tv [untitled] August 17, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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asylum to nowhere ecuador grants julian a santa political refuge while blasting britain for using blackmail and threats in its desperation to seize the whistleblower. and the us based and time leaks half her group claims to be behind ongoing illegal the dos attack on our website apparently in protest of no coverage of us on just blight. punk protesters pussy riot get their final day in court as a verdict looms in the trial over the converse of a mock prayer in russia's major could see a role that grabs global attention. plus the un security council withdraws the international monitoring mission in syria rebels there pledged to step up their fight and threaten to join forces with al qaida.
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this is r.t. coming to you live from moscow one pm in the russian capital. going to sound just got political asylum in ecuador but now the way of getting there britain's got out of its way to make abundantly clear it would take drastic action to prevent the whistleblower from taking that asylum from an outright denial of safe passage all the way to threats to raid the door an embassy and take him by force or smith who was at the embassy on the day of drama reports. it was the day they'd been waiting for julian s.o.s. holed up in london's ecuadorian embassy for two months and his supporters who turned out to cheer for him rain or shine since his legal battle against extradition to sweden first began more than eighteen months ago also there in large
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numbers the police who didn't wait long to make their first arrests and. when the decision came it was the one they wanted. we decided to grant asylum to julian a song. called it a significant victory and his mouth was full. and shining like it will automatically encourage the government. but not everyone was pleased the u.k. foreign and commonwealth office called the decision disappointing and foreign secretary william hague said it changed nothing it does not change the fundamentals of the case we will not allow. safe passage out of the united kingdom nor is there any legal basis for us to do so hague also denied any suggestion that british police would storm the embassy so over and territory under international law to arrest but
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that's not what ecuador inferred from a letter it says was delivered through the british embassy in quito in response ecuador played hardball. when it was no national law could be used in this way in any intrusive way in any diplomatic facilities any place in the world it shouldn't be used to threaten or blackmail the sovereignty of any other country and they called a summit to try to deal with this threat so that this fact doesn't go on punish. the scary part the part that i find completely incredible and outrageous is the british threats to actually. and trying to extract joy in the sun but i must say to see british troops surrounding the british police surrounding that embassy was it an act of intimidation that should not be allowed and is not allowed under asylum or stuck in the middle julian assange who has a new home but no way of getting there tripods and putting it in
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a big trunk and label him in his diplomatic bag i'm not quite sure whether that would work but otherwise we might see him holed up there for a mixed couple of years who knows until i can reach a solution to this imposter but if he leaves the embassy he's liable to a rest by the u.k. which insists it must still extradite him to sweden a position that wouldn't accept whatever respond to the united kingdom it would that mean possibly breaking relations on a regional level if it happened the browsing of asylum by ecuador stupid enough songs has the spell the end of this tale already full of twists and turns in fact it appears to be the beginning of something else with neither the u.k. no ecuador apparently willing to back down it's developing into an ugly diplomatic spats which could affect relations but sometimes norris may see outside the ecuadorian embassy and up to. all britain's threat to raid ecuadorian embassy matter wave of criticism in the u.k.
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it self is beefing up security at a number of its amnesties abroad targeted by protesters in australia a group of demonstrators have occupied a british consulate and greg bourne spokesman for the australian lawyers alliance says their right to be angry. but forget about our policy of diplomatic community let's forget about the other saw much of a peripheral because that's what the british would be doing but i don't look to me just my ship the british government is relying on the rule of you not in addition. i think the libyans. and i should who were it was say terrorism within your emissions but this is not a matter of national security i think i mean you try. to do this to responsible and active action action are. not who. are just. doing things the right why in the world criticize you know the governments around the world if i do which i'm still here with i just write from action and if we
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don't think it would be shying when it comes to the united states microstructure whatever we're trying to do with. ecuador says the key factor is this isn't to offer a refuge to julia son was that he may not get a fair trial if he ended up in the us and packing the whistleblower off to america say his supporters is the ultimate objective of sorties in both britain and sweden is marina for now reports now and what could be in it for washington. julian assange his mother is calling this a victory for her son many see this as a small defeat for the u.s. and that is because many believe the u.s. was hoping that julian assange would be extradited to sweden so that sweden would subsequently be able to extradite julian assange to the united states we have heard in recent years it's no secret former and current u.s. government officials quavering julian assange too are terrorists and that was in
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the aftermath of releasing cables and memos that were classified that belonged to the u.s. government as a result the integrity of the u.s. government was compromised a lot of secrets were revealed and it painted the u.s. foreign policy in a dark light it's no secret that the administration of u.s. president barack obama has been earning a reputation for waging a war on whistleblowers fiercer reputation than any of his predecessors many journalists scholars and activists in the u.s. have signed a letter of support for julie the songe one is including naomi wolf she's a journalist and author first of all this is a white house now to weigh houses obama's and bush's which is systematically overclassifying everything especially wrong doing it specially anything related to what whistleblowers want to release specially you know torture that they've engaged in methods of torture like mafia tactics it's come to this the government same to
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journalists everywhere in america. we're going to do you and we're going to threaten you and we're we're threatening you with with serious legal penalties like prison time if you do your job when i was speaking with naomi wolf what she wanted to clarify for me and her position is that she sees julio sanji many do as the publisher similar to the new york times julius orange is the publisher the one that made the information available he is not the leaker she noted why isn't the u.s. government going after the new york times for publishing what we can leaks published instead the u.s. government it is presumed is all to me hoping to go after julian songe either way she said that this is this would be a dark day for all journalists in the u.s. if he would be in the custody of america prosecuted held indefinitely or possibly even face capital punishment and if you'd like to hear more of now me wolf thoughts on julian assange just predicament or the increasingly belligerent role of
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governments we'll be showing her full interview here on our team that's coming up at ten thirty am g.m.t. . well and leaks a rogue u.s. hacker group claims to have launched an illegal the dos attack on the r.t. website more on the ongoing attack now with. party's web site is now partially back online after the. attack the attack started some hours ago now with the group and the leaks claiming responsibility for it they've hashtags on their twitter posts as sanjay and wiki leaks were originally the reasons for their attack it seems that they're trying to stop artie's coverage of the granting of asylum by a could always embassy artie's coverage of all the drama surrounding that story. the d.d. o. s. attack a distributed denial of service attack is where
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a group of hackers get a large number of computers to flood a website with traffic bringing it crippling the servers and meaning that no one else who wants to access it can do that they have previously launched a similar attack on wiki leaks own website as the name suggests anti leaks sets itself up in opposition to wiki leaks and as they have admitted primarily in opposition personally to julian assange there is much speculation as to who precisely this group are whether they're a group of teenagers perhaps based in the u.s. or some other part of the world perhaps even a u.s. government agency however this attack has gone on for some hours now and we're trying to resolve the problems with our web site the moment so that everyone can continue watching our coverage of the sun story. all right thanks very much
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indeed for this update. now another story which anti leaks has linked to its aggressive attack on our website the members of all girl punk band pussy riot will finally discover their fate today with a moscow judge said to deliver a verdict in their trial the trio is charged with hold it isn't but they are controversial performance in russia's main cathedral i despair all over is outside the courthouse. we've entered the endgame of a trial which is gripped headlines not only here in russia but around the world the three members of the feminine punk collective pussy riot faced three years in jail each for taking part in a demonstration inside russia's main cathedral demonstration took the form of a so-called punk rock prayer in which they called on the virgin mary to rid russia of blood in me and later on friday the judge will deliver
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a verdict at three pm moscow time and we can also see a sentence handed down as well of the charges of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred though it's worth noting that the judge in this trial has been given bodyguards as a precaution for her own safety you know this goes back to it and incidents in april of this year in which a previous judge there was involved in this case was threatened in her office by a man with an axe saying it's he wanted the three women on trial released so these bodyguards have been assigned to the current judge us a precautionary measure now this is a. case which has squished opinion so widely here in russia to find of a bit more about that my colleague. looked at some of the background on this case it was a pretty hairy directed virgin mary but it was heard all around the world to see why it's performance of the christ is. outraged some invigorated others and left almost you know when indifferent along with the patriarch are russian who condemned
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the fresh mob thousands of orthodox believers especially of the radical kind were just short of demanding the women be burned at stake the whole question was. it was blasphemy a desecration of a church it was sacrilege i think they belong to some sect which conducts rituals. but their supporters see them differently to the defendants their lawyers and hundreds of supporters to do. dancing and singing was an artistic way to express the women's disagreement with the government particularly with president putin that's why they say the women ended up on trial and on trend. madonna the red hot chili peppers sting franz ferdinand just some of the celebrities who have voiced their support for punk collective despite a very limited number of seats inside the court house even a member of british parliament managed to get in to observe and make your own
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judgement of the state something you just said something like that. but i don't think that they think that because they were the worst things they saw. i don't think. that's part of the our group by now which translates in russian as war this wasn't the first time pussy riot has attracted attention but there's the work when you give a participated in one of the groups performances in origin moskos biology museum just four days before giving birth because you know some would say that she is said to be the woman seen here performing a sex act with a frozen chicken in a supermarket both incidents were also meant to be forms of political protest but neither were followed up with the rest. of the actions of immoral initially they were forgiven for their first attempt to disturbance i mean the museum the incident in the supermarket and now we just want this to end but we
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don't want to go to jail ever puzzle from playboy for a cover photo shoot at all for to perform along with bjork from of the singer herself and a contract with a record company who believe pussy riot are now worth tens of millions of dollars these are just some of the offers the group has received in the week leading up to the verdict so if their goal was to be heard and to become famous then it's safe to say that with their eyes bearers have been answered in my. go isco artsy well there have been post the rise of copycats protesting in churches across the globe but some demonstrations of support have gone beyond just wearing masks members of the cranium feminist movement and then showed their disapproval of the trial by soaring down at a memorial cross in central kiev the group isn't a tory it's for i can't bear for us to protest. well this and other stories are always available on our website r.t.
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dot com and here's what's also aligned for you right now paralympic scandal disabled parents of athletes are outraged by discriminating rules that stop them sitting with their children and will chair areas. plus terrifying statistics the suicide rate in the u.s. army reach a new peak with an average of more than fourteen people killing themselves every month. the international observer mission in conflict torn syria will be scrapped when its mandate expires in three days this edition by the un security council is a disappointment for russia which sees the mission as key to finding a political way out of the war are jesus he reports from new york. regretfully for russia we have to see the united nations security council did in fact decide to not prolong the mission the mandate of the observer mission in syria of the united nations now there were two conditions for this mandate to keep for them to keep functioning on the ground and these were and end to the violence as well as ending
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the use of heavy weaponry and of course we know that this unfortunately has not occurred as of yet the united nations will however maintain a presence on the ground in a different format this will be a civil mission that they will put in place the details of which are being discussed now russia's position in all of this is quite simple we're soria the monday is coming to a member we believe that those members of the council who insisted to. continue the . commitment to ending course still it is. working towards a political settlement studio however we're looking forward to the form of doing a u.n. presence in damascus. doing the job it is supposed to do in the light of the new. political process in syria it's important to keep in mind that russia of course has been calling for a peaceful political process in solving the syrian crisis and this of course comes as we're hearing armed groups on the ground threaten to combine forces with al
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qaida if the west does not help them out and this would of course be a catastrophic development in the crisis we're hearing from the united nations sources that filling the shoes of kofi anon will be a lot of dark brahimi a seventy eight year old veteran diplomat among his previous titles is the foreign minister of algeria and curiously it's an interesting selection for several reasons first of all we do know that in the past this man has served as u.n. envoy to iraq and afghanistan where of course as we're well aware the conflicts and the violence continue and also his daughter actually a former employee at c.n.n. . and is married to a family to a royal member of the jordanian royal family and of course this is important in the in the sense that we know that this is a country that's been accused of supporting the armed groups on the ground so this is quite an interesting twist we're going to out we have to have to wait and see
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what kind of approach this man takes but we do know that he has already said that he would like a different official title from kofi annan because he doesn't want to be seen as somebody just filling his shoes he believes that kofi annan is approach was failure and he wants a different mandate and a different name so we're going to have to wait and see how this man works in the crisis from now on when he takes the position what are not a mandate officially expires at the end of this month russia is inviting members of the syria action group to me to new york on friday the meeting will call in international powers to appeal to all the conflicting sides in syria for an answer to violence moscow also wants new ceasefire deadlines to be set both for the government and the opposition political analysts dr marcus proper job it was however doubts the foreign states which additionally that the syrian rebels will persuade them to lay down arms and work if you know the history. and islamic extremism though they don't get on with each other they certainly get
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into bed with each other when there's a common foe let's have a look at the west and islamic extremism in afghanistan in the 1980's against the soviet army let's see how western islamic extremism came together in bosnia in the ninety nine in the one nine hundred ninety s. and the same also in kosovo so this one this one comes a surprise to western politicians that point where it will of course come as a surprise to a domestic audience in the west who are largely intrade a story that the assad government is this genocide all mass murdering machine and the arms and the opposition all innocent bystanders so it won't come as a surprise. well i do you respond inside serious on boyko has more updates first hand analysis and experience on her twitter stream she was staying in the capital damascus and says the city is highly militarized but with the conflict in syria now lasting for eighteen months people are getting used to it so check out
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our our our our team is rather general stream for more tweets on the developments in syria from our arabic and spanish correspondents there. bahrain's opposition leader in the village job has reacted to a three year prison sentence by the finally vowing i will never give up its punishment for inciting and taking part in the legal protests was unexpectedly harsh job has already been in prison since july serving three months for sending critical tweets about the family the handling of his case parked a wave of outrage among human rights groups they have repeatedly criticized the government's crackdown on protesters accusing the monarchy of violating basic freedoms and even torture calling to bow and former lecturer at the university of arranged things there is no light at the end of the tunnel for opposition. what is jail free for mr and a bill resolve indicates that the bahraini government is increasingly
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paranoid because three quarters of the bahraini population want the two hundred and twenty nine year monarchy to you know that they want a democratic republic and they're not going to give up on their goal if there is no proof in bars of the u.s. navy's fifth fleet based in bahrain and because of that basing rights in the ports of bahrain and also the tarmac right at the safety the airbase that you have. you forward project is able to board projects you have military might in the entire middle east in order to maintain us hegemony in. region are in a sense if you look at some of the stories from around the world. the miners' strike in south africa turned into a bloodbath after police opened fire after being rushed by strikers thirty people
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were killed in one of the worst shooting incidents since the apartheid and there are reports members of the crowd were armed with machetes an investigation has been started and there are calls for an independent inquiry the unauthorised strike began last week over demands for pay increases and better conditions. norway's police chief has resigned after a report concluded that the murder of seventy seven people by anders breivik last year could have been prevented the apparent inquiry also suggests of police spent and an acceptable amount of time trying to catch the killer findings of the report contradicts another document presented by the police which includes your the officer showed no hesitation carried out a bombing in oslo and a gun attack on an island summer camp. a ship has been wracked so off the chilean coast after a huge waves crashed against its hall triggering
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a risky rescue operation twenty four crew members were airlifted from the vessel by navy helicopters and taken to hospital powerful waves have also wreaked havoc along the coast as they breached the seawall spilling into the streets disrupting traffic . straight to the world of business and you've got all the rundown of all the market activity there absolutely marina i'm going to start with europe because the center of it will. be the find that jews then leading the gaze and that's where he is the european markets are still reeling from the german charles's comments about doing everything possible to support the euro. germany is in line with the easy bees approach to defending the year or so they're singing from the same hymn sheet as for the exchange rate so speaking of the common currency with check out what was his favorite pair is doing it isn't days to
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privative as for the ruble it remains mixed against a basket of currencies who is going to get zero and declining against the greenback the rest next the market as we enter the old today trading session both e.l.t.'s on them i say if they are remaining in positive territory ready demonstrating was it is against the all prices at all taking a nosedive and that's what the gains made in asia earlier on in the session on the wall street overnight rally the most asian markets they did indeed rise this far then that was some positive news from the u.s. and also those comments from the german child as well to all of it's been a domino effect ever since with japanese stocks getting an extra lift the mouse from the fording again really helping them out the oil prices are indeed for joining us all of a report said that washington could really use some of its oil reserves to ease the price is now moving on ukraine has made the big step to wean itself off of russian
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gas the country has drawn a consortium led by exxon mobil to develop its shell for the black sea now the ten billion dollar project is expected to provide u.k. with five meters of gas a year about seven twelve percent of what the country bought from russia last year and that. explains. the biggest girls do involving foreign investors in the history of silver in ukraine this is how experts have been describing the latest agreement between ukrainian government and the exxon mobil consortium on development and exploration of the natural gas field in the black sea coast of ukraine the offshore gas field combined with other potential deals which the government is now discussing. with the british investors within the system i said by john and took many stands good and large the natural gas extraction in ukraine in the next twenty years by four times which would make this country all but independent from the gas
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imports it's been having from russia currency key it is on a contract with moscow until twenty nineteen buying russian gas in a certain amount of a certain price and it's been looking actively for both the discount and lowering the amount of gas it has been buying but so far when the stand negotiations have not brought any success another way that ukraine is trying to implemented to diversify its natural gas resources is getting a loan from the china investment company and there's already been an agreement on that three point six billion dollars on buying new technologies which would allow ukraine to buy less russian gas certainly this raises many concerns among european consumers whether there would be any more disruptions of the russian supplies into the european continent which go through ukraine but both sides in the negotiations have been holding over the past several years have been saying that regardless of how much gas ukraine buys from russia the transit of russian gas through ukraine to europe will not be hampered will not suffer in any way besides russia is already
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building several other pipelines to deliver its gas to europe so this should not be a concern according to both countries' governments and both countries gas monopolies companies. that c.s.s. give them arena back in fifty five minutes with another in size in the into the world of business absolutely katie thanks very much indeed for this energy is the bait shall cross stock is coming your way very soon after we had lines that is. a little.
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