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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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well the national convention is less than a week away but the party has been hard at work drafting its official two thousand and twelve platform and no surprise here is the most radically right wing platform in modern history also today news broke that the ron paul campaign has struck a deal with mitt romney in the republican party promising to not disrupt the convention next week and in return many ron paul's delegates will be seated and his policy positions will be rolled up into the official party platform oh and ron paul's son rand he's going to get a prominent speaking role at the convention but back to the platform what exactly is in it well in a nod to embattled missouri senate candidate ted eight can there's a absolute constitutional ban the forces women to complete pregnancies no exceptions for rape and incest isn't urging for states to adopt intrusive ultrasound laws that force women to have their bodies probed to before they can have an abortion as an embrace of hateful anti-gay laws that give no legal recognition of same sex couples as a call for more radical papers please anti immigration laws like the one the supreme court struck down in arizona is the reinstatement of don't ask don't tell
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forbidding gays of openly serving in the military and in a slap in the face to washington d.c. a rejection of statehood for the nation's capital those are just some of the highlights or lowlights plus the official theme of the republican national convention is we did build this in response to president obama's out of context remarks about how roads bridges and government investments allow business owners to be successful someone should notify the republican party that the venue hosting their convention is paid for mostly with taxpayer dollars but is this radical platform something that conservatives in america should be proud of or is it just more evidence that a once principled party in america has officially gone off the rails let's ask our long liberal panel join me now as the robinson deputy director the paul revere project contributor to human events the blaze the national review and marc harrold attorney and libertarian commentator and author of the book observations of white noise and acid test for the first amendment and gentlemen welcome to both you thank you i just went through this list mark as a libertarian what are your thoughts. on this list and was ron paul did they just
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throw a ball i think they throw them a bone threw him a bone i think they had to to some degree you have to remember now rand paul's in republican politics a lot you know if he does too much to take his money he's looking to the future i think he's looking as a father and as a libertarian i think they threw him a bone a little bit with the speaking part you know they threw in there the audit the fed i think that's a little overblown i think to some degree we've always audited the fed we've at least there's oversight to the fed i think the fed's out of control i don't think the oversight completes its task but there's always been some oversight i think there thrown him a bone and a lot of his supporters a lot of libertarian supporters by just this blanket we're going to audit the fed i don't think that accomplishes that much you know i don't know i think it's hard to be conservative small government with some of these platform issues there are some i like and some i don't but you've got to remember this isn't necessarily mitt romney's platform this is the you know the g.o.p. platform i think it's a it doesn't show a lot of priority to me i think they need to go with problem solving and not some of these more deal logical issues but see isn't this mitt romney's platform well i think this came out today the r. and c. chairman and he said that no it's the g.o.p.
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platform it's not mitt romney's platform and i think if you look historically at republicans have done about fifty percent just saying no we don't want to have anything to do with the platform gerald ford and bob dole i mean hopefully this one turns out like that like ford's did not like the old did but i think that he can take it or leave it and to be honest i think it's part of a you know a grand conservative strategy to have the convention tack to the right which makes mitt romney appear more centrist interesting so that he would bring in the undecided botterill absolutely what i'm hearing from from my sources in tampa is that mitt romney is allowing the conservatives to determine what the platform of the g.o.p. will be which i think is a remarkable change it's going to get the party back on principle and i really don't think that it's the most radical conservative platform ever i think that first of all it's not quantitative radicalism is a quantitative but i think that the language for abortion was the same as it was in one thousand and four there's been it's been updated to include abortion inducing drugs but. i really don't think that this is so radically conservative that we need
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to be up in arms about it so you know the significance of the platform for me not really that big of a deal you know. the privatization of medicare or social security i mean wouldn't those of or eisenhower rather for that matter richard nixon be spinning in their graves well i mean i was alive to know him but. i would say that they probably would be just as concerned with i guess what happens if we maintain the status quo i mean no one realistically thinks that she's programs that are going to be alive when i'm ready to draw and i'm so something needs to happen because ation is one option that there is to block grants there's a lot there's lots of options that something needs to be done and the recipe is not on the table right now so mark the answer is turned over to the big banks i don't know the answer is turned over to bring big excuse me big banks i think privatization does play a role in certain of these programs i always have part of the problem though is that we've got into a very dense area where what they're trying to sell is very hard to explain there's
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a lot like you said actuary tables there's a lot of minutia to it it's very dense and i think to go after independence now it's going to have to be the bigger ideas i think a lot of the problems that we have in the solutions that we need it's just the platforms just don't allow the time the soundbites don't allow to actually explain what's going on and i just a lot of it's the fault of the voter to people just don't study these issues the way they should and whatever they decide to be informed decision so i think they're going to last in a lot of the minutia as they go have to talk about these specific programs and it's going to be the big banner issues that really carry this election and just to take off mark's point i think that's completely case of lot of nuance in these debates and both sides are guilty of conflating it and hiding the nuance in order to advance their own agenda i mean mitt romney and paul ryan came out with a very successful attack against obama saying that he cut seven hundred sixteen billion dollars from met it was so yes a successful attack but it was total bogus not total bogus not total bogus that cut does occur and it goes to fund obamacare but because we're going to not place that actually that's not the case that we don't. there was
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a series of cuts where basically they took that money away from united healthcare and other insurance companies and said you know we can do this cheaper ourselves so you don't get any funding with me on it made the ball that made the program more efficient it got rid of waste and it hasn't done anything yet well isn't done and that is that although they see it well actually it has it's close the donut hole for a lot of seniors it's close the donut hole but only for i mean what's it been since june and also the supreme court's ruling that the supreme court's ruling on the medicare decision in the state's decision is whether or not to implement and they expand medicaid there's going to huge implications for whether or not we can declare victory but i would say that obama's already had his victory declaring moment just like bush on the aircraft carrier you so you are because you are living this continue to lie about the no no i'm not saying i'm saying it's a successful attack it's something it's something that the left would do that they they do all the time but it doesn't necessarily help us work towards a better health care can you say because i'm going to marry people from the obama administration about. that he's a felon that he helped kill you know he helped kill some. now is absolutely not
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a felon that's a ridiculous accusation and you know why hasn't he pretty rock a bomb a show barack obama in the first time that he decided to come greet the white house press corps in two months said explicitly no one is saying that mitt romney is a felon don't you think if he was if they were. doesn't want to get out of the body if the loneliest activity was concealed in his tax returns do you think the i.r.s. ron right is actually accusing obama of taking that money out of medicare which didn't happen whereas obama is not accusing i mean i think i think if you look at the affordable care act there is some sloshing around of funds in the complex. and now first of all a lot of this hasn't happened yet it's all talking about reallocating money reallocations really haven't happened yet a lot of this is not going into effect i think both you know both sides i mean i'm a libertarian i'm a third party guy i think this has become a lot of mudslinging i think the ideas just can't get out from under this huge rush of information a lot of it's wrong ok last question based on current weather reports it looks like hurricane isaac will be hitting tampa bay just in time. the republican convention
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next week if the current cain hits tampa is this is a sign of god punishing republicans for doing the bidding of big oil big coal and the rest of the other environment destroying groups as well i think that what we're going to see because of this hurricane. i think donald trump's big secret is going to be that he has technology to be george soros as hurricane machine because that's obviously what's generating this whether george soros is responsible for. i don't know what agency i mean i'm tempted by the wrath of god are going to say it was a great city and i hope people get out be born have a great time as far as the weather look you know figuratively i don't want to be ready to get hurt i think what needs to happen is a hurricane needs to come through in both parties wash this out and start again we have good people with good ideas but they cannot get through this partisan as we call it here just a locking of heads it's just it doesn't do anybody any good of a badly yeah it was a little bit of that a lot of marcus thank you both for being with us making sure.
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it's the good the bad in the very very telling and then leave the good r t r d has been nominated for an international every award in the news category for the network's coverage of the occupy wall street movement which began last year in new york from the start of the movement our tea was one of the first channels to provide coverage and in-depth analysis of the events. well from coast to coast occupy wall street protesters storming u.s. cities today r.t. has been covering this story from day one we have correspondents in all the movements hot spots around the country to bring us the latest knowledge and thousands of people it's unlike anything that i've. kind of circle a bit of hibernation last year the movement marches on today the nation's capital most of the next wave of the ninety nine percent movement as thousands gathered dc's freedom plaza marched to the capitol building calling for an end to the wars and an end to wall street's down. it's of our economy right now more than it does
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it require you're on the streets of los angeles is financial district we can hear the chants of occupy us say but let's not forget the occupy movement is not dead in fact it's very much alive and will continue to cover the stories of the occupiers and their fight for a better and stronger america. the bad judge tom head to head a county judge in lubbock texas told a local television station that he would join the resistance against the united nations' takeover of american sovereignty should that happen in other words judge head is drinking the far right conservative conspiracy coolly had went on to say that if president obama is reelected president is quote going to try to hand over the sovereignty to the states to the u.s. and the quote it also said such a move would result in civil unrest that would cause americans to quote lexington concord take up arms and when the un forces make their way to logic head plans to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say to them you're not coming
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out here jughead is worried about losing american sovereignty to do is look at how transnational corporations have taken over our country with outrageous trade agreements that date back to nixon if you want a real threat to the american way of life it's not the us it's exxon mobil and the very very ugly kevin williamson williamson is a deputy editor for the conservatively national review magazine and the latest edition williamson wrote that mitt romney should get one hundred percent of the female vote why because his wealth makes him superior to president obama you are not to say that men select mates for fertility while women select for status williams and also also felt the need to say that age is cruel to women so it seems conservatives aren't content to just go after women's bodies and their health care how they're attacking their character to williams and made a blanket statement saying that all women are gold digging hustlers who are only out for the money and care about absolutely nothing else. that sort of massive
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generalization is very early on. after the break despite having one of the largest gaffs of the two thousand and twelve campaign season representative todd akin is staying in his missouri senate race how republicans continue to deal with comments and why are they attacking him for the party has a history of embracing radical anti-abortion ideals anyway.
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren mr. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. pepper spray let's just burn gerard's right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything it's used by a lot of sort of loses thousands of times we're stronger than any kind of bird you ever put your.
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into a military making use of the doodle to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. in the us the rest of the news todd akin isn't going anywhere yesterday's deadline for the missouri republican congressman to drop out of the state senate race came
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and went last night with a can refusing to drop out of the race in a statement taken as supporters to stand by him all the liberal media tries to force him out of the race here's the reality is that these so-called liberal media desperately wants akin to stay in the race it's the republican establishment that wants him out since he was irresponsible it up to say out loud what the entire republican party is actually thinking when it comes to women rape and abortion so well done congressman akin for making sure this issue doesn't go away any time soon joining me now for more on how the republican party deals with this they can mess and many others of their own making and their own well documented history of embracing radical anti-abortion and anti women policies bipap and tony attorney and host of ring of fire radio mike welcome back. good what was a can strategy of accusing the liberal media of trying to get him out of the race when it was clearly the opposite. well it's just it's just ms direction right now it's not hurricane isaac the republicans need to worry about down in tampa it's
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hurricane todd akin because what's happening right now is it's turning everybody's attention to other stories story that came up today again the jamie lead jones story that's where this nineteen year old was brutally sodomized gang raped by k.b.r. folks put in a five by six storage container she had the rape was so haroun this that she had to have reconstructive surgery done because of the damage that was the now thirty thirty republican senators voted in a bloc to say that jamie lee curtis i mean jamie lee jones me should not be able to have a public trial now the reason that's an important story is they sided up with corporations rather than women in these stories are emerging because of what todd akin has done a year look todd akin did the worst thing tom the republicans used to talk about these issues in dog whistle kind of ways not anymore todd akin took a megaphone and said this is who we are as republicans this is part of our war on
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women in these stories keep emerging almost daily last year paul ryan introduced a chair a three hour vice presidential candidate the republican side the no taxpayer funding for abortion act where only victims of what were called in the bill forcible rape would qualify for federally funded abortions the official platform places a ban on abortions even in cases of rape our romney and and ryan going to be able to distance themselves from a can forget it all issue well he's going to try tom but it's impossible what what ryan to ask the court what at what ryan wanted to legislate was that if a woman was raped if she was raped she first of all had to have a hearing to find out whether it was forcible or not even before she could have an abortion that's the type of thing that hangs around paul ryan he can't distance himself from that this story is getting uglier it is taking off and the republicans have their war on women hung around their neck right now it is todd akin the
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problem that's the hurricane it's not hurricane isaac that's hitting that convention then in tampa. it mike is this some sort of a rational strategy that somebody came up with or is the party just filled with massages it's worse is coming from well it's coming from in the past what used to happen is the people that are out front on these these insane issues they were marginalized tom they weren't invited to conventions to participate in republican conventions now they are the norm the evangelical crazy right is the norm the anti immigrants are the are the is the norm anti mind minority is the is the norm white supremacist is the norm anti women is the norm those people were marginalized in the past been in you could they used to talk about these things but they did it in a dog whistle kind of way now you have the leaders of these fringe parts of the republican party it's now the tea bagger republican party it's not the republican party anymore this isn't a political party this is
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a cult in the cult is so out of control right now that they can't control people like todd akin there's no plan here tom they're spinning out of control just like the hurricane that threatens their convention down in tampa do you think that they're going to try and do anything to bring women back into the party or make the the platform of the party more female friendly. if the democrats didn't have so much material they could do that maybe in the next seventy to eighty days but right now the democrats are loading up on the war of will a war on women issue they're loading up in the convention the democratic convention is going to be heavily women's issues which is they should do their have ad campaigns that are hanging todd akin around paul ryan's neck don't forget it paul ryan is running for vice pres the united states and he's joined at the hip with todd akin every this house bill that you talked about when you read it it is deplorable incest you still have to have a preliminary hearing to figure out whether you can have an abortion forcible rape
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gunpoint knives a woman still has to have a hearing before she can have an abortion understand paul ryan is also the guy that said it might be a good idea to have that you know probes put in women before they get an abortion i don't know how you run away from that in seventy days they're very worried about it i can assure you they are very worried about it twenty percent the democrats historically have had a twenty percent advantage with women now they're worried about being as high as high as a fifty percent it vantage with women that's how serious this is well isn't there also though some part of the republican base that this brings out i mean they're speaking to somebody well they're speaking exactly here's what they figured they figured that they can they can keep the democratic base from not being able to vote they can keep they can keep students and minorities latino's they can keep elderly they can keep disabled people from voting but they you know they're quite they're crazy fringe is going to turn up they know that for
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a fact that's what they're counting on mazie back and have a tony thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you. if you are eating something completely unnatural something that could make you sick could give you cancer make your testicles shrink even kill you would you want to know if you answered yes then you're on the same side as over ninety percent of your fellow americans poll after poll over the last few years has shown that more than ninety percent of americans support specific labeling of genetically modified foods but they buy grocery stores and european and other developed countries routinely require labeling of g.m.o. those genetically modified organisms or foods but even though for years americans have been demanding the right to know what's in their food and whether or not it's
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frankenfood not a single piece of state or federal legislation has ever been passed to make it happen which brings us to california efforts to force that state's legislature to pass laws to require labeling of genetically modified foods have failed so now citizens of that state if taken matters into their own hands after collecting more than a million signatures the citizens of california put proposition thirty seven on the ballot for november which will force all genetically modified foods to have special labels good news right. now the fight is just starting that's because the biggest purveyors of genetically modified foods giant corporations like monsanto dupont coca-cola pepsi desailly all of them are spending an enormous amounts of money to defeat proposition thirty seven they don't want you to know what's in your food monsanto alone spent more than four million bucks so too has department and in total a g.m.o. industry has raised twenty five million dollars to kill prop thirty seven and to kill your right to know what's in the food you eat on the other hand the supporters
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of prop thirty seven of only raised two million dollars this is going to be an uphill battle. but here's why it's so important and here's why corporations like monsanto don't want prop thirty seven to pass despite what we've all been told despite the assurances that g.m.o. is are not dangerous to humans evidence to the contrary is starting few weeks ago at a conversation with jeffrey smith the executive director of the institute for responsible technology and author of the book seeds of deception exposing industry and government lies about the safety of the genetically engineered food you're eating and here are some of the amazing things he told me that you should know just as this battle in california picks up. when a lawsuit was filed against the f.d.a. they were forced to turn over their secret internal memos forty four thousand of them and it turns out that the statement the policy was a lie that it was actually the overwhelming consensus among the scientists working at the f.d.a. the g m o's were dangerous and should be carefully test they warned against toxins
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allergens new diseases or nutritional problems this is called potentially precancerous cell growth there's no tumor but it's proliferative cell growth for some reason the cell architecture is completely different in the rats the date the genetically modified potato but here's the scary thing when a pediatrician named michelle pair o. saw all these research studies she said oh we've got a problem this is what we're seeing in our children she has seen changes in the digestive capacity and the just digestive effects in children that are different than they were thirty years ago kids that are allergic to everything are failure to thrive can't eat anything and we see that this kind of disruption may be. throughout the american population because inflammatory bowel disease is up forty percent since most introduced collide is all servers etc they took the bt toxin out of monsanto's corn applied it to human cells it poked holes in the cells causing leakage the same kind of holes that may kill insects one of the scientists that i
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work with gave a talk in germany and described the behavioral physiological and neurological changes and laboratory animals and livestock that were fed genetically modified feet and they autism specialists came up to him afterwards said these are exactly what we're seeing and autistic children the gastrointestinal problems the per me ability the changes in the bacterial balance and behavioral changes are found in the rats and the mice in the pigs and the cows that they've been tested and now in our kids in our kids i visited one village where they had allowed their buffalo to graze on normal cotton plants for eight years they allowed them to graze on plants for a single day and all thirteen buffaloed. are you astounded yet if not watch the rest of my conversation with jeffrey smith on the web conversations of the great minds are coming. to the point is sixty percent of the food in our grocery stores is now genetically modified and considering everything jeffrey smith was sane people are
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increasingly wondering if it's more than just a coincidence that the proliferation of g.m.o. foods has occurred in line with an explosion in cases of breast cancer autism gluten allergies and a series of other diseases the don't see in other nations taking a hardline stance against g.m.o. those we may be quite literally poisoning ourselves the declaration of independence declares that all of us have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness well life depends on food food that doesn't kills or make us sick so out of that we all have a right to know what's in our food and whether it's natural or not this battle is being fought in california right now a huge amounts of corporate cash being used to block your right to know what's in your food we may win that battle and we may not but in the long run we need to keep fighting to ensure that all americans are receiving the information they need when they go to the grocery store and make an informed decision about what they put their bodies otherwise we're all just blindfolded trusting monsanto to feed us their test tube foods we need g.m.o. labeling now. that's the big picture for tonight if you missed any of tonight's
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show you can watch it now in h.d. on hulu at hulu dot com slash the big picture for more information on any of the stories we covered visit our website to thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and our teed up also check out our two youtube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com also tell marvin dot com check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it.
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