tv [untitled] August 16, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at our moscow. straight to our breaking news story for you this hour julian has been granted political asylum by ecuador the country's foreign minister made the announcement to. the whistle blows fears of being politically prosecuted justified. the ecuadorian embassy in london. big news this is this big announcement here but what's the mood like now at the end . it is i mean it is exhilarated really there's a lot of supporters a lot of just pastas by one wonders whether they were actually on their way to a lot of them for a long time very interested in this story very interested to know what happens we say that's the reaction hair on the ground we haven't spoken directly student assholes but we do understand that he's released
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a statement calling this asylum decision a significant victory we have also had a reaction to the very very strong statement by the ecuadorian the foreign ministry when they granted asylum to today and i saw the foreign and commonwealth office here in this country has now reacted to that and said that it is disappointed in the just says it decision it says on the door with us always having exhausted all options of appeal to bristowe thirty's under a binding obligation to extradite him to sweden to a decision doesn't change that says far as the former foreign and commonwealth office here is concerned nothing has changed of course things have changed for ourselves and they have changed and that's just a part of that statement that we heard earlier from the ecuadorian foreign ministry . to lose no time and no national or could be used in this way in any intrusive way in any diplomatic facilities any place in the world to these should be used to threaten the slack now the sovereignty of these grenier they're not true because it
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is not and they call this summit to try to deal with this directly so that despair does not go unpunished this is really the lower we've heard britain's official reaction to be asylum news ultimately saying that it won't really change and affect tell us more about. well yes i mean we already heard from britain earlier this morning that they wouldn't be granting julian assange or safe passage and that is absolutely essential if he is to leave the embassy here behind me and gets to ecuador because as things stand and we now know as the british government still says that they stand. yes lovell for arrest the moment he steps outside that door he has breached the terms of his bail conditions which meant that he was supposed to say it be nice to fix a dress that wasn't the ecuadorian embassy and obviously he's been staying here for two months now so it's very unclear as to how he will see some people suggesting he hides in a diplomatic crate i mean those are the kinds of suggestions that people out here
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are seriously considering we don't know what's eating that's on his thinking now but certainly as far as the british government has has said and feels nothing has changed very intransigent very intransigence on both sides and from looking at the ecuadorian foreign ministry statement i don't think they'll be backing down either a very nasty diplomatic spat potentially developing. as you were saying i know earlier you were speaking to m.e.p. gerard batten and he was saying and he was saying how do we get our songs out of the ecuadorian embassy perhaps put him in a trunk or a big bin liner i will just have to see how. the laura smith outside the ecuadorian embassy in london thank you. but we will continue to hear more from laura smith throughout the day here on r t plus so you can always check the latest updates for your twitter feed all its he longed to know bureau you can also see pictures of police disposing of sancerre supporters near ecuador's embassy plus all the best video from the web site t.
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dot com. now let's discuss the development of it further around the own going a song saw go with. an american activist blogger and author joining us live from with us so good to see you today how significant is ecuador's decision in terms of a song and his fate britain still says nothing's changed we're going to extradite him even threatening to raid the embassy one of the challenges that he'll still face arrest you think. well he has a chance now he had no chance should ecuador have backed down and done the wrong thing i mean there's some hero ism here on the part of ecuador and a president that has thrown out a us military base and a us ambassador and has now said we're going to the rule of law and the rights of refugees is to silent from likely political persecution and potential torture and the death penalty i mean this is heroic we be i work at roots action
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dot org where we've sent fourteen thousand e-mails into the embassy and they have responded positively and publicly about acknowledging the goodwill of many in the u.s. who appreciate what it would or is doing now what why do you think they're here's the british foreign office saying that if they have to get to take assad by force they will storm the ecuadorian embassy why is britain so determined to so what it cold justice even though all the while risking an international scandal to get a songe to sweden for questioning. well it's obviously not to get assigns to sweden for questioning because he has agreed to go shoot sweden promise not to extradite him to the united states he has also agreed to be interviewed by sweden in london both of those offers have been rejected almost certainly the pressure is coming from the united states it's the only explanation of sweden's refusal of that
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agreement and of course we depend on wiki leaks and those like wiki leaks to eventually find out what these communications have been in recent days but the idea that you can declare an embassy and non embassy and wait a week and then raid it is outrage and a legal maneuver. over the order john use torture memos say i mean this is this is the scandal here while you talk about a scandal it just continues to get bigger and bigger i'm hearing right now here at r t that sweden summons ecuador's and bassett. saying that songes asylum to session is on acceptable if a songe is a rested in the u.k. how do you think ecuador could react. i don't know how it would or will react i would hope that the world would react with outrage that the nonviolent movement that we saw in the streets of london in february two thousand and three would be
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doubled i think the people of the united kingdom and europe as well as the world understand the threat to international law and human rights that state here i mean the new york times which was complicit in this act of criminal journalism could easily be raided in manhattan instead they're going after this young man to set an example and it is a horrible horrible precedent for the entire world should an act of journalism exposing abuses of power results in off seizure by force and and or rendition this is this is something the whole world has a stake in this once in a activist and blago author of the book war is joining us live from charlottesville many thanks for coming on today. well just a bit earlier on r t i had the chance to speak with julian assange and his mother christine she said that ecuador decision has put western nations to shame it
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quicker than provoking sounding right quick if it were might encourage other government this time clique or put it cause and now i think you carry a big guy to continue being a lackey for the louis freeh when you know if i'm correct i think they may ninth i'm going to go in crash no court that i can and shine guy i think guy they could hang me hate in china and sleep in the u.a.e. they quit doing that shawn or from portugal shine. i julian assange just mother christine i spoke to her just a short while ago here on our t.v. and in the meantime though author and journalist tariq ali who recently spoke to us and was also featured actually in one of julian's our exclusive interview programs here on our t.v. it's a where they discussed mainly by and large the issue of activism something that mr ali believes is now under siege like never before i think we have now in different parts of the world including the western world. clamp down on dissent the culture
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in which we live in the waste stream world today the official culture is deeply hostile to whistleblowers to hackers where in the public interest and democracy everywhere is being hollowed out just think if a similar situation was going on in big. all moscow or some other capital and of dissident in moscow or beaching had taken refuge in the british embassy. the irrational government of the chinese government or some other government not regarded in the pockets of the west said we can actually read your embassy and get this guy out you can just imagine the response there would have been in the media. now besides sweden the u.k. and ecuador the country watching the developments around us songe most closely will
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be that of the united states has meant for nigh on our joining us live from the big apple are good to see you again marine as i wonder what response do you think are likely to today's their reactions. well today's developments clearly throw a wrench in any plans the u.s. may have for gaining custody of julian assange which according to reports over the past six months or even more the u.s. department of justice has filed a sealed indictment against julian assange but this is a something that's been reported but not acknowledged by u.s. officials what is clear and has been clear over the past years is that washington is not happy with julian assange in the least due to all the classified cables and memos that were leaked on weiqi leaks since two thousand and ten this this development over the years has of course question the integrity the credibility of the u.s. government and the u.s. government in past years has called for members of the u.s.
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government have called julian assange a threat to national security because of the information he has disclosed on the website that he founded wiki leaks so this development clearly makes it a lot harder for the u.s. to gain custody of julian assange because what many believe was if he ended up being extradited to sweden sweden would then subsequently extradite him to the u.s. and the u.s. is not even stating any guarantees of julian assange his safety if he were to come to america would he be tried would be would be he would he be in solitary confinement could he face capital punishment those are fears that have been expressed by many of his supporters and also the u.s. administration under president barack obama has gained a reputation for waging a war on whistleblowers so clearly if julian assange were to end up in the u.s. his future would not look positive in the least but this development of course is making it harder for the u.s.
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to gain custody of a songe if that is what they are ultimately aiming for when we talk about you know the why the implications of this whole julian assange whose cases raise numerous concerns among journalists and activists who fear being prosecuted for simply doing their job or one of the consequences you think of today's news for the international journalism. well at this point i think many journalists in the u.s. and around the world that were supporting julian assange and are happy because several were concerned that if julian a songe were to be brought to the u.s. and prosecuted for publishing information that would forever change freedom of information and freedom of the press in the u.s. recently i did sit down with with author and journalist and activist naomi wolf and i asked her about what she believed would happen to julian assange if you came to the u.s. mr wolf is one of dozens who have signed a letter of support for julian assange to receive political asylum in ecuador let's
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take a listen to what she had to say a journalist's job is to publish classified information first of all this is a white house now to weigh houses obama's and bush's which is systematically overclassifying everything especially wrong doing it specially anything related to what whistleblowers want to release is specially torture that they've engaged in methods of torture like mafia tactics employed it's come to this the government same to journalists everywhere in america we're going to treat you and we're going to threaten you and we're we're threatening you with with serious legal penalties like prison time if you do your job. clearly this is a grave concern for many journalists and even many publishers because if julian assange is tried in prison for life or faces capital punishment or the you know the espionage act is used against him journalists many would fear publishing stories
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that are critical of the government that's an argument that's being made so that this move by the door being made those that are supporting julian assange in the context of freedom of information freedom of the press i'm sure that they are seeing this as a victory but this story is far from over and it's far from over and julian assange it's far from being out of the woods just yet also is more important i live from new york thank you. or not it's get some more reaction to the us that he is a julian saunders asylum deal former cia officer reading mcgovern now joining us live from the washington studios good to see you today thanks for coming in so quickly and one of the main reasons ecuador cited for granting asylum what was not the swedish case against the songs but the danger of him being persecuted and possibly even given the death penalty in the us what would reaction from washington would you expect from this no. well this is
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a classic case of what has changed over the last twenty years and that is simply that the shape of the world is now empire versus the rest of you what i say here is that caesar has spoken caesar is the law caesar is the united states and the satraps oversees the u.k. in the first instance and now sweeten and the other do the bidding of the empire the country that has refused to do the bidding of the empire it was or is playing a very interesting role here their foreign minister is saying this morning that we are not a british colony and the days of colonialism had to mean over ok so what we what we see here is a playing out of the fact that there is complete disrespect for international law the embassy premises of all countries have been here to poor considered sacrosanct
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sacred ok and then here is the british office the foreign office of britain say well we may do enter unheard of during the worst days of the cold war if someone sort refuge in the u.s. embassy in moscow or the washington. soviet embassy in the united states despite the friction between the enmity between those two countries and to national law in this case was always honored this is unprecedented was as you as you were saying when it comes to the issues of diplomacy according to the ecuadorian for minnesota kind of the pitino he was saying that the u.k.'s acts of aggression and blackmailing and threats are in direct violation of the nine hundred seventy six council of diplomatic relations that do you think there for a moment as you were suggesting that for example london and washington are in cahoots with all this you were talking about all the days of the empire and perhaps england being a bit of a lapdog to the usa is ecuador considered to be meaningless in all this do you think washington a long ago well it's aqua door they have
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a very small military they're not an economic major power so we don't really care what they decide to even if they do say ok we're going to ground assad into julian assange it means nothing. well that is the attitude smaller countries don't really amount to much in washington or london the view these days will be interesting is to see how much will come out in terms of the real the real game being played here nobody seems to remember that the the prime accuser of julian the signage and in sweden he used to work for extreme anti castro publications funded by the cia so there are links there and it's doesn't require a conspiratorial attitude to see that the only way they could get actually you know signage was by trumped up charges of sexual indiscretions and a country that is hyper sensitive to that and they haven't even persuaded
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a judge in sweden to make those charges they have had ample opportunity to go to the ecuadorian embassy in london and question into the signage they said nothing doing we're not going to do that now why is that the reason for that is that there is no case against really in a science in my opinion it's all very transparent they want to make sure that is the sweden and then to the united states to suffer the same indignities the same torture that. bradley manning the person who allegedly gave those documents to julian assange and she has faced this is a violation of the first amendment in our country and other amendments in the in the bill of rights and i dare say our founding fathers are rolling over there in their grave to see a publication first and. treated this way in violation of the right of everyone to make things known that are otherwise when did
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a lot of people praising the issue and not just human rights but the right to freedom of speech ray mcgovern a former cia officer i wish we had more time for this conversation but we really really thank you so much for coming on today you're most welcome. i just remind you of our breaking news story this hour here on r.t. julian assange has been granted political asylum by ecuador two months after taking refuge at the country's embassy in london acquittals foreign minister made the announcement just a couple of hours ago saying that whistleblowers fears of being politically persecuted for releasing the secret u.s. files are justified he added neither the u.k. nor sweden provided any guarantees that assad used in rights would be respected if he was extradited to stockholm and that further prosecution in the us remained a genuine danger as for britain the foreign office said ecuador's decision does not change anything warney the obligations to extradite of science to sweden will still
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be carried out of the u.k. he said that even if it is given asylum he will not be granted safe passage from the country in turn sweden has summoned ecuador's ambassador calling the asylum decision unacceptable. and i thought there's also been a decision day for another pariah who actually appeared as a guest on julian songes program exclusively here on out see that most prominent human rights activist in the bill who are job has been sentenced to three years in prison for organizing and taking part in illegal gatherings at his town bottom report. there has been a rather different decision in the case of the enemy of the state now below rajab in bahrain he coincidentally met julian asuncion for an interview shown on this channel on r.t. air in may he has however been given a three year prison sentence by a court in bahrain for being involved in and for calling for illegal anti
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government protests when the sentence was given though he was already in prison serving a three month term for posting anti-government comments on twitter there has been many comments of support from his family and friends but there have also been criticisms delivered via social networks criticisms of u.s. policy in relation to bahrain and overall in the arab spring those criticisms include allegations that if it weren't for if the u.s. had supported a little more he wouldn't have been locked up as he was he wouldn't have been treated like this hypocrisy is a word used quite regularly in saying that the walls of the u.s. have supported protesters in other countries like egypt and libya in the arab spring they have remained silent over bahrain the u.s. is fifth fleet is based in bahrain. this also raises questions over
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bahrain's sunni government's commitment to human rights and reform for eighteen months now protesters have been trying to get a larger say in the politics of the country most of those protesters come from the country's seventy percent shia majority so far though despite warm words that they want dialogue the government has given up nothing. reporting right patrick having said who is a geo political analyst he believes that human rights chaos in bahrain is beneficial for western states. so you would have to remove the situation from a western one of you and wonder and really scratch your heads and say what really is the stance of the west in particular washington or london when it comes to actual democratic reforms in the middle east certainly there's a there's a big park we see a big story of contradiction going on right now the british open this particular
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minority royal family in power this is the sort of tyranny that is commonplace in a lot of pockets and in sort of these pressure monitor these are our official states they're really created in order to secure certain interests for the west this is a neocolonial structure the other two are bahrain saudi arabia as they say they're in the center of this and these are the same countries that are fomenting supply logistically and financially the rebels and the terrorists in syria you know why why isn't saudi arabia send suicide bombers into bahrain why don't they hillary clinton send guns friends of bahrain why isn't the friends of bahrain meeting to send weapons to the democratic protesters in bahrain of course we will be following all these developments and these stories as they unfold all day long correspondents are keeping an eye on events both in bahrain and in britain a live updates throughout the day alongside the latest analysis and the reaction as
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well of course stuff like that you can always get this and much much more any time on our website don't come. off to business we go there's dmitri standing by so patiently good to see you but it is the facebook fairy tale coming to a close it's back in the spotlight again dipping even lower house write that down seven percent another seven percent you know another ninety cents and they will be worth hall for the i.p.o. price nineteen dollars per share and that's because facebook investors now have two hundred and seventy one million little things to worry about that's the exact number. of shares that have been looked until today when the largest social media network went public in early facebook investor such as russia's d.s.d. global the investment firm founded by the russian billionaire u.t. milner get a green light to start selling part of their holdings and apparently that's exactly what they're doing let's take a look or otherwise it's happening on the u.s.
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market that there's a nasdaq off that's because we've got mixed day good from the housing sector building is up but jobless claims have come in with a slight rise which is not good obviously over in europe there was high before as china basically hinted whens about that it had room for additional stimulus and additional easing of monetary policy but now with the u.s. markets flat they've lost most of the steam especially in london. and now let's move over to our commodities that were let's move to russia actually the r.t.s. and then my six have another twenty minutes to go freighting and they're down point two percent pretty much continuing. this move about what was the word correction that i'm looking for the correction which started off in the previous session and which was long awaited for because we've had several days of gains. and in currencies the situation is pretty stable between the euro and the door and
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actually the ruble is also barely changed as you can see from those figures. in the commodities we've had some great climbs over the past the past twenty four hours in the oil prices break right now they're barely changed just six and four cents respectively for light sweet and for brant. all right roy that's what i have for you and also i just wanted to tell you you know george soros just recently dumped financial stocks preferring facebook to them now you can imagine how bad financials are right now who we are what a mistake to make a dimitri many thanks indeed now i just about all the headlines here and we are coming to you live from the heart of moscow. her.
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