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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2012 11:00am-11:29am EDT

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you paymasters are to decide whether greece should get more time to sort out its bailout reforms while in germany chancellor merkel's allies say athens leaving the euro would be no big deal. u.s. special troops are on standby to head into syria following president obama's warning of all for rising intervention if there are signs damascus is moving its chemical arms. despite america's countdown to pull out from afghanistan and there is overwhelming washington's fueling insurgency following a deadly wave of insider attacks against western troops. hello and welcome to our team here it is thursday here in moscow and seven o'clock i'm karen. well it's crunch time for greece as germany and france prepare to decide
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whether to grant athens the breathing space it says it needs to sort its finances out the country has been relying on international loans for over two years but is struggling to meet its bailout conditions meanwhile angle america's allies in berlin say a greek exit won't have a great impact on the eurozone parties peter all over is there with more. the two have differing opinions over how the debt crisis in greece should be dealt with as well as across the eurozone in general chancellor merkel very very big on wanting to see cuts she said that greece must stick to a very rigid plan in order to find eleven over eleven billion euros worth of cuts before the next round of bailout money which is to shortly francoise hollande in france saying this well they're a little bit more flexible when it comes to greece now this meeting that's going to take place here is really to try and make sure that they're both singing from the
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same song sheet when it comes to what to do with athens what is interesting is over the last few weeks we've seen greece really drop out of the headlines but the the bare facts are that well things haven't improved and it's not being jus two to good news economically that greece hasn't been making headlines things have continued as as badly as ever really with unemployment still on the rise the country is still in recession and turning over negative growth so the problems in greece haven't gone away the story may have disappeared from the headlines shortly but the problem still there and that's what's going to be discussed when the french president meets with the german chancellor here in berlin the greek dilemma may be widely discussed at the top right now one of globalization expert told our team that getting more time will make no difference to us plight. the most bankrupt thing in greece is not the country it's the political class and. simply the current top dog
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bankrupted over the last greek there's three words in the economic crisis which are use most commonly austerity just trying to reform growth if you simply take the rhetoric of the policies look at the facts and you can actually translate the language into what it actually means so i stared congressman i just want. exploitation and growth means profits they undermine labor the. social security card health care spending cut all social spending in general. public sector privatized the economy privatizing infrastructure privatized the water the electricity so that foreign corporations to come in and buy everything up and this is all so that they can get a bailout which the money simply goes to the banks just the interest on the loans to the banks the euro zone debt shock waves buffeting birth in britain and there is
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no if all that the u.k. should look east for success more on that in today's cars a report later this hour on our. apple lazy britain fellow tories tell david cameron m.p. said that the u.k. had to raise its work ethic towards that of south korea singapore and hong kong the tories of course don't want to address the elephant in the room the fact that their primary donors the bank stars. financially raped the vast majority of british people for all their worth you know they don't want to talk about that they want to it's the victims fault these people have their money stolen so let's put it in the workhouse we get this economy growing at the productivity they go to higher productivity in the bruises. the u.s. has special operations troops in the middle east on standby to enter syria american
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officials say the military is ready to go and if the white house decides it needs to secure chemical arms depots under syrian army control president obama earlier threatened that he might order intervention into syria if the regime moves or uses its chemical munitions meanwhile there are fears that direct foreign involvement in syria's internal conflict could allow. warfare exploding in the region the numbers of refugees now trying to escape the raging violence is putting the neighboring countries on the strange our middle east correspondent paula slayer looks at the situation in one struggling camp. i'm standing at the zaatari refugee camp on the syrian jordanian border depending on the levels of fighting in syria anywhere between a thousand and three thousand people are fleeing across into jordan each day the current figures stand at some one hundred and fifty thousand refugees who are currently in this country the condition in the camps is alarming we're hearing from
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human rights groups they're talking about a crisis in the making we know that the camp is overcrowded people here are complaining about extreme weather conditions about does it storms and we've also heard a number of incidents of six shells harassment in addition to this the jordanian police are investigating the first case of a person dying in the camp when a fire broke out now jordan is in a very difficult situation and finds itself between a rock and a hard place on the one hand it is providing assistance to these refugees but it has its own very limited resources it has a fragile economy it has a basic lack of water in addition to this some of the violence in syria has spread across the border that is why residents of northern towns here in jordan have asked the jordanian officials to look after them particularly in light of a number of shells that recently landed in some of these towns injuring a number of people. at his atari refugee camp on the jordanian syrian border
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another country bearing the effect of the syrian crisis deadly sniper fire in lebanon's northern city of tripoli has landed a shaky truce between pro and anti damascus gunmen at least twelve people have been killed and a hundred wounded in clashes in the area since monday political analyst and lawyer dr franklin lamb who's currently in the capital beirut says there is an overwhelming fear among people there of rafah. having spilling over from syria the concierge of my building who a syrian sometimes hides in my apartment they've been round up of syrian nationals here in beirut in south beirut even and it's a great deal of fear people are saying not since the civil war how things been is so likely to ignite or the people are feeling so insecure as you know there are two neighborhoods in tripoli the most certain for the the shia are alleyways and the battle to bani section right down the middle ironically
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is the name of a big street cause serious street and that really tells the tale up there but we have seen in beirut and other parts of the country a similar division things are very much on the edge and it's not only the spillover of fact it's the fact that lebanon itself is so fragile and not quite a state in terms of that having a real central government that can enforce the laws and having a compromise army. next hour syria's deputy prime minister for economic affairs tells our team that foreign military involvement in syria's crisis will curb violence in the region but could make it worse. yeah it might seem that military force can get you farther than anything else will but in reality it we've all seen that warfare doesn't get you anywhere politically in the situation in
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syria is very volatile and any instance of armed combat will only escalate the hostilities a war which is what we need is a similar taney a cease fire and with those that would be in line with the kofi annan plan or the geneva arrangement stance of our friends and the attitude of the syrian government is that which is published a resolution calling for national reconciliation will be. stability in afghanistan is being clouded in doubt following a string of deadly attacks on western troops by afghan soldiers there suppose it allies as an insider violence increases a peaceful transition of power could prove to be a difficult task artes and asked us to church can explain its. the u.s. war in afghanistan is known as the longest military conflict in american history and as u.s. officials hope for a successful exit strategy by the year twenty fourteen an alarming new trend is spiking on the ground indicating that this may not happen so easily u.s.
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troops have been dying at record rates in so-called insider attacks at the hands of their afghan allies at least ten u.s. troops have been killed in these attacks in the last two weeks alone this makes up for over thirty percent of u.s. military deaths in august of last year there have been at least forty such deaths in so-called green on blue attacks where members of afghan forces turning against western troops sixty nine people were wounded and one of many attempts to tackle the increasing problem a top u.s. general flew to afghanistan this week to address the issue only to have his plane become the target of a rocket attack experts say it's yet another sign of growing discontent in the war torn country as u.s. president barack obama says more needs to be done to protect u.s. troops from attacks by afghans thought of as partners the question of how exactly this should be done remains unanswered afghan officials have been attempting to spy on their own recruits to prevent these incidents but reports are growing that members of the afghan security forces are increasingly switching sides defecting to
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support the taliban in one recent incident four afghan army officials were charged with supplying arms to the militants some experts explain the increased insider killings trend as a result of frustration with the length of the war others point to the fact that this comes after several scandals involving the conduct of u.s. troops on the ground from koran burnings to desecrating afghan bodies by you were needing on them and shocking videos that made headlines around the world the afghan wars and its eleventh year and the fact that this year has seen more deaths from insider attacks never before seen as a worrying trend for several reasons the attacks have highlighted the disconnect between the u.s. to exit strategy. to transfer most of the fighting power to afghan forces by twenty fourteen but the fact that the situation on the ground continues to be a lot more complicated that some u.s. officials try to downplay with carroll's on the ground the question of whether the u.s. involvement deadline is feasible looms large and. mosque. despite
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a planned troop withdrawal by the end of twenty fourteen u.s. based peace activist and blogger david swanson sees no end in sight to america's war in afghanistan. this is a war that the united states taxpayers are paying for both sides of we are they not just back to stan but we are paying the taliban in afghanistan for safe passage down the roads that snow bands number one source of income when you're paying for both sides of the war a war without end a war that is brewing and generating hostility toward your country in afghanistan and in pakistan you know to look for logic is focused this is that this is the momentum of the military machine that eisenhower warned us about fifty one years ago and it shows no sign of letting up so have freo abandoned soviet military bases get a make over from soldiers to safari it's grounds once used for top secret intelligence
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are now home to exotic animals and meet experiences across western europe. in business reckless buying clothes and often buy into the global financial crisis but right now the wild have a natural element to deal with the weather with cool clothes violence in the developing world and food prices continue to soar time in ten minutes. magine assets that the phone watches you every single. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me and. you know we realized they were following everyone from early in the morning.
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the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. the devil operation on our t.v. .
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thanks for joining r t it's a quarter past the hour here in moscow and america is looking to be felt its missile defense systems in asia with a new radar in southern japan and possibly the philippines the shield would be similar to the one in europe and officially aimed against threats from north korea but it's likely to irritate china which is already wary about washington's military buildup in its backyard political activist rinaldo rose in the philippines told
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r.t. that it could ultimately spark a new regional arms race. clearly this year and this being exaggerated by the united states but we can see beyond the rhetorical that the real target here is china and the u.s. wants to justify rebalancing most of its troops towards. this so-called threats emanating from china are highly suspicious questionable and are in fact just so the u.s. can justify sending more troops and ships here in this region only intended to provide more just typically shown for the permanent an expanded new as a military presence in our in our region that's another concern of ours u.s. missile shield. provoke an arms freeze in the region or to provoke countries like china and north korea into peeking at the her stands in competing with the united states and blowing more war machines are throughout asia in the that happens that would be
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a bigger threat to peace than what the telling us are coming from china north korea . over at a web site r.t. dot com you can find any of the stories you may have missed on air as a test of what we have online for you right now. a religious right to that germany finds wrong because he is multi called t m and as strange further after a round was charged for a bad procedure. and the masses in montreal's demonstrators hope to pen down vote hunting canadian politicians and the long running feud over school fees it's. download the official r.t. application so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from art bell t.v. is not required to watch all its all you need is your mobile device watch r t any time. all right it's time now to take
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a look at some other international news for you this hour and first to africa and the massacre that shocked kenya to rival communities are to be brought together to settle the tension which saw fifty two people for the least slaughtered women and children were burned alive or hacked to death in their hearts when their village came under attack the two warring communities have long fall over london water but this is by far the worst violence since post-election. which killed seven hundred people. former soviet military bases once teeming with activity during the cold war have been falling into decay in the decade since it ended but some of the compounds are being reclaimed by nature in a very creative way as i say at a show of ski's discovered. beyond the walls of this abandoned stop secret soviet
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facility in ukraine's republic of crimea it's a totally different world today to cold war times. a local entrepreneur has found a much more peaceful way to use thirty six hectic as of when you space but. this used to be via area of the facility which was top secret here settlers intelligence was gathered in student powerful computers now days the scenario is a children's zoo there are many zebras and many ponies here as well as parrots and monkeys i like both this abandoned the base six years ago and turned it into huge safari park unique for eastern europe his animals occupy buildings which were once used by servicemen edger off now lives in what used to be a boiler room for the entire base while former top notch facilities have more exotic inhabitants. this for instance used to be soldiers living quarters there
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were sleeping rooms here now they are occupied by monkeys and parrots take a look. is not ashamed to capitalize on the widespread fascination for relics of the soviet era a former red army officer himself he knows that those bases were built to last and this concept certainly sells well that's why his safari park is not only about enjoying a wild nature experience but also providing more quaint means of entertainment but . if you would remind of what exactly used to be here is this nuclear bomb shelter it went to said to velma do was this is the first and this is the second. hundred fifty kilo ton bomb this still in great condition i reserve command point was located here when it was a military base but now we have removed into a karaoke room you can see here until dawn and nobody will hear you from behind these walls. but clearly the. barak's main attraction is
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a large collection of african lions enjoying themselves in the record struct at savannah aleck took us for a rather thrilling walk inside but the more. i thought the saloon safari park would work very well in the crimean environment and it did today we have fifty four lines living in our park thirty in the world and twenty four in cages it gives a great opportunity for scientific studies never before have we had such exclusive access to loans in this part of the world we have many difficulties which we are fighting them it's only our first year the park has been open for three months now we were by the way there's that back master lurking behind you that. while former soviet bases are taking over by nato to become once again militarily operational zuckoff is now thinking of turning another abandoned facility in crimea into an animal theme park and despite having already opened several zoos across the peninsula he says he is not in it for the profit there was more than that but. this
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has become my largest oil i guess you've got to have a military background and be a little bit crazy to take on the whole be like this and of course to love animals you know my main aim is to learn to communicate with the animals and it seems to be working just fine actually. we are of one blood you and me on twee alexy russia r.t. reporting from crimea in ukraine. all right let's join katie from the business team katie you were telling us about the weather being a major threat to the global economy and possibly even world peace that's right karen us because the u.s. right now is in the grips of its worst drought in more than a haul for a century russia has had to cut its harvest due to morph last fall and economics aside there's now if there's a violence breaking out in the developing world as food prices are going to spiral out of control. every year my weekly food stand is growing and much
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faster than my celery but the rush years that these here the price of food will preach sharply and not only because of a poor crop harvest in russia but also a bad drought in the united states corn prices have already this kind of rockets at sixty percent in the past two months but why should we care that's because most corn is used to feed livestock and that means that very soon meat and poultry could also become more expensive as well as many foreign based snacks and cereals global food prices jumped six percent in july alone the biggest monthly hike in three years it may not make you laugh if you live in europe all the united states as people there have more disposable income but in the developing world where people spend up to eighty percent of their budgets on food some war and that spikes in the
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cost of basic products could even call the riots and social on the rest as we saw in a similar scenario back in two thousand and eight tests an apology a case that has shopping now way according to experts the worst has not happened jeff have a listen to this. we could see maybe another twenty five to thirty percent to the upside the way it feels we could see it soybeans of twenty dollars we could see corn well over ten dollars it's very difficult for traders when we start to see the market breaking out and getting into a parabolic move to look for a high but you know what i could see you know the twenty five to thirty percent just based off of the opinion of the farm community here in the states and i guess when you couple that with what's going on around the rest of the world and here with the growing chorus of the world are saying then i think we have to accept that as maybe fact and staying with the states which check out the stocks on wall street which are still declining and so. speculation continues as to
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whether or not such a bank will ease money if your policy and other question remains well european leaders be able to solve the region's sovereign debt crisis of course so let's head into europe stocks are now still declining and the us all to the german finance minister dampened optimism that greece will get more time to cut that debts the euro continues to climb and the common currency defying expectations right now we were all the ruble of finished up so mixed against the basket of currencies it stopped rumbling for today's session and that brings us all to the closing figures for the equity markets in moscow and i finished up on a high today as you can see the r.t.s. around have a percent the my sector on a tenth of a percent and those laws are because oil is continuing is uphill climb and there's no evidence of right not despite china's economic slowdown acquisitions of u.s. businesses are at a record high a new report finds eight billion dollars in chinese takeovers this year bucking the
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sluggish global and i market time is economy still growing though eight percent in the us compared to america's one point five percent and the world's next offshore paradise is latvia as the baltic states slashes taxes for next year it cuts rates. divisions tax to set global firms to set up russian firms particularly to shift some of their past from current favorite cyprus so karen to get my husband i'm going to have to go to latvia now i go so carry on rates are going to remote and just ahead max and stacey they pull no punches on the shady deals among the banking elite stay with us.
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my name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from london and i've been traveling in russia for the last ten years on a project photographs wooden chair choose obviously i fell in love with the tragedies they are extraordinary ok it's a beautiful opiates and the church is is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's something that people can look tense and it opens their eyes that their chairs what can be achieved by using your imagination.
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download the official ati applications to cell phones choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from odd such l.t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch r.t. any time. line rush is going to be soon which brightened a few more about sound from phone. still the pressure. builds firm stance on teeth don't come.
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