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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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join us on speaks out for the first time since being granted asylum in ecuador saying the u.s. must stop the witch hunt on whistleblowers. hundreds of supporters turned out to his statement as did hundreds of police officers who were again floated in their desire to arrest him more coming up in just a moment. syrians get a reprieve from violence and remember that they're out of the end of ramadan r.t. visits a village where people are trying to build their own grassroots governance to outweigh conflict and hatred. was an imminent threat or a demonized minority we investigate the growing presence of radical muslim groups at the heart of europe.
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it is not i am of the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie joined us on has called for the u.s. to stop the persecution of whistleblowers who expose the crimes of the powerful the plea was made in his first speech since ecuador granted the weak links out of her asylum songe has been sheltering in the nation's london amnesty for more than two months now avoiding extradition to sweden for questioning over alleged sex crimes which he denies are diesel or smith has more there were several speakers who came on before joining us on the sort of woman packed his longtime supporters including tara kelley the renowned station list but of course there was a serious message behind all this that they're all out to support you in essence and he really wanted to speak to the people she thanked them he thanked particularly the supporters who were out here in their hundreds and he thanked them from have for having been here on wednesday night as well when he says that when he was in bed he heard swarms of police coming up the forest. insight the jury an
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embassy building here and downs and but that they backed off at the last minute and presumably that is in response to the perceived threats by the foreign office head that they would not hesitate to break into the embassy try to reveal your kids diplomatic status and break in that to arrest him but he said he knew that there would be witnesses thanks to the supporters and so he knew that everything would be ok he also thanked that could do it for holding the constitution of you know the constitution which includes a universal citizenship he thanked the stall for this very cramped embassy which he's been staying for the last two months presumably getting in their way quite a bit and he also one of the most important things he said was he called upon the u.s. to still put he called the persecution of whistleblowers that's just terrible the fact the united states must renounce its witch hunt against wiki leaks. the united states must assume its an investigation. the
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united states must know that it will not seek to prosecute. or else the court of. the united states must pledge before the world that it will look as you journalists are shining shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful. i'm very lucky to be joined now by one of those whistle players craig murray who is the full membership ambassador to as pakistan and the whistleblower himself he blew the whistle on government abuses involvement in craig thanks very much for talking to us now what do you think julian assange case tells us about the treatment of whistleblowers. i think of the post and labor's a long history of whistleblowers being smeared and charged with crimes under later today was blowing because obviously it's quite difficult for states to convict people of telling the truth about state misdemeanors so what you do is through.
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with other charges very often sexual charges because we're destroyed for personal reputation the foreign office now insists that it didn't mean to say that it would storm the embassy to go in and arrest julian assange what do you make of of william hague's comments and of the foreign office attitude in general. colophon officers law and in its attempts to back down because it's trying to solve so diplomatically isolated it most certainly did say about both in person and in writing to the government of ecuador. at the very moment it was saying about fifty policemen moved into the building but not into the actual plant containing the ecuadorian embassy there's no doubt whatsoever that this was a deliberate to ditch the vienna convention on behalf of the british foreign office and what do you say to william hague. william hague merely as a major pulled himself he. first time he wants media interview in which he said that as a student who used to drink fourteen points of beer
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a day i think he must have done twenty eight pints of beer before coming up with a threat to storm vehicle door an embassy. laura smith also spoke with paul with a member of the u.k. the panel's party who believes that the actions of the british government have made the country look bad in the eyes of the world it's such a turnaround from last week where we were all so proud to be british and now this week because of the actions of one poor foreign secretary we have to hang our heads in shame i mean this whole thread made against the best legal advice of violating another country's you know territory in service of a european a restaurant which hasn't even been properly filled out and and on a on a case where there are still no charges have been laid my feeling is that if if nobody in the british government has has the courage to stand up against you know this this european arrest warrant then the best thing we can do. is pass it on to a nation which clearly has found some courage to stand up against this sort of oppression and it's quite right what
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a song says that this is all about wounded american pride this is all about the americans having being discovered doing something wrong and instead of going in fixing a base throw bradley in jail for coming up on two years and then they go off to the person who made the information public. coming up in the program keeping an eye on their own. account what i study at this point at this point in the world with the approximately fifty ninth street all the way down to the battery you are there is no location that you can go to on the public street hundred most buildings where you're not being video card tables behind the surveillance cameras in america to find out who's actually watching. united nations observer mission in syria has officially come to an end the newly appointed mediator lakhdar brahimi is now tasked with reinvigorating the peace process moscow
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has voiced its regret that the u.n. mandate couldn't be prolonged and has warned washington against imposing a no fly zone over syria something that helped topple the khadafi regime in libya syria experienced a law in fighting with manny's spending their sunday praying to mark the end of the holy month of ramadan president bashar asad was shown on state t.v. praying in a mosque his first public appearance since last month's bomb blast killed his top security officials some residents of aleppo the country's commercial hub went out to sweep the streets littered with debris and shrapnel after weeks of street battles between the regime and rebels are discs on a boy who visited one southern village to see how people there are trying to build better lives for themselves despite the bloodshed. it's a reach all in syria have become painfully accustomed to neighbors and relatives coming to pay homage to yet another of the fallen there few tears at least in
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public the dead are considered martyrs now and have been but the sense of loss is suffocating. as sound was an army captain who was taken down by a sniper in damascus and learn from well i want to say to his killers is that violence is the worst solution it only leads to more violence this is this fix victim in the village of dying in southern syria all of them were serving in the army and all were killed far from home the village itself hasn't seen any violent clashes and for the locals it's no coincidence. they call it outcry a civil council it was established when the uprising in syria started to turn violent but the specific goal of keeping armed groups of bay locals figured out the best way to do that is through embracing greater freedoms. our main demand is
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greater freedom of speech we all have enough courage to express ourselves. they have come up with their own six point plan that aims to reduce corruption and create me up to me she's put the young that dissatisfaction is seen here as the main driver of clashes in the north something that these elders are trying to avoid not so much to preserve the assad regime but rather to preserve their community should be looked at no matter how we differ we all need to protect our home. and so far this strategy has paid off there are still those who oppose the government but even stronger they oppose death and destruction human lives is the most of what. we should stop firing and we can talk we can discuss anything. and. it should be like meeting together and it's the better for
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us and for our country these grassroot experiment in reconciliation is all the more striking given that this village has a long history of armed resistance outcry was the birthplace of the syrian revolution against the french two years long it claimed thousands of lives and left more than one hundred thousand homeless maybe that's why the locals are so eager to avoid new revolutions. in that revolution our country again sovereignty and independence from the colonizers and the violence of the past year is aimed at stripping us from it. in addition to their revenue. credentials local state pride in having good business acumen not surprisingly their cuckoo ations of costs and benefits is not on the side of violence this event which is like syria and miniature muslims jews christians al awaits some of them support the government others oppose but most of them agree that there is nothing more precious than peace
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at some point r.c. the villages in syria. still i had a sour here in our team a look at hardline islam as an anti europe there's an organization called a cause a policy that has been based here for the last three years it's allegedly a salafi story because aisha the preachers of radical islam are the website has been blocked and there's no easy way to get in touch with them so we decided to come here and find out what we could our correspondent investigates the roots of radical islam in belgium and attempts to stop it becoming part of parcel of european life. wealthy british style. time to. go around the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. soon which brightened. some from fans to the french and. starts on t.v. don't come. back you're watching r t you know recent reports published by wiki leaks have revealed have revealed that the u.s. government is using highly advanced spyware to watch its own citizens the system called trap wire allegedly x. x. this is all surveillance cameras nationwide and sounds collected data to a main database where the images are stored. reveals more about the mysterious
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software. on any given day some twenty million people are making their way through new york city what most if not all are oblivious to is how closed circuit cameras filming from nearly every corner are being utilized according to wiki leaks documents c.c.t.v. cameras throughout america are monitoring encrypting and storing nearly every move americans are making in public the plan to balance program is called top wire and right now i'm joined by packet or steve to find out more about it steve what you strap wire for is a trip wire is owned by the abraxas corporation or actually a bracks a software know. it was developed by three former cia agents. it is essential a system that takes data everything from facial recognition to suspicious activity
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records a license plate reader camera records all types of telekinesis and all the data and it feeds it into a software system that it tempts to predict if there's going to be a terrorist attack at a location the theory behind trap wire is that there's going to be a certain kind of look for a target a set so this system looks for people acting in a way consistent with terrorists doing reconnaissance on a target and that at such a person is suspected it takes that person's face which has been filmed and tries to match it to databases of known or suspected terrorists if strathyre. first of all anything you do on the public street is legal i can take a camera and follow you everywhere you walk on the public street i can record every building you go into i can write down your license plate i can take photos of
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everybody you meet with and in fact as an investigator it's something that i and my team in fact do. a regular basis you have no expectation of privacy out on the street walking driving meeting with people talking to people at this point right now getting anything. that is. not. a countless i think at this point at this point anywhere in manhattan from approximately fifty ninth street all the way down to the battery you are could there is no location that you can go to on the public street and in most buildings where you're not being videoed this this part of america that's equivalent to the eye of god i can follow your camera to camera to camera if you started walking south and you walked all the way to the battery tunnel i would have you on camera constantly your entire. here and if you can't i think yes well they are they are encrypted at the point of recording and then
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transmitted to a subtle storage location like father you are serious about taking what bothers me most about this program is it gives a false sense of security it gives a false sense of security to the public now that it's out in the public eye and it gives a false sense of security to the law enforcement agencies prints interest stations two blocks down that way if i'm a terrorist i can put a backpack on my shoulder walk into the middle of grand central station during five o'clock friday rush hour right now and set off an explosive and there is nothing the trap art can do to protect me or stop me so then what is the point that. you know well the point of trap wire is to make a ton of money for the people that started it but but to not be to not be flip about it the theory behind trap wire is good the implementation. in my opinion not particularly effective marina port niamh artsy new york. don't forget to visit our
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website for more on the stories we're covering on air and there's of course plenty for you to check out other dot com including all the world's a stage occupy wall street is to be revitalized on broadway find out more about plans for a future here. plus choppy waters for swimmer michael phelps who how he could be stripped of the olympic medals he won in london for appearing in an advert for louis vuitton all the full story is there to dot com. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule the day. the rule of sharia law in the heart of europe and nightmare for some an established goal for others many belgians are becoming increasingly alarmed by
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a reported rise of islam mystic to many in their country but muslim community leaders have warned of the dangers of demonizing the mannie for the actions of a small few steps are still you know reports over here into walks of district in the belgium local media here have reported that there's an organization called it much because of how he's been has been based here for the last three years it's allegedly a salafi story because asia the preachers of radical islam are the website has been blocked and there's no easy way to get in touch with them so we decided to come here and find out what we could. but we couldn't get much of a few residents have also made it clear that we word welcome local media reports say that this organization was founded by two brothers who studied in saudi arabia and preaches a form of hardline islamic that is quote unquote tough on both muslims and non muslims alike citing an anonymous source. from his office i'm scared for my children because when i play music these people come and harass me it's not normal
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my kids are around them they bother me to see their aggressive to you because they have a camera it's not normal i know they saw me speaking to you so i'm going to get into trouble i know it. it's difficult because all the salafist who are radicals of course but all of the terrorists. to make clear distinction between there is another movement very conservative one. very conservative but not violent radical islam has received much media attention as of late in june it is the leader of another radical group sharia for example what previously given as an interview was arrested for posting an internet video urging quote his brothers and sisters to fight against nonbelievers after a woman was detained for wearing a face veil clashes later erupted between muslim youths and police in retaliation for the woman's detention and days later
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a french muslim stabbed two policemen in brussels saying he had come to attack policemen and take revenge on the belgian government for banning the burka the german intelligence service said of its most recent annual report that salafism was the fastest growing islamic movement in the world and that it calls for replacing national legal frameworks with sharia law authored by means of a violent struggle against the state but after a theologian at the main islamic center and mosque in brussels and himself a salafi explains that the actions of a minority add to the confusion in the way muslims are perceived acidify salafi if we take the definition of salafi it means looking at our predecessors and going back to the very first ways of islam it can be the beard the clothing even smiling can be part of the prophetic tradition so long as he is not a call for war it's not a call for jihad it's not to ask people to be full of hate on the contrary salafi
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is a religion for extremists you find them in every religion for us we are moderate we're in the center but what of those who are not moderate. groups like these that offer speech we. completely opposite of belgian society they don't know where they are they choose the wrong place it's not in a country like belgium that you can offer that kind of speech because it doesn't work but in the end there's a small groups they're not the majority within their community authorities and experts agree that the challenge lies in identifying radical groups with the potential for violence and in intercepting the radicalization process of young people before it's too late tess or cilia r.t. brussels. take a look at some other stories from around the world libyan authorities have detained thirty two people in connection with bomb attacks that left two people dead in the country's capital on sunday all those arrested allegedly belong to a network of loyalists of the country's former leader that was adopted and have
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been receiving financial backing from abroad here remains unstable they go back popular uprising resulted in could office ousting the death last year the country is currently governed by an elected general national congress. according to china has given the wife of former high ranking a politician a suspended death sentence after she admits to the killing of british businessman the trial of gu kailai last to just seven hours and there was close to international media the case created a major political crisis in china's kyla's husband villian or a boss who i had been considered as a possible future chinese leader he is currently under investigation on separate charges. a roadside blast has left three soldiers from new zealand dad in central afghanistan in a separate incident a man dressed in afghan police uniform killed
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a nato service member in the country's capital the violence by apparent afghan security forces against a coalition members has risen in recent weeks claimed by the taliban as one of the anti nato tactics nato forces are scheduled to leave again to stand in two thousand and fourteen. somalia's parliament is preparing to vote in the country's upcoming presidential elections to mali currently has no centralized government control however a small part of it is ruled by un backed transitional federal government whose mandate expires this year the outgoing president shake shake it is seen as the favorite in the race which also includes the country's prime minister and a parliamentary speaker. next hour r.t. talks to a former israeli prosecutor who tells us more about the financial troubles in the palestinian territories and israel's role in creating them here's a quick preview. we're talking about.
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or to be the new. settlement. all right we're now switching to the world of business where daniel has all the latest from the business desk good morning young danielle well we know that money makes the world go round now the focus is shifting to women who are the world's most promising emerging market absolutely merino women's incomes worldwide will jump more than china's india's economy in the next five years finds
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a new report. has the story. close of business in the moscow business center but just a couple of decades ago you wouldn't have seen so many women these ladies have probably just days trading on this talk markets but investor story they may be overlooking is the ladies themselves henson young says women represent the biggest developing market globally and could save the ailing world economy this emerging market is not part of brics month it will come from the at the moment more than a quarter of women in developing countries like qatar from the economy they count almost a bill them and once they get and pulled the impact of these new workers will be greater than the demographic explosion in the past century and send young expect that in the next five years women income will grow by five trillion dollars to eighteen trillion dollars globally which will double the g.d.p. growth of india and china together investor advisors say this is currently the most
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exciting growth story but to capitalize on it the financial world ruled by a man should start investing in women in training help them build businesses and promote a stronger female presence in executive positions so the message from s. the young is from man to invest more in women before we start cashing in on ourselves but you have business r.t. moscow. japanese stocks being lifted by a week again the exporters shrugged off chinese protests off the japanese activists landed on an oil and claimed by both nations the jurors law the dispy goal said the e.u. make up boring calls for troubled euro states by buying their bond markets week on friday highlighting a breakdown in the relationship between commodity prices and russian equities. skyrocketed more than twenty five percent in the last two months while the most six climbed less than six percent and up was gearing up to sell i phones dollar ric's
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marina we'll have that story next hour for you all right looking forward to that daniel thanks very much indeed for this date and i'll bring you a recap of our top stories in just a few minutes don't go away. magine assets that the devil watches young every single move. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with
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a video camera so i moved over and he followed me. you know we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. me devil operation on archie. will do the trick science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. the. line in motion would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from phones to freshen some. meals for instance on t.v. don't come.


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