tv [untitled] August 23, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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u.k. masters are to decide whether greece should get more time to sort out its bailout ruefulness while in germany chancellor merkel's allies say afterwards leaving the euro would be no big deal. u.s. special troops are on standby to go into syria following president obama's warning of authorizing intervention if there are signs damascus is moving its chemical arms . and russia or asked the u.s. to hand over business victor boot has been jailed for twenty five years for conspiring to kill americans but maintains he's the victim of a political witch. this
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is r.t. live from moscow welcome if you just joined us this kevin now in our top story at nine pm here it's crunch time for greece right now the german leader and french president are working out whether to grant our fans the breathing space it needs to sort out its finances the country's been relying on international loans for over two years but is struggling to meet its bailout conditions meanwhile chancellor merkel's allies in berlin say a greek exit would have a great impact on the peter all of a is what would not have a great impact on the euro zone let me get that the right way around for you peter oliver is there for. the to have differing opinions over how the debt crisis in greece should be dealt with as well as across the eurozone in general chancellor merkel very very big on wanting to see cuts she said that greece must stick to a very rigid plan in order to find eleven over eleven billion euros worth of cuts before the next round of bailout money which is to shortly francois. landed france
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saying this well they're a little bit more flexible when it comes to greece though this meeting is really to try and make sure that they're both. singing from the same song sheet when it comes to what to do with athens what is interesting is over the last few weeks we've seen greece really drop out of the headlines but the the bare facts are that well things haven't improved then it's not been jus two to good news economically that greece how can it be making headlines things have continued this as badly as ever really with unemployment still on the rise the country is still in recession and turning over negative growth so the problems in greece haven't gone away the story may have disappeared from the headlines shortly but the problem still there. it's got some words of wisdom surely on this from patrick center director of the investment consultancy davies vices either patrick that even should belfast night i say no it's not the first time greece is proven to be an unreliable borrower why is there even discussion therefore about why it should be forgiven yet again well i think
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the only reason we are going to be having any discussion at this juncture is simply because there are obviously lots of people in fault and those are the citizens of greece who are finding themselves in an absolutely appalling economic straits we all have to sympathize with but it's a huge problem but ultimately greece has not done anything to really help itself it's mystic repulsive or deadline it's been given and now it's come back with that begging bowl still looking for more money more time more possibilities and really well it's like dealing with the dodgy builder they're always promising your wonderful new heights that there never seems to be any progress as you say end of the day the real issue here the real tragedy is the people who are suffering they are suffering and yet they're still in the same breath not enough is being done there must be a very painful for them to hear it at the end of the day with those initial deadlines those targets set just never achievable oh i absolutely are unfortunately i hit being right about this. because i've been saying for this for goodness
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gracious i mean a year two years not all of these targets were never achievable for greece greece should have left the euro immediately became clear that actually if it forged its membership application because it made up the numbers in order to get in in the first place and not what's ended up is we have an absolute pride a situation where the people are suffering in the streets where you have all of the cycling and collapsing out of control and as i've been saying all along unfortunately greece must reach the europe must exit the euro greece must exit the euro and we have reached a point where we are at the end of this greek although see greece needs to go back to some form of its own currency it's still going to be very painful particularly because they've waited so long for there is absolutely no way that greece can get their economy back on track by simply cutting off our left right and center what about these latest comments from greece's prime minister expecting greece make
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a quite spectacular comeback how is that possible. well unfortunately he does sound rather like a sort of a third division football match just after he's been beaten by sort of kiev or something doesn't i mean it's really rather sad this whole situation i mean the great political class are utterly delusional if they believe that they can possibly manage to make the numbers add up the numbers simply don't add up they have not added up in greece perhaps two decades probably a great deal longer ultimately there is a fiction price to be won from greece greek it cannot make numbers the idea that suddenly when you have an economy that's in a tailspin that's collapsing up an incredible almost unprecedented writ that suddenly everything's going to switch around is really not going to happen and let's look at the german side of it here germany's chancellor merkel's no course court of course between the prospects on one end of greece going bankrupt and on the other the pressure with even now one of the top voices in their own party saying a greek exit wouldn't have
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a great impact for everything we've heard before which way she's going to lean then well i think the situation for mrs merkel who has got a terrible dilemma is she's actually going to have to do something radical that she hasn't done before in the euro crisis which is make a decision and actually how did she made any decisions a couple of years ago it would have been a lot better at the end the alastor plus the sticking plaster is that have been applied to this euro crisis the truth is there's no messing around here greece is bankrupt starts giving more for it that's a terrible situation mrs merkel must agree with her about her ventures she has to inject greece from the euro because tragically it's the only humane solution for everybody involved and actually the one you're talking to looking at to the key players of you shoulder merkel and the french president as well as who they've gone again but anyway now the economic reality in greece is as you just said dire so what is going to trigger this what looks like an eventual leaving of the eurozone
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what's going to trigger it's been talked about so much what's a good. dependent well i think finally we are actually reaching a sort of our crushing point where really everybody has become quite fed up with greece so we need a lot of people who are traditionally not just euro files but how should that be obsessed with holding europe together i started to realize that actually the glue that's coming on starting from this alliance ultimately the greeks haven't held up to their side of the deal and something needs to be done the terrible problem we have here is that actually we've already got escalation we've got speed and potentially looking at libya light and actually because of the up hauling vacillation and the complete lack of leadership amongst the e.u. political classes it may actually be that it's too late to isolate the euro crisis even when greece dogs go bankrupt which i expect must be within the next month or so patrick young from t.v. investment advisors thank you. well the euro zone's debt shock waves buffeting
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britain to course now there's a thought that the u.k. should look east for success more averts in the kaiser report bit later today. tax lazy britain fellow tories tell david cameron m.p. said that the u.k. had to raise its work ethic towards that of south korea singapore and hong kong the tories of course don't want to address the elephant in the room the fact that their primary donors the banks have financially raped the vast majority of british people for all their worth you know then why the dark about that they want to is the victims fault these people had their money's dollars always put in the work hours to get this economy growing that the productivity they got our productivity in the bruiser. more for most of the table a couple of hours time the u.s. special operations troops in the middle east on standby to enter syria american of
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. the military is ready to go in if the white house decides it needs to secure chemical arms depots on the syrian army control president obama earlier threatened that he might order intervention into syria if the regime moves or uses its chemical munitions meantime there are fears the direct foreign involvement in syria's internal conflict could lead to warfare exploding in the numbers of refugees now trying to escape the raging violence is putting neighboring countries on the strength of middle east correspondent for the slayer because of the situation in one struggling. i'm standing at beaches atari camp army syrian jordanian border depending on the levels of fighting in syria anywhere between a thousand and three thousand people are fleeing across into jordan each day the current figures stand at some one hundred and fifty thousand refugees who are currently in this country the condition in the camps is alarming we're hearing from human rights groups they're talking about a crisis in the making we know that the camp is overcrowded people here are
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complaining about extreme weather conditions about desert storms and we've also heard a number of incidents of six of harassment in addition to this the jordanian police are investigating the first case of a person dying in the camp when a fire broke out now jordan is in a very difficult situation and finds itself between a rock and a hard place on the one hand it is providing assistance to these refugees but it has its own very limited resources it has a fragile economy it has a basic lack of water in addition to this some of the violence in syria has spread across the border that is why residents of northern towns here in jordan have asked the jordanian officials to look after them particularly in light of a number of shells that recently landed in some of these towns injuring a number of people policy r.t. at this atari refugee camp on the jordanian syrian border and you can get more details on jordanian refugee camps by following paula sneer on twitter and the
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latest message she says to a daily use of telling over their own happy that their country which has so many refugees already now has to deal with desperate syrians fleeing to safety. another country bearing the effects of the syrian crisis deadly sniper fire in lebanon's northern city of tripoli has violated a shaky truce between pro and anti damascus government at least eleven people have been killed in a hundred wounded in clashes in the area since monday little analyst and lawyer dr franklin lamb who's currently in the capital beirut told me there's no overwhelming fear of people there about fighting spilling over from. the counsel of my building who a syrian sometimes hides in my apartment they've been round up of syrian national council here in beirut in south beirut even into great deal of fear our people are saying not since the civil war how things been is so unlikely to ignite or the people are feeling so insecure as you know the tune they were hoods in tripoli the
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most certain for the the. alleyways and the garble to bomb is section right down the middle ironically is the name of the big street cause serious street and that really tells the tale up there but we have seen in beirut and other parts of the country a similar division things are very much on the edge and it's not only the spillover of fact it's the fact that lebanon itself is so fragile and not quite a state in terms of that having a real central government that can enforce the laws and having a compromise army. looking ahead next hour syria's deputy prime minister for economic affairs tells our t. that ford motor involvement in serious crisis won't curb violence in the region but could indeed make it worse. yeah it might seem that military force can get you
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farther than anything else will but in reality it we've all seen that warfare doesn't get you anywhere politically. the situation in syria is very volatile or that in any instance of armed combat will only escalate the hostilities and war is what we need is a similar taney a cease fire and what does that would be in line with the kofi annan plan or the geneva arrangements the stance of our friends and the attitude of the syrian government is that which is published a resolution calling for national reconciliation what you barry. russia is asking the u.s. to extradite business vick to boot who's serving twenty five years in the states with conspiring to supply the american guerrillas in colombia the man widely labeled in the american media as the motions of death maintains his innocence though insisting his trial was purely political report knives in new york considering that the u.s. has spent many years and millions of dollars hunting down boot these chances for
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russia are quite challenging victor boot was arrested in march two thousand and eight in thailand during a sting operation carried out by the u.s. drug enforcement agency u.s. officials say that it was attempting to sell weapons to members of the colombian fork which would have been allegedly used to kill americans victor boot all along has maintained that he is innocent despite the fact that i tie government found him not guilty two times the u.s. still managed to extradite victor boot to the united states at the end of two thousand and ten without notifying russia without notifying victor attorney without notifying victor boot family many argue that what the u.s. did was a violation of international law and nonetheless mr boot the russian businessman was tried here in the u.s. and found guilty sentenced to twenty five years in prison and all along victor boot his attorneys and his supporters believe that the cards were stacked against him
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because in two thousand and five many will made many may remember there was a hollywood movie. put out in theaters called lord of war and nicolas cage the actor was playing a character that he said was based on victor boot and victor boot following that movie was dubbed the merchant of death so when he went into court for his trial many believe that the stocks the chances of him getting a fair trial were unlikely because many knew him or thought of him as a villain to begin with because of hollywood. because of the information the u.s. government was painting about him following his sentencing earlier this year our team did speak exclusively with victor boot and he said that he believes he has been used as a political pawn because of a curious purely political marker of. completion of american justice.
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very common probably. will go over that very question as far as we know it still has not been clear or indicated by any u.s. officials how they believe they have the legal right to extradite victor boot a russian citizen from thailand to the u.s. . still mother nature is the world of stocks and crops. and in business reckless bankers are often blamed for the global financial crisis but right now the wild have a natural element to deal with the weather which could cause violence in the developing world if food prices continue to fill it i mean time that. stability in afghanistan has been clouded in a string of deadly attacks on western troops by afghan soldiers the supposed. saw the violence increases a peaceful transition of power than could prove to be a difficult task. explodes. the u.s. war in afghanistan is known as the longest military conflict in american history and as u.s. officials hope for
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a successful exit strategy by the year twenty fourteen an alarming new trend is spiking on the ground indicating that this may not happen so easily u.s. troops have been dying at record rates in so-called insider attacks at the hands of their afghan allies at least ten u.s. troops have been killed in these attacks in the last two weeks alone this makes up for over thirty percent of u.s. military deaths in august throughout last year there have been at least forty such deaths in so-called green on blue attacks where members of afghan forces turning against western troops sixty nine people were wounded and one of many attempts to tackle the increasing problem a top u.s. general flew to afghanistan this week to address the issue only to have his plane become the target of a rocket attack experts say it's yet another sign of growing discontent in the war torn country as u.s. president barack obama says more needs to be done to protect u.s. troops from attacks by afghans thought of as partners the question of how exactly this should be done remains unanswered afghan officials have been attempting to spy
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on their own recruits to prevent these incidents but reports are growing that members of the afghan security forces are increasingly switching sides defecting to support the taliban and one recent incident for afghan army officials were. charged with supplying arms to the militants some experts explain the increased insider killings trend as a result of frustration with the length of the war others point to the fact that this comes after several scandals involving the conduct of u.s. troops on the ground from koran burnings to desecrating afghan bodies by you were needing on them and shocking videos that made headlines around the world the afghan war is in its eleventh year and the fact that this year has seen more deaths from insider attacks ever before seen as a worrying trend for several reasons the attacks have highlighted the disconnect between the u.s. to exit strategy to transfer most of the fighting power to afghan forces by twenty fourteen but the fact that the situation on the ground continues to be
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a lot more complicated that some u.s. officials try to downplay with chaos on the ground the question of whether the u.s. involvement deadline is feasible looms large and if the. mosque would spot a planned troop withdrawal by the end of twenty four two u.s. based peace activist and blogger david swanson sees no end in sight to america's war in afghanistan this is a war that the united states taxpayers are paying for both sides of we are they not just there to stand but we are paying the taliban in afghanistan for safe passage down roads that's no evidence number one source of income when you're paying for both sides at war a war without end a war that is brewing and generating hostility toward your country in afghanistan and in pakistan you know to look for logic is focused this is that this is the momentum of the military machine that eisenhower warned us about fifty one years ago and it shows no sign of letting up. over
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a website article called we can find any stories you may have missed on air is a taste of a few others online right now a religious right that germany finds wrong with the country's multi-colored the images strain further after a rabbi is charged for a banned procedure. and the masses among creole demonstrators who pinned down both hunting canadian politicians in the long running feud over school feeds. download the official r.t. application to cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from our team now a t.v. is not required to watch our two all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time any. let's take a look at some other international news stories of the five hundred popular web sites that we censored by india trying to inciting ethnic violence the list includes personal pages on sites such as facebook twitter and you tube it's after
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messages were posted which threatened that muslims would attack citizens in certain regions after the end of the holy month of ramadan but internet freedom activists society we are predicting full online censorship. to rival communities in kenya to be brought together to settle the tension that saw fifty two people brutally slaughtered women and children were burned alive or hacked to death in their huts with village came under attack the two warring communities of long fought over land and water but this is by far the worst violence in supposed election fight and flared up four years ago. taiwan's braced for the arrival of typhoon tembin with more than three thousand people evacuated now to safe areas the military's on standby with them figures vehicles to try to help in the relief effort once the storm's past three years ago the island was devastated by a typhoon killed seven hundred were. brought from episode twenty two minutes past not at night moscow time good evening katie at the business desk as fellow brits
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are used to moaning about the weather it's a national pastime we come from but it's more serious isn't it now it's not only threaten the global economy will peace to some of saying exactly it really is absolutely essential for people to live and i think at the moment people like us you know we do made about it we are british at the end of the day we'll just end up paying more at the cashpoint but for some people it is quite literally their bread and butter and as a result we've had russia cutting its harvest due to more flash floods we've also got hold of the erica now in a drought and really economics aside there's now fears of violence as you say kevin breaking out because the prices of food are spiralling out of control. every year my weekly food stand is growing and much faster than my salary but there are fears that these here the price of food will increase sharply and not only because of a poor crops harvest in russia but also
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a bad drought in the united states corn prices have already this kind of rockets at sixty percent in the past two months but why should we care that's because most corn is used to feed livestock and that means that very soon meat and poultry could also become more expensive as well as many corn based snacks and cereals global food prices jumped six percent in july alone the biggest monthly hike in three years it may not make you eat less if you live in europe all the united states as people there have more disposable income but in the developing world where people spend up to eighty percent of their budgets on food something more and that spikes in the cost of basic products could even cause the riots and social andress as we saw in a similar scenario back in two thousand and eight touchdown upon a cave or that with the prices of various staples it's already hitting record highs
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as she was saying experts are now warning that the worst is yet to come we could see maybe another twenty five to thirty percent to the upside the way it feels we could see it soybeans at twenty dollars we can see corn well over ten dollars it's very difficult for traders when we start to see the market breaking out and getting into a parabolic move to look for a high but you know what i could see another twenty five to thirty percent just based off of the in the opinion of the farm community here in the states and again when you couple that with what's going on around the rest of the world and you hear what the glencore of the world are saying then i think we have to accept that as maybe fact. and that brings us on to wall street we see how the stocks are getting on as they enter the second part of the trading day just now and it's really speculation as to whether or not monetary policy is going to be made there was the minutes coming out from the federal reserve missing and that has given a glimmer of hope as to quantity of easing the pumping of cash into the system also
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as well though some disappointing china dates i wanted to mention that was disappointing disappointing is speculation they are my words today now we've also got european stocks that's how they closed up today i will go to a big meeting going on tomorrow between the german chancellor angela merkel and also the greek prime minister divest is a really holding on the fence for that one we've also got the euro to look at and is actually climbing in anticipation of that want to mention that the german finance minister really dampened optimism that greece will get more time to cut their debts and therefore hold on to the currency that we're looking at right now as for the ruble it finished up makes against the basket of currencies now the exit markets here they had a mixed. as we can see they did indeed ally breaking apart and we have some positive health the gays but i want to mention the oil prices and now makes and that will therefore affect the markets tomorrow as they open up on friday ok this is about latvia them because that's where people are going to have cash is the
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world's next offshore paradise and up here as the gold both to state slashes their taxes now for next year it cuts rates as scraps dividends tax to get global firms to set up the russian firms in particular to shift some of their cash from the current favorite which is sight for us all a bad way to spend your cash or retire or is it that the effort to date my city. christmas card is quote your course in the department. of you or will finances from a washington capital account that's coming up off the headlines in just minutes from.
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magine assets that the devil watches you every single morning. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me. you know we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. me double up or. on our cheek. my name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from london and i've
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been traveling in russia for the last ten years on a project fed rough wooden chair choose obviously i fell in love with the tragedies they are extraordinary ok it's a beautiful opiates and the church is is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's something that people can look tense and it opens their eyes if it shows what can be achieved by using your imagination.
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