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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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two years behind bars for the russian punk band pussy riot triggers an avalanche of reaction both at home and abroad but russia defense a sentence pointing out its lesson they would have received in europe. in the u.s. they are the by protests has taken that to a new level as demonstrators a stone broke obama's campaign office demanding the release of jailed whistleblower bradley manning the action leading to several other arrests. the no fly zone over syria would violate the country's sovereignty and the u.n. charter that's all russia responds to you with claims of that washington could impose some measure on the war torn country bypassing the u.n. .
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twenty four hours a day seven days a week of this is r.t.e. the jailing of three members of russian punk band pussy riot who performed a protest stunt in russia's main cathedral has been met with a vocal and polarized reaction from the russian public. for. you. you're. watching a jail sentence handed down to the trio for hooliganism motivated by religious hatred do you crawls out from outside the call to reading both in support and against the band more than fifty were arrested from both sides of the fence will violating public oldham the band has also received backing from all sides russia with a number of extreme stunts stays like this one in ukraine with feminist movement two to a chainsaw to a cross foreign governments also had this say with the us calling on the
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authorities to review the case and i t's marina ordinary swartz from new york there's been both political and public reaction over the pussy riot verdict now around the globe there has been several protests on friday in support of the three russian band members that were convicted of hooliganism paris brussels london and tell of eve are among the cities where demonstrators gathered to denounce the trial and the two year sentencing those that are in support of these three women and members of the pussy riot say that the decision that was made by moscow's court was emblematic of russia's intolerance of dissent on a more political front the u.s. embassy in russia has called the verdict unfair hershon it there was also reaction coming from amnesty international which said that the decision was a bitter blow to freedom of expression in russia also political figures in europe
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have begun to weigh in on this developing story we heard from the high representative of the european union catherine ashton who has said she is deeply disappointed by this verdict calling it disproportionate us. similar sentiment has also been echoed by germany's foreign minister so clearly this story taking place in russia has ignited a wave of reaction around the globe you as a base journalism don de bar says washington should tidy up its own affairs before judging others. the united states has other double standards that bear on this case too first let's look at the one nine hundred eighty nine case of st patrick's cathedral where act up members came into the church about forty five of them were arrested before they could really voice their own protests and numerous times since the beginning of the iraq war around the united states people have tried to go into
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churches to speak to the congregations i know nick modern for example an activist in the united states has done it about thirty times to try to say look your religious beliefs are so and so what's happening violates them please join us and they've been threatened with arrest arrested and worse so the united states does exactly this believe that is states which has more incarcerated people than the next three countries on the planet and that's only in absolute terms in terms of relative terms more than any other country on the planet the united states has all these people in jail and it's going to lecture other countries about how their legal process should work i just think it that has no credibility around the world and i think it's shameful. and response to the criticism from abroad over the pussy riot case the russian foreign ministry has highlighted the fact that legislation in some major european countries like australia and germany could see similar stunts inside a church and lend even bigger jail terms now the more prayer the pussy riot has
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performed in the crisis save a cathedral wasn't the first time the group has tried to court contrive a scene as one of the outgroup boy and i'm one of the convicted women participated in an orgy in moscow's biology museum just four days before she gave birth and another stunned to the activist reaction from police officers by kissing them on the metra martin mccauley a russian specialist at the university of london believes this simply motivated by publicity and not politics they did something very very daring it all but produced the they want to make themselves. if you like hander therefore therefore i decided to go into the main cathedral. and the achieve their goal of being becoming really world famous by doing what they did. and when they are released. they will in fact travel the world and become famous they have achieved their goal they're really world famous. well understand of me being getting
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a mountain of feedback from around the globe while we've been covering the pussy riot case here on our team public opinion to the story has been diverse to say the least yes i example of the views we've received at r.t. dot com. this ridiculous case makes me think of the middle ages what would the punishment have been had this happened in saudi arabia i'm sure it would have been a call for death for once i actually agree with russia take this joke of a band and look them up longer what they do is immoral and unacceptable god bless christianity disgusting and here i was thinking russia was getting more progressive this has put a big dent in my respect for russian british m p that went to russia to support the right why didn't she use her time to free young black youths in her prison for some silly crime if she's so concerned about justice system in russia.
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these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operation. that's not only russia that's been seeing protests against internal criminal proceedings say in the u.s. at least six people were arrested as one hundred strong group of war veterans and activists are by barack obama's campaign office in oak let. eighty. eight. the demonstrators marched on the office chanting slogans in support of gravity manning the soldier jail for allegedly leaking classified information to. the trial hearings are currently underway and that if on guilty the private could face the death penalty. reports from california where the latest protest took place
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. we saw several arrests happen there in oakland there were actually several arrests in portland as well as a group of supporters conducted several protests up and down the west coast now in oakland where dozens of people showed up the supporters of manning there were trying to deliver a couple of demands to president obama first of all they want president obama to apologize to bradley manning remember last year president obama during a fundraiser said that. many when he had committed a crime now in the eyes of many of his supporters this really creates an environment where bradley manning won't be able to get a fair trial given the fact that the commander in chief has already pretty much rendered him guilty in this trial saying he has committed no crime and second of all the supporters of bradley manning also want president obama to step in and to him to guarantee that many another u.s. soldiers are not punished before they go to trial now there's been
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a lot of world rights worldwide criticism over the treatment of bradley manning while incarceration by the u.s. government in fact the u.n. torture chief called his degrading so definitely still a lot of anger over the way that manning is being treated so far and these protests are a new sign that bradley manning supporters are really stepping up their pressure on the obama administration but definitely this coincides with the asylum granted to julian assange now a lot of. supporters of bradley manning believed. it's the work of weak you leave even even though there is no proof so for there bradley manning was in fact the person who leaked these documents to wiki leaks they know that the principle of free speech and the fact that all these secrets were exposed about the iraq war about the afghanistan war i mean they definitely think that there is a coordinated attack about against both leaks and in the prosecution of
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bradley manning that this is an assault on free speech and really an assault on peace. another well known whistle blower julian a son kind he remains trapped in the ecuadorian embassy in london although there seems to be some progress in the diplomatic impasse around in the situation in the u.k. have reportedly agreed to resume talks over the whistleblower his fate a breakthrough following a bitter hour over bridges earlier thread to storm the embassy and take a stand by force foreign ministers from across south america and the u.s. have agreed to meet next friday to discuss the standoff the u.s. was one of the three members to oppose the gathering arguing that diplomatic asylum isn't a matter of international law a sound is legal team clearly disagrees with a weekly spokesman saying if britain doesn't grant safe passage to the political refugee they will go to the international court of justice. let's hope that the the the biggest of the will come to its senses and give him safe passage
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a country it's the only right thing to do but if there are two is system this hard line position which is going to be reassured given the circumstances. of the legal team or julian that we can use these favors to but also go slow as indicated that he will take the matter before the international court of justice. and force the government to give him say because it's clear you say that this is a threat by the u.k. authorities and to urge to already have called for a. strong reaction especially in light of the american contracts. it is beyond my understanding why the william hague will take such an extreme step there specially when the negotiations were ongoing or into that war is in the period between two countries and this is should include of doing what the nations all over the world i'm very sure that the state must feel. very secure in
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all of the only areas they do in fact of their or government is ready to violate to the we have to mention all of the twenty two with these threats or that i just believe it will carry. and you're welcome to share your opinion on what's next for julian a son chev you'll say in our poll dedicated to the issue at our team dot com. russia says the creation of a no fly zone over syria under humanitarian pretext would be illegal foreign minister sergey lavrov was responding to a recent u.s. statement claiming it could have successfully implemented the measure and the conflict torn country i tease you got a piece going off brings us the details. foreign minister says that the no fly zone over syria would be a violation of international law which moscow would never support especially with the experience from the no fly zone over libya when a un resolution aimed at protecting civilians was instead used to overthrow the
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libyan regime and so you of course says the u.n. doesn't do revolutions yes we've heard the statements from the u.s. military commanders this is not the first time when there's been talk about establishing security zones or no fly zones if the zones involve the territory of the syrian state this will be in violation of the country's sovereignty and the u.n. charter. earlier washington said that it's looking at steps at creating a no fly zone over parts of syria and it's it could bypass the u.n. security council if needed and the russian foreign minister says that that is a very troubling signal especially knowing that the syrian rebels who are calling for ms for this help from the west also say that they're ready to join forces with al qaida so you know overall for also to the west for trying to bury the agreements reached in geneva one world powers were able to reach mutual understanding on syria saying that equal pressure has to be applied on all sides of the conflict and that they have to put their weapons down simultaneously and said you said that that
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community just signed in geneva gives a way for a peaceful end to this conflict but judging by the steps truly being made by many western states it's not really peace they're interested in but simply regime change in syria the russian foreign minister also rejected the speculation that this opposition by moscow to the west when it comes to syria is creating political isolation however a major media war against russia is currently underway which is aimed at harming its image and distorting its position on syria so you have also commented on how he's now often called mr know because of this opposition to the west on syria and he says as long as it means up holding the international law then while he's proud to be mr know. meanwhile as the sanction continued to be slapped on syria the measures are now backfiring on those who imposed them the passengers of an air france flight which was forced to make it on said you'll stop in damascus were left somewhat surprised for the pilot austin to chip in for more fuel the korean way i'm
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able to use the air france credit card because of the international sanctions currently in place in syria passengers were asked to open their wallets and search for cash and they managed to round up seventy thousand do you ings but despite the generosity of the passengers in the end of the money was needed the crew managed to solve the problem themselves although it's yet to be revealed how. coming up later in the program hope and pray and whole host of palestinian worshippers sharing ramadan find their devotion tested while trying to cross the border into jerusalem as they face what they call invasive and degrading security check. but if they did find marson there i don't think they'll want to come to earth if they're giving or television they will be want to be coming though they'll be seen or live for the actions of the i go with the technology to take pictures on
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models of the resident people in new york why out of this world exploration hasn't captured mines across the globe. just because you spend a lot doesn't mean you'll get a lot it's a lesson the u.s. military is learning the hard way even with multi-billion dollar high tech weapons american troops in afghanistan are still falling victim to homemade bombs built for fraction of the price ganesh each weekend reports. the ads for military hardware in the u.s. look like hollywood blockbuster trailers whether it's for a tactical armed drone which can fit into a backpack. or for a special robot like clothing for soldiers they sense what the user wants to do where the user wants to go in an explosion like to call these men thomas systems but many ask why with all the high tech gear the u.s. can't win against a man of simple means from some remote afghan villages a u.s.
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marine general estimated that eighty percent of his troops casualties in afghanistan were caused by homemade bombs components of which often cost no more than a few dollars. jake dilla better served in afghanistan at the beginning of the war the camera and the armored humvees are cost millions of dollars and they're destroyed by something that costs the price of a pizza and we don't have any effective weapons to combat that animosity that rage against american presence there's no such thing it's sort of like if the chinese moved into you know wyoming or you somehow that why oh why oh why it's going to be happy now not at all there's no way that they just simply want them to leave the u.s. investment military gear more than the world's ten other biggest military spenders combined the pentagon resists cuts in their gigantic budget arguing that they need to fight terrorists in other places we continue to face very sleek serious security
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challenges in the world of today we are still at war in afghanistan we still confront terrorism even though there's been significant damage to the leadership of al qaida the reality is we confront terrorism in somalia and yemen in north africa . the u.s. is extensively using drones to go after who they identify as terrorists. but will there ever be enough weapons to kill terrorists in this look at anwar lockey before he was assassinated by a drone did we stop al qaeda on the arabian peninsula we stop this march on yemen no we did not we actually in many ways made it worse by the fact that others besides a walkie were targeted and killed in that same campaign civilians we invest in the military hardware destruction which obviously is perpetuates the cycle of killing kill five ten come back you've got to have more hardware to kill that ten.
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retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer says the pentagon's obsession with military resources hasn't changed since the time when their enemy was the soviet union it was all about the numbers it was all very accountable regarding hardware hardware purchases how much how many missiles can you have how many can you defeat it is all very binary this or that this or that it was always it was a match force on force. in the current today's war it's not like that there's no force on force equation there's no way of measuring the number of tanks that will take care of the taliban because the taliban doesn't use tanks they don't need them and so this is for our current paradigm the us paradigm on war it's completely outdated all those fancy weapons certainly project power but in real warfare in afghanistan for example all that advanced gadgetry still hasn't delivered victory
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some argue is because while spending tremendous amounts of money on military gear the us has failed to fully understand their enemy and what motivates them to fight i'm going to strike down in washington our team. well governments spend billions on their military budgets to the wellbeing of their own citizens can take a back seat making way for modern day robin hopes to get away beside archie dot com to learn more coming out to the woman in philadelphia could be slapped with a hefty penalty just for providing children with. tough austerity cuts to drive one spanish managed to turn to crime in order to put food on the table of those who needed most.
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but the holy month of ramadan drawing to a close muslims around the world are flocking to mosques to celebrate but in palestine that often means standing for always the security checkpoints only to be denied permission to pray policia reports. people here want to pray but soldiers stand in a way it's a painful game of control and every day it is played out at checkpoints throughout the palestinian west bank at this time of year during the holy month of ramadan it's at its most brutal. they threaten us like dogs i've been here since half past five in the morning announced twelve thirty seven hours i'm here and they won't let me cross with a nod of the head or the wave of an arm and israeli soldiers says who can pray and who cannot it is a distressing scene for those who wait palestinian worshippers desperate to get to jerusalem have been standing pushing and shoving here for hours many have already been through several checkpoints it does of course then in order to retain order
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order is very important. control over the palestinians is important because that's how you can. take control over their lives the alex a mosque is the third holiest place in islam on fridays the holy day hundreds of thousands of worshippers from across the west bank in east jerusalem make their way here human rights groups say the checkpoints have eased up this year but in the past his radio soldiers would ride on horseback into the crowds and use tear gas on fasting worshippers the hardest element we have found that people who are considered dangerous during the rest of the year are suddenly allowed to cross during ramadan because they're about forty years old it means there's still been a terrorist for a short while it's absolute and it shows there is no security problem but israel says its checkpoints are here for just that the army says it wants to avoid trouble by making sure men between the ages of twelve and forty don't pass unless they have
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special permission that sometimes takes weeks to organize the influx of hundreds of thousands of palestinians into jerusalem sends an unmistakable message to the israelis and that is. that she was slim is no easy matter. the grand mufti of jerusalem accuses israel of having and i'll tarry a motive when it comes to the al aqsa compound or what the. radical jewish groups say they want to demolish and take control of they claim it is a part of israel and if not the mosque itself then the yards they want to show our mouths proving once again there is no democracy in israel. for those who make it through the israeli barriers it's a small victory the other store just told me pass this suspect that i'm going without gets me from behind and started to talk bad things about why what you do do that you must quit and i started to shout let me go because i have that mission the
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soldier said no we have to trick you i said that the other subject me you don't have that. you are going to have to kick me again those who don't make it through simply bow their heads in prayer and silent defiance they know another degrading struggle lies ahead next week. paulus the r.t. jerusalem right taking a brief look at other news from around the world suspected al qaeda militants in yemen have killed at least one thousand soldiers in an attack targeting an intelligence office in the south of the country officials also say nine officers and three civilians were wounded the gunmen use rocket propelled grenades and automatic weapons when they forced their way into the buildings courtyard al qaeda remains highly active in southern yemen where separatists are seeking independence from the not. at least five militants have been killed in the u.s. drone attack in pakistan
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a small town near the afghan border was targeted as muslims held a festival marking the end of ramadan the number of attacks in pakistan by american on many craft has drastically increased assia searching regions are considered to be supported by al qaida and the taliban the strikes all criticized throughout the republic for violating the country's sovereignty. no less is curiosity rover has begun work on planet mas preparing to zeph a small rock with a laser to examine its chemical composition a cost size vehicle has ten different tools to study the red planet one of which was developed in russia. went to find out where the average new cars are excited by curious to just mention. human technology is on mars so why this week let's talk about that i hope will find
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some other kind of life there and i think it can help to reason that we are not alone in the universe do you think that we will shift our perception of how to be if we learn man. hopes to help so maybe we'll become a bit more. hope so it's true to say that because i'm for it so we're not on board oh i don't think we need to understand that we're not i don't think as many people are into it that should be i posted something on my face we're going to have a head of one comment or one like. that was a couple days ago so that's terrible little bit of a little bit of a disappointment why is that you would think reaching another planet deller i feel like maybe the olympics you know kind of eclipsed the moment but i tend to think there's more pressing issues here. on earth but i'd rather see that money invested in the environment and. global food
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issues and that kind of thing but could we possibly find other solutions if we look outward. possibly i think it's great to i feel like we've lost that spirit of exploration largely world so it's underfunded a lot of people have it but we don't we don't commit enough to education either at school in our government or in our living room or in our solar system. or so that maybe they'll find some oh worm holes or something of carbon you know carbon based i should know that but no martians no martians what if they did find martian there i don't think they all want to come to earth but if they're getting our television they won't be want to be coming though they'll be seeing our lives are dashing said oh i got to know whether or not you think it's a big deal that humans have technology on mars the bottom line is it kind of is the big deal or at least it's a massive accomplishment no matter what we learn from minutes.
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right you've been watching our t.l.b. back with a recap of our top stories in just a couple of minutes stay with us. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems
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. i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone won but they do tell a story they tell us story of. the oxen.


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