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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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julian the songes granted asylum by aqua adult the country's foreign minister says the whistleblowers fears of political prosecution are legitimate while slamming britain's thread to produce the embassy in london to arrest the weekend executives . and the ecuadorian embassy sold. the decision to spied london police earlier detaining several supporters of julian assange. also in bahrain another so-called enemy of the state and one of us on this a recent interview reasonable ridge ab has been jailed for three years for taking part in antigovernment gatherings.
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you're watching r t live from moscow with me tom would say our top story today julian a sancia has been granted political asylum by ecuador the country's foreign minister made the announcement a stressing the whistleblower as fears of being polluted past acute are justified smith has been following the developments outside the ecuadorian embassy in london . the reaction from us and his supporters here was unequivocal when his asylum was finally granted by ecuador that which is that what chance there was a big contingent from the ecuadorian community actually saying hands off. that's still behind me still chanting but not everyone was as funny as the statement from the foreign and commonwealth office they said that they were disappointed and the foreign secretary william hague later made a statement in which he said the ecuador knew the full legal context which affected
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they are going to go to extradite frost to sweden and that the decision to grant him asylum on behalf of ecuador was regrettable it does not change the fundamentals of the case we will not allow. safe passage out of the united kingdom nor is there any legal basis for us to do so he also denied that there had ever been any implication that british police would storm the ecuadorian embassy behind me in order to arrest julie and i songs that's not what the ecuadorians understood in a letter that was delivered to quito in fact in response to that lesson which they say was a threat to violate their embassy in london ecuador have issued a very strong statement of their own the deal is no national war could be used in this way in any intrusive way in any diplomatic facilities any place in the world it shouldn't be used to threaten or blackmail the sovereignty of any other country . and they called a summit to try to deal with this threat so that the spec does not go unpunished to
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this situation here it really remains as it was before the asylum request was granted in the june assault is still in the building behind me he still doesn't know how he's going to get from here to the airport and from there to ecuador because the moment he said this outside this building is liable to arrest by the british police and it does look like that would happen and what is developing here is in no uncertain terms an ugly diplomatic spat with neither the u.k. or ecuador looking like they're about to back down. we'll hear more from across the pond and laura smith of throughout the day plus check the latest updates via our two flandern bureau twitter feed you can see pictures of how the crowd gathered outside reacted to the news of a son just asylum being granted plus all the best videos from there at our website at r.t. talking. earlier we talked to julian assange has a legal advisor michael ratner who says aqueduct has done its part and now it's the
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turn of the international community to respect and protect the rights of asylum. the scary part the part that i find completely incredible and outrageous is the british threats to actually go into the u.k. embassy and try and extract you in the sun i mean i don't think that's ever happened in diplomatic history as for what's next well there is an obligation of the british to let someone with asylum through and into the asylum country it's if you can't you can't actually go after someone who's been assigned who's given given asylum and then send them to the very country that wanting to persecute in the united states so here is an actual international right to get walk out of that embassy get on a plane and go to appledore but as you said and as the british have now. at least threatened they're not going to allow that right so now it's for the peoples of the world and for the nations of the world to come to ecuador support because if they
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don't this is threatening the entire asylum regime all over the world. you can't any page eric bates and says of the possible assault on the ecuador embassy in london violates the centuries old principles of diplomacy and making british embassy territories a potential target as well. this has been the case for centuries you respect people's ambassadors and their. territory because otherwise you like yourself are open to attacks in other countries and we all know that we don't like that when it does happen when it has happened in places like china and iran in the past and i think this whole thing has got blown out of all proportion we shouldn't be where we are and i do think a lot of people are very suspicious about why sweden wants him back. on these charges which actually wouldn't amount right charges in the u.k. in fact the same legal opinion which said they wouldn't even be an offense under english law apart from put him in a big trunk and libel him in his diplomatic bag i'm not quite sure whether that
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would work but otherwise we might see him hold up there for the next couple of years who knows until solution to this impasse besides a sweden and the u.k. and all the country watching the developments around us closely is of course the united states our tees maar in a partner i reports from new york. thus far u.s. officials have not made any public statements but we can presume that a lot of discussion is taking place now behind closed doors while julia saunders mother is calling this a victory for her son many see this as a small defeat for the u.s. and that is because many believe the u.s. was hoping that julian assange would be extradited to sweden so that sweden would subsequently be able to extradite julian assange to the united states we have heard in recent years it's no secret former and current u.s. government officials quavering julian assange too are terrorists and that was in the aftermath of releasing cables and memos that were classified that belonged to
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the u.s. government as a result the integrity of the u.s. government was compromised a lot of secrets were revealed and it painted the u.s. foreign policy in a dark light it's no secret that the administration of u.s. president barack obama has been earning a reputation for waging a war on whistleblowers fiercer reputation than any of his predecessors many journalists scholars and activists in the u.s. have signed a letter of support for julie the songe one is including naomi wolf she's a journalist and author first of all this is a white house now to wait houses obama's and bush's which is systematically overclassifying everything especially wrong doing it specially anything related to what whistleblowers want to release specially you know torture that they've indeed been methods of torture like mafia tactics it's come to this the government same to
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journalists everywhere in america. we're going to treat you and we're going to threaten you and we're we're threatening you with with serious legal penalties like prison time if you do your job but i was speaking with naomi wolf what she wanted to clarify for me and her position is that she sees julia sanji many do as the publisher similar to the new york times chilliness songes the publisher the one that made the information available he's not the leaker she noted why isn't the u.s. government going after the new york times for publishing what we can leaks published instead the u.s. government it is a presumed is well to me hoping to go after julian signs either way she said that this is this would be a dark day for all journalists in the u.s. if he would be in the custody of america prosecuted held indefinitely or possibly even face capital punishment. from a cia officer ray mcgovern says everything points to was the u.s.
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calling the shots and how the you can see it in the head being the case. the shape of the world is no empire versus the rest of you what i say here is that caesar has spoken she is the law caesar is the united states and the side trips overseas in the first instance and now sweden and the other do the bidding of the empire it's doesn't require a conspiratorial attitude to see that the only way they could get a jewel you know signage was by trumped up charges of sexual indiscretions and a country that is hyper sensitive to that and they haven't even persuaded a judge in sweden to make those charges they have had ample opportunity to go to the ecuadorian embassy in london and question and. they said nothing doing we're not going to do that now why is that the reason for that is that there is no case against truly innocent in my opinion it's all very transparent they want to. to
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sweden and then to the united states to suffer the same indignities the same torture. bradley manning the person who allegedly gave those documents to julian assange has faced. let's get more reaction to our son just asylum deal from the us jeff patterson who's the director of the courage to resist project involved with the bradley manning support network and he joins us live from auckland california mr patterson thank you very much for joining us now the u.s. state department said washington is not going to interfere in the asylum case do you believe they'll really stand aside given the allegations that assad has already been secretly inducted in the u.s. well we know for a grand jury and can be influenced your alexandria many of our supporters involved really in a support network have been subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury so it's not
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that secret now do you think bridges determination to arrest us sondre despite his asylum deal is dictated soley by its commitment to sweden or is there any pressure from washington. well there's there's no precedent for this julia side has not been charged with any crime in any country and yet. is threatening to overturn a century's worth the sanctity of embassies on behalf of its puppet master the united states and it's ridiculous and absurd for anybody to think that the us is just standing outside. the line months ago just to take you back when a chinese a dissident took refuge in an american embassy in china washington was the most unsympathetic with the asylum seeker what's the difference in this case. well of course the u.s. is right all the time is opinion there's absolutely nothing difference between this
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chinese dissidents or you know western dissidents who took refuge in eastern bloc embassies. you know during during the old soviet union years is the same thing and you know this. underscores the seriousness and they have surgery the actual charges against using this on bradley manning was tortured for nearly a year by marines to quantico in order to put him and to get him to testify against mr sonshine wiki leaks he didn't do that now they're pulling out every stop they continue to get julian bond in the grass the western u.s. prosecutor but you organize action is involved and like you said in the by demanding support movement do you think this decision on a son's asylum will have any impact on manning's case. well not directly but we think it's a positive thing we are very. our sole purpose is about the private first class
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bradley manning but we are very sympathetic to julian assange claims and are very appreciative of everything the wiki leaks has done for democracy. now just one more just quickly the u.k. has said that they are not going off a safe passage for science to get out of the embassy in london the ecuadorian embassy in london how do you think this is going to play out he's been granted the asylum now how's he going to get out and get to africa. and there the big question i don't think this will be resolved anytime soon i'll give you in and with you bill you continue. there mark raping there. the war crime. shown by julie bradley manning. but there's a good boy over a long period of time of course they do. not go there in a large. trunk but they go thank you so much mr jeffs had to send
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director of the courage to resist project life from the us will be also looking out for their dad bradley manning story as it unfolds. and thursday has also been a decision day for another pariah who actually appeared as a guest and julian assange the brains most prominent human rights activist now believe dad has been sentenced to three years in prison for organizing and taking part in eagle gatherings tom barton reports. there has been a rather different decision in the case of the enemy of the state below rajab in bahrain becoming to dental imette to julian assange for an interview shown on this channel on r.t. in may he has however been given a three year prison sentence by a court in bahrain for being involved in and for calling for illegal and to government protests when the sentence was given though he was already in prison serving a three month term for posting anti government comments on twitter there has been
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many comments of support from his family and friends but there have also been criticisms delivered via social networks criticisms of u.s. policy in relation to bahrain and overall in the arab spring those criticisms include allegations that if it weren't for if the u.s. had supported. a little more he wouldn't have been locked up as he was he wouldn't have been treated like this hypocrisy is a word used quite regularly in saying that the walls of the u.s. have supported protesters in other countries like egypt and libya in the arab spring they have remained silent over bahrain the u.s. fifth fleet is based in bahrain. this also raises questions over bahrain's sunni government's commitment to human rights and reform for eighteen
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months now protesters have been trying to get a larger say in the politics of the country most of those protesters come from the country's seventy percent shia majority so far though despite warm words that they want dialogue the government has given up nothing. patrick hannifin he's a jew political analyst believes human rights chaos in but frayne is beneficial for western states. and we have to remove at the situation from a western point of view and wonder and really scratch our heads and say what really is the stance of the west in particular washington and london when it comes to actual democratic reforms in the middle east certainly there's a there's a big part see a big story of contradiction going on right now the british show up with this particular minority royal family in power this is a consort of tyranny that is commonplace in a lot of pockets and in sort of these pressure what are these are artificial states
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they're really created in order to secure certain interests for the west is a neocolonial the other two are bahrain saudi arabia they are in the center of this and these are the same countries that are fomenting supplying logistically and financially the rebels and the terrorists in syria they know why why isn't saudi arabia send suicide bombers into bahrain while hillary clinton's and guns friends of bahrain why isn't the friends of bahrain meeting to send weapons to the democratic protesters in bahrain we will of course be following both of these developing stories a plus of the timeline of these high profile cases as well as expert opinion and analysis on the issues are always available on our website and if you've missed julian assange has an interview with bill regev as well as all the other additions of his own program that at here on our t.v. to our website dot com. they are the security council has
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decided not to extend the u.n. observer mission in syria after its mandate expires on sunday the mission has been seen as key in helping establish peace in the conflict torn country is an associate shooting at brings us the details from new york. regardless of russia's insistence on prolonging the observer mission in syria the united nations security council decided not to go ahead with this we have to remember of course that the conditions for these were very important first of all the u.n. security council wanted to see an end to the violence on the ground and the stopping of the use of heavy weapons and of course we have to keep in mind that just recently there was an explosion close to the u.n. mission headquarters and of course this impacted the decision what's important is the security council plans to set up really another form of you on presence on the ground in form of a more civil mission a civil office russia however regrets that the mission comes to an end of the observers take a listen to what the russian ambassador to the u.n.
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had to say well we're sort of the monday is coming to an end we believe that those members of the council who insisted the continue not to show commitment to ending course still it is. working towards a political settlement in syria however we're looking forward to the formatting a u.n. presence in damascus. doing the job it is supposed to do in the light of the need to stop violence and to stop political process in syria russia continues to insist that a political settlement in the crisis is key russia keeps talking about the fact that it's important for the support and militarization of the armed groups on the ground and this remains here at a time when we are hearing the armed groups on the ground say that if they stop getting and don't get enough support from the west they might join forces with al qaeda of course this is seen as an ultimatum in general we do know that in the recent months there have been major concerns about the increasing influx of
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islamist groups on the ground and the bigger concern of the international community of course is that if these groups end up joining forces and continue joining forces with the armed opposition groups the crisis could become even more complicated to solve because these groups might want to have. hijack and profit from the difficulties of the situation on the ground and then of course it will become a lot harder for the international community to try to solve this crisis now let's take a brief look at some other stories of from around the world eighteen people have reportedly been killed in south africa after police opened fire on strike you workers at a platinum mine tension broke out as officers started dispersing thousands of miners many who were wielding machetes and spears the un authorized strike erupted last friday after rock drill operators demanded highest salaries and better working conditions. at these twenty two people have died and over one hundred wounded
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following the wave of blasts in iraq more than a dozen bomb attacks aimed at both civilians and police were carried out in baghdad and other cities the other capital this brings the death toll to over one hundred fifty this month alone as al qaeda continues to ramp up the violence following the u.s. troop withdrawal. french police have arrested five people in connection with writing in the north of the country earlier this week more than one hundred user took part in the unrest in the city of the which broke out on monday clashes with police resulted in a d. sixteen officers being injured and led to the president ordering reinforcements to be sent into the region. oh i don't which is next to where the business us stocks us steaming ahead with tech shares in the lead but there's one ugly duckling facebook what's going on there well it's down five point six percent and it's down
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to a more than fifty almost fifty percent let me correct myself since the i.p.o. price which was thirty eight dollars per share i mean there's only so many users that facebook isn't. you know what i think that they should have when they went into the i.p.o. going on to the stock exchange they should have sold some of those shares to the people on facebook. at the end of the day the facebook or the people who make facebook right well actually you know funny you should mention that because the people who initially made facebook they're the ones who had some of the stock started off of the project and today was a crucial day for the company because basically the the lock came off and they were allowed to sell these shares and this is why we're seeing the shares plummet but let's take a look at more detail in the story facebook investors in the now have two hundred seventy one million more little things to worry about that's the number of shares which have been locked until present day when the largest social media network went
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public in may now easy easily early facebook investor such as d.s.t. global investment firm founded by the russian billionaire yuri milner got a chance today got the green light to start selling part of the holdings of the parity that's exactly what was going on. but. rightfully mansion tech shares are indeed in the spotlight we've got cisco systems of posting very upbeat results and therefore its shares are up around eight percent this hour the highest over the past year also the nasdaq is close to the highs this year the s. and p. which should we do not normally report on is close to four year highs so the market is very much blossoming in the u.s. right now now over in europe there was also a lot of room for optimism especially in frankfurt where angle of merkel came back from vacation and made a statement that we should do what she could to save and support of the euro so
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that's been welcomed very much also a similar statement came from china where monetary easing was mentioned as an option and therefore investors are welcoming of potential additional stimulus that china could launch on to the market and it has huge potential to do so now on the oil. china's also making a move c.n. double o. c. is bidding for next year and a canadian based for fifteen billion dollars it's one of those heavy heavyweight deals looming in the markets that's a story interesting to watch but the lights weaves up more than one dollar per barrel that still on the back of those shrinking in the trees in the united states that's providing some optimism for a bullish market again now the euro's shooting up to seventy eight points it's three points away from the maximum bridge today that's on the back of those words by the german chancellor and the russian ruble in line with that last twenty five
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copecks to the euro just to the final minutes of trading. and when it comes to the stock markets stocks managed to post some gains a quarter of a percent starts after a correction on the previous session and a pretty positive starts to the week so in the end we might see that this week was again and gazprom was one of the biggest the winners of the my six up one a half percent. more more global investors are choosing to shed financial shares and george soros the legendary financial guru is not an exception he is selling the stakes in j.p. morgan and and goldman sachs in favor for companies like wal-mart and surprisingly facebook and what is it forgot the name sorry david kuo from the u.k. is investing advisor the motley fool explains why. why would i want to invest in the banks when i can invest in something that is easier to understand and wal-mart
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is one i think another one of the sources interested in is general electric g.e. i mean these are easy companies to understand so why would you want to make a difficult we're so interesting in the sausage machine and what you have is a sausage machine you put in sausage meat at one end and hopefully sausages come out the other similarly when you put money in one side our money and then hopefully you can convert that into a more profit money or you can go to do that but what they're finding out now is they've got money and nothing comes out the other side people are very disgruntled so you can get the idea of just how bad things are in the financial market if soros is choosing facebook over financial stocks dimity with nine hundred plus million active members on facebook someone is going to be able to buy some of those shares i mean if they start selling now there's going to be a lot of losses no yeah that's true but you know for a company like facebook it's important to prove that they can generate profit given
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that you already have like almost a billion people on facebook there's only so much they can add given that facebook is banned in china you know so therefore you know it doesn't really correlate the profits with the market value if it's one hundred times bigger than the other than that's not really a good investment i just think that there's going to be more bombardment of advertisers on facebook so facebook has watch out. all right thanks dimitri. right every couple of our top stories here on r.g.p. in just a few moments stay with us. wealthy
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british soil. is not on a lot of. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike
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stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. on. me he he. he .


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