tv [untitled] August 14, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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in the. violence flares in bahrain and rubber bullets and tear gas or rained down on anti-government protesters a court delays its prominent human rights activists until next month. the world's largest islamic body suspends siriano with iran the only members speaking out in support of damascus. and ecuador's president is set to decide the fate of julian assange who is waiting for an asylum ruling that u.s. hackers try to browse the leaks web site.
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and welcome to our team this tuesday karen taraji broadcasting here from our studio in moscow where it is six o'clock now a court in bahrain has delayed the verdict in the trial of twenty human rights activists until next month it's not been confirmed whether prominent activist is among them it's his prosecution that's galvanized the shadow rebels in their eighteen month long fight for equal rights from the sunni monarchy that all comes as fresh clashes flared up in one of the largest cities of all the protesters there were met with tear gas and rubber bullets with reported injuries aren't arrests. is currently serving his latest three month sentence for making anti-government comments on twitter and taking part in an illegal gathering to a political analyst patrick having certain believes just by calls from u.s. lawmakers to release for a shop washington that's calling on behind to suppress the rebels. in
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bahrain i believe they're getting their marching orders directly from the pentagon . bahraini royal family which is to quell and press in the center and the reason is because the pentagon simply cannot afford to have a genuine rising or any form of political instability even a country that is housing its naval fleet it's very important because right now after the election right around the u.s. election the war drums against iran they're going to start breeding those again and start hyping up the conflict with iran the fifth fleet is a really important piece on the chess board for the united states so obviously bahrain is going to do whatever washington said but this is in direct contradiction to hillary clinton who's grading around with the friends of syria and the arab league and talking about them about democracy listen quote the u.s. is going out through a syria so it doesn't mean there's no
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a lot of hypocrisy coming out of washington we look at the situation in bahrain which is very ugly he world's biggest global body outside the u.n. is suspending syria's membership the organization of islamic cooperation it will also hold an emergency summit to agree to a resolution on the country iran's the only member of the block to have openly spoken out against sidelining to mascot's but several member countries like the tar and saudi arabia are pushing to mobilize support for syrian rebels currently fighting against the government longstanding regional rivals sunny dominated over riyadh and shiite tech won't have take an opposite stance on syria this as the country's opposition steps up calls for a libya style intervention let's get more on this from a middle east blogger karl sorrow he joins us live from london thank you for being with us now there are reports that veteran fighters of last year's libyan revolt are now active on the syrian front line was wholly units fighting among the rebels
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now some experts are saying that the conflict in syria long ago ceased being a domestic war what's your take on that. i think it's a very complicated picture to be honest effectively what we have is. a story to regime that effectively has lost its control over the country but the alternative hasn't been born yet and there's lots of interference and meddling by outside forces trying to shape what this alternative is going to be unfortunately this meddling and interference is going to distort what the outcome will be is we're going to weaken the kind of the fork forces for democratic change that will come out of. the kind of take the place of that. regime and things like the syria they live their libyan fighters the fighters from the last years of conflict in libya are moving into syria are one expression of those external factors now taking part in the syrian conflict but ultimately the story remains the
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same if you want something good for syria it has to be determined by the syrian people themselves not by external agents trying to orchestrate what the outcome is going to be now on a recent visit to turkey hillary clinton pledged more funding for the syrian opposition but it's been reported that there is a growing feeling among western allies that efforts to unify the exiled opposition have failed and they're now turning to internal groups so who will lead a post assad syria. well that's the intriguing thing because the main body of the s.n.c. the syrian national council that the west was sort of backing for a long period of time not pleasing and really backing backing to a certain extent but also kind of recognizing broadly it was knobbed by clinton who didn't actually meet with them and in this apparent sort of shift but if you look at the groups that they're talking about in the ground they're actually quite close allies and fragment they do have they do have representation there are actually kind of most of them are democratic activists who are working for real change but
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the question is isn't that a form of opportunism by the united states and by clinton kind of trying to befriend this opposition members and trying to portray america as a kind of benevolent actor in syria one in fact actually the facts of the market are not not so so i guess. one more act of interference and actually a form of diligent demise in this activist who will be seen as tarnished by their association with external powers like the united states and carl i might add that the u.s. defense secretary has said plans to set up a no fly zone over parts of syria are just not on the front burner i mean despite pleas from rebel forces with washington previously saying it is ready to act in syria even if it does mean bypassing the u.n. how do you see this recent statement. well it's again part of some people have maintained that the u.s.
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is not going to intervene in militarily in syria but i actually don't kind of see that as so conclusive i think this is so unpredictable because the u.s. seems to be highly erratic in the way it's behaving in syria and there's kind of sudden shifts and there's a lack of a sense of purpose like oh really where it wants to actually go with this what outcome and desires not that necessarily would be a legitimate one so that kind of that statement it doesn't mean that there would be a no fly zone anytime soon but it still raises the prospect of an erratic or sudden change of direction from the u.s. policy in syria and i think well actually that would be a really catastrophic decision to try to set up the no fly zone but infectivity would lead to an escalation that quickly would become a kind of military confrontation full scale military confrontation carl and that only interested in the states says that very briefly because we are running out of time and i do want to get this question nato intervention took place in libya under the stated aim of preventing
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a massacre of civilians could the same car be played over syria i think the picture is becoming much more complex in syria it's probably going to be more and more explicit lines not of protecting civilians this time although that would be part of the argument both in terms of securing that transition so there is already a building up of this argument that the u.s. needs to step in to orchestrate what the outcome will be forced. or or their regime crumbling so that's the kind of the thing we need to focus on is the u.s. will explicitly in order to determine the shape of the future government of syria live from london middle east blogger karl shara thank you for your time. still ahead for you this hour frown for the cameras amid growing big brother criticism in the uighurs spy the government is said to be secretly spying on the american people collecting nationwide c.c.t.v. in a bid to detect suspected terrorists. and we look at just who mine benefit from keeping
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part of asia in stable and filled with terror as we explore the largest province of pakistan. i could do as president says he hopes to decide on whether to grant political asylum later this week rafael. told state t.v. there was still a lot of material on international law to examine before making what he called a responsible decision chilliness has been holed up in ecuador's london embassy since june the working week setter is wanted on sex crimes charges in sweden but believes extradition to stockholm will see him shipped straight off to the u.s. to be tried for exposing secret diplomatic cables we find to stop us gaining asylum has moved online as a group of u.s. hackers have launched an attack on the wiki leaks website the internet page had been down or sluggish for over a week the head of the u.k.'s pirate party lost kay believes there's
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a bigger force behind hackers. what we can see that there is a concerted attempt to indeed. whistle blowing floyd to moments that appears to be most concerned do not track although we. are now going to be in the records group. claimed responsibility in good outcome quite in. are we feeling. well you know i'm kind of you not only in bold but it certainly. are. the amount of traffic seems to amount to possibly thousands of machines now difficult to espouse the truth in any of the claims it would actually seen unlikely that a group like anti league the new group would be able to mount a few things
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a task but nevertheless it's not impossible but also it is possible to do this with fewer than a thousand machines but that would take some knowledge or some organized station behind it later went out to apple co-founder steve wallace vancouver says they work in weeks founder chilliness arms has become a foreigner in the side of the u.s. government trying to hide the truth. on the surface it sounds to me like something that's that's good the whistleblower blew the truth the people found out what they the people had paid for you know and the government has no no no the people should not know what they paid for while the internet when it first came it was a breath of fresh air it was so free nobody owned the internet space countries didn't own it they didn't control it it was worldwide it was people the people it was like we little people the world all of a sudden had this incredible resource and we didn't have to go through other people selling it to us and delivering it to us that has changed a lot i think that a lot of social interaction will be curbed i want to take that back i fear it i
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fear it will be that the gate keepers those who can turn on and off switches allow certain things disallow other things allow who gets to send me data about a new movie rather than everyone have an equal say so of reaching me yeah i fear that very strongly that especially net neutrality issues like that internet freedom is being interfered with in major ways and it shouldn't i think the internet should have been considered from day one a country of its own that isn't bound by any individual country's laws maybe we could have an internet government but it didn't happen just like world government doesn't happen you know space doesn't belong to anyone the moon doesn't belong to anyone these are really beautiful principles and wife and then as soon as a country figures out a way to get control of them it disappears. you can see the fun to have you with apple co-founder steve wozniak and a little over fifteen minutes right here on our team. americans have been delivered
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a surveillance slap in the face after it was revealed the u.s. government had been spying on its own citizens software called trap wire claims to be able to detect behavior associated with would be terrorists by using c.c.t.v. cameras censorship and technology campaigner aaron schwartz explains. the n.s.a. is able to use cameras all over the country to zoom in on someone and track them wherever they go there's actually you know they they say explicitly the cameras can pan tilt and zoom in on particular faces so that wherever you are in the country at any of these high risk locations whether they're military bases or corporations or government sites they can zoom in on you track what you're doing and colin all the pictures across the entire country or the entire globe it all goes into a big face recognition database so that you know if they see the same person at multiple places they can track them wherever they go and in fact there are reports that they've been talking to companies like facebook and so on so not only can they track you in the real world but they can track your face whenever you post online
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and that can capture you know thousands of innocent americans millions of innocent americans the notion that all of this is happening totally unaccountable by a private corporation that's building these big databases of where anyone is at any time and being able to zoom in on them it's really quite frightening there's no evidence that this is helping keep us more secure the government has repeatedly failed to show examples of where collecting all of this vast warrantless data has actually prevented terrorist attacks instead what we do have are clear examples where it's been abused used against the constitution the fourth amendment protections we have in the united states and used to go after political enemies as opposed to actual terrorists. and artie's got more stories for you from around the world all mine such as the scales of the israeli justice which are out of balance wrongs must be made right that's the call from the activists after an israeli soldier killed a palestinian mother and daughter was given just one month in jail. and what was
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meant to have been a spectacular show in spain turned into a catastrophe after a rogue firework ignited thousands of dollars in a church bell tower you can see the extraordinary video on artie's you tube channel . it's the largest province in pakistan plays host to the crossroads of serious international economic interests their own energy resources intelligence agencies and homegrown terrorism and the region soon finds itself the focus of growing global importance concerned. and explains. baluchistan. you may have never heard of it or maybe caught a glimpse of it in a hollywood blockbuster but the place is a hot destination for intelligence services from around the globe hotbed of the insurgency home to various terrorist organizations kidnappings assassinations terror that's part of everyday life in baluchistan looking at its location as part
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of pakistan bordering afghanistan and iran you may think well no surprise they enjoy his place but apart from being a dangerous place the lucious done is a big geo political importance where major world powers have interest and china one of them a lucius that is sitting at the crossroads of oil and gas pipelines coming from central asia in iran and elsewhere the iran pakistan pipeline that took menace then of ghana and pakistan india pipeline not to mention that baluchistan itself has its energy resources besides its water port and its right here is the access point of chinese chinese commercial shipping to the indian ocean and on to africa. but all the violence and instability there doesn't make it an easy place for business investigative journalist eric draitser tells me some world powers might be
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interested in keeping it that way first of all we have various indigenous terrorist organizations that operate inside of below tristan the liberation army. republican army lashkar e tayyiba just to name a few giunta law is an organization that for decades has been focused on the stabilization of iran now the confluence of these various terrorist organizations of course is not coincidental this has a direct relation to the interests of the united states in the western powers. blocking the chinese destabilize. as in pakistan and part of waging their covert war against iran in hopes of not just in circling that country but to collapse it from outside the us government denies having any connection with doll and baluch terrorist organizations although cia memos leaked recently say these really mossad
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recruited you in dollar members quote under the nose of u.s. intelligence officers end of quote as far as other terrorist groups like the be loosely gratian front there are a few people in u.s. congress who expressed readiness to support the separation of baluchistan from pakistan like dana rohrbacher from the house of representatives comedian foreign affairs any bad anything that's coming up right now that the pakistanis don't like about our attitude is being caused by actions taken by their government as far as who could benefit from instability in baluchistan most experts say it's extremists of all kinds mainly al-qaeda and its affiliates and as well as the taliban they certainly have an interest in many instability but some also see baluchistan is a key square on the geopolitical chessboard the united states knows they cannot compete with china economically or industrially so they have to stunt china's development through these various subversive tactics they're willing to engage with
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various terrorist networks that they've had for many many years if not decades in order to try to make the chinese stall in their economic development so according to you hype wars are real and creating instability is one of the instruments to gain advantage but wouldn't it backfire and that terror violence instability could it backfire in terms of terrorist reciprocation against the united states this is entirely possible but that didn't prevent the united states in the late one nine hundred seventy s. from financing and supporting the mujahideen against the soviets allegations that some global powers may be east. violence in a place like baluchistan for their geopolitical interests or quite disturbing and raises the question whether pipeline wars or a reality in washington i'm going to check out and coming up on our t.v. britain's economic come down. this by the high have been the high hopes it looks like the olympics have failed to give
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a shot in the arm of the u.k.'s finances and lift the country out of recession. all right now it's time for a quick update on what else is happening around the world dozens of people have been killed in multiple suicide bombings in southwestern afghanistan health officials now say the death toll has risen to at least twenty seven the attackers in the town also injured over one hundred others officials say at least three suicide bombers detonated their vests in the middle of the city center however more militants were also involved police say several attackers were captured or killed. violence has continued in the french city of miami where more than one hundred youths from a deprived neighborhood clashed with. buildings and cars were set on fire while police will show up to sixteen officers were injured president francois hollande has bowed to get the situation under control by sending reinforcements violent
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riots in france have become a common occurrence in recent years but a sense of unease persisting in many poor ethnic neighborhoods. more than one hundred kurds have clashed with police in the south east hokie protesters threw stones and petrol bombs on security forces who responded with smoke grenades and water cannon the violence comes twenty eight years to the day since the kurdistan workers party began its insurgency against turkey demanding and the tone in the state. judo athlete from. the democratic republic of congo along with three of the country's coaches have their list in the u.k. following the end of the olympic games the sportsman disappeared from the olympic village with their luggage and are reportedly not answering their calls authorities in london are also looking for seven athletes from home are also gone missing there
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are reported to be trying to stay in the country to continue with their blog boxing and claim they'll have to give up the sport if they return home. while looking for missing athletes is not the u.k.'s only concern now that the olympics have come to a close big games chief military planner says involvement in security for london two thousand and twelve means it will take the operations of the armed forces two years to recover while britain's economy has not been propped up by the olympics either as had been hoped parties or smith reports. it was a full night of sports and celebration but now that the party is over the house inevitably kicks in it's come in the form of a big economic headache and the governor of the bank of england hasn't provided any relief but he says the lympics won't lead to any kind of last sting boost to the british economy mervyn king that ultimately the games can't alter the underlying
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economic situation the country faces and the reality of that situation is becoming increasingly clear the u.k. is officially in a double dip recession the u.k. economy's been string cake for the last week quarters and the latest report from the bank of england basically put the growth forecast but this year at zero revised down from an estimate of north point eight percent in may one of the things contributing to a lack of growth is recession in the euro zone damaging exports but something else the u.k. central bank cites as holding back growth is the government's fiscal consolidation program in a serious crisis of public confidence five out of six voters now believe the coalition won't survive until the next general election in two thousand and fifteen the liberal democrats and conservatives have vowed to stick together to solve the economic woes but if they fail to do that it could easily be
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a very long and painful. meters here with the business and bonds shares are driving to new record lows what's going on down twenty percent all together down more than seventy percent since their i.p.o. that's because the second quarter profits came out so bad that basically traders have decided to dump the remaining stocks that they have it's worth five dollars seventy six cents i.p.o. price was twenty dollars not a good investment well a second ago in general the us markets are feeling much. then groupon shares in the the dow jones is up four point two percent nasdaq pretty much by the same amount and that's on the back of better than expected retail sales now also contributing to the positive sentiment on the markets is the g.d.p. data coming out from the crucial euro zone countries and that is germany and france both have reported g.d.p. better than forecast and therefore we're seeing buying in europe too. over on the
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currencies markets interventions by the e.c.b. also supporting the united currency and it's up eight hundred points the second day in a row gains versus the greenback meanwhile the russian ruble is pretty firm against the basket of currencies on the commodities markets we're seeing oil going up pulled by almost a dollar for light sweet brant was pretty strong in the previous session so it's kind of having a day of rest today now both. excuse me both blends of the oil basically on the up because we're expecting on wednesday a report about the us so crude inventories and they are expected to go down to the lowest level in four months and on the russian market is seeing a second positive day in a row point eight percent of gains pretty much the same level as the previous session also had a point eight percent increase so it was moving the mice a tad is. more than one point four percent that's on the back of
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a pretty good profit results i mean there was a net loss but at the same time it was better than expected and there floyd is bucking the trend is down one percent despite the fact that it's been included on the list of the ten the world's most profitable air carriers. now russians are going deeper and deeper into debt burning cash their spending their borrowing now bank loans to people as opposed to corporate loans have been increasing three times faster so basically russians have had a bad experience in previous crises especially in one nine hundred ninety eight pretty much the same time august seventeenth almost fourteen years ago and they know inflation and ruble devaluation can eat up all of your savings because so they are spending a telepathic over. what a feeling of self and all folding prizes are scooping russia a slumping old prize a ruble collapse like in the mines is what the russians doing about it well they go
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shopping but they are born with more money than average to do so present card debt is expected to rise almost eighty five percent this year it is already thirty three percent and that is adding words above market minimum twenty four percent interest when a crisis threatens europeans historically to tighten their belts postponing big purchases such as cars and houses by law of the russians this july for example more than two hundred fifty thousand new cars were sold here in russia more than pre-crisis peaks in two thousand and eight mortgages already alcohol level per se and this figure is expected to truthful by the year end despite the fact that the russian transfield must pay a minimum twelve per cent annual interest three times higher than in the u.s. for example. as for average shopping while sales in europe are decreasing here in russia a bargain for the pros top of this route by seven per cent it could be we are seeing
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a distinct russian consumer confidence but what is sure while economizing europeans low cost suspicious russians a shoe a lower prices even more lower shelf and continue to tame high perhaps at the cost of common sense that somebody's home or business are to moscow. for another business something i'll be back in fifty five minutes sun i have the closing bell is for the russian market all right thanks to major surely we turn to apple co-founder steve walsh react to ask whether internet freedom has become a thing of the past.
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