tv [untitled] August 21, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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in a first thread on the force brock obama warns the u.s. could attack syria if it sees it is trying to use its chemical or biological weapons. this two top syrian officials are back in moscow to discuss a possible way both words out of the bloody civil war in syria more for a week need to see company of up ahead. and check police investigate a man they suspect was planning a brave it style massacre just days before the norwegian mass killer here's his verdict. book you sort of al qaeda style tactics and evidence of that the u.s. is launching follow up attacks after its drone strikes in pakistan targeting people who come to the aid of the.
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flow and welcome to our two with me karen this tuesday it is two o'clock here in moscow well top ministers from the syrian government are in moscow to discuss ways of ending the continuing bloodshed in their country that's after u.s. president barack obama's side washington could use force if there's any sign the regime might try to deploy its chemical or biological weapons for more on this now let's cross to our tease lucy call you know who is about russia's foreign ministry lucy how do these statements by the u.s. president fit in with moscow's position that there can be no unilateral action taken against syria. will it really contradicts with what russia has been pushing for throughout the course of this bloody conflict which is an international solution that really is originated on the ground by the syrian people. by the
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syrian government and the factions involved with that conflict with now the u.s. president has really caused quite a stir with this comment on monday saying that the united states would reconsider its opposition to military intervention in syria if the government of president bashar al assad employs chemical or biological weapons there and according to the u.s. president this would be a so-called a read a line which would have bring the united states physically in terms of force into the conflict now in the in the syrian government does possess an extensive stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and has tried to use them is the country came under for an attack it's unclear whether this is mere saber rattling by both sides but of course it really complicates efforts to find a diplomatic solution to this ongoing escalating crisis something that moscow has really been pushing for from the start now the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov on monday also reiterated his opposition has his warning for that no unilateral solution is possible or could be effective in syria he said that an
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international collective agreement would be the preferred a way forward to something similar to what world powers and syria had agreed to in the geneva conference back in june of course all of this this this sort of international way forward has really come under question after the u.n. security council had decided against extending its observer mission in syria really throwing questions into whether international agreement could really be the way forward and perhaps a going against what the u.s. president is now warning which is unilateral action potentially in or out lateral action by the united states if certain objectives aren't met it's a really dangerous situation carol now what about those who can we expect any concrete results to come out of these talks here in moscow. we'll be following that closely we know that when serious topic anomic negotiator was in moscow in the beginning of august one of the bigger biggest issues that was all up for discussion was a potential loan for syria by moscow as well as the sale of oil to syria we do have
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to keep in mind that as this eighteenth month conflict has raged on and the syrian people have really suffered in dire ways that phenomenally the cost of food and fuel have soared basic food stuffs are no longer accessible to everyday people and one of the really important things to keep in mind here is that the economy has really been at the center a focal point of the arab spring as the economic to situation deteriorates there deteriorates their people could radicalize further and of course the impact of sanctions even though they're supposedly not directed at the people has really been to make life almost impossible for everyday syrians we also have to keep in mind that while a lot of food and fuel is not getting into weapons are we've seen the reports of weapons being smuggled to the syrian opposition through the libyan border this really exasperates the conflict and really sets the situation up for a potential rapid escalation in fighting more so than what we've already seen in tal right well we look forward to the latest details right there artie's lucy
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coffin all thank you. now ongoing violence has instigated a mass exodus of syrians into neighboring countries the u.n. says at least one hundred and seventy thousand people have already fled artist courseware reports from a desert camp and georgia where those who escaped are now staying when i'm standing here at the border crossing between jordan and syria it's one of the main border crossings between the two countries but security here is tight and border controls are very very effective and this is a way for a man to deal with the growing influx of syrian refugees into this country now according to jordanian estimates at least one hundred and fifty thousand syrian refugees are currently in jordan they're being housed him if he camps along this border and the jordanian government has build forts in the process of building another one but the situation in those camps is alarming and has caused humanitarian groups to talk about a humanitarian crisis we know that the camps are overcrowded people there have
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little to no access to water and electricity at the same time to close has broken out of the jordanian health ministry is talking about health risks they were clashes last week between some of those refugees trying to break out of those camps because they actually can't leave them without permission now the violence behind me in syria is starting to spill over into jordan just monday were for shells that landed here one of them badly hurt a young your jordanian golden a number of people were rushed to hospital so that as the syrian violence creeps closer and closer into neighboring jordan you're watching r t and we've got plenty to come in the program including a year since the nato backed regime change in libya and the lack of stability remains as dozens of suspected gadhafi loyalists are arrested after a bomb attacks in tripoli. chuck police are investigating the case of a twenty nine year old man who they suspect was planning a massacre similar to the one on those brevik unleashed in july of last year they
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newcomers. the news rather calms days before the norwegian mass killer is due to receive his for it for causing the deaths of seventy seven people in twenty attacks are. reports. and enough weaponry and explosives to kill dozens of people that was the discovery of the czech police when they raided at twenty nine year old man's apartment in the city of straw the man was reported by his neighbors to have some mental problems that's why the police decided to take action and later they arrested this man he was carrying a remote detonator for an explosive device on him when he was detained but it's also been revealed by the czech police that an explosive device made of an aircraft bomb was found in his apartment and they did it could have killed dozens of people it was believed to be a very powerful explosive device of several kilograms of explosives in it the police are now does not reveal and does not know what this man's intentions were
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but it already has all the reasons to believe that the man was a sympathizer of the killer from norway on this break who is due to have his verdict delivered this week sources within the interior ministry of the czech republic report that this man used a brave as he is on the internet in different forums and different social networks so they have reasons to believe that the man was sympathetic all of the of the killer from norway for now the police is trying to determine whether there had been any connection between the detained man and become self now we'll know little about this man for now a few pictures had been released by the czech media this man detained cuffs on him being put in a police car but for now the police are trying to keep all the information secret regarding this man so that he won't have any more followers and they're trying to determine whether he actually had any more followers or he was planning to act alone you could say up to date with all of our news any time long term well. site r
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t dot com here's what's waiting for you there at the moment egypt has to militarize its saw in our region with tanks and aircraft on duty for the first time in almost three decades to bolster security to find out what neighboring israel has to say about it. was a no contact fly zone in belo groups from now on launching one into the air may well lead to trouble with the authorities. and it's common knowledge that support columns with its risks but few would expect the danger to come from police watch the footage of a close encounter of a skater with l.a. law enforcement on our website.
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washington is being accused of turning to al qaeda style tactics of follow up strikes and its drone operations in pakistan there's been growing violence and evidence rather that u.s. missiles are fired at the site up earlier attacks to target people coming to the rescue a flurry of american drone strikes in pakistan have wiped out over a dozen people in the last few days in areas the u.s. claims are full of militant activity is going to reports all mean legal questions ahead. the u.s. prides itself on the rule of law but on a number of issues the line between what's legal and what's not kind of blurred in the last decade or so is wiretapping legal no but in the name of national security yes there are attempts right now in congress to legalize big brother on the web by making it legal for providers to funnel all private correspondence to national security agencies the law in the u.s. protects free speech but never before has there been such
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a hunt for whistleblowers that's in america but as far as u.s. actions abroad the each issue of what's legal and what's not even murkier washington has expanded its target assassinations program in different countries essentially putting itself above the law now i'm joined by john feffer author and co-director of the institute for policy studies he has an interesting theory of u.s. foreign policy he compares it to dexter the t.v. show dexter is a fictional character who is a good citizen by day and a serial killer by night but he only kills bad guys for what's so wrong about being dexter i mean everyone loves dexter it's a very popular t.v. show here in the united states and all across the world but it raises some difficult moral questions because of course dexter is judge jury and executioner and sometimes he makes mistakes and the united states too is in a similar position united states often says it only kills the bad guys with some of
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the. other figures that have been attacked by drones over the last few years but the united states also makes mistakes there have been any number of civilian casualties associated with these drone strikes so in some sense they're in a similar moral quandary dexter and the u.s. government as you said you know there's administration has expanded its drone program dramatically and the strikes in pakistan yemen and other places they end up killing many civilians we're talking about extra judicial killings and. here's the question of pops out. you know when when someone does something outside the law they're usually afraid of getting caught but in the case of the us who is the police to catch them and there is no police is there well there isn't any police of course there are international laws and there have been a number of reports on the implications of international law on the drone attacks
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and the un for instance report tour has condemned drone attacks as being illegal but i think the chief concern here for the united states in terms of getting caught is being caught by blowback in other words by the consequences of these drone attacks and those i think are significant because of course we've seen people here in the united states who have cited these drone attacks as the reasons for their terrorist activities for instance so i think it's blowback which really represents the casualty or shall we say the consequences that are most direct the drone program a retired senior officer of the pakistani air force says that in the end u.s. drone attacks and up drawing more people into the ranks of the militant calls. i'm afraid the information which is being given out is very sketchy because especially since two thousand and nine the united states seems to have changed the rules it has declared that any able bodied person. who can be considered
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a militant will be considered a militant irrespective of the fact whether the person is a terrorist or not but it is a mockery of all kinds of human rights and especially coming from a country which calls itself the champion of human rights and the only reason why the united states is banking on the use of drones is because it considers it means by which its own troops its own people are not without risk and sitting from say ten thousand kilometers away but the fact is that the relatives of the victims are approached by the terrorists and they are told out since your for the looters have been targeted and killed it is high time that you can pick revenge and in fact the number of terrorists who are being groomed and recruited in this way is rising so it is not just a double edged sword it is counterproductive and it is increasing terrorism rather than reducing it all right still to come this hour cyber retaliation. a group called anonymous launches
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a series of attacks on ok government websites to show their anger at britain's treatment of chilliness songs. and stolen childhood party looks at the lives of orphans who were adopted and then neglected by families abroad the full story is coming up in just a couple of minutes. egypt has demanded that libyan authorities ensure the security of its diplomatic mission in the country that's after a blast hit the car of an egyptian diplomat in the eastern libyan city of benghazi on monday it came only a day after a twin bomb attack left two people dead in the capital tripoli over thirty suspected loyalists of the country's former leader moammar gadhafi. have been arrested in connection with the incident meanwhile saif al islam gadhafi the son of the toppled leader is due to face trial next month libya remains unstable since the nato about a popular uprising resulted in gadhafi ousting and death last year editor of black
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star news milton ali mahdi believes the security situation in the country will only get worse before it has any chance of getting better. it's not definitely known who could be behind these kind of actions i think what might be disturbing is that normally when these kind of activities start they don't just and so sadly there could be such more actions as similar explosions in the days and months to come and judging by the situation on the ground it's not clear that things are any better in libya today than before the nato intervention i think there's a rush to try to create a semblance of normalcy you really cannot have stability without addressing the issues of the weapons that are widely available at the end of the day the people that really exercise power in libya today are the armed militias there was some
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talk on the international criminal court that nato would have to be brought to account for what amounted to war crimes who is going to address those issues so rather than focusing on the proposed trial of the son of qaddafi that's really addressed the more serious issues the destruction on libya that was caused by the nato who is going to compensate libyans for the lives that were lost and the property that were destroyed that to me seems to be a much more serious issue than the proposed trial of one of qaddafi surviving sons all right time now for some other stories making headlines across the globe this hour a car bomb attack i fully station has left at least eight people dead and more than sixty injured in southeast turkey now one has yet claimed responsibility has been a rise in violence between turkish police and kurdish rebels who are demanding autonomy and the country's volatile south east believes the rebels are taking advantage of the conflict syria to set up bases for their.
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at least twenty five people have been killed and scores injured in a prison riot in venezuela two armed gangs of inmates clashed fighting broke out while family members were visiting relatives official say the situation has now been stabilized it's the latest a series of riots in venezuela's overcrowded prisons which have seen over three hundred inmates killed since january. the first wave of student protests in the capital of today has seen dozens of people arrested hundreds attempted to take control of one of the city's most prestigious schools demanding education reform authorities have promised to spend more than one billion dollars on education but protesters say that's not enough to lay is plagued by low quality schooling with promising students unable to afford expensive higher education. while football fans across europe are gearing up for champions league qualifying action tonight let's
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talk to sports presenter unit o'neill now for more on that yeah indeed there is a turkish test i lies ahead very shortly for sports car and we are indeed the kings of russian football on disputed their history goes way back but they haven't been like royalty in recent years i should say fenerbahce other team who lie in wait that is a big clash tonight it's worth ten million dollars we're going to have all the hate in sport today plus the rest of a busy choose the. well i have a core group known as anonymous has begun to retaliate against the u.k. government over its treatment of julian assange by attacking its websites the so-called operation free a song was launched through twitter and social networks and targeted in a number of web pages including the prime minister's official site the actions come as a response to the u.k.'s decision to send a son. to sweden for
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a questioning of i legit sex crimes which the whistleblower denies friend has threatened to enter the ecuadorian embassy and arrest him a songe fears that going to sweden would be followed by all and would extradition to the u.s. where he might be wanted for publishing classified documents but a swedish justice ministry official has told a german paper at stockholm one parent any person to a third country if there was a risk that they face the death penalty earlier we talked to barrett brown a self-confessed anonymous collaborator for insight on the operation and the goals of the activists anonymous is doing that has been going on there so it's very beginning. name. because he has this organization has become one of the most driving forces in something very very positive and necessary. arrangements as we used to do you know. a mindset which we can citizenry and their
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governments that that's why this is always been a major issue that i missed and why what we've seen of the actually when we see the behavior of the so we've seen from britain for instance of the last few weeks saying such things as alligators not acknowledge the ability to hide in other nations go because that's up to the office of the west is injured as a board but in terms of diplomatic policy to the fact that william hague would say something about it shows us what who we're dealing with the terms of how crazy they get when they have to so you know we're always the very very happy that people have many many options by which to get involved in this situation which one side is very obviously a good idea come up behavior and the other side is engaging in to solve those. abandoned by his russian birth mother and then abandoned by his adoptive american mother as well the case of ten year old are created not just a personal tragedy but also a media storm after the boy was simply sent all alone in
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a plane back to his homeland now moscow is proposing a new system to ensure cases like this can never happen again your group is going to have reports. that. what has already been through more than most people would face you know if. this boy suffered deep psychological trauma he often becomes secluded locks himself out from the rest of the world and when it comes to america he still never talks about it. in his relatively short life already been abandoned twice first by his biological russian mother and then by his american forster mother she changed her mind just six months after the adoption dumping him all alone on a flight back to moscow with nothing more than a note and a change of underwear for the last six months on its own has been living in a children's s. always village just outside moscow an international project that brings a new format to the traditional concept of children's homes and foster families
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here children live in groups in separate houses each group then has its own foster mother heading up what out of john himself now calls a real family. the main goal for now is to help cover to get over his psychological problems and catch up education wise there's a large gap between what he knows and what he's supposed to know at this age of. dozens of other children live in this village and although it's on declined to speak on camera he's once again playing and talking with the others abandoned twice it's hard to imagine what sort of stress are have to go through fortunately in a lot taking time but he is recovering surrounded by other children unfortunately thomas white has not been an isolated case. around sixty thousand russian children have been adopted by american families over the past two decades but twenty
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children have died through neglect and cases of mistreatment have become all too common. phrase deal with you one family adopted six girls from russia and use them to film porn they've now been convicted another u.s. family specifically adopted children with disabilities just to mock them they tied them up threw them into a swimming pool put hoses in their mouths and turned on the water and these are just the cases we know of moscow is calling for the creation of a separate body within the u.s. government that will monitor the lives of children adopted from russia to prevent such stories of neglect ever happening again as for our terms former foster mother she was fined sixty thousand dollars by a us court and ordered to pay a quarter of her salary every single month until he's eighteen to a boy she rejected despite once having legally agreed to love and protect you god is going to moscow and the economic crisis people are turning to products they can
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trust that daniel joining us now from our business desk daniela tell us more get off the current things like food materials near record highs on fears paper money can no longer be trusted autism session at sky has the story for us. it's five years ago the saugus that the world will come up to the talk we now hold the global financial crisis successful investing during these years proved challenging it turns out commodities namely corn gold and brant crude offered the biggest return strong double digits here compared to modest gains for the footsie and the s. and p. and losses for japan's nikkei and it may not be too late to join in the commodities boom take a look at the core it's prices hit a record high on friday as the u.s. government slashed its forecast for the drought damaged crop do worst drought in more than a half a century i should add overnighted became the hottest commodity on the list but it
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still has a lot of top its dramatic rises also the result of even all increasingly becoming part of the ghastly mix the second harvest is gold it july it saw the largest quarterly price drop since two thousand and eight or the bad news about the state of the global economy suggests central banks will increase stimuli read crank up the printing press and turn away on the u.s. dollar that will boost to gold as an alternative investment it's now priced well below its inflation adjusted high over around two thousand four hundred dollars an ounce of reached in one nine hundred eighty last but not least is crude arguably it's the most popular commodity and that's understandable since it's part of nearly every faucet over every day lives from fuel to fertilizers and cosmetics with branch trading around one hundred fifteen dollars a barrel it still has a lot of upside before it tops its record high of one hundred forty seven and
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a quarter dollars it reached in two thousand and eight. so this is one of the crosses falls through trains of going to go more people. into the rock and roll. up to twenty stores in two years the chain of controversial law goes. this one has been named one of the world's top thirty brands what is gains in the e.u. which calls misleading reports little by troubled southern members that biggest gains in a fortnight for the ruble those the price of oil goes over one fourteen a barrel today. more than the raised yesterday's losses the l.t.s. of over two percent and grand slam term or a share point was hoping for a smash hit with a new line of sugar part of a suite of premium range include sticky tennis balls part of the profits go to charity but the tennis star won't go hungry she's the world's highest paid female athlete for an eighth year and europe today carol we'll have more for you next hour and thanks for that update danielle and i'll be back with
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