tv [untitled] August 18, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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you know why if you care about humans and we think this is why you should care what you only. talk about you're watching r t live from moscow these are the top stories pussy riot and their global fan club foreign governments and media hit out of the two year jail sentence given to the members of the russian female punk band. hitting the campaign trail veterans and protesters take over barack obama's election office no one calling for the release of jailed whistleblower bradley manning. you an officially appoints veteran diplomat lidar brahimi as its and boy in a war torn syria amid fears and i last objectivity did these lengths to jordan's world family. and those promises time for kaiser report as max's days and
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continue to expose fraud behind the financial headlines. biomass kaiser this is the kaiser report for you and we have a new word for you to think about consumption transient camp that's right force consumption but in a gulag it's a server tells more it's kind of a gulag casino state and you can see from our first headline here q e could fund a twenty billion pound tax giveaway q.e. of course is quantitative easing and the government in the u.k. they say could fund a twenty billion pound tax giveaway to boost growth next year by releasing the profits made by the bank of england's money printing program a leading economist has suggested the economist max michael saunders u.k. economist at citibank he said the government could use the accumulated profits from
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quantitative easing to finance a special temporary tax cut for a year or two according to official figures the potential profit by february twenty thirty nine from q.e. to the bank is twenty point seven billion pounds more than enough to knock two point five p.c. of income tax for a year right and raise the price of everything across the board by twenty point eight take it's call inflation it's called inflation is a tax so they're just using mumbo jumbo to enslave ya'll more going to slay you all back to change all. quantitative easing as many in the economics circles have pointed out has moved or stolen sixty billion pounds from savers. they stole sixty billion pounds with financial oppression or repression by artificially keeping rates of quantitative easing which ranges savers subsidize the city subsidize the fraud standard chartered subsidize the fraud money laundering h.s.b.c. subsidised
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a lot of boring apartments now they're saying well we're going to give twenty billion or twenty five or twenty seven billion back after the sixty that we stole that net they're still stealing tens of billions of pounds this laundering government possibility will continue on unchecked because david cameron is the weakest prime minister since lord studi plus the bank the paper says is sitting on q.e. profits because it bought gilt with the money it has effectively printed the guild's pay interest which is collected from the government it's all debt it's more debt purchasing power is collapsing the british pound is collapsing and again david cameron is so still such a such a moron i mean those thing i wish you could spin it he just has absolutely no it doesn't a basic math skills well nobody in government does the central bank doesn't either because here they are pushing this propaganda i think in order to get you to agree
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to another round because then they go on to say the real potential profit is even larger as the q.e. program has been extended by fifty billion pounds to three hundred seventy five billion since the official figures were compiled so they're saying the more we print the more profit we make to give back to you fred this is a total you know ponzi scheme scam same thing is happening in the united states from general motors they recapitalize a company stocks at a new all time low they've got the bell of company again that didn't do anything except reduce purchasing power for us dollars the debt spiraling is still going out of control again but this is the lunacy we've seen over and over for all these years central banks keep on telling us that we're. we're going to be rich by just printing money so let's move on to what the real economy the signs from the real disaster and the deaths that have been caused as we exposed here with paul moore the former whistleblower from h.b.o.'s here's the headline max one thousand
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suicides linked to hard economic times in britain a painful economic recession rising unemployment and biting austerity measures may have already driven more than one thousand people in britain to commit suicide according to a study just published last week the study a so-called time trend analysis which compared the actual number of suicides with those expected of prerecession trends they continued reflects findings elsewhere in europe where suicides are also on the rise between two thousand and two thousand and ten each annual ten percent increase in the number of unemployed people was associated with the one point four percent increase in the number of male suicides consumption tresham again coming into play and there's no the g.d.p. is mostly consumption seventy percent consumption and it's all fueled by artificially cheap money from a corrupt central bank bank of england that is helping fraudsters like all the banks in the u.k.
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and this is resulting in suicide in the near term and then there's a slow suicide call the british economy and then there's the slower suicide called the global economy the suicidal tendencies of the u.k. economy as evidenced by the program of quantitative easing has the result of dead bodies everywhere that's to proof it's working because you've consumed yourself to death and that's considered a net gain for g.d.p. g.d.p. just not calculate anything having to do with a sustainable economy and life affirming qualities the only thing that contributes to g.d.p. in the u.k. in the us in the g twenty countries is suicide if you commit suicide fast like they do in india the farmers are committing fountains of soup. suydam up because of monsanto that's considered a growth story the emerging market it's a happening contrary there critics who saw it really fast there's the u.k. people are committing suicide at a more leisurely british pace like oh darling i think i'll tell myself ok that's
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considered g.d.p. but not quite as aggressive as in the united states oh yeah well in their case it's more homicidal suicidal so you get those massive shootings and then you've got people killing themselves on nearly so it's a combo play but we covered on the show over in vegas they had some buddy did some culture jamming and showed some effigies hanging suicide effigy so here it's coming true in london in athens in madrid across europe it's a global phenomenon as this thing collapses but also you know to go with the first headline why does the dow jones publish the suicide index they have the industrial index the transportation index why don't they have a suicide index because i asked a true metric of economic growth in this suicidal tendencies central bank fuel consumption junction camp debt on this show still real numbers and remember in our interview with sandeep jaitley he did say that quantitative easing these banks these central banks are leading us down the road to
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a second dark ages so this is something you could expect to see now we're going to we're talking about the consumption tracing count an important part of that is the gulag is working in the prison system factory owners federal prison are stealing our business so in the united states small businesses are now complaining that they're actually having to lay off workers because of the federal prison free labor system eunuch or is a government run enterprise that employs over thirteen thousand inmates at wages as low as twenty three cents an hour to make goods for the pentagon and other federal agencies with some exceptions unicorn gets first dibs on federal contracts over private companies as long as its bid is comparable in price quantity and delivery in other words. if eunuch or once a contract it gets it so here again it's the us taxpayer financing the system where by their paying their taxes the federal government that imprisons these people for forty four thousand dollars
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a year forces them to work for free for them and pretends to the consumer the taxpayer hey we're giving you a great bargain it's the casino model that we saw in the quantitative easing we print up one hundred billion and look we give the free five billion back here it's here you pay the taxes to lock up these federal prisoners and we'll give you five cents savings back yeah but to get a job in america you've got to be thrown in prison so you're paying your tax with a guarantee an implicit guarantee that you'll be thrown in prison to get a job at prison labor wages so that you can be considered by the treasury department and the bureau of labor statistics to be adding to the competitiveness of the economy because competitiveness of course is measured in out per hour and of course if you've got proof of that everywhere and private prisons like corrections core of america had a new all time i recently i noticed they're totally plugged into the inner core and
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they're totally plugged into the core of justice system to get as many people in prison and americans and people around the world embrace this model or say me pick me put me in prison i want a job put me in prison here kurt courtney a director of government relations at the american apparel and footwear association says unemployment has been over eight percent for nearly four years and there's a federal program tanking our industry the only way for workers to get jobs back is to go to prison there's got to be a better way to do this well yeah i mean there's a better way to do this relaxed the laws a set of three strikes you're out have a two strikes you're out this will increase the prison population rapidly and this will make the prison operators money and the federal government will get a lot more cheap labor or wobble one strike you're out or about your mom committed a strike you go to. prism program are committed to strike you groom off a lot of argument a crime owner years ago so you go to prison their competitiveness is improving while we speak and remember is the consumption tray sion campus so they're telling you the taxpayer continue financing this because if you do if you pay forty four
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thousand dollars to send a man to prison we'll get him to work for twenty four cents an hour and see your clothes in your shoes will be cheaper of course now they've got the with this new program it's called trap wire of course you know they're fine a lot of people go into prison though they're they've got a then got a little spine no dope or shrinks from delta well max in fact trap wire is deployed throughout casinos in america so it is genuinely part of the casino gulag system now finally talking about you know the casino gulag there is one group of of people that are immune from the consumption training camp and that is the banks standard chartered shares rise as u.s. regulator drops license threat. standard chartered shares were up three percent despite agreement to pay three hundred forty million dollars fine over allegations of breach sanctions against iran and they've admitted to no wrongdoing max but i
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want to turn to for days before they settled with this new new york regulator the new york department of financial services i want to turn to a clip from our show the kaiser report where we discussed this and you said this you know go to well that's a good point to make is that standard chartered thought and they say that they would they had to deal with the department of justice and the f.c.c. and these other regulators but there is this new regulator new york state department of financial services that andrew cuomo created in the last year so this is just perhaps their way of making their mark on the scene on the global mafia sort of racket shakedown scene and they're saying hey we're the new al capone on the block we have to play big we have to make a big mark so you know we need our kick back now to be just a shakedown by the this new group of standard charter. which probably will end up paying a fine they'll pay something behind the scenes they'll they'll pay off andrew cuomo
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says a reelection campaign will suddenly circle and saw as mysteriously and you know this will be swept under the carpet. again news before it happens on the show we told you it was not about a shakedown and that's exactly what it worked out the big and of course one of the biggest news organizations in the world is the new york times so i want to turn to a tweet from one of their journalists who tweeted five days after we made that show this standard chartered settlement is either a huge shakedown or a very small slap on the wrist right now here's the thing the people in government america worry concern of is under frazier's legal they knew that it was up to more than a shakedown so they would short the stock before the announcement then of course the stock panic saw selling and they were long the stock at the bottom recently based on insider for measure. in that they knew that this was nothing going to shake down and they made another quick twenty percent of the way up and they put booked another million or two million dollars in profits how do these people like
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harry reid or palosi they make millions of dollars they traded inside information they instigate the shakedowns of these poor banks hers and then they walk home with these enormous piles of cash because they're doing the public's good deed right sure. well stay here with thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you monks. there at their. sacred laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't sound anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the r g dot com. my name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from one. i've been traveling in russia for the last ten years on
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a project federal wooden chair obviously i fell in love with the trench and they are extraordinary ok it's a beautiful opiates and the church is is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's something that people can look at it opens their eyes it. can be achieved by using your imagination. but come back to the kaiser report on max kaiser time not going to washington state and talk to the original civil war do rooms of david morgan of silver investor dot com that's over hyphen investor dot com david morgan welcome back to the kaiser report backs great to be back all right david margan you are of course the silver guru but before we get to silver i want to talk bongs you have recently made a bold call is it time to short dogs david morgan are you the guy to make the right
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call many have come before you and been wrong are you well backs to be totally honest l a o i've made a couple calls i said recently and actually over the years that apology more money made shorting the bonds in the u.s. bond market. simply do there's so much leverage available through the e.t.f. the double e.t.f. options and of course the futures market and i've actually taken a stab at it a couple times not very confidently in the two cases that i recall i used options myself and actually these bonds just kept treadmill log so. is it the right time or not i don't really know as certainly near the top how long this can be prolonged with these this almost zero interest rate policy obviously the bonds had a great run for thirty years and by my digressed maxim i talk about what's happened over the last three decades in the bond market you like to visit well let me ask you this the bonds are up year olds are low we know that the biggest buyer of u.s.
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government bonds and treasury bonds around the world are the respective governments that issue these bonds in various guises like quantitative easing they don't call that manipulation we also know that in london it alive or scandal where the government was caught with barclays buying backed bonds while simultaneously manipulating interest rates down around the world to make a profit for them to commit manipulation so why do we even care whether bonds are going to collapse or not collapse in the sort arm because they're being manipulated so you're making a not making an economics call you're making a call by inferring if you are if you are that the fraud the ponzi scheme the criminality of the bank of england and the fed is about to end is that what you're saying david because it's not economics anymore greenbacks look there's it's impossible to pay this back and this supply the most sure bet you could possibly make that it cannot continue i mean it is impossible to pay off any of these
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interest on the spot even at these low interest rates it's impossible so anyone that would buy these bonds doesn't you know have the conception of basic arithmetic so that's a fact so the only way you could default is you actually admit you know these bonds would be. back or anyone that's a foreign holder of these bonds would be paid in only u.s. citizens will who knows what they could come up with but that's so unlikely i just barely touch on that idea they're more likely default is they default on the currency and it's get printed into oblivion and when that happens obviously anything associated with the u.s. dollar be it the dollar bills or twenty dollar bills in our pockets or the equivalent debt so seated without no course a dollar bill is also a debt instrument will collapse so you could have a million dollars and you know bonds or ten or twenty or billions or trillions doesn't matter when it goes to zero or near zero and this is what happened and why our republic not
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a predicting that to go quite that way although it could but there's living on the razor's edge right now it's going to take just a small gust of wind to push him off the cliff as far as i'm concerned that we're very near the edge and i right or wrong i know i'm right in the long run as are going to happen by the end of the year is going to happen in two thousand and thirteen or fourteen i don't know but i know i wouldn't touch a bond you couldn't pay me to take up on i'm just looking at this list of names of people that have made a call like this and been wrong bill gross jump up lava jim rogers mark father peter schiff they've all made this call over the past three four years and they've all been wrong and the only guy has got it right as far as i can tell is mike said luck has been long bonds but you are stepping out there david morgan and you're planting a flag on this call that now's the time to short bonds now let's talk about some over the big news and solver on the front page of the f.t. announcement was that the c.f. to see it had closed their investigation is over manipulation bart chilton the way
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he had ten up girl for the safety say was on out front on this one. the the library scandal has proven without a shadow of a doubt that it was of england in barclays in the money center banks. manipulating interest rates so why should we be surprised i'm in manipulating silver and gold i mean silver is the inverse of interest rates so it's even if you admit it or not by manipulating lie bar you are manipulating summer this to two things are part and parcel silver is a currency goals a currency even if they live or you're manipulating precious metals that's that's an axiomatic truth that doesn't have even any questions to it david morgan your thoughts max is true i mean just christian who's been pretty forthright on how the boy on banking system works has always said that that's a leverage factor roughly one hundred to one and the only commodities that have the exact same derivative exposure. are gold and silver treated exactly as if they are
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a monetary instrument which they are so i'm just backing you up on that and jeff himself has said it many times so they are treated as as money they are money they've always been money there always will be money and the only less than one percent of the world's population that even those woken up to that fact but all we did is like a doubling of people it's raised her consciousness to the fact that gold and silver is really the only way out and you can see a paper price on these markets that would be ridiculous to state on your show right it's a good point there about paper price because we're finding out more and more that these exchange traded funds are really more aligned with the paper price that you find on these features markets whether it's m.f. global or peregrine or these other houses that are being stolen from by the my center banks like j.p. morgan or as an e.t.f. that has no seniority at all for the claims owned by the shareholders of these exchange traded funds in his wealth trusts that's all paper and that's a huge mistake isn't it david morgan for people to own a silver e.t.f.
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at this point it really is you might as well just throw your money in the garbage that well some are there's a big group that are lumped as e.t.l. fs and not all the ts are the same i mean s.l.c. is one i wouldn't touch or less i'm just doing is a hedge. but the p.s. of the lexus brought physical silver trust i would i would think that one find it slumped as an e.t.f. really it's a holding company in my view and you could take the silver out of there so if you have an e.t.f. rolling company where you can get the silver or gold out in your own hands then i think that's a safe investment so there are ones that are much better than the paper ploy derivative up to kazoo re hypothecation to the moon and back those are ones i would stay away from rights brought up in canada he's got a holding trust which is got a good good reputation with the government back on soon now the front page of the f.t. piece imagine the crast j.p. morgan by summer campaign from last year that took summer from twenty five to fifty
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but they didn't mention the silver liberation army by name but tell us about the silver buyers these days eric sprott we just talked about he recently bought two hundred million dollars worth of silver he's got to be silver vigilante number one tell us more about who's in the space to knock and crack some sculls of the paper bugs all these bigger funds or trust or e.t.f. that understand what's going on like take central front of canada that's been around for a very long time look at their holdings look at what they've done over the last decade to continue to buy more are they going to cash out because silver makes to thirty three bucks are you kidding me no they're going to buy more so what's the momentum starts to move in the silver market i'm forecasting some around a thirty three to thirty five dollar level you're going to see a lot of these guys come back in the come back in in size they're coming back in size in a very tight market there's a lot of physical left and so when those two equations meet you're going to see i think a real strong move to forty rather rapidly and then when i could take too much time
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in my view to build a base in that level and then once you start above that then who knows once we get above the fifty dollar psychological barrier those taken so long to get to we only touched it april two thousand and eleven. once we get above that which did it for a couple of weeks i could see silver go from fifty to seventy five in a matter of a couple months or maybe a bit less that's the way this market can move and that's where this market will move right sprott comes in with millions of pounds as the buy and the price moves you know a half a half a buck or something but people have to understand that for every million dollars in silver that's brought puts on the market to buy fifty million ounces of paper silver arrive on the sell side converse lee if somebody shows up with a million dollars worth of silver to sell then suddenly there's no buyers at all and you see the price drop precipitously that's what that's what manipulating the
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markets all about all the bodies are met with a wall of paper sell orders mostly from j.p. morgan using naked short sells leveraging their own balance sheet leveraging their own stock like enron did before them to defend the paper world the dollar the u.s. does debt market they the whole of grand that is the u.s. economy they're willing to sacrifice their company their stock the dollar the fed the treasury the white house jamie diamond is an added control rogue yes or now david morgan. out of control room just leave it rogue. finally silver isn't backwardation so tell us what this means and what we can expect to see going forward into the end of the year david margan backwardation means that you have to pay more for the physical market the need do for anything in the future it's a term that's used in the futures market it could apply to corn or any futures contract so you actually have to pay more now to get the product you need to get it
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could be corn it could be silver it could be anything then you do to buy it in the future and usually those aberrations only last a short period of time like a matter of days and then the market goes back in to contain go into tangles use a fancy word that means that every. cost more in the future and that's based on the interest rates of whatever government's holding the commodities which is the u.s. excuse me the u.s. bond market right now so the contain goes very low in all the commodities because interest rates are so low but that's what backwardation means it's a sign that it's a very tight supply it's a sign that somebody needs it badly they're worn to pay up more than the futures price to get it and again it usually doesn't last for a long while yet doesn't last very long because it's an arbitrage that's usually disappears within the market quite quickly and as you point out it goes back into the normal contango so the fact that it's been in backwardation for week after week month after month again clear evidence of manipulation subpar chelton when he's
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done blow drying his hair he needs to look at backwardation in perpetuity the sell by imbalance that's been going on for years now fifty to one imbalance at the point of the specialist market making right there on the various exchanges around the world plus the admitted j.p. morgan balance sheet by the bank of international settlements exposure as it's right there is a line item two three million ounces of silver naked on their books that they're exposed to three times bigger than the entire market capitalization all right david morgan we've got to leave it there we're out of time thanks for much for being on the kaiser report actually made my day probably my week thank you mo had to come out there to washington state visit soon and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herman our thank my guest david morgan if you are so many now please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot are you until next time ask either sign by our. own home.
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