tv [untitled] August 18, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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pussy riot and their global fan club foreign governments and media hit out at the two year jail sentence given to the members of the russian female punk band. reaching the president's veterans and protesters take over barack obama's election office in oakland calling for the release of jailed whistleblower bradley manning. plus an occupation in flames nato and international troops on alert as afghan forces doing friendly recently turned their guns on their mentor. to live from moscow i'm marina joshie the jailing of three members of russian punk band pussy riot has attracted criticism from across the world and seen protests in
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support of the women they received a two year sentence on charges of holding his i'm motivated by religious hatred for their mock prayer and russia's main orthodox cathedral foreign governments also have their say on russia's internal matter and u.s. even calling on the authorities to review the case. reports from new york. there's been both political and public reaction over the pussy riot verdict now around the globe there has been several protests on friday in support of the three russian band members that were convicted of hooliganism paris brussels london and tell of evil are among the cities where demonstrators gathered to denounce the trial and the two year sentencing those that are in support of these three women and members of the pussy riot say that the decision that was made by moscow's court was emblematic of russia's intolerance of dissent on
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a more political front the u.s. embassy in russia has called the verdict on fair question it there was also reaction coming from amnesty international which said that the decision was a bitter blow to freedom of expression in russia also political figures in europe have begun to weigh in on this developing story we heard from the high representative of the european union catherine ashton who has said she is deeply disappointed by this verdict calling it disproportionate a similar sentiment has also been echoed by germany's foreign minister so clearly this story taking place in russia has ignited a wave of reaction around the globe. u.s. based journalist don de bar says washington should look closer to home and tidy up its own affairs before judging others. the united states has other double standards that bear on this case too first let's look at the one nine hundred eighty nine
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case of st patrick's cathedral where act up members came into the church of about forty five of them were arrested before they could really voice their own protests and numerous times since the beginning of the iraq war around the united states people have tried to go into churches to speak to the congregations i know nick modern for example an activist in the united states has done it about thirty times to try to say look your religious beliefs are so and so what's happening violates them please join us and they've been threatened with arrest arrested and worse so the united states does exactly that believe that it's states which has more incarcerated people than the next three countries on the planet and that's only in absolute terms in terms of relative terms more than any other country on the planet the united states has all these people in jail and it's going to lecture other countries about how their legal process should work i just think it that has no credibility around the world and i think it's shameful the coverage of the pussy
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riot trial was hyped by foreign media and that's the opinion of layer jacobs managing director of the world congress of families. i don't really expect immediate sood necessarily. always report truthfully the u.s. and western europe we have seen some of the same issues so it's politicized the issue that made it about objection to putin and about supposedly a political statement but again. you know we have plenty of opportunity to make political statements and we need to be responsible for our actions and there's no question that they were that they were guilty of any group is free to protest. if it's again on a place where they. know they're not violating someone else's rights in this case they certainly violated the rights of the church they trust other vandalised and so you have to expect the consequences now there's more on the pussy riot story online
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check out our tease you tube stream for more videos from inside and outside a courtroom where a russian female rocker has received their sentence and i can see the moment the trio finally discovered their fate. these are the images are seeing from the streets of canada. operations are over. to the u.s. now where police were called in and the arrests were made after protesters occupy the rock obama's campaign office in oakland the group made up of veterans and activists was part of a hundred strong march in support of bradley manning. demonstrators marched on the office chanting for you bradley manning he's accused of leaking
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classified information to weaken leaks and if found guilty could face the death penalty the protesters demanded that president obama release the whistleblower scott olsen an iraq war veteran and one of the protester says the government's making an example. but it was one. of the matter so. if you're. a mad man and. marvel is further trying to make an example out of their own people now actually it was a war. about what were. going on. why he was well received if you know. but you know we're not going to going.
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you're trying. and. all fear is the us is desperate to lay its hands on julian assange just the man behind it we can cite are playing on the minds of diplomats to declassify documents from the australian embassy in washington reveal concerns he might end up on trial in the states a song is currently stuck in ecuador's london embassy with britain vowing to prevent him taking asylum in latin america but we do leak spokesman christian happens and believes the matter may go to the international court of justice. let's hope that the the biggest of them to me come to its senses and save its own country it's the only right thing to do but if they're on to it in this hard line position which is going to be assured giving this to themselves is. the attitude of the team of julian that we get to see these failures just it doesn't go so well as indicated that he will take the measure before the international court of justice. and force
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the u.k. government to give him as it's clear you see that this is going to the u.k. is the reason to go to extraordinary have called for a. strong reaction especially in light of the american countries. be on my list and the way the stuff that william hague will take such a extreme step especially when the negotiations were ongoing it according to that was already using the period between two countries and this is true could upset anybody nations all over the world and i'm pretty sure that the british student must be. very secure in voluntarily areas you have to get all government is ready to violate to the convention on the twenty two with these threats and they. will be leaving. coming up later the program permission to pray in the holy land israel stands accused of denying australians
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access to mosques during the holy month of ramadan and harassing that was allowed. and we reported on the new private military contractors and are in the market to clean up the blackwater solidarity of guns for hire. the u.n. has officially named darby me the former algerian foreign minister as its new amboy to syria healtheon successor is a veteran diplomat with experience in still volatile iraq and afghanistan but some have questioned his objectivity because of his. royalty his daughter a former reporter at c.n.n. has married to one of the king's sons jordan has allegedly been providing support for rebel forces in syria lakhdar brahimi has received wide backing from the international community bot arab experts warn against excessive optimism. the mission. haven't been good for a while and really a tribute to their three members in the security council namely front of.
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us in beating or for. that i think there will continue to be there were a lot about it but i mean he seems to be a bit discouraged from which her track record. will or successful mission aside from roadside explosives and taliban and al qaeda fighters nato forces in afghanistan are increasingly under attack by a new fall friendly afghan forces two more u.s. troops were shot yesterday in an insider shooting episode bringing the total to a dozen soldiers in just over a week and artie's got edge to count on reports this is a problem that multibillion dollar the fans projects just can't solve. the ads for military hardware in the us local like hollywood blockbuster trailers whether it's for a tactical armed drone which can fit into a backpack. or for
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a special robot like clothing for soldiers they sense what the user wants to do where the user wants to go and then explode we like to call these men tom an assistant but many ask why with all the high tech gear the u.s. can't win against man of simple means from some remote afghan villages a u.s. marine general estimated that eighty percent of his troops casualties in afghanistan were caused by homemade bombs components of which often cost no more than a few dollars. jake dilla better served in afghanistan at the beginning of the war the arabs and the armored humvees are cost millions of dollars and they're destroyed by something that costs the price of a pizza and we don't have any effective weapons to combat that animosity that rage against american presence there's no such thing it's sort of like if the chinese
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moved into you know wyoming or you somehow that why oh why oh why it's going to be happy now not at all there's no way that they just will simply want them to leave the u.s. invest in military gear more than the world ten other biggest military spenders combined the pentagon resists cuts in their gigantic budget arguing that they need to fight terrorists in other places we continue to face very sleek serious security challenges in the world of today we are still at war in afghanistan we still confront terrorism even though there's been significant damage to the leadership of al qaeda the reality is we confront terrorism in somalia yemen in north africa. the u.s. is extensively using drones to go after who they identify as terrorists. but will there ever be enough weapons to kill terrorists in this look at anwar lockey before he was assassinated by a drone did we stop al qaeda on the arabian peninsula we stop al qaeda us march on
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yemen no we did not we actually in many ways made it worse by the fact that others besides a walkie were targeted and killed in that same campaign civilians we invest in the military hardware destruction which obviously is to perpetuate the cycle of killing kill five ten come back you've got to have more hardware to kill that ten. retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer says the pentagon's obsession with military resources hasn't changed since the time when their enemy was the soviet union it was all about the numbers it was all very accountable regarding hardware hardware purchases how much how many missiles can you have how many can you defeat it was all very binary this or that this or that it was always it was a match force on force. and the current today's war it's not like that there's no
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force on force equation there's no way of measuring the number of tanks that will take care of the tali bomb because the taliban doesn't use tanks they don't need them and so this is for our current paradigm the us paradigm on war it's completely outdated all those fancy weapons certainly project power but in real warfare in afghanistan for example all that advanced gadgetry still hasn't delivered victory some argue is because while spending tremendous amounts of money on military gear the u.s. has failed to fully understand their enemy and what motivates them to fight i'm going to check on in washington our team the u.s. labor department has released alarming data suggesting unemployment has surged again in almost every state later today or it is financial gurus max kaiser and stacy herbert pull no punches about those stay believe are responsible for economic hardships all the full show is coming your way at nine thirty g.m.t. but here's a preview. you pete is not calculate anything having to do what
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a sustainable economy and life affirming qualities the only thing that contributes to g.d.p. in the u.k. in the u.s. in the g twenty countries is suicide if you commit suicide fast like they do in india the farmers are committing fountains of suicide a month because of monsanto that's considered a growth story the emerging market it's a happening country they're committing suicide really fast there's the u.k. people are committing suicide at a more leisurely british pace like oh darling i think i'll tell myself ok that's considered g.d.p. but not quite as aggressive as india in the united states oh yeah well in their case it's more homicidal suicidal so you've got those massive shootings and then you've got people killing themselves nearly so it's a combo play. what howie mandell drawing to a close muslims around the world are flocking to mosques to celebrate bottom palestine that often means standing for hours at security checkpoints only to be
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denied permission to pray policy or has more. people here want to pray but soldiers stand in a way it's a painful game of control and every day it is played out at checkpoints throughout the palestinian west bank at this time of year during the holy month of ramadan it's at its most brutal and the they throw at us like dogs and been here since half past five in the morning announced twelve thirty seven hours i'm here and they won't let me cross with a nod of the head or the wave of an arm and israeli soldiers says who can pray and who cannot it is a distressing scene for those who wait palestinian worshippers desperate to get to jerusalem have been standing pushing and shoving here for hours many have already been through several checkpoints does of course then in order to retain order order is very important. control over the palestinians is important because that's how you can. take control over their lives the alex
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a mosque is the third holiest place in islam on fridays the holy day hundreds of thousands of worshippers from across the west bank in east jerusalem make their way here human rights groups say the checkpoints have eased up this year but in the past is ready soldiers would ride on horseback into the crowds and use tear gas on fasting worshippers. the hardest element we have found that people who are considered dangerous during the rest of the year are suddenly allowed to cross during ramadan because they're about forty years old it means they still being a terrorist for a short while it's absolute and it shows there is no security problem but israel says its checkpoints are here for just that the army says it wants to avoid trouble by making sure men between the ages of twelve and forty don't pass unless they have special permission that sometimes takes weeks to organize the influx of hundreds of thousands of palestinians into with them since an unmistakable message to the
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israelis and that is that your wisdom is of no matter. the grand mufti of jerusalem accuses israel of having and now terry a motive when it comes to the al aqsa compound at the. radical jewish groups say they want to demolish and take control of they claim it is a part of israel and if not the mosque itself and then the yards they want to show our mouth's proving once again there is no democracy in israel. for those who make it through these maybe barry is it's a small victory the other store just told me of this suspect that the i'm going with gets me from behind. is that the bad things about what i want you to do that you must with. the child let me go because i have been machine so i just said no we have to trick you i said the subject me you don't have the. you don't have to trick me i get those who don't make it through simply by all the hits in korea and
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find and defiance they know another degrading struggle next week oh. well mary can always check out more reports from our middle east correspondents at r.t. dot com here's a taste of what else is there for you. bahrain's crack down on the opposition tree there is anger from international human rights groups after a prominent protest leader gets a three year sentence. plus a modern day robin hood tough a stare the cuts drive a spanish mayor to mastermind robberies and give money away to the poor. private military firms are now as big a part of modern war as death and destruction and they operate in an industry this
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image has been destroyed by the alleged crimes of blackwater in iraq so we're just on barton went to meet some new players in the field who are on a p.r. offensive. fighting for profit the trade is as old as warfare itself but modern private military contracting is a growing market and russian companies want in on the action to this training is to hone the skills of the staff and it is military training not just security but i want to be here in this forest outside moscow they want to be working in places like iraq and afghanistan. prussian security systems or r.s.b. is a private military company founded by the russian soldiers they are the convoy and guard duties around the world they are selling point they say they are more careful than others about what they do when we know that there is no state no high ranking
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official to back us but we work on our own a russian company must respect all the rules and laws of the country of residence as well as its lifestyle and mentality where when you're holding your guns for hire so what's the difference between military contractors and mercenaries that's the tag that some american firms have been labelled with after killings where they were based. for guards from us based military contractor blackwater which has since changed its name of facing fresh indictments for allegedly opening fire at a baghdad road junction in two thousand and seven killing seventeen iraqis the discrediting of firms like blackwater has opened up the market for russian firms says aristide but in this business there will always be a tension between morals and money who chose the company the purpose of creating a private military companies to make profit and as a rule the biggest profits come from clandestine operations so that attempting for
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the company and for individual operators should not be permitted he would call them what you will the market is that for a reason the private sector is supplying services that overstretched state forces either can't or won't provide such as in the treacherous waters of somalia come under bring your car crew did everything in their capacity to fix the engine as quickly as possible but i remember my heart throbbing because we knew there were pirate ships in the vicinity of them who could assault us at any moment put it on them while pirates bandits or others could strike it seems governments and companies are prepared to accept the controversy and pay for the likes of dimitri and his kind tom barton artie. well let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world south africa's president has ordered a probe into the shooting death of thirty four striking blend of my workers by police jacob zuma called the events shocking and unacceptable police opened fire on a crowd of protesting miners armed with machetes who were better working it's one
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of the worst incidents since the end of apartheid and nine hundred ninety four. the nost nasa curiosity rover is preparing to make its first big lead by zapping a rock a mars with a laser that's just one of ten tools it has available to help study the red planet and its ability to support life back on earth artie's or harmfulness when to find out whether average new yorkers are excited about curiosity adventures. human technology is on mars so what this week let's talk about that i hope we'll find some other kind of fly there and i think it can help to understand that we are not alone in the universe do you think that we will shift our press the option of how to be if we learn man. i hope so i hope so maybe you will become a bit more. help so it's for you to say that because i'm french and we're not at
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all what i think we need to understand that we're not alone i don't think as many people are into it that should be i posted something on my face we're going to have a had a one comment or one like at all and that was a couple days ago so that's kind of a little bit of a little bit of a disappointment why is that you would think reaching another planet. i feel like maybe the olympics shadowed it you know and kind of eclipse the moment but i tend to think there's more pressing issues here on earth and i'd rather see the money invested in. environment and. global food issues and that kind of thing but could we possibly find other solutions if we look outward. possibly i think it's great too i feel like we've lost that spirit of exploration largely it's underfunded
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a lot of people have it but we don't we don't commit enough to education either at school in our government or in our living room or in our solar system. that maybe they'll find some old worm holes or something of carbon you know carbon based or some of that but no martians no martians what if they did find martian there i don't think they'll want to come to earth if they're getting our television they won't be want to be coming though they'll be seeing our lives are dashing said i don't know. whether or not you think it's a big deal that humans have technology on mars the bottom line is it kind of is the big deal or at least it's a massive accomplishment no matter what we learn from man's. one nasa recap our top stories in just a few moments stay with us. thank
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both started here. for going global that's not. my role. in. choose your place take your stuff. to. make your statement. what do. you plug the street. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems
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