tv [untitled] August 16, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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breaking news this hour julian assange is granted asylum by at court all the country's foreign ministers that whistleblowers fears of political prosecution are legitimate while slamming britain's threat to storm acars embassy in london to arrest the we keep its editor. and near the ecuadorian embassy crowds are cheering the decision despite london police earlier detaining several supporters of julian assange. and in bahrain another so-called enemy of the day and one of the passengers recent interview we've not real ridge ob has been jailed for three years for taking part in antigovernment gatherings.
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they're watching our t.v. live from moscow with me to say starting off straight to our breaking news story julian assange has been granted political asylum by ecuador the country's foreign minister made the announcement a stressing of the whistleblowers fears of being politically prosecuted and justified artie's a lower smith is following the developments outside the ecuadorian embassy in live live from london for us now laura so what's the mood now at the embassy. well there's still an awful lot of people have not just supporters of our sons but also pastas by wondering what on earth is going on of course as i'm sure you can imagine there's a lot of media ahead to his supporters are standing by outside interesting about at about four pm we saw around ten police don't mrs go into the building behind me so
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the building where the ecuadorian embassy is housed it's not clear at all what they were doing that we've heard nothing since a few of a few police also came out so it's possible that it was just a normal shift change but it's worth noting that that does happen as far as the reaction from julian assange skase we know that he has called the decision to grant him asylum by ecuador a significant victory but on the other hand the reaction from here in the u.k. has been completely different what we've heard from the foreign and commonwealth office is a statement which basically says that this hasn't changed anything they say that under the laws of the u.k. without sons having exhausted all options of appeal the british authorities are now under a binding obligation to extradite him to sweden they remain under that binding obligation no matter which country in the world has offered him asylum those dishes and doesn't say that they also say that they remain committed to a negotiated solution that allows britain to carry out its obligations under the
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extradition treaty this is a relationship the one between the u.k. in ecuador that looks to be deteriorating as we speak the u.k. previously i sent a letter to quito which has been in touch for to do as a as a threat to storm the embassy and get a sound out by any means necessary that didn't go down very well with the ecuadorians a tool they said that it was at its there was no fixing of a civilized nation so really a deteriorating relationship that we're seeing here. believe that with no national award. could be used in this way in any intrusive way in any diplomatic facilities any place in the world it shouldn't be used to threaten or blackmail the sovereignty of any other country and they called a summit to try to deal with this threat so that this fact does not go unpunished and this is now laura we've heard the britain's official's reaction to the asylum
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is that it would really change anything tell us more on that. i'm sorry could you say that again we've heard reactions from the british saying that they're not actually that this is a sign and reaction to them is not going to change anything with what they're going to do what tell us more that. well the situation remains very much the same as it did before they made that decision which was what we were expecting both countries as you heard just then from the foreign minister are very intransigent the foreign ministry in ecuador is is really playing hard hard ball with the with the british administration and the british are returning that we're expecting william hague actually the foreign secretary to make a statement very shortly but the situation remains as it was julian assange is inside this embassy and it's not at all clear how he would get to ecuador in fact the minute he steps outside this building he's liable to arrest by the british police for having breached the tons of his bail he's been in there for the last two
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months and he's supposed to be staying the night in a fixed address so that reaches the times he's believed to be arrested and that situation has changed so there's a lot of speculation around terrible how this is all a request to be granted ecuador says that no country may use its national law to deny asylum once it's been granted for the british just don't see it that way they say he's still liable to be ready and they'll still take him that's still under obligation to extradite him to sweden as as the court has told it to will he did a diplomatic craters there's lots of lorries the gate post of the street will sneak into one of those it's i mean those are the kinds of suggestions that we're looking at that doesn't seem to be any other way for him to get from here to the airport well thank you laura smith a live from outside the ecuadorian embassy in london for that update of course i will hear more from our correspondent to laurence smith throughout the day plus the latest updates are via twitter bureaus chain feed and you can see pictures of how crowds gathered outside reacted to the news of
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a son just asylum being granted but all the best video from there at all website at r.t. dot com. david swanson an activist and blogger believes the u.k.'s threat to take julian assange by force says a dangerous precedent and the global community should take notice. the idea that you can declare an embassy a non embassy and wait a week and then raid it is outrage this is this is the scandal here i would hope that the world would react with outrage that the nonviolent movement that we saw in the streets of london in february two thousand and three would be doubled i think the people of the united kingdom and europe as well as the world understand the threat to international law and human rights at stake here is a horrible horrible precedent for the entire world should an act of journalism
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exposing abuses of power result in enough seizure by force and and or rendition this is this is something the whole world has a stake in. u.k. m.p. tara dayton says of the possible assault on the academic embassy in london violates the centuries old principles of diplomacy making british embassy territories a potential targets as well. this has been the case for centuries you respect people's ambassadors and their. territory because otherwise you like yourself open to attacks in other countries and we all know that we don't like that when it does happen when it has happened in places like. in the past but i think this whole thing has got blown out of all proportion it shouldn't be where we are and i do think a lot of people are very suspicious about why sweden wants him back. on these charges which actually wouldn't amount. in the u.k.
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in fact. they wouldn't even be an offense under english law and put him in a big trunk diplomatic bag i'm not quite sure whether that would work but otherwise we might see him hold up there for the next couple of years who knows until solution to this impasse. that resides sweden of the u.k. an equitable the country watching the developments around asuncion most closely as of course the united states. reports from new york. thus far u.s. officials have not made any public statements but we can presume that a lot of discussion is taking place now behind closed doors while julia saunders mother is calling this a victory for her son many see this as a small defeat for the u.s. and that is because many believe the u.s. was hoping that julian assange would be extradited to sweden so that sweden would subsequently be able to extradite julian assange to the united states we have heard in recent years it's no secret former and current u.s.
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government officials quavering julian assange too are terrorists and that was in the aftermath of him releasing cables and memos that were classified that belonged to the u.s. government as a result the integrity of the u.s. government was compromised a lot of secrets were revealed and it painted the u.s. foreign policy in a dark light it's no secret that the administration of u.s. president barack obama has been earning a reputation for waging a war on whistleblowers fiercer reputation than any of his predecessors many journalists scholars and activists in the u.s. have signed a letter of support for julie the songe one is including naomi wolf she's a journalist and author first of all this is a white house now to wait houses obama's and bush's which is systematically overclassifying everything especially wrong doing it specially anything related to what whistleblowers want to release specially you know torture that they've indeed
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been methods of torture like mafia tactics it's come to this the government same to journalists everywhere in america. we're going to do you and we're going to threaten you and we're we're threatening you with with serious legal penalties like prison time if you do your job when i was speaking with naomi wolf what she wanted to clarify for me and her position is that she sees julio sanji many do as the publisher similar to the new york times julian assange orange is the publisher the one that made the information available he is not the leaker she noted why isn't the u.s. government going after the new york times for publishing what wiki leaks published instead the u.s. government it is presumed is all to me hoping to go after julian songe either way she said that this is this would be a dark day for all journalists in the u.s. if he would be in the custody of america prosecuted held indefinitely or possibly
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even face capital punishment from a cia officer ray mcgovern says everything points towards the u.s. calling the shots and how you can handling the case. the shape of the world is now empire versus the rest of you what i say here is that caesar has spoken caesar is the law caesar is the united states and the satraps oversees the u.k. in the first instance and now sweden and the other do the bidding of the empire it's doesn't require a conspiratorial attitude to see that the only way they could get actually in a size was by trumped up charges of sexual indiscretions and a country that is hyper sensitive to that and they haven't even persuaded a judge in sweden to make those charges they have had ample opportunity to go to the ecuadorian embassy in london and question into the signage they said nothing
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doing we're not going to do that now why is that the reason for that is that there is no case against you at the end of signage in my opinion it's all very transparent they want to make sure that is to sweden and then to the united states to suffer the same indignities the same torture that. bradley manning the person who allegedly gave those documents to julian assange has faced. right we're just getting confirmation right now that the britain's foreign secretary william hague has actually said that confirmed that the u.k. will not give a safe passage to asuncion i remember he's just been given asylum by ecuador's. and they've said that they will not give him safe passage now let's get some more insight into the situation in iran judy in a songe as we're joined live from new york when outspoken weekly supporter activists an artist stalky now klug so obviously the asylum decision is a welcomed by a son just supportive but is this real a real victory or more
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a symbolic one given that the u.k. is still set on arresting a son church. well it's a step forward step backward says the government has blatantly broken. vienna convention. article twenty two. states that the purpose of the premises of the embassy should not be. broken into by the state. the state is our special duty to take steps to protect the premises and even goes as far as to say that the mission their versions and other property and means of transport of that nation shall be immune from search requisition and attach your execution. by that means i believe that they should be getting a storage
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a free pass to go to work with or no do you expect any response from the u.s. authorities to the asylum deal after all one of the main reasons that was cited for granting asylum was not the swedish case against assad but the danger of him being pesach you today and possibly even given the death penalty in the us but i believe the reason. sarin she has been granted asylum is because ecuador could get no guarantee from sweden that they would not send this arms to the u.s. and that's very scary we believe that the u.s. government has in fact pressured the u.k. government to ensure the embassy and to make sure that. it does not go that with a war. but most of what we see coming from the u.s. is very secretive very behind the scenes so it takes
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a while to confirm this information how do you think today's announcement will affect the economics the porch as always the blow is likely to be in carriage and come forward because of it. well i don't think it's going to change whether whistleblowers are coming forward or not the great thing about wiki leaks is they have a proven track record of maintaining in their the whistleblowers so it's up to them to decide. and i don't think that this situation necessarily affects. the operations of wiki leaks itself now william hague just given a statement saying that the u.k. is not going to give safe passage to the he's actually going on to say that assad is everything that's being done to gazin is in compliance with international law what's your comment on that how do you see this playing out after this what i feel
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that summer which is given the swedish government plenty of time to question him he has not been charged with anything so i believe that they've definitely overstepped their bounds and they're not willing to cooperate this is a sure sign that they are working in cahoots with the united states government secretly but it's becoming very obvious to me and i believe most supporters well thank you very much they for your point of view activism autists stalky live from new york on this developing story that we're covering often in a songe who's just been given asylum from the ecuadorian. right so just to remind you our breaking news story this hour is julian assange has been granted political asylum by aqua dog two months after taking refuge at the country's embassy in london foreign minister made the announcement saying the whistleblowers for years of being politically persecuted for releasing secret u.s. files are justified he added neither the u.k.
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no sweden provided any guarantees that a sundress human rights would be respected if he was extradited to stockholm and that further prosecution in the u.s. remains a genuine danger as for brits in the foreign office decision did not change anything warning that obligations to extradite a songe to sweden will still be carried out earlier the u.k. said that even if it is given asylum he won't be granted safe passage from the country inter in sweden have summoned aquittal some bastard calling the asylum decision unacceptable. and there is a has also been a decision day for now apparent who actually appeared as a guest on julian assange. brains most prominent human rights activist. has been sentenced to three years in prison for guys in taking part in illegal gatherings archies tom barton reports. there has been a rather different decision in the case of the enemy of the state below rajab in
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bahrain because incidentally met julian assange for an interview shown on this channel on r.t. in may he has however been given a three year prison sentence by a court in bahrain for being involved in and for calling for illegal and to government protests when the sentence was given though he was already in prison serving a three month term for posting anti government comments on twitter there has been many comments of support from his family and friends but there have also been criticisms delivered via social networks criticisms of u.s. policy in relation to bahrain and overall in the arab spring those criticisms include allegations that if it weren't for if the u.s. had supported a little more he wouldn't have been a locked up as he was he wouldn't have been treated like this hypocrisy is
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a word used quite regularly in saying that the the u.s. have supported protesters in other countries like egypt and libya in the arab spring they have remained silent over bahrain the u.s. fifth fleet is based in bahrain. this also raises questions over bahrain's sunni government's commitment to human rights and reform for eighteen months now protesters have been trying to get a larger say in the politics of the country most of those protesters come from the country's seventy percent shia majority so far though despite warm words that they want dialogue the government has given up nothing patrick henningsen who's a geo political analyst a believes human rights chaos in battery is beneficial for western states. we have to remove the situation from a western point of view and wonder and really scratch our heads and say what really
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is the stance of the west in particular washington and london when it comes to actual democratic reforms in the middle east certainly there's a there's a big part see a big story of contradiction going on right now the british open at this particular minority royal family in power this is the tyranny that is commonplace in a lot of pockets and in sort of these credit markets these are artificial states they're really created in order to secure certain interests for the west as a neo colonial structure or the other two are bahrain saudi arabia they are in the center of this and these are the same countries that are fomenting supplying logistically and financially the rebels and the terrorists in syria you know why why isn't saudi arabia send suicide bombers into bahrain while hillary clinton some guns friends of bahrain why isn't the friends of bahrain meeting to send weapons to
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the democratic protesters in bahrain. of course we will be following both of these developing stories today as they unfold our correspondents are keeping an eye on events both in bahrain and in britain and will bring you live updates throughout the day alongside the latest analysis and reaction and don't forget you can get it all and much more any time on our web site at the t. dot com. the u.n. security council has decided not to extend the u.n. observer mission in syria after its mandate expires on sunday the mission has been seen as a key in helping establish peace and conflict torn country let's get the latest from marty's anastasio in new york good to see that as a c.s.o. why has the council decided to withdraw its monitors. well to be the key conditions for the u.n. mission to remain on the ground in syria were an end to violence and of course the
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lack of use of heavy weapons this did not happen and unfortunately amid russia's calls to prolong the mission the mission will expire on august nineteenth this sunday russia expressed an opinion on this take a listen. will story of this monday is coming to a member we believe that those members of the council who insisted that the continue not to show commitment to ending can still it is. working towards a political settlement to. what is important now that the u.n. presence will continue on the ground in syria what will be set up as a liaison office where it will hold more of a civil character this is important because of a lot no longer be a peacekeeping mission it will be a political mission and this is something that is going to be set up. now what's important russia insists that while we're waiting for the successor for kofi annan to be announced which russia hopes will be someone that can enjoy honest support
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from the international community which is not always been the case with kofi anon we're waiting to see still who this person is going to be but russia insist what's important is the roadmap that was set up at the geneva meeting continues to be followed russia says that the countries that insist on the military zation behind closed doors should stick to the agreements that were agreed on such as creating a transitional government and for this the parties need to keep talking tomorrow and meeting at a level at the united nations security council again thank you they are. in new york for that update. right just to remind you if you're just joining the breaking news story this hour julian assange has been granted political asylum by ecuador two months after taking refuge at the country's embassy in london as foreign minister made the announcement saying the whistleblowers fears of being politically pesky q did for releasing secret u.s. piles are justified he added that neither the u.k.
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sweden provided any guarantees that a sundress human rights would be respected if he was extradited to stockholm and that further prosecution in the us remained a genuine danger that's what britain of the foreign office said ecuador's decision did not change anything a warning that obligations to extradite assange to sweden will still be carried out earlier the u.k. also said that even if it is given asylum he won't be granted safe passage from the country in turn a sweden has summoned to ecuador's and bassett calling the asylum decision unacceptable. dimitris nag's a bad day again for facebook isn't it how much is it down now six percent that's right six percent just one session and that's because the look for selling shares if you bought them for the i.p.o. has finally been lifted and apparently universes are doing so first book of verses that have two hundred seventy one million more little things to worry about that's the number of shares that have been locked until today when the largest social
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media network went public early facebook inverses such as d.s.d. global the investment firm founded by the russian billionaire yuri milner get a green light today to start selling part of their holdings that's apparently what the. now a separate story on the u.s. markets is of course cisco group it's managed to post some very promising results and it's up the a lot of the biggest in a year it's up more than eight percent the dow jones is driven there for a quarter of a percent higher the nasdaq is off the setup despite facebook way. now in europe we've for also see the close of of the markets with the dax ending up twenty seven percent welcoming winds about a statement from china saying that basically. china still has room to ease its monetary policy and maybe provide most of this on the market that's something the best of luck to you let's move over to promoted seas and light sweet and brands are
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adding this hour almost a dollar of light sweet crude that still has even trees are shrinking and apparently more stimulus coming from china and the economies somewhat recovering in the u.s. especially in the housing sector therefore we're seeing these gains but they haven't provided much support to the russian ruble on the currencies market because it lost a lot least to the euro while winning around five copecks to the dollar meanwhile the euro is up strongly versus the greenback that's jugglers claves in the u.s. payment whether to take on. hand in russia most of the day was negative but the markets managed to get to post in some gains a quarter of a percent at the very end of the session as most markets are. now more global investors are getting rid of financial assets as the global financial turmoil is looming now even legendary george soros choose to lose faith in
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banking stocks dumped them in favor of wal-mart facebook and gold and david kuo from ukase investment. the motley fool explains why. why would i want to invest in the banks when i can invest in something that is easier to understand and wal-mart is i think another one that sources interested in is general electric g.e. i mean these are easy companies to understand so why would you want to make life difficult we're so well at investing in a lot sausage machines what you have is a sausage machine you put in sausage meat one and hopefully sausages come out the other similarly with i would you put money in our money and then hopefully you can convert that into either more profit money or you can go do to deal with that but what they're finding out now is they've got money and nothing comes out the other side people are very disgruntled. that's what i have for you well it looks like
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