge twenty six on force there are all veterans of a tank was much more focused with just the three six one six one the final score with the staying on track for his first masters title since two thousand. thing on the courts where petrak of each of us has opened her title tally for twenty two zero after defeating lean on the run just cup the czech pushed all the way in the final encounter though prevailing after three attempts the twenty two year old laboring through the hour long first set to actually take it seven five nine however completely reverse the momentum by cruising to the second set six two in. the chinese may have done too much too soon she didn't seem to have enough lead time the side of seven five two six six games to three the final score twenty eleven wimbledon champ a good beat to finally breaking her twenty twelve. let's head back to
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football in the russian premier league finally where for the first time this season there's a team all alone at the top is neat going to tie in on previously perfect spartak on sunday to wrestle control of the summit with the recap from the one plus the rest the week fours net bursting action here is called school or. ylem leg.
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wealthy british style sign. is not on the title. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. on . more news today violence is once again fled up the film these are the images the world has been.
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