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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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this is why you should care only dot com. supporters await to see his fate whistleblower makes his first public speech in months saying the u.s. must stop prosecuting those who reveal the truth. the diplomatic break the twelve latin american countries done by ecuador following the threats to the embassy and the arrests today and more coming up in just a minute. but new peace envoy for syria says stopping the civil war is now his main task as the bodies observe a mission comes to a close amid escalating violence. arrests thirty two daffy loyalists for alleged links to a bomb blast it's all coming a year after rebels took control of the country.
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it is just after five pm moscow time this is our life with me rule received a welcome to the program south america's foreign ministers have condemned britain's threat to storm ecuador's london embassy to arrest julian assange on sunday the wiki leaks editor finally made an appearance in public calling for the us to stop its witch hunt against whistleblowers he was granted asylum last week but still remains ensconced in the embassy to avoid extradition to sweden for questioning over sex crimes allegations laura smith has this report. the atmosphere here outside the ecuadorian embassy on monday is much calmer than it was on sunday although there are still few hardcore hangers on both police and media and of course supporters who have set up camp here and look like they're going to be
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headed for the long haul not many but still some keeping witness to what goes on here at the ecuadorian embassy sunday of course his first statement since he went into the ecuadorian embassy two months ago there was really a rally kind of a con of a like atmosphere with a variety of speakers leading up to coming out on to the balcony behind me and addressing his supporters and his followers he thanked a lot of people he also told a story about how on wednesday night he heard swarms of police coming up the fire escape inside the ecuadorian embassy here stopping short just outside his bedroom and for some reason backing off that he thanked these supporters who were here that bearing witness to that and making sure that nothing happened he owes to thanks for doing what he called holding the constitution and of universal sisson ship you say
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thank the staff at this very cramped embassy he must be getting under their feet quite a lot but one of the most important things he said was that he called on the u.s. to stop the persecution of whistleblowers united states must renounce its witch hunt against wiki leaks. united states must be doing its investigation. the united states must know that it will not seek to prosecute. oil supporters. united states must be. good it will look as you journalists are shining shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful. this situation of course is now developing into a full blown diplomatic britain says that it still seeking an amicable solution to
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all of this is officials in ecuador seeking to resume official told but that might not be easy to rescind the pates to ecuador at least to suggest that it might revoke the diplomatic status at the embassy behind me and this storm it with police and be able to arrest. the twelve member union of south american nations has backed . develops into really a standoff with neither country appearing to what it's about doubted in us dollars as spanish knew about his own says that he's going to know it's in no seat with the un international court. is not allowed to be fair. smith also spoke to whistle blower and human rights activist craig he says smear campaigns against those revealing embarrassing state secrets has now become current commonplace. i think unfortunately there's a long history of whistleblowers being smeared and charged with crimes under later
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today was blowing because obviously it's quite difficult for states to convict people of telling the truth about state's misdemeanors so what you do is you claim with other charges very often sexual charges because that destroys the personal reputation colophon office is lying in its attempts to back down because it's found to sell so diplomatically isolated it most certainly did say that both in person and in writing to the government of ecuador. at the very moment it was saying about fifty policemen moved into the building but not into the actual plant containing the ecuadorian embassy but moved into the fire escapes there's no doubt whatsoever that this was a deliberate attempt to ditch the vienna convention on behalf of its fun office and the causes backfired spectacularly because the whole world is engaged by this what william hague really is made of pulled themselves it's not the first time he wants the media interview in which he said that as
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a student he used to drink fourteen pints of beer a day i think he must have done twenty eight pints of beer before coming up with a threat to storm the ecuadorian embassy. still to come for you this hour here on r t julian assange may be busy with his own problems but the work of wiki leaks can take. you right now given everything we. live our lives right countless zero point zero zero at this point any word when her from approximately fifty ninth street all the way down to the battery you are could there is no location that you can go to on the public street according to recent reports published by the whistle blowing web site and the u.s. government is using a highly advanced of spyware to watch its own citizens live in them alternately with nowhere to hide. the newly confirmed a peace envoy for syria says his main task is to stop. the civil war in the country this as the u.n. observer mission there has come to an end though amid escalating violence heavy
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clashes have been reported in the capital damascus and in the southern city of daraa are claiming yet more lives and moscow has voiced its regret that the observers mandate can be prolonged with only a small liaison office left behind to support future peace efforts and more evidence has now emerged that syrian rebels are receiving increased deliveries of weapons from libya brought in lebannon the opposition also claims british intelligence is aiding the rebel attacks on government forces but amid all the violence there are some syrians trying to do what the warring factions have failed to do and that is bring peace as r.t. talks on a boycott of reports. to reach all in syria have become painfully accustomed to neighbors invalides coming to be home much to yet another of the fallen their few tears at least in public the dead are considered martyrs now and haven't but this sense of loss is suffocating. her sound was an army captain she was taken down
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by a sniper in damascus and learn from what i want to see to his killers is that violence is the worst solution it only leads to more violence this is the fix victim in the village of alkali in southern syria all of them were serving in the army and all were killed far from home the village itself hasn't seen any violent clashes and for the locals it's no coincidence. so they call an outcry a civil council it was established when the uprising in syria started to turn violent the disposition a goal of keeping armed groups at bay locals figured out the best way to do that is through embracing greater freedoms. our main demand is greater freedom of speech we all have enough courage to express ourselves. they have come up with their own
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six point plan that aims to reduce corruption and create mean opportunities for the young that dissatisfaction is seen here as the main driver of clashes in the north something that these elders are trying to avoid not so much to preserve the assad regime but rather to preserve their community should be a law no matter how we differ we all need to protect. and so far this strategy has paid off there are still those who oppose the government but even stronger they oppose death and destruction human lives is the most of what. we should stop firing and we can talk we can discuss anything. and. it should be like a meeting together and it's the better for us and for our country these grassroot experiment in reconciliation is all the more striking given that this village has
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a long history of armed resistance outcry was the birthplace of the syrian revolution against the french two years long it claimed thousands of lives and left more than one hundred thousand homeless maybe that's why the locals are so eager to avoid new revolutions. in that revolution our country again sovereignty and independence from the colonizers and the violence of the past year is aimed at stripping us from it. in addition to devil. have a credential local state pride in having good business acumen not surprising that their cool ations of costs and benefits is not on the side of file and this village is like syria and miniature muslims jews christians our weights some of them support the government others oppose but most of them agree that there is nothing more precious than peace it's not going to r.c. the villages in syria. and so i could have you with us or not here today that i had
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for you and this our love for hate to investigate what a hardline islamic movement is really preaching in belgium and the misconceptions surrounding it. every single second of every single day the u.s. government is secretly spying on its people this according to e-mails released by wiki leaks the system of known as truck wire collect data from also valence cameras nationwide and sends it to a main source of undisclosed location portnoy has been uncovering more about this a mysterious software. on any given day some twenty million people are making their way through new york city what most if not all are oblivious to is how closed circuit cameras filming from nearly every corner are being utilized according to wiki leaks documents c.c.t.v. cameras throughout america are monitoring encrypting and storing nearly every move
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americans are making in public plan to balance a program it's called problem wire and right now i'm joined by that either steve to find out more about it steve what you strap wire coolies that trip wire is owned by the abraxas corporation or actually abraxas software no. it was developed by three former cia agents. it is essentially a system that takes data everything from facial recognition to suspicious activity records a license plate reader camera records all types of the teller that all the data that it feeds it into a software system that it turns to are there if there's going to be a terrorist attack not a location the theory behind trump water is that there's going to be a certain kind of look for a target us here so this system looks for. people acting in
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a way consistent with terrorists doing reconnaissance on a target and then if such a person is suspected it takes that person's face which has been filmed and tries to match it to databases of known or suspected terrorists it's strathyre. first of all anything you do on the public street is legal i can take a camera and follow you everywhere you walk on the public street i can record every building you go into i can write down your license plate i can take photos of everybody you meet with and in fact as an investigator it's something that i and my team in fact do on a regular basis you have no expectation of privacy out on the street walking driving meeting with people talking to people at this point right now getting anything. that is. not. a countless i think at this point at this point anywhere in manhattan from approximately fifty ninth
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street all the way down to the battery you are could there is no location that you can go to on the public street and in most buildings where you're not being videoed this this part of america that's equivalent to the eye of god i can follow your camera to camera to camera if you started walking south and you walked all the way to the battery top i would have you on camera constantly your entire. here and if you can't i think yes well they are they are encrypted at the point of recording and then transmitted to a central storage location like doctors are saying about it and what bothers me most about this program is it gives a false sense of security it gives a false sense of security to the public now that it's out in the public eye and it gives a false sense of security to the law enforcement agencies prince interest stations two blocks down that way if i'm a terrorist i can put a backpack on my. shoulder walk into the middle of grand central station during
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five o'clock friday rush hour right now and set off an explosive and there is nothing the trap art can do to protect me so then what is the point that. you know well the point of trap wire is to make a ton of money for the people that started it but but to not be to not be flip about it the theory behind trap wire is good the implementation. in my opinion not particularly effect marina poor naive artsy new york. time to forget to visit our web site a lot more on the stories we're covering on era including. a young girl with mental health problems is charged with blasphemy purportedly burning pages of the koran she could now face the death penalty. at r.t. dot com. and while online i head over to. channel as well.
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as perpetrators two years in prison last week but it hasn't put off. this the latest pussy riot support performance causing destruction in one of germany's major features watch it all in full on the on t.v. you tube channel. thirty two people have been arrested in libya in connection with recent bomb attacks in the capital all those detained are said to belong to a network of loyalists of the country's former leader moammar gadhafi and reportedly been receiving financial backing from abroad for the attack comes one year after tripoli fell into rebel hands. and international affairs analyst believes it's many different groups including. could well be behind the ongoing chaos. we can see that there is the there is the. pro forces. both recognizing these political process that they keep these.
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there is that there are going to cause trouble there might be or there it is too. there. you have the red cross. we. just these fighters. see step. a recent wave of social protests in israel has exposed the pressing housing problem the country's poor continue to face but the government's solution to build new homes on occupied palestinian territories is only causing even greater problems or that's according to an israeli lawyer who's documented the illegality of the west bank settlements here's a quick preview of the discussion. we're talking about problems they can i mean problems in israel there is severe economic problems in israel but when the
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government is talking about the west bank their problem they cannot have problems vanished because if they want to remove thirty people in the open. air which is this settlement somewhere else because the supreme court of justice of israel ordered then the government has a lot of money to to bring them there or to build new houses. so you can watch the full interview with a tally of sas on in just over an hour's time here on r.t. . and into the r.t. world out there we go now we'll start with egypt where president mohamed morsi will visit iran for a summit at the end of the month it was the first trip by an egyptian leader since relations with terror and broke down decades ago but the invitation was delivered earlier this month by iran's vice president for the first high ranking official to visit egypt in years. and to iran
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a lot had full diplomatic relations since one nine hundred eighty following iran's islamic revolution in egypt recognition of israel. the u.s. military's top general martin dempsey has arrived in afghanistan for a meeting with senior afghan officials over a recent wave of so-called friendly fire attacks against international forces in the latest on sunday two afghan policeman turned their weapons on us and. troops on the border with pakistan killing one ten u.s. soldiers have died in such incidents in just the past two weeks. but the wife of a former chinese communist politician has been given a suspended death sentence for the murder of a british businessman and gu kailai never denied she poisoned neil heywood in november last year for supposedly threatening her son after a failed business deal i suspended death sentence usually results in life imprisonment in china her husband was a contender for the top position of the communist party but has not been seen in
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public since his wife's trial. thousands of people have been told to leave their homes as intensifying wildfires in northern california threaten rural communities the fire has already destroyed four homes and some one thousand nine hundred square miles of forest and it is spreading rapidly and more than three thousand homes are threatened by the escalating blaze a series of lightning strikes in the area are believed to have sparked the fires. now they are perceived to be radical and violent but the growing presence of islamists in the heart of europe is alarming many of the leaders of the salafi community in belgium say the worrying misconception stems from the actions of only a few as artie's tester australia reports over here into walks a district in the edge of belgium now local media here have reported that there's an organization called it might cause a party that has been based here for the last three years it's allegedly a salafi story because asian that preaches radical islam and the website has been
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blocked and there's no easy way to get in touch with them so we decided to come here and find out what we could. but we couldn't get much of a few residents have also made it clear that we word welcome local media reports say that this organization was founded by two brothers who studied in saudi arabia and preaches a form of hardline islamic that is quote unquote tough on both muslims and non muslims alike citing an anonymous source woman is off i'm scared for my children because when i play music these people come and harass me it's not normal my kids are around them they bother me jussi they're aggressive to you because they have a camera it's not normal i know they saw me speaking to you so i'm going to get into trouble i know it. it's difficult because all the ses who are radicals of course but all of the terrorists. to make clear distinction between
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there is another movement conservative one. very conservative but not violent radical islam has received much media attention as of late in june in the leader of another radical group sharia for belgium said it would previously given us an interview was arrested for posting an internet video urging quote his brothers and sisters to fight against nonbelievers after a woman was detained for wearing a face veil clashes later erupted between muslim youths and police in retaliation for the woman's detention and days later a french muslim stabbed two policemen in brussels saying he had come to attack policemen and take revenge on the belgian government for banning the burka the german intelligence service said of its most recent annual report that salafism was the fastest growing islamic movement in the world and that it calls for replacing national legal frameworks with sharia law by means of a violent struggle against the state but as
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a theologian at the main islamic center and mosque in brussels and himself a salafi explains that the actions of a minority add to the confusion in the way muslims are perceived acidify salafi if we take the definition of salafi means looking at our predecessors and going back to the very first ways of islam it can be the beard the clothing even smiling can be part of the prophetic tradition so long as he is not a call for war it's not a call for jihad it's not to ask people to be full of hate on the contrary salafi is a religion for extremists you find them in every religion for us we are moderate we're in the center but what of those who are not moderate so. you have these that offer speech. chart completely opposite of village and society they don't know where they are but they choose the wrong place but it's not in a country like belgium that you can offer that kind of speech because it doesn't work but in the end there's
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a small group as they're not the majority within their community but. authorities and experts agree that the challenge lies in identifying radical groups with the potential for violence and intercepting the radicalization process of young people before it's too late yes or cilia r.t. brussels. well it is time now to cross over to the aussie business desk hourly business updated with the ever glamorous kitty pilgrim good to see you understand though it's time for men to start investing in the women would also we have to do katie on diamonds and flowers enough. because ladies incomes are going. to the ladies up the most well. so because apparently according to reports incomes will jump more than china and india's economy thawing so over to another woman he means business santa monica.
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close of business in the moscow business center but just a couple of decades ago you wouldn't have seen so many women these ladies have probably just days trading on this talk markets but investor story they may be overlooking is the ladies themselves hence the gun says women represent the biggest developing market globally and alien world economy this emerging market is not part of brics mammas will come from there at the moment more than a quarter of women in developing countries like cottle from the economy they count almost a billion and once they get and pulled the impact of these new workers will be greater than the demographic explosion in the past century ernst and young expect that in the next five years women's income group grow by five trillion dollars to eighteen trillion dollars globally which will double the g.d.p. growth of india and china together investor advisors say if this is currently the most exciting growth story but to capitalize on it the financial world ruled by
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a man should start investing in women in training help them build businesses and promote a stronger female presence in executive positions so the message from s. then young is for man to invest more in women before we start cashing in on ourselves but your business r.t. moscow. i definitely go along with that investing in women sounds good some may let's get into the markets and see the hair mosco they already struggling solving taking a little bit of a saying with the biggest flaw for the most of them i said it's not actually as russia's top trading partner china struggles to regain strength and that's being felt here in the us really despite some positive local. rose almost seven per cent also the country's g.d.p. increased its a forty two percent in the first six months over the years is certainly not all doom and gloom as for the russian currencies benefiting from us dollar the us has invested speculate in the federal reserve and else most stimulus measures of this
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weight such exist gaining both the european current state indeed the us so as i say i mean all the common currency continued to give out some modest dave to the european central bank said in a news report that it was planned to tap government not government bond yields in the euro zone and that was misleading so they're saying that for instance that small bit as you can see that is mixed up the monument struggling for direction it read enough ahead of the leaders meeting to discuss greece's request for an extension to spread out and so investors remain on the fence and in the oil world brant crude is still above the one hundred dollars per barrel a months ahead of the closure of the u.k. fills in the north and on expectations of more demand for the northern hemisphere winter take seven and staying over to that india wants to join russia's valse. that is in talks to join the americas it's there's any no way stuff sold atop a vault or reserves hidden under the ice the group says india would pay
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a premium for the fines that. gets cash for expensive drilling the problem of false saudi arabia is overtaken russia as the world's top or producer a most very nice to find new deposits soft to regain the top spot. on. more women and business with me in fifty five minutes oh well sounds very exciting thanks katie see you then. in just a couple of minutes here about see the headlines of the end very interesting a documentary into well the environmentalists in the world versus the big corporations a special report in just a. good
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leverage or. was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which on cricket league doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music really.


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