tv [untitled] August 16, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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the. place. and welcome back to the big picture i'm same sex scene for tom hartman coming up in this half hour. if reincarnation is real then trust me you don't want to come back as mitt romney's pet dog so do we really want to present the united states who thought it was perfectly fine to strap a dog to the roof of his car for ten hours well if the band devo has anything to say about it americans will think mitt romney is barking mad and keep him out of the white house and mitt romney and paul ryan have both complained over and over again about how expensive in costly medicare is yet when president obama tries to cut costs and appease them romney and ryan call him
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a thief well this newest set of lies from the right helped them win in november. mitt romney has a lot of things haunting his campaign first there's the offshore tax havens and his refusal to release more than just two years of tax returns that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon then there's his record at bain offshoring thousands of american jobs a claim he tried to address by saying he retroactively retired from bain before all that happened and that explain explanation flew well like a ton of bricks and then there's the whole issue of romney care which he passed as governor of massachusetts which is essentially a blueprint of obamacare. romney care shouldn't haunt the romney campaign since well it worked in massachusetts was number one in the nation in covering the uninsured thanks to it but since romney is a republican and republicans have taken
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a hard line stance against giving more americans health insurance than romney care is a ghost haunting the campaign but what mitt romney really wants us all to forget about is something he did almost thirty years ago on a family road trip with his dog seamus if you don't know the story of seamus mitt romney's dog we here at the big picture recently released a mock campaign ad to fill you in take a look. you think you know mitt romney i made a lot of money i've been very successful but you don't really know the man until you've met seamus mitt romney's dog i bet you think romney love shamus think again. on a twelve hour family trip there was no room for seamus in the car so romney made poor shamus ride on the roof of the car in a cage that's right the republicans nominee for president meet sweet little seamus right on top of his car for twelve hours in
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a cage my dog likes fresh air. in fact seamus loves fresh air so much he ran away to canada immediately after the trip where he'd be safe for mitt romney's canine agenda this is how you travel with your dog inside the car safe and sound like he's one of the family if mitt romney doesn't even care about shamus then how could he possibly care about you. i'm barack obama and i think he would approve this message. well we're not the only ones who aren't going to let mitt romney forget about shamus so too is the legendary new wave band devo which just released a new song about seamus's saga titled don't roof rack me bro seamus unleashed take a listen. because. he's.
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joining me now is one of the founding members of the band de veau and author of the song you just heard to sell a welcome the show welcome thank you pleasure to have you on so what's what's the motivation of the song wash a miss. well you've delineated it very well i've been listening to you and after the. the hideous litany of the attack on individual rights from the republicans was over then you reiterated the story you only forgot one thing about the seamus story the flood of diarrhea that came down from seamus is joy and i you know i know you've got out well. you know in what to me there you go so i was in contact with scott crider who has a great site called dogs against romney and. yes it's light in jest on one
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level but really if you think about what dogs are and what they mean to us since we created all the breeds and since we have this longstanding well documented kind of symbiotic relationship with them it is a character deal breaker if a guy that's thirty six years old would put his family pet and i reset or at that in a crate a wooden crate on the car and subject him to that that tells you that behind the smile there's something missing something angry something you could say psychopathic. you you had this song out there possible you have this song out but it's not it's not really a hit piece necessarily it's not a partisan hit piece on mitt romney because i mean you said that you're not the biggest fan of president obama either right. that's right i've been very disappointed and and again in your prior segment you were saying people who run
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easily say that there is no difference between the democrats and the republicans that it's like pepsi and coke that's the choice and i do really pretty much agree with that except when it comes to civil rights and individual rights there is an assault by the republicans and especially the right wing of the party on that and i can understand that they go after every disenfranchised group every downtrodden group and they want to put their noses deeper into the dirt and take away whatever's left from them to make the an equity in our society even greater and i don't understand that for the one simple reason for the whole ball of wax to work you have to have people buy in the stuff you make if you take away all their money it doesn't work exactly that kind of breaks the myth of the wealthy our job creators well no wealthy person is going to hire anyone if you already own their stuff you need to have people buying their stuff the man drives economies. that they are not job creators by the way you're exploiters yeah exporters to
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use iran's language they're the looters you gave an interview and you talk about and you were comparing you said that this is a choice between pepsi and coke president obama and mitt romney and you you said the word plutocracy do you think we're going to talk or see today. i think that anybody would that would argue that is like believes in the wizard of oz who would argue against your so the yellow brick road yeah what's that anyone who would argue against that you mean is living in anyone who'd argue against that there is a plutocracy is tuned out you know it and the yellow brick road the golden road it ends it the cayman islands and bain capital yeah absolutely now you you you know you have a big platform you're very well known band you can put out these songs like that what advice do you have for people who don't have
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a band and who are as concerned about this plutocracy in the choice that we have the real choice we have this election you have any advice for how people can what we can do about that. yes don't give up it's too easy to give up that's what they want you to do they want you to make you feel so bad you just lay down and take it just don't give up do whatever you can start where you are and do whatever you can that's what we did that's what we continue to do we're by no means justin bieber but then he doesn't seem to really have any social consciousness either so but i never come empty handed i come with my head and there we go and even though tom isn't here i had this for you i will leave it with you this is the only candidate for real change seamus posthumously but that's part of it that's what i'm doing right now yeah i have to remember seamus facebook and i'm donating to.
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animal rights we'll make sure the folks in l.a. get that and send it this way because ali thanks a lot for coming on keep up the great work over there. thank you. just. now it's time for tonight's the good the bad in the very very alive bird to see a list sleazy ugly. the good. united states court of appeals for the ninth circuit yesterday the court rejected a defendant's claim that he had a second amendment right to own a machine gun and the ruling judgment on smith said quote the second amendment only protects the right to own certain weapons and that it does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law abiding citizens for lawful purposes such as
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short barreled shotgun as judge smith noted every federal circuit court to address second amendment rights has held the second amendment does not give americans the right to possess a machine gun while the decision is important for creating sensible gun regulations in america unfortunately we still have those walking around like justice scalia who think we should be able to i don't know openly carry a rocket launcher down main street. whatever nice job joe smith. the bad. representative john boehner earlier this week speaker boehner posted on his website that president obama quote continues to blame anyone and everyone for the drought but himself of course referring to the massive drought that is ravaging the midwestern united states basically boehner thinks that president obama who is just one normal guy has the ability to control the uncontrollable to influence whether
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in nature pain or wants obama to play god which is particularly funny because he and his republican colleagues have attacked the president over the last three years for trying to do just that play god next up. john boehner blames president obama for the rain that washed out his golf match last weekend. and now the very very ugly monsanto the agribusiness in genetically modified food giant has contributed more than four million dollars to a group group opposing a california ballot measure that would require labels to let consumers know if the foods they're buying are genetically modified monsanto isn't the only corporation trying to prevent americans from knowing what's in their food though nestle coca-cola and pepsi have all contributed to the same opposition group to plain and simple monsanto and the rest of their kind don't think americans have a right to know if they're eating frankenfood it's because you know extra labeling costs money and months santo and their hundreds of millions of dollars in profits
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just can't afford it so check out on some corn and don't worry what strange gene is in it because monsanto is very very ugly. coming up with republicans you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't especially when it comes to cutting medicare costs and making medicare more efficient so why are mitt romney and paul ryan attacking the president over the very same thing they complain all the time about and will their lies this time help them win in november tom will explain all of that in tonight's they only take.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. pepper spray that just burns your eyes right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything if you buy a lot of. thousands of times we're stronger than any kind of ever put you know.
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into. military mechanisms to do that would come to bring justice or accountability . i have every right to know what my government is doing you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. so it looks like wall street will skate again a ten month investigation into the collapse of brokerage firm m.f. global and where exactly one billion dollars in customer money disappeared to is unlikely to lead to any criminal charges according to those involved with the case
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again a billion dollars disappeared and no one is owning up to it or where went and investigators can't find any criminal activity and there's only two places where that kind of money can disappear without raising any red flags and without leading to any criminal arrests that's wall street and the pentagon but this latest bank heist doesn't compare to a decades long highs that's been perpetrated against the american middle class which is the subject of a new film debuting in new york and los angeles this week that the name of the film is heist here's a clip. this country is working for the richest people deal leads them so nobody else. this is been the greatest wealth transfer in history at least of the american kind if not mankind this is science folks who are in charge of running the economy. when the line of red light the red light and caused car wreck after car wreck after car wreck and no one to hold them
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accountable for hasn't even been a conversation american. journey now is the co-director and co-producer of heist who stole the american dream frances causey francis welcome to the show welcome back to the show great it's great to be here thanks for having me yes so i think most people when they think of the middle class getting screwed they think of will this happen in two thousand and eight by wall street or maybe it happened when bush passes bush tax cuts but really this goes back a lot farther right. right this goes back to nine hundred seventy one the inspiration was one thousand nine hundred seventy one memo secret memo written by a future supreme court justice lewis powell and the memo really inspired corporate leaders the business roundtable the chamber of commerce he wrote it for the chamber of commerce and then that became the blueprint for the headlines that you see today it was actually implemented in a in a field manual written by the heritage foundation called the mandate for leadership
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in our film really connects the headlines all of the uncertainty the craziness back to that tracing it back to this one nine hundred seventy one memo yeah and it's i mean the movie is brilliant and there's it seems like there is this thirty year effort to really educate america on economics and you know who we should rely on to make the economy work and we see the think tanks that have brought up the changing of faculty classrooms is that kind of the is that kind of the ork of this is yeah it was it was called for in the power memo in fact it's a result of kind of organized money getting together and saying what they're teaching is too liberal on the campuses you have to remember the context for one nine hundred seventy one you know america wasn't competing very well the profits warners great you had the civil rights movement you had the feminist movement and so. they said in this memo he had to see you know he really called upon his
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corporate brother and to go out. to the campuses and you know show up and it was really this almost a little bit paranoid if you read the memo which is on our website at high stash the movie dot com if you read the memo. he really lays out this full scale assault he really felt like the american system was under the american enterprise system was under attack and this is transcended political parties i mean president bill clinton did them a huge favor when he. deregulated wall street and even you know president obama's had a hard time trying to even raise taxes slightly on on on wealthy people in the last minute or so we have left what does the middle class need to do to recoup all this money that's basically a status in the economy that's been stolen from them for the last thirty years. yeah i mean people deepak bhargava says beautifully in the film he said there are two kinds of power in america organized money and organized people so we've seen
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what organized money can do and so now it's time for organized people to get together and it should be a top down bottom up movement and we really have to pressure from the top and from the bottom to to make our legislature and make our administration you know do what they need to do which is return to representative democracy yeah absolutely and you've done a lot of the work there for us already by making this film francis kasi thank you so much great thanks for having me you know the name of the movie is heist who stole the american dream and tom hartman narrates it so you should watch it i. the romney ryan campaign for some reason really wants to have a debate over medicare with president obama in
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a speech on wednesday night ryan told a crowd at ohio's miami university quote the president i'm told is talking about medicare today we want this debate we need this debate and we will win this debate . now ryan might be right they may win this debate but only by lying both he and romney are already lying about the seven hundred sixteen billion dollars that the president saved in the medicare program by eliminating waste fraud and abuse like needless subsidies to private health insurance companies as part of the medicare advantage program so republicans complain that medicare is unsustainable and too costly but when the president cuts costs to make it more efficient the exact cuts that are in paul ryan's budget republicans say he's stealing from it don't believe me. the president's cuts of seven hundred sixteen billion dollars to medicare those cuts are going to be restored if i become president and paul ryan
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becomes vice president but the congressional budget office concluded the cuts which do not come out of the medicare trust fund actually make medicare more efficient and extend the life of the program and all but four members of the house g.o.p. voted for those same cuts in passing congressman ryan's budget play and you're busted even more ironic paul ryan himself included those same savings in his budget along with ending medicare completely as we know it but you won't hear any of that from the right instead they'll stick to their lies and the sad part is those lies might work in the reason why those lives might work is the subject of tonight's they only take this year republicans are going to lie all the way to the november election why because line works in fact mitt romney is already lined here's what romney said this wednesday about president obama's medicare reforms. three and a half years later he has failed to enact or even propose
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a serious plan to solve the intel of a crisis. instead he has taken a series of steps that end medicare as we know it. he is the only president to ever cut five hundred billion dollars from medicare that's a serious allies need didn't end medicare as we know it in fact to strengthen it and he didn't cut five hundred billion from medicare he instead cut down on the waste fraud and abuse in medicare including stopping one hundred thirty six billion dollars in corporate welfare to private health insurance companies to administer medicare advantage programs and now thanks to that cut medicare medicare advantage is running far more efficiently covering more seniors at lower premiums but here's the thing about that lie if president obama were to give a speech tomorrow read body refuting that lie then the lie actually becomes more effective as the washington post pointed out back in two thousand and eight a series of new experiments show that misinformation can exercise
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a ghostly influence on people's minds after it has been debunked even among people who recognize it as misinformation in some cases correcting misinformation serves to increase the power of bad information duke and georgia state university political scientists brendan nyhan and jason reifler did a series of experiments on how effective political liars are it took two groups of people gave both groups the bush administration's claims about weapons of mass destruction in iraq and they gave just one group of people evidence proving that the bush administration was lying about the w m d claims here's what the scientists found out when told about the bush claims of w m d's thirty four percent of conservatives believed iraq had nukes but in the second group which had heard the refuting evidence the proof that it was a lie the number of people who believed the lie actually jumped up to sixty four percent of conservatives who believe that iraq had w m d's basically the live
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became more effective when it was debunked scientists call this the backfire of. and they noticed the same results when they gave conservatives claims from the bush administration that tax cuts for the rich will increase government revenues the number of people believing bush nearly doubled when they also heard evidence from real economists refuting bush's arguments that tax cuts increase revenue the washington post sums up the conclusions of the experiments writing republicans might be especially prone to the backfire effect because conservatives may have more rigid views than liberals upon hearing a refutation conservatives by argue back against the refutation in their minds thereby strengthening their belief in the misinformation diana reifler did not see the same backfire effect when liberals were given misinformation and refutation so when bush lied to take the nation to war in iraq those who tried to push back against that lie only made the lied more strongly believed by conservatives that
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might explain why john mccain based so much of his presidential campaign online back in two thousand and eight the democratic national committee counted one hundred seventy five major lies by the mccain palin campaign and c.n.n. did a report asking whether or not mccain and sarah palin were literally lying their way into the white house. but you will mistruths half truths stretching the truth telling the truth whatever it is it has both democrats and republicans questioning what's going on inside the mccain campaign they were opponents have gone so far as to say that john mccain and sarah palin are lying their way into the white house claims that john mccain's allies nearly won in the white house which is saying a lot considering he was coming from party the george w. bush had run into the ground he was committed to a very unpopular war he had picked a vice president who was woefully unqualified and he was running up against one of the most gifted politicians of our time who outspending on t.v.
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three to one yet he still nearly won and this year with mitt romney most likely to spend a billion dollars thanks to super pacs made possible by the supreme court citizens united decision those lies will be even more effective if the president tries to push back on them with facts he could lose so what's to be done well as the science shows you can't get in the mud and wrestle facts with conservative liars because the liars win the hearts of their base instead what you do is you call out the liars as liars that's what franklin roosevelt did back in one nine hundred thirty six calling out the liars in the republican party who were trying to destroy the new deal anyway and you will. let me make. eighty eight pages of that. we only
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thing. we've only been talking. we believe in work for the unemployed we believe in favoring a. some. like the way the president minutes frank is doing. what. we do. we will beat them and then. but doing up will not cost any body and. roosevelt won reelection that year and he won again four years later and again four years later you see the only way you beat liars is to call them out as liars.
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