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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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good afternoon and welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. and we are on vacation you see we've been broadcasting since october so that means were a little overdue for a break but in that time and in just the last few months we've interviewed so many amazing guests from jim grant to mark father to jim rickards even joining me as a co-host and we've covered so many topics that are relevant on any given day whether it's the fed or the eurozone crisis so we put together some of our very best and most popular episodes from the last few months for your viewing pleasure and the time while we're off and you can look forward to all the new shows starting september fourth so mark your calendar and don't forget interviews can all be found in their entirety on our you tube channel you tube dot com slash capital account
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but for now let's get to today's capital account. another summit is going on in brussels today and tomorrow where leaders will try to solve the eurozone crisis now they haven't been successful in doing so over the course of the last eighteen summits so what you may ask is different this time well now leaders have this plan for a so-called genuine economic and monetary union it's coming out of the president of the european counsel's office that's mr herman van around boy it lays out building blocks for fiscal economic and banking integration but who is herman van rompuy
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exactly well you're not the first person to ask the question that i want to. get lost is who won't you. give you money in europe but. never the less. your friends and some elected leaders are trying to hold the currency union together as support fractures around them they're trying to hold it together despite protests bailouts the election of neo nazis the deflationary spiral down of the condom ease entered up of bond yields in places like spain and italy and nigel farage who you just heard from has been very frank about the possible consequences he fears take a listen this project could even the rebirth of national socialism in europe we'll. start prediction more on that later first does
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the leader of the u.k. and pendants party member of european parliament actually expect any earth shattering decisions to be taken during this summit does he expect anything of substance to come from it that can change the current dynamics in europe a rising borrowing costs for the periphery and the possible disintegration of the union well let's see. let me tell you what will happen tonight tonight later on after the twenty seven leaders of had dinner with the bureaucratic bosses of the e.u. they'll be a press conference at that press conference mr barroso or mr van room for the two an elected bosses of the european union will put on the table a paper a paper that suggests that we move towards a common european treasury a paper the suggests that the european union becomes a debt union either mr barroso almost of a room boy or both echo of each other will say that it's but that it's this story document that has been a wonderful meeting that europe has made
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a huge stride forward as that the eurozone crisis is near the end that is what will happen and you know what behind that they'll be leaders of countries from the one europe who will say we don't subscribe to this and there will be leaders from southern europe who say we cannot accept the austerity package i believe there is absolutely nothing that will come out tonight from this summit that will move us forward by one single inch so more of the same that we've seen from any number of these summits where nothing has come of them my question about that is this is situation where i don't know perhaps a media circus in the financial market anxiety surrounding these euro zone ministers and politicians is making it more difficult for them to deepen integration or have they not been addressed enough in actually exploiting a crisis this day were an excuse for further union for those who wanted. well there is no doubt this is the birth of the european project over fifty years ago but have
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always sought to use any crisis as an opportunity to deepen integration and they're trying to do the same thing again and that is what mr van ryn poised papers a night proposes to do but there is a problem and the big problem is that the electorates of europe have woken up to what the project's about the germans the finish the dark each they do not want this to become a debt union they don't want to sign blank checks in perpetuity to southern european states whose economy is are not as competitive as theirs and that is why you're seeing this resistance around the merkel i mean she believes in this european project she said two weeks ago we should give allegiance to the european flag well in my case over my dead body but that shows you that she believes in the european project but for her it has to be a german style european project or she will get thrown out by her voters next year
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so we know the decades where the bureaucrats and the leaders of countries could quietly meet and push forward a project of european integration are over because the electorates simply don't want said and actually what we've got here i think is an unbridgeable gulf between the culture of northern europe and the culture of southern europe and what we do at these summits and remember this is summit number nineteen since two thousand and nine all we do all we do is kick the can down the road there's already talk of another summit in july we reached no conclusions the markets increasingly lose confidence and who can blame them and now we see spanish ten year debt italian ten year debt of ring around this sort of critical seven percent level and the whole thing is headed for a gigantic bust well as there are no yield if there is one thing. one objective and clearly visible symptom of the problem with the eurozone it's in those rising
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spreads you're talking about between the surplus countries and the periphery and the fact that countries as large as italy with public debt loads exceeding two trillion dollars are on the precipice of being priced out of the credit markets and spain with this seven percent yield mark again that are considered unsustainable do you think the rising borrowing costs for italy and spain are of adequate concern to policymakers. well remember there are seventeen countries that have mistakenly joined this eurozone so far five of. the if they do you believe. but the spanish buyout was perhaps only a fraction of what is genuinely needed if the italian buyout comes there is not enough money in europe to bail out italy which has the highest level of debt in the one exceeding two trillion as you quite rightly put in your question i think that the markets are telling us that there is
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a total loss of confidence the policymakers the people really in charge of this appear to be blinded to the whole thing i mean mr g. twenty of washington just last week appeared to be living on a different planet you know you can only go on kicking the can down the road for so long i believe there is a very real and genuine risk that over the course of this summer the markets will overwhelm the whole of the european system wow a prediction there let's talk about though the plan of those people on another planet that you're talking about the plan you've referred to for the euro zone released by the european council president's office ahead of the summit for your friend mr herman van around boyd now there were four building blocks late now right go ahead with great makes we really. so he laid out for building blocks for further integration it includes proposals such as european bank deposit insurance and debt
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sharing but interestingly the one that really stuck out to us is this fourth building block which is ensuring the necessary democratic legitimacy and accountability of decision making within the e.u. based on their joint exercises sovereignty for common policies and solidarity so what does this mean do you interpret this as an attempt at further political integration. it's just called me to speak isn't it you know who it's the old it's the older version of the language to mean the very opposite to what the truth is you know when vadra employed talks about political democratic support for political union it's laughable he doesn't mean it they treat democracy here with absolute contempt the european union as it is is not democratic it's actually fundamentally anti democratic and what they try to do tonight what the room poit are trying to do tonight is they're trying to get twenty seven member states to give up the ability
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through general elections and they're having new presidents and new prime ministers from deciding their own budgetary roles these are very very bad dangerous people they're the worst people we've seen in europe since ninety forty five the fact that you put in this document under as you quite rightly say point four of the the sop to everybody pretending that it needs democratic legitimacy frankly it is farcical well and is saying the opposite of what they mean it's very nine hundred eighty four to conjure another near or literary reference but just on this note to be clear when in this document there are import talks about the close involvement of the european parliament and national parliaments that are essential to this democratic legitimacy are essentially is this document calling for kind of a broader new electoral process and you why i process where the european parliament
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has more power over the national governments. well they had the chance to do this and i remember these guys wrote a constitution for a political europe ten years ago if ever there was a chance to democratize the european union that was it and if they'd done it and if they'd put it to the peoples of europe in a free and fair referendum i think people generally would have voted for it believing that somehow now you're of a become progress. even forward looking they chose not to do so and i repeat the fourth part of this document the mr van room poise producing today isn't genuine it isn't real he is saying the very opposite of what he really intends and believes there is not a single proposal to democratize this european union not a single promos or to include national parliaments anymore they frankly are trying to hide. by this argument of democracy they don't mean it just to play devil's advocate not to belabor the point i don't do you think that all of this talk from
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van rompuy about democratic legitimacy could be because he has a chip on his shoulder or a complex that he is trying to get free from wrong things you've said to him over the years mr fair raj about how he wasn't elected and no thank you. i don't know maybe well i must say i did laugh very loudly at the washington g. twenty meeting when i was up that begin to be by journalists like you and he said we won't take lessons in democracy from you people spoke the other elected leader of the group should i have your rights are you alright i have been teasing them i have been taking the mickey out of them for years i'm actually right across europe people agree with you know they do agree with my point undemocratic europe is frankly all full it's a return to some of the things we saw in europe pre nine hundred forty five they
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are sensitive to this point they realize it's their achilles heel it's their vulnerability and they're trying to deal with me in terms of rhetoric but not in terms of substance. they'll add more of my interview with the leader of the u.k. independent party and nigel for raj he'll continue to take the mickey out of any words we talk to him about what happens when poor support for the euro breaks down when everyone's looking to that core to prop it up the first are closing market numbers. my name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from london. i've been travelling in russia for the last ten years on a project said prof wooden chair to this obviously i fell in love with attractions they are extraordinary ok. the flow of goods in the churches is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's
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something that people can look around and it opens their eyes if it shows what can be achieved by using your imagination. in full started here before going global and now it's pulling the fire. to. choose your place to take your stand. and the movement. makes your statement. spread towards the few points through the long. download the official publication to cellphones choose your language stream quality
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and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch ati in any time of. the fire. welcome back let's talk more about germany because after all that is the country people are looking to save the european project but is germany even in the
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position to well let's see more with nigel farah. i do want to touch on germany you talked about germany's role obviously all eyes are on the court to try to solve this and bridge these gaps but germany is not immune to the problems of the eurozone not at all and just today we had new unemployment numbers out that indicate the number of people out of work in germany is creeping up interestingly i thought a poll suggests germans are more concerned about unemployment then inflation and we know that country's history with inflation so do you think this puts more political pressure on merkel to make concessions on something like euro bonds which she has been firmly against or does this make germany more likely to say hey you know we cannot keep shouldering the burden of this crisis. i'd be cautious about of the opinion poll that shows right now germans are more concerned about unemployment than inflation because actually inflation is not seen by people to be a threat at the moment indeed in many parts of the deflation is the problem not
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inflation so i'd be a bit cautious about reading too much into that one particular opinion poll i mean what is clear is that for your average german worker a man or woman that is paying a mortgage that is bringing up children that is being very law abiding and very german in the way in which they are they've just spent twenty years paying for the reintegration of eastern germany back into western germany since the fall of the berlin wall they've paid a huge cost to do that but they haven't resented doing it because ultimately they were all germanic people now when you say that a country that's just picked up a huge twenty year bill could you please pick up a bill for greece portugal ireland spain and possibly even italy oh and by the way your commitment to this is indefinite is it any wonder that all of my german focus
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saying we just want no part of this i don't think what's really interesting is there is a real whately in germany of a sense of german identity you know you've got to remember that history hangs very heavily over the german people their sense of guilt for what happened in world war two has dominated that country's international relations ever since the new forty five but there is a younger generation growing up who do not feel the guild in quite the same way that their parents or grandparents did and they are saying we want to be a modern democratic country that's nice to people we are happy to be co-operative across europe but we are not going to be the bugs of this game we are not going to go on. by going out failing southern european countries who frankly should never of joined this eurozone in the first place. there was no fool it was a very astute politician knows that if she says yes if she blinks and gives in to
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euro bones she will lose the election next year and i believe that angela merkel will not blink and i don't think there's any chance of the germans don't show finns accepting the european union becoming a deputy and all that means is that in the end whatever poil barroso proposed is frankly irrelevant there is not going to be agreement and we are headed. towards a breakup of the euro zone in my opinion ok and that's also a really important point i think you made about the different generations it's something that isn't always top of mind for people definitely plays an important part as you point out i know you weren't on board with that poll you're cautious about about one point i do want to bring up about it the financial times reported on it it showed that if there were a referendum on the euro on membership to the euro in germany today forty three percent would vote to keep it while forty one percent very close would favor
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a return to the mark and similarly a very small majority would vote to stay in the e.u. while twenty eight percent would vote to leave and fifty one percent would vote to stay is that a piece of evidence though that supports something that you've been saying all along and in this interview that support for the eurozone is fracturing even at the core where this of poor is most required. yeah i mean look in a sense the euro is the embodiment of the whole european project the criticisms that people like me have had for the euro actually of the same arguments as the bigger criticisms of the attempt without the consent of the peoples of europe to form a new state with a new flag and a new anthem and a new police force and a new army of herman van room ploy because all of it and what those figures show you is that right across the european continent from north to south to east to west
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regardless of what our political class say the peoples of europe are saying no we don't want this we don't want centralized bureaucratic control we don't want our democracies in our birthright to be stripped away we don't want to be rum by these people who mostly are domestic political failures we actually are rather proud of who we are what's wrong for goodness sake with having a europe of diverse different countries proud of who they are but sitting around a table agreeing to cooperate you know we can cooperate across border crime we can cooperate on the environment we can have reciprocal deals you know people from britain working in paris and vice versa we can do all of this without the european commission without the european parliament without the european court without the massive cost and bureaucracy and i am not you know i am not i don't see a replay and please don't think that you know i'm married to
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a german i work for french companies i love europe i love the cultural diversity of europe but what i'm fighting against and what i'm finding support is growing i don't want to live in a europe of bureaucracy i want to live in a europe of democracy while said real quick before we go in may addressing european parliament you said you feared this project could cause the rise of national socialism in europe now after two rounds of great elections we have. neo nazis in parliament how much worse do you fear this could get politically in terms of fracturing and the division into extreme politics. if you take away from people their right to determine their own future is to live under their own rules to take away from them that i should say. that you risk doing something that we stupidly did back in nineteen twenty with yugoslavia where we took diverse different balkan states we forced them together against their will under
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a new identity and you and i both know since ninety ninety the awful things that have happened as those countries afford to go back their independence so of determination democracy and freedom we mustn't allow the european union to make those same mistakes. you heard of mr nigel farage later of u.k. independence party. let's wrap up with loose change dimitri shannon let's bring it back to the u.s. because big day here the u.s. supreme court upheld obama's health care law today here is what the president said about it in a speech. whatever the politics today's decision was
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a victory for people all over this country because of this war. is it a victory for the people or is it a victory for some of these medical companies if we could bring up the winners today hospital operators companies that own hospitals medicaid providers also some medicare providers their stock price is up big today up eight percent ten percent you see a couple of them there those are one of the largest hospital providers another hospital provider and medicaid medicare provider so is that the real winner in this in this health care will this health care is never been about people because if they really want to socialize medicine they could actually go ahead and do it with this is with this effectively it's a boon for the insurance industry they're not addressing the underlying factors like medical malpractise insurance and the costs of unnecessary procedures that
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doctors go through in order to protect themselves from liability and it doesn't deal with the fact that technologies are coming online the cost a lot of money that people want but that cost money for the service right so so if this ruling was to affect doctors' stock price if they had one would doctors stocks be down today so doctors know that that would have been already priced in there would have been. a long time ago well maybe that explains companies because insurance companies there was mixed results with with with docs and insurance companies a lot of them fell today it was negative on no one else as with that there is concern about them dealing with all of these new regulations but for those that feast off the public purse looks pretty good always whenever the government gets involved this country it's always for the big the big corporations that feed off the government purse and off the taxes of ordinary citizens like us guys shannon you want anything before i move on. in the words of vice president biden it's
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a big f. ing deal. he said that not about this but he said it before nice reference shannon let's move on speaking of a big f. ing deal sources revealing today that j.p. morgan's two billion dollars trading loss may be a lot more of a big deal than that the new york times citing people who have been briefed on the situation say losses in the trade could total more than nine billion dollars i want to point out though terry bill who has been on this show she had the scoop she reported on it on her website tuesday two days before the new york times f.y.r. but viewers of this show should have been expecting that the story of j.p. morgan's loss would not end at two billion dollars. all eyes remain fixed on that two billion dollars trading loss on a position that could grow much larger in the coming days weeks or even months how big do you think that loss could get well it could it could easily go for good is it conceivable could be twenty billion you know it is. so this is still whatever
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nine billion dollars we could've seen it coming and called then it is really sort of morrow so you know i like that we had it on that we're going to ask you to give the twenty billion budget the more you and the media how do you know you're going to want you know so they watch and see him to see that's basically mental masturbation ok it's for if you have no you know better do you watch c n b c s i where you get real information watch capitol calm or less or no one is better no one does a better unless you want to you know and with that plug i don't even need to go by but i don't know we have time for spoke thank you so much for watching and be sure to come back tomorrow and in the meantime you can follow me on twitter at war in this or give us feedback on the show or catch any mistake youtube dot com slash capital account check us out in h.d.d. on hulu and come back tomorrow as dimitri said karl denninger will be in studio have a great. my
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name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from love. and i've been traveling in russia for the last ten years on a project said ross wooden chair choose obviously i fell in love with the track she's extraordinary ok it's a beautiful view and the church is is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's something that people can look at it opens their eyes that. will be achieved by using your imagination. or. world.
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well into the future science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered. download the official location to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time.


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