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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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being from the streets of canada. trying to operations or rule the day. clashes erupt in trial reigned with police using tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters as a prominent human rights activist awaits a court but exile. the world's largest international islamic body prepares to show to see where the door was some member countries funneled north equipment and allegedly weapons to the rebel. come to smile for the cia the u.s. reportedly is plies on its own connecting all surveillance cameras nationwide but attack ads but here the system is being a piece. of.
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international news live from moscow this is a nasty with me. thanks for joining us there have been more clashes in bahrain as a crucial court ruling looms for prominent rights activists in the bill read job whose prosecution is hardening the country's opposition most clashes took place in the country's biggest city ali where tear gas and rubber bullets were used to disperse the crowds of verdicts as a pet on thursday on a bill read job was serving three months for making anti-government comments on twitter and taking part in the illegal gathering burning source thirteen other well known activists are expected later on tuesday bahrain's uprising began a year and a half ago and a public call for greater freedoms for their motorcade a leading figure in the gulf states largest opposition party told r.t. that the government suppresses every attempt to record. what is happening in bahrain as absolutely not the whole of it is our control and. there is not
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a presentation a real representation for the people and the cabinet and they're just going to give it the in the judicial look at the own security. things that the people on cue. i have to leave from this political system to have representation every person to the government now the security people they don't want even people to demonstrate peacefully they banned all their activities among senior figures like maybe a virtue of others being held in custody because they were taking people to the head of anomalous to. these fair saying that any gay shame and he said this isn't good this izing or that it the it will end up in jail trying to find out any accusation against him or have ten in jail. the world's biggest global body outside the un is suspending syria from the group the fifty seven member of islamic
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cooperation will hold an imagist to sign it on tuesday to agree a resolution on syria iran is the only member of the block to open it speak out against the sidelining demarcus while several member countries are going to be part of the rebels and inside syria there are conflicting claims over the fate of a government. officials with technical failure of the pilot. current must run the rebels claim they shot down and captured the pilot who they allegedly shot and confirmed the zio this comes as the opposition steps up. style intervention which says they will appetite for as one foreign policy expert told r.t. . there's not a great popular support in the united states for such an event and we're in the middle of campaign season leasing leading into the presidential election also we have a stronger opposition in the scenario we have china russia and iran all openly opposed to this so it would be
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a much more difficult step because one is not popular popular support for any intervention and because there are much stronger opponent abroad the reality is that the free syrian army are in a volatile position they don't have the capabilities that the syrian national army has so they're seeking greater external so for currently the united states and other nations are supporting the free syrian army or the opposition with huge amounts of aid this is a problematic though because. this is we're going to still make we've been in a stomach for months with what we've just seen what more casualties but we're not seeing any advancement to any sort of al qaida. you're watching our show coming up later in the program welcome to. the or very bad of terrorism that you've probably never heard of so i'll see it gives you a guided tour of the rest of problems the world's cotton ball. has been revealed that the u.s. government is secretly spying on its citizens using an advanced surveillance
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program software called trap wire allegedly has access to all security cameras across the country documents revealed through we can explain these software uses the collected data to monitor people facial recognition trapped by its creators say it was designed to provide a simple but powerful way of collecting and recording suspicious activity reports censorship and technology company and our schwartz says people's every move online and on the street is now. the n.s.a. is able to use cameras all over the country to zoom in on someone and track them wherever they go there's actually you know they they say explicitly the cameras can pan tilt and zoom in on particular faces so that wherever you are in the country at any of these high risk locations whether they're military bases or corporations or government sites they can zoom in on you track what you're doing and colin all the pictures across the entire country or the entire globe it all goes into a big face recognition database so that you know if they see the same person at
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multiple places they can track them wherever they go and in fact there are reports that they've been talking to companies like facebook and so on so not only can they track you in the real world but they can track your face wherever you post online and that can capture you know thousands of innocent americans millions of innocent americans the notion that all of this is happening totally unaccountable by a private corporation that's building these big databases of where anyone is at any time and being able to zoom in on them is really quite frightening there's no evidence that this is helping keep us more secure and the government has repeatedly failed to show examples of where collecting all of this vast for list data has actually prevented terrorist attacks instead what we do have are clear examples where it's been abused used against the constitution the fourth amendment protections we have in the united states and used to go after political enemies as opposed to actual terrorists. i quote always president says he'll decide on julian assange has faded later this week then we can expound has been at the country's a
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london and this is since true after escaping house arrest imposed by british. asylum in ecuador to avoid extradition to sweden to face sex crime and again the whistleblowing mastermind see is the u.s. is behind us to prosecute him for releasing secret diplomatic cables their weekly express sides then under intense had cateye for over a week but is now back up and running a group calling itself until leaks claims is carried out they are not saying it's got scores to settle with a sandwich so the head of the u.k.'s pirate party suspects a powerful force behind. what we can see that there is a concerted attempt to interfere with the work of whistleblowing inside at the moment that is the appears to be the most concerned denial of service attack on the regularly for some time now to this group and she leaks as claimed responsibility and put out a can quite interview amateurish. out of the wiki leaks and. in
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some kind of united states involvement certainly leverage the amount of traffic seems to amount to. the machines now difficult to sell us shoes in any of the claims they would actually seen unlikely to groups like and too big for a new group would be able to mount a she sustained attack but nevertheless it's not impossible although it is in fact possible to do this with fewer than one thousand machines would take some all of them organized. and still ahead for you this hour the global giant's learning to love is the neighbor in china the up and increasing wait but some previous powerhouses are feeling mightily left out and want to get in the way to report of course. and also why getting go against the very is going to leave brit
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taking some tough recession mattson the full story in just a couple of minutes. pakistan's largest province baluchistan may not mean much to many people but among the experts it's known as a sectarian terrorism hold bad and some u.s. lawmakers are even calling for his independence he's going there to check out explains now the region and its importance. baluchistan. you may have never heard of it or maybe caught a glimpse of it in a hollywood blockbuster but the place is a hawk this nation for intelligence services from around the globe hotbed of the insurgency home to various terrorist organizations kidnappings assassinations terror that's part of everyday life in baluchistan looking at its location as part of pakistan bordering afghanistan and he ran you may think well no surprise they enjoy his place but apart from being a dangerous place the lucious done is
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a big geo political importance where major world powers have interest and china one of them a lucius that is sitting at the crossroads of oil and gas pipelines coming from central asia in iran and elsewhere the iran pakistan pipeline that took menace then of ghana's then pakistan india pipeline not to mention that baluchistan itself has its energy resources besides its water port and its right here is the access point of chinese chinese commercial shipping to the indian ocean and on to africa. but all the violence and instability there doesn't make it an easy place for business investigative journalist eric draitser tells me some world powers might be interested in keeping it that way first of all we have various indigenous terrorist organizations that operate inside of below tristan the liberation army.
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republican army lashkar e tayyiba just to name a few june is an organization that for decades has been focused on destabilization of iran now the confluence of these various terrorist organizations of course is not coincidental this has a direct relation to the interests of the united states in the western powers of the blocking the chinese the stable. as in pakistan and part of waging their covert war against iran in hopes of not just in circling that country but to collapse it from outside the us government denies having any connection with juden dollah and baluch terrorist organizations although cia memos leaked recently say these really mossad recruited john dollar members quote under the nose of u.s. intelligence officers end of quote as far as other terrorist groups like the baluch liberation front there are a few people in u.s. congress who expressed readiness to support the separation of baluchistan from
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pakistan like dana rohrbacher from the house of representatives comedian foreign affairs any bad anything that's coming up right now that the pakistanis don't like about our attitude is being caused by actions taken by their government as far as who could benefit from instability in baluchistan most experts say it's extremists of all kinds mainly al-qaeda and its affiliates and as well as the taliban they certainly have an interest in maintaining instability but some also see baluchistan is a key square on the geopolitical chessboard the united states knows they cannot compete with china economically or industrially so they have to stunt china's development through these various subversive tactics they're willing to engage with various terrorist networks that they've had for many many years if not decades in order to try to make the chinese stall in their economic development so according to you hype wars are real and creating instability is one of the instruments to gain
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advantage but wouldn't it backfire that terror violence instability could it backfire in terms of terrorist reciprocation against the united states this is entirely possible but that didn't prevent the united states in the late one nine hundred seventy s. from financing and supporting the mujahideen against the soviets allegations that some global powers may be stoking violence in a place like baluchistan for their geopolitical interests are quite disturbing and raises the question why the pipeline wars are a reality in washington i'm going to check out. and online he's got more stories from around the world for you like america's new military plans to join us is preparing program possible conflict in the asia pacific so all the details are dotted all. and an underground hide details of the italian police discovery of a massive subway stunt marine one that.
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is going to. download. the application so. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch or to hear all you need is your mobile device watch our to any toy and other. regions military
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chief planner for the olympics claims it will take two years for the operational the armed forces to return to full strength that's after eighteen thousand troops had to be delivered diverted to the olympics to plug a security gap so the government had to draft in soldiers at the last minute after their private funk charged with the job failed to get enough security staff ready and on top of that they also has demanded that ground based air defense systems be deployed and around london during the games to repel terror attacks at this ports he weighs over britain's got a lot on its hearns as lower smith reports. it was a full night of sports and celebration but now that the party is over the house inevitably kicks in it's come in the form of a big economic headache and the governor of the bank of england hasn't provided any relief but he says the lympics won't lead to any kind of last sting boost to the british economy. that ultimately the games console to the underlying economic
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situation the country faces and the reality of that situation is becoming increasingly clear the u.k.'s officially in a double dip recession the u.k. economy's been shrinking for the last week quarters and the latest report from the bank of england basically puts the group's full cost but this year they wrote a revised down from an estimate of north point eight percent in may one of the things contributing to a lack of growth this recession in the euro is day and damaging exports but something else the u.k. central bank cites is holding but growth is the government's fiscal consolidation program in a serious crisis of public confidence five out of six voters now believe the coalition won't survive until the next general election in two thousand and fifteen the liberal democrats and conservatives have vowed to stick together to fold the economic worries but if they fail to do that it could easily be
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a very long and painful hangover. and of course later this hour an aussie business why russians are heading to the shops in spite of the economic uncertainty swirling around the world right now and katie. nicholl russian a shopaholic they are out in full so right now i'm not really elsewhere in the world with people tightening their belts from going to tell you a bit later i'll leave you in suspense banal be back in about five minutes on the details and have a run through the markets. will be waiting. to bring you more news now from our chief where you know we dream politicians say they've received death threats from the un to muslim organizations that mass murder under previous claims to belong to about expected next week to decide whether the killers sent to prison or a psychiatric facility had met killing seventy seven people mostly teenagers in
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twenty times some toyah island and also denies terrorism. reignited protests in chile other tanks and education reform source thirty two students arrested during a gathering of the congress on president but there is refusing to give them to their demands proposing instead to create a billion dollars worth of scholarships and most who didn't learn interest the country suffers from poor quality schools with promising students are nabl to afford expensive university. helen gurley brown the veteran magazine editor and role model for single girls worldwide has died in new york. the bestselling cosmopolitan magazine for thirty two years and in doing so the boundaries for women's rights and that sexual liberation and her book sex and the single girl has the feminist movement alight with its doctrine on getting the most out of life from money. the links
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between asia's two fastest growing economies china and india rein trunk sharing billions of dollars in trade to having a similar outlook on the world's big issues desperate sridhar now reports that a growing powerhouse friendship is one which some western countries would like to see called down. i have everything from drying out. of the board. or blogs. in this warehouse and store there are bazaars delis largest wholesale market for household items puffin kumar has a stash of hundreds of chinese products. he's been traveling to china every two months for the past ten years it's very easy to doing business enjoying. everything that comes. from home the two asian powerhouses have historically had tense ties over everything from their borders to their choice of friends but you
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wouldn't sense any kind of animosity it's are there are bizarre worse sixty percent of the products sold here are imported from china there should be more of a real friendship. and movies of the partnership between india and china extends beyond just making money the two countries also have a track record of voting similarly on foreign policy issues ranging from libya to iran to syria many experts believe that's because both countries are adamantly opposed to western military intervention which might be why some believe it's the west that is buddying up to india to counterbalance washington's growing fear of china. aboard everything you did in the many prove that these conflicts keep coming up between india and china. and google. and it's easy to see why with forty percent of the world's population and two of the fastest growing economies in
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the world an alliance between the two countries could actually spell double trouble for the united states entrepreneurs like pavane are finding that joining forces with china is proving to be an unstoppable formula for success preassure either r.t. new delhi india. and the poles here house in several. high profile a terms by governments around the world to try to impose control over the internet moves a box fine it was mass demonstrations not only on the street but also online where we keep pedia among the scientists shutting down for twenty four hours to make a stand in an hour's time we'll talk to apple co-founder steve wozniak he says freedom on the web might soon be a thing of the past. free speech is not absolute in my mind it's a very important right it has to go through considerations of did you violate it in ways that might be somebody else i think the internet should have been considered
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from day one a country of its own that isn't bound by any individual country's laws maybe we could have an internet government but it didn't happen just like world government doesn't happen you know space doesn't belong to anyone the moon doesn't belong to anyone these are really beautiful principles and wife and then as soon as a country figures out a way to get control of them it disappears. and as i promised before time now for the business update with casey so katie you are saying russians are still shopping despite all the doom and gloom we're always hearing about right absolutely it's remarkable really isn't a light of all that's going on people still go to the shops and treating themselves to both assess it is luxuries as well so i'm going to talk to you about that bit later on the for now let's focus on the european markets and see what's happening with gold stocks are still managing to gamers billows of days being released today we've got better than expected german french gross domestic product as well that's
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helping boost men's funds and she. has to have but they were expecting as a client of zero point one so a modest well i suppose if you can call it that but that's the times that we're talking about when you consider zero is actually a good thing we've also got germany to talk about as well. because the economic growth in the second quarter but it slowed less than it were predicting the analysts seem pretty optimistic at the moment but investors by now got the folks around half a percent of the dies one point eight tenths of a percent in positive territory we can also see how the common currency is responding to these days or releases and it's still managing to remain reasonably upbeat against the u.s. dollar look at it one twenty three sixty seven for this hour for the ruble is managing to gain against the basket of cars is it we had the eggs your kits there were most go to see that they're far too much mirroring what's happening elsewhere
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and we did have gains yesterday as well so for the second day this week we're looking at whole tive gains have got the r.t.s. around a third of a percent because in my sights around a quarter sees the movers and shakers a see what sectors are really benefits saying for now we've got financials bt be up it's pretty flat supposin save really just fourteen basis points you got gas from around four tenths of a percent find out just this year mark just comes out from a high from around one and the third imposed resulted in hermosa got those see what happened in asia today because that was very much testing the timing because we had the bank of japan a minute show that policymakers are considering steps you see economy and that's a response to japan's economy growing slower than expected in the second quarter see the opposite europe now exports and consumer spending showing weakness that we have energy and still getting in the set up with the financials to deliver it of
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a big stick just want to mention that now we're looking at wall street coming out looking at the futures and they're gaining at the moment and that's because we're expecting retail sales to prove to be upsides we're looking to that but it's to be oil prices because indeed they are there's been an official report due out this week and is expected to show that the. stockpiles to crease by the lover several in four months so as to shopping russians they are getting deeper and deeper into debt as the crisis the bank closed people growing three times quicker than corporate sap the people here remember the bad lessons of previous crisis inflation blue ball devaluation and that several reasons for going shopping tatiana reports. what a feeling of self and all folding prices are scooping russia a slump in the oil price or ruble collapse like at the moment is what the russians doing about it well they go shopping but they are born with more money than ever to
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do so present card debt is expected to rise almost eighty five percent this year it is already thirty three percent and that is adding writable market minimum twenty four percent interest when a crisis threatens europeans historically tighten their belts postponing big purchases such as cars and houses by most of the russians this july for example newton two hundred fifty thousand new cars were sold here in russia more than pre-crisis peaks in two thousand and eight mortgages already up to leaven per se and this figure is expected to truthful by the gear and despite the fact that the russian conceal must pay a minimum twelve per cent annual interest three times higher than in the u.s. for example. as for everyday shopping while sales in europe are the creasing here in russia forgive the pros top of this group by seven per cent it could be we are seeing a distinct russian consumer confidence but what is sure while economizing europeans
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low cost suspicious russians assure lower prices even more lower shelf and continue to aim high perhaps at the cost of common sense but some of the global business are to moscow. i said i was there for the balsam shelf because i'm really sure you say so that's my reason for doing right recklessness i call it i know also says thank you. back with you in the next hour and shortly we'll walk a tight rope in the mountains of darkest time in our special report before that how will the bank with a recap of today's headlines after this short break. please
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come on.
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the be. the big news today violence is once again flared up the form these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada from trying to look for a shelter on the day the big. that's .


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